Compare multiple element in a list - c#

I would like to extract from a list a data of an element who respect different criteria like below :
My list contains :
1, name1, Time, quantity
2, name2, Time, quantity
3, name1, Time+1, quantity+1
4, name2, Time+1, quantity+1
My goal :
if (MyList.Contains(name1 && name2))
if (name1(quantity) == name2(quantity) && name1(Time) == name2(Time))
return quantity;
How i create my List :
public class OCO1 : IEquatable<OCO1>
public DateTime OrderCreatedTime {get; set;}
public int ID {get; set;}
public decimal Quantity {get; set;}
public string Tag {get; set;}
public override string ToString()
return "ID: " + ID + " Name: " + Tag;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
OCO1 objAsOCO1 = obj as OCO1;
if (objAsOCO1 == null) return false;
else return Equals(objAsOCO1);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ID;
public bool Equals(OCO1 other)
if (other == null) return false;
return (this.ID.Equals(other.ID));
// Should also override == and != operators.
public partial class Base
List<OCO1> CreatedTimeOrder = new List<OCO1>();
if (order.Tag.Equals("name1"))
CreatedTimeOrder.Add( new OCO1() {OrderCreatedTime = order.CreatedTime, ID = order.Id, Quantity = order.Quantity, Tag = "name1"});
if (order.Tag.Equals("name2"))
CreatedTimeOrder.Add( new OCO1() {OrderCreatedTime = order.CreatedTime, ID = order.Id, Quantity = order.Quantity, Tag = "name2"});
I don't see how to do that. Any help appreciate !
"more details for edit the post jskfjhsfsjfsgfghsfshsfghjsfgsdsjffsgfgsgfyjhdfusygfyusgfuygfgsdvfvsdufvusvfuvsufvyusdfgyugfdyugfusgfuysfgusfgusgfuysgfgsugfusgfugfgsfgufgusfugydsfg"

If I'm understanding the question, you want to find all the records that have the same Quantity and Time values, and which contain both "name1" and "name2", and for each of these you want to select the Quantity property.
If that's correct, we can use a little System.Linq to group the items by their OrderCreatedTime and Quantity properties, filter to only the groups that have at least one item with each desired name, and then select the Quantity property from the group:
List<decimal> relevantQuantities = CreatedTimeOrder
.GroupBy(item => new {item.OrderCreatedTime, item.Quantity})
.Where(group => group.Any(item => item.Tag == "name1") &&
group.Any(item => item.Tag == "name2"))
.Select(g => g.Key.Quantity)
If that's not correct, please clarify exactly what you expect to be returned.

Based on the author's comment:
I want to get the quantity if the Time is the same for name1 and name2. I don't see how to explain it otherwise.
Imagine this class, abbreviated for the simplicity of this answer.
public class Data
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Time { get; set; }
And this collection
List<Data> list = new List<Data>() {
new Data() { Name = "Name1", Time = 1 },
new Data() { Name = "Name2", Time = 2 },
new Data() { Name = "Name3", Time = 3 },
new Data() { Name = "Name4", Time = 4 },
You can do it with LINQ
string searchArray = new string[] { "Name1", "Name2" };
// Filtering only elements with Name equals name1 or name2
var filtered = list.Where(d => searchArray.Contains(d.Name));
if(filtered.GroupBy(d => d.Time).Count() == 1) // If there is only one group of Time
return filtered.Sum(d => d.Time); // it will return 3 (1 + 2)
// do another thing


changing the sorted column value change the sorting list , while wants to use the ThenByDescending on first ordered list

