Determine if file is svg - c#

Trying to validate if file is a svg by looking at the first few bytes. I know I can do this for png and other image file types but what about svg?
Maybe I have to convert bytes to string and validate using regex instead?

If performance is a concern and you don't want to read all the SVG file contents, you can use the XmlReader class to have a look at the first element:
private static bool IsSvgFile(Stream fileStream)
using (var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(fileStream))
return xmlReader.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element && "svg".Equals(xmlReader.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return false;

If you don't want to use an XML parser (you probably don't), then I think a 99%+ reliable method would be to read the first, say, 256 bytes. Then check for the string "<svg ", or use regex /^<svg /gm.
And/or check for the string " xmlns=\"\"".
From my experience working with SVG, this would catch almost all SVG files, with very few false negatives.

You can retrieve the file using a stream and knowing that the SVG format is a XML, you can simply check it like this:
var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(img);
isSvg = text.StartsWith("<?xml ") || text.StartsWith("<svg ");


how to validate JSON string before converting to XML in C#

I will receive an response in the form of JSON string.
We have an existing tool developed in C# which will take input in XML format.
Hence i am converting the JSON string obtained from server using Newtonsoft.JSON to XML string and passing to the tool.
When converting JSON response to XML, I am getting an error
"Failed to process request. Reason: The ' ' character, hexadecimal
value 0x20, cannot be included in a name."
The above error indicates that the JSON Key contains a space [For Example: \"POI Items\":[{\"lat\":{\"value\":\"00\"}] which cannot be converted to XML element.
Is there any approach to identify spaces only JSON key's ["POI Items"] and remove the spaces in it?
Also suggest any alternative solution so that we needn't change the existing solution?
You can use Json.Net and replace the names while loading the json..
JsonSerializer ser = new JsonSerializer();
var jObj = ser.Deserialize(new JReader(new StringReader(json))) as JObject;
var newJson = jObj.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
public class JReader : Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader
public JReader(TextReader r) : base(r)
public override bool Read()
bool b = base.Read();
if (base.CurrentState == State.Property && ((string)base.Value).Contains(' '))
base.SetToken(JsonToken.PropertyName,((string)base.Value).Replace(" ", "_"));
return b;
Input : {"POI Items":[{"lat":{"value":"00","ab cd":"de fg"}}]}
Output: {"POI_Items":[{"lat":{"value":"00","ab_cd":"de fg"}}]}
I recommend using some sort of Regex.Replace().
Search the input string for something like:
\"([a-zA-Z0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\":
and then replace something like (mind the missing space):
The 1st pair of parenthesis contain the first word in a variable name, the 2nd pair of parenthesis means the 2nd word. The : guarantees that this operation will be done in variable names only (not in string data). the JSON variable names are inside a pair of \"s.
Maybe it's not 100% correct but you can start searching by this.
For details check MSDN, and some Regex examples

Read file into byte array is different to string

I have a file in visual studio with the following contents:"{"Name":"Pete"}"
If I read the file with the following code it appears to create a string with the original value:
byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
string jsonResponse = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
However, the string is actually different to the version that exists if I use the following code:
string jsonResponse = "{\"Name\":\"Pete\"}";
Why? (The reason I think it is different is because when I pass each version to a json deserializer it behaves differently)
Given your final comment in the question, I suspect the problem is that you've got a byte-order mark at the start of the file. Try loading the file like this instead:
string jsonResponse = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
I believe that will strip the BOM for you. Alternatively, you could try explicitly trimming it yourself:
jsonResponse = jsonResponse.TrimStart('\feff');
My guess would be that you have a terminating newline in your file.
You can easily verify if two strings have the same content in C# by just comparing them with a == b.
Here's a short code sample that might help you identify the problem. The strings are output surrounded by < >, which should help you identify surrounding whitespace (which, by the way, can be removed using String.Trim).
byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
string fromFile = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
string fromString = "{\"Name\":\"Pete\"}";
if (fromFile == fromString) {
Console.WriteLine("Strings are the same.");
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Strings are different!");
Console.WriteLine("fromFile: <" + fromFile + ">");
Console.WriteLine("fromString: <" + fromString + ">");

