I'm making an image viewing feature in my app that allows the user to zoom and pan.
I've used the following documentation to achieve this through SkiaSharp.
What I am trying to achieve now is to restrict the user from zooming out or panning past the edges of the bitmap that is loaded into the SKCanvasView.
I have restricted the zoom but the problem I have is that I cannot figure out how to restrict the panning, I cannot find ANY example of how to do this online either. Is there a a SkiaSharp guru out there who has achieved this?
Here is code...
Relevant XAML:
<Grid BackgroundColor="#141d3d">
<tt:TouchEffect Capture="True" TouchAction="OnTouchEffectAction" />
<skia:SKCanvasView x:Name="canvasView" PaintSurface="OnCanvasViewPaintSurface" />
<Button Text="CLOSE"
Command="{Binding CmdCloseFullImg}" />
public partial class AePage : ContentPage
private AeViewModel aeViewModel = new AeViewModel();
private TouchManipulationBitmap bitmap = new TouchManipulationBitmap();
private List<long> touchIds = new List<long>();
public static float CanvasWidth { get; set; }
public static float CanvasHeight { get; set; }
public AePage()
BindingContext = aeViewModel;
private void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
SKImageInfo info = e.Info;
SKCanvas canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;
// Display the bitmap
bitmap.Paint(info, canvas);
private void OnTouchEffectAction(object sender, TouchActionEventArgs e)
CanvasWidth = canvasView.CanvasSize.Width;
CanvasHeight = canvasView.CanvasSize.Height;
// Convert Xamarin.Forms point to pixels
TouchTrackingPoint pt = e.Location;
SKPoint point = new SKPoint((float)(canvasView.CanvasSize.Width * pt.X / canvasView.Width),
(float)(canvasView.CanvasSize.Height * pt.Y / canvasView.Height));
switch (e.Type)
case TouchActionType.Pressed:
bitmap.ProcessTouchEvent(e.Id, e.Type, point);
case TouchActionType.Moved:
if (touchIds.Contains(e.Id))
bitmap.ProcessTouchEvent(e.Id, e.Type, point);
case TouchActionType.Released:
case TouchActionType.Cancelled:
if (touchIds.Contains(e.Id))
bitmap.ProcessTouchEvent(e.Id, e.Type, point);
TouchManipulationBitmap Class:
public class TouchManipulationBitmap
public SKBitmap bitmap;
public TouchManipulationManager TouchManager { set; get; }
public static SKMatrix Matrix { set; get; }
private Dictionary<long, TouchManipulationInfo> touchDictionary = new Dictionary<long, TouchManipulationInfo>();
public TouchManipulationBitmap()
this.bitmap = ReturnSKBitmap();
Matrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
TouchManager = new TouchManipulationManager();
public SKBitmap ReturnSKBitmap()
string resourceId = "MetroAlarmHandlerMobile.Media.David DP.jpg";
Assembly assembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
using (System.IO.Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceId))
return SKBitmap.Decode(stream);
public void Paint(SKImageInfo info, SKCanvas canvas)
SKMatrix matrix = Matrix;
canvas.Concat(ref matrix);
float scale = Math.Min((float)info.Width / bitmap.Width, (float)info.Height / bitmap.Height);
float x = (info.Width - scale * bitmap.Width) / 2;
float y = (info.Height - scale * bitmap.Height) / 2;
SKRect destRect = new SKRect(x, y, x + scale * bitmap.Width, y + scale * bitmap.Height);
canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, destRect);
Console.WriteLine($"SCALE: {Matrix.ScaleX}");
Console.WriteLine($"TRANSLATION: X = {Matrix.TransX} Y = {Matrix.TransY}");
public void ProcessTouchEvent(long id, TouchActionType type, SKPoint location)
switch (type)
case TouchActionType.Pressed:
touchDictionary.Add(id, new TouchManipulationInfo
PreviousPoint = location,
NewPoint = location
case TouchActionType.Moved:
TouchManipulationInfo info = touchDictionary[id];
info.NewPoint = location;
info.PreviousPoint = info.NewPoint;
case TouchActionType.Released:
touchDictionary[id].NewPoint = location;
case TouchActionType.Cancelled:
private void Manipulate()
TouchManipulationInfo[] infos = new TouchManipulationInfo[touchDictionary.Count];
touchDictionary.Values.CopyTo(infos, 0);
SKMatrix touchMatrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
if (infos.Length == 1)
SKPoint prevPoint = infos[0].PreviousPoint;
SKPoint newPoint = infos[0].NewPoint;
SKPoint pivotPoint = Matrix.MapPoint(bitmap.Width / 2, bitmap.Height / 2);
touchMatrix = TouchManager.OneFingerManipulate(prevPoint, newPoint, pivotPoint);
else if (infos.Length >= 2)
int pivotIndex = infos[0].NewPoint == infos[0].PreviousPoint ? 0 : 1;
SKPoint pivotPoint = infos[pivotIndex].NewPoint;
SKPoint newPoint = infos[1 - pivotIndex].NewPoint;
SKPoint prevPoint = infos[1 - pivotIndex].PreviousPoint;
touchMatrix = TouchManager.TwoFingerManipulate(prevPoint, newPoint, pivotPoint);
SKMatrix matrix = Matrix;
SKMatrix.PostConcat(ref matrix, touchMatrix);
Matrix = matrix;
TouchManipulationManager Class:
public class TouchManipulationManager
private float Magnitude(SKPoint point)
return (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(point.X, 2) + Math.Pow(point.Y, 2));
public SKMatrix OneFingerManipulate(SKPoint prevPoint, SKPoint newPoint, SKPoint pivotPoint)
SKMatrix touchMatrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
SKPoint delta = newPoint - prevPoint;
// Multiply the rotation matrix by a translation matrix
