Here I have created my project on the standard .NET library to GET/POST invoices. But as I want to email the invoice to which it's being created on that name. Here is my sample code below to create invoice.
public async Task<ActionResult> Create(string Name, string LineDescription, string LineQuantity, string LineUnitAmount, string LineAccountCode)
var xeroToken = TokenUtilities.GetStoredToken();
var utcTimeNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection().AddHttpClient().BuildServiceProvider();
var httpClientFactory = serviceProvider.GetService<IHttpClientFactory>();
XeroConfiguration XeroConfig = new XeroConfiguration
ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XeroClientId"],
ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XeroClientSecret"],
CallbackUri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XeroCallbackUri"]),
Scope = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XeroScope"],
State = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XeroState"]
if (utcTimeNow > xeroToken.ExpiresAtUtc)
var client = new XeroClient(XeroConfig, httpClientFactory);
xeroToken = (XeroOAuth2Token)await client.RefreshAccessTokenAsync(xeroToken);
string accessToken = xeroToken.AccessToken;
string xeroTenantId = xeroToken.Tenants[0].TenantId.ToString();
//string xeroTenantId = xeroToken.Tenants[1].TenantId.ToString();
var contact = new Contact();
contact.Name = Name;
var line = new LineItem()
Description = LineDescription,
Quantity = decimal.Parse(LineQuantity),
UnitAmount = decimal.Parse(LineUnitAmount),
AccountCode = LineAccountCode
var lines = new List<LineItem>() { line };
//var lines = new List<LineItem>();
//for (int j = 0;j < 5;j++)
// lines.Add(line);
var invoice = new Invoice()
Type = Invoice.TypeEnum.ACCREC,
Contact = contact,
Date = DateTime.Today,
DueDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(30),
LineItems = lines
var invoiceList = new List<Invoice>();
var invoices = new Invoices();
invoices._Invoices = invoiceList;
var AccountingApi = new AccountingApi();
var response = await AccountingApi.CreateInvoicesAsync(accessToken, xeroTenantId, invoices);
RequestEmpty _request = new RequestEmpty();
//trying this method to send email to specified invoice....
//var test = await AccountingApi.EmailInvoiceAsync(accessToken, xeroTenantId, Guid.NewGuid(), null);
var updatedUTC = response._Invoices[0].UpdatedDateUTC;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "InvoiceSync");
Now as I learned that Xero allows sending email to that specified invoice, here is a link which I learned.
But as try to find method in the .NET standard library for Xero I stumble upon this method.
var test = await AccountingApi.EmailInvoiceAsync(accessToken, xeroTenantId, Guid.NewGuid(), null);
How can I use this method to send email to a specified invoice ..?
It throws me an error regarding Cannot assign void to an implicitly-typed variable.
There is another method also in this library.
var test2 = await AccountingApi.EmailInvoiceAsyncWithHttpInfo(accessToken, xeroTenantId, Guid.NewGuid(), null);
As Guid.NewGuid() i have used is for only testing will add created GUID when I understand how these two methods operate.
Update 1:
Here is the method second method i used.
await AccountingApi.EmailInvoiceAsyncWithHttpInfo(accessToken, xeroTenantId, Guid.NewGuid(), null)
Update 2:
Here is the code i used.
public async Task EmailInvoiceTest(string accessToken,string xeroTenantId,Guid invoiceID, RequestEmpty requestEmpty)
var AccountingApi = new AccountingApi();
await AccountingApi.EmailInvoiceAsync(accessToken, xeroTenantId, invoiceID, requestEmpty).ConfigureAwait(false);
The return type of method EmailInvoiceAsync seems to be Task with return type void. If you await the task, there is no return type which could be assigned to a variable. Remove the variable assignment and pass a valid argument for parameter of type RequestEmpty to solve the problem.
RequestEmpty requestEmpty = new RequestEmpty();
await AccountingApi.EmailInvoiceAsync(accessToken, xeroTenantId, Guid.NewGuid(), requestEmpty);
For an example test see here
IMPORTANT: According to the documentation (see section Emailing an invoice) the invoice must be of Type ACCREC and must have a valid status for sending (SUMBITTED, AUTHORISED or PAID).
