How to seed an user with a few claims? - c#

I have an ASP.NET Core 3.1 application using EF Core 3.1.
How can I seed an user with a few claims? I was unable to find any documentation for this.

Here's a method for seeding a super user you can tweak it to suit you
private void SeedUsers(UserManager<AppUser> userManager)
//Check if it's already seeded
if (userManager.FindByEmailAsync(_superUserDetails.Email).Result != null)
//Create User
var user = new AppUser
UserName = _superUserDetails.UserName,
Email = _superUserDetails.Email,
FirstName = "Clarke",
LastName = "Kent"
//Set password
var userResult = userManager.CreateAsync(user, _superUserDetails.Password).Result;
if (!userResult.Succeeded)
throw new SeedingException(userResult.Errors);
//Add superUser Claim
var superUserClaim = new Claim("MyRoleClaimType", "SuperUser", ClaimValueTypes.String, "MyIssuer");
var roleResult = userManager.AddClaimAsync(user, superUserClaim).Result;
if (!roleResult.Succeeded)
throw new SeedingException(roleResult.Errors);


User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Always false in SAML 2.0 using ITFoxtec

I am using itfoxtec-identity-saml2 in my Dotnet 3.1 Project. I am initiating request from server and validating the login till here everything is working fine.
After getting response assertion from server and getting claims transformed and creating a session but still my application is unable to login.
Below are snippets of my code for reference.
public async Task<IActionResult> AssertionConsumerService()
var binding = new Saml2PostBinding();
var saml2AuthnResponse = new Saml2AuthnResponse(config);
binding.ReadSamlResponse(Request.ToGenericHttpRequest(), saml2AuthnResponse);
if (saml2AuthnResponse.Status != Saml2StatusCodes.Success)
throw new AuthenticationException($"SAML Response status: {saml2AuthnResponse.Status}");
binding.Unbind(Request.ToGenericHttpRequest(), saml2AuthnResponse);
await saml2AuthnResponse.CreateSession(HttpContext, claimsTransform: (claimsPrincipal) => ClaimsTransform.TransformClaims(claimsPrincipal),isPersistent:true, lifetime: new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));
var auth = HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
catch (Exception ex)
return Redirect("~/");
public static ClaimsPrincipal TransformClaims(ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal)
ClaimsIdentity identity = (ClaimsIdentity)claimsPrincipal.Identity;
var tenantId = identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
var Name = identity.FindFirst("firstName");
var firstName = identity.FindFirst("firstName");
var Email = identity.FindFirst("Email");
var UserID = identity.FindFirst("UserID");
var claimsToKeep = new List<Claim> { tenantId, Name,firstName, Email, UserID };
var newIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claimsToKeep, identity.AuthenticationType, ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, ClaimTypes.Role);
ClaimsPrincipal newClaims = new ClaimsPrincipal(newIdentity);
return new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claimsToKeep, identity.AuthenticationType, ClaimTypes.Name, ClaimTypes.Role)
BootstrapContext = ((ClaimsIdentity)claimsPrincipal.Identity).BootstrapContext
//return newClaims;
After all this my application is redirecting back to login page instead of home page of the application with logged in user.
Help will be appreciated.
You need to set the users identity claim to a claim which exist in the claim set, otherwise the user is not accepted as being authenticated.
If eg. the tenantId claim is the users identity then the users identity claim is ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier in new ClaimsPrincipal(... ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, ClaimTypes.Role)
public static ClaimsPrincipal TransformClaims(ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal)
ClaimsIdentity identity = (ClaimsIdentity)claimsPrincipal.Identity;
var tenantId = identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
var Name = identity.FindFirst("firstName");
var firstName = identity.FindFirst("firstName");
var Email = identity.FindFirst("Email");
var UserID = identity.FindFirst("UserID");
var claimsToKeep = new List<Claim> { tenantId, Name,firstName, Email, UserID };
return new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claimsToKeep, identity.AuthenticationType, ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, ClaimTypes.Role)
BootstrapContext = ((ClaimsIdentity)claimsPrincipal.Identity).BootstrapContext

