Why code after Task.WhenAll executes before all tasks end? [duplicate] - c#

I have this construct in my main(), which creates
var tasks = new List<Task>();
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(
async () =>
await Foo.DoBar();
//DoBar not completed
//Foo.Fim() done, Foo.DoBar should be but isn't
However, when I .Wait for t, it won't wait for the call to DoBar() to complete.
How do I get it to actually wait?

It's discouraged to use Task.Factory.StartNew with async-await, you should be using Task.Run instead:
var t = Task.Run(
async () =>
await Foo.DoBar();
The Task.Factory.StartNew api was built before the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) and async-await. It will return Task<Task> because you are starting a task with a lambda expression which happens to be async and so returns a task. Unwrap will extract the inner task, but Task.Run will implicitly do that for you.
For a deeper comparison, there's always a relevant Stephen Toub article: Task.Run vs Task.Factory.StartNew

It seems like I get desired functionality by Unwrap()ing the task.
I'm not quite sure I get the reasoning behind this, but I suppose it works.
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(
async () =>
await Foo.DoBar();
edit: I've looked for ddescription of Unwrap():
Creates a proxy Task that represents the asynchronous operation of a Task<Task<T>>
I thought this was traditionally what the task did, but if I need to call unwrap I suppose that's fine.

I faced similar issue recently and figured out that all you need to do is have DoBar() return some value and use .Result instead of wait.
var g = Task.Run(() => func(arg));
var val = g.Result;
This will wait for func to return its output and assign it to val.


Why doesn't it work to use ContinueWith to run task sequentially?

My goal was to start "Task2" after "Task1". At first I wrote code like "Code1" below, but it did not work (Task2 started before Task1 was finished). So I searched Stackoverflow and modified my code like "Code2" below as the existing answer suggested. I wonder why "Code1" did not work.
static void Main(string[] args)
var p = new Program();
void Test2()
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task1();
}).ContinueWith((t) => {
async Task Task1()
Debug.WriteLine("Task 1 starting....");
await LongTask();
Debug.WriteLine("Task 1 done");
Task LongTask()
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
void Task2()
Debug.WriteLine("Task 2");
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task1();
}).ContinueWith((t) => {
Because when you are running task like Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => ... it returns Task<Task> (task of task). And first task terminates without waiting for the inner Task.
For preventing this situation, you can use Unwrap method:
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task1();
.ContinueWith((t) => {
That StartNew will return Task<Task>, and it seems you want to execute continuation after inner task completion. That's why we need Unwrap.
It “unwraps” the inner task that’s returned as the result of the outer task. Calling Unwrap on a Task gives you back a new Task (which we often refer to as a proxy) which represents the eventual completion of the inner task. And then, we are adding continuation to the inner task.
But, as Task.Run will do that unwrapping automatically you can use Task.Run in that case:
Task.Run(async () =>
await Task1();
.ContinueWith((t) => {
And that can be simplified to:
Task.Run(async () =>
await Task1();
Detailed information about diferences between Task.Run and Task.Factory.StartNew:
Read more here from Stephen Toub who is an engineer in the .Net team. The reason of decision in case of Task.Run:
Because we expect it to be so common for folks to want to offload work
to the ThreadPool, and for that work to use async/await, we decided to
build this unwrapping functionality into Task.Run.
By the way, as Stephen recommended just try to use Task.Run in most cases, but this in no way obsoletes Task.Factory.StartNew, there is still some places in which Task.Factory.StartNew must be used:
Task.Factory.StartNew still has many important (albeit more advanced)
uses. You get to control TaskCreationOptions for how the task
behaves. You get to control the scheduler for where the task should
be queued to and run. You get to use overloads that accept object
state, which for performance-sensitive code paths can be used to avoid
closures and the corresponding allocations. For the simple cases,
though, Task.Run is your friend.
Task.Factory.StartNew don't understand async lambdas. For Task.Factory.StartNew your lambda is just function returning Task. It doesn't automatically await that task. Also, note that using Task.Factory.StarNew and ContinueWith is discouraged in modern C# as it hard to use correctly (please read, "StartNew is Dangerous" by Stephen Cleary). You should use Task.Factory.StarNew or ContinueWith only if you can't do without them.
Instead, you can just use async/await one more time:
async Task Test2()
await Task1();
or Task.Run:
async Task Test2()
return Task.Run(await () =>
await Task1();
The second approach might be convenient if you want to make sure that your asynchronous Task1() is started on background thread.