I want to integrate Stripe into my ASP.NET MVC application.
So, As the first step, I'm trying to do it with simple code.
This is my simple code below,
var customers = new CustomerService();
var charges = new ChargeService();
var publishableKey = "pk_test_51KseuBH1Mw1tyjglBiJls20038FcgbHr";
StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51KseuRqoYQ6YGD7TNzPp0051boOPvQ";
var customer = customers.Create(new CustomerCreateOptions
Email = "",
Source = publishableKey
var charge = charges.Create(new ChargeCreateOptions
Amount = 500,
Description = "Sample Charge",
Currency = "usd",
Customer = customer.Id
I have tried different codes on forams. But it always returns the same error below,
No such token: 'pk_test_51KseuBHaMw1tyjglBiJls20038FcgbHr'
This is my Stripe keys,
Did I define secret key and publishable key incorrectly?
The publishable key must not be used in your backend code. It is for your client-side code, as described in the documentation: Moreover, the Source property on the customer describes the payment method: I can recommend getting started with Stripe with the quick start guide:
It seems you copied only the first line of the API Key.
Please make sure that you are using the complete API Key in your application, and you don't need to use publishable key in your backend integration.
The source value only accepts payment source created via the Token or Sources APIs.
When creating a customer in your sample code, the Source was assigned with publishableKey which is invalid and that's probably why "No such token" was returned.
If you do not have any source created upfront, then Source should be removed from your customer creation request.
I was missing creating the card and token
generate. Above I have assigned the publishable token as the source value, not generated token.
Here is the full working code.
public async Task<ProcessPaymentResult> ProcessPaymentAsync(ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest)
var processPaymentResult = new ProcessPaymentResult();
var customers = new CustomerService();
var charges = new ChargeService();
var options = new RequestOptions
ApiKey = // your Secret Key
#region Card payment checkout
var creditCardType = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardType.ToString();
var optionToken = new TokenCreateOptions
Card = new TokenCardOptions
Number = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardNumber,
ExpMonth = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardExpireMonth,
ExpYear = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardExpireYear,
Cvc = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardCvv2,
Name = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardName,
Currency = _workContext.WorkingCurrency.CurrencyCode
var tokenService = new TokenService();
Token paymentToken = await tokenService.CreateAsync(optionToken, options);
#region Stripe Customer
var customer = new Customer();
var customerEmail = processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["CustomerEmail"].ToString();
// Search customer in Stripe
var stripeCustomer = await customers.ListAsync(new CustomerListOptions
Email = customerEmail,
Limit = 1
}, options);
if (stripeCustomer.Data.Count==0)
// create new customer
customer = await customers.CreateAsync(new CustomerCreateOptions
Source = paymentToken.Id,
Phone = processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["Phone"].ToString(),
Name = processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["CustomerName"].ToString(),
Email = customerEmail,
Description = $" { processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["RegisteredEmail"]};{ processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["CustomerName"] }",
}, options);
// use existing customer
customer = stripeCustomer.FirstOrDefault();
#region Stripe charges
var charge = await charges.CreateAsync(new ChargeCreateOptions
Source = paymentToken.Id,//Customer = customer.Id,
Amount = (int)(Math.Round(processPaymentRequest.OrderTotal, 2) * 100),
Currency = _workContext.WorkingCurrency.CurrencyCode,
ReceiptEmail = customer.Email,
Description = $" { processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["RegisteredEmail"]};{ processPaymentRequest.CustomValues["CustomerName"] }",
}, options);
if (charge.Status.ToLower().Equals("succeeded"))
processPaymentResult.NewPaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Paid;
processPaymentResult.CaptureTransactionId = charge.Id;
processPaymentResult.AddError("Error processing payment." + charge.FailureMessage);
catch (Exception ex)
return processPaymentResult;
You need to add secretKey in the setapikey function.
