SaveChanges() inside foreach, to get ID inserted - c#

I'm trying to insert inside a foreach and then get the ID inserted to insert this ID in another table (head and detail). And I have 2 foreach inside another. I'm using entity framework.
var remisiones = dbLocal.Database.SqlQuery<datosConsulta>(qDocumento).ToList();
foreach (var x in remisiones)
var bcDoc = new bcDocumentos();
bcDoc.cfecha = Convert.ToDateTime(x.CFECHA);
int idBcDocumento = bcDoc.id_documento; // I NEED TO GET THIS ID INSERTED
foreach (var z in movimientos)
var bcMovs = new bcMovimientos();
bcMovs.id_documento = idBcDocumento; // TO INSERT HERE IN THE DETAIL TABLE
int idBcMovimiento = bcMovs.id_movimiento; // AND THEN GET THE NEW ID FO THE DETAIL

If you have specified the id_documento field in the database as Identity, you can use the following code, otherwise change id_documento to Identity.
int idBcDocumento = dbLocal.bcDocumentos.OrderByDescending(p => p.id_documento).First().id_documento;
full code
var remisiones = dbLocal.Database.SqlQuery<datosConsulta>(qDocumento).ToList();
foreach (var x in remisiones)
var bcDoc = new bcDocumentos();
bcDoc.cfecha = Convert.ToDateTime(x.CFECHA);
int idBcDocumento = dbLocal.bcDocumentos.OrderByDescending(p => p.id_documento).First().id_documento; // I NEED TO GET THIS ID INSERTED
foreach (var z in movimientos)
var bcMovs = new bcMovimientos();
bcMovs.id_documento = idBcDocumento; // TO INSERT HERE IN THE DETAIL TABLE
int idBcMovimiento = dbLocal.bcMovs.OrderByDescending(p => p.id_movimiento).First().id_movimiento; // AND THEN GET THE NEW ID FO THE DETAIL


How to add distinct value in database using Entity Framework

IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
I want to add only distinct values to database in above code. Kindly help me how to do it as I am not able to find any solution.
IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
var a = db.WebsiteWebPages.Where(i => i.WebPage == value.WebPage.ToString()).ToList();
if (a.Count == 0)
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
This is the code that I used to add distinct data.I hope it helps
In addition to the code sample Furkan Öztürk supplied, Make sure your DB has a constraint so that you cannot enter duplicate values in the column. Belt and braces approach.
I assume that by "distinct values" you mean "distinct value.WebPage values":
// get existing values (if you ever need this)
var existingWebPages = db.WebsiteWebPages.Select(v => v.WebPage);
// get your pages
var webPages = GetWebPages().Where(v => v.WebPage.Contains(".htm"));
// get distinct WebPage values except existing ones
var distinctWebPages = webPages.Select(v => v.WebPage).Distinct().Except(existingWebPages);
// create WebsiteWebPage objects
var websiteWebPages = distinctWebPages.Select(v =>
new WebsiteWebPage { WebPage = v, WebsiteId = websiteid});
// save all at once
Assuming that you need them to be unique by WebPage and WebSiteId
IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
if (db.WebsiteWebPages.All(c=>c.WebPage != value.WebPage|| c.WebsiteId != websiteid))
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
To optimize this (given that your table contains much more data than your current list), override your equals in WebsiteWebPage class to define your uniqueness criteria then:
var myWebsiteWebPages => new WebsiteWebPage { WebPage = x.WebPage, WebsiteId = websiteid}).Distinct();
var duplicates = db.WebsiteWebPages.Where(x=> myWebsiteWebPage.Contains(x));
db.WebsiteWebPages.AddRange(myWebsiteWebPages.Where(x=> !duplicates.Contains(x)));
this is a one database query to retrieve ONLY duplicates and then removing them from the list
You can use the following code,
IEnumerable<WebsiteWebPage> data = GetWebPages();
var templist = new List<WebsiteWebPage>();
foreach (var value in data)
if (value.WebPage.Contains(".htm"))
WebsiteWebPage pagesinfo = new WebsiteWebPage();
pagesinfo.WebPage = value.WebPage;
pagesinfo.WebsiteId = websiteid;
var distinctList = templist.GroupBy(x => x.WebsiteId).Select(group => group.First()).ToList();
Or you can use MoreLINQ here to filter distinct the list by parameter like,
var res = tempList.Distinct(x=>x.WebsiteId).ToList();