I have following code, In which there are list of students , and I want to sort the students first by value column which contains decimal values and after that I want to sort the already sorted list with same column but with different values . Just for understanding , I changed values using foreach loop in the below example.
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
var students = new List<Student>()
new Student() { StudentId=1,Name = "Alice", Appd = 10, Value = 3.5 },
new Student() { StudentId=2,Name = "Bob", Appd = 10, Value = 3.7 },
new Student() { StudentId=3,Name = "Raul", Appd = 10, Value = 0.1 },
new Student() { StudentId=4,Name = "Charlie", Appd = 0, Value = 3.6 },
new Student() { StudentId=5,Name = "Dave", Appd = 0, Value = 3.9 },
new Student() { StudentId=6,Name = "Emma", Appd = 0, Value = 3.8 }
var orderedFields = students.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);//5,6,2,4,1,3
foreach ( Student s in orderedFields )
s.Value = 120;
orderedFields = orderedFields.ThenByDescending(x => x.Value);
var newlist1 = orderedFields.Select(X => X.StudentId).ToList();
public class Student
public int StudentId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Appd { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
but as soon I change the Value column values it start to change the order of items in list , and if I take this in another list then I will be not able to use the ThenByDescending feature results.
This is sample code to simplify the problem , in real example these columns name come from Database and based on those columns I want to sort the list, first by first column and then by another columns mentioned. For example in MySQL it will be something like this order by col1 desc, col2 desc.
As everybody is comments is discussing the clone and then sort again the list . so here is issue with that approach.
#1. First Set sorting values in Value column for each student :
Value column first contains for each student either 1 or 0 depending on its enrollment date from the cut off date.
#2 Then on same Value column there is CGPA for each student so student should be sorted based on that.
In short all students who apply before cut off date should appear
first and then sort by descending CGPA and then students who apply
after cut off date but those also should come in descending order of
problem is I have only one column here for values, on which need to be sort.
Second edit :
if (_trackConfigManager.RankDependentOnFields.Any())
infoFields.ForEach(x => x.PropertyToCompare = _trackConfigManager.RankDependentOnFields.FirstOrDefault().FieldId);
//Order the table withrespect to the firstfield
var orderedFields = infoFields.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);
//Then skip the first element and order the rest of the fields by descending.
foreach (var field in __trackConfigManager.RankDependentOnFields.RemoveFirst())
infoFields.ForEach(x => x.PropertyToCompare = field.FieldId);
orderedFields = orderedFields.ThenByDescending(x => x.Value);
//Format a studentId, Rank dictionary from the above orderded table
int rank = 1 + GetMaxRank(programId, statusId);
and RankAggregate class as follow :
public class RankAggregate
public student_highschool_info HsInfoObj { get; set; }
public student_interview_info IntInfoObj { get; set; }
public student StuObj { get; set; }
private student_program SpObj { get; set; }
public string PropertyToCompare { get; set; }
public bool IsDateTimeField { get; set; }
public long StudentId { get; set; }
public int Choice { get; set; }
public double Value
var tokens = PropertyToCompare.Split(new char[] {':'});
if (tokens.Count() > 1)
PropertyToCompare = (Choice == 1)
? "student_interview_FirstPrgTotalScore"
: (Choice == 2) ? "student_interview_SecondPrgTotalScore" : "dummy";
var fldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetPublicPropertyName(typeof(student_highschool_info), PropertyToCompare);
if (fldInfo != null)
if (HsInfoObj == null)
return 0;
IsDateTimeField = (fldInfo.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?));
if (IsDateTimeField)
var val1 = ReflectionUtility.GetValueOfPublicProperty(typeof(student_highschool_info),
PropertyToCompare, HsInfoObj) ?? 0;
var dt = DateTime.Parse(val1.ToString());
return -Convert.ToDouble(dt.Ticks);
var val1 = ReflectionUtility.GetValueOfPublicProperty(typeof(student_highschool_info),
