I'm trying to turn the string result below in the first line of code into an object of type "Root.cs". I have "Root.cs" class set up in my Visual Studio 2019 "solution" with proper classes set up to turn the string result into the object.
This line of code works fine to get me the string I need:
var result = client.PostAsync(endpoint, payload).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Here's the contents of the string "result":
{"sections":[{"id":"Building_Configuration","name":"Building_Configuration","sections":[{"id":"B uilding_Configuration.Parameters_SP","name":"Building_Configuration.Parameters_SP","sectio ns":[],"variables":[{"id":"Building_Configuration.Parameters_SP.fixtureStrategy_SP","name":"Bui lding_Configuration.Parameters_SP.fixtureStrategy_SP","valueType":"String","distinctValueCou nt":3.0,"allowMultipleAssignments":false,"values":[{"name":"ETA","value":"ETA","properties":[{ "id":"fullyqualifiedname","value":"ETA","type":"String"},{"id":"name","value":"ETA","type":"Stri ng"}],"type":"SingletonValue","assigned":"byDefault","incompatible":false},{"name":"ETD","valu e":"ETD","properties":[{"id":"fullyqualifiedname","value":"ETD","type":"String"},{"id":"name","v alue":"ETD","type":"String"}],"type":"SingletonValue","incompatible":false},{"name":"ETA/ETD", "value":"ETA/ETD","properties":[{"id":"fullyqualifiedname","value":"ETA/ETD","type":"String"},{ "id":"name","value":"ETA/ETD","type":"String"}],"type":"SingletonValue","incompatible":false}],"
Now, I need to create the object of type "Root" (My Model Class) for the purpose of picking and choosing certain values out of it. Shouldn't this line work for that?
Root MyObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(result);
Here's the definition of Root.cs:
public class Root
public List<Sections> sections { get; set; }
public RemovedAssignments removedAssignments { get; set; }
public Arguments arguments { get; set; }
public bool isComplete { get; set; }
public bool isConfigurable { get; set; }
public Debug debug { get; set; }
public string language { get; set; }
public string packagePath { get; set; }
public class Sections
public string id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public List<Sections> sections { get; set; }
public List<Variable> variables { get; set; }
public List<Property> properties { get; set; }
public class RemovedAssignments
public List<VariableAssignment> variableAssignments { get; set; }
public List<object> priceLineAssignments { get; set; }
public class Debug
public List<ScriptError> scriptError { get; set; }
public class Property
public string id { get; set; }
public string value { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public class ScriptError
public string scriptName { get; set; }
public string Error { get; set; }
public class Value
public string name { get; set; }
public object value { get; set; }
public List<Property> properties { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public string assigned { get; set; }
public bool incompatible { get; set; }
public double? lower { get; set; }
public double? upper { get; set; }
public class Value3
public string value { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public bool exclude { get; set; }
public class Variable
public string id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string valueType { get; set; }
public double distinctValueCount { get; set; }
public bool allowMultipleAssignments { get; set; }
public List<Value> values { get; set; }
public List<Property> properties { get; set; }
public class Variable3
public string id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string valueType { get; set; }
public bool allowMultipleAssignments { get; set; }
public class VariableAssignment
public Variable variable { get; set; }
public Value value { get; set; }
public class Arguments
public Configuration Configuration { get; set; }
public class Configuration
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPFixtureStrategySP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPDimensionSelectionSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPControllerRoboticSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPControllerBACNetSP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPDigitalPISP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPInterGroupEmergencyPowerSP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPCustomJewelSP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPLoweringSequenceJewelSP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPInServiceJewelSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPCat5CableFeetRequiredSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPFiberOpticConnectorsSetOf4SP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPCGADevicesSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPFiberOpticCableFeetRequiredSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfGatewayForLiftNetSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfGroupEthernetBoxWIMSSoftwareOnlySP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPInterGroupStarBoxSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPMediaConverterAndPowerSourceSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfSoftwareSiteKeyJBFilesSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPDoorOpenSignalJewelSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPMountingProvisionsForMonitorSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPIntercomSpaceSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPSpecialEngravingSP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPLobbyPanelFinishSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPIncludeAGILEDesignCenterSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyKiosksOver300FtSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPDDSecurityInterfaceTypeSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPIMSOwnersStandardSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfIMSOwnersEnhancedSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPTotalGroupHallStationSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPTotalUnitHallStationSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPTotalBuildingEquipSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPIsSmartRescue10BoolSP { get; set; }
public bool BuildingConfigurationParametersSPIsSmartRescue5BoolSP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSPLobbyPanelSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfSmartRescuePhone10StndAloneSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfSmartRescuePhone5LobbySP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfSmartRescuePhone5StndAloneSP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersSPQtyOfSmartRescuePhone10LobbySP { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersASYEARINT { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersBLANDINGS { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersASTYPE { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersASYEAR { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersBLDGNAME { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersIBCSDS { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersELEVBASE { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSEISZONE { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersSEISEQUIP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersISSEISMIC { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersIBCSDC { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersIBCIP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersNBCCPDB { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersNBCCIE { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersNBCCFA { get; set; }
public int BuildingConfigurationParametersNBCCSA02 { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersBLDGCODE { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersHALLFIN { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersMRP { get; set; }
public string BuildingConfigurationParametersHALLMAT { get; set; }
My "result" and my "Root.cs" class are each larger than the 30,000 characters limit here. So, I've had to only post a portion of my string "result" and my "Root.cs" class. I'm trying to simplify this question. Please forgive me while I learn how to use this...