How can we efficiently read only integers from text file in C#

In C++, we can define a custom locale that enables stream object to ignore non-digits in the file, and reads only the integers.
Can we do something similar? How can we efficiently read only integers from a text file? Does C# stream object use locale? If yes, can we define custom locale that we can use with stream object so as to ignore unwanted characters while reading the file?
Here is one example in C++ which efficiently counts frequency of words in a text file:
Elegant ways to count the frequency of words in a file
My proposal:
public void ReadJustNumbers()
Regex r = new Regex(#"\d+");
using (var sr = new StreamReader("xxx"))
string line;
while (null != (line=sr.ReadLine()))
foreach (Match m in r.Matches(line))
where xxx is the file name, obviously you will use the matching digit in a more elegant way than dumping on the console ;)

Strip the byte order mark from string in C#

In C#, I have a string that I'm obtaining from WebClient.DownloadString. I've tried setting client.Encoding to new UTF8Encoding(false), but that's made no difference - I still end up with a byte order mark for UTF-8 at the beginning of the result string. I need to remove this (to parse the resulting XML with LINQ), and want to do so in memory.
So I have a string that starts with \x00EF\x00BB\x00BF, and I want to remove that if it exists. Right now I'm using
if (xml.StartsWith(ByteOrderMarkUtf8))
xml = xml.Remove(0, ByteOrderMarkUtf8.Length);
but that just feels wrong. I've tried all sorts of code with streams, GetBytes, and encodings, and nothing works. Can anyone provide the "right" algorithm to strip a BOM from a string?
I recently had issues with the .NET 4 upgrade, but until then the simple answer is
removes the BOM up until .NET 3.5.
However, in .NET 4 you need to change it slightly:
String.Trim(new char[]{'\uFEFF'});
That will also get rid of the byte order mark, though you may also want to remove the ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B):
String.Trim(new char[]{'\uFEFF','\u200B'});
This you could also use to remove other unwanted characters.
Some further information is from
String.Trim Method:
The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and earlier versions maintain an internal list of white-space characters that this method trims. Starting with the .NET Framework 4, the method trims all Unicode white-space characters (that is, characters that produce a true return value when they are passed to the Char.IsWhiteSpace method). Because of this change, the Trim method in the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and earlier versions removes two characters, ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) and ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE (U+FEFF), that the Trim method in the .NET Framework 4 and later versions does not remove. In addition, the Trim method in the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and earlier versions does not trim three Unicode white-space characters: MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR (U+180E), NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE (U+202F), and MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE (U+205F).
I had some incorrect test data, which caused me some confusion. Based on How to avoid tripping over UTF-8 BOM when reading files I found that this worked:
private readonly string _byteOrderMarkUtf8 =
public string GetXmlResponse(Uri resource)
string xml;
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
xml = client.DownloadString(resource);
if (xml.StartsWith(_byteOrderMarkUtf8, StringComparison.Ordinal))
xml = xml.Remove(0, _byteOrderMarkUtf8.Length);
return xml;
Setting the client Encoding property correctly reduces the BOM to a single character. However, XDocument.Parse still will not read that string. This is the cleanest version I've come up with to date.
This works as well
int index = xmlResponse.IndexOf('<');
if (index > 0)
xmlResponse = xmlResponse.Substring(index, xmlResponse.Length - index);
A quick and simple method to remove it directly from a string:
private static string RemoveBom(string p)
string BOMMarkUtf8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble());
if (p.StartsWith(BOMMarkUtf8))
p = p.Remove(0, BOMMarkUtf8.Length);
return p.Replace("\0", "");
How to use it:
string yourCleanString=RemoveBom(yourBOMString);
If the variable xml is of type string, you did something wrong already - in a character string, the BOM should not be represented as three separate characters, but as a single code point.
Instead of using DownloadString, use DownloadData, and parse byte arrays instead. The XML parser should recognize the BOM itself, and skip it (except for auto-detecting the document encoding as UTF-8).
