The remote server returned an error: (415) Unsupported Media Type in uploadString method - c#

I am calling API with "PUT" Method using Web Client in C# Code,When I run this source code it shows an error message as "The remote server returned an error: (415) Unsupported Media Type" in uploadString method".
Please check below source code with Json data and advise how to resolve this error.
Where "DATA" in source code is Json Data
Source Code:-
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.Headers.Add("owner_id", "78c6beda-54a2-11ea-b064-0af3f8b02c24");
client.Headers.Add("gstin", "29AAFCD5862R000");
string url = "";
string res = client.UploadString(url, "PUT", DATA);
var obj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<YourClass>(res);
Json Data :-
"transaction": {
"Version": "1.01",
"TranDtls": {
"TaxSch": "GST",
"SupTyp": "EXPWOP",
"RegRev": "N",
"EcmGstin": null,
"IgstOnIntra": null
"DocDtls": {
"Typ": "INV",
"No": "G/E/20-21/0175",
"Dt": "11/09/2020"
"SellerDtls": {
"Gstin": "29AAFCD5862R000",
"LglNm": "K.H Exports India Private Limited",
"TrdNm": "K.H Exports India Private Limited (Glove Division)",
"Addr1": "142/,Trunk Road",
"Addr2": "Perumugai",
"Loc": "Via Vellore",
"Pin": "560037",
"Stcd": "29",
"Ph": "04162253164",
"Em": ""
"BuyerDtls": {
"Gstin": "URP",
"LglNm": "H M FINANCE AB",
"TrdNm": "H M FINANCE AB",
"Pos": "96",
"Addr2": null,
"Loc": "Sweden",
"Pin": "999999",
"Stcd": "96",
"Ph": null,
"Em": null
"DispDtls": null,
"ShipDtls": {
"Gstin": "URP",
"LglNm": "LOGIX FZCO",
"TrdNm": "LOGIX FZCO",
"Addr2": null,
"Loc": "United Arab Emirates",
"Pin": "999999",
"Stcd": "96"
"ItemList": [
"SlNo": "0001",
"IsServc": "N",
"HsnCd": "42032920",
"Barcde": null,
"Qty": 10.0,
"FreeQty": 0.0,
"Unit": "PR",
"UnitPrice": 452.50,
"TotAmt": 4525.00,
"Discount": 0.0,
"PreTaxVal": 4525.00,
"AssAmt": 4525.00,
"GstRt": 0.0,
"IgstAmt": 0.0,
"CgstAmt": 0.0,
"SgstAmt": 0.0,
"CesRt": 0.0,
"CesAmt": 0.0,
"CesNonAdvlAmt": 0.0,
"StateCesRt": 0.0,
"StateCesAmt": 0.0,
"StateCesNonAdvlAmt": 0.0,
"OthChrg": 0.0,
"TotItemVal": 4525.00,
"OrdLineRef": null,
"OrgCntry": null,
"PrdSlNo": null,
"BchDtls": null,
"AttribDtls": null
"ValDtls": {
"AssVal": 4525.00,
"CgstVal": 0.0,
"SgstVal": 0.0,
"IgstVal": 0.0,
"CesVal": 0.0,
"StCesVal": 0.0,
"Discount": 0.0,
"OthChrg": 0.0,
"RndOffAmt": 0.0,
"TotInvVal": 4525.00,
"TotInvValFc": 0.0


Unity: I'm having trouble getting data from a json file for a unity project, specifically with objects being nested in object

so I need to get a json file to a dictionary so i can accesses the position values inside, however I can't seem to wrap my brain around the formatting the classes to get the data. Here is the json
"A-1_Dynamic": {
"models": {
"Obj_TreeConiferous_A_Snow_01": {
"positions": [
"location": [ -4046.613525390625, 300.58489990234375, -3327.34228515625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 3.006002426147461, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4069.423583984375, 304.7637634277344, -3353.51416015625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 1.8161119222640991, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4074.988037109375, 190.91162109375, -3061.863037109375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.679896891117096, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4226.9140625, 241.1768798828125, -3059.42578125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4208.6279296875, 233.5629425048828, -3126.795654296875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4131.59814453125, 158.98818969726562, -2963.489990234375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.3199999332427979, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4032.2548828125, 296.8008117675781, -3253.56396484375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.5199999809265137, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4096.81982421875, 166.0074462890625, -2994.40380859375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.2400000095367432, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -3995.435302734375, 319.0335998535156, -3290.858154296875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 2.2090237140655518, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4063.25341796875, 183.0584716796875, -3037.53955078125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.3199999332427979, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4242.64453125, 282.1507873535156, -3130.758056640625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.645487904548645, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4249.56884765625, 265.62750244140625, -3092.826904296875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4134.4814453125, 199.40121459960938, -3097.57861328125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 5.253152370452881, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4211.60888671875, 237.02320861816406, -3134.893310546875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4245.36767578125, 