New to data manipulation using DataTable, DataColumn, DataRow. Why is employee not found in the DataTable? I was expected indexFound to have the value "2", and when I debug the values all look correct.
// Manually create a new DataTable
DataTable dtEmployees = new DataTable("Employee");
// Add columns
dtEmployees.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
dtEmployees.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
dtEmployees.Columns.Add("Salary", typeof(int));
// Add rows to the table
dtEmployees.Rows.Add(52, "Sally", 29000);
dtEmployees.Rows.Add(63, "Harry", 22000);
dtEmployees.Rows.Add(72, "Alain", 23000);
dtEmployees.Rows.Add(110, "Pete", 24500);
// Look for an employee...
int index = 2;
Console.WriteLine("(index of DataRow({0}) should return {0})", index);
DataRow employee = dtEmployees.NewRow();
employee["ID"] = dtEmployees.Rows[index]["ID"];
employee["Name"] = dtEmployees.Rows[index]["Name"];
employee["Salary"] = dtEmployees.Rows[index]["Salary"];
int indexFound = dtEmployees.Rows.IndexOf(employee);
if (indexFound != -1)
Console.Write(" Employee has index {0}", indexFound); // Was expecting this...
Console.Write(" Employee not found in table..."); // ...but actually get this. Why??
The Microsoft documentation didn't provide any meaningful help.
A DataRow needs to be added to the Rows collection of the Datatable if you want to find it in the collection with IndexOf, so you just need to add this line before searching the row
Of course this method (IndexOf) is of some value only if you have a row to search for. Usually if you want to search a Datatable the preferred way is through the Select method that could return a set of one or more rows using a search criteria that resembles a WHERE sql statement.
DataRow[] rows = dtEmployees.Select("ID = 72");
if(rows != null && rows.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("rows found:" + rows.Length);
foreach(DataRow r in rows)
I have Json stored in DataBase which I deserialize into DataTable with the help of Newtonsoft.Json like this
string jsonString = "[myJsonfromDB....]";
//Deserialize to DataTable
DataTable dtSerialized = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString, (typeof(DataTable)));
Which gives me result like this other columns in image are not shown
Here my label is Column and value is column value. Both of these columns will be moved to new DataTable which I'll process further for my operations. Now my problem is that I want to do it in one loop while I do it in multiple loops i.e add columns first (in first loop) and then add column values (in second loop). Currently I'm doing it like this
string colName = string.Empty;
// First Loop to add columns
foreach (DataRow dr in dtSerialized.Rows)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utility.Instance.ToString(dr["label"])))
colName = prefix + "_" + Utility.Instance.ToString(dr["label"]).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("/", "_").Replace("-", "_");
if (!dtResult.Columns.Contains(colName))
dtResult.Columns.Add(colName, typeof(string));
DataRow drSelect = dtResult.NewRow();
//Second loop to add column values
foreach (DataRow dr in dtSerialized.Rows)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utility.Instance.ToString(dr["label"])))
colName = prefix + "_" + Utility.Instance.ToString(dr["label"]).Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "_").Replace("-", "_");
drSelect[colName] = dr["value"];
After this I have
As much I know is that first DataRow schema is built from DataTable and then values can be added which is clear in above code. Now, How can i do it in one loop? Or should I search for alternate method which i don't know how to do this.
Thanks in advance
I am guessing I am missing something here. This looks like a transpose function and I cannot think of a way to accomplish this without two loops or transposing the data as you read it in. But going from what is posted it appears the column label holds the new DataTable’s column names. The first column is the first row of data to this new DataTable.
If this is the case then while you are looping through the rows to get the column names from column 1 (label), you can also get the “value’ from column 0 (value) and put this value in a List<string> named valuesList below.
Then after you have looped through all the rows and set the columns in the new DataTable dtResults you can add a single row from the valuesList by setting the list to a string array like below. This will produce the second picture you showed in one loop. Again I am guessing there is more to it than this simple transpose. Since a DataTable does not have a built in transpose function you will have to write your own. Not sure how you would do this in one loop though. Hope this helps.
private DataTable Transpose2ColDT(DataTable dtSource) {
string prefix = "DIAP_";
string colName = "";
DataTable dtResult = new DataTable();
List<string> valuesList = new List<String>();
if (dtSource.Rows.Count > 0) {
foreach (DataRow dr in dtSource.Rows) {
if (!dr.IsNull("Label")) {
if (dr.ItemArray[1].ToString() != "" ) {
colName = prefix + "_" + dr.ItemArray[1].ToString();
if (!dtResult.Columns.Contains(colName)) {
dtResult.Columns.Add(colName, typeof(string));
} // no rows in the original source
return dtResult;
I have two tables:
ClassFacNo (Primary Key)
EmpID, (Primary Key)
DateImplement, (Primary Key)
I want to know all the Employees who are on a specific ClassFacNo. ie. All EmpID with a specific ClassFacNo... What I do is that I first search tbl_EmpClassFac with the EmpID supplied by the user. I store these datarows. Then use the ClassFacNo from these datarows to search through tbl_ClassFac.
