I try upload file to provided Azure containers which it is taken from ProvisionMigrationContainers() method, however it was not successful.
I am using below C# code:
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(urlSring);
var securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (var c in passWord) securePassword.AppendChar(c);
clientContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);
ClientResult<ProvisionedMigrationContainersInfo> containerInfo = clientContext.Site.ProvisionMigrationContainers();
var containerInfoList = containerInfo.Value;
var dataContainerUri = containerInfoList.DataContainerUri;
var metadataContainerUri = containerInfoList.MetadataContainerUri;
CloudBlobContainer dataContainer = new CloudBlobContainer(new Uri(dataContainerUri));
CloudBlobContainer manifestContainer = new CloudBlobContainer(new Uri(metadataContainerUri));
//Upload data to container start
var testfiles = new[]
new SourceFile
Filename = "test.txt",
LastModified = DateTime.Now,
Contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hi, this is a test text-file"),
Title = "Title of file 1"
new SourceFile
Filename = "test2.txt",
LastModified = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
Contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Tesfile2"),
Title = "Second title"
foreach (var testfile in testfiles)
var blobReference = dataContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(testfile.Filename);
blobReference.UploadFromByteArray(testfile.Contents, 0, testfile.Contents.Length);
When i get list blob from provided Azure containers with below code, it returns null.
var blobList = dataContainer.ListBlobs();
var fileList = blobList.OfType<CloudBlockBlob>().Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
Would you please tell me the reason?
Thanks in advance
I made a bot application with the Microsoft Botbuilder. Now I want to create a pdf-file from the user input. The file should be stored in my azure storage.
I have a "pdf-template" which should be copied and modified (this file is in the azure storage already). It has some textboxes which should be filled with the user input. I already wrote the code for that with iTextSharp.
But I need a filestream for this code. Does anybody know how to get the filestream from the file in my azure storage? Or is there maybe another way to finish my task?
Here is the code where I need the filestream
string fileNameExisting = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Some.pdf");
string fileNameNew = #"Path/Some2.pdf";
var inv = new Invention
Inventor = new Inventor { Firstname = "TEST!", Lastname= "TEST!" },
Date = DateTime.Now,
Title = "TEST",
Slogan = "TEST!",
Description = "TEST!",
Advantages = "TEST!s",
TaskPosition = "TEST!",
TaskSolution = "TEST!"
using (var existingFileStream = new FileStream(fileNameExisting, FileMode.Open))
using (var newFileStream = new FileStream(fileNameNew, FileMode.Create))
// Open existing PDF
var pdfReader = new PdfReader(existingFileStream);
// PdfStamper, which will create
var stamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, newFileStream);
var form = stamper.AcroFields;
var fieldKeys = form.Fields.Keys;
foreach (string fieldKey in fieldKeys)
var props = fieldKey.Split('.');
string t = GetProp(props, inv);
form.SetField(fieldKey, t);
public static string GetProp(string[] classes, object oldObj)
var obj = oldObj.GetType().GetProperty(classes[0]).GetValue(oldObj, null);
classes = classes.Skip(1).ToArray();
return GetProp(classes, obj);
return obj.ToString();
The PdfReader constructor also takes a byte array. You should be able to create the object using something like:
var pdfTemplateBytes = await new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync("https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/templates/mytemplate.pdf");
var pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfTemplateBytes );
I'm using this code while trying to insert data using Big Query.
Everything is running without any exceptions, but my table is empty.
What is the problem with my code?
string SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "MyAccount";
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(#"XXX.p12", "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL)
Scopes = new[] { BigqueryService.Scope.BigqueryInsertdata, BigqueryService.Scope.Bigquery }
// Create the service.
var service = new BigqueryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "test"
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest tabreq = new Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest();
List<Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData> tabrows = new List<Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData>();
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData rd = new Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData();
IDictionary<string, object> r = new Dictionary<string, object>();
r.Add("Key", "Value");
rd.Json = r;
tabreq.Rows = tabrows;
tabreq.Kind = "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllRequest";
service.Tabledata.InsertAll(tabreq, "xxx", "xxx", "xxx");
Your codes looks good, but the only one problem is that you need to send data, actually you are not sending any data, test this code and let me know (I created a table with two fields P1 and P2)
var logs = new List<TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData>();
var theLog = new TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData();
theLog.Json = new Dictionary<string, object>();
theLog.Json.Add("P1", "Hola");
theLog.Json.Add("P2", "Mundo");
var service = GetBigQueryService();
var content = new TableDataInsertAllRequest();
content.Rows = logs;
content.Kind = "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllRequest";
content.IgnoreUnknownValues = true;
content.SkipInvalidRows = true;
var insertTask = service.Tabledata.InsertAll(content, "Your_Project_Id", "Your_DataSet", "Your_Table");
TableDataInsertAllResponse response = insertTask.Execute();
I am not able to add or update milestones field for the Features in the Rally. If anyone having the code available using C# to update the same, please share with me. I am searching and doing from last one week with no luck.
When I am trying to add/Update milestones in the Features. I am getting the error as "Could not read: Could not read referenced object null". My code is as follows:-
public DynamicJsonObject UpdateFeaturesbyName(string fea, string bFun)
//getting list of Feature.