278.0252685546875, -3121.50634765625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.820020854473114, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -3982.287841796875, 334.6233825683594, -3362.15966796875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 5.689845561981201, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4270.5146484375, 234.09169006347656, -3019.659423828125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4195.93701171875, 246.44842529296875, -3165.1669921875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4171.91650390625, 242.51864624023438, -3224.1806640625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.2400000095367432, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4057.538330078125, 301.52459716796875, -3336.35546875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.12114069610834122, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4141.931640625, 165.43731689453125, -2977.140380859375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.2400000095367432, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4203.0791015625, 236.73880004882812, -3142.16357421875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4073.278564453125, 155.88107299804688, -2943.0166015625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.2400000095367432, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4059.146484375, 307.46551513671875, -3350.83154296875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 3.614266872406006, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4141.1943359375, 159.79676818847656, -2953.390625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.6000000238418579, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4140.79541015625, 204.42941284179688, -3118.21630859375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 3.053586006164551, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4163.22998046875, 192.46229553222656, -3035.843017578125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4004.206787109375, 331.18939208984375, -3360.05419921875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 5.680851936340332, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4081.77880859375, 285.52581787109375, -3301.23388671875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4036.37890625, 296.74365234375, -3245.054443359375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -0.6800000071525574, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4135.1318359375, 168.22479248046875, -2990.285888671875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4077.190185546875, 184.27197265625, -3047.604736328125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 1.442330241203308, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4033.4873046875, 315.0357360839844, -3347.161865234375 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, -1.3199999332427979, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4161.57958984375, 247.22796630859375, -3236.60986328125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 5.881755828857422, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4020.97119140625, 300.33905029296875, -3206.254638671875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4075.729736328125, 294.3045654296875, -3332.35546875 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 3.731034278869629, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4003.70068359375, 314.2876892089844, -3301.96533203125 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 1.0399999618530273, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -3987.53466796875, 324.06951904296875, -3302.6025390625 ],
"rotate": [ 0.0, 2.8772897720336914, 0.0 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"Obj_FlowerVioletCliff_A_01": {
"positions": [
"location": [ -4080.424560546875, 483.92034912109375, -3733.233154296875 ],
"rotate": [ -1.8166382312774658, -0.30297359824180603, 3.120814561843872 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4243.26171875, 303.47265625, -3268.234375 ],
"rotate": [ 1.3795164823532104, 1.4161375761032104, 0.3972167670726776 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
"location": [ -4255.08984375, 315.87109375, -3244.0 ],
"rotate": [ -0.8560790419578552, 0.60546875, -2.792602300643921 ],
"scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
and this is what I have
public class sceneCreator : MonoBehaviour{
public TextAsset textJson;
public RootData A1Data = new RootData();
void Start(){
A1Data = JsonUtility.FromJson<RootData>(textJson.);
public class PositionData
public float[] location;
public float[] rotate;
public float[] scale;
public class ModelData
public PositionData[] positions;
public class A1DynamicData
public Dictionary<string, ModelData> models;
public class RootData
public A1DynamicData A_1_Dynamic;
I've tried to change the root. Since I was adding an extra, unneeded piece. But a get no data being read.
