Split the str-11-str and take only middle values - c#

I have a string as you can see below. What the easiest and best way to take the middle value only.
So, I just want to take the middle value which is in between two (-).I know we can split on - and then we can store the string array and then find the right string but that will lengthy. Is there any easies way.

input_value = '123456789-11-abcd' # Consider this as a string
Split input_value by '-' and it will generate an list say Split_list
print second element from the Split_list
output_value = Split_list[1]
print(output_value) # Required Output


Splitting large string in c# and adding values in it to a List

I have a string as shown below
string names = "<?startname; Max?><?startname; Alex?><?startname; Rudy?>";
is there any way I can split this string and add Max , Alex and Rudy into a separate list ?
Sure, split on two strings (all that consistently comes before, and all that consistently comes after) and specify that you want Split to remove the empties:
var r = names.Split(new[]{ "<?startname; ", "?>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
If you take out the RemoveEmptyEntries it will give you a more clear idea of how the splitting is working, but in essence without it you'd get your names interspersed with array entries that are empty strings because split found a delimiter (the <?...) immediately following another (the ?>) with an empty string between the delimiters
You can read the volumes of info about this form of split here - that's a direct link to netcore3.1, you can change your version in the table of contents - this variant of Split has been available since framework2.0
You did also say "add to a separate list" - didn't see any code for that so I guess you will either be happy to proceed with r here being "a separate list" (an array actually, but probably adequately equivalent and easy to convert with LINQ's ToList() if not) or if you have another list of names (that really is a List<string>) then you can thatList.AddRange(r) it
Another Idea is to use Regex
The following regex should work :
(?<=; )(.*?)(?=\s*\?>)

Search for an exact phrase and change

I have a problem with changing values ​​into a string.
I have three values, e.g. a, aa, aaa
StringBuilder builders = new StringBuilder(string);
builders.Replace("a", "ab");
builders.Replace("aa", "bab");
builders.Replace("aaa", "bba");
string new_string = builders.ToString();
How to do it to find exactly the value of 'aaa' because for this value both the condition of 'a' and 'aa' is also fulfilled.
Just do the replaces from the longest substring to the shortest one:
builders.Replace("aaa", "bba");
builders.Replace("aa", "bab");
builders.Replace("a", "ab");
The easiest way is to replace the long tokens first.
It looks like your replacement strings also contain "a". So you might need to replace them with a temporary string (one that is unlikely to occur in the original text), and then convert to the target string after you've processed them all.
The only way to intelligently only replace "a" without replacing "aa" is to parse each character in the text to determine how long each token is. It's not that hard, but a lot more work than calling Replace().

Parsing a string to get a specific value

I'm new to C#. I'm parsing for a lot number in a 2D barcode. The actual lot number 'A2351' is hidden in this barcode string "+M727PP011/$$3201001A2351S". I would like to break this barcode up in separate string blocks but the delimiters are not consistent.
The letter prefix in front of the 4 digit lot number can be a 'A', 'P', or a 'D' There is a single letter following the lot number that can be ignored.
string Delimiter = "/$$3";
//barcode format:M###PP###/$$3 ddmmyy lotnumprefix 'A' followed by lotNum
string lotNum= "+M727PP011/$$3201001A2351S";
string[] split = lotNum.Split(new[] {Delimiter}, StringSplitOptions.None);
How do I extract the lot number after the date?
Based on your initial example and then the subsequent edit in which you showed how you are solving this, it sounds like the lot number is always in the same place. It would be cleaner (and more in line with standard C# code) to use a single call to string.Substring(int,int) rather than the two lines you are using which also require pulling in the VB library. You just need to call Substring and give it the starting index and the length.
So this code:
string lotNum = Strings.Right(barcode, 6);
lotNum = lotNum.Remove((lotNum.Length - 1), 1);
Can be done with this single substring call:
string lotNum = barcode.Substring(barcode.Length - 6, 5);
Just further clarification on why it might be better to use the call to Substring. In C# string objects are immutable. That means that when you make the call to Strings.Right you are getting back a new string object. When you then call lotNum.Remove you do not "remove" a character from the existing string, a new string is allocated with the character(s) removed and is returned to you. So with your code there are two new string allocations when trying to extract the lot number. When you make the call to Substring you will get back a new string, but instead of getting a new string that you immediately then modify and get a second new string, you will only need to allocate one new string to extract the lot number. In the example you have given there probably would not be any noticeable performance/memory issue, but it is something that could potentially lead to trouble if this code was in a tight loop or something like that.
If you're just trying to get the lot number, it's really dependent on the format of the input string (is it a consistent length, are there any reliable prefixes/suffixes relative to the data you're trying to parse that you can reference from, etc). It looks like your data is definable by its static position in the string, so it looks like you could use the substring
(with an index of 20?) method to accomplish what you want.