PropertyToCompare, HsInfoObj) ?? 0;
return Convert.ToDouble(val1);
fldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetPublicPropertyName(typeof(student_interview_info), PropertyToCompare);
if (fldInfo != null)
if (IntInfoObj == null)
return 0;
IsDateTimeField = (fldInfo.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?));
if (IsDateTimeField)
var val1 = ReflectionUtility.GetValueOfPublicProperty(typeof(student_interview_info),
PropertyToCompare, IntInfoObj) ?? 0;
var dt = DateTime.Parse(val1.ToString());
return -Convert.ToDouble(dt.Ticks);
var val1 = ReflectionUtility.GetValueOfPublicProperty(typeof(student_interview_info),
PropertyToCompare, this.IntInfoObj) ?? 0;
return Convert.ToDouble(val1);
fldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetPublicPropertyName(typeof(student), PropertyToCompare);
if (fldInfo != null)
if (StuObj == null)
return 0;
IsDateTimeField = (fldInfo.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?));
if (IsDateTimeField)
var val1 = ReflectionUtility.GetValueOfPublicProperty(typeof(student),
PropertyToCompare, StuObj) ?? 0;
var dt = DateTime.Parse(val1.ToString());
return -Convert.ToDouble(dt.Ticks);
var val1 = ReflectionUtility.GetValueOfPublicProperty(typeof(student),
PropertyToCompare, this.StuObj) ?? 0;
return Convert.ToDouble(val1);
return 0.0;
public RankAggregate(long studentId, student_highschool_info _hsInfo, student_interview_info _intInfo, student _profileInfo, student_program _spInfo)
StudentId = studentId;
HsInfoObj = _hsInfo;
IntInfoObj = _intInfo;
StuObj = _profileInfo;
SpObj = _spInfo;
if (SpObj != null)
Choice = SpObj.choice;
Don't know why can't you add another field to the Student class, anyway since you can't do that, you have to fix these values in some places, for example using a tuple:
var studentsWithValues = students.Select(s => (s, s.Value))
Then after changing the values, you can sort the above array:
var orderedFields = studentsWithValues.OrderByDescending(t => t.Value)
.ThenByDescending(t => t.s.Value)
.Select(t => t.s)
Update for uncertain columns
Bind each student object with a list of values:
var studentsWithValues = students.Select(s => new
Student = s,
Values = new List<double> { s.Value }
After the values are updated, append each value to the binded list:
studentsWithValues.ForEach(t => t.Values.Add(t.Student.Value));
Then you can sort these values:
var e = studentsWithValues.OrderByDescending(t => t.Values[0]);
var valueCount = studentsWithValues.First().Values.Count;
for (int i = 1; i < valueCount; i++)
int j = i;
e = e.ThenByDescending(t => t.Values[j]);
var orderedFields = e.Select(t => t.Student);
Short answer
var orderedStudents = students
.OrderByDescending(student => student.Value)
foreach (Student student in orderedStudents) etc.
Longer answer
Your orderedFields is not a list, nor a sequence. It is an object that can be enumerated. It has not been enumerated yet. In other words: it is not a Collection<T>, it is an IEnumerable<T>. Usually in descriptions you'll find the phrases: delayed execution or deferred execution.
When you execute foreach (Student s in orderedFields), you start to enumerate the items in students. You don't enumerate the items in the original order, you enumerate them ordered by .Value.
but as soon I change the Value column values it start to change the order of items in list
So, the next time you enumerate orderedFields, the items in students are enumerated again, and ordered again by the changed value of .Value.
If you want to change the source of the items in your LINQ statement, you have to execute the delayed execution by calling one of the LINQ methods that doesn't return IEnumerable<T>, like ToList(), ToArray(), ToDictionary(), but also FirstOrDefault(), Sum(), Count(), Any()
By calling one of the non-delayed methods, the source is enumerated and the result is put in a new object. If you change the items in the new object, and use this new object as source for your next LINQ-statement, then the order of the new object is used, not the order in the original object.
Careful: if you put the references of the original items in the new List, and you change the values, you change the original items. If you don't want that, use a Select(student => new {...}) to put the values in a new object. If you change those values, the original students are not affected.