Answer: I was making the newbie mistake of trying to return a string that I picked out of a "Root.cs" Model class as a Root object. I had the return type of the method set to Root instead of string. Upon changing the return type to string, that part of my solution works fine.
It works fine like this:
public string CreateExecPost(FormData person2){
var payload = new StringContent(newPost, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var result = client.PostAsync(endpoint, payload).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;//result is already in JSON
Root MyObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(result);
//return MyObject.language; //WORKS
return MyObject.language;
I am getting Json data from a web server, but when I try to deserialize it to objects, I am not getting any data. The Json string looks like this:
{"success":true,"data":[{"Id":6,"CustomerGuid":"70b390d8-82d5-4bba-aa68-fc8268a1b1ff","UserName":"","Email":"","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472393)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472393)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":5,"CustomerGuid":"eb9e6f24-f362-4c10-942a-366e2919dc11","UserName":"","Email":"","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472363)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472363)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":4,"CustomerGuid":"9f46dbae-6942-410c-90b8-9b38a0890064","UserName":"","Email":"","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472317)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472317)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":3,"CustomerGuid":"6277386b-13ee-427b-9cfe-4ebfa487c340","UserName":"","Email":"","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472253)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472253)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":2,"CustomerGuid":"241f45f1-b38c-4e22-8c5a-743fa3276620","UserName":"","Email":"","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472207)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472207)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":1,"CustomerGuid":"a940dc03-5f52-47d2-9391-8597b3b31cf2","UserName":"","Email":"","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":1,"Name":"Administrators","SystemName":"Administrators"},{"Id":2,"Name":"Forum Moderators","SystemName":"ForumModerators"},{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":true,"Active":true,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":"","CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933470783)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":"\/Date(1477522483903)\/","LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1477523996553)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[{"Id":1,"StoreId":1,"ShoppingCartTypeId":1,"CustomerId":1,"ProductId":18,"AttributesXml":null,"CustomerEnteredPrice":0.0000,"Quantity":1,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1473801903447)\/","UpdatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1473803336207)\/","IsFreeShipping":false,"IsShipEnabled":true,"AdditionalShippingCharge":0.0000,"IsTaxExempt":false}]}]}
I created these classes from the recommendation given in this link:
I used this to create the classes: json2csharp
Response class:
class Response
bool success;
IList<Customer> data;
Customer class:
class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CustomerGuid { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public List<CustomerRole> CustomerRoles { get; set; }
public object AdminComment { get; set; }
public bool IsTaxExempt { get; set; }
public int AffiliateId { get; set; }
public int VendorId { get; set; }
public bool HasShoppingCartItems { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public bool Deleted { get; set; }
public bool IsSystemAccount { get; set; }
public object SystemName { get; set; }
public string LastIpAddress { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public DateTime? LastLoginDateUtc { get; set; }
public DateTime LastActivityDateUtc { get; set; }
public List<object> ExternalAuthenticationRecords { get; set; }
public List<object> ShoppingCartItems { get; set; }
CustomerRole class:
class CustomerRole
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SystemName { get; set; }
ExternalAuthenticationRecord class:
class ExternalAuthenticationRecord
public int Id { get; set; }
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public object ExternalIdentifier { get; set; }
public object ExternalDisplayIdentifier { get; set; }
public object OAuthToken { get; set; }
public object OAuthAccessToken { get; set; }
public string ProviderSystemName { get; set; }
ShoppingCartItem class:
class ShoppingCartItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int StoreId { get; set; }
public int ShoppingCartTypeId { get; set; }
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public object AttributesXml { get; set; }
public double CustomerEnteredPrice { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public bool IsFreeShipping { get; set; }
public bool IsShipEnabled { get; set; }
public double AdditionalShippingCharge { get; set; }
public bool IsTaxExempt { get; set; }
I am using this statement to deserialzie the Json string: Response res = (Response)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(customerJson, (typeof(Response)));
When I stop it in the debugger, it shows "res" as data: null and success: false.