SKMatrix.PostConcat(ref touchMatrix, SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(delta.X, delta.Y));
return touchMatrix;
public SKMatrix TwoFingerManipulate(SKPoint prevPoint, SKPoint newPoint, SKPoint pivotPoint)
SKMatrix touchMatrix = SKMatrix.MakeIdentity();
SKPoint oldVector = prevPoint - pivotPoint;
SKPoint newVector = newPoint - pivotPoint;
float scale = Magnitude(newVector) / Magnitude(oldVector);
if (TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.ScaleX <= 1 && scale <= 1) return touchMatrix;
if (!float.IsNaN(scale) && !float.IsInfinity(scale))
SKMatrix.PostConcat(ref touchMatrix, SKMatrix.MakeScale(scale, scale, pivotPoint.X, pivotPoint.Y));
return touchMatrix;
TouchManipulationInfo Class:
public class TouchManipulationInfo
public SKPoint PreviousPoint { set; get; }
public SKPoint NewPoint { set; get; }
For anyone still searching for the answer, this is what I came up with:
For OneFingerManipulate, the idea is to find the relative top left and bottom right points of the original bitmap according to the current matrix (which may be scaled), and then see if the current movement request will cause the translation to exceed these bounds.
(I removed pivotPoint as it has no use in OneFingerManipulate)
Bitmap is also static in TouchManipulationBitmap as it is more convenient.
public SKMatrix OneFingerManipulate(SKPoint prevPoint, SKPoint newPoint)
// if movement will take us out of bounds of image, stop the movement in that direction
SKPoint topLeft = TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.MapPoint(new SKPoint(0, 0));
SKPoint bottomRight = TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.MapPoint(new SKPoint(TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width, TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height));
SKMatrix touchMatrix = SKMatrix.CreateIdentity();
SKPoint delta = newPoint - prevPoint;
if ((delta.X > 0 && topLeft.X >= 0) // moving left
(delta.X < 0 && bottomRight.X <= TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width)) // moving right
delta.X = 0;
if ((delta.Y > 0 && topLeft.Y >= 0) // moving up
(delta.Y < 0 && bottomRight.Y <= TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height)) // moving down
delta.Y = 0;
// Multiply the rotation matrix by a translation matrix
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(delta.X, delta.Y));
return touchMatrix;
TwoFingerManipulate is a bit trickier, since the movement is on vectors. So I used a translation after the scaling
public SKMatrix TwoFingerManipulate(SKPoint prevPoint, SKPoint newPoint, SKPoint pivotPoint)
SKMatrix touchMatrix = SKMatrix.CreateIdentity();
SKPoint oldVector = prevPoint - pivotPoint;
SKPoint newVector = newPoint - pivotPoint;
float scale = Magnitude(newVector) / Magnitude(oldVector);
// if the scale crossed MIN_SCALE and the manipulation is below median (keep on scaling out) - do nothing
if (TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.ScaleX <= TouchManipulationBitmap.MIN_SCALE && scale <= TouchManipulationBitmap.SCALE_MEDIAN) return touchMatrix;
// if the scale crossed MAX_SCALE and the manipulation is above median (keep on scaling in) - do nothing
if (TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.ScaleX >= TouchManipulationBitmap.MAX_SCALE && scale >= TouchManipulationBitmap.SCALE_MEDIAN) return touchMatrix;
if (!float.IsNaN(scale) && !float.IsInfinity(scale))
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateScale(scale, scale, pivotPoint.X, pivotPoint.Y));
SKPoint topLeft = TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.MapPoint(new SKPoint(0, 0));
SKPoint bottomRight = TouchManipulationBitmap.Matrix.MapPoint(new SKPoint(TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width, TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height));
// top left
if (topLeft.X > 0 && topLeft.Y > 0)
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(-topLeft.X, -topLeft.Y));
// left
else if (topLeft.X > 0)
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(-topLeft.X, 0));
else if (topLeft.Y > 0)
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -topLeft.Y));
// bottom right
if (bottomRight.X < TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width && bottomRight.Y < TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height)
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width - bottomRight.X, TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height - bottomRight.Y));
// right
else if (bottomRight.X < TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width)
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Width - bottomRight.X, 0));
// bottom
else if (bottomRight.Y < TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height)
touchMatrix = touchMatrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, TouchManipulationBitmap.Bitmap.Height - bottomRight.Y));
return touchMatrix;
Problem - I'm writing a program that draws graphics, and zooming is one of the features. Currently, a picturebox is placed on a panel, and the picturebox has vertical and horizontal scroll bars on the right and bottom. How to combine scrollbar with mouse wheel zooming? And I'm not sure if I should use paint to draw the graphics or set a bitmap to draw the graphics onto it?
