Find item index with lambda or linkq in c# [closed] - c#

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi i can't speak english well forgive me if ill confuse you.
in c# i have 3 String List.
list_one: list of file address.
list_two: list of MD5 that makes with list_one.
list_three: list of MD5 that makes with list_two but in this list i collect duplicate item from list_two
Question :
How can i get each item in list_three and search that in list_two then return that index.
but i dont like to use for or foreach because that will slow my application.
how can do that with linq or lambda or any fastest way.
my lists Image

No 1 foeach isn't slower. But to answer what you want is simple one liner like this.
using System.Linq;
List<string> list = new List<string>{"a","b","c","d"};
List<string> list2 = new List<string>{"a","c"};
var result = list.Select((a, b) => new {Value = a, Index = b})
.Where(x => list2.Any(d => d == x.Value))
.Select(c => c.Index).ToArray();
now result contains all the match indexes.Fiddle


I want compare two string and want to get possible matches [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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sb.Qualilfication_Master.First().Qual_List contain string values like "B.C.A,M.C.A,B.B.A"
and txtQualification.text contain string like "B.C.A, M.Com"
I want match above two thing
var sendnoti = (from p in db.Reg_JobSeeker_Masters where p.Qualification_Masters.First().Qual_List.Contains(txtQualification.Text)select p).ToList();
If I'm reading this right - and you want to find the strings that are common to two lists - then you can just use the intersect method.
I am just assuming txtQualification.Text is a List<string> so in that case you could just right it like this -
var sendnoti = (from p in db.Reg_JobSeeker_Masters where p.Qualification_Masters.First().Qual_List.Any(ql => txtQualification.Text.Contains(ql))select p).ToList();

Predicate matching a list [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to do something like -
List<int> accountList = new List<int>();
accountList .Add(1);
accountList .Add(27);
var rec = _db.Accounts.Where(a=> accountList.Contains(a.accountId)).Take(10);
My code is a little more complicated than this - there are several other conditions in the where clause, but this is the bit that is causing problems - nothing gets returned even when there are matching values.
Basically I want it to retrieve all the records where accountId matches a value in my list.
Any pointers?
The sample above is giving me a cant convert lambda error.
You are missing a bit on your contains version
var hold2 = _db.Accounts.Where(a => find.Contains(a.accountDd)).Take(10).ToList();
Have you tried using any
var hold2 = _db.Accounts.Where(a => accountList.Any(m => m == a.accountId)).Take(10).ToList();

String Contains Does Not Work In LINQ [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've always used Contains method to gain SQL IN functionality to my LINQ queries.
But this time, very strange thing occured.
I've got an array of string like this :
string[] FilenamesToParse = {"JOHN_X200-", "DOE_X300-", "FOO_X300_M-"};
Then I've used this array just like below:
var result = (from dps in appProcessList
where FilenamesToParse.Contains(dps.FileName)
select dps.Devices).ToList()
Above query resulted with 0 result but I'm sure that there are filenames contains words defined in FilenamesToParse array.
So I've tried below snippet and Contains worked.
foreach (var applicationProcess in appProcessList)
if (applicationProcess.FileName.Contains(FilenamesToParse[0]))
Where am I wrong here ?
Thanks in advance.
Your two appraoches aren´t similar. In your linq you´re iterating your FilenamesToParse-array and check if any of its elements exactly matches dps.FileName, whereby in the second one you iterate appProcessList and check if its FileName-property contains the first FilenamesToParse.
The following would be the linq-approach similar to your loop:
var result = (from dps in appProcessList
where FilenamesToParse.Any(x => dps.FileName.Contains(x))
select dps.Devices).ToList()

C# Search JSON file and select node [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So I have an application that uses the Newtonsoft.Json dll and I need to search a JSON file for a value entered by the user, then select the node with that value in.
JSON Snippet
So the user will search for the 'name' tag and I need to be able to fetch the 'ID' of the node.
Name: Blimp
-----------------Fetching ID-----------------
ID: 302686
Seeing as the item you want to (actually) search is an array, you'd have to deserialize the JSON into a C# object. Then, you can access the array, on which you can unleash search functions like a LINQ expression:
var item = Array
.Where(x => == given_name)
.Select(x =>;
or Lambda:
var index = Array.FindIndex(x =>;
var item = Array[index];

Find the object which contains an object with a specific property value in a nested list [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a generated c# class from a XML file and I need to search in a Class Object. I will find a specified string in a List have a List but I don't know how to do this, I have tryed this but It wont work:
AdrType = HeaderObj.ClientObj.OrgObj.Addresses.First( s => s.AddressTypes.Select( aD => aD._Type_.Where(sX => sX = "a"))).AddressCode
Something like this?
var adressWithTypeA = Addresses
.FirstOrDefault( s => s.AddressTypes.Any(x => x._Type_ == "a"))
if (adressWithTypeA != null)
var adressCode = adressWithTypeA.AddressCode;
