At runtime I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Cannot write message after request
is complete.'
I'm using Grpc and reactive X to get data.
public class SensorService: Protos.Vehicule.VehiculeBase
private readonly ILogger<SensorService> _logger;
private DataProvider _dataProvider;
private CarSim.Vehicule _vehicule;
public SensorService(ILogger<SensorService> logger)
_dataProvider = new DataProvider(new CarSim.Vehicule());
_vehicule = _dataProvider.getVehicule();
_logger = logger;
public System.IObserver<CarSim.Vehicule> GetData { get; private set; }
public override async Task Status(All request, IServerStreamWriter<StatusVehicule> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
while (!context.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
_vehicule.VehiculeChangedState.Subscribe(onNext: new Action<CarSim.Vehicule>(async (t) =>
await responseStream.WriteAsync(new StatusVehicule()
Camera = t.Camera,
FuelLevel = t.FuelLevel,
GunStatus = true,
Light = t.Light,
OilLevel = t.OilLevel,
Peed = t.Speed,
Tempature = t.Tempature
; }));
This is likely not a bug. The exception means that you're trying to send a response after the RPC has actually finished. Usually this happens when the RPC deadline is exceeded (at which point the RPC is automatically cancelled) or when it was cancelled by the client. Both of these situations can happen at any time (from the server side handler's perspective) and they are basically an inherent race condition (the RPC could have been cancelled just before you decide to send the response).
The exception is just gRPC's way of informing you that the response could not be sent (and there is really no way to send a response AFTER the RPC has finished).
You must register SensorService in your gRpc Server code:
like this:
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapGrpcService<SensorService >(); .....
I have found a solution that works. But i still have the same error.
public override async Task Status(All request, IServerStreamWriter<StatusVehicule> responseStream, ServerCallContext context){
var eventLoop = new EventLoopScheduler();
await _vehicule.VehiculeChangedState.ObserveOn(eventLoop).ForEachAsync<CarSim.Vehicule>(t =>
responseStream.WriteAsync(new StatusVehicule()
Camera = t.Camera,
FuelLevel = t.FuelLevel,
GunStatus = true,
Light = t.Light,
OilLevel = t.OilLevel,
Peed = t.Speed,
Status = t.GetState().ToString(),
StatusDoors = t.StatusDoors.ToString(),
Tempature = t.Tempature
catch (Exception)
// ignored
catch (Exception e)
(Asp.Net core 3.1/.Net 6)
I need to disable the ERR logging of exception TaskCanceledException in an Asp.Net application (built by others). I've used the following middleware to suppress the TaskCanceledException
public class TaskCanceledMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public TaskCanceledMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
await _next(context);
catch (TaskCanceledException)
// Set StatusCode 499 Client Closed Request
context.Response.StatusCode = 499;
I can see the WARN log in the logs. However, I can still find the following EROR messages by Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware? (Note the error level is EROR)
2022-07-06 07:30:40.6636|116344477|EROR|Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware|HTTP "GET" "/api/v1/myurl" responded 500 in 23213.3233 ms
System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
at System.Net.Http.DiagnosticsHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at ....
Why there is still errors of TaskCanceledException after using app.UseMiddleware<TaskCanceledMiddleware>()? (BTW, what's the level of EROR? Shouldn't it be ERR?)
you can try excluding logging for certain exception like this.
new LoggerConfiguration()
.Filter.ByExcluding(logEvent => logEvent.Exception != null && logEvent.Exception.GetType() == typeof(TaskCanceledException))
do you know where the exception is thrown?
Maybe it throws not inside core action execution pipeline (where Middleware works).
You can register a filter to intercept application wide exceptions inside .AddControllers() registration like this:
_ = services
.AddControllers(options =>
//Global filters
_ = options.Filters.Add<ApiGlobalExceptionFilterAttribute>();
Here a simple exception filter attribute implementation:
public sealed class ApiGlobalExceptionFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
private readonly ILogger<ApiGlobalExceptionFilterAttribute> _logger;
public ApiGlobalExceptionFilterAttribute(ILogger<ApiGlobalExceptionFilterAttribute> logger)
_logger = logger;
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
var request = context.HttpContext?.Request;
if (context.Exception is TaskCanceledException tcExc)
// Set StatusCode 499 Client Closed Request
context.Result = new ErrorActionResult(499);
//TODO: manage errors
context.ExceptionHandled = true;
internal class ErrorActionResult : IActionResult
public int StatusCode { get; private set; }
public ErrorActionResult(int statusCode)
StatusCode = statusCode;
public async Task ExecuteResultAsync(ActionContext context)
var error = new
Code = StatusCode,
Message = "Internal server error"
var objectResult = new ObjectResult(error)
StatusCode = StatusCode
await objectResult.ExecuteResultAsync(context);
The context.ExceptionHandled = true; stops exception to be propagated inside pipeline.