// StripeConfiguration.SetApiKey(publishableKey);
I have implemented the Microsoft Example for Embed for your customers from Github, which works perfectly. Link
I am now extending it which there are articles showing using both V1 and V2 of the API, both result in the same error:
Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'
groupId, Guid reportId, GenerateTokenRequest requestParameters,
Dictionary`2 customHeaders, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
public async Task<string> GetEmbedInfo()
// Validate whether all the required configurations are provided in appsettings.json
string configValidationResult = ConfigValidatorService.ValidateConfig(azureAd, powerBI);
if (configValidationResult != null)
HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 400;
return configValidationResult;
EmbedParams embedParams = await pbiEmbedService.GetEmbedParams(new Guid(powerBI.Value.WorkspaceId), new Guid(powerBI.Value.ReportId));
//EmbedParams embedParams = await pbiEmbedService.GetEmbedToken4(new Guid(powerBI.Value.WorkspaceId), new Guid(powerBI.Value.ReportId));
return JsonSerializer.Serialize<EmbedParams>(embedParams);
catch (Exception ex)
HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
return ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace;
The above code is getting called and per the demo.
public async Task<EmbedParams> GetEmbedParams(Guid workspaceId, Guid reportId, [Optional] Guid additionalDatasetId)
PowerBIClient pbiClient = this.GetPowerBIClient();
// Get report info
var pbiReport = await pbiClient.Reports.GetReportInGroupAsync(workspaceId, reportId);
//var generateTokenRequestParameters = new GenerateTokenRequest("View", null, identities: new List<EffectiveIdentity> { new EffectiveIdentity(username: "**************", roles: new List<string> { "****", "****" }, datasets: new List<string> { "datasetId" }) });
//var tokenResponse = pbiClient.Reports.GenerateTokenInGroupAsync("groupId", "reportId", generateTokenRequestParameters);
// Create list of datasets
var datasetIds = new List<Guid>();
// Add dataset associated to the report
// Append additional dataset to the list to achieve dynamic binding later
if (additionalDatasetId != Guid.Empty)
// Add report data for embedding
var embedReports = new List<EmbedReport>() {
new EmbedReport
ReportId = pbiReport.Id, ReportName = pbiReport.Name, EmbedUrl = pbiReport.EmbedUrl
// Get Embed token multiple resources
var embedToken = await GetEmbedToken4(workspaceId, reportId);
// Capture embed params
var embedParams = new EmbedParams
EmbedReport = embedReports,
Type = "Report",
EmbedToken = embedToken
return embedParams;
The above code is per the demo apart from one line, which is calling the next method:
var embedToken = await GetEmbedToken4(workspaceId, reportId);
public EmbedToken GetEmbedToken(Guid reportId, IList<Guid> datasetIds, [Optional] Guid targetWorkspaceId)
PowerBIClient pbiClient = this.GetPowerBIClient();
// Create a request for getting Embed token
// This method works only with new Power BI V2 workspace experience
var tokenRequest = new GenerateTokenRequestV2(
reports: new List<GenerateTokenRequestV2Report>() { new GenerateTokenRequestV2Report(reportId) },
datasets: datasetIds.Select(datasetId => new GenerateTokenRequestV2Dataset(datasetId.ToString())).ToList(),
targetWorkspaces: targetWorkspaceId != Guid.Empty ? new List<GenerateTokenRequestV2TargetWorkspace>() { new GenerateTokenRequestV2TargetWorkspace(targetWorkspaceId) } : null
// Generate Embed token
var embedToken = pbiClient.EmbedToken.GenerateToken(tokenRequest);
return embedToken;
The above code is per the example with no roles being passed in or EffectiveIdentity. This works.
public async Task<EmbedToken> GetEmbedToken4(Guid workspaceId, Guid reportId, string accessLevel = "view")
PowerBIClient pbiClient = this.GetPowerBIClient();
var pbiReport = pbiClient.Reports.GetReportInGroup(workspaceId, reportId);
string dataSet = pbiReport.DatasetId.ToString();
// Generate token request for RDL Report
var generateTokenRequestParameters = new GenerateTokenRequest(
accessLevel: accessLevel,
datasetId: dataSet,
identities: new List<EffectiveIdentity> { new EffectiveIdentity(username: "******", roles: new List<string> { "********" }) }
// Generate Embed token
var embedToken = pbiClient.Reports.GenerateTokenInGroup(workspaceId, reportId, generateTokenRequestParameters);
return embedToken;
This is the method to return the token with the roles and effective Identity. This results in the error, but no message or helpful feedback.
