Im creating API in .NET Core, which consumes WCF Service. Accessing WCF service is realised, by calling any method, getting an exception (Access denied), and than calling LogIn method using cookie returned in header with first call response. Than, after login i want to retry my original call. All exceptions are the same, and only message string is different. Here is my code for one method call:
public async Task<List<scheduleElement>> getSchedule(DateTime start, DateTime end)
bool secondTry = false;
while (true)
var data = await _scheduleServiceClient.getScheduleAsync(start, end);
if (data.#return == null) return new List<scheduleElement>();
return data.#return.ToList();
catch (Exception e)
if (!secondTry && e.Message.StartsWith("Access denied for WebService method:"))
var logged = await LogIntoSOAPServices();
if (!logged) throw;
else throw;
secondTry = true;
Im using proxies generated with WCF Web Service Reference Provider
This works, but Im looking for a way to globaly handle exceptions and retry logic like this, because im going to have to copy and paste tons of code. I have Exception handler in my API but if i catch this exceptions with it im not able to retry method i originaly called.
A common library for cases like these is Polly;
Its part of the dotnet foundation i believe and is quite commonly used.
You can handle specific exceptions or results and act on that, e.g.
// Retry once
The logic can get quite complex. For webApi's i usually follow this guide from msdn:
I am new to building API's. My project contains three typical layers: controllers, services responsible for business logic, and repositories which are accessing data. Every request coming to my controllers have to go through some validation process before a specific action is performed. For an example, please inspect the code below:
public async Task<ActionResult<TicketDTO>> CreateTicketAsync([FromBody] CreateTicketDTO ticket)
if (ticket.Events == null)
return BadRequest(new {Message = _localizer["LackOfEventsErrorMessage"].Value});
var user = await _userService.GetUserByIdAsync(ticket.UserId);
if (user == null)
return NotFound(new { Message = _localizer["UserNotFoundErrorMessage", ticket.UserId].Value });
var invalidTicket = await _ticketService.CheckHasUserPlayedAnyOfGamesBeforeAsync(ticket);
if (invalidTicket)
return BadRequest(new { Message = _localizer["EventsRepeatedByUserErrorMessage"].Value });
var createdTicket = await _ticketService.AddTicketAsync(ticket);
if (createdTicket == null)
return BadRequest(new { Message = _localizer["TicketNotCreatedErrorMessage"].Value });
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetTicketById), new {ticketId = createdTicket.TicketId}, createdTicket);
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError,
Message = ex.InnerException != null
? $"{ex.Message} {ex.InnerException.Message}"
: ex.Message
This is one of my controller methods. Before the ticket is saved to database, it has to pass few checks. The owner of the ticket must exist, if not i return user not found etc. The problem is I do not really like this way of validating requests. The method is messy, and not very readable. I would like to know what is a good approach to validate requests, and react properly if something wents wrong (for example return "UserNotFoundErrorMessage" if there is no user in a database, etc. single catch block doesn't solve my problem. I wouldn't also like to have multiple catch blocks there, it's also messy i think. Am i wrong?)
I wonder does the attached snippet violate some clean code rules or not? How the code should look like? What I am doing wrong?
All of this logic should be shuffled into your business layer, i.e. your services. The service methods, then, should return a "result" class, which is basically just a way of sending multiple bits of information back as the return, i.e. success/fail status, errors, if any, the actual result in the case of a query or something, etc. Then, you can simply switch on the error and respond accordingly.
As far as the catches go, especially the main one that simply returns a 500, use a global exception handler. Let the error bubble up from the action and rely on the global handler to return an appropriate response.
Like others have already pointed out, this does not seem half bad.
I can tell you as much that we have snippets of code that are 10 times the size of this. Tbh, this seems like small part compared to some modules i've seen in my company's codebase.
That being said, you could move a bit more logic away from the controller, and to other layers. For example, when getting a user by its Id, you can also throw a not found exception from your serviceclass if an user by that id does not exist. you have now stuffed everything into a controller, whilst it feels like this is more the resposibility of the service.