I had a very similar problem (I needed to parse an XML document represented as a byte array that had a byte order mark at the beginning of it). I used one of Martin's comments on his answer to come to a solution. I took the byte array I had (instead of converting it to a string) and created a MemoryStream object with it. Then I passed it to XDocument.Load, which worked like a charm. For example, let's say that xmlBytes contains your XML in UTF-8 encoding with a byte mark at the beginning of it. Then, this would be the code to solve the problem:
var stream = new MemoryStream(xmlBytes);
var document = XDocument.Load(stream);
It's that simple.
If starting out with a string, it should still be easy to do (assume xml is your string containing the XML with the byte order mark):
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var document = XDocument.Load(stream);
I wrote the following post after coming across this issue.
Essentially instead of reading in the raw bytes of the file's contents using the BinaryReader class, I use the StreamReader class with a specific constructor which automatically removes the byte order mark character from the textual data I am trying to retrieve.
It's of course best if you can strip it out while still on the byte array level to avoid unwanted substrings / allocs. But if you already have a string, this is perhaps the easiest and most performant way to handle this.
string feed = ""; // input
bool hadBOM = FixBOMIfNeeded(ref feed);
var xElem = XElement.Parse(feed); // now does not fail
/// <summary>
/// You can get this or test it originally with: Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble())[0];
/// But no need, this way we have a constant. As these three bytes `[239, 187, 191]` (a BOM) evaluate to a single C# char.
/// </summary>
public const char BOMChar = (char)65279;
public static bool FixBOMIfNeeded(ref string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return false;
bool hasBom = str[0] == BOMChar;
if (hasBom)
str = str.Substring(1);
return hasBom;
Pass the byte buffer (via DownloadData) to string Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byte[]) to get the string rather than download the buffer as a string. You probably have more problems with your current method than just trimming the byte order mark. Unless you're properly decoding it as I suggest here, Unicode characters will probably be misinterpreted, resulting in a corrupted string.
Martin's answer is better, since it avoids allocating an entire string for XML that still needs to be parsed anyway. The answer I gave best applies to general strings that don't need to be parsed as XML.
I ran into this when I had a Base64 encoded file to transform into the string. While I could have saved it to a file and then read it correctly, here's the best solution I could think of to get from the byte[] of the file to the string (based lightly on TrueWill's answer):
public static string GetUTF8String(byte[] data)
byte[] utf8Preamble = Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble();
if (data.StartsWith(utf8Preamble))
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, utf8Preamble.Length, data.Length - utf8Preamble.Length);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
Where StartsWith(byte[]) is the logical extension:
public static bool StartsWith(this byte[] thisArray, byte[] otherArray)
// Handle invalid/unexpected input
// (nulls, thisArray.Length < otherArray.Length, etc.)
for (int i = 0; i < otherArray.Length; ++i)
if (thisArray[i] != otherArray[i])
return false;
return true;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(strFile, true);
XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
Yet another generic variation to get rid of the UTF-8 BOM preamble:
var preamble = Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble();
if (!functionBytes.Take(preamble.Length).SequenceEqual(preamble))
preamble = Array.Empty<Byte>();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(functionBytes, preamble.Length, functionBytes.Length - preamble.Length);
Use a regex replace to filter out any other characters other than the alphanumeric characters and spaces that are contained in a normal certificate thumbprint value:
certficateThumbprint = Regex.Replace(certficateThumbprint, #"[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\s*]", "");
And there you go. Voila!! It worked for me.
I solved the issue with the following code
using System.Xml.Linq;
void method()
byte[] bytes = GetXmlBytes();
XDocument doc;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(docBytes))
doc = XDocument.Load(stream);