For starters A-1_Dynamic != A_1_Dynamic. The JSON names have to match exactly => you can't use JsonUtility for this as you can't have a - in a field name in c#
You will need to either change that naming within the JSON or use an external tool like Newtonsoft Json.NET which allows to overwrite the JSON name using the [JsonProperty] attribute.
Further you can't use JsonUtility anyway since it uses the Unity Serializer which doesn't support Dictionary
=> Again rather use Newtonsoft Json.NET which comes as a package via Package manager
A1Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootData>(textJson.text);
public class RootData
[JsonProperty ("A-1_Dynamic")]
public A1DynamicData A_1_Dynamic;
i used to get the classes and the Newtonsoft Json package to get all of it into classes which i can access.

how to split the json value using c#

I am having a JSON file like this:
"{\"page\":1,\"limit\":10,\"pages\":1,\"total_results\":2,\"districts\":[{\"object\":\"district\",\"links\":[],\"id\":\"3650117d-e60e-4b1d-897e-df5d6728a6a6\",\"name\":\"Wake County Public School System\",\"database_code\":\"NC183\",\"database_host\":\"osp-tdb01\",\"website\":\"WakeNC\",\"prefix\":\"00183\",\"state\":\"NC\",\"state_fips\":\"00\",\"county_code\":\"183\",\"short_county_code\":null,\"salesforce_id\":null,\"nces_id\":null,\"fee_per_transaction_credit\":0.0,\"fee_per_transaction_e_check\":0.0,\"fee_percent_credit\":0.04,\"fee_percent_e_check\":0.0,\"fee_paid_by\":null},{\"object\":\"district\",\"links\":[],\"id\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\"name\":\"\",\"database_code\":\"NC183\",\"database_host\":\"OSP-DB01\",\"website\":\"WakeNC\",\"prefix\":\"37183\",\"state\":\"NC\",\"state_fips\":\"37\",\"county_code\":\"183\",\"short_county_code\":null,\"salesforce_id\":null,\"nces_id\":null,\"fee_per_transaction_credit\":0.0,\"fee_per_transaction_e_check\":0.0,\"fee_percent_credit\":0.0,\"fee_percent_e_check\":0.0,\"fee_paid_by\":null}]}"
here how to split the district - > id which has value "3650117d-e60e-4b1d-897e-df5d6728a6a6"
You can parse it using Newtonsoft from Nuget. ie:
void Main()
var myJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, new { districts = new[] { new { id = Guid.NewGuid() }}});
foreach (var x in myJSON.districts)
static readonly string json = #"{
""page"": 1,
""limit"": 10,
""pages"": 1,
""total_results"": 2,
""districts"": [
""object"": ""district"",
""links"": [],
""id"": ""3650117d-e60e-4b1d-897e-df5d6728a6a6"",
""name"": ""Wake County Public School System"",
""database_code"": ""NC183"",
""database_host"": ""osp-tdb01"",
""website"": ""WakeNC"",
""prefix"": ""00183"",
""state"": ""NC"",
""state_fips"": ""00"",
""county_code"": ""183"",
""short_county_code"": null,
""salesforce_id"": null,
""nces_id"": null,
""fee_per_transaction_credit"": 0.0,
""fee_per_transaction_e_check"": 0.0,
""fee_percent_credit"": 0.04,
""fee_percent_e_check"": 0.0,
""fee_paid_by"": null
""object"": ""district"",
""links"": [],
""id"": ""00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"",
""name"": """",
""database_code"": ""NC183"",
""database_host"": ""OSP-DB01"",
""website"": ""WakeNC"",
""prefix"": ""37183"",
""state"": ""NC"",
""state_fips"": ""37"",
""county_code"": ""183"",
""short_county_code"": null,
""salesforce_id"": null,
""nces_id"": null,
""fee_per_transaction_credit"": 0.0,
""fee_per_transaction_e_check"": 0.0,
""fee_percent_credit"": 0.0,
""fee_percent_e_check"": 0.0,
""fee_paid_by"": null

Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue error?