Hope it helps!
I am trying to implement a request response pattern in C# with the ArtemisNetClient, but having a bit of trouble finding out how to do so in a more generic way in a real solution.
I was able to do something like this in two console applications based on some Java examples:
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var endpoint = Endpoint.Create("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest");
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);
string guid = new Guid().ToString();
var requestAddress = "TRADE REQ1";
var responseAddress = "TRADE RESP";
Message message = new Message("BUY AMD 1000 SHARES");
message.ReplyTo = responseAddress;
var producer = await connection.CreateProducerAsync(requestAddress, RoutingType.Anycast);
await producer.SendAsync(message);
var consumer = await connection.CreateConsumerAsync(responseAddress, RoutingType.Anycast);
var responseMessage = await consumer.ReceiveAsync();
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
// Create connection
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var endpoint = Endpoint.Create("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest");
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);
var requestAddress = "TRADE REQ1";
// Create consumer to receive trade request messages
var consumer = await connection.CreateConsumerAsync(requestAddress, RoutingType.Anycast);
var message = await consumer.ReceiveAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Received message: {message.GetBody<string>()}");
// Confirm trade request and ssend response message
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.ReplyTo))
Message responseMessage = new Message("Confirmed trade request");
var producer = await connection.CreateProducerAsync(message.ReplyTo);
await producer.SendAsync(responseMessage);
This worked as expected, but I'd like to have something more down the line of what is described in this article, except it doesn't have any examples of a request response pattern.
To elaborate, I currently have two services that I want to communicate across.
In service 1 I want to create and publish a message and then wait for a response to enrich the instance object and save it to a database. I currently have this, but it lacks the await response message.
public async Task<Instance> CreateInstance(Instance instance)
await _instanceCollection.InsertOneAsync(instance);
var #event = new InstanceCreated
Id = instance.Id,
SiteUrl = instance.SiteUrl
await _messageProducer.PublishAsync(#event);
return instance;
I figured I might need to setup a temporary queue/connection or something in the PublishAsync() and change it to e.g. Task<Message> to support returning a response message. But how would I go about doing that? Would I have to do a new connectionfactory + CreateConsumerAsync etc. like in the console app example?
public class MessageProducer
private readonly IAnonymousProducer _producer;
public MessageProducer(IAnonymousProducer producer)
_producer = producer;
public async Task PublishAsync<T>(T message, string replyTo = null, string correlationId = null)
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(message);
var address = typeof(T).Name;
var msg = new Message(serialized);
if (replyTo != null && correlationId != null)
msg.CorrelationId = correlationId;
msg.ReplyTo = replyTo;
await _producer.SendAsync(address, msg);
public async Task PublishAsync<T>(T message, string routeName, string replyTo = null, string correlationId = null)
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(message);
var address = routeName;
var msg = new Message(serialized);
if(replyTo != null && correlationId != null)
msg.CorrelationId = correlationId;
msg.ReplyTo = replyTo;
await _producer.SendAsync(address, msg);
In Service 2 I have a InstanceCreatedConsumer which receives messages, but again it lacks a way to return response messages.
public class InstanceCreatedConsumer : ITypedConsumer<InstanceCreated>
private readonly MessageProducer _messageProducer;
public InstanceCreatedConsumer(MessageProducer messageProducer)
_messageProducer = messageProducer;
public async Task ConsumeAsync(InstanceCreated message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// consume message and return response
I figured I might be able to extend the ActiveMqExtensions class with a ConsumeAsync and HandleMessage that handles the response message with a return value, but I haven't gotten as far yet.
public static IActiveMqBuilder AddTypedConsumer<TMessage, TConsumer>(this IActiveMqBuilder builder,
RoutingType routingType)
where TConsumer : class, ITypedConsumer<TMessage>
builder.AddConsumer(typeof(TMessage).Name, routingType, HandleMessage<TMessage, TConsumer>);
return builder;
private static async Task HandleMessage<TMessage, TConsumer>(Message message, IConsumer consumer, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CancellationToken token)
where TConsumer : class, ITypedConsumer<TMessage>
var msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TMessage>(message.GetBody<string>());
using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
var typedConsumer = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<TConsumer>();
await typedConsumer.ConsumeAsync(msg, token);
await consumer.AcceptAsync(message);
catch(Exception ex)
// todo
Am I totally wrong in what I am trying to achieve here, or is it just not possible with the ArtemisNetClient?
