Selecting a user by ID doesn't work, but works by email - c#

I am using the Microsoft Graph API to access some events in my company's Azure AD Outlook.
The problem I am now having is that I can not access the CalendarView (or really I can't access the user at all) when I try to specify the user with an UUID instead of an email. The strange thing is that email works just fine, but I am not allowed to store emails outside of the Azure AD, so ID would be the preferred method.
Here is the exact API call I try to make:
But all examples only use the .Me accessor and not the .Users[{ID | userPrincipalName}]
I am quite sure that the UUID I use is correct since it comes from an API call earlier. Or does the documentation article mean something else than the user UUID by {ID | userPrincipalName}?
A room looks like this (when read as a JSON object):
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"emailAdress": "room#company"
This works:
await graphClient.Users["room#company"].CalendarView.Request(queryOptions).GetAsync();
While this does not work:
await graphClient.Users["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"].CalendarView.Request(queryOptions).GetAsync();
When using the UUID I get (IDs not shown here):
Code: ErrorInvalidUser
Message: The requested user '<UUID>' is invalid
ClientRequestId: <some ID>
I did test this with a hardcoded room id and email but also with the ID object I get from calling the roomlist in C#.
Another inconsistency I encountered is that I can read the whole list of via a http request but not using the C# Microsoft.Graph.Auth package. Reading the data of a room I know the email from does however work.
So does this just not work and the doc doesn't say so?
Does the Microsoft.Graph.Auth package not support those kind of requests?
Or do I use a wrong ID?

According to some test, only when I use incorrect object id of user it shows same error message as yours.
If I use another user's object id(not object id of the user do authentication), it will show ErrorAccessDenied because do not have permission.
If I use the object id which the user not exist in Azure AD(incorrect object id), it will show same error message with yours. So please check if the uuid which you mentioned is the user's object id(shown in below screenshot) in your Azure AD and please check if you input the correct format of object id in your code by Console.WriteLine(object id)


Realm sync permissions for flexibly-named partitions based on user id

I'm new to Realm Sync (and Realm). I'm trying to convert a REST / SQL Server system to Realm Sync (to avoid having to write my own local-device caching code).
I got a simple configuration working, with a single API-key user and the null partition, read and write permissions just set to true.
But for my more complex application, I want smaller sub-partitions to reduce the amount of data that needs to be cached on local devices, and I want the sub-partitions to be able to be created dynamically by the client. Ideally, I would like to allow an API-key user to connect to any partition whose name starts with their user id (or some other known string, e.g. the profile name). But I can't find a way to get a "starts with" condition into the permissions.
My best attempt was to try setting Read and Write sync permissions to:
"%%partition": {
"$regex": "^"
but my client just fails to connect, saying Permission denied (BIND, REFRESH). (Yes, I tried using "$regex": /^ but the Realm UI rejected that syntax.) The Realm Sync log says "user does not have permission to sync on partition (ProtocolErrorCode=206)".
As you can see in the log image, the partition name was equal to the user id for this test.
Is what I'm trying to do possible? If so, how do I set up the Sync Permissions to make it work?
This can be done using a function. If, like me, you're new to Realm Sync and not fluent in Javascript, don't worry - it turns out to be not too hard to do, after all. (Thanks Jay for encouraging me to try it!)
I followed the instructions on the Define a Function page to create my userCanAccessPartition function like this:
exports = function(partition){
return partition.startsWith(;
Then I set my sync permissions to:
"%%true": {
"%function": {
"name": "userCanAccessPartition",
"arguments": ["%%partition"]

Check if user ID exists in Discord server in c#

I'm trying to make a auth link that the user will open then to get the client id from the user and check if the user is exists in a server. I'm not sure what lib should I use would love to get help thank you. I saw this code but this is in JavaScript and I need it in c# + the part of auth link
USER_ID = '123123123';
if (guild.member(USER_ID)) {
// there is a GuildMember with that ID
DSharpPlus is a fairly simple library to use. It'll throw 404 not found when the user isn't found so you'll need to check the ClientErrored event for failure.
var guild = //get current guild somehow
var user = await guild.GetMemberAsync(USERID);
Documentation on GetMemberAsync:
D#+ vs Discord.Net is DNet will give you more control over handling of events and messages. D#+ is more plug and play kind of deal.