How to retrieve data from dynamic table in mvc

I'm writing new api call for my android app, I want to retrieve data from dynamic table, I mean when user select "A" button from Andriod I want to retrieve data from "A" table and if "B" is click , retrieve data from "B" table. Someone help me to find the possible solution.
I want to replace with variable for "JBCTNRITEMs" from entities.JBCTNRITEMs (table-name)
var query = (from jbct in entities.JBCTNRITEMs
where jbid.Contains(jbct.jbid.ToString()) && boxid.Contains(jbct.TrackingNo.ToString())
select jbct).ToArray();
int id = 0;
if (query.Length > 0)
id = (query[0].id);
return id;
Here are the two different possibilities as an example
if (module.ToLower() == "module-a")
var imageinfo = (from jb in entities.TableA.AsEnumerable()
where scanID.Contains(jb.aid.ToString())
select jb).ToArray();
InsertGENIMAGE(userID, scanID, FilePath, imageinfo, "AIMAGE");
else if (module.ToLower() == "module-b")
var imageinfo = (from jb in entities.TableB.AsEnumerable()
where scanID.Contains(
select jb).ToArray();
InsertGENIMAGE(userID, scanID, FilePath, imageinfo, "BIMAGE");
Here, query stores what you are you trying to select. As long as you are trying to select same type or same anonymous type, it will work.
Here is a simple example:
class Test1
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
class Test2
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
var test1Lst = new List<Test1>
new Test1() { ID = 1, Name = "Jitendra" },
new Test1() { ID = 2, Name = "Jahnavi" }
var test2Lst = new List<Test2>
new Test2() { ID = 1, Name = "Aaditri" },
new Test2() { ID = 2, Name = "Pankaj" }
var test = false;
var query = test ? (from t in test1Lst select new { ID = t.ID, Name = t.Name }) : (from t in test2Lst select new { ID = t.ID, Name = t.Name });
// Put whatever condition you want to put here
query = query.Where(x => x.ID == 1);
foreach(var t1 in query)
Console.WriteLine(t1.ID + " " + t1.Name);
I guess in this case I would suggest to use a generic method :
private T GetMeTheFirstEntry<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter) where T : class
return entities.GetTable<T>().FirstOrDefault(filter);
The GetTable will allow you to interchange the tableA and tableB. You would call it the following way:
TableA tableA_entity = GetMeTheFirstEntry<TableA>(jb => scanID.Contains(jb.aid.ToString()));
TableB tableB_entity = GetMeTheFirstEntry<TableB>(jb => scanID.Contains(;
If the filtering was successfull, then the retrieved object will not be null and you can use it:
int a_id = tableA_entity.aid;

Updating a list based on another list

I have two lists of users.
In the first the users have the following fields - fname,lname, UserDetailsId,FocusStart,FocusEnd,isActive
In the second list the users have - fname, lname, UserDetailsId,totalTime, FocusStart, FocusEnd.
What I am aiming to do is : when the value isActive from the first list equals to 'true' and the userDetailsId equeals UserDetailsId from the second list I want the FocusStart and FocusEnd in the second list to be equals to the values of the matched element in the first list.
Any tips on how to achieve this?
Here is how I get the first list :
var list = listWRUD.
o => o.UserDetailsId, od => od.identtyUserId,
(o, od) => new
fname = od.FirstName,
lname = od.LastName,
UserDetailsId = o.UserDetailsId,
FocusStart = o.FocusStart,
FocusEnd = o.FocusEnd,
isActive = o.isActive
var a = from x in list
group x by new { x.fname, x.lname, x.UserDetailsId } into g
select new RolesUsersViewModel(g.Key.UserDetailsId, g.Key.fname, g.Key.lname, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(g.Sum(x => (x.FocusEnd - x.FocusStart).TotalMilliseconds)));
And here is the second one :
List<RolesUsersViewModel> list_users = a.ToList<RolesUsersViewModel>();
What i've got so far is :
var allActive = list.Where(item => item.isActive == true);
foreach (var p in list_users.Join(allActive, item => item.userId, item => item.UserDetailsId, (x, y) => new { L2 = x, L1 = y }))
p.L2.FocusStart = p.L1.FocusStart;
p.L2.FocusEnd = p.L1.FocusEnd;
Sadly, this code seems to give me some random results. A date is set to the records in the second list even if there are no records with isActive==true in the first.
The ViewModel :
public class RolesUsersViewModel
public RolesUsersViewModel(string userDetailsId, string FirstName, string LastName, TimeSpan totalex)
userId = userDetailsId;
fname = FirstName;
lname = LastName;
total = totalex;
public RolesUsersViewModel(DateTime focusStart, DateTime focusEnd)//
FocusStart = focusStart;
FocusEnd = focusEnd;
public string userId { get; set; }
public string fname { get; set; }
public string lname { get; set; }
public TimeSpan total { get; set; }
public DateTime FocusStart { get; set; }//
public DateTime FocusEnd { get; set; }//
foreach (var p in list_users)
// Get all the items that have matching UserDetailsId
var targets = allActive.Where(x => x.UserDetailsId == p.UserDetailsId);
// Now assign the properties
// my assumption is that the above query should return
// a single record. If my assumption is true then use
// Single or SingleOrDefault and then you do not need
// the loop below but just a simple assignment
foreach(var thisTarget in targets)
p.FocusStart = thisTarget.FocusStart;
p.Focused = thisTarget.FocusEnd;