string shippingContactFullName = (string)json["billing_address"]["contact_full_name"];
On this line, i get the
Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue error
The ShippingAddress element is working. But I'm getting the error you see in the BillingAdress element.
How can I solve this problem?
"id": 53245235,
"service": 2,
"service_name": "n11",
"service_logo": "",
"sales_channel": "n11",
"service_created": "2022-01-20T00:59:00+03:00",
"service_value": "207843149357",
"service_order_id": "298190201",
"products": "3 X (216109) Akü Kutup Başı - Zamak Malzeme<br>3 X (216109) Akü Kutup Başı - Zamak Malzeme<br>",
"customer": {
"id": 26207836,
"account_type": "person",
"full_name": "tuncay poyraz",
"address": {
"id": 81237558,
"full_address": "Foça Mh. Foca mah 1041 sok kapi daire 11/6 s blok fethiye - FETHİYE/Muğla/TürkiyeFOÇA /FETHİYE /MuğlaT",
"contact_full_name": null,
"contact_phone_number": null,
"city": "Muğla",
"district": "Fethiye",
"zip_code": null
"email": "",
"phone_number": "+905536925506",
"citizen_id": 38576088320,
"tax_id": null,
"tax_office": null,
"company_name": null,
"service_data_mappings": [
"service_data": {
"service": {
"name": "n11"
"service_value": "17878401"
"billing_address": {
"id": 81237553,
"full_address": "Foça Mh. Foca mah 1041 sok kapi daire 11/6 s blok fethiye - FETHİYE/Muğla/TürkiyeFOÇA /FETHİYE /MuğlaT",
"contact_full_name": "bekir dirican",
"contact_phone_number": "+905536925506",
"city": "Muğla",
"district": "Fethiye",
"zip_code": "48300"
"shipping_address": {
"id": 81237554,
"full_address": "Foça Mh. Foca mah 1041 sok kapi daire 11/6 s blok fethiye - FETHİYE/Muğla/TürkiyeFOÇA /FETHİYE /MuğlaT",
"contact_full_name": "bekir dirican",
"contact_phone_number": "+905536925506",
"city": "Muğla",
"district": "Fethiye",
"zip_code": "48300"
"shipped_date": null,
"payment_type": "cc",
"status": "waiting_shipment",
"total": "54.00",
"service_fee": null,
"discount": null,
"archived": false,
"notes": null,
"items": [
"id": 35478059,
"order": 53245235,
"service_item_id": "319332749",
"service_product_id": "524383019",
"service_shipment_code": null,
"sku": "216109",
"attributes": "Kutup Yön Seçin: Eksi Kutup (-), ",
"name": "Akü Kutup Başı - Zamak Malzeme",
"amount": 3,
"price": "27.00",
"unit_price": "9.00",
"shipment": null,
"shipment_campaign_code": "112064897331519",
"buyer_pays_shipment": false,
"status": "approved",
"shipment_provider": 3,
"tax_ratio": 18,
"product": {
"id": 17022813,
"sku": "AK-KTP-BS-MLZM-2",
"foreign_sku": "216109E"
"linked_product": {
"id": 17022813,
"sku": "AK-KTP-BS-MLZM-2",
"foreign_sku": "216109E"
"vat": null
"id": 35478058,
"order": 53245235,
"service_item_id": "319348650",
"service_product_id": "524383019",
"service_shipment_code": null,
"sku": "216109",
"attributes": "Kutup Yön Seçin: Artı Kutup (+), ",
"name": "Akü Kutup Başı - Zamak Malzeme",
"amount": 3,
"price": "27.00",
"unit_price": "9.00",
"shipment": null,
"shipment_campaign_code": "112064897331519",
"buyer_pays_shipment": false,
"status": "approved",
"shipment_provider": 3,
"tax_ratio": 18,
"product": {
"id": 17022810,
"sku": "AK-KTP-BS-MLZM",
"foreign_sku": "216109A"
"linked_product": {
"id": 17022810,
"sku": "AK-KTP-BS-MLZM",
"foreign_sku": "216109A"
"vat": null
"transactions": [
"transaction_type": "income",
"payment_type": "undefined",
"additional_description": "Gelir",
"paid_date": "2022-01-20T00:59:00+03:00",
"payment_due_date": null,
"invoice_number": null,
"invoice_file": null,
"service_document_url": null,
"total": "54.00",
"archived": false,
"installment_count": null,
"pos_ref_id": null,
"bank_id": null,
"account_id": null
"transaction_type": "expense",
"payment_type": "undefined",
"additional_description": "komisyon",
"paid_date": "2022-01-20T00:59:00+03:00",
"payment_due_date": null,
"invoice_number": null,
"invoice_file": null,
"service_document_url": null,
"total": "5.40",
"archived": false,
"installment_count": null,
"pos_ref_id": null,
"bank_id": null,
"account_id": null
"invoice_number": "PA02022000000294",