Another thing you could do is perhaps use middleware:
You can create validation pipelines for your response.
I've also tried working with a validation pattern. In this case i would create some rules for checks, and applied these rules to stuff to validate. I then had a validator object that would take all the rules an prompt an appropriate output. This made the code cleaner and resuse better, however added some complexity and i ended up not using it. It was different than the rest of the codebase and therefore foreign to colleagues, and thus i had good argument not to use it.
Is there a way of correctly handling WebExceptions within a Data Access Layer?
Below is a method SendReceive within our DAL used to communicate with our remote server, if there is a communication issue, such as endpoint being inaccessible and therefore no data can be retrieved, I would like the user to be redirected to a View, informing the user to please try again later.
private static TResult SendReceive<TResult, TPayLoad>(string method, string route, TPayLoad payload, bool post, bool authentication, string hashedPassword)
var subject = "WebApplication1 - " + method + " Error";
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
var uri = new Uri("http://ourdomain/ourwebapicontroller/" + route);
webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";
if (authentication)
var hashedPasswordAsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(hashedPassword);
webClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(hashedPasswordAsBytes));
var response = post ? webClient.UploadString(uri, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload)) : webClient.DownloadString(uri);
var parsedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResult>(response);
return parsedResponse;
catch (WebException webException)
SendEmail(subject, MvcApplication.To, MvcApplication.From, "<p>WebException [" + webException.Message + "]</p>");
// Issue with endpoint
catch (Exception exception)
SendEmail(subject, MvcApplication.To, MvcApplication.From, "<p>Exception [" + exception.Message + "]</p>");
return default(TResult);
public Models.WebApplication1.Test GetTest(int id)
return SendReceive<Models.WebApplication1.Test, int?>("GetTest", "get-test/" + id, null, false, false, null);
public int SetTest(Models.WebApplication1.Test test)
return SendReceive<int, Models.WebApplication1.Test>("SetTest", "set-test", test, true, false, null);
As the DAL is referenced from a Controller I don't believe it is possible to use throw new HttpException(), this can however be handled like so:
public ViewResult Test(int id)
var test = Dal.GetTest(id);
if (test == null)
throw new HttpException(404, "Please try again later.");
return View(test);
Would prefer to handle the communication issue within SendReceive as opposed to handling at Controller level for each method referencing SendReceive.
Everything depends on what you mean by "handle" and even "exception."
Within the controller, what do you want to do if the client requests something that doesn't exist? A 404 is a good response. But what if the DAL throws an exception? Would it make sense to return the exact same result to the client? A 500 error which tells the client something went wrong might make more sense.
That mismatch is indicated here:
throw new HttpException(404, "Please try again later.");
If the request threw an exception (for any reason, including the DAL) then returning a 500 error with "try again later" makes sense. You're communicating clearly that the problem is on your end. Sorry, hopefully it won't happen again, and if does we're working on it.
If the client requested something that doesn't exist then that may or may not ever change. Should they try again later? Why? Maybe what they've requested will never be found. That's also not an exception. Someone asking for something that doesn't exist and getting nothing means that your application is working correctly. The 404 tells them that our application is working - we just don't have what they want.
Based on that, bubbling up an actual exception to the controller probably makes sense. The DAL doesn't know about the controller or even a website. It's not in a good position to know whether or not the caller should know that there was an exception.
"Handling" an exception can mean different things. (I'll leave out my opinion about which is right because it's not relevant.)
If your DAL throws an exception, you can do a few things. Some are maybe better than others, but again, that depends on opinion and needs.
- Do nothing. Let the exception bubble up.
- Log it and rethrow it.
- Log it then wrap it in another exception that provides some context, and throw the new exception. (Whether to wrap an exception or not is a whole discussion.)
Some would say that "handling" an exception is something different that involves somehow reacting to the exception in a way that solves a problem, something we're less likely to do. For example, if our application retrieves a daily Chuck Norris joke from an API but it throws an exception, we might log it so we know something went wrong but then replace it with a backup Chuck Norris joke.
