I am using rabbitmq in a "Work Queues" scenario.
I need eg. a pool of 5 consumers, (each with its own channel), so one consumer doing I/O operations, won't block other consumer of the same queue.
If I have on my queue:
Message 1, Message 2, Message 3, Message 4. Each instance of (FistConsumerHandler) will take 1 message from the queue using Round Robin (default rabbitmq behavior)
The problem I am facing is I need to do this using Dependency Injection.
Here is what i have so far:
On Windows service start (my consumers are hosted in a windows service):
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// Register the consumers. For simplicity only showing FirstConsumerHandler.
AddConsumerHandlers<FistConsumerHandler>(ConstantesProcesos.Exchange, ConstantesProcesos.QueueForFirstHandler);
var logger = GetLogger<ServicioProcesos>();
logger.LogInformation("Windows Service Started");
Console.WriteLine("Press [enter] to exit.");
protected virtual void BuildConnections(
string notificationHubPath = "notificationhub_path",
string rabbitMQHostname = "rabbitmq_hostname",
string rabbitMQPort = "rabbitmq_port",
string rabbitMQUserName = "rabbitmq_username",
string rabbitMQPassword = "rabbitmq_password")
if (_connection == null)
var factory = new ConnectionFactory
HostName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[rabbitMQHostname],
Port = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[rabbitMQPort]),
UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[rabbitMQUserName],
Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[rabbitMQPassword],
DispatchConsumersAsync = true,
// Create a connection
_connection = factory.CreateConnection();
catch (RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrokerUnreachableException e)
} while (_connection == null);
_startupBuilder = new StartupBuilder(_connection);
protected void AddConsumerHandlers<THandler>(string exchange, string queue)
var consumerHandlerItem = new ConsumerHandlerItem
ConsumerType = typeof(THandler),
Exchange = exchange,
Queue = queue
protected void BuildStartup()
ServiceProvider = _startupBuilder.Build();
Startup Builder:
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class StartupBuilder
private static IConnection _connection;
private IModel _channel;
public List<ConsumerHandlerItem> _consumerHandlerItems;
public IServiceCollection Services { get; private set; }
public StartupBuilder(IConnection connection)
_connection = connection;
_consumerHandlerItems = new List<ConsumerHandlerItem>();
Services = new ServiceCollection();
public IServiceProvider Build()
_channel = _connection.CreateModel();
// Add channel as singleton (this is not correct as I need 1 channel per ConsumerHandler)
// Register the ConsumerHandler to DI
foreach (var item in _consumerHandlerItems)
// Add FirstHandler to DI
Type consumerType = item.ConsumerType;
// Finish DI Setup
var serviceProvider = Services.BuildServiceProvider();
// Bind the consumer handler to the channel and queue
foreach (var item in _consumerHandlerItems)
var consumerHandler = (AsyncEventingBasicConsumer)serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(item.ConsumerType);
_channel.AssignNewProcessor(item, consumerHandler);
return serviceProvider;
public static class QueuesHelpers
public static void AssignNewProcessor(this IModel channel, ConsumerHandlerItem item, AsyncEventingBasicConsumer consumerHandler)
channel.ExchangeDeclare(item.Exchange, ExchangeType.Topic, durable: true);
channel.QueueDeclare(item.Queue, true, false, false, null);
channel.QueueBind(item.Queue, item.Exchange, item.Queue, null);
channel.BasicConsume(item.Queue, false, consumerHandler);
Consumer handler:
public class FistConsumerHandler : AsyncEventingBasicConsumer
private readonly ILogger<FistConsumerHandler> _logger;
private Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
public FistConsumerHandler(
IModel channel,
ILogger<FistConsumerHandler> logger) : base(channel)
Received += ConsumeMessageAsync;
_logger = logger;
private async Task ConsumeMessageAsync(object sender, BasicDeliverEventArgs eventArgs)
// consumer logic to consume the message
catch (Exception ex)
The problem with this code is:
There is ony 1 instance of FistConsumerHandler (as is reigstered as singleton). I need, for instance 5.
I have only 1 channel, I need 1 channel per instance.