How to know if string contains more than one same word

I have a string which is like this ..String s=and oc='LOCAL' and oc='STD' and oc='ISD' and oc='INC'.Now as per my requirement if this string contains more than one and then i have to replace all other and with or except first and else it should be the same string only..
Please help me how to get to know about more than one and and how to replace all other and except first one.
I am trying to get this using replace but i am not getting it exactly..
Please help me..
Doesn't sound like you've put much effort in, but here are 2 options:
Use string.IndexOf to get the index of your first and, and from there, cut the rest, and then use string.Replace to change and to or
Use linq. Split on white space. You can then have a list of words, and then you can replace all the ands that aren't the first to or.
you code do like this
int iCount = myString.Split( new string[] {"and"}
, StringSplitOptions.None )
.Length -1;
Try it on this fiddle.

Replacing part of text in richtextbox

I need to compare a value in a string to what user typed in a richtextbox.
For example: if a richtextbox holds string rtbText = "aaaka" and I compare this to another variable string comparable = "ka"(I want it to compare backwards). I want the last 2 letters from rtbText (comparable has only 2 letters) to be replaced with something that was predetermined(doesn't really matter what).
So rtbText should look like this:
rtbText = "aaa(something)"
This doesn't really have to be compared it can just count letters in comparable and based on that it can remove 2 letters from rtbText and replace them with something else.
Here is what I have:
int coLen = comparable.Length;
comparable = null;
TextPointer caretBack = rtb.CaretPosition.GetPositionAtOffset(coLen, LogicalDirection.Backward);
TextRange rtbText = new TextRange(rtb.CaretPosition, caretBack);
string text = rtbText.Text;
rtbText returns an empty string or I get an error for everything longer than 3 characters. What am I doing wrong?
Let me elaborate it a little bit further. I have a listbox that holds replacements for values that user types in rtb. The values(replacements) are coming from there, meaning that I don't really need to go through the whole text to check values. I just need to check the values right before caret. I am comparing these values to what I have stored in another variable (comparable).
Please let me know if you don't understand something.
I did my best to explain what needs to be done.
Thank you
You could use Regex.Replace.
// this replaces all occurances of "ka" with "Replacement"
Regex replace = new Regex("ka");
string result = replace.Replace("aaaka","Replacemenet");
gumenimeda, I had similar problems few weeks ago. I found my self doing the following (I asume you will have more than one occurance in the RichTextBox that you will need to change), note that I did it for Windows Forms where I have access directly to the Rtf text of the control, not quite sure if it will work well in your scenario:
I find all the occurancies of the string (using IndexOf for example) and store them in a List for example.
Sort the list in descending order (max index goes first, the one before him second, etc)
Start replacing the occurancies directly in the RichTextBox, by removing the characters I don't need and appending the characters I need.
The sorting in step 2 is necessary as we always want to start from the last occurance going up to the first. Starting from the first occurance or any other and going down will have an unpleasant surprise - if the length of the chunk you want to remove and the length of the chunk you want to append are different in length, the string will be modified and all other occurancies will be invalid (for example if the second occurance was in at position 12 and your new string is 2 characters longer than the original, it will become 14th). This is not an issue if we go from the last to the first occurance as the change in string will not affect the next occurance in the list).
Ofcourse I can not be sure that this is the fastest way that can be used to achieve the desired result. It's just what I came up with and what worked for me.
Good luck!