Expected - When the mouse wheel is scrolled, the entire canvas(picturebox) include drawn graphics are scaled according to the current mouse position as the center (the horizontal and vertical scroll bars change according to the zoom center). When the mouse wheel is pressed and moved, the canvas can be dragged freely.
Expected as follows:
The initial code
private List<Point> _points;
private int _pointRadius = 50;
private float _scale = 1f;
private float _offsetX = 0f;
private float _offsetY = 0f;
private void picturebox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void picturebox_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEvnetArgs e)
if(e.Delta < 0)
_scale += 0.1f;
_offsetX = e.X * (1f - _scale);
_offsetY = e.X * (1f - _scale);
_scale -= 0.1f;
_offsetX = e.X * (1f - _scale);
_offsetY = e.X * (1f - _scale);
private void picturebox_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(_offsetX, _offsetY);
e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(_scaleX, _scaleY);
foreach (Point p in _points)
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, p.X, - _pointRadius, p.Y - _pointRadius, 2 * _pointRadius, 2 * _pointRadius);
Hope the answer is modified based on the initial code.
Thanks in advance to everyone who helped me.
Would it be easier if I drew the graphics on a Bitmap?
Considering the nature of your task and the already implemented solutions in my ImageViewer I created a solution that draws the result in a Metafile, which is both elegant, consumes minimal memory and allows zooming without quality issues.
Here is the stripped version of my ImageViewer:
public class MetafileViewer : Control
private HScrollBar sbHorizontal = new HScrollBar { Visible = false };
private VScrollBar sbVertical = new VScrollBar { Visible = false };
private Metafile? image;
private Size imageSize;
private Rectangle targetRectangle;
private Rectangle clientRectangle;
private float zoom = 1;
private bool sbHorizontalVisible;
private bool sbVerticalVisible;
private int scrollFractionVertical;
public MetafileViewer()
Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { sbHorizontal, sbVertical });
sbHorizontal.ValueChanged += ScrollbarValueChanged;
sbVertical.ValueChanged += ScrollbarValueChanged;
void ScrollbarValueChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) => Invalidate();
public Metafile? Image
get => image;
image = value;
imageSize = image?.Size ?? default;
public bool TryTranslate(Point mouseCoord, out PointF canvasCoord)
canvasCoord = default;
if (!targetRectangle.Contains(mouseCoord))
return false;
canvasCoord = new PointF((mouseCoord.X - targetRectangle.X) / zoom, (mouseCoord.Y - targetRectangle.Y) / zoom);
if (sbHorizontalVisible)
canvasCoord.X += sbHorizontal.Value / zoom;
if (sbVerticalVisible)
canvasCoord.Y += sbVertical.Value / zoom;
return true;
private void InvalidateLayout()
if (imageSize.IsEmpty)
sbHorizontal.Visible = sbVertical.Visible = sbHorizontalVisible = sbVerticalVisible = false;
targetRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
Size clientSize = ClientSize;
if (clientSize.Width < 1 || clientSize.Height < 1)
targetRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
Size scaledSize = imageSize.Scale(zoom);
// scrollbars visibility
sbHorizontalVisible = scaledSize.Width > clientSize.Width
|| scaledSize.Width > clientSize.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth && scaledSize.Height > clientSize.Height;
sbVerticalVisible = scaledSize.Height > clientSize.Height
|| scaledSize.Height > clientSize.Height - SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight && scaledSize.Width > clientSize.Width;
if (sbHorizontalVisible)
clientSize.Height -= SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight;
if (sbVerticalVisible)
clientSize.Width -= SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
if (clientSize.Width < 1 || clientSize.Height < 1)
targetRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
Point clientLocation = Point.Empty;
var targetLocation = new Point((clientSize.Width >> 1) - (scaledSize.Width >> 1),
(clientSize.Height >> 1) - (scaledSize.Height >> 1));
// both scrollbars
if (sbHorizontalVisible && sbVerticalVisible)
sbHorizontal.Dock = sbVertical.Dock = DockStyle.None;
sbHorizontal.Width = clientSize.Width;
sbHorizontal.Top = clientSize.Height;
sbHorizontal.Left = 0;
sbVertical.Height = clientSize.Height;
sbVertical.Left = clientSize.Width;
// horizontal scrollbar
else if (sbHorizontalVisible)
sbHorizontal.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
// vertical scrollbar
else if (sbVerticalVisible)
sbVertical.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
// adjust scrollbar values
if (sbHorizontalVisible)
sbHorizontal.Minimum = targetLocation.X;
sbHorizontal.Maximum = targetLocation.X + scaledSize.Width;
sbHorizontal.LargeChange = clientSize.Width;
sbHorizontal.SmallChange = 32;
sbHorizontal.Value = Math.Min(sbHorizontal.Value, sbHorizontal.Maximum - sbHorizontal.LargeChange);
if (sbVerticalVisible)
sbVertical.Minimum = targetLocation.Y;
sbVertical.Maximum = targetLocation.Y + scaledSize.Height;
sbVertical.LargeChange = clientSize.Height;
sbVertical.SmallChange = 32;
sbVertical.Value = Math.Min(sbVertical.Value, sbVertical.Maximum - sbVertical.LargeChange);
sbHorizontal.Visible = sbHorizontalVisible;
sbVertical.Visible = sbVerticalVisible;
clientRectangle = new Rectangle(clientLocation, clientSize);
targetRectangle = new Rectangle(targetLocation, scaledSize);
if (sbVerticalVisible)
clientRectangle.X = SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (image == null || e.ClipRectangle.Width <= 0 || e.ClipRectangle.Height <= 0)
if (targetRectangle.IsEmpty)
if (targetRectangle.IsEmpty)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Rectangle dest = targetRectangle;
if (sbHorizontalVisible)
dest.X -= sbHorizontal.Value;
if (sbVerticalVisible)
dest.Y -= sbVertical.Value;
g.DrawImage(image, dest);
g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlText, Rectangle.Inflate(targetRectangle, 1, 1));
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
switch (ModifierKeys)
// zoom
case Keys.Control:
float delta = (float)e.Delta / SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollDelta / 5;
if (delta.Equals(0f))
delta += 1;
SetZoom(zoom * delta);
// vertical scroll
case Keys.None:
private void VerticalScroll(int delta)
// When scrolling by mouse, delta is always +-120 so this will be a small change on the scrollbar.
