Async call inside foreach does not execute following switch - c#

I don't know the async/await mechanism very well and I searched on Google, but without finding an acceptable answer.
I have a question about the code below:
When using .Result, the switch() block is executed.
// Here the flow starts - the callee is a VueJS axios ajax call
public async Task<ActionResult> ValidateStatus(OrdersToBeProcessed model)
bool success = false;
string message = "";
model.ReturnData = await _statusBusiness.Validate(model);
success = true;
return Json(new { Success = true, ReturnData = model.ReturnData }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
message = $"Bad Request {ex.Message}";
Response.StatusCode = 400;
return Json(new { Success = false, ErrorMessage = message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
message = $"Spomething wrong message here - {ex.Message}";
Response.StatusCode = 500;
return Json(new { Success = false, ErrorMessage = message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
var param = new
Message = message
LogUserAction(ActionType.ChangeStatusOrders, success, param);
private readonly IDictionary<bool, Func<List<string>, int, List<Order>>> _dic;
// below methods are not async
_dic = new Dictionary<bool, Func<List<string>, int, List<Pedido>>>
{ true, (p) => _orderRepository.GetByID(p) },
{ false, (p) => _orderRepository.GetByCompanyID(p) }
public async Task<ProcessResults> Validate(OrdersToBeProcessed model)
ProcessResults result = new ProcessResults();
bool useOurID = (model.CodeType == 1);
return await Task.Run(() =>
List<string> ordersList = SplitOrders(model.Orders);
List<string> buffer = ordersList.Distinct().ToList();
List<Order> ordersList = new List<Order>(buffer.Count());
buffer.ForEach(item =>
var tmp = new Order();
if (useOurID)
tmp.ID = Convert.ToInt64(item);
tmp.CompanyId = item;
List<Order> foundOrders = _dic[useOurId](buffer);
result.SuccessfullOrders = new List<ProcessedOrder>();
result.NotFoundOrders = new List<ProcessedOrder>();
result.NotAllowedOrders = new List<ProcessedOrder>();
// merge the list of order's id with those one's found in database
List<Orders> union = foundOrders.MergeAndReplace(ordersList).ToList();
foreach (var item in union)
ProcessedOrder ret = ValidateAsync(item).Result; // <-- here is an Async call
switch (ret.ProcessedResult)
case ProcessedResultEnum.CanBeProcessed:
case ProcessedResultEnum.OrderNotFound:
case ProcessedResultEnum.CannotBeProcessed:
return result;
private async Task<Order> ValidateAsync(Order item)
ProcessedOrder ret = new ProcessedOrder();
ret.CompanyID = item.CompanyID;
ret.Name = item.Name;
ret.ID = item.ID;
ret.Status = (item.Status?.ID).ToString();
var queueOrderItems = await _queueOrderService.SearchByOrderIdAsync(item.ID);
if (item.ID == 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(iitem.CodigoEntidade))
ret.Message = "Order not found in database.";
ret.Result = ProcessedResultEnum.OrderNotFound;
else if (item.Status == null || queueOrderItems == null)
ret.Message = "Order Cannot Be Processed";
ret.Result = ProcessedResultEnum.CannotBeProcessed;
ret.Message = "Order Can Be Processed";
ret.Result = ProcessedResultEnum.CanBeProcessed;
return ret;
public async Task<SearchBiIdResult> SearchByOrderIdAsync(long orderID )
SearchByIDResult ret;
SearchByIDRequest request = new SearchByIDRequest() { OrderID = orderID };
// calls a WCF async method descibed below
SearchByIDResponse response = await _queueOrderItemsClient.SearchByIDAsync(request);
ret = _mapper.Map<SearchByIDResponse>(response);
return ret;
// WCF async method definition (in reference.cs)
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UI.Services.Business.QueuesService.SearchByIDResponse> SearchByIDAsync(UI.Services.Business.QueuesService.SearchByIDRequest request) {
return base.Channel.SearchByIDAsync(request);
However, if I replace .Result with
ProcessedOrder ret = await ValidateAsync(item);
the loop immediately returns back up to the foreach statement, without executing the switch() block.
Can someone explain to me why this behavior?

I changed
return await Task.Run(() =>
return await Task.Run(async () =>
and the foreach block behaved as expected.