"invoice_created": "2022-01-20T06:23:05.608248Z",
"invoice_type": "e-archive",
"invoice_vat_total": 8.24,
"invoice_grand_total": 54.0,
"invoice_deleted": false,
"created": "2022-01-20T01:09:21.717504+03:00"

How to get values from json string using newtonsoft .json in c#

I have following json string (this is part of it).
"$id": "1",
"topdealMaster": [
"$id": "2",
"topdeal_id": 27,
"calling_number": "12345678",
"whats_include": "fssdf\nsdfsd",
"child_policy": "sdfsdf\nsdf\nsdfsd",
"optional_extras": "sdfsd\nsdfsd",
"fine_prints": "sdfsdf\nsdf",
"prices_id": "54,55,52,53,",
"hotels_id": "2086,2086,",
"cruise_id": "23,",
"tour_id": "28,27,",
"deal_id": 20224,
"created_user_id": 28,
"created_datetime": null,
"last_modified_user_id": null,
"last_modified_datetime": null,
"isActive": null,
"employee_master": null,
"deal_master": {
"$id": "3",
"deal_id": 20224,
"our_deal_code": "TCTZ00021",
"deal_code": "TCTZ00021",
"deal_company_id": null,
"deal_title": "Thasnen testing",
"created_user_id": null,
"created_time": null,
"isAlwaysOn": null,
"isActive": null,
"activated_user_id": null,
"activated_time": null,
"extra_info": null,
"deal_type_id": "TCTZ",
"min_price": null,
"save_up": null,
"fine_prints": null,
"acco_type_id": null,
"deal_hotel_id": null,
"no_of_nigths": null,
"airport_code": null,
"deal_comments": [],
"deal_fares": [],
"deal_other_company_hotel": null,
"topdeal_master": []
"topDealHotel": [
"$id": "4",
"Deal_Hotel_Id": 2086,
"Deal_Hotel_Name": "The Ocean Colombo",
"Created_Emp_Id": 108,
"Updated_Emp_Id": 28,
"Updated_Time": null,
"System_Date_Time": "2016-06-20T10:11:19.037",
"City_Code": "CMB",
"Latitude": 6.88531,
"Longitude": 79.855195,
"LocationId": 6887404,
"Hotel_Amentities": [
"$id": "5",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 2,
"amenity_type": "24-hour front desk",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "6",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 3,
"amenity_type": "Airport transportation",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "7",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 8,
"amenity_type": "Bar/lounge",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "8",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 9,
"amenity_type": "Breakfast available (surcharge)",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "9",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 10,
"amenity_type": "Business center",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "10",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 16,
"amenity_type": "Dry cleaning/laundry service",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "11",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 17,
"amenity_type": "Elevator/lift",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "12",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 22,
"amenity_type": "Free newspapers in lobby",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "13",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 23,
"amenity_type": "Free WiFi",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "14",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 32,
"amenity_type": "Limo or Town Car service available",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "15",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 33,
"amenity_type": "Luggage storage",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "16",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 39,
"amenity_type": "Restaurant",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "17",
"id": 0,
"hotel_amenity_id": 43,
"amenity_type": "Smoke-free property",
"image_path": "fa fa-square"
"Room_Amentities": [
"$id": "18",
"id": 0,
"room_amenity_id": 2,
"amenity_type": "Air conditioning",
"ImagePath": "fa fa-square"
"$id": "19",
"id": 0,
"room_amenity_id": 4,
"amenity_type": "Blackout drapes/curtains",
"ImagePath": "fa fa-square"
How can I get value(separate objects and value) from this string using newtonsoft .json or any other way.