// But we collect the fractional changes caused by the touchpad scrolling so it will not be lost either.
int totalDelta = scrollFractionVertical + delta * sbVertical.SmallChange;
scrollFractionVertical = totalDelta % SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollDelta;
int newValue = sbVertical.Value - totalDelta / SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollDelta;
SetValueSafe(sbVertical, newValue);
internal static void SetValueSafe(ScrollBar scrollBar, int value)
if (value < scrollBar.Minimum)
value = scrollBar.Minimum;
else if (value > scrollBar.Maximum - scrollBar.LargeChange + 1)
value = scrollBar.Maximum - scrollBar.LargeChange + 1;
scrollBar.Value = value;
private void SetZoom(float value)
const float maxZoom = 10f;
float minZoom = image == null ? 1f : 1f / Math.Min(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height);
if (value < minZoom)
value = minZoom;
if (value > maxZoom)
value = maxZoom;
if (zoom.Equals(value))
zoom = value;
And then the updated version of your initial code (add a new point by right click, zoom by Ctrl + mouse scroll):
public partial class RenderMetafileForm : Form
private static Size canvasSize = new Size(300, 200);
private List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
private const float pointRadius = 5;
public RenderMetafileForm()
metafileViewer.MouseClick += MetafileViewer_MouseClick;
private void MetafileViewer_MouseClick(object? sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && metafileViewer.TryTranslate(e.Location, out var coord))
private void UpdateMetafile()
Graphics refGraph = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero);
IntPtr hdc = refGraph.GetHdc();
Metafile result;
result = new Metafile(hdc, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, canvasSize), MetafileFrameUnit.Pixel, EmfType.EmfOnly, "Canvas");
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(result))
foreach (PointF point in points)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Navy, point.X - pointRadius, point.Y - pointRadius, pointRadius * 2, pointRadius * 2);
Metafile? previous = metafileViewer.Image;
metafileViewer.Image = result;
⚠️ Note: I did not add panning by keyboard or by grabbing the image but you can extract those from the original ImageViewer. Also, I removed DPI-aware scaling but see the ScaleSize extensions in the linked project.
I am recreating a simple tile based game (ref: Javidx9 cpp tile game) on c# winforms and the screen flickers as i move, I have DoubleBuffered = true. i will show an example with textures and one without.
TEXTURES > e.Graphics.DrawImage()
NO TEXTURES > e.Graphics.FillRectangle()
in the code I made a GameManager, CameraManager, PlayerModel, lastly the form OnPaint that draws the game information. the way it works is the GameManager tells the Player to update itself depending on user input (move, jump, ect...), then tells the Camera to update depending on the players position. at first i called the GameManager.Update() from the Paint event but then i separated the Paint event from the GameManager and made the GameManager update asynchronous because the Paint event updates too slow. thats when the problem started.
