How to generate an XML file with specific structure using C#? - c#

I have an XML with the below structure:
<Entity Record={ID}>
Attributes here
Attributes here
I've managed to generate a simplified version of the XML with the below structure:
Attributes here
However the two things I'm struggling with are:
How to add the record ID to "Entity"
How to add the hierarchies in (not sure the terminology for this in XMLs)
The code I have is:
DataTable dt = new DataTable{ TableName = "Entity" };
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
adapter.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables["User::ResultSet"].Value);
System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
dt.WriteXml(writer, XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema, false);
string xmlOutput = writer.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(output, xmlOutput);
catch (Exception e)

Check the XElement class:
The basic example is this:
XElement contacts =
new XElement("Contacts",
new XElement("Contact",
new XElement("Name", "Patrick Hines"),
new XElement("Phone", "206-555-0144"),
new XElement("Address",
new XElement("Street1", "123 Main St"),
new XElement("City", "Mercer Island"),
new XElement("State", "WA"),
new XElement("Postal", "68042")
Using the ToString() function on the XElement object will return the value in string format.
To generate attributes like the id, you can use the XAttribute class like this:
XElement phone = new XElement("Phone",
new XAttribute("Type", "Home"),


C# WCF Client - DataTable to XmlElement

I have
an old WCF SOAP service from my server,
an .NET Framework application.
an .NET Framework library.
I want to upgrade my library first to netstandard2.0.
Everything works well, i can regenerate WCF Client files.
However, DataTable have changed to ...TableResult with XmlElement.
So, i know how to change XmlElement to DataTable, but how do I change DataTable to XmlElement?
public static class Transform
public static DataTable ToDataTable(XmlElement xmlElement)
using var reader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlElement);
var datatable = new DataTable();
return datatable;
public static XmlElement ToXmlElement(DataTable datatable)
throw new NotImplementedException();
You have to use GroupBy to group the rows, then select the parts you want into XElements.
Here is an example:
var xml = new XElement(table.TableName, table.Rows.Cast<DataRow>()
.GroupBy(row => (string)row[0])
.Select(g =>
new XElement(table.Columns[0].ColumnName,
new XElement("label", g.Key),
g.GroupBy(row => (string)row[1])
.Select(g1 =>
new XElement(table.Columns[1].ColumnName,
new XElement("label", g1.Key),
new XElement(table.Columns[2].ColumnName,
g1.Select(row =>
new XElement("label", (string)row[2])
or you can use dataset
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
// In your case:
return XMLDoc.DocumentElement;
You may use ds.Write.xml, this will have a Stream to put the output into. If you need it, try the method below:
public static class Extensions
public static string ToXml(this DataSet ds)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (TextWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryStream))
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DataSet));
xmlSerializer.Serialize(streamWriter, ds);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());
var xmlString = ds.ToXml();
And you can check the docs for help.

