increase player speed based on score (endless skiing game) - c#

i am am making an endless skiing game, similar to alto and ski safari, and need help in increasing the speed of my player based on the score of the tricks (backflips, etc) he has performed. Here's the code I've written so far:
(this script calculates the score of the player based on backflip)
public class tricksScore : MonoBehaviour
private float flips = 0;
private float deltaRotation = 0;
private float currentRotation = 0;
private float WindupRotation = 0;
public static Rigidbody2D rigbod;
float divideByNum = 0.25f;
public Text scores;
public int trickscore;
private int iflip;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
scores = GetComponent<Text>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
deltaRotation = (currentRotation - rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z);
currentRotation = rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z;
if (deltaRotation >= 300)
deltaRotation -= 360;
if (deltaRotation <= -300)
deltaRotation += 360;
WindupRotation += (deltaRotation);
flips = WindupRotation / 340;
iflip = (int)flips;
iflip = iflip * -1;
trickscore = iflip * 10;
scores.text = "score " + trickscore;
i import the variable trickscore to the script responsible for character movement:
[SerializeField] private tricksScore trickscript;
public int trickscore;
public int oldScore = 0;
public int incInScore;
trickscore = trickscript.trickscore;
incInScore = trickscript.trickscore - oldScore;
if (incInScore >= 10)
oldScore = trickscript.trickscore;
if (incInScore > 1 && incInScore <= 10)
speed = speed + 10.15f;
else if (incInScore > 10 && incInScore <= 20)
speed = speed + 0.25f;
else if (incInScore > 20 && incInScore <= 50)
speed = speed + 0.50f;
else if (incInScore > 50 && incInScore <= 100)
speed = speed + 0.75f;
else if (incInScore > 100 && incInScore <= 200)
speed = speed + 1f;
else if (incInScore > 200)
speed = speed + 2f;
the problem is that the speed of the player doesnt increase when i perform a backflip, also i think the variable that stores the score of the player (trickscore) also has broken because prior to writing the script, it used to display the players score in the console (debug.log) and in the text object ("scores") but neither happens anymore. i am a complete code noobie and this is the first game i am making , and this porblem has had the entire development stuck for a many days, so i will greatly appreciate any and all help. Thank you

my guess is that you have both scripts attached to your gameobject, the ideal would be separate the calculations and have 1 script handling it, get used to that and you will save yourself a lot of bugs (way better than pass scripts around and have a lot of confusion), an example in one file (that also should work if your player "currentSpeed" is used):
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class tricksScore : MonoBehaviour
private float flips = 0;
private float deltaRotation = 0;
private float currentRotation = 0;
private float WindupRotation = 0;
public static Rigidbody2D rigbod;
float divideByNum = 0.25f;
public Text scores;
public int trickscore;
private int iflip;
public int oldScore = 0;
public int incInScore;
public float currentSpeed;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
scores = GetComponent<Text>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
deltaRotation = (currentRotation - rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z);
currentRotation = rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z;
if (deltaRotation >= 300)
deltaRotation -= 360;
if (deltaRotation <= -300)
deltaRotation += 360;
WindupRotation += (deltaRotation);
flips = WindupRotation / 340;
iflip = (int)flips;
iflip = iflip * -1;
trickscore = iflip * 10;
currentSpeed += Calculations.CalculateSpeed(trickscore,oldScore);
//this should be in a separate file
public class Calculations
public static float CalculateSpeed(float currentScore, float oldScore)
var incInScore = currentScore - oldScore;
if (incInScore > 1 && incInScore <= 10)
return 10.15f;
else if (incInScore > 10 && incInScore <= 20)
return 0.25f;
else if (incInScore > 20 && incInScore <= 50)
return 0.50f;
else if (incInScore > 50 && incInScore <= 100)
return 0.75f;
else if (incInScore > 100 && incInScore <= 200)
return 1f;
return 2f;


Endless Runner: When I swipe up to jump, the player jumps but then moves left or right on the single up swipe

