C# search large text file quickly - c#

I have browsed a view related articles, but haven't quite found a solution that fits my query.
In a large plain-text File (~150MB, ~1.800.000 lines) I quickly want to find specific lines that have certain features using C#.
Each line has 132 characters, every one has a region-, a section-, a subsection code and an ident.
The combination of these 4 characteristics is unique.
Depending on the section code, the exact location of the other parts may differ.
Essentially, I want to retrieve up to ~50 elements with one method, that ideally takes less than a second.
The code I have so far works, but is way to slow for my purposes (~29 seconds of execution for 30 entries):
//icaoCode is always 2 char long
public static List<Waypoint> Retrieve(List<(string ident, string icaoCode, char sectionCode, char subSectionCode)> wpData)
List<Waypoint> result = new List<Waypoint>();
using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataFile);
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
string data = reader.ReadLine();
if (data.Length != 132) continue;
foreach(var x in wpData)
int subsPos = (x.sectionCode, x.subSectionCode) switch
('P', 'N') => 5,
('P', _) => 12,
(_, _) => 5
if (data[4].Equals(x.sectionCode) && data[subsPos].Equals(x.subSectionCode))
//IsNdb() and others look at the sectionCode and subSectionCode to determine data type
if (IsNdb(data) && data[13..17].Trim() == x.ident && data[19..21] == x.icaoCode) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadNdbEntry(data));
else if (IsVhf(data) && data[13..17].Trim() == x.ident && data[19..21] == x.icaoCode) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadVhfEntry(data));
else if (IsTacan(data) && data[13..17].Trim() == x.ident) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadTacanEntry(data));
else if (IsIls(data) && data[13..17].Trim() == x.ident && data[10..12] == x.icaoCode) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadIlsEntry(data));
else if (IsAirport(data) && data[6..10] == x.ident && data[10..12] == x.icaoCode) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadAirportEntry(data));
else if (IsRunway(data) && (data[6..10] + data[15..18].Trim()) == x.ident && data[10..12] == x.icaoCode) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadRunwayEntryAsWaypoint(data));
else if (IsWaypoint(data) && data[13..18].Trim() == x.ident && data[19..21] == x.icaoCode) result.Add(ArincHelper.LoadWaypointEntry(data));
return result;
IsNdb() and the other identifying Methods all look like this:
private static bool IsNdb(string data) => (data[4], data[5]) == ('D', 'B') || (data[4], data[5]) == ('P', 'N');
Some Example data lines would be:
SEURPNEBBREB OP EB004020HOM N50561940E004353360 E0010 WGEBRUSSELS 169641609
SEURP EDDFEDAFRA 0FL100131Y N50015990E008341364E002300364250FFM ED05000 MWGE FRANKFURT/MAIN 331502006
SEURD CHA ED011535VDHB N49551597E009022334CHA N49551597E009022334E0020005292 249WGECHARLIE 867432005
SEURP LFFKLFCFK404 LF0 W F N46262560W000480430 E0000 WGE FK404 331071909
I would like to avoid loading the whole file into memory, as this takes ~400MB of RAM, although it is possible of course.
Thank you in advance for your help.
The current solution converts this data file into an SQLite DB, which is then used.
This however takes ~3h of converting the file into the DB, which I want to avoid, as the data file is regularily swapped out.
This is why I would like to give this text parsing a try.

As #mjwills suggest there are better suited tools for the job, I would keep this data in a database. If I was going to try and make your current code faster I would try the following. I would read chunks of the data into an array, and process that part of the in a parallel for loop, and exit the loop when you have enough elements. Below is some pseudo code to get you started. I can't write complete code because I don't have you object/file.
List<Waypoint> result = new List<Waypoint>();
var max = 1800000; //set the to the max rows in your file
var allLines = new string[max];
var dataFile = "";
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(dataFile))
int x = 0;
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
allLines[x] = sr.ReadLine();
x += 1;
if (x % 5000 == 0)
var i = x - 5000;
Parallel.For(i, allLines.Length, x =>
//do your process here and exit if you have enough elements also set
//a flag to exit the while loop
//you would have to write some code to handle the last group of records that are less than 5k

You could use Gigantor for this which should be many times faster. Gigantor is a c# library for doing fast regex searching of gigantic files. It is available as either source code or nuget package.
Gigantor's search benchmark searches 5 GBytes in about 3 seconds finding a total of 105160 matches.
You would just need to convert your parsing code to a regular expression instead.


