Should I Have to Wait After Creating Team with Graph - c#

I am using the MS Graph API from our web app to create an MS Teams Team in clients' systems and setup a few folders. But I will randomly get errors if I don't impose a hard-coded wait after creating the team. I call the following endpoints in the order shown:
//Create new Team and get basic info
POST teams
GET teams/{team-id}/primaryChannel
GET teams/{team-id}
GET teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}/filesFolder
//Sometimes unknown users must be invited to join org as guest
POST invitations
//Everyone but the owner is added as a guest
POST teams/{team-id}/members
//This is done in a batch, because there is one folder per team guest + one for owner
POST groups/{team-id}/drive/items/{channel-folder-id}/children
//Team members' folders are permitted to them only. So all permissions are deleted and a single user added back
GET groups/{folder-id}/drive/items/{folder-id}/permissions
DELETE groups/{team-id}/drive/items/{folder-id}/permissions/{permission-id}
POST groups/{folder-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/invite
I will sporadically get Forbidden and/or Bad Request responses from:
POST teams/{team-id}/members
DELETE - groups/{team-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/permissions/{permission-id}
Obviously the return statuses of 403 are bugs, because the app definitely has permission to perform the action.
Imposing a 60 second wait after creating the Team seems to resolve this. However, I am currently testing on our Teams environment and am concerned that clients with larger Teams setups will require a longer wait period. I've seen other areas where the documentation says you should wait up to 15 minutes before using a Team that was created from a Group (I am not sure if this applies to creating a normal Team though).
Does anyone know what kind of latency I should be prepared for generally, and if there is any endpoint I can ping to see if the Team is ready for use?

Azure AD, Teams and Exchange are all different systems and need some kind of synchronization that sometimes needs some time.
Whenever you're going to create something in one of these systems, be prepared that it takes some time to access it.
One of the most awkward behaviour I came across is, when you create a group through Exchange Remote Powershell you'll get instantly the group object back. This object has an Azure Object ID. But if you immediately go to Graph and make a request for that group you'll get a 404. Also a look into Azure Portal shows nothing. But if you wait some time (minimum 30 secs, but up to 20!! minutes) the group suddenly appears.
The same also applies if you create a user in Azure through Graph. If you do this, you'll get back an object with the azure id. If you immediately try to add this user to a group or a directory role, it can also happen to get an error, but the timeout here is normally somewhere below 2 sec and I've never seen something above 10 secs.
So for everything, where I'm going to create something in Graph and immediately try to use it, I build some helper method, that tries it multiple times with some smaller timeout between each call:
internal static class Multiple
public static Task Try<TException>(int maxRetries, TimeSpan interval, Func<Task> task)
where TException : Exception
return Try<TException>(maxRetries, interval, task, exception => true);
public static async Task Try<TException>(int maxRetries, TimeSpan interval, Func<Task> task, Func<TException, bool> isExpectedException)
where TException : Exception
await task().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex) when (ex.GetType() == typeof(TException) && isExpectedException((TException)ex))
if (maxRetries <= 0)
await Task.Delay(interval);
} while (true);
The usage of the class is as follows:
await Multiple.Try<ServiceException>(20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), async () =>
educationClass = await serviceClient.Education.Classes[groupId.ToString()].Request().GetAsync();
}, ex => ex.Error.Code == "Request_ResourceNotFound");
This helper will call the inner method up to 20 times with a timeout of one second. Also the thrown exception must have the given error code. If the number of retries is exceeded or a different error is thrown, the call will rethrow the original exception and must be handled on a higher level.
Simply be aware that behind the Graph interface a highly distributed system works and it sometimes needs some time to get everything in sync.

I test it in my side and met same issues with yours. The 403 error should be a bug as you mentioned because I also have the permission to do the operation. But you mentioned that add guest user to owner, I test it with bad request response, I think it is by design.
Since you can request success after waiting 60 seconds, I think the solution is add a while loop in your code to request the graph api multiple times. In the while loop, if request fail, wait 10 seconds then request again(as Flydog57 mentioned in comments). But you also need to add a mechanism to break loop when request always fail in your code to avoid infinite loops.