OK, after much research overnight the Bad Request response does hide an English message which is not show in the browser. The debugger doesn't have the symbols for the part that causes the error, but I found it by using Fiddler proxy when the actual API responded to the request. In my case, if you send an ID to enable RLS, but the version of the report on the server doesn't have it, this doesn't ignore it, it refuses to give a token to anything. From reading many posts, the Bad Request is just a poor error message when the actual response from the API itself (not the package or the example code that the sample uses with it presents). Hope this helps someone in the future.
So I finally figured out a way to successfully make detect intent calls and provide an input context. My question is whether or not this is the CORRECT (or best) way to do it:
(And yes, I know you can just call DetectIntent(agent, session, query) but I have to provide a input context(s) depending on the request)
var query = new QueryInput
Text = new TextInput
Text = model.Content,
LanguageCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Language) ? "en-us" : model.Language,
var commonContext = new global::Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2.Context
ContextName = new ContextName(agent, model.sessionId, "my-input-context-data"),
LifespanCount = 3,
Parameters = new Struct
Fields = {
{ "Source", Value.ForString(model.Source) },
{ "UserId" , Value.ForString(model.UserId.ToString())},
{ "Name" , Value.ForString(model.FirstName)}
var request = new DetectIntentRequest
SessionAsSessionName = new SessionName(agent, model.sessionId),
QueryParams = new QueryParameters
GeoLocation = new LatLng {Latitude = model.Latitude, Longitude = model.Longitude},
TimeZone = model.TimeZone ?? "MST"
QueryInput = query
// ------------
var creds = GetGoogleCredentials("myCredentials.json");
var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(SessionsClient.DefaultEndpoint.Host, creds.ToChannelCredentials());
var client = SessionsClient.Create(channel);
var response = client.DetectIntent(request);
return response;
Note: I included the explicit ShutDownAsync (it's not in an async call) because I was getting some file locking issues when attempting to re-deploy the WebAPI project (and only after having executed this code).
Updated 4/25: The most basic way I use this is to integrate the user's name into intent responses:
It can also be read from within the webhook/inline fulfillment index.js:
const name = request.body.queryResult && request.body.queryResult.outputContexts && request.body.queryResult.outputContexts[0].parameters.Name
I am currently trying to update a submodule's commit id automatically when another project has certain files changed. I have a .net webhook and I'm using the library.
I can see in the github documentation ( there is a submodule option when creating a new tree that allows you to add a commit and path, but I can't get it to work. Octokit also has a submodule type for the NewTreeItem/TreeItem objects but no examples or documentation.
My current code is here - currently I'm passing the commit sha in as the sha parameter, but I can see this is wrong, I need to create a commit on that repo and use that sha, I just don't know how to do that before the tree is created and there isn't any documentation that I can find:
public static async Task UpdateSubmoduleInBranch(string repo, string branchName, string submodulePath, string sha, string commitComment, GitHubClient github = null)
//hoping this will update the sha of a submodule
// url encode branch name for github operations
branchName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(branchName);
if (github == null) github = GetClient();
var repoId = (await github.Repository.Get(Settings.GitHub.OrgName, repo)).Id;
RepositoriesClient rClient = new RepositoriesClient(new ApiConnection(github.Connection));
var branch = await rClient.Branch.Get(repoId, branchName);
var tree = await github.Git.Tree.Get(repoId, branchName);
var newTree = new NewTree { BaseTree = tree.Sha };
newTree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
Mode = Octokit.FileMode.Submodule,
Path = submodulePath,
Type = TreeType.Commit,
Sha = sha
var createdTree = await github.Git.Tree.Create(repoId, newTree);
var newCommit = new NewCommit(commitComment, createdTree.Sha, new[] { branch.Commit.Sha });
newCommit.Committer = Settings.GitHub.Committer;
var createdCommit = await github.Git.Commit.Create(Settings.GitHub.OrgName, Settings.GitHub.AppName, newCommit);
var updateRef = new ReferenceUpdate(createdCommit.Sha, false);
await github.Git.Reference.Update(repoId, "heads/" + branchName, updateRef);
In case anyone else is looking for this, I resolved the issue - the octokit api does not support this action, even if it looks like it does.
