Identity Server 4 WindowsCryptographicException: Keyset does not exist - c#

I get these these two exceptions in Identity Server 4 during a regular login to get a token.
It's on a load balanced setup with 2 servers, so I've done the following:
They both get the same PFX for encrypting tokens. It works just fine on a single server. They have the password for the PFX file, and can seemingly encrypt a token correct correctly.
Sometimes the flow works well, but it always fails on giving CORS access on the connect/token endpoint. I can see that the CORS Middleware plays a role here, but I don't understand why the signing are credentials during the verification of CORS access. I've added protection here, and during startup, I verify that the private key for both the protectionCert and the signing credentials exist. Both certs are password-protected files included with the deploy just to keep it simple(i.e. not running into access issues on private key).
Why is it all of a sudden having trouble getting access to the private key during the CORS operation though? That part I do not understand. All of this works on my test environment, which runs on a single machine, so I'm 99% sure it has to do with this setup being load balanced. Also wondering, if I can save myself a headache by enabling sticky sessions in the load balancer.
In my DataProtection store there's only a single key saved. Not sure if that's normal. I would expect the application to generate more keys.
var cert = new X509Certificate2("signing.pfx",
Unhandled exception: "Keyset does not exist" ";"Internal.Cryptography.CryptoThrowHelper+WindowsCryptographicException: Keyset does not exist
at System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.Open(String keyName, CngProvider provider, CngKeyOpenOptions openOptions)
at Internal.Cryptography.Pal.CertificatePal.GetPrivateKey[T](Func`2 createCsp, Func`2 createCng)
at Internal.Cryptography.Pal.CertificateExtensionsCommon.GetPrivateKey[T](X509Certificate2 certificate, Predicate`1 matchesConstraints)
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityKey.get_PrivateKey()
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityKey.get_PrivateKeyStatus()
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.AsymmetricSignatureProvider..ctor(SecurityKey key, String algorithm, Boolean willCreateSignatures)
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.CryptoProviderFactory.CreateSignatureProvider(SecurityKey key, String algorithm, Boolean willCreateSignatures)
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.JwtTokenUtilities.CreateEncodedSignature(String input, SigningCredentials signingCredentials)
at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.WriteToken(SecurityToken token)
at IdentityServer4.Services.DefaultTokenCreationService.CreateJwtAsync(JwtSecurityToken jwt)
at IdentityServer4.Services.DefaultTokenCreationService.CreateTokenAsync(Token token)
at IdentityServer4.Services.DefaultTokenService.CreateSecurityTokenAsync(Token token)
at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.TokenResponseGenerator.CreateAccessTokenAsync(ValidatedTokenRequest request)
at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.TokenResponseGenerator.ProcessAuthorizationCodeRequestAsync(TokenRequestValidationResult request)
at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.TokenResponseGenerator.ProcessAsync(TokenRequestValidationResult request)
at IdentityServer4.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint.ProcessTokenRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
at IdentityServer4.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint.ProcessAsync(HttpContext context)
at IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IEndpointRouter router, IUserSession session, IEventService events)
Connection ID ""17365880169046365174"", Request ID ""800253f9-0001-f100-b63f-84710c7967bb"": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.";
"Internal.Cryptography.CryptoThrowHelper+WindowsCryptographicException: Keyset does not exist
at System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.Open(String keyName, CngProvider provider, CngKeyOpenOptions openOptions)
at Internal.Cryptography.Pal.CertificatePal.GetPrivateKey[T](Func`2 createCsp, Func`2 createCng)
at Internal.Cryptography.Pal.CertificateExtensionsCommon.GetPrivateKey[T](X509Certificate2 certificate, Predicate`1 matchesConstraints)
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityKey.get_PrivateKey()
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityKey.get_PrivateKeyStatus()
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.AsymmetricSignatureProvider..ctor(SecurityKey key, String algorithm, Boolean willCreateSignatures)
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.CryptoProviderFactory.CreateSignatureProvider(SecurityKey key, String algorithm, Boolean willCreateSignatures)
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.JwtTokenUtilities.CreateEncodedSignature(String input, SigningCredentials signingCredentials)
at System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.WriteToken(SecurityToken token)
at IdentityServer4.Services.DefaultTokenCreationService.CreateJwtAsync(JwtSecurityToken jwt)
at IdentityServer4.Services.DefaultTokenCreationService.CreateTokenAsync(Token token)
at IdentityServer4.Services.DefaultTokenService.CreateSecurityTokenAsync(Token token)
at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.TokenResponseGenerator.CreateAccessTokenAsync(ValidatedTokenRequest request)
at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.TokenResponseGenerator.ProcessAuthorizationCodeRequestAsync(TokenRequestValidationResult request)
at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.TokenResponseGenerator.ProcessAsync(TokenRequestValidationResult request)
at IdentityServer4.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint.ProcessTokenRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
at IdentityServer4.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint.ProcessAsync(HttpContext context)
at IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IEndpointRouter router, IUserSession session, IEventService events)
at IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IEndpointRouter router, IUserSession session, IEventService events)
at IdentityServer4.Hosting.MutualTlsEndpointMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemes)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsMiddleware.<Invoke>g__InvokeCoreAwaited|15_0(HttpContext context, Task`1 policyTask)
at IdentityServer4.Hosting.BaseUrlMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at NewRelic.Providers.Wrapper.AspNetCore.WrapPipelineMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS.Core.IISHttpContextOfT`1.ProcessRequestAsync()

