I have an email template
For example this
Hello #FirstName# #LastName#
I have an object that comes from a parameter with properties
I need to iterate all object properties and replace all words that matched the property name quoted with "" with property value.
So, for example, I have an object with FirstName and LastName, I need to iterate this object property and change #FirstName# and #LastName# in email.
I try to write this method
private string ReplaceTemplateValues(object input, string emailTemplate)
foreach(var property in input.GetType().GetProperties())
var replacedTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace($"#{property.Name}#", property);
But how I can get property value in var replacedTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace($"#{property.Name}#", property);
and return whole replaced string?
I would recommend to rurn it the other way round: look for #...# in the template string and replace it by the values from the input object. This will also behave nice if you happen to have #X# in the template but there is no property X.
To extract the property names from the template, you can use regular expressions:
private string ReplaceTemplateValues(object input, string emailTemplate)
return Regex.Replace(emailTemplate, #"#(?<prop>\w+)#", m =>
var property = input.GetType().GetProperty(m.Groups["prop"].Value);
if (property != null)
var value = property.GetValue(input);
if (value != null)
return value.ToString();
return "";
Explanation of the Regex (see also documentation)
# will match a literal "#"
(?<prop>\w+) will match at least one (that's the +, see quantifiers) "word character" (that's the \w, see character classes - I assume that your property names are represented as such) and put the result in a group named "prop" (see named subexpressions)
# will match another literal "#"
m.Groups["prop"].Value will get you the matched group, i.e. the property name.
I'm beginer in C#. Now I have next task: In method I get template and arguments and I have to return formated string.
For example:
template = "Hello, {name}!"
name = "Bob"
So result must be a string -> Hello, Bob!
public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
return string.Format(template, name);
String.Format expects an index in the braces. You want to pass the name in it, so you can replace it with the actual name value.
I'd suggest to use String.Replace:
public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
return template.Replace("{name}", name);
You could provide a method which is more reusable. For example:
public static string ReplaceAll(string template, params (string key, string value)[] replacements)
foreach (var kv in replacements)
template = template.Replace("{"+ kv.key + "}", kv.value);
return template;
Your example:
string res = ReplaceAll("Hello, {name}!", ("name", "Bob"));
but also possible with multiple parameters:
string res = ReplaceAll("Hello, {name}! Now it's {time}", ("name", "Bob"), ("time", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm")));
The value of your template parameter will have to change somehow. If you want to use string interpolation, this answer shows that. So
template = $"Hello, {name}"; in which case you wouldn't need to use String.Format at all. Just make sure you define name before you define template.
Or you could use String.Format(template, name); like you have but you would need template = "Hello, {0}!";
The 0 is the index of the variable that will go in that position. For more info see String.Format
when specifying a format you use an index for the parameters that will follow. It is called a composite format string:
string template = "Hello, {0}!"
this makes it independent of variable names. But the true reason is that the overload of the Format method that you are using takes a params array as parameter as you can see in the method signature:
public static string Format (string format, params object?[] args);
so the index that is found in the template will be applied to extract the objects on the appropriate places from the array of objects that you pass into the method
If you want to use string.Format(), the template must be correct. Add the character $ at the beginning of the template:
try this:
string name = "Bob";
string template = $"Hello, {name}!";
Console.WriteLine(GetHelloGreeting(template, name)); // Hello, Bob!
public static string GetHelloGreeting(string template, string name)
return string.Format(template, name);
Hello, Bob!
I am using spinner.Add("heading"+23) for adding item to spinner, and it shows heading23 in spinner list. How may I get data back in two variables (one for heading and one for int value).
If I understand it correctly. You want to split strings like "heading23" back into "heading" and "23".
If so, you can leverage Regular Expression. In C#, there is a class Regex for that you can use:
string str = "test123";
Regex reg = new Regex(#"\d+");//"\d" means digits "+" means match one or more
Match match=reg.Match(str);
if (match.Success)
string numberStr =match.Value;//value="123"
int number = int.Parse(numberStr);//number=123
var title = str.Replace(numberStr, "");//title="test"
When using java, spinner uses adapter. You can pass custom objects to that adapter. If I recall correctly, toString method is called for each item.
class MySpinnerDataItem {
String title;
int number;
I'm not sure if it's okay to ask... But here goes.