In addition to the PatchAsync method found at PATCH Async requests with Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient class, the following code worked for me:
public static async Task UpdateSubmoduleInBranch(string repo, string branchName, string submodulePath, string sha, string commitComment)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
//these headers authenticate with github, useragent is required.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/vnd.github.v3+json"));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", Settings.GitHub.AuthToken);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.Add(new ProductInfoHeaderValue("mathspathway-environment-manager", "v1.0"));
var committer = Settings.GitHub.Committer;
//get the branch, and collect the sha of the current commit
var branchResponse = await client.GetAsync($"{Settings.GitHub.ApiUrl}/repos/{Settings.GitHub.OrgName}/{repo}/branches/{branchName}");
JToken branchResult = JToken.Parse(await branchResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
var currentCommitSha = branchResult["commit"].Value<string>("sha");
//create the new tree, with the mode of 160000 (submodule mode) and type of commit, and the sha of the other
//repository's commit that you want to update the submodule to, and the base tree of the current commit on this repo
var newTreeObj = new
base_tree = currentCommitSha,
tree = new List<Object> { new { path = submodulePath, mode= "160000", type = "commit", sha = sha}
HttpContent treeHttpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newTreeObj));
var treeResponse = await client.PostAsync($"{Settings.GitHub.ApiUrl}/repos/{Settings.GitHub.OrgName}/{repo}/git/trees", treeHttpContent);
var treeResponseContent = JToken.Parse(await treeResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
var treeSha = treeResponseContent.Value<string>("sha");
//Create a new commit based on the tree we just created, with the parent of the current commit on the branch
var newCommitObj = new
message = commitComment,
author = new { name = committer.Name, email = committer.Email, date = committer.Date },
parents = new[] { currentCommitSha },
tree = treeSha
HttpContent newCommitContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newCommitObj));
var commitResponse = await client.PostAsync($"{Settings.GitHub.ApiUrl}/repos/{Settings.GitHub.OrgName}/{repo}/git/commits", newCommitContent);
var commitResponseContent = JToken.Parse(await commitResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
var commitSha = commitResponseContent.Value<string>("sha");
//create an update reference object, and update the branch's head commit reference to the new commit
var updateRefObject = new { sha = commitSha, force = false };
HttpContent updateRefContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateRefObject));
var updateRefResponse = await client.PatchAsync($"{Settings.GitHub.ApiUrl}/repos/{Settings.GitHub.OrgName}/{repo}/git/refs/heads/{branchName}", updateRefContent);
} catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine($"Error occurred updating submodule: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.StackTrace}");
While trying to accomplish roughly the same goal, but via a separate user's submitting a pull request, I gave your original code a shot with some minor changes. The result was that it worked perfectly with
Extracted sample code
var submoduleRepoId = (await gitHubClient.Repository.Get(submoduleRepoOwnerName, submoduleRepoName)).Id;
var submoduleRepoBranchLatestSha = (await gitHubClient.Git.Tree.Get(submoduleRepoId, submoduleRepoBranchName)).Sha;
var updateParentTree = new NewTree { BaseTree = parentRepoBranchLatestSha };
updateParentTree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
Mode = FileMode.Submodule,
Sha = submoduleRepoBranchLatestSha,
Path = pathToSubmoduleInParentRepo,
Type = TreeType.Commit,
var newParentTree = await gitHubClient.Git.Tree.Create(pullRequestOwnerForkRepoId, updateParentTree);
var commitMessage = $"Bump to {submoduleOwnerName}/{submoduleRepoName}#{submoduleCommitHash}";
var newCommit = new NewCommit(commitMessage, newParentTree.Sha, parentBranchLatestSha);
var pullRequestBranchRef = $"heads/{pullRequestBranchName}";
var commit = await gitHubClient.Git.Commit.Create(pullRequestOwnerName, parentRepoName, newCommit);
var await gitHubClient.Git.Reference.Update(pullRequestOwnerForkRepoId, pullRequestBranchRef, new ReferenceUpdate(commit.Sha));
Full sample code
At this point, there are only a few potential differences I can see.