How to declare a not started Task that will Await for another Task?

I've done this Unit Test and I don't understand why the "await Task.Delay()" doesn't wait !
public async Task SimpleTest()
bool isOK = false;
Task myTask = new Task(async () =>
await Task.Delay(1000);
isOK = true;
await myTask;
Assert.IsTrue(isOK, "OK");
Here is the Unit Test output :
How is this possible an "await" doesn't wait, and the main thread continues ?
new Task(async () =>
A task does not take a Func<Task>, but an Action. It will call your asynchronous method and expect it to end when it returns. But it does not. It returns a task. That task is not awaited by the new task. For the new task, the job is done once the method returned.
You need to use the task that already exists instead of wrapping it in a new task:
public async Task SimpleTest()
bool isOK = false;
Func<Task> asyncMethod = async () =>
await Task.Delay(1000);
isOK = true;
Task myTask = asyncMethod();
await myTask;
Assert.IsTrue(isOK, "OK");
The problem is that you are using the non-generic Task class, that is not meant to produce a result. So when you create the Task instance passing an async delegate:
Task myTask = new Task(async () =>
...the delegate is treated as async void. An async void is not a Task, it cannot be awaited, its exception cannot be handled, and it's a source of thousands of questions made by frustrated programmers here in StackOverflow and elsewhere. The solution is to use the generic Task<TResult> class, because you want to return a result, and the result is another Task. So you have to create a Task<Task>:
Task<Task> myTask = new Task<Task>(async () =>
Now when you Start the outer Task<Task> it will be completed almost instantly because its job is just to create the inner Task. You'll then have to await the inner Task as well. This is how it can be done:
Task myInnerTask = await myTask;
await myInnerTask;
You have two alternatives. If you don't need an explicit reference to the inner Task then you can just await the outer Task<Task> twice:
await await myTask;
...or you can use the built-in extension method Unwrap that combines the outer and the inner tasks into one:
await myTask.Unwrap();
This unwrapping happens automatically when you use the much more popular Task.Run method that creates hot tasks, so the Unwrap is not used very often nowadays.
In case you decide that your async delegate must return a result, for example a string, then you should declare the myTask variable to be of type Task<Task<string>>.
Note: I don't endorse the use of Task constructors for creating cold tasks. As a practice is generally frowned upon, for reasons I don't really know, but probably because it is used so rarely that it has the potential of catching other unaware users/maintainers/reviewers of the code by surprise.
General advice: Be careful everytime you are supplying an async delegate as an argument to a method. This method should ideally expect a Func<Task> argument (meaning that understands async delegates), or at least a Func<T> argument (meaning that at least the generated Task will not be ignored). In the unfortunate case that this method accepts an Action, your delegate is going to be treated as async void. This is rarely what you want, if ever.
public async Task SimpleTest()
bool isOK = false;
Task myTask = new Task(() =>
isOK = true;
await myTask;
Assert.True(isOK, "OK");

use Task.Run() inside of Select LINQ method

Suppose I have the following code (just for learninig purposes):
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var results = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();
var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(async index =>
var res = await DoAsyncJob(index);
results.TryAdd(index.ToString(), res);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Console.WriteLine($"Items in dictionary {results.Count}");
static async Task<int> DoAsyncJob(int i)
// simulate some I/O bound operation
await Task.Delay(100);
return i * 10;
I want to know what will be the difference if I make it as follows:
var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 100)
.Select(index => Task.Run(async () =>
var res = await DoAsyncJob(index);
results.TryAdd(index.ToString(), res);
I get the same results in both cases. But does code executes similarly?
Task.Run is there to execute CPU bound, synchronous, operations in a thread pool thread. As it is the operation you're running is already asynchronous, so using Task.Run means you're scheduling work to run in a thread pool thread, and that work is merely starting an asynchronous operation, which then completes almost immediately, and goes off to do whatever asynchronous work it has to do without blocking that thread pool thread. So by using Task.Run you're waiting to schedule work in the thread pool, but then not actually don't any meaningful work. You're better off just starting the asynchronous operation in the current thread.
The only exception would be if DoAsyncJob were implemented improperly and for some reason wasn't actually asynchronous, contrary to its name and signature, and actually did a lot of synchronous work before returning. But if it is doing that, you should just fix that buggy method, rather than using Task.Run to call it.
On a side note, there's no reason to have a ConcurrentDictionary to collect the results here. Task.WhenAll returns a collection of the results of all of the tasks you've executed. Just use that. Now you don't even need a method to wrap your asynchronous method and process the result in any special way, simplifying the code further:
var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(DoAsyncJob);
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Console.WriteLine($"Items in results {results.Count}");
Yes, both cases execute similarly. Actually, they execute in exactly the same way.

