I have Unity 2021 so it uses C# version > 7 I believe.
Somehow I can not use static objects in Switch/Case statement.
private Position getStartingPosition(Direction direction) {
switch (direction) {
case Direction Direction.EAST:
return new Position(-1, height / 2);
case Direction Direction.NORTH:
return new Position(width / 2, height);
case Direction Direction.WEST:
return new Position(width, height / 2);
case Direction Direction.SOUTH:
return new Position(width / 2, -1);
throw new System.Exception("Impossible");
and the Direction class:
public class Direction
static public readonly Direction EAST = new Direction(1, 0);
static public readonly Direction NORTH = new Direction(0, -1);
static public readonly Direction WEST = new Direction(-1, 0);
static public readonly Direction SOUTH = new Direction(0, 1);
The error I am getting is:
Grid.cs(38,31): error CS1003: Syntax error, ':' expected
Grid.cs(38,31): error CS1513: } expected
Grid.cs(38,36): error CS1003: Syntax error, ':' expected
Grid.cs(38,36): error CS1513: } expected
Grid.cs(40,31): error CS1003: Syntax error, ':' expected
Grid.cs(40,31): error CS1513: } expected
What am I doing wrong?
The case statment should be var _ when direction.Equals(Class.VALUE) without the declaration. But also Direction is an object so one option can be use this statment:
switch (direction) {
case var _ when direction.Equals(Direction.EAST):
return new Position(-1, height / 2);
case var _ when direction.Equals(Direction.NORTH):
return new Position(width / 2, height);
case var _ when direction.Equals(Direction.WEST):
return new Position(width, height / 2);
case var _ when direction.Equals(Direction.SOUTH):
return new Position(width / 2, -1);
throw new System.Exception("Impossible");
And implement the interface IEquatable<Direction> with a method similar to this:
public bool Equals(Direction otherDirection)
return (this.x == otherDirection.x && this.y == otherDirection.y);
Where x and y are values into your class used to know if two objects are equals.
You can only switch on constants and patterns (where a constant is considered as a constant pattern). Unity uses C# 9.0 providing powerful pattern matching expressions.
Since C# 9.0 we have the switch expression with a simplified syntax compared to the switch statement. I therefore suggest using switch expressions in conjunction with pattern matching.
We can use a positional pattern to do the test. To use it we must add a deconstructor to the class
public class Direction
public Direction(int east, int south)
East = east;
South = south;
// You have not shown your whole class.
// I assume that it has two properties for the main directions.
public int East { get; }
public int South { get; }
public void Deconstruct(out int east, out int south)
east = East;
south = South;
Then we can switch like this:
// Positional pattern with deconstructor
return direction switch {
( 1, 0) => new Position(-1, height / 2),
( 0, -1) => new Position(width / 2, height),
(-1, 0) => new Position(width, height / 2),
( 0, 1) => new Position(width / 2, -1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Impossible", nameof(direction)),
Another possible pattern is the tuple pattern not requiring a deconstructor:
// Tuple pattern
return (direction.East, direction.South) switch {
( 1, 0) => new Position(-1, height / 2),
( 0, -1) => new Position(width / 2, height),
(-1, 0) => new Position(width, height / 2),
( 0, 1) => new Position(width / 2, -1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Impossible", nameof(direction)),
Yet another possibility is to switch on enum constants using a constant pattern:
public enum DirectionKind
We then add a property like the following one to the Direction class
public DirectionKind DirectionKind { get; }
I leave it up to you to initialize it. Then we switch like this:
// Constant pattern on enum constants
return direction.DirectionKind switch {
DirectionKind.East => new Position(-1, height / 2),
DirectionKind.North => new Position(width / 2, height),
DirectionKind.West => new Position(width, height / 2),
DirectionKind.South => new Position(width / 2, -1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Impossible", nameof(direction)),
The property pattern does not require a sepcial infrastructure:
// Property pattern
return direction switch {
{ East: 1, South: 0 } => new Position(-1, height / 2),
{ East: 0, South: -1 } => new Position(width / 2, height),
{ East: -1, South: 0 } => new Position(width, height / 2),
{ East: 0, South: 1 } => new Position(width / 2, -1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Impossible", nameof(direction)),
There is also a type pattern. It can be used if we declare the directions as a class hierarchy.
public abstract class Direction
public abstract int East { get; }
public abstract int South { get; }
public class EastDirection : Direction
private EastDirection() { } // Hide constructor to implement a singleton.
public static readonly Direction Instance = new EastDirection();
public override int East => 1;
public override int South => 0;
public class NorthDirection : Direction
private NorthDirection() { }
public static readonly Direction Instance = new NorthDirection();
public override int East => 0;
public override int South => -1;
public class WestDirection : Direction
private WestDirection() { }
public static readonly Direction Instance = new WestDirection();
public override int East => -1;
public override int South => 0;
public class SouthDirection : Direction
private SouthDirection() { }
public static readonly Direction Instance = new SouthDirection();
public override int East => 0;
public override int South => 1;
// Type pattern
return direction switch {
EastDirection => new Position(-1, height / 2),
NorthDirection => new Position(width / 2, height),
WestDirection => new Position(width, height / 2),
SouthDirection => new Position(width / 2, -1),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Impossible", nameof(direction)),
Note: I used the singleton pattern here as a suggestion. I is not required for the switch expression.