How to break from the Catch block after throwing BadRequestException using C#

I have a method which needs to break after the BadRequestException() is thrown.
Currently after BadRequestException() is thrown, frontend shows loading bar buffering infinitely.
Please find my code below
public FeSite GetSiteBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var watch = new Stopwatch();
FeSite result = this.ExecuteAndParseWebRequestForEnv<FeSite>(envCode, $"sites/{siteId}", HttpMethod.Get);
this.LogService.Info($"FeeDataAcccess - GetSitebySiteId - {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
return result;
catch (Exception e)
this.LogService.Error($"GetSiteBySiteId - {e.Message}");
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid siteId!");
Below method calls GetSiteBySiteId() method:
public string GetDevicesSerialNumberBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var siteSerialNumber = "";
if (siteId != null)
var result = this.feeDataAccess.GetSiteBySiteId(envCode, siteId);
List<string> gatewaySiteSNlist = result.Gateways.Select(x => x.SerialNumber).ToList();
foreach (var item in gatewaySiteSNlist)
var siteSN = item;
siteSerialNumber += $";{siteSN};";
return siteSerialNumber;
I have tried this code below :
public FeSite GetSiteBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var watch = new Stopwatch();
FeSite result = this.ExecuteAndParseWebRequestForEnv<FeSite>(envCode, $"sites/{siteId}", HttpMethod.Get);
this.LogService.Info($"FeeDataAcccess - GetSitebySiteId - {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
return result;
catch (Exception e)
this.LogService.Error($"GetSiteBySiteId - {e.Message}");
throw new BadRequestException("Invalid siteId!");
while (false);
But I get error "No enclosing loop out of which to break or continue"
How to fix this? Thanks in advance.
public string GetDevicesSerialNumberBySiteId(string envCode, string siteId)
var siteSerialNumber = "";
if (siteId != null)
var result = this.feeDataAccess.GetSiteBySiteId(envCode, siteId);
List<string> gatewaySiteSNlist = result.Gateways.Select(x => x.SerialNumber).ToList();
foreach (var item in gatewaySiteSNlist)
var siteSN = item;
siteSerialNumber += $";{siteSN};";
//BadRequestException catch and error handling goes here
return siteSerialNumber;

How to make a higher order function for conflict responses c#

I have this function that updates a CouchDB Database but I want it to try updating again if the Response Code is conflict, i want it to have 3 tries, how do I do that?
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UpdateRecord(Profile latestProfile)
ProfileRecordByUpn profileRecord = await this.GetProfileByUpn(latestProfile);
Profile oldProfile = profileRecord.Rows.First().Value;
var client = this.clientFactory.CreateClient(NamedHttpClients.COUCHDB);
var formatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
formatter.SerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
Formatting = Formatting.Indented,
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);
query["rev"] = oldProfile.Rev;
//Setting the profile Active = true, because as of now we don't have any UI for disabling the account
latestProfile.Active = oldProfile.Active;
DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
latestProfile.Created = oldProfile.Created;
latestProfile.Modified = now;
//This will check if we the InApp boolean value changed then will set date to Enabled/Disabled
if (oldProfile.InApp != latestProfile.InApp)
if (latestProfile.InApp == true)
latestProfile.InAppEnabled = now;
latestProfile.InAppDisabled = oldProfile.InAppDisabled;
latestProfile.InAppDisabled = now;
latestProfile.InAppEnabled = oldProfile.InAppEnabled;
latestProfile.InAppEnabled = oldProfile.InAppEnabled;
latestProfile.InAppDisabled = oldProfile.InAppDisabled;
//This will check if we the SMS boolean value changed then will set date to Enabled/Disabled
if (oldProfile.SMS != latestProfile.SMS)
if (latestProfile.SMS == true)
latestProfile.SMSEnabled = now;
latestProfile.SMSDisabled = oldProfile.SMSDisabled;
latestProfile.SMSDisabled = now;
latestProfile.SMSEnabled = oldProfile.SMSEnabled;
latestProfile.SMSEnabled = oldProfile.SMSEnabled;
latestProfile.SMSDisabled = oldProfile.SMSDisabled;
//This will check if we the SMS boolean value changed then will set date to Enabled/Disabled
if (oldProfile.Email != latestProfile.Email)
if (latestProfile.Email == true)
latestProfile.EmailEnabled = now;
latestProfile.EmailDisabled = oldProfile.EmailDisabled;
latestProfile.EmailDisabled = now;
latestProfile.EmailEnabled = oldProfile.EmailEnabled;
latestProfile.EmailEnabled = oldProfile.EmailEnabled;
latestProfile.EmailDisabled = oldProfile.EmailDisabled;
var response = await this.couchDbClient.AuthenticatedQuery(async (c) => {
return await c.PutAsync($"{API_PROFILES_DB}/{oldProfile.Id.ToString()}?{query}", latestProfile, formatter);
}, NamedHttpClients.COUCHDB, client);
return response;
so I will be calling this function from another function? Do I make an another function which is a higher order function and pass this function as a parameter to that higher order function?
Higher-order functions in C# are implemented by methods taking delegates as parameters, usually an Action or Func delegate.
In this case, you should use an established library like Polly.
var policy = Policy
.HandleResult<HttpResponseMessage>(r => r.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
var result = await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => UpdateRecord(latestProfile));
Update to do it yourself (uncompiled and untested code):
async Task<HttpResponseMessage> MyRetry(Func<Task<HttpResponseMessage>> action)
for (int retries = 0; retries < 3; ++retries)
var result = await action();
if (result.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
return result;
return await action();
The above code will retry 3 times, for 4 total calls if it keeps returning Conflict.

