I have an updater script that runs every few hours for various regions on a gaming server. I am looking to run this script more frequently and add more regions. Ideally I would love to spread the load of the CPU and I/O as evenly as possible. I used to run this script using mysql, but now the website uses mongodb for everything, so it kinda made sense to move the updater scripts to mongodb too. I am having really high I/O spikes when mongodb flushes all of the updates to the database.
The script is written in C#, although I don't think that's too relative. More importantly is that we are doing about 500k to 1.2 million updates each time one of these scripts runs. We have done some small optimizations in the code and with indexes, but at this point we are stuck at how to optimize the actual mongodb settings.
Some other important information is that we do something like this
update({'someIdentifier':1}, $newDocument)
instead of this:
$set : { internalName : 'newName' }
Not sure if this is a lot worse in performance than doing $set or not.
What can we do to try and spread the load out? I can assign more memory to the VM if that will help as well.
I am happy to provide more information.
Here are my thoughts:
1) Properly explain your performance concerns.
So far I can't really figure out what the issue is or if you have one at all. As far as I can tell you're doing around a GB of updates and are writing about a GB of data to the disk... not much of a shock.
Oh and do some damn testing - Not sure if this is a lot worse in performance than doing $set or not. - why don't you know? What do your tests say?
2) Check to see if there is any hardware mismatch.
Is your disk just slow? Is your working set bigger than RAM?
3) Ask on mongo-user and other MongoDB specific communities...
...simply because you might get a better answer there than the lack of answers here.
4) Consider trying TokuMX.
Wait what? Didn't I just accuse the last guy of suggesting that basically spamming his own product?
Sure, it's a new product that's only been very newly introduced into Mongo (it appears to have a mysql version for a bit longer), but the fundamentals seem sound. In particular it's very good at being fast of not only insertions, but updates/deletions. It does this by not needing to actually go and make the changes to the document in question - but store the insertion/update/deletion message in a buffered queue as part of the index structure. As the buffer fills up it applies these changes in bulk, which is massively more efficient in terms of I/O. On top of that, it uses compression in storing data which should additionally reduce I/O - there's physically less to write.
The biggest disadvantage I can see so far is that its best performance is seen with big data - if your data fits into RAM than it loses to BTrees in a bunch of tests. Still fast, but not as fast.
So yeah, it's very new and I would not trust it for anything without testing, and even then only for non-mission-critical stuff, but it might be what you're looking for. And TBH, as it's just a new index/store sub-system... it fits the bill of being an optimisation for mongodb than a separate product. Especially since index/storage systems in mongodb have always been a bit simple - 'lets use memory-mapped files for caching' etc.
I need confirmation/explanation from you pros/gurus with the following because my team is telling me "it doesn't matter" and it's fustrating me :)
Background: We have a SQL Server 2008 that is being used by our main MVC3 / .Net4 web app. We have about 200+ concurrent users at any given point. The server is being hit EXTREMELY hard (locks, timeouts, overall slowness) and I'm trying to apply things i learned throughout my career and at my last MS certification class. They are things we've all been drilled on ("close SQL connections STAT") and I'm trying to explain to my team that these 'little things", though not one alone makes a difference, adds up in the end.
I need to know if the following do have a performance impact or if it's just 'best practice'
1. Using "USING" keyword.
Most of their code is like this:
public string SomeMethod(string x, string y) {
SomethingDataContext dc = new SomethingDataContext();
var x = dc.StoredProcedure(x, y);
While I'm trying to tell them that USING closes/frees up resources faster:
using (SomethingDataContext dc = new SomethingDataContext()) {
var x = dc.StoredProcedure(x, y);
Their argument is that the GC does a good enough job cleaning up after the code is done executing, so USING doesn't have a huge impact. True or false and why?
2. Connection Pools
I always heard setting up connection pools can significantly speed up any website (at least .Net w/ MSSQL).
I recommended we add the following to our connectionstrings in the web.config:
..."Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=3;Max Pool Size=100;Connection
Their argument is that .Net/MSSQL already sets up the connection pools behind the scenes and is not necessary to put in our web.config. True or false? Why does every other site say pooling should be added for optimal performance if it's already setup?
3. Minimize # of calls to DB
The Role/Membership provider that comes with the default .Net MVC project is nice - it's handy and does most of the legwork for you. But these guys are making serious use of UsersInRoles() and use it freely like a global variable (it hits the DB everytime this method is called).
I created a "user object" that loads all the roles upfront on every pageload (along with some other user stuff, such as GUIDs, etc) and then query this object for if the user has the Role.