This class hierarchy gives us even a way to eliminate the switch expression altogether by adding an abstract GetPosition method to Direction.
public abstract Position GetPosition(int width, int height);
As an example WestDirection would implement it like this:
public override Position GetPosition(int width, int height)
return new Position(width, height / 2);
Given a direction you can get a position like this
Direction direction = ...;
Position position = direction.GetPosition(width, height);
This is the true OOP way to solve the problem.
With target typed new we can write (with the positional pattern as an example):
return direction switch {
( 1, 0) => new (-1, height / 2),
( 0, -1) => new (width / 2, height ),
(-1, 0) => new (width, height / 2),
( 0, 1) => new (width / 2, -1 ),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Impossible", nameof(direction)),
Was already answered here:
Switch statement with static fields
I changed it to
switch (direction) {
case var _ when direction == Direction.EAST:
return new Position(-1, height / 2);
case var _ when direction == Direction.NORTH:
return new Position(width / 2, height);
case var _ when direction == Direction.WEST:
return new Position(width, height / 2);
case var _ when direction == Direction.SOUTH:
return new Position(width / 2, -1);
throw new System.Exception("Impossible");
I am currently learning OpenGL and I am trying to write simple solar system application similar to the one in tutorial, yet for some reason camera behavior is really weird and I am not sure what is causing this. I want my camera to look at the sun, but all I am getting are some really weird angles of planets or nothing at all, it might not even be pure camera problem. Can somebody tell me what exactly I am doing wrong? I would appreciate some code. If someone is willing to help and prefer to check application instead of reading code here, link is added below.
The camera here will be as close to the tutorial as possible (FPS), but I got also dragging/scrolling system instead of this.
public class Camera
private static float eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ;
private static float centerX, centerY, centerZ;
private const float movingSpeed = 0.3f;
private const float rotationSpeed = 0.25f;
private static double i, j, k;
public static float Height { get; set; }
public static float Slope { get; set; }
public void InitCamera()
eyeX = 0f;
eyeY = 15f;
eyeZ = 25f;
centerX = 0;
centerY = 2;
centerZ = 0;
public void Look()
Gl.LookAt(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, 0, 1, 0);
public void UpdateDirVector()
i = -Math.Sin(((double)Slope).ToRadians());
j = Math.Sin(((double)Height).ToRadians());
k = Math.Cos(((double)Slope).ToRadians());
centerX = eyeX - (float)i;
centerY = eyeY - (float)j;
centerZ = eyeZ - (float)k;
public static void CenterMouse()
if (GlCenter == null)
var pos = (Point) GlCenter;
WinApi.SetCursorPos((int)Math.Round(pos.X), (int)Math.Round(pos.Y));
public void Update(int pressedButton)
if (GlCenter == null)
var pos = (Point)GlCenter;
var halfHeight = GlHeight / 2;
var halfWidth = GlWidth / 2;
var position = new Pointer();
WinApi.GetCursorPos(ref position);
var diffX = (float)pos.X - position.x;
var diffY = (float)pos.Y - position.y;
if (position.y < halfHeight)
Height -= rotationSpeed * diffY;
else if (position.y > halfHeight)
Height += rotationSpeed * -diffY;
if (position.x < halfWidth)
Slope += rotationSpeed * -diffX;
else if (position.x > halfWidth)
Slope -= rotationSpeed * diffX;
if (pressedButton == 1) // LPM
eyeX -= (float)i * movingSpeed;
eyeY -= (float)j * movingSpeed;
eyeZ -= (float)k * movingSpeed;
else if (pressedButton == -1) // PPM
eyeX += (float)i * movingSpeed;
eyeY += (float)j * movingSpeed;
eyeZ += (float)k * movingSpeed;
public class Planet
private readonly PlanetTypes _planetType;
private readonly Position _position;
private float _orbitAngle;
private readonly float _sizeRadius;
private readonly float _velocity;
private readonly string _texturePath;
private uint _list;
private float _rotationAngle;
public Planet(float radius, PlanetTypes planetType, Position position, string texturePath, bool hasMoon)
_sizeRadius = radius;
_planetType = planetType;
_position = position;
_orbitAngle = Rng.Next(360);
_velocity = (float)Rng.NextDouble() * 0.3f;
_texturePath = texturePath;
public void Create()
var quadric = Gl.NewQuadric();