I am not getting any errors. It is just not giving me the data from the Json string.
Any help that anybody can provide to figure out why I'm not getting the data I want in "res", would be gratefully appreciated.
The problem is related to the accessibility level in your Response class. By default the fields, property and method are private so JsonConvert is not able to fill the properties.
Change the class as follow:
class Response
public bool success {get; set;}
public IList<Customer> data {get; set;}
And it wil works.
Another improvement is related to the JsonConvert use. To avoid the explicit cast use this type conversion: JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(string) where T will be Response
Found an odd issue when trying to deserialize a JSON string into a C# Object. It "seems" to perform the operation successfully (as in it does not throw any exception etc), however the outputted POCO contains does not contain any data from the JSON string, it only contains type default data (nulls,"", 0 etc). I have tried this process with other JSON and it works fine.
private string GetJson()
return #"{""backdrop_path"":"" / 1LrtAhWPSEetJLjblXvnaYtl7eA.jpg"",""created_by"":[{""id"":488,""name"":""Steven Spielberg"",""profile_path"":"" / pOK15UNaw75Bzj7BQO1ulehbPPm.jpg""},{""id"":31,""name"":""Tom Hanks"",""profile_path"":"" / a14CNByTYALAPSGlwlmfHILpEIW.jpg""}],""episode_run_time"":[60],""first_air_date"":""2001 - 09 - 09"",""genres"":[{""id"":28,""name"":""Action""},{""id"":12,""name"":""Adventure""},{""id"":18,""name"":""Drama""},{""id"":10752,""name"":""War""}],""homepage"":"""",""id"":4613,""in_production"":false,""languages"":[""de"",""fr"",""lt"",""nl"",""en""],""last_air_date"":""2001-11-04"",""name"":""Band of Brothers"",""networks"":[{""id"":49,""name"":""HBO""}],""number_of_episodes"":10,""number_of_seasons"":1,""origin_country"":[""GB"",""US""],""original_language"":""en"",""original_name"":""Band of Brothers"",""overview"":""Drawn from interviews with survivors of Easy Company, as well as their journals and letters, Band of Brothers chronicles the experiences of these men from paratrooper training in Georgia through the end of the war. As an elite rifle company parachuting into Normandy early on D-Day morning, participants in the Battle of the Bulge, and witness to the horrors of war, the men of Easy knew extraordinary bravery and extraordinary fear - and became the stuff of legend. Based on Stephen E. Ambrose's acclaimed book of the same name."",""popularity"":3.435181,""poster_path"":""/bUrt6oeXd04ImEwQjO9oLjRguaA.jpg"",""production_companies"":[{""name"":""DreamWorks SKG"",""id"":27},{""name"":""HBO Films"",""id"":7429},{""name"":""DreamWorks Television"",""id"":15258}],""seasons"":[{""air_date"":null,""episode_count"":4,""id"":14071,""poster_path"":""/bMN9iiSAdnmAjflREfCCH0TTNyQ.jpg"",""season_number"":0},{""air_date"":""2001-09-09"",""episode_count"":10,""id"":14070,""poster_path"":""/15SN18OVbYt12Wzttclh51Sz9m1.jpg"",""season_number"":1}],""status"":""Ended"",""type"":""Scripted"",""vote_average"":8.5,""vote_count"":47}";
public void DeserializeTmdbShowData_ValidShowData_ReturnDeserializedObject()
string jsonStream = GetJson();
JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var tmdbShowDetails = jsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<TmdbShowDetailsDto>>(jsonStream);
public class TmdbShowDetailsDto
public string backdrop_path { get; set; }
public Created_By[] created_by { get; set; }
public int[] episode_run_time { get; set; }
public string first_air_date { get; set; }
public Genre[] genres { get; set; }
public string homepage { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
public bool in_production { get; set; }
public string[] languages { get; set; }
public string last_air_date { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public Network[] networks { get; set; }
public int number_of_episodes { get; set; }
public int number_of_seasons { get; set; }
public string[] origin_country { get; set; }
public string original_language { get; set; }
public string original_name { get; set; }
public string overview { get; set; }
public float popularity { get; set; }
public string poster_path { get; set; }
public Production_Companies[] production_companies { get; set; }
public Season[] seasons { get; set; }
public string status { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public float vote_average { get; set; }
public int vote_count { get; set; }
public class Created_By
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string profile_path { get; set; }
public class Genre
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public class Network
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public class Production_Companies
public string name { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
public class Season
public string air_date { get; set; }
public int episode_count { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
public string poster_path { get; set; }
public int season_number { get; set; }
Any ideas - Im sure I have missed something glaringly obvious but I cannot see it. Using .NET 4.5
Help appreciated.