OWIN Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0) Error

I'm running into a very odd issue where the refresh token "disappears" after a few hours on an Azure App Service which hosts my Wep Api project. I've implemented OAuth for my password flow. Our AccessToken expires after 1 hour and our RefreshToken expires after one week.
For some background. This is happening on an Azure App service where i'm hosting my Web Api and a mobile front end is making calls to it (there are more than one users/mobile devices making a call to this app service).
Here's what a sample initial call looks like using /token call:
My grant_type is password. Normally i get back a refresh_token field along with the access_token, token_type and expires_in.
Works fine for the first few hours after i push to the app service then refresh_token disappears. I am truly stumped by this issue.
Here's my CreateAsync Code:
public async Task CreateAsync(AuthenticationTokenCreateContext context)
var clientid = context.Ticket.Properties.Dictionary["as:client_id"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientid))
string refreshTokenId = await CreateRefreshTokenId(clientid, context);
if (refreshTokenId != null)
throw new Exception("refresh token could not be created");
private async Task<string> CreateRefreshTokenId(string clientId, AuthenticationTokenCreateContext context)
var ticket = context.Ticket;
var refreshTokenId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
var refreshTokenLifeTime = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["as:clientRefreshTokenLifeTime"];
var token = new CreateRefreshTokenDTO
RefreshTokenId = refreshTokenId,
ClientId = clientId,
Subject = ticket.Identity.Name,
IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(refreshTokenLifeTime))
ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc = token.IssuedUtc;
ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = token.ExpiresUtc;
token.ProtectedTicket = context.SerializeTicket();
var result = await createRefreshTokenManager.ManagerRequest(new CreateRefreshTokenRequest
RefreshToken = token
return result.IsError ? null : refreshTokenId;
I've added the exception in the else statement to see if it will throw and exception and it does in fact throw, which leads me to believe that the refreshTokenId is null. I've also added logging to a log table but for whatever reason, when this error is thrown it should save to the DB table (which i've tested locally and works) but on the App server it is not saving to the table. Very perplexing... UPDATE: PLEASE SEE UPDATE BELOW ON WHY NO LOGS WERE SAVING
Then, what is supposed to happen after this is that now that the front end (mobile, in this case) has the access and refresh tokens, when the access token expires, another call is made to /token but with grant_type = refresh_token:
Eventually I was able to reproduce the issue locally through trial and error and waiting for access token to expire (not entirely sure). But in any case, I was able to produce this error:
Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. See for information on understanding and handling optimistic concurrency exceptions.
This error was the reason i was not able to save any logs to the DB.
Im using Castle Windsor as my IoC and EF6.
My calls are in this order:
1] Attempt to validate the context. In here i make another await call to a LoginUserManager where I basically get and verify user info
// This is used for validating the context
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
2] CreateAsync for creating access and refresh tokens from Context
public async Task CreateAsync(AuthenticationTokenCreateContext context)
Inside CreateAsync I make an await call CreateOrUpdateRefreshTokenManagerwhich either does an Update if entry exists or a Create. And ultimately make a SaveChanges(). This SaveChanges() is what causes the error If I don't call a SaveChanges() no entry is updated or created in that table. This is odd because in other parts of my code i dont call SaveChanges() at all at the end of the web request lifecycle yet an update/create/delete is made. Im assuming that EF/Windsor handles the saving for me.
My thoughts is that because this flow is different from all my other endpoints and that its handling two Async calls that somewhere in between I am disposing the DbContext and that is maybe why im seeing it failing on the second (CreateAsync) call. Not sure, just my thought here.
Anyway, sorry for the long winded post here. I wanted to post as much info as possible and am hoping that this may also help someone else facing this or similar issue.
I've noticed that after getting this error on /token call, any other (AllowAnonymous) calls i make work - even those that involve the DB. But the /token call in particular no longer works. My only way around this is to restart the server.
I was able to reproduce this issu ONLY on mobile testing (linked to Azure server) but cannot reproduce locally. Steps I used to reproduce:
Log in with one account
Log in with another account
Log in with the first account I tried) - This FAILS
Alright ya'll I was able to figure out this issue and i'll do my best to describe what was happening here.
For those of you who have followed a tutorial such as this one or any other similar one, you'll see that you basically have some repository structure set up along with maybe your own context which you inherit the base context, right?
In my case, I was handling the Dispose of the context at the end of the request by overriding the Dispose(bool disposing) method found in the ApiController class. If you're building a WebApi, you'll know what im talking about because any controllers you write inherit this. And if you've got some IoC set up with Lifetimes set to the end of a request, it'll dispose there :)
However, in this case of the /token call I noticed that we were never hitting any controllers...or at least none that utilized ApiController so i couldn't even hit that Dispose method. That meant that the context stayed "active". And in my second, third, fourth, etc calls to /token endpoint, I noticed in the watcher that the context calls were building up (meaning it was saving prior edits to the context i made from previous /token calls - they were never getting disposed! Thus making the context stale).
Unfortunately, the way around this for my situation was to wrap any context calls made within the /token request in a using statement, that way i knew after the using finished up it would dispose properly. And this seemed to work :)
So if you've got a similar project laid out to mine or similar to that tutorial i shared you may run into this issue.

How to design parallel web api in c#?