I think I solved it. I read that it could have to do with lack of access. I guess on of my tasks in my CD setup isn't working right, because I tried running an APP CMD command to set user profile to loaded as true for my app pool. Supposedly, if this flag is false, the application will by default try to store the private key as the current user, but since no user is loaded, this doesn't work. So I tried with ephemeral keyset instead(in-memory) to avoid access issues and now it works. Not sure what the consequences are of using an in-memory keyset, if the keys are appropriate etc.


Kubernetes + Redis: The antiforgery token could not be decrypted

I am making use of a Redis database for Data Protection on .net core 3.0 on Kubernetes, but still get the below error. Any ideas?
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.DefaultAntiforgery[7]
An exception was thrown while deserializing the token. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.AntiforgeryValidationException: The
antiforgery token could not be decrypted. --->
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The key
{ffb146a1-0e5e-4f96-8566-425f7c2eb99a} was not found in the key ring.
protectedData, Boolean allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys, UnprotectStatus&
status) at
protectedData, Boolean ignoreRevocationErrors, Boolean&
requiresMigration, Boolean& wasRevoked) at
protectedData) at
serializedToken) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at
serializedToken) at
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("REDIS_CONNSTR"));
services.AddDataProtection().PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, "DataProtection-Keys");
services.AddMvc(options =>
options.Filters.Add(new AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());
According to the documentation in the below article the application name needs to be set.
.PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, "DataProtection-Keys")
By default, the Data Protection system isolates apps from one another
based on their content root paths, even if they're sharing the same
physical key repository. This prevents the apps from understanding
each other's protected payloads.
To share protected payloads among apps:
Configure SetApplicationName in each app with the same value.
Just a further note on this. If you get a 400 Bad Request and are using an API in the same solution then I would suggest having a look at the IgnoreAntiforgeryToken Attribute to decorate methods where CSRF does not apply.

