I have a web service which need the body signing on all the requests. so i wonder what is the best practice in order to do that? I'm using this method in order to sign the string but i guess its not the best way. because my private key never disposes:
using (var provider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
encryptByteList = provider.SignData(content, CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA256"));
I already read the certificate and private key once when the project loaded for first time. Like this:
Certificate = new X509Certificate2("my pfx path", "***", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
PrivateKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)Certificate.PrivateKey;
Then I found this method:
var cert = new X509Certificate2("my pfx path", "***", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
using (var rsa = cert.GetRSAPrivateKey())
encryptByteList = rsa.SignData(content, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
but this one works if i read certificate from file on every requests. obviously its not a efficient way
Disclaimer: I am 2 days into reading about Certificates/RSA Algorithms and Encrypt/Decrypt.
I am trying to do a small app that communicates with Windows Key Store ( Certificate Store ) and where I should be able to read certificates/add certificates.
I have created a method to add a certificate.
public void AddKey()
CngKey cngKey;
CngKeyCreationParameters cng = new CngKeyCreationParameters
KeyUsage = CngKeyUsages.AllUsages
if (!CngKey.Exists(KEY_NAME))
cngKey = CngKey.Create(CngAlgorithm.Rsa, KEY_NAME, cng);
cngKey = CngKey.Open(KEY_NAME);
RSACng rsaKey = new RSACng(cngKey)
KeySize = 2048
byte[] rsaPrvKeyExport = rsaKey.Key.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
byte[] rsaPubKeyExport = rsaKey.Key.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob);
CngKey cngPrv = CngKey.Import(rsaPrvKeyExport, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob);
CngKey cngPub = CngKey.Import(rsaPubKeyExport, CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob);
//var signed = Sign512(Constants.STRING_TO_ENCODE.ToByteArray(), rsaPrvKeyExport);
string exportPrivateKey = Convert.ToBase64String(rsaKey.ExportPkcs8PrivateKey());
string pemString = $"{Constants.RSA_KEY_HEADER}\n{exportPrivateKey}\n{Constants.RSA_KEY_FOOTER}";
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
var certificate = BuildSelfSignedServerCertificate(rsaKey);
var thumbprint = certificate.Thumbprint;
I know not all lines in this code are needed, but I am in the learning process.
So what I do here is create a cngKey
Open the store.
Create a Certificate from my cngKey
Add the certificate to the store
Close the store.
I generate a certificate from a cngKey using this code
private X509Certificate2 BuildSelfSignedServerCertificate(RSA key)
X500DistinguishedName distinguishedName = new X500DistinguishedName($"CN={Constants.CERTIFICATE_NAME}");
var request = new CertificateRequest(distinguishedName, key, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
new X509KeyUsageExtension(X509KeyUsageFlags.DataEncipherment | X509KeyUsageFlags.KeyEncipherment | X509KeyUsageFlags.DigitalSignature, false));
new X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension(
new OidCollection { new Oid("") }, false));
var certificate = request.CreateSelfSigned(new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1)), new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(3650)));
certificate.FriendlyName = Constants.CERTIFICATE_NAME;
return new X509Certificate2(certificate.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, "WeNeedASaf3rPassword"), "WeNeedASaf3rPassword", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
This gives no error, but when I open the certificate store I can't find it
I also tried to retrive it programmaticaly
using this bit of code
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
var certificates = store.Certificates;
but my certificate is not here.
What am I missing, I am sure I am doing something wrong, but being new to this, I have no idea what.
Online I could not find a complete example of what I tried to achieve here.
As #dimitar.bogdanov pointed out in comments, you are not adding the certificate to the store:
here you are adding the certificate only to disconnected collection. Any changes in this collection object will not reflect actual store state. Instead, you have to use X509Store.Add method to update actual store.
I'm trying to make a soap service.
To send request I need to use X509 Certificate. I used X509Certificate2 class for that purpose.
The problem is that its keys are System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider class that accepts only "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1" signature algorithm.
In our case sha256 signature algorithm is needed.
Have you got any idea how can I deal with that?
Code looks like this:
SoapService.GetOrderStatusRequest request = new SoapService.GetOrderStatusRequest()
orderId = Int32.Parse(txtID.Text),
requestHeader = new SoapService.RequestHeader()
institutionId = 123,
requestId = "aeacbff8-ba6d-4a01-8e76-0b4384c24721",
system = "Test"
var cert = new X509Certificate2(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "//cert.p12", "Passs123");
client.ChannelFactory.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = cert;
client.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = cert;
SoapService.GetOrderStatusResponse response = client.getOrderStatus(request);
txtResult.Text = response.order.name;
I found out this is not problem with X509Certificate2 configuration, but with binding configuration... with message security to be exac.