Request feat = new Request("PortfolioItem/Feature");
feat.Query = new Query("Name", Query.Operator.Equals, fea);
QueryResult TCSResults = restApi.Query(feat);
foreach (var res in TCSResults.Results)
var steps = res["Milestones"];
Request tsteps = new Request(steps);
QueryResult tstepsResults = restApi.Query(tsteps);
foreach (var item in tstepsResults.Results)
if (res.Name == fea)
var targetFeature = TCSResults.Results.FirstOrDefault();
DynamicJsonObject toUpdate = new DynamicJsonObject();
//toUpdate["Milestones"] = "";
// CreateResult createResult = restApi.Create(steps._ref, toUpdate);
// String contentRef = steps._ref;
//String contentRef = createResult._ref;
string[] value = null;
string AccCri = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bFun))
value = bFun.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (string item in value)
//if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AccCri))
// AccCri = item;
// AccCri = AccCri + "<br/>" + item;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item))
//Query for Milestone.
Request ms = new Request("Milestone");
ms.Fetch = new List<string>() { "Name", "ObjectID" };
ms.Query = new Query("Name", Query.Operator.Equals, item);
QueryResult msResults = restApi.Query(ms);
var targetMLResult = msResults.Results.FirstOrDefault();
long MLOID = targetMLResult["ObjectID"];
DynamicJsonObject tarML = restApi.GetByReference("Milestone", MLOID, "Name", "_ref", "DisplayColor");
DynamicJsonObject targetML = new DynamicJsonObject();
targetML["Name"] = tarML["Name"];
//targetML["_ref"] = tarML["_ref"];
targetML["_ref"] = "/milestone/" + Convert.ToString(MLOID);
targetML["DisplayColor"] = tarML["DisplayColor"];
// Grab collection of existing Milestones.
var existingMilestones = targetFeature["Milestones"];
long targetOID = targetFeature["ObjectID"];
// Milestones collection on object is expected to be a System.Collections.ArrayList.
var targetMLArray = existingMilestones;
var tagList2 = targetMLArray["_tagsNameArray"];
targetMLArray["_tagsNameArray"] = tagList2;
toUpdate["Milestones"] = targetMLArray;
OperationResult updateResult = restApi.Update(res._ref, toUpdate);
bool resp = updateResult.Success;
//toUpdate["c_AcceptanceCriteria"] = AccCri;
//OperationResult updateResult = restApi.Update(res._ref, toUpdate);
var features = TCSResults.Results.Where(p => p.Name == fea).FirstOrDefault();
var featuresref = features._ref;
return features;
Now that v3.1.1 of the toolkit has been released you can use the AddToCollection method to do this.
Otherwise, you can still always just update the full collection. The value should be an arraylist of objects with _ref properties.
Check out this example (which adds tasks to defects, but should be very similar to what you're doing): https://github.com/RallyCommunity/rally-dot-net-rest-apps/blob/master/UpdateTaskCollectionOnDefect/addTaskOnDefect.cs
I am using C# implementation of netsuite api from web reference com.netsuite.webservices
I released filter fileSearch.basic by name (you can see it commented) it is working fine.
Please help to write function to achieve all attached files for current user. Something is wrong in this code, it filters nothing and showing me all files as it is without any filter. Please help me.
public static void GetFileAttachmentByCustomerId(string customerId)
using (NetSuiteService netSuiteService = GetNetSuiteService())
FileSearch fileSearch = new FileSearch();
// this works fine (filter files by name)
//SearchStringField nameSearchParams = new SearchStringField
// #operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.contains,
// operatorSpecified = true,
// searchValue = "some name",
//fileSearch.basic = new FileSearchBasic() { name = nameSearchParams };
// this code not filter files at all
RecordRef nsCustomerRef = new RecordRef
internalId = customerId,
type = RecordType.customer,
typeSpecified = true,
SearchMultiSelectField shopperSearchParam = new SearchMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new RecordRef[] { nsCustomerRef }
fileSearch.shopperJoin = new CustomerSearchBasic { internalId = shopperSearchParam };
SearchResult result = netSuiteService.search(fileSearch);
// Get connected objects
Customer customer = GetCustomerById(netSuiteService, customerId);
Account account = GetAccountById(netSuiteService, "301395"); //
Folder folder = GetFolderById(netSuiteService, "3962");
File file = (File)result.recordList.First();
byte[] fileContent = GetFileContentByInternalId(file.internalId);
Try this:
var nsCustomerRef = new RecordRef
internalId = "4",
type = RecordType.employee,
typeSpecified = true,
var currentUser = new SearchMultiSelectField()
operatorSpecified = true,
#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
searchValue = new List<RecordRef>() {nsCustomerRef}.ToArray()
var fileSearchBasic = new FileSearchBasic() {owner = currentUser};
var fileSearch = new FileSearch() { basic = fileSearchBasic };
var result = netSuiteService.search(fileSearch);
var file = (File)result.recordList.First();
How i can search by profile property? MSDN say use ProfileSearchManager, but it not working.
I want search users by MobilePhone property.
SPServiceContext serviceContext = SPServiceContext.GetContext(site);
UserProfileManager upm = new UserProfileManager(serviceContext);
ProfileSearchManager sp = ProfileSearchManager.GetProfileSearchManager(serviceContext);
string[] searchPattern = { "123" };
ProfileBase[] searchResults = sp.Search(searchPattern, ProfileSearchFlags.User);
foreach (ProfileBase profile in searchResults)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (var qRequest = new KeywordQuery(site)
QueryText = "MobilePhone:*" +"123" ,
EnableQueryRules = true,
EnableSorting = false,
SourceId = new Guid("Enter here Result Source Guid"),
TrimDuplicates = false
//Get properties you want here
SearchExecutor e = new SearchExecutor();
ResultTableCollection rt = e.ExecuteQuery(qRequest);
var tab = rt.Filter("TableType", KnownTableTypes.RelevantResults);
var result = tab.FirstOrDefault();
DataTable resultTable = result.Table;