public void CreateSoloGame(MapModel map)
CurrentMap = map;
_inGame = true;
new Task(() =>
while (_inGame)
Elapsed = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
int i = 0;
while (i < _gameTime) //_gameTime controls the speed of the game
public void Step(double elapsed)
Player.Update(CurrentMap, elapsed);
Camera.SetCamera(Player.Position, CurrentMap);
public void DetectCollision(MapModel CurrentMap, double Elapsed)
//adds velocity to players position
float NextPlayerX = Position.X + (VelX * (float)Elapsed);
float NextPlayerY = Position.Y + (VelY * (float)Elapsed);
//collision detection
OnFloor = false;
if (VelY > 0)
if (CurrentMap.GetTile((int)(Position.X + .1), (int)(NextPlayerY + 1)) == '#' || CurrentMap.GetTile((int)(Position.X + .9), (int)(NextPlayerY + 1)) == '#')
NextPlayerY = (int)NextPlayerY;
VelY = 0;
OnFloor = true;
_jumps = 2;
if (CurrentMap.GetTile((int)(Position.X + .1), (int)NextPlayerY) == '#' || CurrentMap.GetTile((int)(Position.X + .9), (int)NextPlayerY) == '#')
NextPlayerY = (int)NextPlayerY + 1;
VelY = 0;
if (VelX < 0)
if (CurrentMap.GetTile((int)NextPlayerX, (int)Position.Y) == '#' || CurrentMap.GetTile((int)NextPlayerX, (int)(Position.Y + .9)) == '#')
NextPlayerX = (int)NextPlayerX + 1;
VelX = 0;
if (CurrentMap.GetTile((int)(NextPlayerX + 1), (int)Position.Y) == '#' || CurrentMap.GetTile((int)(NextPlayerX + 1), (int)(Position.Y + .9)) == '#')
NextPlayerX = (int)NextPlayerX;
VelX = 0;
//updates player position
Position = new PointF(NextPlayerX, NextPlayerY);
public void Jump()
if (_jumps > 0)
VelY = -.06f;
public void ReadInput(double elapsed)
//resets velocity back to 0 if player isnt moving
if (Math.Abs(VelY) < 0.001f) VelY = 0;
if (Math.Abs(VelX) < 0.001f) VelX = 0;
//sets velocity according to player input - S and W are used for no clip free mode
//if (UserInput.KeyInput[Keys.W]) _playerVelY -= .001f;
//if (UserInput.KeyInput[Keys.S]) _playerVelY += .001f;
if (Input.KEYINPUT[Keys.A]) VelX -= .001f * (float)elapsed;
else if (Input.KEYINPUT[Keys.D]) VelX += .001f * (float)elapsed;
else if (Math.Abs(VelX) > 0.001f && OnFloor) VelX += -0.06f * VelX * (float)elapsed;
//resets jumping
if (!OnFloor)
VelY += .0004f * (float)elapsed;
//limits velocity
//if (_playerVelY <= -.014) _playerVelY = -.014f; //disabled to allow jumps
if (VelY >= .05) VelY = .05f;
if (VelX >= .02 && !Input.KEYINPUT[Keys.ShiftKey]) VelX = .02f;
else if (VelX >= .005 && Input.KEYINPUT[Keys.ShiftKey]) VelX = .005f;
if (VelX <= -.02 && !Input.KEYINPUT[Keys.ShiftKey]) VelX = -.02f;
else if (VelX <= -.005 && Input.KEYINPUT[Keys.ShiftKey]) VelX = -.005f;
public void Update(MapModel map, double elapsed)
DetectCollision(map, elapsed);
public void SetCamera(PointF center, MapModel map, bool clamp = true)
//changes the tile size according to the screen size
TileSize = Input.ClientScreen.Width / Tiles;
//amount of tiles along thier axis
TilesX = Input.ClientScreen.Width / TileSize;
TilesY = Input.ClientScreen.Height / TileSize;
//camera offset
OffsetX = center.X - TilesX / 2.0f;
OffsetY = center.Y - TilesY / 2.0f;
//make sure the offset does not go beyond bounds
if (OffsetX < 0 && clamp) OffsetX = 0;
if (OffsetY < 0 && clamp) OffsetY = 0;
if (OffsetX > map.MapWidth - TilesX && clamp) OffsetX = map.MapWidth - TilesX;
if (OffsetY > map.MapHeight - TilesY && clamp) OffsetY = map.MapHeight - TilesY;
//smooths out movement for tiles
TileOffsetX = (OffsetX - (int)OffsetX) * TileSize;
TileOffsetY = (OffsetY - (int)OffsetY) * TileSize;
//Form Paint event
private void Draw(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Brush b;
Input.ClientScreen = ClientRectangle;
for (int x = -1; x < _camera.TilesX + 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y < _camera.TilesY + 1; y++)
switch (_map.GetTile(x + (int)_camera.OffsetX, y + (int)_camera.OffsetY))
case '.':
//e.Graphics.DrawImage(sky, x * _camera.TileSize - _camera.TileOffsetX, y * _camera.TileSize - _camera.TileOffsetY, _camera.TileSize, _camera.TileSize);
b = Brushes.MediumSlateBlue;
case '#':
//e.Graphics.DrawImage(block, x * _camera.TileSize - _camera.TileOffsetX, y * _camera.TileSize - _camera.TileOffsetY, _camera.TileSize, _camera.TileSize);
b = Brushes.DarkGray;
case 'o':
b = Brushes.Yellow;
case '%':
b = Brushes.Green;
b = Brushes.MediumSlateBlue;
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, x * _camera.TileSize - _camera.TileOffsetX, y * _camera.TileSize - _camera.TileOffsetY, (x + 1) * _camera.TileSize, (y + 1) * _camera.TileSize);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Purple, (_manager.Player.Position.X - _camera.OffsetX) * _camera.TileSize, (_manager.Player.Position.Y - _camera.OffsetY) * _camera.TileSize, _camera.TileSize, _camera.TileSize);
//e.Graphics.DrawImage(chef, (_manager.Player.Position.X - _camera.OffsetX) * _camera.TileSize, (_manager.Player.Position.Y - _camera.OffsetY) * _camera.TileSize, _camera.TileSize, _camera.TileSize);
P.S. i use winforms because i dont work with GUIs much and its the one im most familiar with and this is just something quick i wanted to try out but i've never had this issue. i tried a couple of things but nothing worked so this is my last resort. if you think i should use another GUI let me know and ill look into it. also if you think my code is ugly lmk why.