Gl.QuadricNormals(quadric, OpenGL.GLU_SMOOTH);
Gl.QuadricTexture(quadric, (int) OpenGL.GL_TRUE);
_list = Gl.GenLists(1);
Gl.NewList(_list, OpenGL.GL_COMPILE);
Gl.Rotate(270, 1, 0, 0);
Gl.Sphere(quadric, _sizeRadius, 32, 32);
public void DrawOrbit()
for (var i = 0; i <= 360; i++)
Gl.Vertex(_position.X * (float)Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180), 0, _position.X * (float)Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180));
public void Draw()
_orbitAngle += _velocity;
_rotationAngle += 0.6f;
Gl.Rotate(_orbitAngle, 0, 1, 0);
Gl.Translate(-_position.X, -_position.Y, -_position.Z);
Gl.Rotate(_rotationAngle, 0, 1, 0);
public class Sun
private uint _list;
private float _rotation;
private readonly string _texturePath;
public Sun(string texturePath)
_texturePath = texturePath;
public void Create()
var quadratic = Gl.NewQuadric();
Gl.QuadricNormals(quadratic, OpenGL.GLU_SMOOTH);
Gl.QuadricTexture(quadratic, (int)OpenGL.GL_TRUE);
_list = Gl.GenLists(1);
Gl.NewList(_list, OpenGL.GL_COMPILE);
Gl.Rotate(90, 1, 0, 0);
Gl.Sphere(quadratic, 3, 32, 32);
public void Draw()
_rotation += 0.05f;
Gl.Rotate(_rotation, 0, 1, 0);
public class Stars
private readonly List<Position> starPositions = new List<Position>();
public void CreateStars(int amount)
var count = 0;
while (count <= amount)
var p = default(Position);
p.X = Rng.Next(110) * (float)Math.Pow(-1, Rng.Next());
p.Z = Rng.Next(110) * (float)Math.Pow(-1, Rng.Next());
p.Y = Rng.Next(110) * (float)Math.Pow(-1, Rng.Next());
if (!(Math.Pow(Math.Pow(p.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(p.Z, 2), 1 / 3f) > 15))
public void Draw()
Gl.Color(1, 1, 1);
foreach (var starPos in starPositions)
Gl.Vertex(starPos.X, starPos.Y, starPos.Z);
SolarSystem.cs (basically a collection of everything above, enums aren't necessary, I left them cause they might be useful in the future)
public class SolarSystem
public static Random Rng { get; } = new Random();
private readonly Stars _stars;
private readonly Sun _sun;
private readonly List<Planet> _planets;
public SolarSystem()
Camera = new Camera();
_stars = new Stars();
_sun = new Sun("sun.bmp");
_planets = new List<Planet>();
public void CreateScene()
_planets.Add(new Planet(0.5f, PlanetTypes.Mercury, new Position(5, 0, 0), "mercury.bmp", false)); // tylko tutaj pliki, wszedzie indziej przeksztaĆcone na .bmp
_planets.Add(new Planet(0.7f, PlanetTypes.Venus, new Position(11, 0, 0), "venus.bmp", false));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1, PlanetTypes.Earth, new Position(15, 0, 0), "earth.bmp", true));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1, PlanetTypes.Mars, new Position(22, 0, 0), "mars.bmp", false));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1.5f, PlanetTypes.Jupiter, new Position(28, 0, 0), "jupiter.bmp", false));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1.2f, PlanetTypes.Saturn, new Position(35, 0, 0), "saturn.bmp", false));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1.2f, PlanetTypes.Uranus, new Position(41, 0, 0), "uranus.bmp", false));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1.2f, PlanetTypes.Neptune, new Position(51, 0, 0), "neptune.bmp", false));
_planets.Add(new Planet(1.2f, PlanetTypes.Pluto, new Position(60, 0, 0), "pluto.bmp", false));
foreach (var planet in _planets)
public Camera Camera { get; }
public void DrawScene()
foreach (var planet in _planets)
public enum PlanetTypes
API (including pointer position translation, because only this way I was able to center cursor, it will be removed with dragging camera system)):
public static class WinApi
public static extern void SwapBuffers(uint hdc);
public static extern void SetCursorPos(int x, int y);
public static extern void GetCursorPos(ref Pointer point);
public static extern IntPtr GetWindowDC(IntPtr hWnd);
private struct POINT
public int X;
public int Y;
[DllImport("User32", EntryPoint = "ClientToScreen", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool ClientToScreen(
IntPtr hWnd,
ref POINT pt);
[EnvironmentPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public static Point? TransformToScreen(
Point point,
Visual relativeTo)
var hwndSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(relativeTo) as HwndSource;
if (hwndSource == null)
return null;
var root = hwndSource.RootVisual;
// Transform the point from the root to client coordinates.