How to Update Account in StripeApi using C#?

I am trying to update Account in Stripe Api using Stripe.netlibrary ,using StripeAccountService and storing it in StripeAccountclass which i made by myself to store the result returned by API :
var accountService = new StripeAccountService("secretKey in string");
StripeRequestOptions option = new StripeRequestOptions();
option.StripeConnectAccountId = "AccountId to update";
StripeAccount x = accountService.Get(option);
x.Email = "";
//Then i do not know how to save changes back to api now.
But StripeAccountService class has no Update method define. How I can perform update on the Account.
I am using this library. Stripe api does have an update method too here. does not support managed accounts: "Managed Accounts are a valuable service as well, but they are not available in yet." doesnot support Managed account but it can be done using following approach it is for update account.
I won't be able to give code but can provide the correct approach, it is tested.
is the Url for updating stripe account.
Now you need to add two header and a body you can try WebRequest or httpclient class.
The reason i am unable to provide code because i did not do any research in adding multiple headers and a body.
so it would look something like this
Property value
Authorization bearer "SecretKey"
Stripe-Account "acct_16uR8kKN01245679"
Property value
email ""
support_phone "555-867-5309"
You can see complete property list here. i picked few for demonstration purpose only.
Then save the response in any variable and it is done.

Facebook API - getting friend list with detail info again

I'm using Facebook SDK ( ) and want to get friend list with the following information:
1. ID
2. Name
3. Photo
4. link
5. Email
6. etc...
I have read Facebook's documentation and different posts of forum (including stackoverflow), but I'm confused. After it I'm not sure, is it possible to get this information by API request or not. First at all, this request returns only ID and name data:
var client = new FacebookClient("XXX");
dynamic friends = client.Get("/me/friends");
Next step - try to modify this request to specify returned fields:
var client = new FacebookClient("XXX");
dynamic friends = client.Get("/me/friends?fields=about,bio,age_range,first_name,gender,address,email,location,link,languages,username,last_name,timezone,updated_time");
it returns only some fields:
"first_name": "XXX",
"gender": "male",
"link": "",
"username": "XXX",
"last_name": "XXX",
"updated_time": "2013-09-07T12:18:34+0000",
"id": "XXX"
is it possible to return more fields? As I understood, it depends on permissions. I try to set these permissions. I go to Applications -> MyApp -> Permissions, and see, that field "User & Friend Permissions" is empty. I try to set some permissions, i.e.
and after click "Save" button I see the message:
Changes saved. Note that your changes may take several minutes to
propagate to all servers.
but field "User & Friend Permissions" is empty again. First question : why and how can I see all set permissions?
secondly - I don't see any changes in my request via FacebookClient (but field "About" is added to request). Why?
The fields that you can get without any extra permissions:
With permissions-
friends_about_me - about, bio
friends_location - location
friends_likes - languages
Invalid fields (I don't know from where you saw these)-
Another thing that you are not getting all the fields is because the permissions are not being asked by the user (and hence not granted any to your app).
This is because, you have to add the permissions in your code, while login-in the user- not just adding permissions in the App Settings.
For eg, if you are using javascript sdk, it is done using the scope parameter. Reference
You can always test your call here: Graph API Explorer
To answer your first question, you can see the answer here, use the Facebook graph api and search /{user id}/permissions.
Some clerification for the rest. You can't get friends email address as answered here. In order to get the friends profile picture you need to add the field picture (you can specify the size like this picture.width().height().
I reccomend you try to use Facebooks Graph Api Explorer to play with the permissions and the info you request.

Get user Id in instagram

I try to using instagram api within vs using [c#,windows form] and I try with calling the url to get the access token and no problem with this issue but I need to know how to get the user id number for the authenticated user !!
In the world of HTTP Request, you can obtain everything :)
Send your request to this url to get user public info.{username}/?__a=1
I got the answer
the oAuth URI will have a respnse type key with "code" as value.
then with the returned code I perform a request with other parameters like client id and client secrets..etc
read the response which will return a json object with user Id
In details see here
You may want to double check what the API response is. I would use You can get the user id fast to verify its the same
