Invalid C# Zip File After Compressing - c#

I am writing a code to compress a ZIP file in C# using the built in .NET library:
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.IO;
But, however, when the compression finishes, the code outputs an invalid zip file. It seems like somewhere down the line in the code, the file either did not write properly or close fully. I have used dispose and close to release the resources.
public bool CompressFile(FileInfo theFile)
StringBuilder compressSuccess = new StringBuilder();
FileStream sourceFile = File.OpenRead(theFile.FullName.ToString());
FileStream destinationFile = File.Create(theFile.FullName + ".zip");
byte[] buffer = new byte[sourceFile.Length];
sourceFile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
using (GZipStream output = new GZipStream(destinationFile,
CompressionMode.Compress, true))
output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return true;
What would I been doing wrong? Is it because I am forcing an extension ".zip"?

Following the link suggested by FrankJames, this is an example of code to create a zip file:
var zipFile = #"e:\temp\";
var theFile = #"e:\temp\sourceFile.txt";
using (var zipToCreate = new FileStream(zipFile, FileMode.Create))
using (var archive = new ZipArchive(zipToCreate, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
var fileEntry = archive.CreateEntry("FileNameInsideTheZip.txt");
using (var sourceStream = File.OpenRead(theFile))
using (var destStream = fileEntry.Open())
var buffer = new byte[sourceStream.Length];
sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
destStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

I see you never used the Flush method that force to write to the stream.
I rewrite your code using a better style (using instead of the dispose).
Try it and let us know:
public bool CompressFile(FileInfo theFile)
using (var sourceStream = File.OpenRead(theFile.FullName))
using (var destStream = File.Create(theFile.FullName + ".zip"))
var buffer = new byte[sourceStream.Length];
sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
using (var zipStream = new GZipStream(destStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return true;


Zip file is getting corrupted after downloading from server in C#

request = MakeConnection(uri, WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile, username, password);
response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
//This part of the code is used to write the read content from the server
using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
using (var destinationStream = new FileStream(toFilenameToWrite, FileMode.Create))
byte[] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseReader.ReadToEnd());
destinationStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);
//This part of the code is used to write the read content from the server
using (var destinationStream = new FileStream(toFilenameToWrite, FileMode.Create))
long length = response.ContentLength;
int bufferSize = 2048;
int readCount;
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
readCount = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
while (readCount > 0)
destinationStream.Write(buffer, 0, readCount);
readCount = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
The former ones writes the content to the file but when I try to open the file it says it is corrupted. But the later one does the job perfectly when downloading zip files. Is there any specific reason why the former code doesn't work for zip files as it works perfectly for text files?
byte[] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseReader.ReadToEnd());
You try to interpret a binary PDF file as an UTF-8 text. That just cannot work.
For a correct code, see Upload and download a binary file to/from FTP server in C#/.NET.
Use BinaryWriter and pass it FileStream.
//This part of the code is used to write the read content from the server
using (var destinationStream = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(toFilenameToWrite, FileMode.Create)))
long length = response.ContentLength;
int bufferSize = 2048;
int readCount;
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
readCount = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
while (readCount > 0)
destinationStream.Write(buffer, 0, readCount);
readCount = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
here is my solution that worked for me
public IActionResult GetZip([FromBody] List<DocumentAndSourceDto> documents)
List<Document> listOfDocuments = new List<Document>();
foreach (DocumentAndSourceDto doc in documents)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
using (var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(ms, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
foreach (var attachment in listOfDocuments)
var entry = zipArchive.CreateEntry(attachment.FileName);
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(attachment.FilePath, FileMode.Open))
using (var entryStream = entry.Open())
ms.Position = 0;
return File(ms.ToArray(), "application/zip");
throw new ErrorException("Can't zip files");
don't miss the ms.Position = 0; here

getting the same directory structure after decompressing a zipped file

I downloaded the zip file from the amazon server(using AWS SDK for unity).The zip file has a folder which has one more folder inside it which contains png files.When I got the response object from the amazon server,I read it as a byte array and stored as a .zip file. When I double click on zip file I get directory and subdirectory inside it containing png files.Now I need to programatically unzip the file. I am trying to use GZipStream to decompress it,which returns the uncompressed byte array.Now how can I save this byte array so that I retain my folder structure?Also I don't want to use the third party library to decompress the zipped file.
void Start()
UnityInitializer.AttachToGameObject (this.gameObject);
client = new AmazonS3Client (mAccKey, mSecretKey, mRegion);
Debug.Log ("Getting the presigned url\n");
GetPreSignedUrlRequest request = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest ();
request.BucketName = mBucketName;
request.Key = mFileName;
request.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes (5);
request.Protocol = Protocol.HTTP;
GetObjectRequest requestObject = new GetObjectRequest ();
requestObject.BucketName = mBucketName;
requestObject.Key = mFileName;
Debug.Log ("Requesting for the " + mFileName + " contents" + "from the bucket\n" + mBucketName);
client.GetObjectAsync(mBucketName, mFileName, (responseObj) =>
var response = responseObj.Response;
if (response.ResponseStream != null)
Debug.Log("Recieving response\n");
using (BinaryReader bReader=new BinaryReader(response.ResponseStream))
byte[] buffer = bReader.ReadBytes((int)response.ResponseStream.Length);
var zippedPath=Application.persistentDataPath+"/"+zippedFile;
var unZippedPath=Application.persistentDataPath+"/"+unZipToFolder;
DirectoryInfo directory=Directory.CreateDirectory(unZippedPath);
byte[] unCompressedData=decompress(compressedData);
Debug.Log("Response complete");
#region GZipStream
public static byte[] compress(byte[] data)
using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
using (GZipStream gzipStream = new GZipStream(outStream, CompressionMode.Compress))
using (MemoryStream srcStream = new MemoryStream(data))
CopyTo(srcStream, gzipStream);
return outStream.ToArray();
public static byte[] decompress(byte[] compressed)
using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(compressed))
using (GZipStream gzipStream = new GZipStream(inStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
CopyTo(gzipStream, outStream);
return outStream.ToArray();
public static void CopyTo(Stream input, Stream output)
byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
folder structure inside the zip file images->sample images->10 png files
GZipStream can only (de)compress streams. In other words, you cannot restore folder structure using it. Use ZipFile or, if you cannot use framework 4.5, SharpZipLib.