var transformToRoot = relativeTo.TransformToAncestor(root);
var pointRoot = transformToRoot.Transform(point);
var m = Matrix.Identity;
var transform = VisualTreeHelper.GetTransform(root);
if (transform != null)
m = Matrix.Multiply(m, transform.Value);
var offset = VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset(root);
m.Translate(offset.X, offset.Y);
var pointClient = m.Transform(pointRoot);
pointClient = hwndSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(pointClient);
var pointClientPixels = new POINT();
pointClientPixels.X = (0 < pointClient.X)
? (int)(pointClient.X + 0.5)
: (int)(pointClient.X - 0.5);
pointClientPixels.Y = (0 < pointClient.Y)
? (int)(pointClient.Y + 0.5)
: (int)(pointClient.Y - 0.5);
var pointScreenPixels = pointClientPixels;
if (ClientToScreen(
ref pointScreenPixels))
return new Point(
return new Point();
public static class Extensions
public static double ToDegrees(this double radians)
return radians * (180.0 / Math.PI);
public static double ToRadians(this double degrees)
return Math.PI * degrees / 180.0;
public partial class MainWindow
private DispatcherTimer _dispatcherTimer;
private uint _hdc;
public static string _texturesPath = #"Data\Textures\";
private SolarSystem _solarSystem;
private int _movement;
public static OpenGL Gl { get; private set; }
public static Point? GlCenter { get; private set; }
public static int GlHeight { get; private set; }
public static int GlWidth { get; private set; }
public MainWindow()
Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded;
ContentRendered += MainWindow_ContentRendered;
private void MainWindow_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
Gl = openGLControl.OpenGL;
var source = (HwndSource)PresentationSource.FromVisual(openGLControl);
var hWnd = source?.Handle;
if (hWnd != null) _hdc = (uint)hWnd;
_solarSystem = new SolarSystem();
float[] materialAmbient = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f };
float[] materialDiffuse = { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1.0f };
float[] materialShininess = { 10.0f };
float[] lightPosition = { 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f };
float[] lightAmbient = { 0.85f, 0.85f, 0.85f, 0.0f };
Gl.Light(OpenGL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL_AMBIENT, lightAmbient);
Gl.Light(OpenGL.GL_LIGHT0, OpenGL.GL_POSITION, lightPosition);
Gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_SHININESS, materialShininess);
Gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_DIFFUSE, materialDiffuse);
Gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_AMBIENT, materialAmbient);
Gl.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
GlCenter = WinApi.TransformToScreen(new Point(openGLControl.Width / 2, openGLControl.Height / 2), openGLControl);
GlHeight = (int)openGLControl.Height;
GlWidth = (int)openGLControl.Width;
_dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
_dispatcherTimer.Tick += DispatcherTimer_Tick;
_dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
private void DispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OpenGLControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
_movement = 1;
_movement = -1;
private void OpenGLControl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_movement = 0;
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.C)
GlCenter = WinApi.TransformToScreen(new Point(openGLControl.Width / 2, openGLControl.Height / 2), openGLControl); // new Point((int)(Left), (int)(Top));
public static uint LoadTexture(string filename)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
throw new ArgumentException(filename);
var texture = new uint[1];
var id = texture[0];
Gl.GenTextures(1, texture);
Gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
var bmp = new Bitmap(filename);
var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Gl.TexImage2D(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, bmpData.Width, bmpData.Height, 0, OpenGL.GL_BGR, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bmpData.Scan0);
return id;
Link to whole Application:
I have changed Look() function to:
public void Look()
Gl.Viewport(0, 0, GlWidth, GlHeight);
Gl.Perspective(45.0f, GlWidth / (double) GlHeight, 1, 200.0);
Gl.LookAt(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, 0, 1, 0);
And now it works.
Now I can see that my application is loading incorrect textures for some reason. I guess thats because method LoadTextures() I wrote, is using Gl.GenTextures(1, texture). (There is no Gen(Single)Texture method in sharpgl or I am getting it all wrong).
So basically most of my textures doesn't work because they are not power of two, but from what I have read, they don't have to be anymore. SO my current question is: How to force sharpGL to display NPOT textures?
Turns out I can load them like this, but well, they are upside down :).