Fill the form with a PictureBox and hook into the .Paint() event. For some reason, there is no flicker drawing on a PictureBox compared to drawing on a form.
Also having a game loop improves things a lot. I am getting 600+ fps with my example code.
full code below:
public partial class RunningForm1 : Form
static readonly Random rng = new Random();
float offset;
int index;
Queue<int> town;
const int grid = 12;
Color[] pallete;
FpsCounter clock;
#region Windows API - User32.dll
public struct WinMessage
public IntPtr hWnd;
public Message msg;
public IntPtr wParam;
public IntPtr lParam;
public uint time;
public System.Drawing.Point p;
[System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] // We won't use this maliciously
[DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool PeekMessage(out WinMessage msg, IntPtr hWnd, uint messageFilterMin, uint messageFilterMax, uint flags);
public RunningForm1()
this.pic.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.pic_Paint);
this.pic.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(this.pic_SizeChanged);
//Initialize the machine
this.clock = new FpsCounter();
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Idle += new EventHandler(OnApplicationIdle);
void UpdateMachine()
#region Main Loop
private void OnApplicationIdle(object sender, EventArgs e)
while (AppStillIdle)
// Render a frame during idle time (no messages are waiting)
private bool AppStillIdle
WinMessage msg;
return !PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0);
private void pic_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void pic_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
// Show FPS counter
var fps = clock.Measure();
var text = $"{fps:F2} fps";
var sz = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, SystemFonts.DialogFont);
var pt = new PointF(pic.Width - 1 - sz.Width - 4, 4);
e.Graphics.DrawString(text, SystemFonts.DialogFont, Brushes.Black, pt);
// draw on e.Graphics
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(0, pic.ClientSize.Height - 1);
e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(1, -1);
int wt = pic.ClientSize.Width / (grid - 1);
int ht = pic.ClientSize.Height / (grid + 1);
SolidBrush fill = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
for (int i = 0; i < town.Count; i++)
float x = offset + i * wt;
var building = new RectangleF(
x, 0,
wt, ht * town.ElementAt(i));
fill.Color = pallete[(index + i) % pallete.Length];
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(fill, building);
offset -= 0.4f;
if (offset <= -grid - wt)
offset += wt;
private void Setup()
offset = 0;
index = 0;
town = new Queue<int>();
pallete = new Color[]
for (int i = 0; i <= grid; i++)
town.Enqueue(rng.Next(grid) + 1);
private void UpdateTown()
town.Enqueue(rng.Next(grid) + 1);
index = (index + 1) % pallete.Length;
public class FpsCounter
public FpsCounter()
this.PrevFrame = 0;
this.Frames = 0;
this.PollOverFrames = 100;
this.Clock = Stopwatch.StartNew();
/// <summary>
/// Use this method to poll the FPS counter
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The last measured FPS</returns>
public float Measure()
var dt = Clock.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
if (PrevFrame > PollOverFrames || dt > PollOverFrames / 50)
LastFps = (float)(PrevFrame / dt);
PrevFrame = 0;
return LastFps;
public float LastFps { get; private set; }
public long Frames { get; private set; }
private Stopwatch Clock { get; }
private int PrevFrame { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The number of frames to average to get a more accurate frame count.
/// The higher this is the more stable the result, but it will update
/// slower. The lower this is, the more chaotic the result of <see cref="Measure()"/>
/// but it will get a new result sooner. Default is 100 frames.
/// </summary>
public int PollOverFrames { get; set; }
I'm creating GMap.NET app and added some custom markers on it. Is it possible to make them scale depending on the zoom level of the map?
You will need to create a custom GMapMarker and use the zoom level in the OnRender() to scale the image. Each zoom level has a different ratio but luckily for you, I have mesured them all. Not sure if the ratio changes with different map providers?
You can set the x/y scale and heading using a seperate thread and it will update in real time.
The "defaultZoomLevel" will set the zoom level at which the image has a 1:1 ratio. I have only tried the value 16, not sure it will work for other values you may need to calculate all the ratios for each value or extract the curve from the data and use that to scale the ratio.