The most important thing I wouldn't do is "hide" the exception so that, to the caller, an exception and "nothing found" look the same. If something has gone wrong, the controller needs to know that - even if it doesn't understand the specifics - so it (not the DAL) - can determine what should be communicated to the caller.
The relationship between the controller and the DAL is similar to that between the browser client and the controller. If it's not just working, we communicate that. If there's no data, we communicate that.
I don't recommend putting writing code in the DAL that sends an email. That's very specific, and it couples all of your code to that decision and possibly to an implementation of sending mail.
An alternative is defining an interface like this:
public interface ILog
void LogException(Exception ex);
void LogMessage(string message);
...and injecting into the DAL class. When an exception occurs, call _log.LogException(ex);. Your DAL doesn't know what the implementation is. You could log it or even send an email if you want to.
I've been reading about errors handling in ASP.NET Core and I came across these 2 ways:
I'm wondering what's the difference between the two? Both redirect to an error page so why use one over the other? I even saw some people using them both at the same time.
You are right that both middlewares do provide error pages. However, they have two different use cases which will make it useful to actually use both at the same time in an application. To understand the differences, let’s take a look at how the middlewares actually work internally.
This is essentially what the StatusCodePages middleware does:
// …
await _next(context);
// …
// Do nothing if a response body has already been provided.
if (context.Response.HasStarted
|| context.Response.StatusCode < 400
|| context.Response.StatusCode >= 600
|| context.Response.ContentLength.HasValue
|| !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Response.ContentType))
var statusCodeContext = new StatusCodeContext(context, _options, _next);
await _options.HandleAsync(statusCodeContext);
It executes the pipeline by calling _next and after the call has returned (meaning that all following middlewares have executed), it will inspect the current response: Basically, if there’s an error status code or no content at all, it will execute the status code page, signalizing the HTTP status code.
The ExceptionHandler middleware on the other hand does something very different:
await _next(context);
catch (Exception ex)
// …
// …
await _options.ExceptionHandler(context);
// …
catch (Exception ex2)
// Suppress secondary exceptions, re-throw the original.
throw; // Re-throw the original if we couldn't handle it
This will try to invoke the middleware pipeline and catch any exception it might produce. Then, it will attempt to run the registered exception handler (which, when setting a path basically means to invoke that path internally and return its response).
So to sum this up:
The StatusCodePages middleware will handle non-successful status code responses and allows you to specify e.g. custom error pages for things like a 404 Not Found.
The ExceptionHandler middleware on the other hand will catch unhandled exceptions in your application and allows you to handle those gracefully for the end user.
Both middlewares have different purposes and actually don’t overlap in what they do. So it often makes sense to include both of them, unless you handle these issues differently of course; e.g. an API will probably not need status code pages, but might still want an exception handler that returns a generic failure and logs everything properly.
I'm developing an WCF Rest service that I'm going to host on an IIS.
Now I'm implementing Service Contract, and I see that I'm repeating the same code on all of my methods when I'm trying to handle exceptions.
This is one of my Service Contract method:
public void DeleteMessage(string message_id)
int messageId;
OutgoingWebResponseContext ctx =
if ((message_id == null) || (!Int32.TryParse(message_id, out messageId)) || (messageId < 1))
ctx.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
ctx.StatusDescription = "message_id parameter is not valid";
throw new ArgumentException("DeleteMessage: message_id is not valid", "message_id");
using (var context = new AdnLineContext())
Message message = new Message() { MessageId = messageId };
context.Entry(message).State = EntityState.Deleted;
ctx.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
catch (Exception ex)
ctx.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
ctx.StatusDescription = ex.Message;
ctx.SuppressEntityBody = true;
On all of my methods I could throw an ArgumentException or an Exception, and manage them with return a HTTP STATUS CODE.
Is there any way to catch that exceptions globally?
MS-recommended approach appears to follow FaultException pattern. The idea is to implement IErrorHandler interface. This answer explains how to set it up in WCF configuration.