_texture = new Texture();
_texture.Create(Gl, $"{_texturesPath}{_texturePath}");
I can flip texture to display it properly, but question is why this is happening?
var bmp = new Bitmap($"{_texturesPath}{_texturePath}");
_texture.Create(Gl, bmp);
While question from Update 4 still stands, I got last question: How can I recalculate Camera so it is not limited to look up / down only to -90/90 degree?
You don't appear to be setting up your viewing frustrum correctly, and are using it in an uninitialized state. You have code for it, but it is commented out in MainWindow.xaml.cs:123.
You must setup the frustrum. At least once before drawing. It can be either perspective or orthographic.
gl.Perspective(60.0f, (double)Width / (double)Height, 0.01, 100.0);
I'm writing a small graph writing program as a personal project.
Each point is supposed to get drawn on a wpf canvas but I'm having trouble translating the points from the graph's coordinate system, example: x = -8 to 4 y=-4 to 4, to the canvas' coordinate system example: x = 600 to 0 y = 400 to 0.
I'm using the method outlined here to precompute the transformation equations.
However I'm having trouble with the result of the multiplication v=M^-1*u.
My expected result is:
[0.2 ]
[0.0 ]
[4.0 ]
But the result I'm getting is:
[4.0 ]
[-4.0 ]
[0.01 ]
I've verified that my transformation matrix is correct and when I do the calculation by hand I'm getting the expected result.
The method to calculate the transformation equations:
private void CalculateTransformationFunctions()
// Define the transformation matrix
var transformationMatrix = new Matrix4x4
M11 = _destArea.XMin,
M12 = _destArea.YMin,
M13 = 1,
M14 = 0,
M21 = -_destArea.YMin,
M22 = _destArea.XMin,
M23 = 0,
M24 = 1,
M31 = _destArea.XMax,
M32 = _destArea.YMax,
M33 = 1,
M34 = 0,
M41 = -_destArea.YMax,
M42 = _destArea.XMax,
M43 = 0,
M44 = 1
// Define the source vector
var srcVector = new Vector4
X = _srcArea.XMin,
Y = _srcArea.YMax,
Z = _srcArea.XMax,
W = _srcArea.YMin
// Invert the transformationmatrix before the multiplication
Matrix4x4 invertedTransformationMatrix;
if(!Matrix4x4.Invert(transformationMatrix,out invertedTransformationMatrix))
throw new Exception();
// Returns the wrong value
var transformResult = Vector4.Transform(srcVector, invertedTransformationMatrix);
float a = transformResult.X,
b = transformResult.Y,
c = transformResult.Z,
d = transformResult.W;
_xTransformationFunction = (x, y) => (a*x + b*y - b*d - a*c)/(a*a + b*b);
_yTransformationFunction = (x, y) => (b*x - a*y - b*c + a*d)/(a*a + b*b);
Which is called in the constructor of its parent class.
My question:
Am I misunderstanding what Vector4.Transform() does here? Or am I completely blind and missing something very obvious?
Full source of the class:
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Grapher.Control.Grapher;
namespace Grapher.GraphingMath
public class Translator
private GraphingArea _srcArea;
private GraphingArea _destArea;
public GraphingArea SourceArea
return _srcArea;
_srcArea = value;
public GraphingArea DestinationArea
get { return _destArea; }
_destArea = value;
private Func<double, double, double> _xTransformationFunction;
private Func<double, double, double> _yTransformationFunction;
public Translator(GraphingArea sourceArea, GraphingArea destArea)
_destArea = destArea;
_srcArea = sourceArea;
public Point TranslatePoint(Point point)
var x = point.X;
var y = point.Y;
return new Point
X = _xTransformationFunction(x, y),
Y = _yTransformationFunction(x, y)
x1 y1 1 0
-y1 x1 0 1
M= x2 y2 1 0
-y2 x2 0 1
x1,y1 = dest_min
x2,y2 = dest_max
private void CalculateTransformationFunctions()
// Define the transformation matrix
var transformationMatrix = new Matrix4x4
M11 = _destArea.XMin,
M12 = _destArea.YMin,
M13 = 1,
M14 = 0,
M21 = -_destArea.YMin,
M22 = _destArea.XMin,
M23 = 0,
M24 = 1,
M31 = _destArea.XMax,
M32 = _destArea.YMax,
M33 = 1,
M34 = 0,
M41 = -_destArea.YMax,
M42 = _destArea.XMax,
M43 = 0,
M44 = 1
// Define the source vector
var srcVector = new Vector4
X = _srcArea.XMin,
Y = _srcArea.YMax,
Z = _srcArea.XMax,
W = _srcArea.YMin
// Invert the transformationmatrix before the multiplication
Matrix4x4 invertedTransformationMatrix;
if(!Matrix4x4.Invert(transformationMatrix,out invertedTransformationMatrix))
throw new Exception();
// Returns the wrong value
var transformResult = Vector4.Transform(srcVector, invertedTransformationMatrix);
float a = transformResult.X,
b = transformResult.Y,
c = transformResult.Z,
d = transformResult.W;
_xTransformationFunction = (x, y) => (a*x + b*y - b*d - a*c)/(a*a + b*b);
_yTransformationFunction = (x, y) => (b*x - a*y - b*c + a*d)/(a*a + b*b);
And for the graphing area struct:
using System;
namespace Grapher.Control.Grapher
public struct GraphingArea
public float XMin { get; set; }
public float YMin { get; set; }
public float XMax { get; set; }
public float YMax { get; set; }
public float Width => Math.Abs(XMax - XMin);
public float Height => Math.Abs(YMax - YMin);
In my main method I call the Translator class like this:
Point testPoint = new Point {X = 0, Y = 0};
var srcArea = new GraphingArea
XMax = 4,
XMin = -8,
YMax = 4,
YMin = -4
var destArea = new GraphingArea
XMax = 600,
XMin = 0,
YMax = 400,
YMin = 0
var translator = new Translator(srcArea, destArea);
var translatedPoint = translator.TranslatePoint(testPoint);
Ended up just writing my own matrix multiplication method. I must be misunderstanding what Vector4.Transform() does...
