Deactivate other gameObject's script - c#

I am using one script for multiple gameObjects. If my current gameObject is triggered, I want the script to be deactivated on all other gameObjects except for current gameObject. I can set current script to be active after I have disabled it. But I do not want it to be enabled as false at all. How do I achieve this?
public MyScript[] myScript;
void Start () {
myScript= FindObjectsOfType (typeof (MyScript)) as MyScript[];
void Activated() {
for (int i = 0; i < myScript.Length; i++) {
myScript[i].enabled = false; //All other scripts except for current gameObject's script

Event System
Something like this.
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
public static event Action<GameObject> Triggered;
private void Start()
MyScript.Triggered += OnTriggered;
private void OnTriggered(GameObject triggeredGameObject)
if (triggeredGameObject != gameObject)
enabled = false;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
Your Way
You need to pass your triggered gameobject into the Activated function somehow so you make a comparison
public MyScript[] myScript;
void Start () {
myScript= FindObjectsOfType (typeof (MyScript)) as MyScript[];
void Activated(GameObject triggeredGameObject)// pass the triggered gameobject here
for (int i = 0; i < myScript.Length; i++)
if(triggeredGameObject != myScript[i].gameObject)
myScript[i].enabled = false;


Unity android. Loading Function after killing an app doesn't work properly (Object Reference not set to an instance of an object)

I am at begginner level with unity.
I have Load() function that goes off in OnApplicationPause(false). It works fine if I block the screen or minimalise app, and come back to it. However, when I kill it, I get error and the data doesnt get loaded.
Below is the script attached to the GameObject "SaveManager"
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class SaveManager : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject ZwierzetaGroup;
public GameObject JedzeniaGroup;
public GameObject PrzedmiotyGroup;
public List<GameObject> zwierzeta_sprites;
public List<GameObject> jedzenia_sprites;
public List<GameObject> przedmioty_sprites;
public static DateTime oldDate;
Camera mainCamera;
public SaveState saveState;
void Start()
mainCamera = Camera.main;
public void Save()
SaveSpriteArray("zwierze", zwierzeta_sprites);
SaveSpriteArray("przedmiot", przedmioty_sprites);
SaveSpriteArray("jedzenie", jedzenia_sprites);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("pieniazki", saveState.GetPieniazki());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HayAmount", saveState.GetHayAmount());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HayMax", saveState.GetHayMax());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FruitAmount", saveState.GetFruitAmount());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FruitMax", saveState.GetFruitMax());
PlayerPrefs.SetString("sysString", System.DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("First", 1);
public void SaveSpriteArray(string saveName, List<GameObject> sprites)
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++)
if (sprites[i].activeSelf)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(saveName + i, 1);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(saveName + i, 0);
public void Load()
//wczytanie czasu:
long temp = Convert.ToInt64(PlayerPrefs.GetString("sysString"));
oldDate = DateTime.FromBinary(temp);
Debug.Log("oldDate: " + oldDate);
//wczytywanie aktywnych sprite'ow
LoadSpriteArray("zwierze", zwierzeta_sprites);
LoadSpriteArray("przedmiot", przedmioty_sprites);
LoadSpriteArray("jedzenie", jedzenia_sprites);
public void LoadSpriteArray(string saveName, List<GameObject> sprites)
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++)
if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(saveName + i) == 1)
private void FillArrays()
//find children
foreach (Transform child in ZwierzetaGroup.transform)
foreach (Transform child in PrzedmiotyGroup.transform)
foreach (Transform child in JedzeniaGroup.transform)
Below is a chunk of script attached to the main camera (probably a mistake). SaveManager GameObject with Script is attached to this one in inspector. This script is pretty big, so I'll skip the parts that I don't find relevant.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class ManageEncouters: MonoBehaviour
DateTime currentDate;
public int First;
public SaveState saveState;
public SaveManager saveManager;
public HayBar hayBar;
public FruitBar fruitBar;
public GameObject[] jedzenia_sprites;
void Start()
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
if (!pauseStatus)
currentDate = System.DateTime.Now;
//Sprawdzanie czy jest to piersze uruchomienie gry (brak zapisu)
First = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("First");
if (First == 0)
Debug.Log("First time in app.");
SaveManager.oldDate = currentDate;
Debug.Log("Not the first time in app.");
if (TimeInSeconds(currentDate, SaveManager.oldDate) > 12)
Debug.Log("It's been more than 12 seconds sience last time.");
EatFood(currentDate, SaveManager.oldDate);
Debug.Log("It's been less than 12 seconds sience last time.");
if (pauseStatus)
private int TimeInSeconds(DateTime newD, DateTime oldD)
TimeSpan difference = newD.Subtract(oldD);
int seconds = (int)difference.TotalSeconds;
return seconds;
Below is the error I get, I don't know how to copy the text, so it's an Image.
I'm pretty sure that what you have here is a timing issue.
Note: MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationPause is called as a GameObject starts. The call is made after Awake. Each GameObject will cause this call to be made.
So to me this sounds like it might be called when your SaveManager is not yet initialized, in particular the mainCamera.
I think you could already solve the issue by moving the initialization into Awake instead
private void Awake()
mainCamera = Camera.main;
In general my little thumb rule is
use Awake wherever possible. In particular initialize everything where you don't depend on other scripts (initialize fields, use GetComponent, etc)
use Start when you need other scripts to be initialized already (call methods on other components, collect and pass on instances of some prefabs spawned in Awake, etc)
This covers most of cases. Where this isn't enough you would need to bother with the execution order or use events.