Group records stored in one-dimensional array using LINQ

I have a situation, where I get data from the database in such a way, that everything is stored in one-dimensional array.
For example:
User table: UserId, Name
Group table: GroupId, Name
UserGroup table: UserId, GroupId
As a result of joining these tables I obtain array of the following form:
result[0] = "1" // user id
result[1] = "John Doe" // user name
result[2] = "121" // group id
result[3] = "SomeGroup" // group name
result[4] = "1" // user id
result[5] = "John Doe" // user name
result[6] = "2135" // group id
result[7] = "SomeOtherGroup" // group name
I know it's not a good solution of keeping data, but these data are coming to me from some other piece of code which I am not allowed to change, so I have to deal with it.
My questions are:
Is this possible to use LINQ in order to parse this array and place data in my own objects (User class with Groups collection in it).
What is other best way to handle it if not by LINQ?
Pure linq Expression :
int i = 0;
var objects = result.GroupBy(x => Math.Floor(i++ / 4.0))
.Select(g => new { id =g.ElementAt(0), name = g.ElementAt(1), gId= g.ElementAt(2), group = g.ElementAt(3)})
.GroupBy(x=>new {,}, x=>new {x.gId,})
.Select(y=>new {y.Key, groups = y.ToList()});
In the first GroupBy I group results in 4 elements subsets using a floor and a temporary variable.
Then The next Select put the resulting arrays in an anonymous type for better usability in the next steps.
The next GroupBy is used to group the entries by Employee. The Key will be the employee and the values will be the corresponding Groups.
Finaly the lase Selectis used to put the GroupByresult in a better shape. I choose to put the result in an other anonymous type but You could instantiate you custom objects here and put the values in the right fields using curly brace constructor.
If your logic depends on indexes LINQ is is rarely the right tool. It results in less readable, maintainable, efficient and robust code than with plain loops.
I would use something like following to create two dictionaries representing the many to many relation. Note the for-loop which increments by 4 on every iteration since that seems to be the user-group-"package":
var userIdGroups = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Group>>();
var groupIdUsers = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<User>>();
for(int i = 0; i < result.Length; i += 4)
int id;
if(int.TryParse(result[i], out id))
string name = result.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1);
if(name == null)
continue; // end, invalid data
User user = new User{ UserId = id, Name = name };
string groupID = result.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 2);
if(!int.TryParse(groupID, out id))
continue; // end, invalid data
name = result.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 3);
if(name == null)
continue; // end, invalid data
Group group = new Group{ GroupId = id, Name = name };
HashSet<Group> userGroups;
HashSet<User> groupUsers;
if (userIdGroups.TryGetValue(user.UserId, out userGroups))
userIdGroups.Add(user.UserId, new HashSet<Group>{ group });
if (groupIdUsers.TryGetValue(group.GroupId, out groupUsers))
groupIdUsers.Add(group.GroupId, new HashSet<User> { user });
The result is:
the user-dictionary contains one user with two groups
the group-dictionary contains two groups which map to the same user
You have to override Equals and GetHashCode to compare the ID's:
class User
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
User u2 = obj as User;
if (u2 == null) return false;
return UserId == u2.UserId;
public override int GetHashCode()
return UserId;
class Group
public int GroupId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Group g2 = obj as Group;
if (g2 == null) return false;
return GroupId == g2.GroupId;
public override int GetHashCode()
return GroupId;
You can do it with the basic structures like loops:
void Main()
var result = new string[] {"1","John Doe","2","Joes Group","3","Jack Daniel","4","Jacks Group","5","Foo Bar","6","FooBar Group",};
List<Person> personList = new List<Person>();
List<Group> groupList = new List<Group>();
for(int i = 0; i < result.Length; i+=2)
i = i + 2;
//check if group does not already exist
groupList.Add(new Group() {Name = result[i+1]});
for(int i = 0; i < result.Length; i+=2)
//check if person exists.
//if person only add group to person personList.Where(x => x.Name ==result[i+1])....
personList.Add(new Person() { Id = int.Parse(result[i]),
Name = result[i+1],
Groups = new List<Group>()
groupList.FirstOrDefault (l => l.Name == result[i+3])
i = i+2;
public class Person
public Person()
Groups = new List<Group>();
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Group> Groups { get; set; }
public class Group
public string Name { get; set; }
// Define other methods and classes here
Please take advise: this code does not contain any validation logic, or duplicate checks. You'll have to imlpement this by yourself.
But before you implement something like this, I'd rather change the way you get your data delivered. this way you would deal with the root of your peroblems not with the symptoms.
i think no need to linq
//some class
public class Result
public string UserId {get;set;}
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string GroupId {get;set;}
public string GroupName {get;set;}
public string UserGroupUserId {get;set;}
public string UserGroupUserName {get;set;}
public string UserGroupId {get;set;}
public string UserGroupGroupId {get;set;}
// your array
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] result = new string[8];
result[0] = "1";
result[1] = "John Doe";
result[2] = "121";
result[3] = "SomeGroup";
result[4] = "1";
result[5] = "John Doe";
result[6] = "2135";
result[7] = "SomeOtherGroup";
Result r = CastResult(result);
// simple cast array to some type
public Result CastResult(string[] array)
return new Result() { UserId=array[0], UserName=array[1], GroupId=array[2], GroupName=array[3], UserGroupUserId=array[4], UserGroupUserName=array[5] , UserGroupId=array[6], UserGroupGroupId=array[7] };