To sum up, the expected behavior using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection should be:
Create a connection (share this connection with all consumers)
When a message is received to the queue, it should be consumed by 1 consumer using its own channel
If another message is received to the queue, it should be consumed by another consumer
TL;DR; Create your own scope
I've done something similar in an app I'm working on, albeit not as cleanly as I would like (and thus why I came across this post). The key for me was using IServiceScopeFactory to get injected services and use them in a consumer method. In a typical HTTP request the API will automatically create/close scope for you as the request comes in / response goes out, respectively. But since this isn't an HTTP request, we need to create / close the scope for using injected services.
This is a simplified example for getting an injected DB context (but could be anything), assuming I've already set up the RabbitMQ consumer, deserialized the message as an object (FooEntity in this example):
public class RabbitMQConsumer
private readonly IServiceProvider _provider;
public RabbitMQConsumer(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this._serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public async Task ConsumeMessageAsync()
// Using statement ensures we close scope when finished, helping avoid memory leaks
using (var scope = this._serviceProvider.CreateScope())
// Get your service(s) within the scope
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<MyDBContext>();
// Do things with dbContext
Be sure to register RabbitMQConsumer as a singleton and not a transient in Startup.cs also.
Similar SO post
MS Docs
Currently i'm designing a logger service to log HttpRequests made by HttpClient.
This logger service is Singleton and i want to have scoped contexts inside it.
Here's my logger:
public Logger
public LogContext Context { get; set; }
public void LogRequest(HttpRequestLog log)
I'm using the logger inside a DelegatingHandler:
private readonly Logger logger;
public LoggingDelegatingHandler(Logger logger)
this.logger = logger;
protected async override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
this.logger.LogRequest(new HttpRequestog());
Then when i make some request using HttpClient, i want to have the logs for this specific call:
private void InvokeApi()
var logContext = new LogContext();
this.Logger.LogContext = logContext;
var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient(CustomClientName);
await httpClient.GetAsync($"http://localhost:11111");
var httpRequestLogs = logContext.Logs;
The problem is, it works but it's not thread safe. If i have parallel executions of InvokeApi, the context will not be the correct.
How can i have a attached context for each execution properly?
I'm registering the HttpClient like this:
.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler((c) => new HttpClientHandler()
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate,
.AddHttpMessageHandler(sp => new LoggingDelegatingHandler(sp.GetRequiredService<Logger>()));
I'm testing this piece of code using this:
public void Test_Parallel_Logging()
Random random = new Random();
Action test = async () =>
await RunScopedAsync(async scope =>
IServiceProvider sp = scope.ServiceProvider;
var httpClientFactory = sp.GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
using (var context = new HttpRequestContext(sp.GetRequiredService<Logger>()))
var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
await httpClient.GetAsync($"http://localhost:{random.Next(11111, 55555)}");
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
Output.WriteLine("count: " + context?.Logs?.Count);
Parallel.Invoke(new Action[] { test, test, test });
This logger service is Singleton and i want to have scoped contexts inside it.
The Logger has a singleton lifetime, so its LogContext property also has a singleton lifetime.
For the kind of scoped data you're wanting, AsyncLocal<T> is an appropriate solution. I tend to prefer following a "provider"/"consumer" pattern similar to React's Context, although the more common name in the .NET world for "consumer" is "accessor". In this case, you could make the Logger itself into the provider, though I generally try to keep it a separate type.
IMO this is most cleanly done by providing your own explicit scope, and not tying into the "scope" lifetime of your DI container. It's possible to do it with DI container scopes but you end up with some weird code like resolving producers and then doing nothing with them - and if a future maintainer removes (what appears to be) unused injected types, then the accessors break.
So I recommend your own scope, as such:
public Logger
private readonly AsyncLocal<LogContext> _context = new();
public void LogRequest(HttpRequestLog log)
var context = _context.Value;
if (context == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("LogRequest was called without anyone calling SetContext");
public IDisposable SetContext(LogContext context)
var oldValue = _context.Value;
_context.Value = context;
// I use Nito.Disposables; replace with whatever Action-Disposable type you have.
return new Disposable(() => _context.Value = oldValue);
Usage (note the explicit scoping provided by using):
private void InvokeApi()
var logContext = new LogContext();
using (this.Logger.SetContext(logContext))
var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient(CustomClientName);
await httpClient.GetAsync($"http://localhost:11111");
var httpRequestLogs = logContext.Logs;
I am experimenting with gRPC for long-lived streaming session as I need to guarantee message ordering from server to client.