How to unit test dialogs that contains attachments or more objects in Bot Framework C#

Bot Info
SDK Platform: .NET
SDK Version:
Active Channels: Web
Deployment Environment: Local development with Emulator
Issue Description
We've trying to unit test every case that we have stored in a certain Dictionary, it seems to be working fine when the user sends and string and the test has to answer with a string. But we can't find any documentation on how to test the other kind of dialogs, like with attachments, buttons, etc.
We wish to make a dictionary of string,objects where the string is what we ask the bot and de object is either a string, Attachment, Dialog.
Code Example
This is how we store the answers:
public static Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>{
{"Nuevo", "Que quieres crear?"},
{"Ayuda", "Ya te ayudas!"},
{"Adios", "Nos vemos!"},
new Attachment() {
ContentUrl = "",
ContentType = "image/png",
Name = "Subaru_Impreza.png"
new Attachment() {
ContentUrl = "",
ContentType = "image/png",
Name = "moto.png"
new Attachment() {
ContentUrl = "",
ContentType = "image/png",
Name = "ShibaInu.png"
This is how the bot works and returns everything, this is working as intended for at least text and attachments but we haven't done it for more type of messages.
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
var activity = await result as Activity;
var r = context.MakeMessage();
foreach (var item in data)
if (item.Key == activity.Text)
if (item.Value is Attachment)
r.Attachments = new List<Attachment>() { item.Value as Attachment };
if (item.Value is string)
r.Text = item.Value.ToString();
// return our reply to the user
await context.PostAsync(r);
But when we want to make the test for it, it only works when what we send is a string not a IMessageActivity, which works in the emulator.
The code for the test:
public async Task Pregunta_respuesta_prueba()
foreach (var item in
var preg = item.Key;
var resp = item.Value;
if (item.Value is Attachment)
Attachment auxText = resp as Attachment;
resp = auxText.ContentUrl;
using (ShimsContext.Create())
// Arrange
var waitCalled = false;
object message = null;
var target = new RootDialog();
var activity = new Activity(ActivityTypes.Message)
Text = preg
var awaiter = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Internals.Fibers.Fakes.StubIAwaiter<IMessageActivity>()
IsCompletedGet = () => true,
GetResult = () => activity
var awaitable = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.StubIAwaitable<IMessageActivity>()
GetAwaiter = () => awaiter
var context = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.StubIDialogContext();
Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.ShimExtensions.PostAsyncIBotToUserStringStringCancellationToken = (user, s1, s2, token) =>
message = s1;
return Task.CompletedTask;
Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.ShimExtensions.WaitIDialogStackResumeAfterOfIMessageActivity = (stack, callback) =>
if (waitCalled) return;
waitCalled = true;
// The callback is what is being tested.
callback(context, awaitable);
// Act
await target.StartAsync(context);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(resp, message);
If you check this part of the code
Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.ShimExtensions.PostAsyncIBotToUserStringStringCancellationToken = (user, s1, s2, token) =>
message = s1;
return Task.CompletedTask;
It does only works when the bot is returning an string, we can't even check if it is an activiy, this happens because the Fake Context that we create for the test is not working as expected.
That IDialogContext that we are faking doesnt seem to work at all when it is an object, but it does work when it is a string.
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
var activity = await result as Activity;
/// Here when the test is running, this context.MakeMessage is null, but when the bot
/// is working, it wors perfectly.
var r = context.MakeMessage();
foreach (var item in data)
if (item.Key == activity.Text)
if (item.Value is Attachment)
r.Attachments = new List<Attachment>() { item.Value as Attachment };
if (item.Value is string)
r.Text = item.Value.ToString();
// return our reply to the user
await context.PostAsync(r);
Reproduction Steps
To try this out you can try to test with an attachment, code is in this repository.
In stead of using PostAsyncIBotToUserStringStringCancellationToken, you can use context.PostAsyncIMessageActivityCancellationToken And, in the RootDialog's MessageReceivedWithTextAsync respond with an activity reply instead of just a string.
public async Task MessageReceivedWithTextAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
var activity = await result as Activity;
string r = "";
foreach (var item in dataText)
if (item.Key == activity.Text)
r = item.Value;
var reply = activity.CreateReply(r);
foreach (var item in dataAtt)
if (item.Key == activity.Text)
reply.Text = "attachment";
if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r) || r == null) && reply.Attachments.Count == 0)
reply.Text = "No tengo respuesta para eso.";
// return our reply to the user
await context.PostAsync(reply);
Here are the changes to the test method:
public async Task Bot_Test_Attachments()
foreach (var item in RootDialog.dataAtt)
var preg = item.Key;
var att = item.Value;
using (ShimsContext.Create())
var waitCalled = false;
IMessageActivity message = null;
var target = new RootDialog();
var activity = new Activity(ActivityTypes.Message)
Text = preg,
From = new ChannelAccount("id","name"),
Recipient = new ChannelAccount("recipid","recipname"),
Conversation = new ConversationAccount(false,"id","name")
var awaiter = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Internals.Fibers.Fakes.StubIAwaiter<IMessageActivity>()
IsCompletedGet = () => true,
GetResult = () => activity
var awaitable = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.StubIAwaitable<IMessageActivity>()
GetAwaiter = () => awaiter
var context = new Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.StubIDialogContext();
context.PostAsyncIMessageActivityCancellationToken = (messageActivity, token) => {
message = messageActivity;
return Task.CompletedTask;
Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Fakes.ShimExtensions.WaitIDialogStackResumeAfterOfIMessageActivity = (stack, callback) =>
if (waitCalled) return;
waitCalled = true;
callback(context, awaitable);
await target.MessageReceivedWithTextAsync(context, awaitable);
Assert.AreEqual(att, message.Attachments[0]);