Unfortunately I still have some errors :/
I have an SSL certificate installed on my domain and I wanted to use it for signing with IdentityServer 4. Now I found that there is a method which would let me do that:
However, I cannot figure out how to actually get my certificate and pass it to the identity server.
I have tried the following:
var cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(fileName);
The error that I get is it cannot convert from
'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate' to 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SIgningCredential'
Now I don't understand why it is complaining about signing credentials when one of the overrides for the method is the certificate.
I ended up resolving it like this. I'm using a shared server where I am hosting this and I could not find the file name for the certificate or the path to get it. So I ended up just opening the store and finding it that way. Not very efficient, but it will do the trick until I move it to a dedicated server and have more control.
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
X509Certificate2 cert = null;
foreach (X509Certificate2 certificate in store.Certificates)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(certificate?.SubjectName?.Name) && certificate.SubjectName.Name.StartsWith("CN=*.mysite.com"))
cert = certificate;
Maybe it can't convert due to issue in permissions or loading the certificate as a stream.
In my case using IdentityServer3 the below code works:
/// <summary>
/// Load the certificate that sign the Id or Jw token
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static X509Certificate2 LoadCertificate()
string baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
return new X509Certificate2(
Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ConfigMngr.GetAppSettingsValue<string>("IdSrv:SigningCertificatePath")), ConfigMngr.GetAppSettingsValue<string>("IdSrv:SigningCertificatePassword"));
Then in owin's startup file, I am passing it as below:
SigningCertificate = LoadCertificate(),
I know in Idsrv4 it's a different implementation than the code I posted but it should be the same abstraction, for example, you loading X509Certificate but it's deprecated so make sure to use the correct overloading to load the certificate as stream and make sure to return the correct type.
Also, This code is testable with IdSrv4:
var fileName = Path.Combine(env.WebRootPath, "FileName" );
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
throw new FileNotFoundException("No Signing Certificate!");
var cert = new X509Certificate2(fileName, "Pass" );
So instead of using
You can construct a new X509Certificate2 certificate like this:
var cert = new X509Certificate2(fileName, "Pass" );
And pass it to the owin middleware:
I want to switch from self-signed certificate per device to pair of certificates, one of which is previously generated, placed in Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store, is same for all devices, and works as root CA for second certificate, which is generated per device, and placed in Personal store.
I would like to not use makecert, since creating signed certificate shows up UI, which I want to avoid. Also, OpenSSL can't be used due to some license-related stuff (although I have working solution with it). So, for now I'm working with small C# tool, based on CertEnroll lib.
This is how I create pfx for first, root CA certificate.
makecert -n "CN=Root CA" -cy authority -r -a sha256 -len 2048 -sv root.pvk root.cer
pvk2pfx -pvk root.pvk -spc root.cer -pfx root.pfx -pi 123 -po 123
To create certificate from C# code, I've referenced questions How to create self-signed certificate programmatically for WCF service? and C# Generate a non self signed client CX509Certificate Request without a CA using the certenroll.dll.
So far, I have following code. Method for certificate generation:
/// <summary>
/// Generates self-signed certificate with specified subject, which will expire after specified timespan.