I tried like this(by creating root objects , just a small try)
public class RootobjectOne
public TopdealMaster TopdealMaster { get; set; }
public class TopdealMaster
public string topdealId {get;set;}
and then calle for it like this
string b = client.GetPromotionalTopDeal_TOUR("TCTZ00021"); // this gives the json string
and try with this, calling to above class.
RootobjectOne one = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootobjectOne>(b);
but didn't get any succesful result.hope your help with this.
note : it gives following error ----- > because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List that can be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.
You have an array on top level, so it should be:
var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<RootobjectOne>>(b);
Also "topdealMaster" is an array, so the root class should be something like:
public class RootobjectOne
public Topdealmaster[] TopdealMasters { get; set; }

Handling double quotes in JSON strings

We have an application with knockout and we are facing a problem that some registers in the database have double quotes, which caused JSON parsing to fail.
Here's my json that is not valid due to a rogue double quote:
"OptionSummaries": [
"Id": 110,
"Name": "Option 1",
"Status": 1,
"ProductGroupNodes": [
"Id": 110,
"Name": "Corporate Brand Reputation",
"Status": 2,
"Waves": [
"Id": 110,
"Name": "Wave 1",
"Status": 2,
"Services": [
"Id": 1101,
"Title": "Proposal Budget Owner Service",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"EstimatedCost": 177.0000,
"CreationDateTime": "/Date(1437472898503)/",
"Status": 2
"Id": 111,
"Name": "2013 Consumer Scan",
"Status": 1,
"Waves": [
"Id": 111,
"Name": "Wave 1",
"Status": 1,
"Services": [
"Id": 1111,
"Title": "Proposal Budget Owner Service",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"EstimatedCost": 0.0000,
"CreationDateTime": "/Date(1437472898503)/",
"Status": 1
"Id": 115,
"Name": "Option 2",
"Status": 1,
"ProductGroupNodes": [
"Id": 115,
"Name": "Corporate Brand Reputation",
"Status": 1,
"Waves": [
"Id": 115,
"Name": "Wave 1",
"Status": 1,
"Services": [
"Id": 1151,
"Title": "Proposal Budget Owner Service",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"EstimatedCost": 0.0000,
"CreationDateTime": "/Date(1437472898503)/",
"Status": 1
"Id": 116,
"Name": "2013 Consumer Scan",
"Status": 1,
"Waves": [
"Id": 116,
"Name": "Wave 1",
"Status": 1,
"Services": [
"Id": 1161,
"Title": "Proposal Budget Owner Service",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"EstimatedCost": 0.0000,
"CreationDateTime": "/Date(1437472898503)/",
"Status": 1
"ServiceCostsEdit": {
"ServiceId": 1101,
"ServiceName": "Proposal Budget Owner Service",
"ServiceCurrencyIsoCode": "USD",
"ServiceLegalEntityCode": "0310",
"LaborHourCostsPanel": {
"LaborHourCosts": [
"Id": 2,
"CostCenters": [
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "3101010001 - Consumer KAM Group",
"Value": "3101010001"
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "3102510255 - Knowledge Panel",
"Value": "3102510255"
"FiscalYears": [
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "2013",
"Value": "2013"
"LaborGrades": [
"Code": "0HL002",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"Rate": 44.0000,
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "0HL002 - 44.00/hr USD",