Use this to set the zoom level when it changes:
private void Gmap_OnMapZoomChanged()
//trackBar_Zoom.Value = (int)Gmap.Zoom;
//label_Zoom.Text = "Zoom: " + trackBar_Zoom.Value.ToString();
Use it like:
SelectedOverlay = new GMapMarkerImageOverlay(Gmap.Position, 0, 1, 1, Gmap.Zoom, Resources.GreySquare);
And this is the MapMarker:
public class GMapMarkerImageOverlay : GMapMarker
private readonly double deg2rad = 3.14159265 / 180.0;
private readonly double rad2deg = 180 / 3.14159265;
private readonly float defaultZoomLevel = 16;
private float zoomRatio = 1f;
private float heading = 0;
private double zoom = 0;
private float scaleX = 0;
private float scaleY = 0;
private Bitmap overlayImage;
private void SetZoomRatio()
if (zoom < 12)
zoomRatio = 0.045f;
else if (zoom == 12)
zoomRatio = 0.08f;
else if (zoom == 13)
zoomRatio = 0.155f;
else if (zoom == 14)
zoomRatio = 0.285f;
else if (zoom == 15)
zoomRatio = 0.53f;
else if (zoom == 16)
zoomRatio = 1f;
else if (zoom == 17)
zoomRatio = 1.88f;
else if (zoom == 18)
zoomRatio = 3.55f;
else if (zoom == 19)
zoomRatio = 6.75f;
else if (zoom == 20)
zoomRatio = 11.5f;
zoomRatio = 11.5f;
public GMapMarkerImageOverlay(PointLatLng p, float heading, float scaleX, float scaleY, double zoom, Bitmap image)
: base(p)
overlayImage = image;
this.heading = heading;
this.scaleX = scaleX;
this.scaleY = scaleY;
this.zoom = zoom;
internal void SetPosition(PointLatLng position)
//Position = position;
//LocalPosition = position;
public void SetHeading(float h)
heading = h;
public void SetZoomLevel(double z)
zoom = z;
//Util.Log($"Zoom level: {z}");
public void SetScaleX(float x)
scaleX = x;
public void SetScaleY(float y)
scaleY = y;
public void SetRatio(float r)
zoomRatio = r;
public override void OnRender(Graphics g)
var temp = g.Transform;
g.TranslateTransform(LocalPosition.X, LocalPosition.Y);
float ratio = (float)zoom / defaultZoomLevel;
ratio *= zoomRatio;
g.ScaleTransform(scaleX*ratio, scaleY*ratio);
base.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver;
base.ToolTipText = $"Ratio:{ratio}";
// anti NaN
var sIcon = overlayImage;
sIcon = new Bitmap(sIcon, sIcon.Width / 1, sIcon.Height / 1);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(sIcon, sIcon.Width / -2, sIcon.Height / -2);
g.Transform = temp;
catch (Exception ex)
I think a little background will help before I get into my question. What I'm doing is creating my own small 2D physics library in xna, for fun nonetheless. This is also my first independent xna project, and my first time working with the 3D tools, so I may be doing things all wacky. Anyway, I'm currently making a triangle class in which the constructor takes three arbitrary points in the form of Vector2s. In the constructor I have to put these points in clockwise order (so they're not culled) and then find the texture coordinates they should correspond to (since I'm using VertexPositionTextures as my vertices). What I've got works, but it seems very long and complicated. I'm looking for any ways to shorten/simplify the code, which is this:
public PTriangle(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c)
: base()
//set up vertices
VertexPositionTexture[] vertices = new VertexPositionTexture[3];
//center vertices around origin
Vector2 center = new Vector2((a.X + b.X + c.X) / 3, (a.Y + b.Y + c.Y) / 3);
Vector2 newA = a - center;
Vector2 newB = b - center;
Vector2 newC = c - center;
//get angle of each vertex (clockwise from -x axis)
double angleA = MathHelper.Pi - Math.Atan((double)(newA.Y / newA.X));
double angleB = MathHelper.Pi - Math.Atan((double)(newB.Y / newB.X));
double angleC = MathHelper.Pi - Math.Atan((double)(newC.Y / newC.X));
if (newA.X < 0)
if (newA.Y < 0)
angleA += MathHelper.Pi;
angleA -= MathHelper.Pi;
if (newB.X < 0)
if (newB.Y < 0)
angleB += MathHelper.Pi;
angleB -= MathHelper.Pi;
if (newC.X < 0)
if (newC.Y < 0)
angleC += MathHelper.Pi;
angleC -= MathHelper.Pi;
//order vertices by angle
Vector2[] newVertices = new Vector2[3];
if (angleA < angleB && angleA < angleC)
newVertices[0] = newA;
if (angleB < angleC)
newVertices[1] = newB;
newVertices[2] = newC;
newVertices[1] = newC;
newVertices[2] = newB;
else if (angleB < angleA && angleB < angleC)
newVertices[0] = newB;
if (angleA < angleC)
newVertices[1] = newA;
newVertices[2] = newC;
newVertices[1] = newC;
newVertices[2] = newA;
newVertices[0] = newC;
if (angleA < angleB)
newVertices[1] = newA;
newVertices[2] = newB;
newVertices[1] = newB;
newVertices[2] = newA;
//set positions of vertices
vertices[0].Position = new Vector3(newVertices[0] + center, 0);
vertices[1].Position = new Vector3(newVertices[1] + center, 0);
vertices[2].Position = new Vector3(newVertices[2] + center, 0);
//get width and height of triangle
float minX = 0;
float minY = 0;
float maxX = 0;
float maxY = 0;
foreach (Vector2 vertex in newVertices)
if (vertex.X < minX)
minX = vertex.X;
else if (vertex.X > maxX)
maxX = vertex.X;
if (vertex.Y < minY)
minY = vertex.Y;
else if (vertex.Y > maxY)
maxY = vertex.Y;
float width = maxX - minX;
float height = maxY - minY;
//shift triangle so fits in quadrant IV, and set texture coordinates
for (int index = 0; index < newVertices.Length; ++index)
newVertices[index].X -= minX;
newVertices[index].Y -= minY;
vertices[index].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(
newVertices[index].X / width,
1 - (newVertices[index].Y / height));
this.Vertices = vertices;
//set up indices
this.Indices = new short[] { 0, 1, 2 };
To put the 3 points in clockwise order, you can use counter-clockwise test (or left-turn test) to check the direction of the 3 points.