Dynamic change Microsoft BOT Framework Form's Field Step: hiding and showing the confirmation

I'm new to MS BOT Framework.
I changed MS github MultiDialogsBot.sln , I added a HotelsQuery property to init Form's Field value at HotelsDialog.cs,
public class HotelsDialog : IDialog<object>
public HotelsQuery _HotelsQuery { get; set; }
public HotelsDialog()
_HotelsQuery = new HotelsQuery{
Destination = "Taiwan",
CheckIn = new DateTime(2017,10,29),
Nights = 3
public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
await context.PostAsync("Welcome to the Hotels finder!");
var hotelsFormDialog = FormDialog.FromForm(this.BuildHotelsForm, FormOptions.PromptInStart);
context.Call(hotelsFormDialog, this.ResumeAfterHotelsFormDialog);
public IForm<HotelsQuery> BuildHotelsForm()
OnCompletionAsyncDelegate<HotelsQuery> processHotelsSearch = async (context, state) =>
await context.PostAsync($"Ok. Searching for Hotels in {state.Destination} from {state.CheckIn.ToString("MM/dd")} to {state.CheckIn.AddDays(state.Nights).ToString("MM/dd")}...");
var destField = new FieldReflector<HotelsQuery>(nameof(HotelsQuery.Destination))
.SetActive((state) =>
//depend on _HotelsQuery's values
bool isActive = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_HotelsQuery.Destination);
if (!isActive) state.Destination = _HotelsQuery.Destination;
return isActive;
var checkInField = new FieldReflector<HotelsQuery>(nameof(HotelsQuery.CheckIn))
.SetActive((state) =>
//depend on _HotelsQuery's values
bool isActive = _HotelsQuery.CheckIn == DateTime.MinValue;
if (!isActive) state.CheckIn = _HotelsQuery.CheckIn;
return isActive;
var nightsField = new FieldReflector<HotelsQuery>(nameof(HotelsQuery.Nights))
.SetActive((state) =>
//depend on _HotelsQuery's values
bool isActive = _HotelsQuery.Nights == 0;
if (!isActive) state.Nights = _HotelsQuery.Nights;
return isActive;
var form = new FormBuilder<HotelsQuery>()
.Message("Looking for hotels in {Destination}...")
.Message("Check in {CheckIn}...")
.Message("Nights : {Nights}...")
.Confirm("Is this your selection?\n {*}", state =>
//clean all fields for showing fields in confirmation
_HotelsQuery.Destination = string.Empty;
_HotelsQuery.CheckIn = DateTime.MinValue;
_HotelsQuery.Nights = 0;
return true;
}, new List<string>())
.Message("Thanks you ...")
return form;
public async Task ResumeAfterHotelsFormDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<HotelsQuery> result)
var searchQuery = await result;
var hotels = await this.GetHotelsAsync(searchQuery);
await context.PostAsync($"I found in total {hotels.Count()} hotels for your dates:");
var resultMessage = context.MakeMessage();
resultMessage.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
resultMessage.Attachments = new List<Attachment>();
foreach (var hotel in hotels)
HeroCard heroCard = new HeroCard()
Title = hotel.Name,
Subtitle = $"{hotel.Rating} starts. {hotel.NumberOfReviews} reviews. From ${hotel.PriceStarting} per night.",
Images = new List<CardImage>()
new CardImage() { Url = hotel.Image }
Buttons = new List<CardAction>()
new CardAction()
Title = "More details",
Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl,
Value = $"" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(hotel.Location)
await context.PostAsync(resultMessage);
catch (FormCanceledException ex)
string reply;
if (ex.InnerException == null)
reply = "You have canceled the operation. Quitting from the HotelsDialog";
reply = $"Oops! Something went wrong :( Technical Details: {ex.InnerException.Message}";
await context.PostAsync(reply);
private async Task<IEnumerable<Hotel>> GetHotelsAsync(HotelsQuery searchQuery)
var hotels = new List<Hotel>();
// Filling the hotels results manually just for demo purposes
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
var random = new Random(i);
Hotel hotel = new Hotel()
Name = $"{searchQuery.Destination} Hotel {i}",
Location = searchQuery.Destination,
Rating = random.Next(1, 5),
NumberOfReviews = random.Next(0, 5000),
PriceStarting = random.Next(80, 450),
Image = $"{i}&w=500&h=260"
hotels.Sort((h1, h2) => h1.PriceStarting.CompareTo(h2.PriceStarting));
return hotels;
I have trouble after the confirmation shows. When a user answers yes, BOT will ask CheckIn's prompt.
Why does it not go to the OnCompletion event?
Thanks for your help.
You are clearing out the values in the .Confirm
Try something like this:
var form = new FormBuilder<HotelsQuery>()
.Message("Looking for hotels in {Destination}...")
.Message("Check in {CheckIn}...")
.Message("Nights : {Nights}...")
.Confirm("Is this your selection?\n {*}", state =>
if (_HotelsQuery.Destination == string.Empty ||
_HotelsQuery.CheckIn == DateTime.MinValue ||
_HotelsQuery.Nights == 0)
return false;
return true;
}, new List<string>())
.Message("Thanks you ...")