Having seen an implementation of this pattern in old-style WCF service I can tell that it probably makes sense only for complex enterprise-level scenarios. For simple cases I'd stick with throwing exceptions manually.
Another alternative is to implement REST service with Web API. It has nice exception handling strategy out of the box and that's what Microsoft is actually recommends for REST development in .NET Technology Guide for Business Applications.
WCF has an excellent built-in extensibility mechanism for converting exceptions to faults. This extensibility point can be consumed through the IErrorHandler interface, which provides two methods: HandleError and ProvideFault. The HandleError method is called on a separate thread after the call has already completed, to possibly log the error and perform other operations. Below is a useful link
LoggingConfiguration Section in service web.config file is another option to log errors.
I've a few web methods that I use to call some external services like the Google Calendar API, obviously these can be extremely brittle.
Unfortunately I now realise that any error thrown on these methods are not causing an exception to bubble up to Global.asax which is where errors are getting logged in this application.
I have seen suggestions to wrap the method in a try/catch, which is a stupid way of doing it as there are a variety of errors that ASP.Net will silently swallow still.
In trying to find a solution I've seen a lot of references to SoapExtension, which is exactly what I want to do but doesn't get fired as I'm returning Json. What I really want is a way to catch the error just like that.
Any pointers appreciated, I still can't understand how the ASP.Net team could have thought that silently swallowing errors like this was a bright idea.
So for example a method like this:
[ExceptionHandling] //can I write a handler like this to catch exceptions from JSON webservices?
static public void DeleteItem(string id)
var api = new GoogleCalendarAPI(User.InternalUser());
return "success";
There is no equivalent to SoapExtension for JSON WebMethods and having custom errors turned on in your production site will result in a generic error message being returned to the client, no error is ever raised on the server. You cannot circumvent this.
If you inspect the code using something like ILSpy, there is no way to pass a method or class to page WebMethods like SoapExtension. The error is swallowed by ASP.Net as it invokes the web method, the only notification you will get is a HTTP 500 error sent to the client with a total generic error message.
In 4.0, WebMethods get called by this:
// System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler
internal static void ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)
//snip irrelevant code
RestHandler.InvokeMethod(context, methodData, rawParams);
catch (Exception ex)
RestHandler.WriteExceptionJsonString(context, ex);
So if invoking your method throws an error it will call the following code with a statusCode of 500, there's no re-throw in there and nothing else you can pass in called so unless I'm being blind it just gets swallowed silently. Even worse if you've got custom errors turned on, which any sane person will, it'll completely obfuscate the original cause:
// System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler
internal static void WriteExceptionJsonString(HttpContext context, Exception ex, int statusCode)
//snip code setting up response
context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
if (ex is TargetInvocationException)
ex = ex.InnerException;
if (context.IsCustomErrorEnabled)
streamWriter.Write(JavaScriptSerializer.SerializeInternal(RestHandler.BuildWebServiceError(AtlasWeb.WebService_Error, string.Empty, string.Empty)));
streamWriter.Write(JavaScriptSerializer.SerializeInternal(RestHandler.BuildWebServiceError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.GetType().FullName)));
I can't see a way around it, looks like WebMethod is not ready for production code, shame.
It's not so much they get disappeared, it's more that they get passed out to the calling client. Since however you don't always want to (or should) reveal such intimate details of your service, you can prevent errors bubbling out of your service. This gives the impression of them disappearing.
Wrapping the inner detail in a try-catch is about the best way to cope with any errors. Within the method you're dealing with standard error trapping. So I think you'd want something like:
static public string DeleteItem(string id)
var api = new GoogleCalendarAPI(User.InternalUser());
return "success";
catch(Exception ex)
return "error";
If anything throws an exception within the try-catch it'll be caught. ASP.Net won't interfere with it, unless the methods you are calling have been specifically coded to do so.
If the GoogleCalendarAPI class is in turn calling a method, such as ExecuteWebServiceCall with catches the Exception, then you'd have to parse the response. I'd hope they gave you some other clue, like a response code, to indicate an error state. You could then wrap that in an Exception, throw it have it caught by your default error handler.