Code here, for anyone interested:
using System.Numerics;
namespace Grapher.GraphingMath.MatrixAndVectorMath
public static class Matrix4x4Multiply
public static Vector4 Vector4Multiply(Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector4 vector)
var mat = new float[4, 4]
{matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13, matrix.M14},
{matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23, matrix.M24},
{matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33, matrix.M34},
{matrix.M41, matrix.M42, matrix.M43, matrix.M44}
}; // We'll just wrap the matrix in a float so we can index it.
var vec = new float[4] {vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z, vector.W}; // And the same with the vector
var result = new float[4] {0, 0, 0, 0};
for (var row = 0; row < mat.GetLength(0); row++)
for (var col = 0; col < mat.GetLength(1); col++)
result[row] += mat[row, col]*vec[col];
return new Vector4
X = result[0],
Y = result[1],
Z = result[2],
W = result[3]
I don't know if this will help but I do something along those lines in one of my projects. I don't use matrices though so it may not be what you are looking for. I simply store the extents of coordinates for the graph and the container (canvas) width and height. I then provide two extensions functions:
public static System.Windows.Point ConvertToScreen(this System.Windows.Point point, CartesianExtents2D extents, double containerWidth, double containerHeight)
var x = (point.X - extents.XMinimum) * containerWidth / (extents.XMaximum - extents.XMinimum);
var y = (extents.YMaximum - point.Y) * containerHeight / (extents.YMaximum - extents.YMinimum);
return new System.Windows.Point(x, y);
public static System.Windows.Point ConvertToReal(this System.Windows.Point point, CartesianExtents2D extents, double containerWidth, double containerHeight, )
var x = extents.XMinimum + (point.X * (extents.XMaximum - extents.XMinimum)) / containerWidth;
var y = extents.YMaximum - (point.Y * (extents.YMaximum - extents.YMinimum)) / containerHeight;
return new System.Windows.Point(x, y);
Call thus:
Point p = new Point();
I'm hoping the contents of CartesianExtents2D is obvious - just min and max for x and y
Trying to display a graph on a Form application.
Created a PictureBox control and initialized this class with its value.
On resize, graph always updates; on mouse scroll, it hardly does.
It's GraphBox , PictureBox control, inside a GraphBoxPanel, Panel control.