FindObjectOfType returning null

The issue I am having is with a dropped item i pick up adding ammo to a gun.
Built a Gun class with all the methods and variables.
Built a Rifle class derived from the Gun class
The Rifle works perfect No Issues
I now am adding a "PickUp" system where x amount of enemies drop a pickup.
This is the script on the item to pick up
public class AddARAmmo : MonoBehaviour
private Rifle rifle;
private void Awake()
rifle = FindObjectOfType<Rifle>();
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.tag == string.Format("Player"))
The rifle and gun scripts are kind of long but here is the relevant stuff from the Gun base class is public abstract class ......
public int bulletsInStock;
public void AddAmmo(int ammoToAdd)
bulletsInStock += ammoToAdd;
UpdateAmmo();// updates on screen Ammo
Then in the Rifle Class
public override void Modifiers() // This is where the guns starts are stored
bulletSpeed = 2777f;
bulletsInStock = 200;
bulletsInMag = 30;
bulletPoolSize = 40;
desiredRPS = 15;
muzzleFlashPoolSize = 10;
I am getting an Object Reference Not Set To An Instance
The Rifle script is on the rifle in the game hierarchy so it should find it.
Does anyone see anything wrong?
Here is the full Gun script
public abstract class Gun : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] protected GameObject muzzleFlash;// spawns on barrelEnd
[SerializeField] protected Transform muzzleFlashFolder;
[SerializeField] protected Transform bulletFolder;// is the parent of bullets
[SerializeField] protected Transform barrelEnd;// Gameobject at the end of barrel
[SerializeField] protected Rigidbody bullet; // The bullet Prefab
[SerializeField] protected Text ammo; // OSD
[SerializeField] protected Text weaponType; // OSD
[HideInInspector] protected float bulletSpeed;
[HideInInspector] public int bulletsInStock;
[HideInInspector] protected int bulletsInMag;
[HideInInspector] protected float desiredRPS;// Rounds Per Second
[HideInInspector] protected List<Rigidbody> poolOfBullets; // Make pool for bullets
[HideInInspector] protected int bulletPoolSize; // The size off the buletpool 10 works really well
[HideInInspector] protected List<GameObject> muzzleFlashPool;// pool for muzzleflash
[HideInInspector] protected int muzzleFlashPoolSize; // size of the muzzle pool
[HideInInspector] protected int bulletsLeft; // In mag
[HideInInspector] protected bool isReloading = false;
[HideInInspector] protected float timeLeft;// for fire speed
[HideInInspector] protected float fireSpeedTimer;
[HideInInspector] protected Weapons weaponsScript;
[HideInInspector] protected PlayerController playerController;
protected void FixedUpdateStuff()
if (playerController.canMove && Input.GetAxisRaw(string.Format("Fire1")) > 0)
FireSpeedControl();// call the fire timer controller
if (playerController.canMove && Input.GetAxisRaw(string.Format("Fire1")) == 0)
timeLeft = 0f;
if (playerController.canMove && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && !isReloading)
protected void UpdateStuff()
if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy)// when a gun become active it updates OSD
UpdateWeaponType();// With its Name
protected void RPSFinder()// finds the Rounds Per Second the gun will fire
fireSpeedTimer = (100 / desiredRPS) / 100;
timeLeft = fireSpeedTimer;
protected void Fire()// Instatiates a clone of the desired bullet and fires it at bulletSpeed
if (!Empty())
Rigidbody bulletClones = GetPooledBullet();
if (bulletClones != null)
bulletClones.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(barrelEnd.position, barrelEnd.rotation);
GameObject muzzleFlashClone = GetMuzzleFlash();
if (muzzleFlashClone != null)
muzzleFlashClone.transform.position = barrelEnd.position;
bulletClones.AddForce(-bulletClones.transform.up * bulletSpeed * .304f); //add the force in FPS * .304 = MPS
bulletsLeft--;// the holder to know how many bullets are left in the magazine
isReloading = false;// Gun cannot reload unless it has been fired
UpdateAmmo();// Updates the on screen ammo count and the stock usage
protected void Reload()
{// this removes full magazine from the stock and the stock can still go negitive FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX
if (bulletsInStock > 0)
isReloading = true;
bulletsInStock -= bulletsInMag;
bulletsLeft = bulletsInMag;
protected bool Empty()// Checks the magazine to see if there are bullets in it
if (bulletsLeft == 0)
return true;
return false;
protected void FireSpeedControl()// controls the RPS fired by the gun Controled by Update() Input