I used, and the code is like this, so you should look at it.
public class Poster
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Fanart
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Images
public Poster poster { get; set; }
public Fanart fanart { get; set; }
public class Ids
public int trakt { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; }
public int tvdb { get; set; }
public string imdb { get; set; }
public int tmdb { get; set; }
public int tvrage { get; set; }
public class Show
public string title { get; set; }
public string overview { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public string status { get; set; }
public Images images { get; set; }
public Ids ids { get; set; }
public class Poster2
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Fanart2
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Images2
public Poster2 poster { get; set; }
public Fanart2 fanart { get; set; }
public class Ids2
public int trakt { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; }
public string imdb { get; set; }
public int tmdb { get; set; }
public class Movie
public string title { get; set; }
public string overview { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public Images2 images { get; set; }
public Ids2 ids { get; set; }
public class Headshot
public object full { get; set; }
public object medium { get; set; }
public object thumb { get; set; }
public class Images3
public Headshot headshot { get; set; }
public class Ids3
public int trakt { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; }
public string imdb { get; set; }
public int tmdb { get; set; }
public int tvrage { get; set; }
public class Person
public string name { get; set; }
public Images3 images { get; set; }
public Ids3 ids { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public string type { get; set; }
public object score { get; set; }
public Show show { get; set; }
public Movie movie { get; set; }
public Person person { get; set; }
You can use Paste-Special Feature in your VS-IDE Paster JSON as Classes
public class Rootobject
public Class1[] Property1 { get; set; }
public class Class1
public string type { get; set; }
public object score { get; set; }
public Show show { get; set; }
public Movie movie { get; set; }
public Person person { get; set; }
public class Show
public string title { get; set; }
public string overview { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public string status { get; set; }
public Images images { get; set; }
public Ids ids { get; set; }
public class Images
public Poster poster { get; set; }
public Fanart fanart { get; set; }
public class Poster
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Fanart
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Ids
public int trakt { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; }
public int tvdb { get; set; }
public string imdb { get; set; }
public int tmdb { get; set; }
public int tvrage { get; set; }
public class Movie
public string title { get; set; }
public string overview { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public Images1 images { get; set; }
public Ids1 ids { get; set; }
public class Images1
public Poster1 poster { get; set; }
public Fanart1 fanart { get; set; }
public class Poster1
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Fanart1
public string full { get; set; }
public string medium { get; set; }
public string thumb { get; set; }
public class Ids1
public int trakt { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; }
public string imdb { get; set; }
public int tmdb { get; set; }
public class Person
public string name { get; set; }
public Images2 images { get; set; }
public Ids2 ids { get; set; }
public class Images2
public Headshot headshot { get; set; }
public class Headshot
public object full { get; set; }
public object medium { get; set; }
public object thumb { get; set; }
public class Ids2
public int trakt { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; }
public string imdb { get; set; }
public int tmdb { get; set; }
public int tvrage { get; set; }
Look like you JSON string is not in correct format that you are trying to deserialize. For example i have not find show property in the C# class but it present in JSON.
So this issue I couldn't figure out in the night or early in the morning - it took me till this afternoon until I realised that I was had the wrong JSON!!, so no wonder it wasn't working! I got mixed up with a few different apis that provided JSON. Thanks to those who had pointed out that the class looks wrong, made me double check my code and realise the simplicity of this issue. Kinda needed some rubber ducking to spot the problem. Cheers
I am trying to deserialize an object, the type is populated but I am getting null for the List<Sport>. Any ideas?