"Value": "0HL002"
"SelectedLaborGradeCostCenter": "3101010001",
"SelectedLaborGradeFiscalYear": 2013,
"SelectedLaborGradeCode": "0HL002",
"SelectedLaborGradeRate": 44.0000,
"SetupHours": 2.00,
"ManagementHours": 1.00,
"DeliveryHours": 1.00,
"IsEmpty": false
"LaborHourCostsCostCenterDataSource": [
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "3101010001 - Consumer KAM Group",
"Value": "3101010001"
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "3102510255 - Knowledge Panel",
"Value": "3102510255"
"DefaultCostCenterCodeForInitialEmptyRecord": null,
"DefaultFiscalYearForInitialEmptyRecord": null,
"OverheadCosts": [
"LaborGradeCostCenterCode": "3101010001",
"LaborGradeFiscalYear": 2013,
"OverheadRate": 0.0000,
"SetupHours": 2.00,
"ManagementHours": 1.00,
"DeliveryHours": 1.00
"OverheadCostsVisible": true,
"OverheadCostsInitialDataSource": [
"Key": {
"CostCenterCode": "3101010001",
"FiscalYear": 2013
"Value": {
"Code": "0HO001",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"Rate": 0.00,
"Disabled": false,
"Group": null,
"Selected": false,
"Text": "0HO001 - USD 0.00/hr",
"Value": "0HO001"
"CostCenter": "F2F PAPI",
"ServiceCurrencyIsoCode": "USD",
"EditingAllowed": true
"VendorCostsPanel": {
"VendorCosts": [
"Id": 132,
"SelectedCostElementCode": "1992000004",
"VendorCode": "",
"VendorName": null,
"Description": "doublequotes"","DirectCostAttachment":null,"Quantity":1,"VendorRate":1.0000,"IsEmpty":false}],"CostElements":[{"Disabled":false,"Group":null,"Selected":false,"Text":"ExternalSuppliercosts","Value":"1992000004"},{"Disabled":false,"Group":null,"Selected":false,"Text":"Licensesfromaffilitatedcompanies","Value":"1992000002"}],"ServiceCurrencyIsoCode":"USD","EditingAllowed":true},"CostingAssumptionsPanel":{"Description":"","EditingAllowed":true},"ServiceSpecificationsPanel":{"Title":"ProposalBudgetOwnerService","Type":"ProposalBudgetOwnerService","Fields":[{"Value":"Hellolonglonglongtext...","Id":153,"Code":"OVERVIEW","Title":"Overview","IsRequiredForCosting":false,"DependencyVisibilityExpression":null,"FieldCodesToReevaluateOnChange":[],"EditingAllowed":false}]},"ApprovalComments":{"CommentType":0,"Message":null,"ApproverName":null,"ApproverEmail":null,"AnyComments":false},"RejectedCostInfoVisible":false,"EditingAllowed":true},"SubmitCostsEnabled":true,"EditingAllowed":false,"SelectedTreeNode":{"Id":1101,"Type":3},"Proposal":{"ProposalId":11,"ProposalName":"Ad-hocatCostingonMain","ProposalCostCenterCode":"3102510220","ProposalValid":{"IsValid":true,"ErrorMessage":""},"SoldToCustomer":"JenniferSamson","ExpectedProjectStartDate":"/Date(1426892400000)/","ExpectedProjectEndDate":"/Date(1431208800000)/","FunctionalityAreaEnabled":true}}
If you test this json against jsonlint you will see where the problem lies. What is the best way to handle this? I think the way I'm serializing the C# model to JSON is not proper? To do that I use:
var jsonModel = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model);
Any help is very appreciated.
Issue was fixed. Problem was with the serialization.
I fixed this by using the method HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode
var jsonViewModel = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(Json.Encode(Model));
This solved my problem. All I had to do to pass this to knockout was #Html.Raw(jsonViewModel)
Best regards and thanks everyone!