I am making an endless runner mobile game. The PC controls work perfectly and the Touch/Swipe controls for Left and Right work too. The problem is when I swipe up to jump, the player jumps but then also either moves left or right (seemingly at random). For the life of me I cannot figure it out. This is my first C# project so my code/game is Frankenstein of tutorials and google searches. I found out about the rigidbody component a little too late but I don't want to start using it now if I don't have to... Please help, I am at a total loss. I would also like to apologise in advance if my code is extremely messy and incoherent, I have tried my best. Here is my Player movement script:
PC Controls
public class PlayerMove : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed = 8;
public float leftRightSpeed = 7;
static public bool canMove = false;
public KeyCode moveL;
public KeyCode moveR;
public float horizVel = 0;
public int laneNum = 2;
public string controlLocked = "n";
private float speedUpTime;
private float waitTime = 0.45f;
private Vector3 startTouchPosition;
private Vector3 endTouchPosition;
public GroundCheck groundCheck;
public float jumpForce=7;
public float gravity = -9.81f;
public float gravityScale = 3;
public float jumpCoolDown = 0.5f;
private float lastJumpTime = 0;
float velocity;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
speedUpTime = Time.time;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Time.time - speedUpTime >= 10f)
moveSpeed += 1;
leftRightSpeed +=1;
waitTime -= 0.05f;
speedUpTime = Time.time;
transform.position += new Vector3(horizVel, 0, moveSpeed) * Time.deltaTime;
if((Input.GetKeyDown(moveL)) && (laneNum>1)&& (controlLocked == "n"))
horizVel = -leftRightSpeed;
laneNum -= 1;
controlLocked = "y";
if((Input.GetKeyDown(moveR)) && (laneNum<3)&& (controlLocked == "n"))
horizVel = leftRightSpeed;
laneNum += 1;
controlLocked = "y";
velocity += gravity * gravityScale * Time.deltaTime;
if (groundCheck.isGrounded && velocity < 0)
velocity = 0;
lastJumpTime = 0;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && (Time.time - lastJumpTime) > jumpCoolDown)
lastJumpTime = Time.time;
velocity = jumpForce;
transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, velocity, 0) * Time.deltaTime);
Touch Controls
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began)
startTouchPosition = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
endTouchPosition = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
// Check for horizontal swipe
if((endTouchPosition.x < startTouchPosition.x) && (laneNum>1)&& (controlLocked == "n"))
horizVel = -leftRightSpeed;
laneNum -= 1;
controlLocked = "y";
if((endTouchPosition.x > startTouchPosition.x) && (laneNum < 3) && (controlLocked == "n"))
horizVel = leftRightSpeed;
laneNum += 1;
controlLocked = "y";
// Check for vertical swipe
if ((endTouchPosition.y > startTouchPosition.y) && (Time.time - lastJumpTime) > jumpCoolDown)
lastJumpTime = Time.time;
velocity = jumpForce;
IEnumerator stopSlide()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
horizVel = 0;
controlLocked = "n";
I've been at it for so many hours, I don't even remember what I've tried. Either the player stops moving, Right becomes Left, Jump is Right, Left is jump, etc...
Since you said the touch-controls were the issue, this answer will be focused on your second block of code.
The reason seems to be because when a player swipes up, their finger will almost never be at the same x-position. To illustrate this, try swiping up on your screen in an exact perfect line.
Computers take things very literally. So even being off by 0.0000001 is significant enough to be counted as less/more.
So what does this mean? When you swipe up, your fingers x and y position will change - causing both if-statements to activate
A fix that wouldn’t be too time-draining would be to create a dead-zone for swipes.
To put it simply, a dead-zone is a threshold that must be passed in addition to the action.
Here is an example of a dead-zone:
if(endPosition < startPosition - 2) { <SNIPPED> }

How to create a score multiplier?