Is there a faster way to generate XML Files

I am generating a XML file with hundreds of thousands of elements and the runtime of my code is currently over 3 minutes! I have tried both XDocument and XmlDocument to see if either would decrease the runtime; XDocument was better, but only by a small margin. Is there anything else I can try?
string path = Server.MapPath("~/Temp/employee.xml");
XDocument d = new XDocument(new XElement("Employees"));
d.Declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "true");
while (reader.Read())
d.Root.Add(new XElement("Employee",
new XElement("LastName", reader["lastname"].ToString()),
new XElement("FirstName", reader["firstname"].ToString()),
new XElement("MiddleInitial", reader["middleini"].ToString()),
new XElement("ID", reader["id"].ToString()),
new XElement("Title", reader["title"].ToString()),
new XElement("DOB", reader["title"].ToString()),
new XElement("Category", reader["category"].ToString()),
new XElement("Supervisor", reader["supervisor"].ToString()),
new XElement("CurrentAddress", reader["address1"].ToString()),
new XElement("Address", reader["address2"].ToString()),
new XElement("City", reader["city"].ToString()),
new XElement("State", reader["state"].ToString()),
new XElement("ZipCode", reader["zip"].ToString()),
new XElement("OfficePhone", reader["office_phone"].ToString()),
new XElement("HomePhone", reader["home_phone"].ToString()),
new XElement("Email", reader["email_address"].ToString()),
new XElement("DateHired", reader["chem_employment_date"].ToString()),
new XElement("DateTerminated", reader["emp_terminate_date"].ToString()),
new XElement("StatusCode", reader["status_code"].ToString()),
new XElement("Room", reader["room"].ToString()),
new XElement("IsPrivate", reader["isprivate"].ToString()),
new XElement("Floor", reader["floor"].ToString()),
new XElement("Wing", reader["wing"].ToString()),
new XElement("InRoster", reader["isroster"].ToString()),
new XElement("RosterCategory", reader["roster_category"].ToString()),
new XElement("LastModified", reader["lastmodified"].ToString()),
new XElement("ShowReport", reader["isbudget"].ToString()),
new XElement("ModifiedBy", reader["lastmodifiedby"].ToString())
Try using the xmlwriter class
C# export of large datatbase to XML
XmlWriter uses less memory than XmlDocument, but you will have to write the entire document from scratch each time.

Nesting XML Tags using Linq with Data From DB

I am trying to build an XML document using Linq, XElement and data from Database,
It's working kinda, but in my XML, I want to close the tag and start a new tag and get the results from the query to populate into for the Tag, it is complaining that my variable r in the tag is unresolved, how can I make this work, or is there a better way of building the XML. All the child elements should be under the parent , having two children and , which has their own set of children.
Here is the code below
public void GenerateXML(int id, string site, string state, string country, string bFn, string bLn, string sFn, string sLn)
var results = (from o in _db.Orders
where o.OrderId == id
select o).ToList();
var xmlDoc = new XElement("Order",
from r in results
new XElement("OrderHeader",
new XElement("SiteId", site),
new XElement("OrderId", r.OrderId),
new XElement("Time", r.OrderDate.Value),
new XElement("Subtotal", r.SubTotal),
new XElement("Shipping", ""),
new XElement("SalesTax", r.SalesTax),
new XElement("Total", r.Total),
new XElement("PaymentAmount", ""),
new XElement("PaymentMethod", ""),
new XElement("ArchiTypeAcctNum", "20001"),
new XElement("TaxExempt", r.TaxExempt),
new XElement("SpecialInstructions", r.SpecialInstructions),
new XElement("BillTo",
new XElement("BillEmail", r.BillToEmail),
new XElement("FirstName", bFn),
new XElement("LastName", bLn),
new XElement("CompanyName", r.BillCompany),
new XElement("Address1", r.BillToAddress),
new XElement("City", r.BillToCity),
new XElement("State", state),
new XElement("Country", country),
new XElement("Zip", r.BillToZip),
new XElement("Phone", r.BillToPhoneNumber)),
new XElement("ShipTo",
new XElement("FirstName", sFn),
new XElement("LastName", sLn),
new XElement("CompanyName", r.ShipCompany),
new XElement("Address1", r.ShipToAddress),
new XElement("City", r.ShipToCity),
new XElement("State", state),
new XElement("Country", country),
new XElement("Zip", r.ShipToZip),
new XElement("Phone", r.ShipToPhoneNumber))),
new XElement("Items",
from i in r.Items
select new XElement("Item",
new XElement("SKU", i.SkuNumber),
new XElement("PROD_Name", i.ProductName),
new XElement("Description", i.Description),
new XElement("Attributes", i.Attributes),
new XElement("Quantity", i.Quantity),
new XElement("UnitPrice", i.UnitPrice),
new XElement("InkColor", i.InkColor)))
I wrote an extension for same purpose. I think much easier . you can just use as orders.EntityToXml();
public static class XmlExtensions
public static bool EntityToXml<T>(this T entity, string filePath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filePath));
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filePath));
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
var serializer= new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
using (var stream = new StreamWriter(filePath))
serializer.Serialize(stream , entity);
return true;