if (timeLeft > 0f)
timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
else if (timeLeft <= 0f)
timeLeft = fireSpeedTimer;
protected Rigidbody GetPooledBullet()// retrieve a preInstatiated bullet from the pool to use when shooting
for (int i = 0; i < poolOfBullets.Count; i++)
if (!poolOfBullets[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
return poolOfBullets[i];
return null;
protected GameObject GetMuzzleFlash()
for (int i = 0; i < muzzleFlashPool.Count; i++)
if (!muzzleFlashPool[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
return muzzleFlashPool[i];
return null;
protected void UpdateAmmo()// Update the on screen ammo information
ammo.text = bulletsLeft + string.Format( " : ") + bulletsInStock;
protected abstract void UpdateWeaponType();
protected void UpdateAmmoOnInput()
if (weaponsScript.updateAmmo)
weaponsScript.updateAmmo = false;
public abstract void Modifiers();
protected void StartStuff()
Modifiers();// Call first to store indvidual gun stats
playerController = FindObjectOfType<PlayerController>();
weaponsScript = FindObjectOfType<Weapons>();
poolOfBullets = new List<Rigidbody>();
for (int i = 0; i < bulletPoolSize; i++)
Rigidbody bulletClone = (Rigidbody)Instantiate(bullet);
bulletClone.gameObject.SetActive(false);// Builds the Inspector list
poolOfBullets.Add(bulletClone); //and populates the elements with clones
bulletClone.transform.parent = bulletFolder.transform;
muzzleFlashPool = new List<GameObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < muzzleFlashPoolSize; i++)
GameObject muzzleFlashClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(muzzleFlash);
muzzleFlashClone.transform.parent = muzzleFlashFolder.transform;
bulletsLeft = bulletsInMag;
ammo.text = string.Format( " 0 : 0 ");
RPSFinder();// Run last to set the RPS of the gun
public void AddAmmo(int ammoToAdd)
bulletsInStock += ammoToAdd;
and here is the full Rifle script
public class Rifle : Gun
//All variables are stored in the "Gun" Script
//Copy this onto guns
void Start()
private void FixedUpdate()
void Update()
public override void Modifiers() // This is where the guns starts are stored
bulletSpeed = 2777f;
bulletsInStock = 200;
bulletsInMag = 30;
bulletPoolSize = 40;
desiredRPS = 15;
muzzleFlashPoolSize = 10;
protected override void UpdateWeaponType()
weaponType.text = string.Format("Assault Rifle");
There are three reasons why FindObjectOfType may return null:
Let's say the script name to find is Rifle:
And FindObjectOfType<Rifle>() is returning null.
1.The GameObject the Rifle script is attached to is in-active. You must make sure that the GameObject is active.
2.The Rifle is not attached to any GameObject at-all. Make sure that the Rifle script is attached to a GameObject..
It doesn't matter if the script is enabled or disabled, it should find it as long as the GameObject it is attached to is active. See #1.
3.When loading new scene:
When you trigger scene loading with functions such as SceneManager.LoadScene
and Application.LoadLevel, FindObjectOfType will not be able to find anything until the scene loading it done.
See here for how to check when scene has finished loading.
If you still have problems which you shouldn't, simply find the GameObject then get the Rifle component from it. Assuming that the name of the GameObject is "Rifle" too.
I figured out how to fix this for anyone having a similar issue.
The issue was when the enemy dropped the item, the Awake() method ran. When it ran the gun was inactive in the scene so FindObjectOfType did not find the reference script because as mentioned above, It has to be active in the scene to be found.
So what I did was create a Holder script i called EnemyDrops and this script calls the findobjectoftypes for the guns. That way the call is done on the initial game start .
I then changed the pickup to find the EnemyDrops script(which is on en empty game object) and send the call to it.
EnemyDrops Script
private Handgun handgun;
private void Awake()
handgun = FindObjectOfType<Handgun>();
public void AddHandgunAmmo(int x)
and the new pickup script
public class AddHandgunAmmo : MonoBehaviour
private EnemyDrops enemyDrops;
private void Awake()
enemyDrops = FindObjectOfType<EnemyDrops>();
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.tag == string.Format("Player"))
As you can see it all still works with passing values through the methods just had to have a "middle man" to relay the information. But this works just fine
Thanks for everyones feedback and I hope this helps someone

