How can I reduce the gaps between objects? - c#

At the top :
[Range(10, 100)]
public int gap = 10;
private int oldGapValue = 0;
And in Update :
private void Update()
if(gap > oldGapValue)
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++)
units[i].transform.position = (i + 1f) * new Vector3(gap, 0, 0);
oldGapValue = gap;
This working for adding gaps. but in the else part I want to reduce the gaps between the objects.
I tried this but this is not working good, now it's working fine when reducing the gaps but now when adding gaps it's not working good it's adding gaps but also double the units objects until I stop adding gaps it's all stuttering.
if(gap > oldGapValue)
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++)
units[i].transform.position = (i + 1f) * new Vector3(gap, 0, 0);
oldGapValue = gap;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++)
units[i].transform.position = (i + 1f) * new Vector3(-gap, 0, 0);

It looks like you're trying to space objects, by the value of gap, every single frame because of your logic.
Might I suggest a different approach and only change the object spacing when the value of gap actually changes. As an example, try this code:
[Range ( 10f, 100f )]
private float _gap = 10f;
private float _oldGap = 10f;
public float gap
get => _gap;
_oldGap = _gap;
Debug.Log ( $"New Gap Value {_gap}" );
for ( int i = 0; i < units.Length; i++ )
units [ i ].transform.position = new Vector3 ( (gap * i) + 1f, 0, 0 );
private void OnValidate ( )
if ( _gap != _oldGap )
gap = _gap;


Unable to get Yolov4-Tiny working with Windows.AI.MachineLearning APIs

I am implementing Yolov4-Tiny (onnx model found here) in Unity with the Windows ML APIs. I can load the model, and begin a session with no issue. I am using a VideoFrame (sized to 416x416) as the input and can access the two output Tensors. The problems arise when I begin to parse the output Tensors. With a confidence threshold of .5, I get between 700 and 1000 detections each frame, way way more than I expect. Also, the bboxes appear to be very small. The NMS and IOU functions below are nearly verbatim from here so I am not using anchors for the bounding boxes. I believe my issues is in the NMS and IOU functions, but I cannot locate the problem. My gut tells me I am manipulating the output Tensors incorrectly. Any ideas?
private List<DetectionResult> ParseResult(float[] boxes, float[] classes)
int c_values = 80;
int c_boxes = boxes.Length / 4;
int c_classNames = classes.Length / c_values;
float confidence_threshold = 0.5f;
List<DetectionResult> detections = new List<DetectionResult>();
for (int i_box = 0; i_box < c_classNames; i_box++)
float max_prob = 0.0f;
int label_index = -1;
for (int j_confidence = 0; j_confidence < c_values; j_confidence++)
int index = i_box * c_values + j_confidence;
if (Sigmoid(classes[index]) > max_prob)
max_prob = Sigmoid(classes[index]) ;
label_index = j_confidence;
if (max_prob > confidence_threshold)
List<float> bbox = new List<float>();
bbox.Add(boxes[(i_box * 4) + 0] * 416);
bbox.Add(boxes[(i_box * 4) + 1] * 416);
bbox.Add(boxes[(i_box * 4) + 2] * 416);
bbox.Add(boxes[(i_box * 4) + 3] * 416);
detections.Add(new DetectionResult()
label = _labels[label_index],
bbox = bbox,
prob = max_prob
private List<DetectionResult> NMS(IReadOnlyList<DetectionResult> detections,
float IOU_threshold = 0.45f,
float score_threshold = 0.3f)
List<DetectionResult> final_detections = new List<DetectionResult>();
for (int i = 0; i < detections.Count; i++)
int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < final_detections.Count; j++)
if (ComputeIOU(final_detections[j], detections[i]) > IOU_threshold)
if (j == final_detections.Count)
return final_detections;
private float ComputeIOU(DetectionResult DRa, DetectionResult DRb)
float ay1 = DRa.bbox[0];
float ax1 = DRa.bbox[1];
float ay2 = DRa.bbox[2];
float ax2 = DRa.bbox[3];
float by1 = DRb.bbox[0];
float bx1 = DRb.bbox[1];
float by2 = DRb.bbox[2];
float bx2 = DRb.bbox[3];
// determine the coordinates of the intersection rectangle
float x_left = Math.Max(ax1, bx1);
float y_top = Math.Max(ay1, by1);
float x_right = Math.Min(ax2, bx2);
float y_bottom = Math.Min(ay2, by2);
if (x_right < x_left || y_bottom < y_top)
return 0;
float intersection_area = (x_right - x_left) * (y_bottom - y_top);
float bb1_area = (ax2 - ax1) * (ay2 - ay1);
float bb2_area = (bx2 - bx1) * (by2 - by1);
float iou = intersection_area / (bb1_area + bb2_area - intersection_area);
return iou;