Other parts of the website have FOR statements that loop over 200 times and do 20-30 sql queries on every pass = over 4,000 database calls. It somehow does this in a matter of seconds, but what I want to do is consolidate the 20-30 DB calls into one, so that it makes ONE call 200 times (each loop).
But because SQL profiler says the query took "0 seconds", they're argument is it's so fast and small that the servers can handle these high number of DB queries.
My thinking is "yeah, these queries are running fast, but they're killing the overall SQL server's performance."
Could this be a contributing factor? Am I worrying about nothing, or is this a (significant) contributing factor to the server's overall performance issues?
4. Other code optimizations
The first one that comes to mind is using StringBuilder vs a simple string variable. I understand why I should use StringBuilder (especially in loops), but they say it doesn't matter - even if they need to write 10k+ lines, their argument is that the performance gain doesn't matter.
So all-in-all, are all the things we learn and have drilled into us ("minimize scope!") just 'best practice' with no real performance gain or do they all contribute to a REAL/measurable performance loss?
Thanks guys for all your answers! I have a new (5th) question based on your answers:
They in fact do not use "USING", so what does that mean is happening? If there is connection pooling happening automatically, is it tying up connections from the pool until the GC comes around? Is it possible each open connection to the SQL server is adding a little more burden to the server and slowing it down?
Based on your suggestions, I plan on doing some serious benchmarking/logging of connection times because I suspect that a) the server is slow, b) they aren't closing connections and c) Profiler is saying it ran in 0 seconds, the slowness might be coming from the connection.
I really appreciate your help guys. THanks again
Branch the code, make your changes & benchmark+profile it against the current codebase. Then you'll have some proof to back up your claims.
As for your questions, here goes:
You should always manually dispose of classes which implement IDisposable, the GC won't actually call dispose however if the class also implements a finalizer then it will call the finalizer however in most implementations they only clean up unmanaged resources.
It's true that the .NET framework already does connection pooling, I'm not sure what the defaults are but the connection string values would just be there to allow you to alter them.
The execution time of the SQL statement is only part of the story, in SQL profiler all you will see is how long the database engine took to execute the query, what you're missing there is the time it takes the web server to connect to and receive the results from the database server so while the query may be quick, you can save on a lot of IO & network latency by batching queries.
This one is a good one to do some profiling on to prove the extra memory used by concatenation over string builders.
Oye. For sure, you can't let GC close your database connections for you. GC might not happen for a LONG time...sometimes hours later. It doesn't happen right away as soon as a variable goes out of scope. Most people use the IDisposable using() { } syntax, which is great, but at the very least something, somewhere needs to be calling connection.Close()
Objects that implement IDisposable and hold on inmanaged resources also implement a finilizer that will ensure that dispose is called during GC, the problem is when it is called, the gc can take a lot of time to do it and you migth need those resources before that. Using makes the call to the dispose as soon as you are done with it.
You can modify the parameters of pooling in the webconfig but its on by default now, so if you leave the default parameters you are no gaining anything
You not only have to think about how long it takes the query to execute but also the connection time between application server and database, even if its on the same computer it adds an overhead.
StringBuilder wont affect performance in most web applications, it would only be important if you are concatenating 2 many times to the same string, but i think its a good idea to use it since its easier to read .
I think that you have two separate issues here.
Performance of your code
Performance of the SQL Server database
SQL Server
Do you have any monitoring in place for SQL Server? Do you know specifically what queries are being run that cause the deadlocks?
I would read this article on deadlocks and consider installing the brilliant Who is active to find out what is really going on in your SQL Server. You might also consider installing sp_Blitz by Brent Ozar. This should give you an excellent idea of what is going on in your database and give you the tools to fix that problem first.
Other code issues
I can't really comment on the other code issues off the top of my head. So I would look at SQL server first.
Identify Problems
Go to 1
Well, I'm not a guru, but I do have a suggestion: if they say you're wrong, tell them, "Prove it! Write me a test! Show me that 4000 calls are just as fast as 200 calls and have the same impact on the server!"
Ditto the other things. If you're not in a position to make them prove you right, prove them wrong, with clear, well-documented tests that show that what you're saying is right.
If they're not open even to hard evidence, gathered from their own server, with code they can look at and inspect, then you may be wasting your time on that team.
At the risk of just repeating what others here have said, here's my 2c on the matter
Firstly, you should pick your battles carefully...I wouldn't go to war with your colleagues on all 4 points because as soon as you fail to prove one of them, it's over, and from their perspective they're right and you're wrong.