This the class:
public struct DLT_measure_item
public DateTime ts;
public float value;
public int id;
public int X;
public int Y;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct dlt_ser_meas
public byte msg_id; // 'D'
public byte meas_count; // Number of measures
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public byte[] port; // Module ID (4b) + Port ID (4b)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public float[] meas; // measure
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public byte[] msg_end;
public class manageGraph
private PictureBox box;
public bool displayGrid = true;
private int horAxisMin_p = 0;
private int horAxisMax_p = 300;
private float verAxisMin_p = 0;
private float verAxisMax_p = 40;
public int horAxisMin
get { return this.horAxisMin_p; }
if (value < horAxisMax_p)
this.horAxisMin_p = value;
public int horAxisMax
get { return this.horAxisMax_p; }
if (value > horAxisMin_p)
this.horAxisMax_p = value;
public float verAxisMin
get { return this.verAxisMin_p; }
if (value < verAxisMax_p)
this.verAxisMin_p = value;
verPointPerUnit = graphArea.Height / (verAxisMax_p - this.verAxisMin_p);
public float verAxisMax
get { return this.verAxisMax_p; }
if (value > verAxisMin_p)
this.verAxisMax_p = value;
verPointPerUnit = graphArea.Height / (this.verAxisMax_p - verAxisMin_p);
Pen axes = new Pen(Color.Black, (float)1.5);
public int horAxisSpacing = 30;
public int verAxisSpacing = 20;
public int horAxis = 20;
public int verAxis = 20;
private float horPointPerUnit = 1;
private float verPointPerUnit = 1;
public int horAxisTickLen = 5;
public int verAxisTickLen = 5;
public bool horAxisShowTime = false;
private Rectangle graphArea = new Rectangle();
public void reDraw()
Bitmap GraphBlankImage = new Bitmap(box.Width, box.Height);
box.Image = GraphBlankImage;
public manageGraph(PictureBox targetImageBoxbox)
box = targetImageBoxbox;
horAxisMin_p = 0;
horAxisMax_p = 300;
verAxisMin_p = 0F;
verAxisMax_p = 50F;
private Point measToPoint(DLT_measure_item measure) {
Point coords = new Point();
coords.X = graphArea.Width - (int)(
((DateTime.Now - measure.ts).TotalSeconds + horAxisMin_p) * horPointPerUnit ) ;
coords.Y = graphArea.Height - (int)(
((measure.value - verAxisMin_p) * verPointPerUnit));
return coords;
public manageGraph(PictureBox targetImageBoxbox,
int xmin, int xmax, float ymin, float ymax)
box = targetImageBoxbox;
horAxisMin_p = xmin;
horAxisMax_p = xmax;
verAxisMin_p = ymin;
verAxisMax_p = ymax;
private void updateGraphArea()
graphArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, box.Width - horAxis, box.Height - verAxis);
private void updatePointPerUnit()
horPointPerUnit = graphArea.Width / (horAxisMax_p - horAxisMin_p);
verPointPerUnit = graphArea.Height / (verAxisMax_p - verAxisMin_p);
public void drawGrid()
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(box.Image))
// X axis
g.DrawLine(axes, graphArea.Left, graphArea.Bottom, box.Width, graphArea.Bottom);
// Y axis
g.DrawLine(axes, graphArea.Right + 1, graphArea.Top, graphArea.Right +1, graphArea.Bottom);
using (Font ArialFont = new Font("Arial", 10))
g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
// Put x labels
for (int i = 1; i <= (graphArea.Width / horPointPerUnit); i = i + (int)(horAxisSpacing / horPointPerUnit ) + 1)
g.DrawString((i).ToString(), ArialFont, Brushes.Black, graphArea.Width - ( i * horPointPerUnit) - 5, graphArea.Bottom +5);
g.DrawLine(axes, graphArea.Width - (i * horPointPerUnit), graphArea.Bottom + (horAxisTickLen / 2), graphArea.Width - (i * horPointPerUnit), graphArea.Bottom - (horAxisTickLen / 2));
// Put y labels
for (int i = 1; i <= (graphArea.Height / verPointPerUnit); i = i + (int)(verAxisSpacing / verPointPerUnit) +1)
g.DrawString((i).ToString(), ArialFont, Brushes.Black, graphArea.Right + 1 , graphArea.Height - (i * verPointPerUnit) - 8);
g.DrawLine(axes, graphArea.Width - (verAxisTickLen / 2), (i * verPointPerUnit), graphArea.Width + (verAxisTickLen / 2), (i * verPointPerUnit));
/*Put some random data*/
DLT_measure_item testmeas = new DLT_measure_item();
Point testGraphPoint = new Point();
testmeas.ts = DateTime.Now;
testmeas.value = 0;
testGraphPoint = measToPoint(testmeas);
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, testGraphPoint.X, testGraphPoint.Y, 4, 4);
for (double i = 0; i < 300; i++)
double x = i;
double freq = 10;
double y = 30 - (i/10);
testmeas.value = (float)y;
testmeas.ts = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1 * i);
testGraphPoint = measToPoint(testmeas);
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, testGraphPoint.X, testGraphPoint.Y, 2,2);
The initialization:
public DLThermalogMainForm()
Bitmap GraphBlankImage = new Bitmap(GraphBox.Width, GraphBox.Height);
GraphBox.Image = GraphBlankImage;
myGraph = new manageGraph(GraphBox);
Those the handlers:
private void Form1_ResizeEnd(object sender, EventArgs e)
OutputTextBox.AppendText("Resize." + Environment.NewLine);
private void GraphBox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//Get the focus to have the wheel working
private void GraphBoxPanel_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Change x axis max value to zoom in/out the graph
myGraph.horAxisMax += e.Delta/ 120;
On resize event, it always redraws; on mouse wheel, it does quickly only with small horAxisMax values (does it makes sense???), but for larger, it takes many seconds to update, or doesn't at all.