Issues with Steering Behavior Seperation

The problem
I am trying to procedurally generate dungeon rooms with random X, Y sizes inside of a radius (r). However, even after I validate that the starting grid (origin of the "room") is not in the same position as other origins after running the separation function there are rooms still building inside of each other.
Solutions I have tried
I tried using math to calculate an optimal radius that will be able to fit the average of all the room sizes * amount of rooms. However, the separation should hypothetically work with any radius (though I want to keep them relatively close in order to keep hallways short).
All my code is based on one tile. This means that all calculations are using one tile, and will remain one tile until the very end, then I scale them up.
private void GenerateRooms(int amount)
// init sizes
Vector2[] room_sizes = new Vector2[amount];
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
room_sizes[i] = new Vector2(Random.Range(minimum_room_height, maximum_room_height), Random.Range(minimum_room_width, maximum_room_width));
float biggest_room = calculations.CalculateBiggest(room_sizes);
Vector2[] room_points = new Vector2[amount];
Vector2[] used_points = new Vector2[amount];
float radius = calculations.CalculateAverage(room_sizes) * amount;
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
do {
Vector2 test_point = new Vector2(Random.Range(-radius, radius), Random.Range(-radius, radius));
foreach (Vector2 point in used_points) {
if (test_point == point) {
} else {
room_points[i] = test_point;
used_points[i] = test_point;
} while (Vector2.Distance(, room_points[i]) < radius);
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
//Vector2 origin = room_points[i];
Vector3 position = calculations.computeSeperate(room_points, room_points[i], biggest_room);
//position = new Vector3(position.x + origin.x, position.y + origin.y, 0);
Vector3Int location = tile_map.WorldToCell(position);
tile_map.SetTile(location, tile);
calculations.scaleUpRooms(position, room_sizes[i].x, room_sizes[i].y, tile_map, tile);
The above is code for calling all the functions and validating the points. Here are the important functions (calculation functions):
public Vector2 computeSeperate(Vector2[] point_array, Vector2 target_point, float minimum_distance)
int neighbor_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < point_array.Length; i++)
if (point_array[i] != target_point)
if (Vector2.Distance(target_point, point_array[i]) < minimum_distance * 2)
target_point.x += point_array[i].x - target_point.x;
target_point.y += point_array[i].y - target_point.y;
if (neighbor_count == 0)
return target_point;
} else
target_point.x /= neighbor_count;
target_point.y /= neighbor_count;
target_point.x *= -1;
target_point.y *= -1;
return target_point;
public void scaleUpRooms(Vector2 base_point, float scale_x, float scale_y, Tilemap tile_map, Tile tile) // ex: 5x5
List<Vector2> Calculate(Vector2 size)
List<Vector2> results = new List<Vector2>();
for (int i = 0; i < size.y; i++)
for (int o = 0; o < size.x; o++)
results.Add(new Vector2(o, i) + (new Vector2(size.x % 2 != 0 ? .5f : 1, size.y % 2 != 0 ? .5f : 1) - (size / 2)));
string st = "";
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
st += "\n" + results[i].ToString();
return results;
Vector2 desired_scale = new Vector2(scale_x, scale_y);
List<Vector2> Offsets = Calculate(desired_scale);
for (int i = 0; i < Offsets.Count; i++)
Vector3 position = base_point + Offsets[i];
Vector3Int location = tile_map.WorldToCell(position);
tile_map.SetTile(location, tile);