Unity Reusing Ui element in list

I have ran into a sort of a problem in my project, I am creating a Scroll listview to show all elements present in list in screen.
I am using button in panel to show list.
Now When I call ShowList() it shows elements in the list.
But if i add some objects to list and again call ShowList() then it also make clone of previous object as instantiated objects are present.
To solve this I am deleting clones using Destroy() but when list contain too many item (300~400) deleting them cause lag in the game . How can I create object pool for ui button or just deactivate them.
public class two : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject Button_Template;
private List<GameName> gm = new List<GameName>();
public void Exit()
var og = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("clone");
for (int i = 0; i < og.Length; i++)
void Start()
{ gm.Add(new GameName("1"));
gm.Add(new GameName("2"));
gm.Add(new GameName("3"));
gm.Add(new GameName("4"));
public void ShowList()
for (int i = 0 ; i < gm.Count; i++)
GameObject go = Instantiate(Button_Template) as GameObject;
one TB = go.GetComponent<one>();
go.tag = "clone";
List can be used to implement Object Pooling. Simply disable the GameObject when you are done using it. Re-enable it again if you want to use it again. The simple GameObject Pool script below re-implements the Instantiate and Destroy functions.
public class BUTTONPOOL : MonoBehaviour
GameObject buttonPrefab;
List<GameObject> buttonPool;
bool ready = false;
public void createButtonPool(GameObject buttonPrefab, int amount = 400)
if (ready)
Debug.LogError("createButtonPool can only be called once");
this.buttonPrefab = buttonPrefab;
//Create 400 Buttons
buttonPool = new List<GameObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
buttonPool.Add(Instantiate(this.buttonPrefab) as GameObject);
ready = true;
//Creates/Enables single Button
public GameObject Instantiate()
if (!ready)
return null;
//Return any Button that is not active
for (int i = 0; i < buttonPool.Count; i++)
if (!buttonPool[i].activeSelf)
return buttonPool[i];
//Create new Button if there is none available in the pool. Add it to the list then return it
GameObject tempButton = Instantiate(this.buttonPrefab) as GameObject;
return tempButton;
//Destroys/Disables single Button
public void Destroy(GameObject button)
if (!ready)
//Destroys/Disables all Buttons
public void DestroyAll()
if (!ready)
for (int i = 0; i < buttonPool.Count; i++)
if (buttonPool[i].activeSelf)
private void showError()
Debug.LogError("createButtonPool must be called once before any other function can be called");
public GameObject ButtonPrefab;
void test()
if ((bPool = GetComponent<BUTTONPOOL>()) == null)
bPool = GetComponent<BUTTONPOOL>();
//Initiate with 300 Buttons
bPool.createButtonPool(ButtonPrefab, 50);
GameObject tempButton = bPool.Instantiate();
//You can do other things with the button
one TB = tempButton.GetComponent<one>();
//To destroy that single button
//OR destroy that all button
Note that you must set the Button to active after calling the custom Instantiate() function from the BUTTONPOOL script.

