Unity How to change unity's 3D Object parameters via C# script - c#

So, I’m trying to make an FPS character crouch. I started with a script to shrink the character controller. It works fine, but the cylinder that I’m using as a player doesn't change height. It clips through the floor. How can I create a script to change the cylinder's height? I haven't found documentation about this. Is there any better way to create the crouch script? Should I opt for rigidbody instead of character controller? I'm fairly new to unity and C# so your advice would help a lot.

You can keep your script with the character controller, but changing also the cylinder collider.
For example, you could:
Collider coll;
And in the Start() function:
coll = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CylinderCollider>();
Then when you crouch you can easily
coll.Height = 5f;
coll.y = 32f;
coll.isTrigger = false;
Basically, you can play with the variables you see in the inspector and use what fits better


Unity 2D tongue shooter

I would like to use a characters tongue so instead of shooting a bullet, it goes toward the enemy, licks it, and comes back. I got this wording from this question: Unity shooting with Tongue 2d game (hasn't been answered and is 4+ years old). The only difference is my character moves.
I have this code from looking at a shooting tutorial so when you click the tongue prefab generates and is at the correct angle. I need it to grow on click and shrink back.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class LineController : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
private Vector3 target;
public GameObject crosshairs;
public GameObject tonguePrefab;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Cursor.visible = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
target = transform.GetComponent<Camera>().ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, transform.position.z));
crosshairs.transform.position = new Vector2(target.x, target.y);
Vector3 difference = target - player.transform.position;
float rotationZ = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
IEnumerator shootTongue(float rotationZ)
GameObject t = Instantiate(tonguePrefab) as GameObject;
t.transform.position = new Vector2(target.x, target.y);
t.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, rotationZ);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2000);
I was also trying to make it disappear after whatever time and with that it doesn't work at all?
If the prefab is just a line with a simple texture I suggest using a line renderer:
Create an empty transform that starts on the mouth and then it move untill it reaches the crosshair. The movement is done using Vector2.MoveTowards.
Your tongue will no be a line renderer component. This line renderer will have 2 points, the start which is static, and the end which you have to update on the Update() for example, to correspond to the positions of the empty transform in item 1.
If you really wish to expand a tongue gameobject instead, then you are going to need a bit of math, this answer has what you need but in 3D:
1) I suggest creating sprite/sprite sheet animations with Mecanim or relatively new Skeletal Animation with Anima2D. With these systems you can create nice animations, transitions, even animate the sphere collider to trigger collisions and actions, change active state of your objects, etc. and control the animation with very little code. This way you can get best effects in my opinion.
As tongue is not a bullet... :) You only need one. I don't think you want to Instantiate/Create prefabs every time you press the lick button. Instead you should just turn your tongue object on/off (gameObject.SetActive). You can also change your object active state within the animation. So if you don't know how to code it you can do most of it in the Animation window and use very simple code to play the animation when you press the lick button. Whenever a sphere collider touches something you can tell the Animator Controller to play a 'roll back' animation and it will transition nicely to the start position.
There are many tutorials about Mecanim, Animations, 2D Animations, Anima2D, Animator Controller out there.
2) If you need very good control over the tongue you could create a custom mesh and control it via script but this is far more difficult.
3) The reason why your object is not turning off is probably because you wrote WaitForSeconds(2000) so it will turn off after 2000 seconds - more than half an hour. You should also call it with StartCoroutine(shootTongue()) as it is a Coroutine. Again if you want to turn off the object don't create new ones every time. If you want to keep creating new objects you should Destroy the objects instead. Otherwise you will end up with a lot of deactivated tongues in your scene and I don't think you needs that many tongues.

Unity GameObject velocity and animation issue

I'm pretty new to Unity so please bear with me.
What I want to do:
I want my simple game object to have a linear speed on Z axis (white path on the screenshot) and perform a simple animation while this object is moving
So I have attached rigidbody to my green game object and attach a script to it and get the required component and set velocity to 10f.
myRigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
myRigidBody.velocity = new Vector3 (0,0,10f);
This works and the object starts moving when I hit "play" in Unity editor.
The problem:
If "Animator" component on this game object is checked, the player won't move (but it will perform animation). When I uncheck this component the game object will start to move.
In the animation itself, I'm changing the position of game object (Y axis - jump), and rotation (will flip).
The question:
Why my game object won't move (even that I've given it a linear velocity), when the animator component is checked (in action)?
I want this game object to be moving and on click perform an animation.
This is basically it. Any help highly appreciated.
EDIT: Animation values:
You can overcome the fact that Unity overrides the Rigidbody when an Animator is attached by creating a new empty GameObject and making it the parent of the existing (animating) GameObject.
I found this information on the Unity forum.