Pseudocode from Wikipedia
# Three points are a counter-clockwise turn if ccw > 0, clockwise if
# ccw < 0, and collinear if ccw = 0 because ccw is a determinant that
# gives the signed area of the triangle formed by p1, p2 and p3.
function ccw(p1, p2, p3):
return (p2.x - p1.x)*(p3.y - p1.y) - (p2.y - p1.y)*(p3.x - p1.x)
If the 3 points are counter-clockwise, you can just swap the last 2 points to make the 3 points clockwise order.
so i have drawn a few objects , circles squares or even lines. This is the code i use to draw the images:
Graphics surface = this.splitContainer1.Panel2.CreateGraphics();
Pen pen1 = new Pen(ColorR.BackColor, float.Parse(boxWidth.Text));
switch (currentObject)
case "line":
if (step == 1)
one.X = e.X;
one.Y = e.Y;
boxX.Text = one.X.ToString();
boxY.Text = one.Y.ToString();
step = 2;
two.X = e.X;
two.Y = e.Y;
boxX2.Text = two.X.ToString();
boxY2.Text = two.Y.ToString();
surface.DrawLine(pen1, one, two);
step = 1;
case "circle":
if (step == 1)
boxX.Text = e.X.ToString();
boxY.Text = e.Y.ToString();
step = 2;
int tempX = int.Parse(boxX.Text);
int tempY = int.Parse(boxY.Text);
int tempX2 = e.X;
int tempY2 = e.Y;
int sideX, sideY;
if (tempX > tempX2)
sideX = tempX - tempX2;
sideX = tempX2 - tempX;
if (tempY > tempY2)
sideY = tempY - tempY2;
sideY = tempY2 - tempY;
double tempRadius;
tempRadius = Math.Sqrt(sideX * sideX + sideY * sideY);
tempRadius *= 2;
bWidth.Text = bHeight.Text = Convert.ToInt32(tempRadius).ToString();
int.Parse(boxX.Text) - int.Parse(bWidth.Text) / 2,
int.Parse(boxY.Text) - int.Parse(bHeight.Text) / 2,
float.Parse(bWidth.Text), float.Parse(bHeight.Text));
step = 1;
case "square":
if (step == 1)
boxX.Text = e.X.ToString();
boxY.Text = e.Y.ToString();
step = 2;
else if (step == 2)
int tempX = e.X;
if (tempX > int.Parse(boxX.Text))
bWidth.Text = (tempX - int.Parse(boxX.Text)).ToString();
bWidth.Text = (int.Parse(boxX.Text) - tempX).ToString();
step = 3;
int tempY = e.Y;
if (tempY > int.Parse(boxY.Text))
bHeight.Text = (tempY - int.Parse(boxY.Text)).ToString();
bHeight.Text = (int.Parse(boxY.Text) - tempY).ToString();
step = 1;
So after I draw the images, I want to be able to select a figure and--for example--change the color or rotate it. But I cant seem to figure it out how to do it.
I suggest defining a base abstract shape class that has methods all shapes should provide, such as a method to draw itself on a graphics object, a method that says whether a point is within it / should could as selecting it, a method to rotate it by a given amount and a method to change the color.
Once you've got your shape class then you've got to work out how to fill in the methods for each derived shape. For drawing you've already got the code. For selecting it, that will be dependent on the shape. For something like a circle it's fairly easy, just calculate the distance between the center of the circle, and the point clicked, for something like a line it's harder as you don't want the user to have to click it exactly.
That leaves rotating and changing the colour. Changing the colour is easy, just have a Color property on the Shape class, then when you draw your shapes, use that colour to create a brush or pen.
As for rotation, take a look at Graphics.RotateTransform.
public abstract class Shape
public Color Color { get; set; }
public float Rotation { get; set; }
public Point Position { get; set; }
public Shape(Color color, float rotation, Point position)
Color = color;
Rotation = rotation;
Position = position;
public void ChangeRotation(float amount)
Rotation += amount;
public abstract void Draw(Graphics graphics);
public abstract bool WithinBounds(Point point);
public class Circle : Shape
public float Radius { get; set; }
public Circle(Color color, float rotation, Point position)
:base(color, rotation, position)
public override void Draw(Graphics graphics)
public override bool WithinBounds(Point point)
if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(point.X - Position.X, 2) + Math.Pow(point.Y - Position.Y, 2)) <= Radius)
return true;
return false;
// Note, if statement could be removed to become the below:
//return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(point.X - Position.X, 2) + Math.Pow(point.Y - Position.Y, 2)) <= Radius;
Have a look at the RotateTransform method of the Graphics object. There is a TranslateTransform method too.