I try to send album by telegram bot.
Sometimes I get error Telegram.Bot.Exceptions.ApiRequestException: Bad Request: media not found at Telegram.Bot.TelegramBotClient.MakeRequestAsync[TResponse](IRequest 1 request, CancellationToken cancellationToken). InputMedia not is empty. Whats is wrong?
var streams = new List<Stream>();
List<IAlbumInputMedia> inputMedia = new List<IAlbumInputMedia>();
foreach (var image in images)
var stream = new MemoryStream(image.Data, false);
var photo = new InputMedia(stream, image.Name);
inputMedia.Add(new InputMediaPhoto(photo) {Caption = image.Name});
var response = await _bot.SendMediaGroupAsync(inputMedia, chatId, cancellationToken: token);
I had the same problem, which was caused by image.Name in your code. it should be only like someImage.png or someImage.jpg. You probably have "C:\SomeStuff\someImage.png" over there which is FULL Name intead of name, so Stream is good but name is wrong and the Api is confused
I'm using the lastest Azure.ResourceManager SDK for .NET to list all resources in a subscription, this works fine:
var armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
var subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
await foreach(var resource in subscription.GetGenericResourcesAsync())
_logger.LogInformation("Got resource {id}", resource.Id);
However, I would like to get access to the raw HTTP response. This article explains how to do this for other, non-pageable responses. So I'm looking for a way to do this in my case, too. Something like GetRawResponse() - but I don't have a response object.
Please try something like the following:
var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var armClient = new ArmClient(credential);
var subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
var allResources = subscription.GetGenericResourcesAsync();
await foreach(Page<GenericResource> page in allResources.AsPages())
Response http = page.GetRawResponse();
Stream contentStream = http.ContentStream;
// Rewind the stream
contentStream.Position = 0;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(contentStream))
For more details, please see this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/azure/sdk/pagination
I'm trying to upload an .mp4 file to Giphy.com's API. It says to send the file over as 'Binary' and I think I'm confused as what exactly they mean by that. Here's the docs if you scroll to the bottom at "Upload Endpoint". https://developers.giphy.com/docs/
Here's what I have right now.
I've tried multiple versions of this (using StringContent, MultipartFormDataContent, ByteArrayContent, HttpMessages... etc) and always get a '400 - Bad Request - No Source Url' (which the docs say isn't required if you upload you're own) which makes me believe the content isn't being recognized.
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadVideoAsync(StorageFile file)
using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
await stream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "file", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes) },
{ "api_key", api_key }
MultipartFormDataContent multipartContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
multipartContent.Add(new ByteArrayContent(bytes));
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync($"v1/gifs?api_key={api_key}", multipartContent);
var stringResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return response;
It seems that your code doesn't match {api_key} properly. You don't use the "dic" variable anywhere. You can try with v1/gifs?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&file= instead. Where YOUR_API_KEY should be replaced by your API key obtained from giphy.
always get a '400 - Bad Request - No Source Url' (which the docs say isn't required if you upload you're own) which makes me believe the content isn't being recognized.
You need to apply a name for the ByteArrayContent. The document has shown that Request Parameters contains 'file: string (binary) required if no source_image_url supplied'.
The code should like the following:
MultipartFormDataContent multipartContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
multipartContent.Add(new ByteArrayContent(bytes),"file");
I am trying to call the Microsoft Cognitive API by passing multiple images as per documentation and using the multipart/form-data, but I am getting an error that says "Unsupported Media Type". I have tried to use both ByteArray and StreamContent.
Api documentation.
private static byte[] GetImageAsByteArray(Stream fileStream)
using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
return binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)fileStream.Length);
static void Main(string[] args)
var uriBase = "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/vision/v1.0/recognizeText";
var subscriptionKey = "<subscriptionKey>";
var client = new HttpClient();
var uri = string.Concat(uriBase, "?", "language=en&detectOrientation=true");
var images = new List<Stream>();
var img = Image.FromStream(File.Open("<imageName>", FileMode.Open));
var stream = new MemoryStream();
img.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
stream.Position = 0;
using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent())
foreach (var image in images)
//content.Add(new StreamContent(stream));
content.Add(new ByteArrayContent(GetImageAsByteArray(image)));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", subscriptionKey);
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("multipart/form-data");
var response = client.PostAsync(uri, content).Result;
I am trying to call the Microsoft Cognitive API by passing multiple images as per documentation and using the multipart/form-data, but I am getting an error that says "Unsupported Media Type".
It is not possible to send multiple images, regardless of header.
Please refer to the documentation Step 2, it mentions:
The basic way to perform the Computer Vision API call is by uploading an image directly. This is done by sending a "POST" request with application/octet-stream content type together with the data read from the image.
Example code can be found here
Test environment here.
Notice regardless of header, it is still sending 1 image.
The limits also mention a single image.
I am trying to use Tweetsharp's SendTweetWithMedia with a image which I don't have stored locally, I only have a url. All the examples I have found of SendTweetWithMedia use a file on the local system.
var thumb = "http://somesite.net/imageurl";
var service = new TwitterService(key, secret);
service.AuthenticateWith(token, tokenSecret);
var req = WebRequest.Create(thumb);
using (var stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
response = service.SendTweetWithMedia(new SendTweetWithMediaOptions
Status = tweet.Trim(),
Images = new Dictionary<string, Stream> { { fullname, stream } }
I get the following error from SendTweetWithMedia:
'System.NotSupportedException': This stream does not support seek operations.
I could download the file from the url and save locally, but I'd rather use the url. Is this possible?
In the end, I just created a temporary file:
byte[] data;
using (var client = new WebClient())
data = client.DownloadData(thumb);
File.WriteAllBytes($"{Path.GetTempPath()}\\xyz.jpg", data);
best answer I could come up with. Still a few more lines than I'd like though.
recently i discovered this amazing cms called Directus, where you can manage your database and Tables with web request and Json.
Everything worked fine creating,updating,reading...till i came to the point where i want to Create (Upload) a Image using WebRequest.
Im basicly reading a image as Base64 and writing the data along with the parameters in the Uri using a simple GET request exactly like described in API.
Regardless what i try and use the Images Never show up in my Files.
Am i doing something wrong or forgetting something?
Or does directus want something else from me?
My first try:
public static async void UploadUserImage() {
var uri = "http://IP/Directus/api/1/files?access_token=SecretApiKey";
var data = GetImageData();
var finalUri = $"{uri}&data={data}";
using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
var responseString = await client.GetStringAsync(finalUri);
My Second try with Json:
public static async void UploadUserImage() {
var uri = "http://IP/Directus/api/1/files?access_token=SecretApiKey";
var data = GetImageData();
var finalUri = $"{uri}&data={data}";
var postModel = new PictureModel {
data = data,
title = "Test",
name = "test"
using (var client = new HttpClient())
// Serialize our concrete class into a JSON String
var content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postModel);
var contenta = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await client.PostAsync(finalUri, contenta);
var result = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
The docs is incorrect it's actually a POST request. Thanks for pointing that out.
To upload a new file you need three provide three values:
"name": "image.png",
"type": "image/png",
"data": "base64content"
The data content has to be in this format data:<mime-type>;base64,<data-content> so it will look something like this: 
We are updating the docs and removing the data:image/png which is unnecessary.