How to merge 2 text files

I'm looking for different solutions, including those in which is forbidden to use .NET libraries and those where I can use all of the advantages of them.
Here is the problem, I have two text files, textFile1 and textFile2. Each of them contains sorted integer numbers(this is the most important condition), like these displayed below :
textFile1 textFile2
0 1
2 3
4 5
I need to create 3rd text file, for example textFile3 by merging those two files, and expected result should be :
My first idea was to copy those two text files line by line into two separate arrays and than use solution for merging two sorted arrays in new one, provided
in this question.
After that, I will copy those members of new array into textFile3, line by line.
Do you have any suggestion ? Maybe better approach ? Please write all of your ideas here, each of them will be helpful to me .
Merging two files is a fairly simple modification to merging two arrays. The idea is to replace the array index increment with a read of the next line of the file. For example, the standard merge algorithm that I show in my blog (http://blog.mischel.com/2014/10/24/merging-sorted-sequences/) is:
while (not end of List A and not end of List B)
if (List A current item <= List B current item)
output List A current item
advance List A index
output List B current item
advance List B index
// At this point, one of the lists is empty.
// Output remaining items from the other
while (not end of List A)
output List A current item
advance List A index
while (not end of List B)
output List B current item
advance List B index
To make that merge files, you start by opening and reading the first line of each file. It gets kind of screwy, though, because you have to check for end of file. "Get the next line" is a bit ... odd.
int item1;
int item2;
bool eof1 = false;
bool eof2 = false;
string temp;
var file1 = File.OpenText(textFile1);
temp = file1.ReadLine();
if (temp == null)
eof1 = true;
item1 = int.Parse(temp);
// do the same thing for file2
Then we can do the standard merge:
while (!eof1 && !eof2)
if (item1 <= item2)
// get next item from file1
temp = file1.ReadLine();
if (temp == null)
eof1 = true;
item1 = int.Parse(temp);
// output item2 and get next line from file2
// and the cleanup
while (!eof1)
// output item1, and get next line from file1
while (!eof2)
// output item2, and get next file from file2
The only thing different is that getting the next item is more involved than just incrementing an array index.
Merging two ordered sequences can easily be generalized and implemented as extension method like this:
public static class Algorithms
public static IEnumerable<T> MergeOrdered<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq1, IEnumerable<T> seq2, IComparer<T> comparer = null)
if (comparer == null) comparer = Comparer<T>.Default;
using (var e1 = seq1.GetEnumerator())
using (var e2 = seq2.GetEnumerator())
bool more1 = e1.MoveNext(), more2 = e2.MoveNext();
while (more1 && more2)
int compare = comparer.Compare(e1.Current, e2.Current);
yield return compare < 0 ? e1.Current : e2.Current;
if (compare <= 0) more1 = e1.MoveNext();
if (compare >= 0) more2 = e2.MoveNext();
for (; more1; more1 = e1.MoveNext())
yield return e1.Current;
for (; more2; more2 = e2.MoveNext())
yield return e2.Current;
Then the concrete task can be accomplished simply with:
static void Merge(string inputFile1, string inputFile2, string outputFile)
Func<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, string>>> readLines = file =>
File.ReadLines(file).Select(line =>
new KeyValuePair<int, string>(int.Parse(line), line));
var inputLines1 = readLines(inputFile1);
var inputLines2 = readLines(inputFile2);
var comparer = Comparer<KeyValuePair<int, string>>.Create(
(a, b) => a.Key.CompareTo(b.Key));
var outputLines = inputLines1.MergeOrdered(inputLines2, comparer)
.Select(item => item.Value);
File.WriteAllLines(outputFile, outputLines);
They are both sorted lists and to avoid memory consumption, open a reader to both files. Read two line from both, compare ahead, write the sorted results and take action based on the current line of each file. E.g:Treat your sorted value in each file as a pointer and keep comparing and advancing from the lesser side until completion. This will ensure a small memory footprint that will perform better for large files than for smaller ones.
You can pinch an algorithm off of the web, here is one and another that even mentions 0(1). Ignore the fact it talks about arrays, your files are effectively sorted arrays so you don't need to duplicate that in memory.