I am a making an endless skiing game, and already have a scoring system, however i want to add a score multiplier based on the number of consecutive tricks done without touching the ground. here's my script so far:
public class tricksScore : MonoBehaviour
private float flips = 0;
private float deltaRotation = 0;
private float currentRotation = 0;
private float WindupRotation = 0;
public static Rigidbody2D rigbod;
public Text scores;
private int trickscore;
private int iflip;
private int oldscore;
private int incInScore;
public float speed;
private float counter;
private int flipscore;
private int rockDestroy;
private bool grounded;
private int multiplier = 1;
// Collision2D coll;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
speed = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().speed;
scores = GameObject.Find("score").GetComponent<Text>();
rigbod = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
grounded = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().grounded;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
rigbod.velocity = new Vector2(speed, rigbod.velocity.y);
deltaRotation = currentRotation - rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z;
currentRotation = rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z;
if (deltaRotation >= 300) deltaRotation -= 360;
if (deltaRotation <= -300) deltaRotation += 360;
WindupRotation += (deltaRotation);
flips = WindupRotation / 340;
iflip = (int)flips;
iflip = iflip * -1;
flipscore = iflip * 10;
trickscore = flipscore + rockDestroy;
scores.text = "score " + (trickscore * multiplier);
incInScore = trickscore - oldscore;
if (incInScore >= 10)
oldscore = trickscore;
//speed += (Mathf.Round(incInScore)) / 100.0f;
if (incInScore > 1 && incInScore <= 10)
speed = speed + 0.15f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 10 && incInScore <= 20)
speed = speed + 0.25f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 20 && incInScore <= 50)
speed = speed + 0.50f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 50 && incInScore <= 100)
speed = speed + 0.75f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 100 && incInScore <= 200)
speed = speed + 1f;
counter += 3.5f;
if (incInScore > 200)
speed = speed + 2f;
counter += 4f;
if (incInScore > 5 && grounded == false)
multiplier = multiplier + 1;
else if (grounded == true)
multiplier = 1;
if (speed > 5.15f)
speed -= 0.05f * Time.deltaTime;
else if (speed == 5.15f)
speed = 5.15f;
counter -= 1.0f * Time.deltaTime;
if (counter < 0)
counter = 0;
if (incInScore >= 10)
incInScore = 0;
if (incInScore < 0)
incInScore = incInScore * -1;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll)
//counter = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<tricksScore>().counter;
if (counter > 0)
if (coll.collider.tag == "rock")
speed = speed + 0.15f;
rockDestroy = rockDestroy + 5;
counter = counter + 2f;
I know the scripts dirty, but hopefully its still comprehensible for you all. thanks in advance for the help.
Your ground boolean is only set in start, so it will almost always be false. Add the check statement in the update function, as when you set a variable with this property, it will only take the value at that time, it will not automatically update.