Also bear in mind that no-one likes to be told their beatiful code is an ugly baby, so I assume you'll be diplomatic - don't say "this is slow", say "I found a way to make this even faster"....(of course your team could be perfectly reasonable so I'm basing that on my own experience as well:) So you need to pick one of the 4 areas above to tackle first.
My money is on #3.
1, 2 and 4 can make a difference, but in my own experience, not that much - but what you described in #3 sounds like death by a thousand papercuts for the poor old server! The queries probably execute fast because they're parameterised so they're cached, but you need to bear in mind that "0 seconds" in the profiler could be 900 milliseconds, if you see what I mean...add that up for many and things start getting slow; this could also be a primary source of the locks because if each of these nested queries is hitting the same table over and over, no matter how fast it runs, with the number of users you mentioned, it's certain you will have contention.
Grab the SQL and run it in SSMS but include Client Statistics so you can see not only the execution time but also the amount of data being sent back to the client; that will give you a clearer picture of what sort of overhead in involved.
Really the only way you can prove any of this is to setup a test and measure as others have mentioned, but also be certain to also run some profiling on the server as well - locks, IO queues, etc, so that you can show that not only is your way faster, but that it places less load on the server.
To touch on your 5th question - I'm not sure, but I would guess that any SqlConnection that's not auto-disposed (via using) is counted as still "active" and is not available from the pool any more. That being said - the connection overhead is pretty low on the server unless the connection is actually doing anything - but you can again prove this by using the SQL Performance counters.
Best of luck with it, can't wait to find out how you get on.
I recently was dealing with a bug in the interaction between our web application and our email provider. When an email was sent, a protocol error occurred. But not right away.
I was able to determine that the error only occurred when the SmtpClient instance was closed, which was occurring when the SmtpClient was disposed, which was only happening during garbage collection.
And I noticed that this often took two minutes after the "Send" button was clicked...
Needless to say, the code now properly implements using blocks for both the SmtpClient and MailMessage instances.
Just a word to the wise...
1 has been addressed well above (I agree with it disposing nicely, however, and have found it to be a good practice).
2 is a bit of a hold-over from previous versions of ODBC wherein SQL Server connections were configured independently with regards to pooling. It used to be non-default; now it's default.
As to 3 and 4, 4 isn't going to affect your SQL Server's performance - StringBuilder might help speed the process within the UI, certainly, which may have the effect of closing off your SQL resources faster, but they won't reduce the load on the SQL Server.
3 sounds like the most logical place to concentrate, to me. I try to close off my database connections as quickly as possible, and to make the fewest calls possible. If you're using LINQ, pull everything into an IQueryable or something (list, array, whatever) so that you can manipulate it & build whatever UI structures you need, while releasing the connection prior to any of that hokum.
All of that said, it sounds like you need to spend some more quality time with the profiler. Rather than looking at the amount of time each execution took, look at the processor & memory usage. Just because they're fast doesn't mean they're not "hungry" executions.
The using clause is just syntactic sugar, you are essentially doing
Dispose is probably going to get called anyway when the object is garbage collected, but only if the framework programmers did a good job of implementing the disposable pattern. So the arguments against your colleagues here are:
i) if we get into the habit of utilizing using we make sure to free unmanaged resources because not all framework programmers are smart to implement the disposable pattern.
ii) yes, the GC will eventually clean that object, but it may take a while, depending on how old that object is. A gen 2 GC cleanup is done only once per second.
So on short:
see above
yes, pooling is set by default to true and max pool size to 100
you are correct, definitely the best area to push on for improvements.
premature optimization is the root of all evil. Get #1 and #3 in first. Use SQL
profiler and db specific methods (add indexes, defragment them, monitor deadlocks etc.).
yes, could be. best way is to measure it - look at the perf counter SQLServer: General Statistics – User Connections; here is an article describing how to do it.
Always measure your improvements, don't change the code without evidence!
I believe that the mvc mini profiler stores all the response times in HttpRuntime cache. Please let me know if I'm wrong but if that's the case then what is the max limit for this cache? How many operations can it profile before the cache is full? We are using the mini profiler for profiling operations of a test suite and the test suite will grow over time so I am concerned about this thing. Should I be concerned?
On a related note. When all the tests have been profiled I simply call the Save method in SqlServerStorage class of the mini profiler. And all the response times are saved to a SQL server database. Is there any way I could call the Save method more frequently without starting and stopping the profiler again and again? We just start it at the start of the test suite and end it when all the tests have been profiled. We consider one entry to the MiniProfilers table as one profiling session. Right now I am not able to call the 'Save' method more than once because it needs a new MiniProfilerId everytime it is called.