How to validate that a string doesn't contain HTML using C#

Does anyone have a simple, efficient way of checking that a string doesn't contain HTML? Basically, I want to check that certain fields only contain plain text. I thought about looking for the < character, but that can easily be used in plain text. Another way might be to create a new System.Xml.Linq.XElement using:
XElement.Parse("<wrapper>" + MyString + "</wrapper>")
and check that the XElement contains no child elements, but this seems a little heavyweight for what I need.
The following will match any matching set of tags. i.e. <b>this</b>
Regex tagRegex = new Regex(#"<\s*([^ >]+)[^>]*>.*?<\s*/\s*\1\s*>");
The following will match any single tag. i.e. <b> (it doesn't have to be closed).
Regex tagRegex = new Regex(#"<[^>]+>");
You can then use it like so
bool hasTags = tagRegex.IsMatch(myString);
You could ensure plain text by encoding the input using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.
In fact, depending on how strict you want the check to be, you could use it to determine if the string contains HTML:
bool containsHTML = (myString != HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(myString));
Here you go:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
private bool ContainsHTML(string checkString)
return Regex.IsMatch(checkString, "<(.|\n)*?>");
That is the simplest way, since items in brackets are unlikely to occur naturally.
I just tried my XElement.Parse solution. I created an extension method on the string class so I can reuse the code easily:
public static bool ContainsXHTML(this string input)
XElement x = XElement.Parse("<wrapper>" + input + "</wrapper>");
return !(x.DescendantNodes().Count() == 1 && x.DescendantNodes().First().NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text);
catch (XmlException ex)
return true;
One problem I found was that plain text ampersand and less than characters cause an XmlException and indicate that the field contains HTML (which is wrong). To fix this, the input string passed in first needs to have the ampersands and less than characters converted to their equivalent XHTML entities. I wrote another extension method to do that:
public static string ConvertXHTMLEntities(this string input)
// Convert all ampersands to the ampersand entity.
string output = input;
output = output.Replace("&", "amp_token");
output = output.Replace("&", "&");
output = output.Replace("amp_token", "&");
// Convert less than to the less than entity (without messing up tags).
output = output.Replace("< ", "< ");
return output;
Now I can take a user submitted string and check that it doesn't contain HTML using the following code:
bool ContainsHTML = UserEnteredString.ConvertXHTMLEntities().ContainsXHTML();
I'm not sure if this is bullet proof, but I think it's good enough for my situation.
this also checks for things like < br /> self enclosed tags with optional whitespace. the list does not contain new html5 tags.
internal static class HtmlExts
public static bool containsHtmlTag(this string text, string tag)
var pattern = #"<\s*" + tag + #"\s*\/?>";
return Regex.IsMatch(text, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
public static bool containsHtmlTags(this string text, string tags)
var ba = tags.Split('|').Select(x => new {tag = x, hastag = text.containsHtmlTag(x)}).Where(x => x.hastag);
return ba.Count() > 0;
public static bool containsHtmlTags(this string text)
Angle brackets may not be your only challenge. Other characters can also be potentially harmful script injection. Such as the common double hyphen "--", which can also used in SQL injection. And there are others.
On an ASP.Net page, if validateRequest = true in machine.config, web.config or the page directive, the user will get an error page stating "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" if an HTML tag or various other potential script-injection attacks are detected. You probably want to avoid this and provide a more elegant, less-scary UI experience.
You could test for both the opening and closing tags <> using a regular expression, and allow the text if only one of them occcurs. Allow < or >, but not < followed by some text and then >, in that order.
You could allow angle brackets and HtmlEncode the text to preserve them when the data is persisted.
Beware when using the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method mentioned above. If you are checking some text with special characters, but not HTML, it will evaluate incorrectly. Maybe that's why J c used "...depending on how strict you want the check to be..."