I have the following .proto:
service Subscriber {
rpc Subscribe(SubscriptionRequest) returns (stream SubscriberEvent);
My current service (hosted in ASP.NET / .NET 5.0) looks like this:
public class SubscriberService : Subscriber.SubscriberBase
private readonly ILogger<SubscriberService> _logger;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, IServerStreamWriter<SubscriberEvent>> _subscriptions = new();
private int _messageCount = 0;
private Timer _timer;
public SubscriberService(ILogger<SubscriberService> logger)
_logger = logger;
_timer = new Timer(o => TimerCallback(), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
private void TimerCallback()
Broadcast($"Current time is {DateTime.UtcNow}");
public override Task Subscribe(SubscriptionRequest request, IServerStreamWriter<SubscriberEvent> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
_subscriptions.TryAdd(request.ClientId, responseStream);
return responseStream.WriteAsync(new SubscriberEvent() {Id = 0, Message = "Subscribe successful"});
public void Broadcast(string message)
var count = ++_messageCount;
foreach (var sub in _subscriptions.Values)
sub.WriteAsync(new SubscriberEvent() { Id = count, Message = message });
_logger.LogInformation($"Broadcast message #{count}: {message}");
My client only receives the initial 'Subscribe Successful' message, but never those triggered by the timer. Not do I get any exceptions when calling WriteAsync.
Am I trying to use gRPC for something it was never designed to do (a SignalR/WebSocket substitute), or am I merely missing something obvious?
For a long-running gRPC streaming, you have to wait for a client to say the connection is closed. Something like this:
while (!context.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// event-based action
responseStream.WriteAsync(new SubscriberEvent() {Id = 0, Message = "Subscribe successful"});
I think the previous answer is doing busy-wait. So I want to show you an async version of it.
public override Task Subscribe(RequestMessage, IServerStreamWriter<ReplyMessage> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
// your event-based code here
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
context.CancellationToken.Register(() => tcs.TrySetCanceled(), false);
return tcs.Task;
BTW, I think I have been doing a project just like yours. And I have used Observables, Subjects, and ReplaySubjects from Rx.Net. These are very helpful for event-based code.
I am new to both MassTransit and Azure Service Bus. I am attempting to use an architecture where either RabbitMq or Azure Service Bus is used in a .NET Core 3.1 API. I have the RabbitMq portion working and just started on the Azure Service Bus. I have an API that will take an incoming payload and publish it to a queue. When I attempt to publish via the Azure Service Bus approach, I get an error "SubCode=40000. Cannot operate on type Topic because the namespace 'servicehubqa' is using 'Basic' tier.
I am attempting to use a queue approach and am hoping to create the queue as messages are published. Currently, the service bus is using a Basic pricing tier as the documentation says that I can play with queues at that level. I am not sure if I need to manually create the queue (I had to do this approach using RabbitMq since no queue would be created if no consumer exists). Is topic the default approach if nothing is specified? How do I specify queue vs topic?
My code is as follows below.
Startup - ConfigureServices
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped<IMassTransitRabbitMqTransport, MassTransitRabbitMqTransport>();
services.AddScoped<IMassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport, MassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport>();
var messageProvider = ConfigProvider.GetConfig("MessageService", "Messaging_Service");
switch (messageProvider)
case "AzureServiceBus":
services.AddScoped<IMessagingService, MassTransitAzureServiceBusMessagingService>();
case "RabbitMq":
services.AddScoped<IMessagingService, MassTransitRabbitMqMessagingService>();
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid message service");
public class ListenerController : ControllerBase
readonly ILogger<ListenerController> logger;
readonly IMessagingService messenger;
public ListenerController(
ILogger<ListenerController> logger,
IMessagingService messenger)
this.logger = logger;
this.messenger = messenger;
public async Task<IActionResult> Post()
var payload = new
await messenger.Publish(payload);
return Ok();
public interface IMessagingService
Task Publish(object payload);
public interface IMassTransitTransport
IBusControl BusControl { get; }
public interface IMassTransitRabbitMqTransport : IMassTransitTransport { }
public interface IMassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport : IMassTransitTransport { }
public sealed class MassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport : IMassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport
public IBusControl BusControl { get; }
public MassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport()
BusControl = ConfigureBus();
IBusControl ConfigureBus()
return Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(config => {
var host = config.Host(ConfigProvider.GetConfig("AzureServiceBus", "AzureServiceBus_ConnStr"), host => { });
public class MassTransitAzureServiceBusMessagingService : IMessagingService
readonly IMassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport massTransitTransport;
public MassTransitAzureServiceBusMessagingService(IMassTransitAzureServiceBusTransport massTransitTransport)
//transport bus config already happens in massTransitTransport constructor
this.massTransitTransport = massTransitTransport;
public async Task Publish(object payload)
var jsn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload);
var cmd = JObject.Parse(jsn)["Command"];
switch (cmd.ToString())
//IRegisterCommandUpdateStatus is an interface specifying the properties needed
await massTransitTransport.BusControl.Publish<IRegisterCommandUpdateStatus>(payload);
default: break;
The Azure Service Bus basic tier does not allow the use of topics. So you would not be able to use publish. That said, MassTransit doesn't really work with the basic tier, despite attempts in the past that may have been successful.