My classes:
class Sports
public MsgTypes type { get; set; }
public List<Sport> Sport { get; set; }
class Sport
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Import_id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Active { get; set; }
public int Order { get; set; }
public int Min_bet { get; set; }
public int Max_bet { get; set; }
public int Updated { get; set; }
public string Feed_type { get; set; }
public string Locale { get; set; }
The command for deserialization:
Sports _sports = (Sports) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Sports>(jsonObj);
This is my JSON object:
"{\"code\":0,\"type\":4,\"Sports\":[{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"1\",\"import_id\":\"1\",\"name\":\"Soccer\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"1\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194889\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"2\",\"import_id\":\"5\",\"name\":\"Tennis\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"3\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194771\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"3\",\"import_id\":\"6\",\"name\":\"Handball\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"6\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403152901\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"4\",\"import_id\":\"4\",\"name\":\"Ice Hockey\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"4\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403080245\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"7\",\"import_id\":\"2\",\"name\":\"Basketball\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"2\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194830\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"8\",\"import_id\":\"23\",\"name\":\"Volleyball\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"5\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194591\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"9\",\"import_id\":\"12\",\"name\":\"Rugby\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"7\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194710\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"12\",\"import_id\":\"11\",\"name\":\"Motorsport\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"12\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403065699\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"13\",\"import_id\":\"3\",\"name\":\"Baseball\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"13\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194834\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"14\",\"import_id\":\"16\",\"name\":\"American Football\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"14\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403143326\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}},{\"Sport\":{\"id\":\"16\",\"import_id\":\"34\",\"name\":\"Beach Volley\",\"active\":true,\"order\":\"16\",\"min_bet\":\"0\",\"max_bet\":\"0\",\"updated\":\"1403194417\",\"feed_type\":\"Betradar\",\"locale\":\"en_us\"}}]}"
You need one more level of nesting and different class names. You should be able to deserialize to such structure:
class SportsParent
//Code for MsgTypes was not provided so it is commented out
public List<SportGroup> Sports { get; set; }
class SportGroup
public SportItem Sport { get; set; }
class SportItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Import_id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; } //need to be converted to bool instead of int
public int Order { get; set; }
public int Min_bet { get; set; }
public int Max_bet { get; set; }
public int Updated { get; set; }
public string Feed_type { get; set; }
public string Locale { get; set; }
You can deserialize using such code:
SportsParent _sports = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SportsParent>(jsonObj);
I have a class like:
public class Soru
public void SoruKaydet(){...}
private static void SoruEtiketKaydet(Guid soruId, Etiket etiket, DbManager db){...}
public Guid? SoruId { get; set; }
public Guid? SoranId { get; set; }
public int? BakilmaSayisi { get; set; }
public string HtmlGovde { get; set; }
public string MarkdownGovde { get; set; }
public string Baslik { get; set; }
public int? KategoriId { get; set; }
public DateTime OlusturulmaTarihi { get; set; }
public List<Etiket> Etiketler { get; set; }
I need another class should contain some of variables in class "Soru". I have two scenario for this.
The first scenario:
public class SoruSayfa
public static List<SoruSayfa> SoruSayfaGetir(){...}
public Guid? SoruId { get; set; }
public Guid? SoranId { get; set; }
public int? BakilmaSayisi { get; set; }
public string Baslik { get; set; }
public int? KategoriId { get; set; }
public int DurumId { get; set; }
public double SoruPuani { get; set; }
public int CevapSayisi { get; set; }
public int BakilmaSayisi { get; set; }
public string KullaniciAdi { get; set; }
public double? KisiAlanPuani { get; set; }
The second scenario:
public class SoruSayfa
public static List<SoruSayfa> SoruSayfaGetir(){...}
// Refers the class Soru instead of some variables of it
public Soru MySoru { get; set; }
public int DurumId { get; set; }
public double SoruPuani { get; set; }
public int CevapSayisi { get; set; }
public int BakilmaSayisi { get; set; }
public string KullaniciAdi { get; set; }
public double? KisiAlanPuani { get; set; }
In first scenario, there is not extra variable which is not used, but in second scenario some variables of MySoru is not used(HtmlGovde, MarkdownGovde, OlusturulmaTarihi, Etiketler). In addition, Soru and SoruSayfa classes will be used as model for different actions in asp .net MVC. They contain different methods. Which scenario is better?
Try a third scenario ;)
public class SoruBase
public Guid? SoruId { get; set; }
public Guid? SoranId { get; set; }
public int? BakilmaSayisi { get; set; }
public string Baslik { get; set; }
public int? KategoriId { get; set; }
public class Soru : SoruBase
public string HtmlGovde { get; set; }
public string MarkdownGovde { get; set; }
public DateTime OlusturulmaTarihi { get; set; }
public List<Etiket> Etiketler { get; set; }
public class SoruSayfa : SoruBase
public int DurumId { get; set; }
public double SoruPuani { get; set; }
public int CevapSayisi { get; set; }
public int BakilmaSayisi { get; set; }
public string KullaniciAdi { get; set; }
public double? KisiAlanPuani { get; set; }