Maybe someone has an example or can confirm whether I am down the right path, or maybe I should be using a different framework.
I am new to this kind of communication through messages like ActiveMQ Artemis, so any guidance is appreciated.
I don't see anything in the ArtemisNetClient that would simplify the request/response pattern from your application's point of view. One might expect something akin to JMS' QueueRequestor, but I don't see anything like that in the code, and I don't see anything like that listed in the documentation.
I recommend you simply do in your application what you did in your example (i.e. manually create the consumer & producer to deal with the responses on each end respectively). The only change I would recommend is to re-use connections so you create as few as possible. A connection pool would be ideal here.
For what it's worth, it looks to me like the first release of ArtemisNetClient was just 3 months ago and according to GitHub all but 2 of the commits to the code-base came from one developer. ArtemisNetClient may grow into a very successful C# client implementation, but at this point it seems relatively immature. Even if the existing code is high quality if there isn't a solid community around the client then chances are it won't have the support necessary to get timely bug fixes, new features, etc. Only time will tell.
With version 2.7.0 ArtemisNetClient introduces IRequestReplyClient interface that can be used to implement a request-response messaging pattern. With ArtemisNetClient.Extensions.DependencyInjection this may look as follows:
Client Side:
First you need to register your typed request-reply client in DI:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var endpoints = new[] { Endpoint.Create(host: "localhost", port: 5672, "guest", "guest") };
services.AddActiveMq("bookstore-cluster", endpoints)
MyRequestReplyClient is your custom class that expects the IRequestReplyClient to be injected via the constructor. Once you have your custom class, you can either expose the IRequestReplyClient directly or encapsulate sending logic inside of it:
public class MyRequestReplyClient
private readonly IRequestReplyClient _requestReplyClient;
public MyRequestReplyClient(IRequestReplyClient requestReplyClient)
_requestReplyClient = requestReplyClient;
public async Task<TResponse> SendAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);
var address = typeof(TRequest).Name;
var msg = new Message(serialized);
var response = await _requestReplyClient.SendAsync(address, msg, cancellationToken);
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TResponse>(response.GetBody<string>());
That's it regarding the client-side.
Worker side
To implement the worker side you can (as you suggested), change the ITypedConsumer interface to return the message that would be sent back, or you can provide the additional data (ReplyTo and CorrelationId headers) so you can send the response back as part of your consumer logic. I prefer the latter as it's a more flexible option in my opinion.
Modified ITypedConsumer might look like that:
public interface ITypedConsumer<in T>
public Task ConsumeAsync(T message, MessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Where MessageContext is just a simple dto:
public class MessageContext
public string ReplyTo { get; init; }
public string CorrelationId { get; init; }
HandleMessage extension method:
private static async Task HandleMessage<TMessage, TConsumer>(Message message, IConsumer consumer, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CancellationToken token)
where TConsumer : class, ITypedConsumer<TMessage>
var msg = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TMessage>(message.GetBody<string>());
using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
var typedConsumer = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<TConsumer>();
var messageContext = new MessageContext
ReplyTo = message.ReplyTo,
CorrelationId = message.CorrelationId
await typedConsumer.ConsumeAsync(msg, messageContext, token);
await consumer.AcceptAsync(message);
MessageProducer has to be slightly changed as well, so you can explicitly pass address and CorrelationId:
public class MessageProducer
private readonly IAnonymousProducer _producer;
public MessageProducer(IAnonymousProducer producer)
_producer = producer;
public async Task PublishAsync<T>(string address, T message, MessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(message);
var msg = new Message(serialized);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.CorrelationId))
msg.CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId;
await _producer.SendAsync(address, msg, cancellationToken);
And finally, the exemplary consumer could work like that:
public class CreateBookConsumer : ITypedConsumer<CreateBook>
private readonly MessageProducer _messageProducer;
public CreateBookConsumer(MessageProducer messageProducer)
_messageProducer = messageProducer;
public async Task ConsumeAsync(CreateBook message, MessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var #event = new BookCreated
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Title = message.Title,
Author = message.Author,
Cost = message.Cost,
InventoryAmount = message.InventoryAmount,
UserId = message.UserId,
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow
await _messageProducer.PublishAsync(context.ReplyTo, #event, new MessageContext
CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId
}, cancellationToken);
I am experimenting with gRPC for long-lived streaming session as I need to guarantee message ordering from server to client.