Compare Two Complex List of data

When I am Trying to save current list of data into database, I need to get already existing data from database, and need to compare with current list of data.
I have two lists one is PreviousList(existing data from DB) and other is CurrentList(Modified data)
public class SoftClose
public int ID = -1;
public int AID = -1;
public int WFID = -1;
public string PREFIX;
public DateTime SCDATE;
public string STATUS;
In CurrentList I modified Prefix to D2 where ID=1 and added new row(Id=4)...
My req is
When I am trying to save CurrentList to Db,
If there is any new Prefix in CurrentList that is not there in PreviousList I need to insert that new row and need to change Status to ADD for that row.
I changed Prefix to D2 where Id = 1 in CurrentList. D1 is there is DB and but not in CurrentList so i need to delete it. So i need to change the status to DELETE for that record. I should not insert D2 record where id=1 becuase D2 is already there. If I changed to D5 where Id = 1 then I need to insert it because D5 is not there in DB So i need to change the status to UPDATE.
How to do this? What is the best approach to compare lists
here is a solution you could try:
List<SoftClose> previousList = new List<SoftClose>(){
new SoftClose(){ID=1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="19", Prefix = "D1"},
new SoftClose(){ID=2, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="20", Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=3, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="21", Prefix = "D3"}
List<SoftClose> currentList = new List<SoftClose>(){
new SoftClose(){ID=1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="19", Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=2, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="20", Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=3, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="21", Prefix = "D6"},
new SoftClose(){ID=4, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="22", Prefix = "D4"},
new SoftClose(){ID=5, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID="22", Prefix = "D5"}
var addlist = currentList.Where(c => previousList.All(p => !p.ID.Equals(c.ID) && !p.Prefix.Equals(c.Prefix)));
foreach(var n in addlist)
var index = currentList.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix));
currentList[index].Status = "ADD";
var updateORdeletelist = currentList.Where(c => c.Status.Equals("NO_CHANGE") && previousList.Exists(p => p.ID.Equals(c.ID) && !p.Prefix.Equals(c.Prefix)));
foreach (var n in updateORdeletelist)
var index = currentList.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix));
if (previousList.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix)) < 0)
currentList[index].Status = "UPDATE";
currentList[index].Status = "DELETE";
foreach (var item in currentList)
Console.WriteLine($"Id:{item.ID}, Desc1:{item.Prefix}, Status:{item.Status}");
Id:1, Desc1:D2, Status:DELETE
Id:2, Desc1:D2, Status:NO_CHANGE
Id:3, Desc1:D6, Status:UPDATE
Id:4, Desc1:D4, Status:ADD
Id:5, Desc1:D5, Status:ADD
There is a tool called Side by Side SQL Comparer in C# at
basic use of the component:
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(#"c:\1.sql"))
sideBySideRichTextBox1.LeftText = tr.ReadToEnd();
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(#"c:\2.sql"))
sideBySideRichTextBox1.RightText = tr.ReadToEnd();
You load the left and right sides to their respective variables sideBySideRichTextBox1.LeftText and sideBySideRichTextBox1.RightText and compare them with sideBySideRichTextBox1.CompareText();
In your case the 1.sql and 2.sql would be your PreviousList and CurrentList -database files.
There is more detailed documentation at the project-site.

Entity Framework inserts only one record

I'm saving a record in my database by passing 3 parameters, the number parameter is passed to pick the number of records from one table to another table. However the loop written inserts only 1 record instead of the number parameter passed.
I'm using the the Take() method in Entity Framework to pick the records. It inserts only the last records in the loop
public async Task<bool> Save(string company, int number, string registrationNumber)
using (var trans = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
var db = new SibaCiidDbContext();
var dbSet = _dbContext.Set<IntermediaryAssignment>();
// pick number of records
var data = await (from s in db.StickerDistributions
where s.Dispatched == false &&
s.CompanyCode == company
select s).Take(number).ToListAsync();
var intermediary = (await _repo.FindBy(s => s.RegistrationNumber == registrationNumber &&
s.Status == EntityStatus.Active)).FirstOrDefault();
var entity = new IntermediaryAssignment();
foreach (var sticker in data)
entity.CompanyCode = sticker.CompanyCode;
entity.StickerCode = sticker.StickerCode;
entity.RegistrationNumber = intermediary.RegistrationNumber;
entity.Status = EntityStatus.Active;
entity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
entity.Dispatched = false;
entity.IntermediaryType = intermediary.IntermediaryType;
return await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
You are creating one entity, and then updating it 3 times. You need to create a new entity for each new record.
Move the new IntermediaryAssignment() inside the loop.
foreach (var sticker in data)
var entity = new IntermediaryAssignment();
entity.CompanyCode = sticker.CompanyCode;
entity.StickerCode = sticker.StickerCode;
entity.RegistrationNumber = intermediary.RegistrationNumber;
entity.Status = EntityStatus.Active;
entity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
entity.Dispatched = false;
entity.IntermediaryType = intermediary.IntermediaryType;