I definitely do not HttpUtility.UrlEncode my branch name (Octokit must be doing any needed encoding for me)
I am committing to a separate user's branch on their own fork
It could be those differences were sufficient or maybe a bug has been worked out that was around when you were attempting the same thing.
I have this controller
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GeocacheAddressObjectList([FromBody] List<GeocacheAddress> addresses)
//check valid addresses
if(addresses == null)
return BadRequest("Invalid addresses. The address list object is null!") as IHttpActionResult;
ElasticHelper searchHelper = new ElasticHelper(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ElasticSearchUri"]);
List<GeocacheAddress> geocodedAddresses = new List<GeocacheAddress>();
// check each address in the addresses list against geocache db
foreach (GeocacheAddress address in addresses)
var elasticSearchResult = SearchGeocacheIndex(address);
// found a match
if (elasticSearchResult.Total != 0)
SearchProperties standardizedAddressSearch = new SearchProperties();
standardizedAddressSearch.Size = 1;
standardizedAddressSearch.From = 0;
Address elasticSearchResultAddress = elasticSearchResult.Hits.ElementAt(0).Source;
// query the standardized key in geocache db
standardizedAddressSearch.ElasticAddressId = elasticSearchResultAddress.Standardized.ToString();
// the address is already standardized, return the standardized address with its geocode
if (standardizedAddressSearch.ElasticAddressId == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
geocodedAddresses.Add(new GeocacheAddress
Id = address.Id,
Street = elasticSearchResultAddress.AddressString,
City = elasticSearchResultAddress.City,
State = elasticSearchResultAddress.State,
ZipCode = elasticSearchResultAddress.Zipcode,
Plus4Code = elasticSearchResultAddress.Plus4Code,
Country = elasticSearchResultAddress.Country,
Latitude = elasticSearchResultAddress.Coordinates.Lat,
Longitude = elasticSearchResultAddress.Coordinates.Lon
else // perform another query using the standardized key
Address standardizedAddress = StandardAddressSearch(standardizedAddressSearch).Hits.ElementAt(0).Source;
if (standardizedAddress == null)
return BadRequest("No standardized address found in geocache database") as IHttpActionResult;
geocodedAddresses.Add(new GeocacheAddress()
Id = address.Id,
Street = standardizedAddress.AddressString,
City = standardizedAddress.City,
State = standardizedAddress.State,
ZipCode = standardizedAddress.Zipcode,
Plus4Code = standardizedAddress.Plus4Code,
Country = standardizedAddress.Country,
Latitude = standardizedAddress.Coordinates.Lat,
Longitude = standardizedAddress.Coordinates.Lon
else // not found in geocache db, call SmartStreets API
List<Address> address_list = new List<Address>();
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
//Send the request and get the response
httpClient.BaseAddress = new System.Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GeocodingServiceUri"]);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
//Lookup object to perform Geocoding service call
var postBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Lookup()
MaxCandidates = 1,
Street = address.Street,
City = address.City,
State = address.State,
ZipCode = address.ZipCode
var requestContent = new StringContent(postBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
// Send the request and get the response
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("GeocodeAddressObject", requestContent);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) //error handling
geocodedAddresses.Add(new GeocacheAddress()
Id = address.Id,
Error = response.ReasonPhrase
Geocode geocodeFromGeocoder = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Geocode>>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result).ElementAt(0);
GeocacheAddress geocodedAddress = new GeocacheAddress()
Id = address.Id,