I have the following .proto:
service Subscriber {
rpc Subscribe(SubscriptionRequest) returns (stream SubscriberEvent);
My current service (hosted in ASP.NET / .NET 5.0) looks like this:
public class SubscriberService : Subscriber.SubscriberBase
private readonly ILogger<SubscriberService> _logger;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, IServerStreamWriter<SubscriberEvent>> _subscriptions = new();
private int _messageCount = 0;
private Timer _timer;
public SubscriberService(ILogger<SubscriberService> logger)
_logger = logger;
_timer = new Timer(o => TimerCallback(), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
private void TimerCallback()
Broadcast($"Current time is {DateTime.UtcNow}");
public override Task Subscribe(SubscriptionRequest request, IServerStreamWriter<SubscriberEvent> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
_subscriptions.TryAdd(request.ClientId, responseStream);
return responseStream.WriteAsync(new SubscriberEvent() {Id = 0, Message = "Subscribe successful"});
public void Broadcast(string message)
var count = ++_messageCount;
foreach (var sub in _subscriptions.Values)
sub.WriteAsync(new SubscriberEvent() { Id = count, Message = message });
_logger.LogInformation($"Broadcast message #{count}: {message}");
My client only receives the initial 'Subscribe Successful' message, but never those triggered by the timer. Not do I get any exceptions when calling WriteAsync.
Am I trying to use gRPC for something it was never designed to do (a SignalR/WebSocket substitute), or am I merely missing something obvious?
For a long-running gRPC streaming, you have to wait for a client to say the connection is closed. Something like this:
while (!context.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// event-based action
responseStream.WriteAsync(new SubscriberEvent() {Id = 0, Message = "Subscribe successful"});
I think the previous answer is doing busy-wait. So I want to show you an async version of it.
public override Task Subscribe(RequestMessage, IServerStreamWriter<ReplyMessage> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
// your event-based code here
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
context.CancellationToken.Register(() => tcs.TrySetCanceled(), false);
return tcs.Task;
BTW, I think I have been doing a project just like yours. And I have used Observables, Subjects, and ReplaySubjects from Rx.Net. These are very helpful for event-based code.
I am new to gRPC and trying to learn it by using the chat server/client sample from cactuaroid here. I’ve modified the code to show progress in a WPF app from a long running task. All code is running on .NET 5 and I’m using the latest versions of the gRPC packages.
The process is working fine when using the computer's IP address but when using computer name for the gRPC client, I’m getting a “DNS resolution failed” exception (computer name is “skylake”):
RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="DNS resolution
failed for service: skylake:6001",
{"created":"#1615312867.300000000","description":"Resolver transient
resolution failed for service:
status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=skylake is_balancer=0:
Could not contact DNS
status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=skylake is_balancer=0: Could
not contact DNS
I verified that I could reach the port with telnet skylake 6001.
I am testing locally, client and server both on the same machine. Oddly enough, the gRPC server seems to be just fine with the computer name. Its just the client that has an issue with it.
Server code:
public class ProgressServiceGrpcServer : Progress.ProgressBase, IService
private Logger m_logger = null;
private ProgressService m_progressService = null;
private readonly Empty m_empty = new Empty();
private const int Port = 6001;
private readonly Grpc.Core.Server m_server;
public ProgressServiceGrpcServer()
m_server = new Grpc.Core.Server
Services =
.Intercept(new IpAddressAuthenticator())
Ports =
new ServerPort("skylake", Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure)
public void Start()
public override async Task Subscribe(ChannelName channelName, IServerStreamWriter<ProgressReport> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
context.CancellationToken.Register(() => m_logger.Info($"{context.Host} cancels subscription."));
await m_progressService.GetProgressReportsAsObservable(channelName)
.ForEachAwaitAsync(async (x) => await responseStream.WriteAsync(x), context.CancellationToken)
catch (TaskCanceledException)
m_logger.Info($"{context.Host} unsubscribed.");
public override Task<Empty> Write(ProgressReport request, ServerCallContext context)
m_logger.Info($"{context.Host} {request}");
return Task.FromResult(m_empty);
Client code:
public class ProgressServiceClient
private readonly Progress.ProgressClient m_client =
new Progress.ProgressClient(
new Channel("skylake”, 6001, ChannelCredentials.Insecure));
public async Task Write(ProgressReport progressReport)
await m_client.WriteAsync(progressReport);
public IAsyncEnumerable<ProgressReport> ProgressReports(ChannelName channelName)
var call = m_client.Subscribe(channelName);
return call.ResponseStream
.Finally(() => call.Dispose());
Progress write method:
while (inProgress)
progressServiceClient.Write(new GrpcServer.ProgressReport
Id = Task.Id.ToString(),
PercentDone = percentDone,
TimeRemain = timeRemain
Progress read method:
m_progressService = new ProgressServiceClient();
ChannelName channelName = new ChannelName() { Id = id };
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
_ = m_progressService.ProgressReports(channelName)
.ForEachAsync((x) =>
Log.Debug($"id: {x.Id} progress: {x.PercentDone}");
}, cts.Token);
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
Application.Current.Exit += (_, __) => cts.Cancel();
this.Unloaded += (_, __) => cts.Cancel();
Thanks to #jdweng for pointing me in the right direction, this was solved by adding the DNS suffix to the hostname (skylake.lan in my case).