c# unit test fails with moq when it goes to hit a real service

So I was put on doing unit test and i noticed different unit tests failing in nunit and in Visual Studio with Resharper i tried debugging it and I get object
public void KeyDocumentService_ProofKeyDocument_RepoReturnsData_ServiceReturnsTheDataWithoutError()
KeyDocumentProofRequest request = new KeyDocumentProofRequest() { KeyDocumentId = 2 };
string returnedResponse = "2";
KeyDocument keyDocumentResponse = new KeyDocument() { CampaignId = "2", DesignFileId = 3,DocumentId="2", DataSourceId="3", KeyDocumentId=1 };
List<vwKeyDocumentSearch> keyListResponse = new List<vwKeyDocumentSearch>() { new vwKeyDocumentSearch { FieldName = "test", FieldValue = "testvalue" } };
var uproduceRepo = new Mock<IUProduceRepository>();
var keyDocRepo = new Mock<IKeyDocumentRepository>();
var templateRepo = new Mock<ITemplateRepository>();
keyDocRepo.Setup(p => p.GetKeyDocument(It.IsAny<KeyDocumentRequest>())).Returns(new KeyDocumentResponse() { data = keyDocumentResponse });
keyDocRepo.Setup(p => p.GetKeyDocumentItems(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(keyListResponse);
uproduceRepo.Setup(p => p.ProduceDocument(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Customization[]>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), null)).Returns(returnedResponse);
// Act.
KeyDocumentService svc = new KeyDocumentService(keyDocRepo.Object, uproduceRepo.Object, templateRepo.Object);
var response = svc.ProofKeyDocument(request);
So the error is happening on this line :
var response = svc.ProofKeyDocument(request);
Are unit Tests supposed to even be going into a real service? or is that ok?
That Method ProofKeyDocument looks like this FYI
private List<Customization> GetCustomizationsFromKeyDocumentItems(List<vwKeyDocumentSearch> keyDocumentItemsList,
int templateId, int clientId)
List<Customization> KeyDocumentCustomizations = new List<Customization>();
var keyDocumentVariableList = keyDocumentItemsList.Where(k => k.Type.ToUpper()=="VARIABLE").ToList();
var keyDocumentSettingList = keyDocumentItemsList.Where(k => k.Type.ToUpper() == "SETTING").ToList();
var keyDocumentContentList = keyDocumentItemsList.Where(k => k.Type.ToUpper() == "CONTENT").ToList();
KeyDocumentCustomizations.AddRange(VariableCustomizations(keyDocumentVariableList, templateId));
KeyDocumentCustomizations.AddRange(SettingCustomizations(keyDocumentSettingList, templateId));
KeyDocumentCustomizations.AddRange(ContentCustomizations(keyDocumentContentList, templateId, clientId));
return KeyDocumentCustomizations;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(string.Format("Error customizing key document: {0}", templateId), ex);
throw ex;
I see with Debugging it blowing up on this line
var keyDocumentVariableList = keyDocumentItemsList.Where(k => k.Type.ToUpper()=="VARIABLE").ToList();
Object Reference not set to instance... error Why ?
var keyDocumentResponse = _repo.GetKeyDocument(new KeyDocumentRequest() { KeyDocumentId = request.KeyDocumentId });
Customization[] customizations = GenerateCustomizationsForKeyDocument(keyDocumentDetails.KeyDocumentId, keyDocumentResponse);
public KeyDocumentProofResponse ProofKeyDocument(KeyDocumentProofRequest request)
//return new KeyDocumentProofResponse()
// data = new KeyDocumentProofResponseData() { JobId = "2984" }
KeyDocumentProofResponse response = new KeyDocumentProofResponse();
var keyDocumentDetails = _repo.GetKeyDocument(new KeyDocumentRequest() { KeyDocumentId = request.KeyDocumentId }).data;
if (keyDocumentDetails != null && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyDocumentDetails.CampaignId)) &&
keyDocumentDetails.DesignFileId.HasValue &&
keyDocumentDetails.DesignFileId > 0)
var keyDocumentResponse = _repo.GetKeyDocument(new KeyDocumentRequest() { KeyDocumentId = request.KeyDocumentId });
Customization[] customizations = GenerateCustomizationsForKeyDocument(keyDocumentDetails.KeyDocumentId, keyDocumentResponse);
var jobTicketId = _uproduceRepo.CreateJobTicket(keyDocumentDetails.DocumentId, keyDocumentDetails.DataSourceId, "PROOF");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobTicketId))
List<JobDataSource> dataSources = GenerateCSVForPersonalizedAndCustomizedVariables(keyDocumentResponse, jobTicketId);
var jobId = _uproduceRepo.ProduceDocument(keyDocumentDetails.DocumentId, keyDocumentDetails.DataSourceId, customizations, "PROOF", jobTicketId, dataSources);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobId))
response.Error = CreateCustomError("Error while submitting job", "Error occurred while submitting proofing job");
{ = jobId;
response.Error = CreateCustomError("Unable to generate job ticket for the keydocument",
"Error while creating a job ticket for proof request");
response.Error = CreateCustomError("Unable to generate proof for the keydocument",
"Requested template is missing campaignid or Designfile in Uproduce");
return response;
Published test doesn't contain mock method for "CreteJobTicket" and jobTickedId will be null.
var jobTicketId = _uproduceRepo.CreateJobTicket(keyDocumentDetails.DocumentId, keyDocumentDetails.DataSourceId, "PROOF");