await task inside another task

I'm working on a C# console application that will be responsible for running an array of tasks. The basic structure for that is as follows:
var tasks = workItems.Select(x => Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
The problem is that DoSomeWork() is an async method which awaits the result of another task, which also needs to await a call to the Facebook API.
public async void DoSomeWork(WorkItem item)
var results = await GetWorkData();
public async Task<List<WorkData>> GetWorkData()
var fbClient = new FacebookClient();
var task = fbClient.GetTaskAsync("something");
var fbResults = await task;
I thought I would be able to support this notion of nested tasks with the call to Task.WaitAll() but the execution of the parent tasks finishes almost immediately. Putting a Console.ReadLine() at the end of the application to prevent it from early execution shows that the result will indeed come back later from Facebook.
Am I missing something obvious or is there a better way to block for my Task collection that will allow for this kind of scenario?
DoSomeWork needs to not return void. The by not returning a Task the caller has no way of knowing when if finishes.
Additionally, it's already asynchronous, so there is no reason to use StartNew here. Just call DoSomeWork directly, since it should be returning a Task.

Why Task.Delay doesn`t work in this situation

I'm testing the async and I found this situation that I can't understand:
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task.Delay(2000);
return 2;
var t2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
return 1;
await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
var result = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
I would like to understand why the result is always 0! Why is not 1000, 2000 or the sum of the two tasks 3000? Why doesn't Task.WhenAll wait for the completion of the tasks?
Okay, so, the second one is the easy one, so let's handle that one.
For the second task, t2, you don't do anything with the result of Task.Delay(1000). You don't await it, you don't Wait it, etc. Given that the method is not async I supposed you meant for it to be a blocking wait. To do that you'd want to add Wait() to the end of the Delay call to make it a blocking wait, or just use Thread.Sleep().
For the first task, you're being bitten by the fact that you're using var. It's clearer what's happening when you don't use var:
Task<Task<int>> t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task.Delay(2000);
return 2;
You're returning a task of task of int, not just a Task of int. The outer task is "completed" as soon as the inner task finishes being started. When you use WhenAll you don't care about when the outer task finishes, you care about when the inner task finishes. There are a number of ways to handle this. One is to use Unwrap.
Task<int> t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task.Delay(2000);
return 2;
Now you have your expected Task<int> and WhenAll will take at least 2000 milliseconds, as expected. You could also add in another await call to do the same thing:
Task<int> t1 = await Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await Task.Delay(2000);
return 2;
As mentioned by svick in a comment another option would be to just use Task.Run instead of StartNew. Task.Run has a special set of overloads for methods that take a Func<Task<T>> and return a Task<T> and automatically unwrap them for you:
Task<int> t1 = Task.Run(async () =>
await Task.Delay(2000);
return 2;
For this reason it's preferable to use Task.Run as the default option when you're creating async lambdas as it will "handle" this issue for you, although it's best to be aware of it for the complex cases where you can't use Task.Run.
Finally we come to the option that you didn't do, which is what you probably should be actually doing in this case. Since Task.Delay already returns a Task, there's no need to put it in StartNew in the first place. Rather than creating a nested task and using Unwrap you can just not wrap it in the first place:
var t3 = Task.Delay(3000);
await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2, t3);
If you actually just want to wait for a fixed amount of time that's what you should be doing.
