How can I enhance my SQL Statement using the SUM function? - c#
I am trying to SUM my UNUSED column (named UNUSED). The challenging part in this context here is, I have a COUNT function. The results are calculated correctly. But how can I add a SUM function in this statement? Appreciate any kind advice.
Following is this SQL statement:
FROM Student_Prog_Course
Expected Result: 6845.46
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Courses] (
[Start] DATE NULL,
[EndDate] DATE NULL,
[Title] VARCHAR (50) NULL,
[PricePerPax] FLOAT (53) NULL,
[Claim] FLOAT (53) NULL,
[Status] VARCHAR (50) NULL,
[Date_Last_Action] DATE NULL,
[Exam] NCHAR (1) NULL,
[PreApproved] NCHAR (1) NULL,
[Comments] VARCHAR (50) NULL,
[Provider] VARCHAR (50) NULL,
[School] NCHAR (10) NULL,
CONSTRAINT [FK_Courses_ToTable] FOREIGN KEY ([PFID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Programme_Funding] ([PID])
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Courses] ([CID], [PFID], [Start], [EndDate], [Title], [PricePerPax], [Claim], [NoOfPax], [Status], [Date_Last_Action], [Exam], [PreApproved], [Comments], [Provider], [School], [Remarks]) VALUES (200, 4, N'2020-05-03', N'2020-10-03', N'Accounting Analytics', 89.23, 89.23, 29, N'Pending', N'2020-07-08', N'N', N'N', N'', N'NCS', N'SIT ', N'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Courses] ([CID], [PFID], [Start], [EndDate], [Title], [PricePerPax], [Claim], [NoOfPax], [Status], [Date_Last_Action], [Exam], [PreApproved], [Comments], [Provider], [School], [Remarks]) VALUES (201, 7, N'2020-05-04', N'2020-10-04', N'Understanding ASP.NET c#', 500, 250, 20, N'Pending', N'2020-07-08', N'Y', N'Y', N'NIL', N'NYP', N'SIT ', NULL)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student_Prog_Course] (
[Admin_No] VARCHAR (7) NOT NULL,
[Course_Status] TEXT NOT NULL,
[Claim_ID] INT NULL,
[Personal_Email] VARCHAR (50) NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Student_Prog_Course] ([Admin_No], [Course_ID], [Course_Status], [Claim_ID], [Personal_Email]) VALUES (N'189097X', 112, N'Completed ', 1, N'AAA#BBB.COM')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Student_Prog_Course] ([Admin_No], [Course_ID], [Course_Status], [Claim_ID], [Personal_Email]) VALUES (N'194567C', 112, N'Approved ', NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Student_Prog_Course] ([Admin_No], [Course_ID], [Course_Status], [Claim_ID], [Personal_Email]) VALUES (N'190234A', 112, N'Cancelled ', NULL, NULL)
Assuming it is USED that is required to be summed, what about:
FROM Student_Prog_Course
) u
Unable to fetch data using SQL Server datalength function due to performance issues
I have a documents table in my database. The document table structure is like CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Documents] ( [DocumentId] [BIGINT] NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [ObjectType] [VARCHAR](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [ObjectId] [BIGINT] NOT NULL, [DocumentName] [VARCHAR](250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [DocumentFile] [VARBINARY](MAX) NOT NULL, [isTemp] [BIT] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Documents_isTemp] DEFAULT ((0)), [IsActive] [BIT] NOT NULL, [RowGuid] [UNIQUEIDENTIFIER] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Documents_RowGuid] DEFAULT (newid()), [CreatedBy] [BIGINT] NOT NULL, [CreatedOn] [DATETIME] NOT NULL, [UpdatedBy] [BIGINT] NULL, [UpdatedOn] [DATETIME] NULL ) GO -- Constraints and Indexes ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Documents] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Documents] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([DocumentId]) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_DocumentName] ON [dbo].[Documents] ([DocumentName]) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_ObjectId] ON [dbo].[Documents] ([ObjectId]) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_ObjectType] ON [dbo].[Documents] ([ObjectType]) GO In the documents table there are 100k records. This is the C# method which is fetching single document on the basis of objectid. public IQueryable<Document> GetDocumentData(long objectId, string objectType) { var searchResults = new MerrickEntities().Documents.Where(c => c.ObjectId == objectId && c.ObjectType == objectType && SqlFunctions.DataLength(c.DocumentFile) > 0); return searchResults.AsQueryable(); } In this query is not fetching data and it seems the issue is caused by datalength function. How can I optimize this query?
SQL Multiple meetings to one user and vice versa
I'm creating a meeting program in c# using SQL. How would i go about adding multiple users from the user table to one meeting and vice versa (multiple meetings to one user from the table) Sorry I'm new to SQL SQL DB Format: User [UserID] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [FirstName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [LastName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Username] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Password] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Exc1] BIT NULL, [Exc2] BIT NULL, [Exc3] BIT NULL, [Exc4] BIT NULL, [Exc5] BIT NULL, [Importance] INT NOT NULL, [Meetings] VARCHAR (50) NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([UserID] ASC), CONSTRAINT [Meetings] FOREIGN KEY ([Meetings]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Meeting] ([MeetingID]) Meeting [MeetingID] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Title] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Date] DATE NOT NULL, [StartTime] TIME (7) NOT NULL, [EndTime] TIME (7) NOT NULL, [Location] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Exc1] BIT NULL, [Exc2] BIT NULL, [Exc3] BIT NULL, [Exc4] BIT NULL, [Exc5] BIT NULL, [Summary] VARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [UserID] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([MeetingID] ASC), CONSTRAINT [UserID] FOREIGN KEY ([UserID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([UserID])
In this case it is a n to n relation and you need an additional table like usermeetings [UsermeetingsID] [UserID] [MeetingID] And you can remove the userid columns from meeting table and meetings columns from user table
How to access AspNetUsers table fields?