Algorithm for grouping consecutive numbers

I am trying to build an efficient algorithm that can process thousands of rows of data that contains zip codes of customers. I would then want to cross check those zip codes against a grouping of around 1000 zip codes, but I have about 100 columns of 1000 zip codes. A lot of these zip codes are consecutive numbers, but there is also a lot of random zip codes thrown in there. So what I would like to do is group consecutive zip codes together that I can then just check to see if the zip code falls within that range instead of checking it against every single zip code.
Sample data -
This should be grouped as follows:
{ 90001-90010, 90012, 90022, 90031-90034, 90041 }
Here's my idea for the algorithm:
public struct gRange {
public int start, end;
public gRange(int a, int b) {
start = a;
if(b != null) end = b;
else end = a;
function groupZips(string[] zips){
List<gRange> zipList = new List<gRange>();
int currZip, prevZip, startRange, endRange;
startRange = 0;
bool inRange = false;
for(int i = 1; i < zips.length; i++) {
currZip = Convert.ToInt32(zips[i]);
prevZip = Convert.ToInt32(zips[i-1]);
if(currZip - prevZip == 1 && inRange == false) {
inRange = true;
startRange = prevZip;
else if(currZip - prevZip == 1 && inRange == true) continue;
else if(currZip - prevZip != 1 && inRange == true) {
inRange = false;
endRange = prevZip;
zipList.add(new gRange(startRange, endRange));
else if(currZip - prevZip != 1 && inRange == false) {
zipList.add(new gRange(prevZip, prevZip));
//not sure how to handle the last case when i == zips.length-1
So as of now, I am unsure of how to handle the last case, but looking at this algorithm, it doesn't strike me as efficient. Is there a better/easier way to be sorting a group of numbers like this?
Here is a O(n) solution even if your zip codes are not guaranteed to be in order.
If you need the output groupings to be sorted, you can't do any better than O(n*log(n)) because somewhere you'll have to sort something, but if grouping the zip codes is your only concern and sorting the groups isn't required then I'd use an algorithm like this. It makes good use of a HashSet, a Dictionary, and a DoublyLinkedList. To my knowledge this algorithm is O(n), because I believe that a HashSet.Add() and HashSet.Contains() are performed in constant time.
Here is a working dotnetfiddle
// I'm assuming zipcodes are ints... convert if desired
// jumbled up your sample data to show that the code would still work
var zipcodes = new List<int>
// facilitate constant-time lookups of whether zipcodes are in your set
var zipHashSet = new HashSet<int>();
// lookup zipcode -> linked list node to remove item in constant time from the linked list
var nodeDictionary = new Dictionary<int, DoublyLinkedListNode<int>>();
// linked list for iterating and grouping your zip codes in linear time
var zipLinkedList = new DoublyLinkedList<int>();
// initialize our datastructures from the initial list
foreach (int zipcode in zipcodes)
nodeDictionary[zipcode] = zipLinkedList.Last;
// object to store the groupings (ex: "90001-90010", "90022")
var groupings = new HashSet<string>();
// iterate through the linked list, but skip nodes if we group it with a zip code
// that we found on a previous iteration of the loop
var node = zipLinkedList.First;
while (node != null)
var bottomZipCode = node.Element;
var topZipCode = bottomZipCode;
// find the lowest zip code in this group
while (zipHashSet.Contains(bottomZipCode - 1))
var nodeToDel = nodeDictionary[bottomZipCode - 1];
// delete node from linked list so we don't observe any node more than once
if (nodeToDel.Previous != null)
nodeToDel.Previous.Next = nodeToDel.Next;
if (nodeToDel.Next != null)
nodeToDel.Next.Previous = nodeToDel.Previous;
// see if previous zip code is in our group, too
// get string version zip code bottom of the range
var bottom = bottomZipCode.ToString();
// find the highest zip code in this group
while (zipHashSet.Contains(topZipCode + 1))
var nodeToDel = nodeDictionary[topZipCode + 1];
// delete node from linked list so we don't observe any node more than once
if (nodeToDel.Previous != null)
nodeToDel.Previous.Next = nodeToDel.Next;
if (nodeToDel.Next != null)
nodeToDel.Next.Previous = nodeToDel.Previous;
// see if next zip code is in our group, too
// get string version zip code top of the range
var top = topZipCode.ToString();
// add grouping in correct format
if (top == bottom)
groupings.Add(bottom + "-" + top);
// onward!
node = node.Next;
// print results
foreach (var grouping in groupings)
** a small refactoring of the common linked list node deletion logic is in order
If Sorting is Required
A O(n*log(n)) algorithm is much simpler, because once you sort your input list the groups can be formed in one iteration of the list with no additional data structures.
I believe you are overthinking this one. Just using Linq against an IEnumerable can search 80,000+ records in less than 1/10 of a second.
I used the free CSV zip code list from here: http://federalgovernmentzipcodes.us/free-zipcode-database.csv
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ZipCodeSearchTest
struct zipCodeEntry
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<zipCodeEntry> zipCodes = new List<zipCodeEntry>();
string dataFileName = "free-zipcode-database.csv";
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
string line = sr.ReadLine();
string[] lineVals = line.Split(',');
zipCodes.Add(new zipCodeEntry { ZipCode = lineVals[1].Trim(' ', '\"'), City = lineVals[3].Trim(' ', '\"') });
bool terminate = false;
while (!terminate)
Console.WriteLine("Enter zip code:");
var userEntry = Console.ReadLine();
if (userEntry.ToLower() == "x" || userEntry.ToString() == "q")
terminate = true;
DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var arrayVal in zipCodes.Where(z => z.ZipCode == userEntry.PadLeft(5, '0')))
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ZipCode: {0}", arrayVal.ZipCode).PadRight(20, ' ') + string.Format("City: {0}", arrayVal.City));
DateTime dtStop = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Lookup time: {0}", dtStop.Subtract(dtStart).ToString());
In this particular case, it is quite possible that a hash will be faster. However, the range-based solution will use a lot less memory, so it would be appropriate if your lists were very large (and I'm not convinced that there are enough possible zipcodes for any list of zipcodes to be large enough.)
Anyway, here's a simpler logic for making the range list and finding if a target is in a range:
Make ranges a simple list of integers (or even zipcodes), and push the first element of zip as its first element.
For each element of zip except the last one, if that element plus one is not the same as the next element, add both that element plus one and the next element to ranges.
Push one more than the last element of zip at the end of `ranges.
Now, to find out if a zipcode is in ranges, do a binary search into ranges for the smallest element which is greater than the target zipcode. [Note 1] If the index of that element is odd, then the target is in one of the ranges, otherwise it isn't.
AIUI, the BinarySearch method on a C# list returns the index of the element found or the complement of the index of the first larger element. To get the result needed by the suggested algorithm, you could use something like index >= 0 ? index + 1 : ~index, but it might be simpler to just search for the zipcode one less than the target and then use the complement of the low-order bit of the result.