Frequent connection aborted exceptions when using CRM 2013 Organization Service

I have a problem running a WCF service that connects to the CRM: It frequently produces CommunicationObjectAbortedExceptions which leave me to wonder if I am doing something wrong. These execptions started occurring after many people started using it, on the test system it worked without problems.
But let's start at the beginning: I wrote two WCF Services that connect to the Microsoft CRM2013 Organization Service using my own library to execute queries on the CRM. These services are regularly called from the CRM which is used by roughly 100-200 people on a daily basis.
This works basically fine, but I frequently get a couple of exceptions which look like the following (see bottom of the Post for the full stacktrace):
System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectAbortedException: The HTTP request to 'http://crm/MyOrganization/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc' was aborted. This may be due to the local channel being closed while the request was still in progress. If this behavior is not desired, then update your code so that it does not close the channel while request operations are still in progress.
By frequently I mean around 100 times a day, most often a couple of those exceptions are thrown every 5-30 minutes in batches of 3-6 exceptions. I have no idea why this is happening. I initialize the connection to the CRM Organization Service using the following class from my library in both services:
public class CrmManager : IDisposable
private static CrmConnection s_connection;
public static CrmConnection Connection
if (s_connection == null)
s_connection = new CrmConnection("CrmTvTest");
return s_connection;
public static IOrganizationService ServiceProxy
get { return s_serviceProxy ?? (s_serviceProxy = new CachedOrganizationService(Connection)); }
As can be seen, I connect to the Organization Service once per WCF service, using the CrmConnection to handle the connection details, which is stored in a static variable (acting as a singleton, since establishing the Connection is expensive and should not be done too often to my understanding). It is then passed to the CachedOrganizationService, which is static for the same reasons. The WCF service uses the default instance management (PerSession AFAIK), meaning there is probably 1 connection and organization service per user.
My Connection String looks like this (removed any sensible data, of course):
<add name="CrmTvTest" connectionString="Url=http://crm/MyOrganization; Username=user; Password=pw;"/>
I then use the connection with CrmServiceContext objects to execute queries using this method from my CrmManager class. Which is, of course, always called within a using-statement:
using (CrmServiceContext context = new CrmServiceContext(CrmManager.ServiceProxy))
// do some stuff...
How can I prevent these exceptions from constantly occuring? I get the feeling this has to do with the Security Tokens used by the CRM connection expiring, but this shouldn't be a problem when I use the CrmConnection class. It should refresh them automatically.
Any advice would be very welcome, since I am pondering this issue for a while now.
I switched to using the Developer Extensions and using the CrmConnector class, to no avail (I updated the code above). I also tried passing the CrmConnection class directly to the CrmServiceContext:
using (CrmServiceContext context = new CrmServiceContext(CrmManager.Connection))
which led to the same problems as in this Stackoverflow Question, without using a load-balancer (we initially did, but disabled load-balancing to eliminate the possibility of it causing the problems.
Full Stacktrace:
---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelUtilities.ProcessGetResponseWebException(WebException webException, HttpWebRequest request, HttpAbortReason abortReason)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.SecurityChannelFactory1.SecurityRequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IOrganizationService.Execute(OrganizationRequest request)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceProxy.ExecuteCore(OrganizationRequest request)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.OrganizationServiceContext.Execute(OrganizationRequest request)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Linq.QueryProvider.RetrieveEntityCollection(OrganizationRequest request, NavigationSource source)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Linq.QueryProvider.Execute(QueryExpression qe, Boolean throwIfSequenceIsEmpty, Boolean throwIfSequenceNotSingle, Projection projection, NavigationSource source, List1 linkLookups, String& pagingCookie, Boolean& moreRecords)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Linq.QueryProvider.Execute[TElement](QueryExpression qe, Boolean throwIfSequenceIsEmpty, Boolean throwIfSequenceNotSingle, Projection projection, NavigationSource source, List1 linkLookups)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Linq.QueryProvider.Execute[TElement](Expression expression)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Linq.QueryProvider.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[TResult](Expression expression)
at System.Linq.Queryable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IQueryable`1 source)
at CrmConnector.Entities.Contact.Get(Guid p_id, Boolean p_includeRelatedEntities) in j:\IntDev\Libraries\CrmConnector\Entities\Contact.cs:line 63
at CrmExtensionService.CrmExtension.GetPersonalizedEmailSignature(String p_contactId, String p_systemUserId) in j:\IntDev\Services\CrmExtensionService\CrmExtension.svc.cs:line 460
We had same issue and load balancer was the culprit. Now we resolved this error with load balancer activated by making few configurations in the load balancer. We enabled sticky session with least connection algorithm at the load balancer. So if this is not enabled while load balanced then authenticated connection from one server's request gets routed to different servers even though same session and fails. Once enabling the sticky session (session persistance to be client ip) requests goes to same server (in this case returning connection and not a new connection) it works well.
So, after fiddling around for about two months, we found the issue: The load balancing of the CRM FrontEnd was the culprit. I assumed this was disabled, too, with disabling the load balancing of our CRM Service, but it wasn't. Our CRM Service periodically established a connection with the Organization Service of Server 1, then got switched to Server 2 mid-operation and these exceptions occurred.
We're still trying to figure out how to get this to work with load balancing activated, but for the time being we keep it disabled to prevent these errors from popping up.
There is a similar case here on StackOverflow: Sporadic exceptions calling a web service that is load balanced. We are currently using a webHttpBinding and a quickly attempted to switch over to a basicHttpBinding but didn't get it to work (but as I said, this was just a quick attempt).

Which IE add-on is crashing my application

Case: I have a a websites which authenticates to a second SSO website using federated authentication.
Go to the main website
Redirect to the SSO authentication site -> and you fill in the correct credentials
go back to main with authentication cookies -> crash
Extra info from the error logs:
It's always in an IE browser (FF and Chrome work perfectly)
I can't reproduce the problem myself: tested on every operating system and browser version with Browserstack nor can my colluegues.
When contacting end-users who have the problem. They consistently have it in IE. When asked to use another browser it works.
My current guess is that it's due to some IE-add-on. But I do not know which one and this is a bit of a guess. The fact that it happens on end-users computers means I have no control over those computers and I'm unable to go look on their screen and check out which plug-ins they have.
Are their ways to check this? and find out which add-on's are installed on an end-users pc?
The error is this one:
The token '>' was expected but found 't'. Line 1, position 1572.
at System.Xml.XmlExceptionHelper.ThrowXmlException(XmlDictionaryReader
reader, String res, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3) at
reader, String expected, Char found) at
System.Xml.XmlUTF8TextReader.ReadStartElement() at
System.Xml.XmlUTF8TextReader.Read() at
System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteNode(XmlDictionaryReader reader,
Boolean defattr) at System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteNode(XmlReader
reader, Boolean defattr) at
reader, Boolean onStartElement) at
reader, RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr, WSTrustSerializationContext
context, WSTrustConstantsAdapter trustConstants) at
reader, RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr, WSTrustSerializationContext
context) at
reader, WSTrustSerializationContext context, WSTrustResponseSerializer
responseSerializer, WSTrustConstantsAdapter trustConstants) at
reader, WSTrustSerializationContext context) at
message, WSTrustSerializationContext context) at
message, WSFederationSerializer federationSerializer) at
message) at
message, WSFederationSerializer federationSerializer) at
message) at
request) at
request) at
sender, EventArgs args) at
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step,
Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Amazon Glacier KeyNotFoundException