Unity Converting Microphone input into Hertz

I'm working on a Unity app that has some Microphone controls. At one point, I have to convert the Microphone input into Hertz (Hz) values and show them to the user. Now, I did some research and I made the following script for this purpose:
int amountSamples = 1024;
void Start ()
_fSample = AudioSettings.outputSampleRate;
void Update() {
if (focused && Initialized) {
if (Microphone.IsRecording(selectedDevice) && recording) {
spectrumData = GetSpectrumAnalysis();
if (spectrumCurve.keys.Length <= spectrumData.Length) {
float keyTimeValue = 0;
float currentHighestKeyTime = 0;
//create a curvefield if none exists
spectrumCurve = new AnimationCurve();
for (int t = 0; t < spectrumData.Length; t++) {
spectrumCurve.AddKey(1 / spectrumData.Length + t, spectrumData[t]);
spectrumCurve.MoveKey(1 / spectrumData.Length + t, new Keyframe(1 / spectrumData.Length + t, keyTimeValue = spectrumData[t])); //update keyframe value
if (keyTimeValue > currentHighestKeyTime) {
currentHighestKeyTime = keyTimeValue;
HighestKeyTimeValue = currentHighestKeyTime;
float freqN = HighestKeyTimeValue;
float f = freqN * (_fSample / 2) / amountSamples;
Debug.Log(f); //hz
audioSource.volume = 1;
And the GetSpectrumAnalysis()
public float[] GetSpectrumAnalysis ()
float[] dataSpectrum = new float[amountSamples];
audioSource.GetSpectrumData (dataSpectrum, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);
for (int i = 0; i <= dataSpectrum.Length - 1; i++)
dataSpectrum[i] = Mathf.Abs (dataSpectrum[i] * sensitivity);
return dataSpectrum;
Now, with this code, the Hz value should be calculated in float f, it does work but the Hz values aren't too accurate, for example, I'm getting 400-500 Hz where I should get around 880 Hz. Similarly I'm getting 130 Hz instead of 220 Hz, etc.. So, I have 2 issues: I'm getting less Hz then I should and the Hz value is jumping too much and too fast so it's not consistent even if the sound playing is constant. Any idea how to improve this code? Where did I made a mistake?
Check my answer for the solution.
Ok, nevermind, I found the solution, maybe this will help someone stumbling across this thread, change GetSpectrumAnalysis method to this:
public float test() {
float Threshold = 0.02f;
float[] dataSpectrum = new float[amountSamples];
audioSource.GetSpectrumData(dataSpectrum, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris); //Rectangular
float maxV = 0;
var maxN = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < amountSamples; i++) {
if (!(dataSpectrum[i] > maxV) || !(dataSpectrum[i] > Threshold)) {
maxV = dataSpectrum[i];
maxN = i; // maxN is the index of max
float freqN = maxN; // pass the index to a float variable
if (maxN > 0 && maxN < amountSamples - 1) { // interpolate index using neighbours
var dL = dataSpectrum[maxN - 1] / dataSpectrum[maxN];
var dR = dataSpectrum[maxN + 1] / dataSpectrum[maxN];
freqN += 0.5f * (dR * dR - dL * dL);
return freqN * (_fSample / 2) / amountSamples; // convert index to frequency
Then just call this in the update method like this:
Text.text = test().ToString("00");
For more info check out this thread: Unity answers