Thank you very much
Change reDraw like this:
public void reDraw()
Bitmap GraphBlankImage = new Bitmap(box.ClientSize.Width, box.ClientSize.Height);
box.Image = GraphBlankImage;
and drawGrid like this:
public void drawGrid(Bitmap bmp)
//updatePointPerUnit(); //??
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
Now the Bitmap with the grid should immediately show up in the PictureBox.
As mentioned a Graphics object is a tool to change an associated Bitmap. To pick it up the Bitmap should be assigned to the PictureBoxe's Image.
Also note, that unless your PictureBox has no Border, there is a small difference between the outer size (aka Bounds) and the inner size, the ClientRectangle / ClientSize. The Image should have the ClientSize
You may wonder why your original code doesn't work? After all an Image is a reference type, so changing it, as you did should be enough..
But looking deeper into the source code we find the reason:
The PictureBox's Image is a property and in its setter there is a call to InstallNewImage:
public Image Image {
get {
return image;
set {
InstallNewImage(value, ImageInstallationType.DirectlySpecified);
The same call is also in a few other places like Load or in the setter of ImageLocation. But changing the Image behind the scene alone will not force the PictureBox to make that call. A Refresh() should also do it.. And, as you found out, resizing it will also cause the PictureBox to pick up the changed data in the Image Bitmap..
The easiest way to force updating is simply to invalidate the control.
timer = new Timer();
timer.Interval = 200; //refreshes every 200 ms
timer.Tick += (sender,e) => targetImageBoxbox.Invalidate();
I'm need to show a circular torus in a helix-toolkit viewport. The closest option I found was the HelixVisual3D, but it has open ends. So I tried to create my own class to draw it, with a HelixVisual3D and two thin cones to close the ends. I used the classes from their Building Demo as reference, so I came up with this:
public class TorusVisual3D : UIElement3D
public static readonly DependencyProperty AngleProperty = DependencyPropertyEx.Register("Angle", 90, (s, e) => s.AppearanceChanged());
public static readonly DependencyProperty RadiusProperty = DependencyPropertyEx.Register("Radius", 0.35, (s, e) => s.AppearanceChanged());
public static readonly DependencyProperty DiameterProperty = DependencyPropertyEx.Register("Diameter", 0.1, (s, e) => s.AppearanceChanged());
private GeometryModel3D torus = new GeometryModel3D();
private GeometryModel3D cap1 = new GeometryModel3D();
private GeometryModel3D cap2 = new GeometryModel3D();
public TorusVisual3D()
Model3DGroup model = new Model3DGroup();
this.Visual3DModel = model;
public double Angle
return (double)this.GetValue(AngleProperty);
this.SetValue(AngleProperty, value);
public double Radius
return (double)this.GetValue(RadiusProperty);
this.SetValue(RadiusProperty, value);
public double Diameter
return (double)this.GetValue(DiameterProperty);
this.SetValue(DiameterProperty, value);
private void AppearanceChanged()
Material mat = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Utils.GetRandomColor());
HelixVisual3D h = new HelixVisual3D();
h.Origin = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
h.Diameter = Diameter;
h.Turns = Angle / 360.0;
h.Radius = Radius;
h.Length = 0;
h.BackMaterial = mat;
h.Material = mat;
this.torus = h.Model;
MeshBuilder cap1Builder = new MeshBuilder(false, false);
Point3D p1 = new Point3D(0, Radius, 0);
cap1Builder.AddCone(p1, new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), h.Diameter / 2, h.Diameter / 2, 0.0001, true, true, 40);
this.cap1.Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Colors.Yellow);
this.cap1.Geometry = cap1Builder.ToMesh();
MeshBuilder cap2Builder = new MeshBuilder(false, false);
Point3D p2 = new Point3D(-1, 0, 0);
cap2Builder.AddCone(p2, new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), h.Diameter / 2, h.Diameter / 2, 0.0001, true, true, 40);
this.cap2.Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Colors.Red);
this.cap2.Geometry = cap2Builder.ToMesh();
To draw it I'm using the following code:
TorusVisual3D t = new TorusVisual3D();
t.Angle = m_angle;
t.Radius = m_radius1;
t.Diameter = m_radius2 * 2.0;
t.Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(0, 0, 0);
ModelVisual3D model = new ModelVisual3D();
var container = new ContainerUIElement3D();
The problem is that the Helix is drawn with the default values (Radius=0.35, Diameter=0.1 and Angle=90) and is never updated again. No matter what values I set on the Properties, it stays the same. The both cylinder are updated correctly, just the Helix isn't.
What am I'm doing wrong?