How to prevent colliders from stopping each other while colliding

I am working on a 3D unity project, which I have a platform in it and a character who runs on that platform, I placed the character on the platform but it started to fall down so I solved the problems by following these steps:
added a capsule collider to the object, it still fall through the platform
added a collider to the platform, then it didn't fall down but now these two objects are soled to each other so the character is just moving her legs in the same place,
Is there any way to make the character move on the platform while still using colliders?
Note 1: I made the collider trigger in the image to make the same exact behaviour with out colliders.
Note 2: I tried to put each one of them on a different layer but I get the same problem.
void Update ()
rbody.velocity = new Vector3(rbody.velocity.x,0f,playerVelocity*Time.deltaTime);
rbody.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Making the collider trigger is like adding no collider. Trigger is only used when you want the collider to detect something but not stop it from running into things. So I believe you should add a non-trigger collider to both the character and the platform but make sure that the colliders are not intersecting when you put the character manually at first. If that didn't work, tell me exactly the coordinates of the character and the platform and the sizes of their colliders and I will try to replicate your scene to figure out the problem. Hope this helps!
Hi Friend you have 2 options...
Change the mass of your RigidBody
Use PhysicsMaterial and reduce the friction between the objects (Add a Physic Material to your Platform)
Increase the force and movement speed in your script.

Unity3d flappy bird tutorial - space button not working

I am a total beginner at Unity3d. I have some background in android programming, but no C# experience whatsoever. The first thing I am trying to do is to create a clone of flappy bird game, called flappy plane, according to this tutorial
The problem is, when I tried to write a script that allows player to move (player.cs) with the code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class player: MonoBehaviour {
public Vector2 jumpForce = new Vector2(0,300);
public Vector2 jumpForce2 = new Vector2(0,-300);
// Use this for initialization
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyUp("space")){
Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2.zero;
I get an error "An Object reference is required to access non-static member 'UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D.velocity'". I have googled that and it is suggested to access Rigidbody2d with GetComponent().velocity,
so I changed
Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2.zero;
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = Vector2.zero;
The error is gone and I am able to add the script to the object, still I don`t get the desired action - after I hit play the object turns invisible and just falls down, does not react to spacebar button. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the answer.
It's possible that you're not adding enough force to have the object move upwards.
There's technically nothing wrong with your code. (Although you do have somethings mixed up in your question). The problem is in the fact that you're not adding ANY force upwards every single frame.
Essentially, at the moment, your player object is in free-fall the instant you hit the play button, and you're adding a minuscule force to the player only on the frames that the space bar is pressed.
To solve this, here's what you should be doing
Add an upward force to counter-act the force of gravity every frame. You can do this in two ways.
a. Set the rigidbody's velocity.y to 0 BEFORE detecting the space bar (this is really a hacky way, but it'll suffice and doesn't need any more code)
b. Add an upward force to the player which will nullify the effect of gravity. Just use F = mg to get the value of force you'd need to add.
You could, alternatively set the isKinematic property to true by default on the Player's rigidbody, set it to false on pressing the space bar, and back to true after a few frames (5 - 6 frames)
make sure your player object and the ground both have BoxCollider2D colliders to keep above ground.
you could keep a reference stored for the rigidBody like Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
then in start put myRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); then you would use like myRigidbody.AddForce(jumpForce); your jumpForce2 though is shooting your player downward you should not need it in a jump as the physics and gravity will apply with the rigidbody.
incase your input is not set up in the project settings try to fire the jump with

Unity: Instantiating prefab with animator

I'm making 2D platformer game using Unity 4.3.4 engine. I've created a simple prefab, which have two animations: "idle" and "death"(i used "animator") and script to control this animations.
And here's the problem: when i instantiating clones of this prefab, they always show "idle" animation and don't turn on "death" when needed.
pos = new Vector3 (-5, 4, 0) * TileSize;
newObject = Instantiate (Bonus, pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
But what is insteresting: i found a way to make animation work fine. Just add after instantiation one string like this:
or this(or any string that trying to operate with "animaton"):
Of course i get exception at this string: "MissingComponentException: There is no 'Animation' attached to the "BonusBlock(Clone)" game object" . This is true, i really don't have Animation component, i have Animator. But why everything is working this way? Can anyone explain this?
The animator is really only used if your going full blast with the new mecanim/state flow animator, what you prolly want to do for a simple example would be to add a Animation (not animator) component to your prefab, and assign your 2 animations to the animations list in the inspector for the said animation component. Afterwards on the object you could use newObject.animation.Play("death"); to play the death animation when you want it to trigger. or use something like newObject.animation.CrossFade("death"); for a blended animation.
Found here -> http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Animation.html
Unity Technologies gave the answer: Before deactivating, use a default state to reset the gameObject. Discussion on Unity3d Forum
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