How to debug a recursive function in unity C#

Im trying to make a maze generator using recursion. Its not working how its supposed to work, and Im trying to figure out where the error is. So I want to step through the recursion 1 iteration at the time. How do I do this?
private void DevideRecursive(int pMinX, int pMaxX, int pMinY, int pMaxY)
int randomX = Random.Range(pMinX +1, pMaxX);
int randomY = Random.Range(pMinY +1, pMaxY);
int randomWall = Random.Range(0, 4);
List<GameObject> WalllistX1 = new List<GameObject>();
List<GameObject> WalllistX2 = new List<GameObject>();
List<GameObject> WalllistY1 = new List<GameObject>();
List<GameObject> WalllistY2 = new List<GameObject>();
List<List<GameObject>> MainWallList = new List<List<GameObject>>();
//// add a wall on a random x coordinate
for (int x = pMinX; x < pMaxX; x++)
GameObject wall = Instantiate(WallHor);
wall.transform.position = new Vector2(tilesize * x + tilesize / 2, tilesize * randomY);
if (x < randomX)
//// add a wall on a random y coordinate
for (int y = pMinY; y < pMaxY ; y++)
GameObject wall = Instantiate(WallVer);
wall.transform.position = new Vector2(tilesize * randomX, tilesize * y + tilesize / 2);
if (y < randomY)
//make a hole in 3 out of tht 4 walls randomly
for (int i = 0; i < MainWallList.Count; i++)
if (randomWall != i)
//// If either of the walls have a cell with only 1 grid stop the recursion
Debug.Log("randomX - pMinX:" + (randomX - pMinX));
Debug.Log("pMaxY - randomY:" + (pMaxY - randomY));
Debug.Log("pMaxX - randomX:" + (pMaxX - randomX));
Debug.Log("randomY - pMinY:" + (randomY - pMinY));
if (!(randomX - pMinX <= 1) || !(pMaxY - randomY <= 1))
DevideRecursive(pMinX, randomX, randomY, pMaxY);
if (!(pMaxX - randomX <= 1) || !(pMaxY - randomY <= 1))
DevideRecursive(randomX, pMaxX, randomY, pMaxY);
if (!(randomX - pMinX <= 1 )|| !(randomY - pMinY <= 1))
DevideRecursive(pMinX, randomX, pMinY, randomY);
if (!(pMaxX - randomX <= 1) || !(randomY - pMinY <= 1))
DevideRecursive(randomX, pMaxX, pMinY, randomY);
This is my Recursive method. It get called in the Start function.
The method creates 2 random walls(1 vertical, 1 horizontal). Which devides the room in 4 smaller rooms. Then it does the same thing for those rooms.
Any help is appriciated
You could modify the function to use async.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
void Start () {
DevideRecursive( ..params.. );
private async void DevideRecursive(int pMinX, int pMaxX, int pMinY, int pMaxY) {
// code
while (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
await Task.Yield ();
// code
DevideRecursive( .. params .. );
More infomation on aysnc in Unity here.
An IEnumerator could also be used, which gives you the option to control the function externally.

When calculating the space for each direction when the grid size is multiply by 1.5 the directions are wrong why?