how to implement a score combo system in endless runner gamme

this is the 3rd time asking this question and ill try to be more clear this time. I am making an endless skiing game in unity and want to make a combo/score multiplier system (similar to as seen in ski safari & alto). Basically, i want the combo counter/multiplier to increase for each trick performed while not touching the ground and then multiply it with the score of the trick performed. But in my game after the player performs a trick, the multiplier keeps increasing endlessly instead of just increasing by 1. Please check my code and help me fix this.
public class tricksScore : MonoBehaviour
private float flips = 0;
private float deltaRotation = 0;
private float currentRotation = 0;
private float WindupRotation = 0;
public static Rigidbody2D rigbod;
public Text scores;
private int trickscore;
private int iflip;
private int oldscore;
private int incInScore;
public float speed;
private float counter;
private int flipscore;
private int rockDestroy;
private bool grounded;
private int multiplier = 1;
private int displayScore;
// private bool isScore5 = false;
//private int timesScoreInc = 0;
// Collision2D coll;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
speed = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().speed;
scores = GameObject.Find("score").GetComponent<Text>();
rigbod = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
grounded = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().grounded;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>().grounded;
rigbod.velocity = new Vector2(speed, rigbod.velocity.y);
deltaRotation = currentRotation - rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z;
currentRotation = rigbod.transform.eulerAngles.z;
if (deltaRotation >= 300)
deltaRotation -= 360;
if (deltaRotation <= -300)
deltaRotation += 360;
WindupRotation += (deltaRotation);
flips = WindupRotation / 340;
iflip = (int)flips;
iflip = iflip * -1;
flipscore = (iflip * 10);
trickscore = (flipscore + rockDestroy) * multiplier;
displayScore = displayScore + trickscore;
scores.text = "score " + displayScore;
incInScore = trickscore - oldscore;
/* if (incInScore >= 5)
isScore5 = true;
if (incInScore >= 5)
oldscore = trickscore;
//speed += (Mathf.Round(incInScore)) / 100.0f;
if (incInScore > 1 && incInScore <= 10)
speed = speed + 0.15f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 10 && incInScore <= 20)
speed = speed + 0.25f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 20 && incInScore <= 50)
speed = speed + 0.50f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 50 && incInScore <= 100)
speed = speed + 0.75f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 100 && incInScore <= 200)
speed = speed + 1f;
counter += 3.5f;
if (incInScore > 200)
speed = speed + 2f;
counter += 4f;
/* if ( grounded == false)
multiplier = timesScoreInc + 1;
if ( incInScore >= 5 && grounded == false)
multiplier = multiplier + 1;
if (grounded == true)
multiplier = 1;
if (speed > 5.15f)
speed -= 0.05f * Time.deltaTime;
else if (speed == 5.15f)
speed = 5.15f;
counter -= 1.0f * Time.deltaTime;
if (counter < 0)
counter = 0;
oldscore = 0;
trickscore = 0;
flips = 0;
flipscore = 0;
iflip = 0;
rockDestroy = 0;
incInScore = 0;
if (incInScore < 0)
incInScore = incInScore * -1;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll)
if (counter > 0)
if (coll.collider.tag == "rock")
speed = speed + 0.15f;
rockDestroy = (rockDestroy + 5);
counter = counter + 2f;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class tricksScore : MonoBehaviour{
private GameObject player;//get the player in start so you don't have to look for it during the update
private float deltaRotation = 5;//give the player a few degrees
private Quaternion oldRotation;//use quaternions so you don't have to account for the euler overflow
public static Rigidbody2D rigbod;
public Text scores;
private int trickscore;
private int iflip;
private int incInScore;
public float speed;
private float counter;
private int flipscore;
private int rockDestroy;
private bool grounded;
private int multiplier = 1;
private int displayScore;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start(){
player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");
scores = GameObject.Find("score").GetComponent<Text>();
rigbod = player.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
oldRotation = rigbod.transform.rotation;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update(){
grounded = player.GetComponent<PlayerController> ().grounded;
speed = player.GetComponent<PlayerController> ().speed;
rigbod.velocity = new Vector2 (speed, rigbod.velocity.y);
deltaRotation += Mathf.Abs (Quaternion.Angle (rigbod.transform.rotation, oldRotation));//accumulate the absolute value of the current rotation
oldRotation = rigbod.transform.rotation;//save current rotation as old
iflip = Mathf.FloorToInt (deltaRotation / 360);//check to see how many flips have been done
deltaRotation -= iflip * 360;//subtract the flips from the current rotation so they're only counted once
flipscore = (iflip * 10);
trickscore = (flipscore + rockDestroy) * multiplier;
rockDestroy = 0;//have to reset this so its only counted once
displayScore = displayScore + trickscore;
scores.text = "score " + displayScore;
incInScore += trickscore;
if (trickscore>0){//only increase speed/multiplier if a trick has been performed
if (incInScore > 1 && incInScore <= 10) {
speed += 0.15f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 10 && incInScore <= 20) {
speed += 0.25f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 20 && incInScore <= 50) {
speed += 0.50f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 50 && incInScore <= 100) {
speed += 0.75f;
counter += 3f;
if (incInScore > 100 && incInScore <= 200) {
speed += 1f;
counter += 3.5f;
if (incInScore > 200) {
speed += 2f;
counter += 4f;
if (incInScore >= 5)
if (grounded){
incInScore = 0;
multiplier = 1;
oldRotation = rigbod.transform.rotation;
if (speed > 5.15f)
speed -= 0.05f * Time.deltaTime;
else if (speed < 5.15f)
speed = 5.15f;
counter -= 1.0f * Time.deltaTime;
if (counter < 0)
counter = 0;
player.GetComponent<PlayerController> ().speed = speed;//update the players speed
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll){
if (counter > 0){
if (coll.collider.tag == "rock"){
player.GetComponent<PlayerController> ().speed += 0.15f;//be sure to update players speed
rockDestroy +=5;
counter += 2f;