The MassTransit documentation does state that if you want to use a Topic (i.e. the ability to publish to multiple subscriptions at the same time), you use the publish.
If you want to send a message to a queue (the message is routed to a specific location), you use the send and provide the correct information.
Topics require standard pricing and Queues can use basic pricing.
With this information, the MassTransitAzureServiceBusMessagingService would be modified as follows:
Basic Pricing - Queues
public async Task Publish(object payload)
var jsn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload);
var cmd = JObject.Parse(jsn)["Command"];
switch (cmd.ToString())
var queueUri = new Uri(massTransitTransport.BusControl.Address, "registration.updatestatus");
var endpoint = await massTransitTransport.BusControl.GetSendEndpoint(queueUri);
await endpoint.Send<IRegisterCommandUpdateStatus>(payload);
default: break;
Standard Pricing - Topics/Subscriptions
public async Task Publish(object payload)
var jsn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload);
var cmd = JObject.Parse(jsn)["Command"];
switch (cmd.ToString())
await massTransitTransport.BusControl.Publish<IRegisterCommandUpdateStatus>(payload);
default: break;
I have recently started working on a Kafka Streaming Application using .NET core. I have followed the tutorial: https://medium.com/#srigumm/building-realtime-streaming-applications-using-net-core-and-kafka-ad45ed081b31.
I have built a basic producer-consumer application in which the producer takes input data and pushes it into a kafka-topic. A consumer can subscribe to the topic and consume data from it. I am also able to push this data into another topic by using a new producer. But what I am unable to do is initialise multiple consumers to consume from the same topic.
In appsettings.json:
"consumer": {
"bootstrapservers": "localhost:9092", //specify your kafka broker address
"groupid": "csharp-consumer",
"enableautocommit": true,
"statisticsintervalms": 5000,
"sessiontimeoutms": 6000,
"autooffsetreset": 0,
"enablepartitioneof": true,
"SaslMechanism": 0, //0 for GSSAPI
//"SaslKerberosKeytab":"filename.keytab", //specify your keytab file here
"SaslKerberosPrincipal": "youralias#DOMAIN.COM", //specify your alias here
"SaslKerberosServiceName": "kafka"
//"SaslKerberosKinitCmd":"kinit -k -t %{sasl.kerberos.keytab} %{sasl.kerberos.principal}"
namespace Api.Services
public class ProcessOrdersService : BackgroundService
private readonly ConsumerConfig consumerConfig;
private readonly ProducerConfig producerConfig;
//private readonly ConsumerConfig consumerConfig2;
public ProcessOrdersService(ConsumerConfig consumerConfig, ProducerConfig producerConfig)
this.producerConfig = producerConfig;
this.consumerConfig = consumerConfig;
//this.consumerConfig2 = consumerConfig;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
Console.WriteLine("OrderProcessing Service Started\n\n");
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var consumerHelper = new ConsumerWrapper(consumerConfig, "orderrequests");
//var consumerHelper2 = new ConsumerWrapper(consumerConfig, "orderrequests");
string orderRequest = consumerHelper.readMessage();
OrderRequest order = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrderRequest>(orderRequest);
//TODO:: Process Order
Console.WriteLine($"Info: OrderHandler => Processing the order for {order.productname}\n\n");
order.status = OrderStatus.COMPLETED;
//Write to ReadyToShip Queue
var producerWrapper = new ProducerWrapper(producerConfig,"readytoship");
await producerWrapper.writeMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order));
// var consumerHelper2 = new ConsumerWrapper(consumerConfig2, "orderrequests");
//string processedOrder = consumerHelper2.readMessage();
//OrderRequest order2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrderRequest>(processedOrder);
//Console.WriteLine($"Info: OrderHandler => Delivered the order for {order2.productname}\n\n");
//order2.status = OrderStatus.DELIVERED;
namespace Api
public class ConsumerWrapper
private string _topicName;
private ConsumerConfig _consumerConfig;