If the grid is 10x10 or 23x7 it's working fine but when the grid have 1.5 spaces between the cubes the directions sometimes are wrong.
This is the grid script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class GridGenerator : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject gridBlock;
public int gridWidth = 10;
public int gridHeight = 10;
public GameObject[] allBlocks;
private GameObject[] wallsParents = new GameObject[4];
void Start()
wallsParents[0] = GameObject.Find("Top Wall");
wallsParents[1] = GameObject.Find("Left Wall");
wallsParents[2] = GameObject.Find("Right Wall");
wallsParents[3] = GameObject.Find("Bottom Wall");
allBlocks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blocks");
var findpath = GetComponent<PathFinder>();
public void AutoGenerateGrid()
allBlocks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blocks");
for (int i = 0; i < allBlocks.Length; i++)
var end = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("End");
allBlocks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blocks");
var findpath = GetComponent<PathFinder>();
public void GenerateGrid()
for (int x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < gridHeight; z++)
GameObject block = Instantiate(gridBlock,, gridBlock.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
block.transform.parent = transform; = "Block";
block.transform.tag = "Blocks";
block.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x * 1.5f, 0, z * 1.5f);
block.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(241, 255, 0, 255);
if (x == 0)//TOP
block.transform.parent = wallsParents[0].transform; = "TopWall";
block.transform.tag = "Blocks";
else if (z == 0)//LEFT
block.transform.parent = wallsParents[1].transform; = "LeftWall";
block.transform.tag = "Blocks";
else if (z == gridHeight - 1)//RIGHT
block.transform.parent = wallsParents[2].transform; = "RightWall";
block.transform.tag = "Blocks";
else if (x == gridWidth - 1)//BOTTOM
block.transform.parent = wallsParents[3].transform; = "BottomWall";
block.transform.tag = "Blocks";
On this line i'm adding the spaces between the cubes:
block.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x * 1.5f, 0, z * 1.5f);
Then in another script i'm trying to find what directions next are possible to move to.
private void Directions()
GridGenerator gridgenerator = GetComponent<GridGenerator>();
Vector3 playerPosition;
playerPosition = player.localPosition;
if (playerPosition.x > 0)
// can go left
possibleDirections[0] = "Can go left";
possibleDirections[0] = "Can't go left";
if (playerPosition.x + 1 < gridgenerator.gridWidth * 1.5f)
// can go right
possibleDirections[1] = "Can go right";
possibleDirections[1] = "Can't go right";
if (playerPosition.z > 0)
// can go backward
possibleDirections[2] = "Can go backward";
possibleDirections[2] = "Can't go backward";
if (playerPosition.z + 1 < gridgenerator.gridHeight * 1.5f)
// can go backward
possibleDirections[3] = "Can go forward";
possibleDirections[3] = "Can't go forward";
possibleDirections is array string type
When the grid size is 10x10 without spaces between cubes this two lines:
if (playerPosition.x + 1 < gridgenerator.gridWidth * 1.5f)
if (playerPosition.z + 1 < gridgenerator.gridHeight * 1.5f)
if (playerPosition.x + 1 < gridgenerator.gridWidth)
if (playerPosition.z + 1 < gridgenerator.gridHeight)
But when i added the spaces between the cubes i tried to add to the gridgenerator.gridWidth and gridgenerator.gridHeight the * 1.5
But it didn't work so i tried also:
if (playerPosition.x + 1 < gridgenerator.gridWidth * (1 + 1.5))
if (playerPosition.z + 1 < gridgenerator.gridHeight * (1 + 1.5))
1 is the cube width and 1.5 is the space. But this is not working good either.
In the screenshot the player is in the top left corner facing up(forward)
He can't move forward but in the inspector it says "Can go forward" And should be "Can't go forward"
It only happens when there are spaces between the cubes.
This line is wrong:
if (playerPosition.x + 1 < gridgenerator.gridWidth * 1.5f)
Your gridWidth variable stores the number of cubes, not their collective spacing. You have 10 cubes representing move spaces, determining the out-of-bounds this value should remain constant (it's still only 10 cubes, even if they're spaced with a half-block worth of space between them).
You need to convert from the player's scene location (transform.position.x) to a board space location (likely dividing by the same multiplier used to space the cubes out).
Alternatively, the "this makes my soul cry" solution of doing this:
if (playerPosition.x + 1.5f < gridgenerator.gridWidth * 1.5f)
Because the next cube is 1.5 scene units away, not 1. And this makes my soul cry because it makes your code full of hard-coded 1.5f multipliers and offsets rather than keeping such things to a single, fixed, constant value stored Elsewhere and used sparingly.
possibleDirections[0] = "Can go left";
Why are you using stringly typed things? There are values called booleans for a reason...