Street = geocodeFromGeocoder.CorrectedAddress,
City = geocodeFromGeocoder.City,
State = geocodeFromGeocoder.State,
ZipCode = geocodeFromGeocoder.Zipcode,
Plus4Code = geocodeFromGeocoder.Plus4Code,
Country = geocodeFromGeocoder.Country,
Latitude = geocodeFromGeocoder.Latitude,
Longitude = geocodeFromGeocoder.Longitude
// check each geocoded address against geocache db
Guid standardized_key;
var geocodedAddressResult = SearchGeocacheIndex(geocodedAddress);
// found a match
if (geocodedAddressResult.Total != 0)
Address standardizedAddress = geocodedAddressResult.Hits.ElementAt(0).Source;
standardized_key = standardizedAddress.AddressID;
else // not found, insert geocode into geocache db
Address new_standardized_address = createStandardizedAddress(geocodeFromGeocoder);
standardized_key = new_standardized_address.AddressID;
// insert non-standardized address into geocache db
Address new_nonstandardized_address = createNonStandardizedAddress(address, standardized_key);
searchHelper.BulkIndex<Address>(address_list, "xxx", "xxx");
return Json(geocodedAddresses, new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings()) as IHttpActionResult;
I am writing a unit test to test some part of this controller.
I want to compare the response received from the controller with the expected value. When i debug the result, it shows the content for the response but I am unable to use content like (result.Content) in the code.
When i try to use this line, then it returns null response.
var result = await controller.GeocacheAddressObjectList(testGeocacheAddress) as OkNegotiatedContentResult<GeocacheAddress>;
Actual unit test code. I would appreciate any help.
public async Task TestMethod1()
var controller = new GeocachingController();
var testGeocacheAddress = new List<GeocacheAddress>();
testGeocacheAddress.Add(new GeocacheAddress
City = "Renton",
var result = await controller.GeocacheAddressObjectList(testGeocacheAddress);
var expected = GetGeocacheAddress();
Assert.AreEqual(result.Content.City, expected[0].City);
private List<GeocacheAddress> GetGeocacheAddress()
var testGeocacheAddress = new List<GeocacheAddress>();
testGeocacheAddress.Add(new GeocacheAddress
Id = Guid.Empty,
Street = "365 Renton Center Way SW",
City = "Renton",
State = "WA",
ZipCode = "98057",
Plus4Code = "2324",
Country = "USA",
Latitude = 47.47753,
Longitude = -122.21851,
Error = null
return testGeocacheAddress;
In your unit test you need to cast the result to JsonResult<T>, more specifically JsonResult<List<GeocacheAddress>> as that is what you are returning.
var result = await controller.GeocacheAddressObjectList(testGeocacheAddress) as JsonResult<List<GeocacheAddress>>;
If you were to have used return Ok(geocodedAddresses) in your controller return (where you now return the call from Json) then you could have cast to OkNegotiatedContentResult<List<GeocacheAddress>>.
Also in your Controller code you do not need to cast the return to IHttpActionResult because JsonResult<T> already implements that. The cast is redundant.
That's quite simple to achieve, all you have to do is cast the content you're expecting in your unit test method.
public class FooController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
var foo = "foo";
return Ok(foo);
Unit test:
public void Get_Foo_From_Controller()
var fooController = new FooController();
var result = fooController.Get();
//Here we are casting the expected type
var values = (OkNegotiatedContentResult<string>)result;
Assert.AreEqual("Foo", values.Content);
By the way, i noticed you're using the async keyword in your controller action but i don't see the await keyword.
Using the async keyword without an await will give you a warning and result in a synchronous operation.
Also, you dont have to cast your response as an IHttpActionResult, you could do something like i showed in my example, wrap your content inside an Ok(your content here) and you're good to go.