private Consumer<string,string> _consumer;
private static readonly Random rand = new Random();
public ConsumerWrapper(ConsumerConfig config,string topicName)
this._topicName = topicName;
this._consumerConfig = config;
this._consumer = new Consumer<string,string>(this._consumerConfig);
public string readMessage(){
var consumeResult = this._consumer.Consume();
return consumeResult.Value;
public void DisplayMessage()
var consumeResult = this._consumer.Consume();
Console.WriteLine($"Info: OrderHandler => Delivered the order for {consumeResult.Value}\n\n");
I want to be able to call the Consumer class multiple times and be able to read from the same topic. I have understood that there is a requirement to create multiple partitions/group-ids in order to be able to do that. But I am unable to figure out where and how to do that.
You can do this by using group id concept in Kafka, just use same group id for multiple consumers to avoid duplicate consumption of the data from the same topic.
I have implemented a project on .NET Core 2.2 which consists of 1 console app and 1 class library. Console app is basically a consumer which subscribes to some topics and processes messages that come in. Class library is a database layer, where I have repository. The problem is that sometimes I get error "System.InvalidOperationException: A seconds operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe" when there is interaction with database.
I searched for similar problems, but couldn't find solution that would fix my issue. I have tried registering DbContext and IRepository both as Scoped and Transient, but still keep getting the error. Is it wrong the way I am trying to register DbContext?
This is my code in Consumer.cs
class Consumer
static readonly IConfigurationRoot _configuration;
static readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
static readonly IRepository _repository;
static Consumer()
_configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
_serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddTransient<IRepository, Repository>()
.AddDbContext<QueueContext>(options => options.UseNpgsql(_configuration.GetConnectionString("Queue")), ServiceLifetime.Transient)
_repository = _serviceProvider.GetService<IRepository>();
static void Main(string[] args)
RunPoll(here some parameters);
private static void RunPoll(here some parameters)
consumer.OnMessage += async (_, msg) => await ProcessMessageAsync(consumer, msg);
private static async Task ProcessMessageAsync(here some parameters)
var message = _repository.GetQueueMessage(msg.Value.Id); // On this line I get exception
if (message == null)
message = await _repository.AddQueueMessageAsync(msg.Value.Id); // On this line I get exception
while(message.NumTries < msg.Value.MaxNumAttempts)
message = await _repository.UpdateQueueMessageTriesAsync(message); // On this line I get exception too
This is my code in Respository.cs
public class Repository : IRepository
private readonly QueueContext _db;
public Repository(QueueContext db)
_db = db;
public QueueMessage GetQueueMessage(long id)
var message = (from qm in _db.QueueMessages
where qm.Id == id
select qm).FirstOrDefault();
return message;
public async Task<QueueMessage> AddQueueMessageAsync(long id)
var message = new QueueMessage
Id = id,
StartDate = DateTime.Now,
LastTryDate = DateTime.Now,
NumTries = 0
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
return message;
public async Task<QueueMessage> UpdateQueueMessageTriesAsync(QueueMessage message)
if (message != null)
message.NumTries += 1;
message.LastTryDate = DateTime.Now;
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
return message;
This is my code in IRepository.cs
public interface IRepository
QueueMessage GetQueueMessage(long id);
Task<QueueMessage> AddQueueMessageAsync(long id);
Task<QueueMessage> UpdateQueueMessageTriesAsync(QueueMessage message);
is not Dependency Injection. DI is when you define a constructor (or other method) taking an IRepository. Then you can have a Consumer instance with non-static methods, and the repository is appropriately created when the Consumer is created (or the method is called).