How can i wait until the rotation speed of a object is getting to some value then to slow down?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SpinObject : MonoBehaviour
public float rotationMultiplier;
public GameObject[] objectsToRotate;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToRotate.Length; i++)
rotationMultiplier += 0.1f;
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, Time.deltaTime * rotationMultiplier);
With this line i speed up the rotation slowly:
rotationMultiplier += 0.1f;
Now i want to add a IF condition so if rotationMultiplier get to for example speed 500 then start slow down like:
rotationMultiplier -= 0.1f;
The problem is that rotationMultiplier is a float so i can't just check IF rotationMultiplier == 500
Add a boolean to check whether you must accelerate or decelerate
private bool slowDown = false;
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToRotate.Length; i++)
if( rotationMultiplier > 500)
slowDown = true ;
else if( rotationMultiplier < 0 )
slowDown = false;
rotationMultiplier = (slowDown) ? rotationMultiplier - 0.1f : rotationMultiplier + 0.1f;
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, Time.deltaTime * rotationMultiplier);
Otherwise, you could use Mathf.PingPong maybe :
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToRotate.Length; i++)
rotationMultiplier = Mathf.PingPong( Time.time, 500 ) ;
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, Time.deltaTime * rotationMultiplier);
You can use a bool to determine your state (Speed up or slow down)
public bool isIncreasing;
if(rotationMultiplier >= 500)
if(rotationMultiplier <= 0) //or your desired value
//do your speed up here
//do your slow down here
You can convert float to int then can check
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToRotate.Length; i++)
if(rotationMultiplier >= 500)
rotationMultiplier -= 0.1f;
rotationMultiplier += 0.1f;
objectsToRotate[i].transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, Time.deltaTime * rotationMultiplier);