I am trying to design a web api that can get data from an external server but with limitations. I'm trying to figure out how best to design it to be efficient.
My api has an endpoint that takes an input. It is is a domain name like My endpoint then makes an http call to the domain to get an auth token, then makes another call to that domain with the username to get some data which is returned to the client. However my api can accept multiple usernames (comma delimited like ?, My web server knows for each domain what is the max parallel connections I can make to get the data.
So the problem is how to organize the data so I can maximize parallel computing but stay within the limits.
Here's my thoughts:
First parse the user list and group them up. Then have a static dictionary. Key is domain, value is a custom object which has 2 queues. Both queues holds a list of Tasks (from async/await). However the first queue max length will be the value of the limit for that domain.
dictionary = {
"" : [
["", "", ""]
"" : [
Then I can run a code every second, which loops through all dictionary values, and fills the first queue with as many Task objects from the second queue (.e. removing from 2nd queue and putting in first) so its within the limit.
As soon as its in the first queue, the task executes using Parallel.Invoke() then when the task is completed it gets removed from first queue (unless some request is waiting for it, explained in next paragraph).
I do this because if another api request is made to my endpoint with some names thats already from the first request, I want to reuse it. So If it's in the first queue, I call await on that Task.
Somehow when a task finishes, I need to know that no other people are waiting for that user in the task, and in that case, remove it from the first queue. Also if a client disconnects it should remove the watching of the users part for that client.
Does anyone know if this is a good approach?
Since it's parallel, you know right away you're probably going to need to use System.Collections.Concurrent, and since you need key/value lookup (user identifier/HTTP response) you need a ConcurrentDictionary. And since there is a common cache for all users, you will want to store it in a static variable, which is available to all threads and all HTTP requests.
Here is a simple example:
public class MyCacheClass
//Store the list of users/requests
static private ConcurrentDictionary<string, Task<HttpResponseMessage>> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Task<HttpResponseMessage>>();
//Get from the ConcurrentDictionary or add if it's not there
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetUser(string key)
return await _cache.GetOrAdd(key, GetResponse(key));
//You just to implement this method, potentially in a subclass, to get the data
protected virtual async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetResponse(string key)
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var url = string.Format(#"{0}", key);
return await httpClient.GetAsync(url);
Then to get a user's information, just call:
var o = new MyCacheClass();
var userInfo = await o.GetUser(userID);
Note: If you're going to use code like this on a production system, you might consider adding some means of purging or trimming the cache after a period of time or when it reaches a certain size. Otherwise your solution may not scale the way you need it to.

MessageReceiver.RegisterMessageHandler throws exceptions continuously if network is down

I have successfully implemented a connection to ServiceBus with MessageReceiver using RegisterMessageHandler that starts a pump (from this example) and all seems to work just fine.
But in case of exception like e.g. when I turn off network connection the pump throws exceptions continuously to the ExceptionHandler. Every second or even faster. I am wondering if this is supposed default behavior and more importantly if it's possible to change, so that e.g. connection retries can happen every 1 minute. Or am I supposed to do Thread.Sleep or something to achieve that?
async (message, cancellationToken1) => await HandleMessage(receiver, message),
new MessageHandlerOptions(HandleException)
AutoComplete = false,
MaxConcurrentCalls = 1
P.S. This is how I solved it now, but not sure if it's a proper way:
private Task HandleException(ExceptionReceivedEventArgs args)
return Task.Delay(60000);
P.S Here is the RetryPolicy.Default dump:
Azure Service Bus has a default retry policy (RetryPolicy.Default), but given the transport is trying to receive messages and the broker is not available, will raise exceptions.
ExceptionReceivedContext provides a context, ExceptionReceivedContext which has an action that has failed, and the original exception. You can evaluate the action and decide what needs to be done. You could also check if the exception is transient or not. For transient errors, based on the action, you could just wait for the message to be retried again later (Receive action). In other cases you could either log an error or take a more specific action.
Try to configure the "RetryExponential" on your "SubscriptionClient" like this:
var receiver = new Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.SubscriptionClient(_serviceBusConnString, _topic, _subscription, this._receiveMode, new RetryExponential(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), _retryPolicyMaximumRetryCount));
This is the parameters descriptions:
Here other post about what the properties means:
ServiceBus RetryExponential Property Meanings

How to make controller action truly async

I have the following controller:
public class PingController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Ping()
var log = HostLogger.Get(typeof(PingController));
log.Info("Ping called.");
return Ok("Ping succeeded # " + DateTime.UtcNow);
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> LongPing(CancellationToken cancelToken)
await Task.Delay(30 * 1000);
return Ok("Ping succeeded # " + DateTime.UtcNow);
If I execute LongPing, followed by Ping in different browser tabs, the Ping will execute and return before LongPing does -- which is exactly what I'm looking for. The problem is when I execute two LongPing calls the second one takes around 60s to complete (not 30 seconds). Chrome reports the second call has a latency of 58s (60s minus the time it took me to start the second request). It seems to me that both LongPing calls should execute in around 30s if I had this working correctly.
I also should mention that I'm hosting this in an OWIN hosting environment, not IIS. But I didn't think that made any difference but maybe someone will prove me wrong.
How do I make LongPing behave truly like an async request?
It's quite likely that your session state is causing your problems. There's a long-winded explanation for this behaviour, but the short version is that a particular user session can only do one request at a time because the session state locks to ensure consistent state. If you want to speed this up, disable your cookies to test the session state hypothesis (you'll get 1 session state per request that way), or disable session state in the application. Your code is otherwise a-ok async wise.
It turns out this is Chrome's behavior when calling the same URL. I always forget this when testing with Chrome. Normally I test with Fiddler, but this VM doesn't have Fiddler.
See this SO Q&A:
Chrome treating smart url and causing concurrent requests pend for each other