The following is my code.
empRowsCF = ClassFacDS.Tables["EmpClassFac"].Select("EmpID='" + txt_SearchValueCF.Text + "'");
int maxempRowsCF = empRowsCF.Length;
if (maxempRowsCF > 0)
foundempDT = ClassFacDS.Tables["ClassFac"].Clone();
foreach (DataRow dRow in empRowsCF)
returnedRowsCF = ClassFacDS.Tables["ClassFac"].Select("ClassFacNo='" + dRow[2].ToString() + "'");
dataGrid_CF.DataSource = null;
dataGrid_CF.DataSource = foundempDT.DefaultView;
***returnedRowsCF = foundempDT.Rows;*** // so NavigateRecordsCF can be used
NavigateRecordsCF("F"); // function to display data in textboxes (no importance here)
I know the code is not very good but that is all I can think of. If anyone has any suggestions please please tell me. If not tell me how do I copy all the Rows in a datatable to a datarow array ???
"How to copy all the rows in a datatable to a datarow array?"
If that helps, use the overload of Select without a parameter
DataRow[] rows = table.Select();
Gets an array of all DataRow objects.
According to the rest of your question: it's actually not clear what's the question.
But i assume you want to filter the first table by a value of a field in the second(related) table. You can use this concise Linq-To-DataSet query:
var rows = from cfrow in tbl_ClassFac.AsEnumerable()
join ecfRow in tbl_EmpClassFac.AsEnumerable()
on cfrow.Field<int>("ClassFacNo") equals ecfRow.Field<int>("ClassFacNo")
where ecfRow.Field<int>("EmpId") == EmpId
select cfrow;
// if you want a new DataTable from the filtered tbl_ClassFac-DataRows:
var tblResult = rows.CopyToDataTable();
Note that you can get an exception at CopyToDataTable if the sequence of datarows is empty, so the filter didn't return any rows. You can avoid it in this way:
var tblResult = rows.Any() ? rows.CopyToDataTable() : tbl_ClassFac.Clone(); // empty table with same columns as source table
I'm running a LINQ query on a datatable in c#.
I want to select specific columns rather than the whole row and enter the result into a datatable. How can i do that??
My Code:
public DataTable getConversions(string c_to, string p_to)
var query = from r in matrix.AsEnumerable()
where r.Field<string>("c_to") == c_to &&
r.Field<string>("p_to") == p_to
select r;
DataTable conversions = query.CopyToDataTable();
If you already know beforehand how many columns your new DataTable would have, you can do something like this:
DataTable matrix = ... // get matrix values from db
DataTable newDataTable = new DataTable();
newDataTable.Columns.Add("c_to", typeof(string));
newDataTable.Columns.Add("p_to", typeof(string));
var query = from r in matrix.AsEnumerable()
where r.Field<string>("c_to") == "foo" &&
r.Field<string>("p_to") == "bar"
let objectArray = new object[]
r.Field<string>("c_to"), r.Field<string>("p_to")
select objectArray;
foreach (var array in query)
Try Access DataTable easiest way which can help you for getting perfect idea for accessing DataTable, DataSet using Linq...
Consider following example, suppose we have DataTable like below.
DataTable ObjDt = new DataTable("List");
ObjDt.Columns.Add("WorkName", typeof(string));
ObjDt.Columns.Add("Price", typeof(decimal));
ObjDt.Columns.Add("Area", typeof(string));
Here above is the code for DatTable, here we assume that there are some data are available in this DataTable, and we have to bind Grid view of particular by processing some data as shown below.
Area | Quantity | Breath | Length | Price = Quantity * breath *Length
Than we have to fire following query which will give us exact result as we want.
var data = ObjDt.AsEnumerable().Select
(r => new
Area = r.Field<string>("Area"),
Que = r.Field<int>("Quantity"),
Breath = r.Field<decimal>("Breath"),
Length = r.Field<decimal>("Length"),
totLen = r.Field<int>("Quantity") * (r.Field<decimal>("Breath") * r.Field<decimal>("Length"))
We just have to assign this data variable as Data Source.
By using this simple Linq query we can get all our accepts, and also we can perform all other LINQ queries with this…
Here I get only three specific columns from mainDataTable and use the filter
DataTable checkedParams = mainDataTable.Select("checked = true").CopyToDataTable()
.DefaultView.ToTable(false, "lagerID", "reservePeriod", "discount");
LINQ is very effective and easy to use on Lists rather than DataTable. I can see the above answers have a loop(for, foreach), which I will not prefer.