LINQ Query to Filter Items By Criteria From Multiple Lists

I'm having trouble conceptualizing something that should be fairly simple using LINQ. I have a collection that I want to narrow down, or filter, based on the id values of child objects.
My primary collection consists of a List of Spots. This is what a spot looks like:
public class Spot
public virtual int? ID { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual string TheGood { get; set; }
public virtual string TheBad { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<Season> Seasons { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<PhotographyType> PhotographyTypes { get; set; }
I'm trying to filter the list of Spots by PhotographyType and Season. I have a list of ids for PhotographyTypes and Seasons, each in an int[] array. Those lists look like this:
criteria.PhotographyTypeIds //an int[]
criteria.SeasonIds //an int[]
I want to build a collection that only contains Spots with child objects (ids) matching those in the above lists. The goal of this functionality is filtering a set of photography spots by type and season and only displaying those that match. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ended up solving the problem. It's not the best way I'm sure but it's working now. Because this is a search filter, there are a lot of conditions.
private List<Spot> FilterSpots(List<Spot> spots, SearchCriteriaModel criteria)
if (criteria.PhotographyTypeIds != null || criteria.SeasonIds != null)
List<Spot> filteredSpots = new List<Spot>();
if (criteria.PhotographyTypeIds != null)
foreach (int id in criteria.PhotographyTypeIds)
var matchingSpots = spots.Where(x => x.PhotographyTypes.Any(p => p.ID == id));
if (criteria.SeasonIds != null)
foreach (int id in criteria.SeasonIds)
if (filteredSpots.Count() > 0)
filteredSpots = filteredSpots.Where(x => x.Seasons.Any(p => p.ID == id)).ToList();
var matchingSpots = spots.Where(x => x.Seasons.Any(p => p.ID == id));
return filteredSpots;
return spots;
You have an array of IDs that has a Contains extension method that will return true when the ID is in the list. Combined with LINQ Where you'll get:
List<Spot> spots; // List of spots
int[] seasonIDs; // List of season IDs
var seasonSpots = from s in spots
where s.ID != null
where seasonIDs.Contains((int)s.ID)
select s;
You can then convert the returned IEnumerable<Spot> into a list if you want:
var seasonSpotsList = seasonSpots.ToList();
This may helps you:
List<Spot> spots = new List<Spot>();
Spot s1 = new Spot();
s1.Seasons = new List<Season>()
{ new Season() { ID = 1 },
new Season() { ID = 2 },
new Season() { ID = 3 }
s1.PhotographyTypes = new List<PhotographyType>()
{ new PhotographyType() { ID = 1 },
new PhotographyType() { ID = 2 }
Spot s2 = new Spot();
s2.Seasons = new List<Season>()
{ new Season() { ID = 3 },
new Season() { ID = 4 },
new Season() { ID = 5 }
s2.PhotographyTypes = new List<PhotographyType>()
{ new PhotographyType() { ID = 2 },
new PhotographyType() { ID = 3 }
List<int> PhotographyTypeIds = new List<int>() { 1, 2};
List<int> SeasonIds = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var result = spots
.Where(input => input.Seasons.All
(i => SeasonIds.Contains(i.ID))
&& input.PhotographyTypes.All
(j => PhotographyTypeIds.Contains(j.ID))
// it will return 1 value
public class Season
public int ID { get; set; }
//some codes
public class PhotographyType
public int ID { get; set; }
//some codes