Get user ID for an external registered user

In our project we have a user management system build on the ASP.NET Identity framework.
When a user registers by providing an email, username and password, everything works fine. We are able to get the users ID in the method in every controller that inherit "ApiController".
However, now we are trying to implement external log in providers, and we are starting off with Facebook. The registration is going smooth, and the user is created in our database, just any other user, but without a PasswordHash of cause, and an access token is retured back to the client for further authorization.
All of that is working as it should, but when it comes to the part, where the programmer should be able to receive the users id with "User.Identity.GetUserId", we are having a little problem. The "User.Identity" is containing the right "userName" but the "GetUserId" is always returning "null".
The following is our registration method, and the generation of the access token
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> RegisterExternal(RegisterExternalBindingModel model)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var verifiedAccessToken = await VerifyExternalAccessToken(model.Provider, model.AccessToken);
if (verifiedAccessToken == null)
return BadRequest("Invalid Provider or External Access Token");
var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email };
IdentityResult result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return GetErrorResult(result);
var info = new ExternalLoginInfo()
DefaultUserName = model.UserName,
Login = new UserLoginInfo(model.Provider, verifiedAccessToken.user_id)
var accessTokenResponse = GenerateLocalAccessTokenResponse(model.UserName, user.Id, model.Provider);
return Ok(accessTokenResponse);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
private JObject GenerateLocalAccessTokenResponse(string userName, string userid, string provider)
var tokenExpiration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
ClaimsIdentity identity = new ClaimsIdentity(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Sid, userid));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, userName));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("role", "user"));
var props = new AuthenticationProperties()
IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(tokenExpiration),
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(identity, props);
var accessToken = Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(ticket);
JObject tokenResponse = new JObject(
new JProperty("userName", userName),
new JProperty("access_token", accessToken),
new JProperty("token_type", "bearer"),
new JProperty("external_provider", provider),
new JProperty("expires_in", tokenExpiration.TotalSeconds),
new JProperty(".issued", ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc.ToString()),
new JProperty(".expires", ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc.ToString())
return tokenResponse;
So all in all, every part of the registration is working as it should, we are just not able to receive the user id of the current user, when it uses an access token for a user created by an external provider.
Well, in case someone in the future needs the answer, it was because the "GetUserId" looked for the claim called "NameIdentifier", so changeing it, made it work. c# Adding user roles

In my application I am trying to add Roles and then add Users to a particular role. After searching online I have made this snippet
public ActionResult Install1()
RegisterBindingModel model = new RegisterBindingModel();
model.Email = "";
model.Password = "123Asd?";
model.ConfirmPassword = "123Asd?";
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
public void CreateUser(RegisterBindingModel model)
ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();
IdentityResult identityRoleResult;
IdentityResult identityUserResult;
var roleStore = new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context); // The context cannot be used while the model is being created. This exception may be thrown if the context is used inside the OnModelCreating method or if the same context instance is accessed by multiple threads concurrently. Note that instance members of DbContext and related classes are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
var roleMgr = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(roleStore);
if (!roleMgr.RoleExists("Admin"))
identityRoleResult = roleMgr.Create(new IdentityRole { Name = "Admin" });
var userMgr = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context));
var appUser = new ApplicationUser
UserName = model.Email,
Email = model.Email
identityUserResult = userMgr.Create(appUser, model.Password);
if (!userMgr.IsInRole(userMgr.FindByEmail(model.Email).Id, "Admin"))
identityUserResult = userMgr.AddToRole(userMgr.FindByEmail(model.Email).Id, "Admin");
This doesn't get. I get an exception. See the comments in the code to see what and where do I get the error.
Does it have something to do with Async?
I am using Azure as my data storage.
This should work for 4.5:
ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();
IdentityResult identityRoleResult;
IdentityResult identityUserResult;
var roleStore = new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context);
var roleMgr = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(roleStore);
if (!roleMgr.RoleExists("SuperAdmin"))
identityRoleResult = roleMgr.Create(new IdentityRole { Name = "SuperAdmin" });
var userMgr = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context));
var appUser = new ApplicationUser
UserName = "",
Email = ""
identityUserResult = userMgr.Create(appUser, "Pa$$word1");
if (!userMgr.IsInRole(userMgr.FindByEmail("").Id, "SuperAdmin"))
identityUserResult = userMgr.AddToRole(userMgr.FindByEmail("").Id, "SuperAdmin");
Have you created the appropriate database tables for identity provider by running ef migrations? To me it seems that you are trying to invoke a context while the underlying database tables have not yet been created.
I suspect the following line will also cause problems:
identityUserResult = userMgr.Create(appUser, model.Password);
Two things you need to check:
You must hash your password before attempting to save it
The password must adhere to the configured password policy before attempting to save it.