I want to implement a limited time period membership in MVC. For that, I manually introduced a new column ExpiryDate in the AspNetUsers table. When a new user registers itself this field will automatically generate an expiry date with the help of the getdate() method. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ( [Id] NVARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, [Email] NVARCHAR (256) NULL, [EmailConfirmed] BIT NOT NULL, [PasswordHash] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [SecurityStamp] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [PhoneNumber] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [PhoneNumberConfirmed] BIT NOT NULL, [TwoFactorEnabled] BIT NOT NULL, [LockoutEndDateUtc] DATETIME NULL, [LockoutEnabled] BIT NOT NULL, [AccessFailedCount] INT NOT NULL, [UserName] NVARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [RegisterDate ] DATETIME DEFAULT (getdate()) NULL, [ExpiryDate] DATETIME DEFAULT (getdate()+(60)) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.AspNetUsers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); Now, I want to check that expiry date value everytime when that user tries to login. Where and what logic should I implement in my code?
How to get column definition from query result
I need a way to get column definition from query result. Right now I'm using SQL Server 2012. Here is the example scenario, I have two tables which are Event and Attendant whose definitions are below : CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Event] ( [Id] INT NOT NULL, [Name] NVARCHAR (50) NULL, [Description] NVARCHAR (50) NULL, [StartDate] DATETIME NULL, [EndDate] DATETIME NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attendant] ( [Id] INT NOT NULL, [EventId] INT NOT NULL, [Name] NVARCHAR (50) NULL, [Company] NVARCHAR (50) NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); And then I have query such as : SELECT Event.Name as EventName, Attendant.Name as GuestName FROM Event INNER JOIN Attendant ON Event.Id = Attendant.EventId How Can I get the column definition for above example query result? My objective is to generate poco class to represent each record of any query result using c#.
you can use sp_columns sproc to retrieve information about the column definition of a specified table ... like this: exec sp_columns Attendant
Use sp_columns, it returns column information for the specified objects(tables). Refer this link for details.
select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = '<tablename>'
Monthly billing system - query to get list of defaulters who have not paid their dues by today
this is the customers table, column 'C_BillingDay' indicates on which day the bill are due monthly for example if value is 4 thn billing due date of that customer is 4rth of each month. he has to pay his dues on 4rth .. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers]( [CID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [C_Name] [varchar](50) NULL, [C_EmailID] [varchar](20) NULL, [C_MobileNo] [varchar](20) NULL, [C_PhoneNo] [varchar](20) NULL, [C_HomeAddress] [varchar](max) NULL, [C_ServiceArea] [int] NULL, [C_AccountStatus] [int] NULL, [C_IPAdress] [varchar](50) NULL, [C_MACAddress] [varchar](50) NULL, [C_Package] [int] NULL, [C_BillingDay] [int] NULL, [Balance] [float] NULL, [C_AccountCreated] [datetime] NULL, [C_AccountModified] [datetime] NULL, payments' table: TABLE [dbo].[Payments]( [PID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CID] [int] NULL, [Amount] [int] NULL, [PaymentType] [int] NULL, [Details/Comments] [varchar](max) NULL, [DateTimeRecieved] [datetime] NULL, [DateTimeModified] [datetime] NULL, please help me quering all the defaulters who have not paid their dues on time by today ... i have been trying with similar functions like DATEADD(MONTH,-1,GETDATE()) but they are not giving desired results :S select * from Customers,payments where Payments.DateTimeRecieved NOT BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(MONTH,-1,GETDATE())
From the limited system information given, I suspect there would be two relevant processes. The first a daily job which does an UPDATE on the [Balance] column for all records in [Customers] based on [C_Package] (perhaps this indicates a monthly fee stored elsewhere), [C_AccountStatus] (perhaps indicating whether they are active), [C_BillingDay], and todays date. Once that is done all you need to do is SELECT [CID] FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [Balance] > 0 Hope this helps. Edit ... To select Customers who haven't made a payment (though the logic seems flawed): SELECT c.[CID] FROM [Customers] c WHERE c.[CID] NOT IN (SELECT p.[CID] FROM [Payments] p WHERE p.[DateTimeRecieved] BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(MONTH,-1,GETDATE())) (There's probably a way more elegant query than that!)
What about checking if the balance is not 0 and that today is the date of their payment. Something like: select * from customers, payments where customers.balance > 0 and todays_date >= billdate; its a bit abstract because i dont really know what language we are dealing with or what form your dates are in. I am also making an assumption that they pay off their entire balance when they pay their dues