Any suggestions?
I'm not directly familiar with the mini profiler but I do have quite a bit of experience with the cache. The HttpRuntime.Cache property provides a reference to the System.Web.Caching.Cache class. Which is an implementation of the object cache. In general use this cache is static, so there is only one instance. You can configure the behavior of this Cache using the Web.Config file. Some things to keep in mind about the windows cache, you will never get an out of memory error using it. The cache has a percentage of memory value that tells it how full it should get. Once it gets near that top memory usage percentage it will start to cull objects out of the cache starting with the oldest touched objects. So the short answer to your first question is no, don't worry about the memory limits, one of the main selling points of a managed language is that you should never have to worry about memory consumption, let the framework handle it.
As for #2 I wouldn't worry about it. The cache may throw away the response object itself but I would venture a guess that it's already been included in the result aggregation from the profilier, so you really shouldn't need the original request object itself unless you want to deep inspect it.
Long story short, I wouldn't worry about this anymore unless you hit an real issue. Let the cache do it's job and trust the engineers who built it knew what they were doing until you have proof otherwise.
I am reading a text file into a database through EF4. This file has over 600,000 rows in it and therefore speed is important.
If I call SaveChanges after creating each new entity object, then this process takes about 15 mins.
If I call SaveChanges after creating 1024 objects, then it is down to 4 mins.
1024 was an arbitrary number I picked, it has no reference point.
However, I wondered if there WAS an optimum number of objects to load into my Entity Set before calling SaveChanges?
And if so...how do you work it out (other than trial and error) ?
This is actually a really interesting issue, EF becomes much slower as the context gets very large. You can actually combat this and make drastic performance improvements by disabling AutoDetectChanges for the duration of your batch insert. In general however the more items you can include in a transaction in SQL the better.
Take a look at my post on EF performance here http://blog.staticvoid.co.nz/2012/03/entity-framework-comparative.html, and my post on how disabling AutoDetectChanges improves this here http://blog.staticvoid.co.nz/2012/05/entityframework-performance-and.html, these will also give you a good idea of how batch size affects performance.
Profile the application and see what's taking the time on the two you'ce chosen. That should geve you some good numbers to extrapolate from.
Personally I have to query why you are using EF for loading a text file - it's seems like gross overkill for something that should be easy to fire into a DB using BCP, or straight SQLCommands.
I'm still yet to find a decent solution to my scenario. Basically I have an ASP.NET MVC website which has a fair bit of database access to make the views (2-3 queries per view) and I would like to take advantage of caching to improve performance.
The problem is that the views contain data that can change irregularly, like it might be the same for 2 days or the data could change several times in an hour.
The queries are quite simple (select... from where...) and not huge joins, each one returns on average 20-30 rows of data (with about 10 columns).
The queries are quite simple at the sites current stage, but over time the owner will be adding more data and the visitor numbers will increase. They are large at the moment and I would be looking at caching as traffic will mostly be coming from Google AdWords etc and fast loading pages will be a benefit (apparently).
The site will be hosted on a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database (But can upgrade to 2008 if required).
Do I either:
Set the caching to the minimum time an item doesn't change for (E.g. cache for say 3 mins) and tell the owner that any changes will take upto 3 minutes to appear?
Find a way to force the cache to clear and reprocess on changes (E.g. if the owner adds an item in the administration panel it clears the relevant caches)
Forget caching all together
Or is there an option that would be suit this scenario?
If you are using Sql Server, there's also another option to consider:
Use the SqlCacheDependency class to have your cache invalidated when the underlying data is updated. Obviously this achieves a similar outcome to option 2.
I might actually have to agree with Agileguy though - your query descriptions seem pretty simplistic. Thinking forward and keeping caching in mind while you design is a good idea, but have you proven that you actually need it now? Option 3 seems a heck of a lot better than option 1, assuming you aren't actually dealing with significant performance problems right now.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil ;)
That said, if you are going to Cache I'd use a solution based around option 2.
You have less opportunity for "dirty" data in that manner.
2nd option is the best. Shouldn't be so hard if the same app edits/caches data. Can be more tricky if there is more than one app.
If you can't go that way, 1st might be acceptable too. With some tweaks (i.e. - i would try to update cache silently on another thread when it hits timeout) it might work well enough (if data are allowed to be a bit old).
Never drop caching if it's possible. Everyone knows "premature optimization..." verse, but caching is one of those things that can increase scalability/performance of application dramatically.