This operation would create an incorrectly structured document

I am new to XML and tried the following but I'm getting an exception. Can someone help me?
The exception is This operation would create an incorrectly structured document
My code:
string strPath = Server.MapPath("sample.xml");
XDocument doc;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(strPath))
doc = new XDocument(
new XElement("Employees",
new XElement("Employee",
new XAttribute("id", 1),
new XElement("EmpName", "XYZ"))),
new XElement("Departments",
new XElement("Department",
new XAttribute("id", 1),
new XElement("DeptName", "CS"))));
Xml document must have only one root element. But you are trying to add both Departments and Employees nodes at root level. Add some root node to fix this:
doc = new XDocument(
new XElement("RootName",
new XElement("Employees",
new XElement("Employee",
new XAttribute("id", 1),
new XElement("EmpName", "XYZ"))),
new XElement("Departments",
new XElement("Department",
new XAttribute("id", 1),
new XElement("DeptName", "CS"))))
You need to add root element.
doc = new XDocument(new XElement("Document"));
new XElement("Employees",
new XElement("Employee",
new XAttribute("id", 1),
new XElement("EmpName", "XYZ")),
new XElement("Departments",
new XElement("Department",
new XAttribute("id", 1),
new XElement("DeptName", "CS")))));
In my case I was trying to add more than one XElement to xDocument which throw this exception. Please see below for my correct code which solved my issue
string distributorInfo = string.Empty;
XDocument distributors = new XDocument();
XElement rootElement = new XElement("Distributors");
XElement distributor = null;
XAttribute id = null;
distributor = new XElement("Distributor");
id = new XAttribute("Id", "12345678");
distributor = new XElement("Distributor");
id = new XAttribute("Id", "22222222");
distributorInfo = distributors.ToString();
Please see below for what I get in distributorInfo
<Distributor Id="12345678" />
<Distributor Id="22222222" />

Create XML document with namespaces in C#

I'm trying to generate an XML document like the one below. I tried several solution but when I add the namespace, I have the namespace almost everywhere
<FieldB xlmns="">BBBBB</FieldB>
Do you have an idea how to get this ?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<value attributeA="A" attributeB="B" xmlns:XXX="http://MyURLA" xmlns="http://MyURLB">
<status attributeC="C">
<LastUpdate date="2011-02-11T10:00:56.350" login="testing"/>
You could use a XNamespace:
public class Program
static void Main()
XNamespace nsA = "http://MyURLA";
XNamespace nsB = "http://MyURLB";
var doc = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
new XElement(
nsB + "value",
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "XXXX", nsA),
new XAttribute("attributeA", "A"),
new XAttribute("attributeB", "B"),
new XElement("FieldA", "AAAA"),
new XElement("FieldA", "BBBB"),
new XElement("FieldC", "CCCC"),
new XElement(
new XAttribute("attributeC", "C"),
new XElement("FieldC", "ValueFieldC")
new XElement(
new XAttribute("date", DateTime.Now),
new XAttribute("login", "testing")
new XElement(
nsA + "Infos",
new XElement(nsA + "InfoA", false),
new XElement(nsA + "InfoB", false)
I suspect the problem is that you're not putting FieldA, FieldB etc in the right namespace - you don't want to have an explicit namespace declaration in the XML, but the XML you've shown will actually have them in the namespace with URL http://MyURLB, due to the way defaults are inherited.
I suspect if you just use:
XNamespace nsB = "http://MyURLB";
var doc = ... {
new XElement(nsB + "value",
new XElement(nsB + "FieldA", "AAAA");
new XElement(nsB + "FieldB", "BBBB");
new XElement(nsB + "FieldC", "CCCC");
then it'll be fine. The FieldA (etc) elements won't have an explicit namespace reference, because they're in the same namespace as their parent element.