Object multiple reference IEntityTracker error while saving audit table

first I know this question has been asked but I really couldn't find an answer nor find the root of the problem so maybe a someone points me in the right direction.
I'm having the An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. error when trying to save into the log tables.
for the log table, I'm using
so inside my DbContext class where I define the dbset, I have to override the onscopecreated function
the problem here is that when context.Savechanges run for the first audit record for each table it works but after first record, I get the multiple reference error.
so let's say I have the following tables
Languages table. with the following values
Countries Table with the following values
for languages table, if I change English to English3 and save it works It records to the audit table but then for languages table, I can not do any changes at any records it's the same in every table
what am I missing?
private void SaveToLogTable(AuditScope auditScope)
foreach (var entry in ((AuditEventEntityFramework)auditScope.Event).EntityFrameworkEvent.Entries)
if(entry.Action is null) return;
if (TABLES.Any(x => x.T_TABLE_NAME.Equals(entry.Table)))
var newLog = new LOGS
LOG_ACTION = ACTIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.A_DESC == entry.Action)?.A_CODE,
LOG_DATE = DateTime.Now,
USERS = MyGlobalSettings.MyUser
if (entry.Changes != null)
foreach (var changes in entry.Changes)
var ch = new CHANGES
CH_COLUMN = changes.ColumnName,
CH_NEW_VALUE = changes.NewValue.ToString(),
CH_ORIGINAL_VALUE = changes.OriginalValue.ToString()
if (entry.ColumnValues != null)
foreach (var kv in entry.ColumnValues)
var val = new VALUES
ColumnName = kv.Key,
ColumnValue = kv.Value.ToString()
TABLES.First(x => x.T_TABLE_NAME.Equals(entry.Table)).LOGS.Add(newLog);
var table = new TABLES {T_TABLE_NAME = entry.Table};
var newLog = new LOGS
LOG_ACTION = ACTIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.A_DESC.Equals(entry.Action))?.A_CODE,
LOG_DATE = DateTime.Now,
LOG_USER_REFNO = MyGlobalSettings.MyUser.U_ROWID
//USERS = MyGlobalSettings.MyUser
if (entry.Changes != null)
foreach (var changes in entry.Changes)
var ch = new CHANGES
CH_COLUMN = changes.ColumnName,
CH_NEW_VALUE = changes.NewValue.ToString(),
CH_ORIGINAL_VALUE = changes.OriginalValue.ToString()
if (entry.ColumnValues != null)
foreach (var kv in entry.ColumnValues)
var val = new VALUES
ColumnName = kv.Key,
ColumnValue = kv.Value is null? "": kv.Value.ToString()
//TABLES.First(x => x.T_TABLE_NAME.Equals(entry.Table)).LOGS.Add(newLog);

How to avoid repeating when I get data from stored procedure?

I get a list from stored procedure with its child date I want to avoid repeating when I add items to the the list
Here is my code:
var cmd = db.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[T]";
var reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();
var objectContext1 = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext;
var usersLi = objectContext1.Translate<GetAllNewsForUser>(reader1).ToList();
List<GetAllNewsForUser> lll = new List<GetAllNewsForUser>();
foreach (var item in usersLi)
NewsInfo newsInfo = new NewsInfo();
GetAllNewsForUser g = new GetAllNewsForUser();
g.UserName = item.UserName;
NewsInfo nnn = new NewsInfo();
nnn.NewsTitle = item.NewsTitle;
nnn.NewsId = item.NewsId;
are there any unique identifiers for g, for example a user Id. in which case you could easily use the following:
if (!lll.Any(x=>x.UserId ==g.UserId)) //include system.linq
You could also look at modifying your stored procedure to not return duplicates.
EDIT ----
Just twigged as to what you actually after, sorry.....
Its just a rough draft but i think this is what you require.
List<GetAllNewsForUser> lll = new List<GetAllNewsForUser>();
foreach (var item in usersLi)
NewsInfo nnn = new NewsInfo();
nnn.NewsTitle = item.NewsTitle;
nnn.NewsId = item.NewsId;
if (!lll.Any(x=> x.UserName == item.UserName)
GetAllNewsForUser g = new GetAllNewsForUser();
g.UserName = item.UserName;
lll.Where(x=>x.UserName == item.Username).FirstOrDefault().NewsInfos.Add(nnn)
From what I understand so far, you are trying to avoid adding same rows in the list(based on value of some column).
LINQ might help here.
usersLi.GroupBy(e => new {
UserID = e.UserUD
}).Select(g => g.First());