I keep getting the following exception when trying to upload a file to Amazon Glacier using the .NET sdk:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Amazon.Glacier.Model.Internal.MarshallTransformations.UploadArchiveResponseUnmarshaller.UnmarshallException(JsonUnmarshallerContext context, Exception innerException, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
at Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform.JsonResponseUnmarshaller.UnmarshallException(UnmarshallerContext input, Exception innerException, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
at Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceClient.handleHttpWebErrorResponse(AsyncResult asyncResult, WebException we)
at Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceClient.getResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)
at Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceClient.endOperation[T](IAsyncResult result)
at Amazon.Glacier.Transfer.Internal.SinglepartUploadCommand.Execute()
at Amazon.Glacier.Transfer.ArchiveTransferManager.Upload(String vaultName, String archiveDescription, String filepath, UploadOptions options)
at UClaim.TaskRunner.Tasks.ArchiveDocuments.Execute() in c:\Projects\uclaim\src\UClaim.TaskRunner\Tasks\ArchiveDocuments.cs:line 55
I've got no idea why it's happening or what it means, and googling is turning up nothing. The code I'm using is nothing special, but here it is for completeness.
var document = GetDocumentToArchive();
var manager = new ArchiveTransferManager(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1);
document.ArchiveId = manager.Upload(
string.Format("#{0}: {1}", document.Claim.Id, document.Description),
Ok turns out this was a stupid mistake. I thought that the SDK would create the vault if it didn't exist but I guess it was attempting to look it up and failing. I logged in to the management console and created the "archivedDocs" vault and now it runs fine

MsMq installation credentials

We have a problem with MSMQ.
The design is we have some server with msmq installed with user X.
Now we install some Windows Service with user y credentials.
the problem is that the service can not reach or create a new private queue. we get the following exception :
Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running, the queue exists and has proper authorization to be read from. The inner exception may contain additional information. An error occurred while opening the queue:Access is denied. (-1072824283, 0xc00e0025). The message cannot be sent or received from the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Also ensure that the queue is available to open with the required access mode and authorization. at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.OpenQueue()
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.GetHandle()
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.SupportsAccessMode(String formatName, Int32 accessType, MsmqException& msmqException)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqVerifier.VerifyReceiver(MsmqReceiveParameters receiveParameters, Uri listenUri)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqTransportBindingElement.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](BindingContext context)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding.BuildChannelListener[TChannel](Uri listenUriBaseAddress, String listenUriRelativeAddress, ListenUriMode listenUriMode, BindingParameterCollection parameters)
at System.ServiceModel.Description.DispatcherBuilder.MaybeCreateListener(Boolean actuallyCreate, Type[] supportedChannels, Binding binding, BindingParameterCollection parameters, Uri listenUriBaseAddress, String listenUriRelativeAddress, ListenUriMode listenUriMode, ServiceThrottle throttle, IChannelListener& result, Boolean supportContextSession)
at System.ServiceModel.Description.DispatcherBuilder.BuildChannelListener(StuffPerListenUriInfo stuff, ServiceHostBase serviceHost, Uri listenUri, ListenUriMode listenUriMode, Boolean supportContextSession, IChannelListener& result)
at System.ServiceModel.Description.DispatcherBuilder.InitializeServiceHost(ServiceDescription description, ServiceHostBase serviceHost)
at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.InitializeRuntime()
at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Open(TimeSpan timeout)
our solution for now is removing the MSMQ and installing it with the user credentials of the service.
Any way to do this right ?
OK i have found the problem, service with user X credentials created a private queue ..
the service was removed and then installed again with user Y credentials .. the queue was not removed . so when user Y try to create or used the private queue it get a security exception. is there any way to create the queue with predefined credentials ?