Parsing string and generating all possible combinations in multiple strings

In my SQL Server database I have strings stored representing the correct solution to a question. In this string a certain format can be used to represent multiple correct solutions. The format:
possible-text [posibility-1/posibility-2] possible-text
This states either posibility-1 or posibility-2 is correct. There is no limit on how many possibilities there are (e.g. [ pos-1 / pos-2 / pos-3 / ... ] is possible).
However, a possibility can be null, e.g.:
I am [un/]certain.
This means the answer could be "I am certain" or "I am uncertain".
The format can also be nested in a sentence, e.g.:
I am [[un/]certain/[un/]sure].
The format can also occur multiple times in one sentence, e.g.:
[I am/I'm] [[un/]certain/[/un]sure].
What I want is to generate all the possible combinations. E.g. the above expression should return:
I am uncertain.
I am certain.
I am sure.
I am unsure.
I'm uncertain.
I'm certain.
I'm sure.
I'm unsure.
There is no limit on the nesting, nor the amount of possibilities. If there is only one possible solution then it will have not be in the above format. I'm not sure on how to do this.
I have to write this in C#. I think a possible solution could be to write a regex expression that can capture the [ / ] format and return me the possible solutions in a list (for every []-pair) and then generating the possible solutions by going over them in a stack-style way (some sort of recursion and backtracking style), but I'm not to a working solution yet.
I'm at a loss on to how exactly start on this. If somebody could give me some pointers on how to tackle this problem I'd appreciate it. When I find something I'll add it here.
Note: I noticed there are a lot of similar questions, however the solutions all seem to be specific to the particular problem and I think not applicable to my problem. If however I'm wrong, and you remember a previously answered question that can solve this, could you then tell me? Thanks in advance.
Update: Just to clarify if it was unclear. Every line in code is possible input. So this whole line is input:
[I am/I'm] [[un/]certain/[/un]sure].
This should work. I didn't bother optimizing it or doing error checking (in case the input string is malformed).
class Program
static IEnumerable<string> Parts(string input, out int i)
var list = new List<string>();
int level = 1, start = 1;
i = 1;
for (; i < input.Length && level > 0; i++)
if (input[i] == '[')
else if (input[i] == ']')
if (input[i] == '/' && level == 1 || input[i] == ']' && level == 0)
if (start == i)
list.Add(input.Substring(start, i - start));
start = i + 1;
return list;
static IEnumerable<string> Combinations(string input, string current = "")
if (input == string.Empty)
if (current.Contains('['))
return Combinations(current, string.Empty);
return new List<string> { current };
else if (input[0] == '[')
int end;
var parts = Parts(input, out end);
return parts.SelectMany(x => Combinations(input.Substring(end, input.Length - end), current + x)).ToList();
return Combinations(input.Substring(1, input.Length - 1), current + input[0]);
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "[I am/I'm] [[un/]certain/[/un]sure].";
var list = Combinations(s);
You should create a parser that read character by character and builds up a logical tree of the sentence. When you have the tree it is easy to generate all possible combinations. There are several lexical parsers available that you could use, for example ANTLR: http://programming-pages.com/2012/06/28/antlr-with-c-a-simple-grammar/