So the best thing to select a perticular column from a DataTable is just use a DataView to filter the column and use it as you want.
Find it here how to do this.
DataView dtView = new DataView(dtYourDataTable);
DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn= dtView .ToTable(true, "ColumnA");
Now the DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn contains only one column(ColumnA).
Your select statement is returning a sequence of anonymous type , not a sequence of DataRows. CopyToDataTable() is only available on IEnumerable<T> where T is or derives from DataRow. You can select r the row object to call CopyToDataTable on it.
var query = from r in matrix.AsEnumerable()
where r.Field<string>("c_to") == c_to &&
r.Field<string>("p_to") == p_to
select r;
DataTable conversions = query.CopyToDataTable();
You can also implement CopyToDataTable Where the Generic Type T Is Not a DataRow.
I tried saving the datatable rows to a datarow[] array then deleting the datatable rows and rewrite them to the datatable from the datarow[] array in a different order. But when I delete them from the datatable I can't access them from the datarow[] array.
I don't know if I'm doing this correct or if im totally off base but I'm in desperate need of help.
This is what I'm trying to do:
I have a datatable with 8 rows.
I want to be able to somehow loop thru the 8 rows and reorder them based on certain criterias.
For example, my rows have an Invoice number, line number, and Part number as the key fields. Depending on the criteria, I may need rows 6,7,8 to be in the beginning as rows 1,2,3 and shift the rest down.
If anyone has an Idea please reply....this is an urgent issue.
thank you,
Use the DataView to view the rows because it can be sorted like this.
dataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "columnNameA, columnNameB desc";
Then bind the list, whatever you're using, to the DataView.
Oh and here's some documentation on the Sort property.
If you take a DataRow:
var dr = table.Rows[0];
and then delete the row from the table, dr will also be deleted. It's the same row. That explains your problem.
As for the solution, don't reorder rows in a DataTable. Instead, add another column called RowOrder, modify it to change the order, and then sort the DataTable based on that column, as #mperrenoud03 has shown you:
table.DefaultView.Sort = "RowOrder";
and use the default view.
You can try with something like this:
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Invoice", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Line", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("Part", typeof(string));
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
table.Rows.Add("Invoice " + i, i, "Part " + i);
//reorder them:
int[] orders = { 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
DataTable table2 = table.Clone();
DataRow row;
for (int i = 0; i < orders.Length; i++)
row = table2.NewRow();
row["Invoice"] = table.Rows[orders[i]]["Invoice"];
row["Line"] = table.Rows[orders[i]]["Line"];
row["Part"] = table.Rows[orders[i]]["Part"];
Is there anyway to store row header information in a datatable so that when i bind it to a datagridview, it will automatically display both the column and row headers in c#?
Linqpad Demo-Program
As far as i understood you would like to add the column name as values into the datatable / the datagridview. The following is a Linqpad-Program you can easily copy paste into Linqpad to play around. The code adds the column-names to the first row to the datatable. You can easily bind this datatable to a gridview - but beware that each column of the datatable must be of type string.
void Main()
public DataTable GetDataTable()
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(string)); // dt.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(int));
dt.Columns["Id"].Caption ="my id";
dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Job", typeof(string));
dt.Rows.Add(1, "Janeway", "Captain");
dt.Rows.Add(2, "Seven Of Nine", "nobody knows");
dt.Rows.Add(3, "Doctor", "Medical Officer");
return dt;
public DataRow GetHeaders(DataTable dt)
DataRow dataRow = dt.NewRow();
string[] columnNames = dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
.Select(x => x.ColumnName)
dataRow.ItemArray = columnNames;
return dataRow;
Update 2019-06 with additional explanation and alternative code
The method GetHeaders is not the simplest option to get the headers.
Previoulsy the extension method Cast<TResult>(IEnumerable) was used on the DataColumnCollection-Class An alternative would be to just iterate over the collection - this what is done In GetHeadersNew T
public DataRow GetHeadersNew(DataTable dt)
DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
DataColumnCollection columns = dt.Columns;
for (int i = 0 ;i <columns.Count ;i++)
row[i] = columns[i].ColumnName;
return row;
This is likely more efficient because less objects and methods are involved.
As long as you can create them with the code based on the data in the row I would just add them at run time using c#. Add a column to the datatable and run through it with a foreach loop. As long as there are not too many rows this code will execute very quickly:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
// code here to get your datatable
foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
r["rowheader"] = "my nice row header";
Then output the new column rowheader as the first cell in the grid.
Another solution is to use the sql query to return an 'extra' column in the result set. for example:
Select *, 'my nice row header' as rowheader from myTable
In this way you make SQL do all the work.