Unity - OnTriggerEnter bullet ricochet

i have some problems with simple ballistics.As i am new to coding and i wasted 2 days with searching, i decided to ask a question. I have a problem with my bullet.cs script, code works fine, except ricochet part. I used OnTriggerEnter beacuse bullets will penetrate different materials, but will bounce under specific angles, so i used collider as a trigger only. I know it can be dobe using OnCollisionEnter to determine normal and use Vector3.Reflect. But if collider is not set as a trigger only, bullets will be bouncing off from everithing a will never penetrate a wall. Just need a help with ricochet part on the bottom.
public Rigidbody rb;
private float vel;
private float kEnergy;
private bool AP = false;
private bool HP = false;
private bool ricochet = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
vel = 738f;
kEnergy = 2108f;
//HP == false;
Destroy (gameObject, 10);
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
rb.velocity = transform.forward * vel;
Quaternion bulletRotaion = transform.rotation;
Debug.Log (bulletRotaion.eulerAngles);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
float curVelocity = rb.velocity.magnitude;
if (curVelocity <= 0)
curVelocity = 0f;
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider c)
if (c.tag == "Wall") {
Quaternion localOffset = transform.rotation;
float impactAngleX = c.gameObject.GetComponent <MaterialDensity> ().angleX;
float impactAngleY = c.gameObject.GetComponent <MaterialDensity> ().angleY;
float impactAngleZ = c.gameObject.GetComponent <MaterialDensity> ().angleZ;
float angleX = localOffset.eulerAngles.x;
float angleY = localOffset.eulerAngles.y;
float angleZ = localOffset.eulerAngles.z;
float density = c.gameObject.GetComponent <MaterialDensity> ().materialDensity;
float ricochetX = (angleX + impactAngleX);
if (ricochetX > 360)
ricochetX = (ricochetX - 360);
if (ricochetX < 0)
ricochetX = (ricochetX + 360);
float ricochetY = (angleY + impactAngleY);
if (ricochetY > 360)
ricochetY = (ricochetY - 360);
if (ricochetY < 0)
ricochetY = (ricochetY + 360);
float ricochetZ = (angleZ + impactAngleZ);
if (ricochetZ > 360)
ricochetZ = (ricochetZ - 360);
if (ricochetZ < 0)
ricochetZ = (ricochetZ + 360);
if ((ricochetX > 60 && ricochetX < 300) || (ricochetY > 60 && ricochetY < 300) || (ricochetZ > 60 && ricochetZ < 300)) {
ricochet = true;
//Debug.Log (ricochet);
if ((ricochetX < 60 && ricochetX > 300) || (ricochetY < 60 && ricochetY > 300) || (ricochetZ < 60 && ricochetZ > 300)) {
ricochet = false;
//Debug.Log (ricochet);
Debug.Log (ricochet);
Debug.Log (ricochetX);
Debug.Log (ricochetY);
Debug.Log (ricochetZ);
if (AP)
density *= 0.9f;
if (HP)
density *= 3f;
//float vel = gameObject.GetComponent<GunNew>().velocity;
float curVelocity = rb.velocity.magnitude;
float velocityMod = curVelocity / vel;
float densityMod = density / velocityMod;
float curEnergy = (kEnergy * velocityMod);
float energyMod = (curEnergy * velocityMod);
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
//Quaternion localOffset = transform.rotation;
float randomX = Random.Range (0.03f, 0f);
float randomY = Random.Range (0.03f, -0.03f);
if (randomX == 0)
randomX = 0.01f;
if (randomY == 0)
randomY = 0.01f;
localOffset.x += randomX;
localOffset.y += randomY;
if (curVelocity > densityMod && !ricochet) {
rb.rotation = localOffset;
rb.velocity = transform.forward * ((curVelocity - (curVelocity * (randomX + randomY))) - densityMod);
//Debug.Log (curVelocity);
//Debug.Log (energyMod);
if (curVelocity > densityMod && ricochet)
Vector3 objAngle = new Vector3 (impactAngleX, impactAngleY, impactAngleZ);
Vector3 bulletAngle = rb.rotation.eulerAngles;
Debug.Log (objAngle);
if (curVelocity <= densityMod)
//Debug.Log (curVelocity);
//Debug.Log (energyMod);
Destroy (gameObject);
second code is a code from wall.
public float materialDensity = 100f;
public float angleX;
public float angleY;
public float angleZ;
//Quaternion localOffset = transform.rotation;
// Use this for initialization
public void Start ()
GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
Quaternion localOffset = transform.rotation;
float angleX = localOffset.eulerAngles.x;
float angleY = localOffset.eulerAngles.y;
float angleZ = localOffset.eulerAngles.z;
//Debug.Log (localOffset.eulerAngles.x);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Firstly, I would make a layers in your game for things that will ricochet, and things that don't.
Then when you test for collisions with your bullet you can only check for collisions with the ricochet layer. This will increase performance and also make coding much simpler.
From there you could rely on unity's physics to do it's own ricochet, or if you wanted to calculate it yourself you could do a raycast and use the raycast's normal as described above.
if(Physics.Raycast (shootRay, out shootHit, range, ricochetMask)) {