We can get the DNS suffix via IPInterfaceProperties.DnsSuffix.
Alternatively, (which might be safer) we can use the correct IP address instead of the host name by using something like that.
I'm working on a little console application that selects messages from a database queue
and forwards the messages to a rest api (ASP.NET Web Api).
In general the application does the following steps:
Get the number of pending messages
Load the last pending messages
Post the message to the rest api
Remove the message from the database
To make the program more flexible and to have the ability to process every single message
in a separate database transcation the steps 2 - 3 will be executed as tasks.
This means if there are four messages in the database, we'll have four tasks that
should run nearly parallel and process the messages.
This is what the code looks like:
Database message
public class DatabaseMessage
public string Message { get; set; }
UnitOfWork (Interface IUnitOfWork)
public class UnitOfWork
// ... extermely simplified
public int GetNumberOfPendingMessages() { ... }
public DatabaseMessage GetNextPendingMessage() { ... }
public void DeleteMessage(DatabaseMessage message) { ... }
HttpService (Interface IHttpService)
public class HttpService
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
public HttpService()
_httpClient = new HttpClient();
/* Some initalization stuff for the HttpClient object */
public async Task<HttpResponse> PostMessage(DatabaseMessage message)
var content = /* Create content object */
return await _httpClient.PostAsync(..., content);
MessageProcessingService (Interface IMessageProcessingService)
public class MessageProcessingService
private readonly IHttpService _httpService;
private readonly Semaphore _databaseProcessingSemaphore;
public MessageProcessingService(IHttpService httpService)
_httpService = httpService;
public async Task ProcessDatabaseMessages()
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
var numberOfPendingMessages = unitOfWork.GetNumberOfPendingMessages();
var messageProcessingTasks = new List<Task>();
for(int t = 0; t < numberOfPendingMessages; t++)
messageProcessingTasks.Add(new Task(() => {
var continuationHandler = Task.WhenAll(messageProcessingTasks);
messageProcessingTasks.ForEach(e => e.Start());
await continuationHandler;
private void ProcessMessageAsTask()
// Single unit of work for each tasks
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
// Starting a database transaction
var message = unitOfWork.GetNextPendingMessage();
if(message != null)
var response = _httpService.PostMessage(message).Result;
if(response == HttpStatus.OK)
catch(Exception ex)
// Further error handling...
For better understanding, the HttpClient object is created and managed by Unity and is injected
into the MessageProcessingService object. The HttpClient is held as singleton in the container.
I'm facing now the problem that the call of the method _httpService.PostMessage(). For example, if there are five
messages in the message queue, the call fails five times with an exception that tells me that an task has been canceled.
My question is now what is the problem with PostAsync call of the .NET HttpClient? Is the issue caused by the .Result option or would
it be better to create a new instance of the HttpClient for each message processing task?
Or is there a general problem with the architecture with tasks and the processing of rest api calls?
Update 2018-04-04 - 08:09
I've now made the method ProcessMessageAsTask async and I'm awaiting now the call of the HttpService.
But now I don't get any exception at all. In the ressource monitor and while debugging I can see that all tasks reach the call of the HttpClient (return await _httpClient.PostAsync(..., content);)
But there is no exception nor will the messages be posted. But I don't get any exceptions. The program will be closed immediately after the calls of the HttpClient. All futher statements were not processed.
public async Task ProcessDatabaseMessages()
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
var numberOfPendingMessages = unitOfWork.GetNumberOfPendingMessages();
var messageProcessingTasks = new List<Task>();
for(int t = 0; t < numberOfPendingMessages; t++)
messageProcessingTasks.Add(new Task(async () => {
await ProcessMessageAsTask();
var continuationHandler = Task.WhenAll(messageProcessingTasks);
messageProcessingTasks.ForEach(e => e.Start());
await continuationHandler;
private async Task ProcessMessageAsTask()
// Single unit of work for each tasks
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
// Starting a database transaction
var message = unitOfWork.GetNextPendingMessage();
if(message != null)
var response = await _httpService.PostMessage(message);
if(response == HttpStatus.OK)
catch(Exception ex)
// Further error handling...