Finding Connection by UserId in SignalR

I have a webpage that uses ajax polling to get stock market updates from the server. I'd like to use SignalR instead, but I'm having trouble understanding how/if it would work.
ok, it's not really stock market updates, but the analogy works.
The SignalR examples I've seen send messages to either the current connection, all connections, or groups. In my example the stock updates happen outside of the current connection, so there's no such thing as the 'current connection'. And a user's account is associated with a few stocks, so sending a stock notification to all connections or to groups doesn't work either. I need to be able to find a connection associated with a certain userId.
Here's a fake code example:
foreach(var stock in StockService.GetStocksWithBigNews())
var userIds = UserService.GetUserIdsThatCareAboutStock(stock);
var connections = /* find connections associated with user ids */;
foreach(var connection in connections)
In this question on filtering connections, they mention that I could keep current connections in memory but (1) it's bad for scaling and (2) it's bad for multi node websites. Both of these points are critically important to our current application. That makes me think I'd have to send a message out to all nodes to find users connected to each node >> my brain explodes in confusion.
How do I find a connection for a specific user that is scalable? Am I thinking about this the wrong way?
I created a little project last night to learn this also. I used 1.0 alpha and it was Straight forward. I created a Hub and from there on it just worked :)
I my project i have N Compute Units(some servers processing work), when they start up they invoke the ComputeUnitRegister.
await HubProxy.Invoke("ComputeUnitReqisted", _ComputeGuid);
and every time they do something they call
HubProxy.Invoke("Running", _ComputeGuid);
where HubProxy is :
HubConnection Hub = new HubConnection(RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable ?
IHubProxy HubProxy = Hub.CreateHubProxy("ComputeUnits");
I used RoleEnviroment.IsAvailable because i can now run this as a Azure Role , a Console App or what ever in .NET 4.5. The Hub is placed in a MVC4 Website project and is started like this:
GlobalHost.Configuration.ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50);
public class ComputeUnits : Hub
public Task Running(Guid MyGuid)
return Clients.Group(MyGuid.ToString()).ComputeUnitHeartBeat(MyGuid,
public Task ComputeUnitReqister(Guid MyGuid)
Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, "ComputeUnits").Wait();
return Clients.Others.ComputeUnitCameOnline(new { Guid = MyGuid,
HeartBeat = DateTime.UtcNow.ToEpochMilliseconds() });
public void SubscribeToHeartBeats(Guid MyGuid)
Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, MyGuid.ToString());
My clients are Javascript clients, that have methods for(let me know if you need to see the code for this also). But basicly they listhen for the ComputeUnitCameOnline and when its run they call on the server SubscribeToHeartBeats. This means that whenever the server compute unit is doing some work it will call Running, which will trigger a ComputeUnitHeartBeat on javascript clients.
I hope you can use this to see how Groups and Connections can be used. And last, its also scaled out over multiply azure roles by adding a few lines of code:
topicPathPrefix /* the prefix applied to the name of each topic used */
You can get the connection string on the servicebus on azure, remember the Provider=SharedSecret. But when adding the nuget packaged the connectionstring syntax is also pasted into your web.config.
2 is how many topics to split it about. Topics can contain 1Gb of data, so depending on performance you can increase it.
3 is the number of nodes to split it out on. I used 3 because i have 2 Azure Instances, and my localhost. You can get the RoleNumber like this (note that i hard coded my localhost to 2).
private static int GetRoleInstanceNumber()
if (!RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable)
return 2;
var roleInstanceId = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id;
var li1 = roleInstanceId.LastIndexOf(".");
var li2 = roleInstanceId.LastIndexOf("_");
var roleInstanceNo = roleInstanceId.Substring(Math.Max(li1, li2) + 1);
return Int32.Parse(roleInstanceNo);
You can see it all live at :
When using SignalR, after a client has connected to the server they are served up a Connection ID (this is essential to providing real time communication). Yes this is stored in memory but SignalR also can be used in multi-node environments. You can use the Redis or even Sql Server backplane (more to come) for example. So long story short, we take care of your scale-out scenarios for you via backplanes/service bus' without you having to worry about it.