How can I find a word in a C# string

I need to load a long string from the internet and I have done that. Now I need to find the H1 header tag and print the contents.
What is the shortest or the easiest way to do that?
for (int x = 0; x < tempString.Length; x++)
if (write == 2)
name =name + tempString[x];
if (tempString[x] == '<' && tempString[x] == 'h' && tempString[x] == '1' )
write = 1;
if (write == 1 && tempString[x] == '>')
write = 2;
if (tempString[x] == '-' && write == 1)
write = 0;
I know it's a bit how shall I say odd. But it's all I have.
Use the HTML Agility Pack - Pretty much anything else you try is just going to cause you a headache.
HtmlAgility sample:
var html = "<html><head></head><body><h1>hello</h1></body></html>";
HtmlDocument d = new HtmlDocument();
var h1Contents = d.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h1").InnerText;
If you want to do it in flat C#, and you're only looking at 1 tag:
int first_tag = str.IndexOf("<H1>");
int last_tag = str.IndexOf("</H1>");
string text = str.SubString((first_tag + 4), (last_tag - first_tag));
Use an HTML library!
Otherwise try:
String.IndexOf(String x )
you can use that to get the first index of the start and end tags. you can then just read between those indices.
The System.String class has methods like IndexOf(String) - Reports the zero-based index of the first occurence of the specified string.
So in your case, you could pass in "<H1>". Then you could get a substring starting at that point, and then call this method again looking for "</H1>" again.
Or if you want, it might be easier to use Regular Expressions in .NET. Those are found in the System.Tet.RegularExpressions namespace. Those are definitely more complicated. But I'm sure you could practice using some small samples and learn the power of the dark side! (errr....) the power of regular expressions! :)
[edit] Now that I see other's answers, I definitely agree with others. If you need do anything more complicated than getting one item in an HTML formatted string use an html parser.
all of the above work fine i just can't use any external libaries
this works well for me
for (int x = 0; x < tempString.Length; x++)
if (tempString[x] == '-' && write == 2)
{ write = 0; }
if (write == 2)
title =title + tempString[x];
if (tempString[x] == '<' && tempString[x+1] == 'h' && tempString[x+2] == '1' )
{ write = 1; }
if (write == 1 && tempString[x] == '>')
{ write = 2; }

How to read and parse specific integer value form a text file and add it to listbox in c#?

i'd like to know how to read and parse specific integer value form a text file and add it to listbox in c#. For example I have a text file MyText.txt like this:
And I want to parse the integer value between '-' and '~' and add each one of it to items in list box for example:
Notice that each line of value separated by Carriage Return and Line Feed. And by the way, it is a data transmitted through RS-232 Serial Communication from microcontroller. Sorry, I'm just new in c# programming. Thanks in advance.
Here's a way to do it with LINQ:
bool keep = false;
.Where(l =>
if (l == "-") keep = true;
else if (l == "~") keep = false;
else return keep;
return false;
you could use regular expressions like so:
var s = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(stringtomatch,#"(?<=-\s*)[0-9]+\b(?=\s*~)");
The regex basically looks for a number. It then checks the characters behind, looks for an optional whitespace and a dash (-). then it matches all the numbers until it encounters another non-word character. it checks for an optional whitespace and then a required ~ (dunno what that's called). Also, it only returns the number (not the whitespace and symbols).
So basically this method returns a list of matches. you could then use it like so:
for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
typo in the regex and updated the loop (for some reason, foreach doesn't work with the MatchCollection).
you can try running this test script:
var stringtomatch = " asdjasdk jh kjh asd\n-\n123123\n~\nasdasd";
var s = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(stringtomatch,#"(?<=-\s*)[0-9]+\b(?=\s*~)");
for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
List<Int32> values = new List<Int32>();
bool open = false;
String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
foreach(String line in lines)
if( (!open) && (line == "-") )
open = true;
else if( (open) && (line == "~") )
open = false;
else if(open)
Int32 v;
if(Int32.TryParse(line, out v))
This is a easy piece of code with reading a file, converting to integer (although you could stay with strings) and handling lists. You should start with some basic .NET/C# tutorials.
Edit: To add the values to the listbox you can switch to values.ForEach(v => listbox.Items.Add(v.ToString()) if you use .NET 3.5. Otherwise make a foreach yourself.