Update Umbraco user's user type, based on the roles from external identity

In the last few days I have been working on integrating Umbraco Backoffice with IdentityServer v3. I have managed to get to the point, where I authenticate user externally and have Umbraco create a user with some default user type in the backoffice and link it to the external account.
The next thing I'm doing is updating the Umbraco user type, based on the roles of the user. I think I found a way of doing that on linking the Umbraco to the external account, but I cannot see any way to constantly update the user types with each login, in case the roles were removed/added for a user.
By analyzing the code in Umbraco BackOfficeController, it seems there is no way to get into the process of authenticating and update data on the side of Umbraco.
var user = await UserManager.FindAsync(loginInfo.Login);
if (user != null)
await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false, rememberBrowser: false);
if (await AutoLinkAndSignInExternalAccount(loginInfo) == false)
ViewBag.ExternalSignInError = new[] { "The requested provider (" + loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider + ") has not been linked to to an account" };
It seems that if the umbraco login is found, then the user is just being logged in, without any exposed events or options. Only if the user is not found, then the whole process of creation and linking is started, where I could actually make some changes to the user properties.
That said, is there any way to actually update the user types of an Umbraco user, based on the claims from external server, on every login?
My code from the Startup class is below.
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie
var idAuth = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "https://localhost:44332",
ClientId = "id",
ClientSecret = "secret",
RedirectUri = "http://localhost:8081/Umbraco",
ResponseType = "id_token token",
Scope = "openid profile roles email",
Caption = "test",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = Umbraco.Core.Constants.Security.BackOfficeExternalAuthenticationType
idAuth.Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
SecurityTokenValidated = async n =>
var id = n.AuthenticationTicket.Identity;
var givenName = id.FindFirst(System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.GivenName);
var familyName = id.FindFirst(System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.Surname);
var roles = id.FindAll(System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.Role);
var nid = new ClaimsIdentity(
n.AuthenticationTicket = new AuthenticationTicket(
//idAuth.AuthenticationType = "https://localhost:44332";
idAuth.ForUmbracoBackOffice("btn-google-plus", "fa-google-plus"); //temporary icon/button
idAuth.AuthenticationType = "https://localhost:44332";
var externalOptions = new ExternalSignInAutoLinkOptions(autoLinkExternalAccount: true, defaultUserType: "admin");
//externalOptions.OnAutoLinking; // TODO: set user type based on roles
Managed to solve this some time ago by manually checking the roles claim and Umbraco UserType on SecurityTokenValidated with the help of Umbraco services IExternalLoginService and IUserService. If the combination is not right (e.g. the administrator role is not present in the claim), I use Umbraco IUserService to update that user's UserType
Notifications =
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
SecurityTokenValidated = async n =>
var id = n.AuthenticationTicket.Identity;
var uid = id.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
var givenName = id.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.GivenName);
var familyName = id.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Surname);
var roles = id.FindAll(ClaimTypes.Role);
var rolesList = roles as IList<Claim> ?? roles.ToList();
if (
c =>
string.Equals(c.Value, RoleNames.ContentEditor,
throw new HttpException(403,
"You do not have any roles configured for the application");
// create new identity and set name and role claim type
var nid = new ClaimsIdentity(
UpdateUserType(uid.Value, rolesList, applicationConfiguration.AuthorityUrl);
n.AuthenticationTicket = new AuthenticationTicket(
private static void UpdateUserType(string uid, IList<Claim> roles, string providerName)
var userService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.UserService;
var oneUser = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ExternalLoginService.Find(new UserLoginInfo(providerName, uid)).FirstOrDefault();
if (oneUser == null)
var user = userService.GetUserById(oneUser.UserId);
if (user == null)
if (
r => string.Equals(r.Value, RoleNames.Administrator, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
&& !string.Equals(user.UserType.Alias, UmbracoRoleNames.Administrator))
SetUserType(user, UmbracoRoleNames.Administrator, userService);
if (
r => string.Equals(r.Value, RoleNames.ContentEditor, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
&& !string.Equals(user.UserType.Alias, UmbracoRoleNames.ContentEditor))
SetUserType(user, UmbracoRoleNames.ContentEditor, userService);
private static void SetUserType(Umbraco.Core.Models.Membership.IUser user, string alias, IUserService userService)
user.UserType = userService.GetUserTypeByAlias(alias);
catch (Exception e)
LogHelper.Error(typeof(ClassName), "Could not update the UserType of a user.", e);
In this specific case, I do not change the UserType back to a non-admin/non-content editor one when someone lacks that privilege from their roles claim, because they are being filtered out one step before and a 403 error code is being returned. Identity Integration Test

I want write test and save user in sql ce.This my test:
using (ApplicationContext context = new ApplicationContext())
var email = "Shahrooz#s.s";
var username = "shahrooz";
var customUserStore = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance<IUserStore<ApplicationUser, int>>();
var customRoleStore = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance<IApplicationRoleManager>();
var smsService = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance<IIdentityMessageService>();
var emailService = SmObjectFactory.Container.GetInstance<IIdentityMessageService>();
ApplicationUserManager manager = new ApplicationUserManager(customUserStore, customRoleStore, new DpapiDataProtectionProvider(), smsService, emailService);
manager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationUser { Email = email, UserName = username }, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Wait();
var applicationUser = context.Users.Find(1);
Assert.IsTrue(applicationUser.Email == email);
Assert.IsTrue(applicationUser.UserName == username);
But CreateAsync dont store any thing in database.
What is my problem?
This line:
this method returns an object IdentityResult that contains boolean for Successful and a list of Errors that you should inspect. Inspect this object for errors and if user was created.