SharpZipLib - zero bytes

I am trying to implement SharpZipLib
So I copied the below snippet from their samples:
// Compresses the supplied memory stream, naming it as zipEntryName, into a zip,
// which is returned as a memory stream or a byte array.
public MemoryStream CreateToMemoryStream(MemoryStream memStreamIn, string zipEntryName)
MemoryStream outputMemStream = new MemoryStream();
ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputMemStream);
zipStream.SetLevel(3); //0-9, 9 being the highest level of compression
ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(zipEntryName);
newEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
StreamUtils.Copy(memStreamIn, zipStream, new byte[4096]);
zipStream.IsStreamOwner = false; // False stops the Close also Closing the underlying stream.
zipStream.Close(); // Must finish the ZipOutputStream before using outputMemStream.
outputMemStream.Position = 0;
return outputMemStream;
// Alternative outputs:
// ToArray is the cleaner and easiest to use correctly with the penalty of duplicating allocated memory.
byte[] byteArrayOut = outputMemStream.ToArray();
// GetBuffer returns a raw buffer raw and so you need to account for the true length yourself.
byte[] byteArrayOut = outputMemStream.GetBuffer();
long len = outputMemStream.Length;
I copy pasted that function and called it this way:
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (FileStream file = new FileStream(#"c:\file.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte[] bytes = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
ms.Write(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
var result = SharpZip.CreateToMemoryStream(ms, "file.jpg");
result.WriteTo(new FileStream(#"c:\", FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write));
The is sucessfully created, but the file.jpg inside has zero bytes.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot
It is necessary to "rewind" the input MemoryStream after writing the input file data:
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (FileStream file = File.OpenRead(#"input file path"))
byte[] bytes = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
ms.Write(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
ms.Position = 0; // "Rewind" the stream to the beginning.
var result = SharpZip.CreateToMemoryStream(ms, "file.jpg");
using (var outputStream = File.Create(#"output file path"))
Alternative (slightly simplified) version of the implementation:
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(#"input file path");
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
var result = SharpZip.CreateToMemoryStream(ms, "file.jpg");
using (var outputStream = File.Create(#"output file path"))

How to save MP3 file from the internet on Windows Phone 7?

I'm trying to download and save an .mp3 file from the internet, but got stuck with stream from the external link:
private void saveSound()
IsolatedStorageFile iso = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
using (var fs = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("123.mp3", FileMode.Create, iso))
//Here should be this Stream from the Internet...
//Uri: ""
StreamResourceInfo rs = new StreamResourceInfo(stream, "audio/mpeg");
int count = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while (0 < (count = rs.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)))
fs.Write(buffer, 0, count);
What should this stream look like? What is the best way to download and save .mp3 files?
I'm sure this article gets you there. Like Bob mentioned, you'll have to use a WebClient. Basically this is the code that does the magic:
wc.OpenReadCompleted += ((s, args) =>
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (store.FileExists(fileName))
using (var fs = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, store))
byte[] bytesInStream = new byte[args.Result.Length];
args.Result.Read(bytesInStream, 0, (int)bytesInStream.Length);
fs.Write(bytesInStream, 0, bytesInStream.Length);
But I would read the complete article to fully understand what happens. Hope this helps!

ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip not zipping files having special characters in their file names

I am using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip to zip files but I'm stuck on a problem:
When I try to zip a file with special characters in its file name, it does not work. It works when there are no special characters in the file name.
I think you cannot use FastZip. You need to iterate the files and add the entries yourself specifying:
entry.IsUnicodeText = true;
To tell SharpZipLib the entry is unicode.
string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(sTargetFolderPath);
// Zip up the files - From SharpZipLib Demo Code
using (ZipOutputStream s = new
s.SetLevel(9); // 0-9, 9 being the highest compression
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
foreach (string file in filenames)
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(file));
entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
entry.IsUnicodeText = true;
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(file))
int sourceBytes;
sourceBytes = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
s.Write(buffer, 0, sourceBytes);
} while (sourceBytes > 0);
You can continue using FastZip if you would like, but you need to give it a ZipEntryFactory that creates ZipEntrys with IsUnicodeText = true.
var zfe = new ZipEntryFactory { IsUnicodeText = true };
var fz = new FastZip { EntryFactory = zfe };
fz.CreateZip("", "C:\in", true, null);
You have to download and compile the latest version of SharpZipLib library so you can use
entry.IsUnicodeText = true;
here is your snippet (slightly modified):
FileInfo file = new FileInfo("input.ext");
using(var sw = new FileStream("", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
using(var zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(sw))
var entry = new ZipEntry(file.Name);
entry.IsUnicodeText = true;
using (var reader = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
byte[] actual = new byte[bytesRead];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, actual, 0, bytesRead);
zipStream.Write(actual, 0, actual.Length);
Possibility 1: you are passing a filename to the regex file filter.
Possibility 2: those characters are not allowed in zip files (or at least SharpZipLib thinks so)
try to take out the special character from the file name, i,e replace it.
your Filename.Replace("&", "&");