Disable instantiate and button click

There is issue that i facing with two objects and one button. One is cube second is ground when we click on button cube is collide with ground destroy and instantiate again. On Cube collision score is decrement.Also in hierarchy there is Empty game object which name is controller which has method of text score.Score is working fine but i want that when score is 0 then button click does not work and cube is not instantiate.
Cube :
Ground :
Controller :
public class Cube : MonoBehaviour {
Rigidbody2D body;
void Start () {
body = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
body.isKinematic = true;
Ground Script:
public class Ground : MonoBehaviour {
private Button button;
private BoxCollider2D collide;
public GameObject object1Clone;
void Start () {
collide = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
collide.isTrigger = true;
button = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Button").GetComponent<Button> ();
button.onClick.AddListener (() => Magnetic ());
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D target) {
Destroy (target.gameObject);
Instantiate (object1Clone, new Vector3 (0f, 4.12f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);
public void Magnetic(){
GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().isKinematic = false;
public class ScoreScript : MonoBehaviour {
public static int Score=1;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D target) {
if (Score <=0) {
} else {
public class Controller : MonoBehaviour {
public static Controller instance;
public Text scoreText;
void Start () {
scoreText.text = ""+1;
public void SetScore(int score){
scoreText.text =""+score;
First change the listener registration to this:
button.onClick.AddListener (Magnetic);
this will make it easier to remove the listener.
I will show you two ways of doing it, an easy one and a proper one a bit harder to grasp. So if you don't quite get it, use the first and learn about the second.
Every time you decrease the score, check for it and call for the appropriate action:
public class ScoreScript : MonoBehaviour {
public static int Score=1;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D target)
if(Score <= 0){
And in the Ground component:
public void ClearButtonListener()
button.onClick.RemoveListener (Magnetic);
Now the second more appropriate way would be to use event and listener
public class ScoreScript : MonoBehaviour, IScoreHandler {
public static int Score=1;
public event Action OnScoreZero = () => {};
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D target)
if(Score <= 0){
public interface IScoreHandler{ event Action OnScoreZero; }
And your listeners listens.
public class Ground : MonoBehaviour {
private Button button;
private BoxCollider2D collide;
public GameObject object1Clone;
private IScoreHandler scoreHandler = null;
void Start () {
scoreHandler = GameObject.Find("Score").GetComponent<IScoreHandler>();
if(scoreHandler != null){
scoreHandler.OnScoreZero += ClearButtonListener;
collide = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
collide.isTrigger = true;
button = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Button").GetComponent<Button> ();
button.onClick.AddListener (Magnetic);
void OnDestroy(){
if(scoreHandler != null){
scoreHandler.OnScoreZero -= ClearButtonListener;
Thanks to interface and event, your class is no more relying on another class but on an interface which makes it more flexible and scalable.
You need to set the field interactable of the UnityEngine.UI.Button object to false, see, i.e. use
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D target) {
if (Score <=0) {
/* disable the button */
GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Button").GetComponent<Button>().interactable = false;
in your ScoreScript.cs.

How to get animation to play multiple times in Unity?

I want to get a sprite to play an animation of a drop of liquid falling every time that it is clicked, however the animation only plays the first time I click it and I have no idea why.
Here is the code used on the sprite:
public class PipetteScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Animator pipetteAnim;
public BoxCollider2D pipetteMove;
public IndicatorScript indicator;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
pipetteAnim.enabled = true;
pipetteMove.enabled = true;
indicator.enabled = true;
void OnMouseDown () {
pipetteAnim.Play ("Pipette_dropping");
Debug.Log ("Anim playing");
The debug log even prints out "Anim playing" every time I click on the sprite.
Use animation in Update function and Let me update
public class PipetteScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Animator pipetteAnim;
public BoxCollider2D pipetteMove;
public IndicatorScript indicator;
public bool boolval = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
pipetteAnim.enabled = true;
pipetteMove.enabled = true;
indicator.enabled = true;
void update()
if(boolval == true)
pipetteAnim.Play ("Pipette_dropping");
if(boolval == false)
pipetteAnim.Stop ("Pipette_dropping");
void OnMouseDown () {
boolval = True;
void OnMouseUp () {
boolval = False;