/// </summary>
public X509Certificate2 CreateCertificate(string subjectName, TimeSpan expirationLength, X509Certificate2 issuer = null)
// create DN for subject and issuer
var dn = new CX500DistinguishedName();
dn.Encode("CN=" + subjectName);
var issuerName = new CX500DistinguishedName();
if(issuer != null)
var privateKey = new CX509PrivateKey
ProviderName = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider",
Length = 2048,
KeyUsage = X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags.XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_DECRYPT_FLAG |
MachineContext = true,
// Use the stronger SHA512 hashing algorithm
var hashobj = new CObjectId();
AlgorithmFlags.AlgorithmFlagsNone, "SHA512");
var cert = new CX509CertificateRequestCertificate();
cert.InitializeFromPrivateKey(X509CertificateEnrollmentContext.ContextMachine, privateKey, "");
cert.Subject = dn;
if (issuer != null)
cert.Issuer = issuerName;
cert.Issuer = dn;
cert.NotBefore = DateTime.Now.Date;
cert.NotAfter = cert.NotBefore + expirationLength;
cert.HashAlgorithm = hashobj; // Specify the hashing algorithm
if(issuer != null)
var signerCertificate = new CSignerCertificate();
signerCertificate.Initialize(true, X509PrivateKeyVerify.VerifyAllowUI, EncodingType.XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEX, issuer.GetRawCertDataString());
cert.SignerCertificate = signerCertificate;
// Do the final enrollment process
var enroll = new CX509Enrollment();
enroll.InitializeFromRequest(cert); // load the certificate
enroll.CertificateFriendlyName = subjectName; // Optional: add a friendly name
var csr = enroll.CreateRequest(); // Output the request in base64
// and install it back as the response
csr, EncodingType.XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, ""); // no password
// output a base64 encoded PKCS#12 so we can import it back to the .Net security classes
var base64encoded = enroll.CreatePFX("", // no password, this is for internal consumption
// instantiate the target class with the PKCS#12 data (and the empty password)
return new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(base64encoded), "",
X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet);
Simple application to find existing certificate and create new one based on it:
static void Main(string[] args)
var certificateGenerator = new CertificateGenerator();
X509Certificate2 rootCA;
using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine))
rootCA = store.Certificates.OfType<X509Certificate2>()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Subject.StartsWith("CN=Root CA", StringComparison.Ordinal));
if (rootCA == null)
throw new Exception("Can't find root CA certificate");
var testCert = certificateGenerator.CreateCertificate("Test", new TimeSpan(3650, 0, 0, 0), rootCA);
using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine))
The thing is, that it works great, if I try to reference certificate not in Trusted Root Certificate Authorities, but in Personal (even if I have password on certificate). But if I try to create certificate based on CA certificate from Trusted Root Certificate Authorities, I receive exception on signerCertificate.Initialize, saying
Cannot find object or property. 0x80092004 (-2146885628 CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND)
So, what am I missing?
ISignerCertificate::Initialize requires that the private key be bound via the Requests or My store:
If a private key is needed, only the personal and request stores are
If a private key is not needed, the root and intermediate CA
stores are also searched.
Windows expects that you only put the public portion of the CA into the CA (intermediate) or Root/ThirdPartyRoot stores, and that if you're the issuer you'll ALSO have it installed (with the private key now) into CurrentUser\My or LocalMachine\My.
When the line to extract the public key is executed, an LDAP request is sent:
this.certificate = new X509Certificate2(buffer);
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PublicKey key = this.certificate.PublicKey;
50 0.853745000 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx LDAP 404 searchRequest(1) "" baseObject
...which I believe is authenticating the currently logged on user. I really need to avoid this call, as on a customer system this causes a long delay because of network configuration.
I'm assuming it's attempting to do some authentication around some kind of key store, but as in this case the certificate is all contained in the buffer provided, all I want is for the key to be used without this request being sent.
All I actually want is to create an RSACryptoServiceProvider from the private key in the certificate. I tried a few methods I've found on here involving GetPrivateKey, but struggled to get anything to work.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT Test program:
static void Main( string[] args )
var certificate = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(#"E:\Temp\Cert.cer");
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PublicKey key = certificate.PublicKey;
The certificate I tested with can be found here: Cert.cer
Yes, it's not the strongest signature or key, before I get comments!
Thanks again.
EDIT: I actually worked around this by using a suggestion to use BouncyCastle. I use this to parse the certificate:
X509CertificateParser parser = new X509CertificateParser();
Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate cert = parser.ReadCertificate(buffer);
I then extract the modulus and exponent and push them into a Microsoft RSAParameters:
RsaKeyParameters key = (RsaKeyParameters)cert.GetPublicKey();
// Construct a microsoft RSA crypto service provider using the public key in the certificate
RSAParameters param = new RSAParameters();
param.Exponent = key.Exponent.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
param.Modulus = key.Modulus.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
I can then construct the Microsoft RSACryptoServiceProvider from this:
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider provider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
byte[] rsaBlock = provider.Encrypt(preMasterSecret, false);
I never got any other response, so here's the Bouncycastle implementation I used.
X509CertificateParser parser = new X509CertificateParser();
Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate cert = parser.ReadCertificate(buffer);
I then extract the modulus and exponent and push them into a Microsoft RSAParameters:
RsaKeyParameters key = (RsaKeyParameters)cert.GetPublicKey();
// Construct a microsoft RSA crypto service provider using the public key in the certificate
RSAParameters param = new RSAParameters();
param.Exponent = key.Exponent.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
param.Modulus = key.Modulus.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
I can then construct the Microsoft RSACryptoServiceProvider from this:
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider provider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
byte[] rsaBlock = provider.Encrypt(preMasterSecret, false);