I implemented a method that parses a string using regex, each matching are parsed through the delegates with an order ( actually, order is not important-- I think, wait, is it? ... But I wrote it this way, and it's not fully tested ):
Pattern Regex.Replace: #"(?<!\\)\$.+?\$" then String.Replace: #"\$", #"$"; Replace string enclosed by dollar sign. Ignores backslash ones, then erases backslash. Ex: "$global name$" -> "motherofglobalvar", "Money \$9000" -> "Money $9000"
Pattern Regex.Replace #"(?<!\\)%.+?%" then String.Replace #"\%", #"%"; Replace string enclosed by percentage sign. Ignores backslash ones, then erase backslash. Same as previous example: "%local var%" -> "lordoflocalvar", "It's over 9000\%" -> "It's over 9000%"
Pattern Regex.Replace #"(?<!\\)#" then String.Replace #"\#", #"#"; Replace char '#' with whitespace, ' '. But ignore backslash ones, then erase the backslash. Ex: "I#hit#the#ground#too#hard" -> "I hit the ground too hard", "qw\#op" -> "qw#op"
What I've done without much experience (I think):
//parse variable
public static string ParseVariable(string text)
return Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(text, #"(?<!\\)\$.+?\$", match =>
string trim = match.Value.Trim('$');
string trimUpper = trim.ToUpper();
return variableGlobal.ContainsKey(trim) ? variableGlobal[trim] : match.Value;
}).Replace(#"\$", #"$"), #"(?<!\\)%.+?%", match =>
string trim = match.Value.Trim('%');
string trimUpper = trim.ToUpper();
return variableLocal.ContainsKey(trim) ? variableLocal[trim] : match.Value;
}).Replace(#"\%", #"%"), #"(?<!\\)#", " ").Replace(#"\#", #"#");
In short, what I used is: Regex.Replace().Replace()
Since I need to parse 3 kinds of symbols, I chained it as following: Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace().Replace()).Replace()).Replace()
Is there any more efficient way than this? I mean, like without need to go through the text 6 times? (3 times regex.replace, 3 times string.replace, where each replace modifies the text to be used by the next replace )
Or is it the best way it can do?
Here's a unique take on the problem, I think. You can build a class that will be used to construct the overall pattern piece-by-piece. This class will be responsible for the generating of the MatchEvaluator delegate that will be passed to Replace as well.
class RegexReplacer
public string Pattern { get; private set; }
public string Replacement { get; private set; }
public string GroupName { get; private set; }
public RegexReplacer NextReplacer { get; private set; }
public RegexReplacer(string pattern, string replacement, string groupName, RegexReplacer nextReplacer = null)
this.Pattern = pattern;
this.Replacement = replacement;
this.GroupName = groupName;
this.NextReplacer = nextReplacer;
public string GetAggregatedPattern()
string constructedPattern = this.Pattern;
string alternation = (this.NextReplacer == null ? string.Empty : "|" + this.NextReplacer.GetAggregatedPattern()); // If there isn't another replacer, then we won't have an alternation; otherwise, we build an alternation between this pattern and the next replacer's "full" pattern
constructedPattern = string.Format("(?<{0}>{1}){2}", this.GroupName, this.Pattern, alternation); // The (?<XXX>) syntax builds a named capture group. This is used by our GetReplacementDelegate metho.
return constructedPattern;
public MatchEvaluator GetReplaceDelegate()
return (match) =>
if (match.Groups[this.GroupName] != null && match.Groups[this.GroupName].Length > 0) // Did we get a hit on the group name?
return this.Replacement;
else if (this.NextReplacer != null) // No? Then is there another replacer to inspect?
MatchEvaluator next = this.NextReplacer.GetReplaceDelegate();
return next(match);
return match.Value; // No? Then simply return the value
It should be obvious as to what Pattern and Replacement represent. GroupName is kind of a hack to let the replacement evaluator know which RegexReplacer fragment resulted in the match. NextReplacer points to another replacer instance that holds a different pattern fragment (et al.).
The idea here is to have a kind of linked list of objects that will represent the overall pattern. You can call GetAggregatedPattern on the outer-most replacer to get the full pattern--each replacer calls the next replacer's GetAggregatedPattern to get that replacer's patter fragment, to which it concatenates its own fragment. The GetReplacementDelegate generates a MatchEvaluator. This MatchEvaluator will compare its own GroupName to the Match's captured groups. If the group name was captured, then we have a hit, and we return this replacer's Replacement value. Otherwise, we step into the next replacer (if there is one) and repeat the group name comparison. If there is no hit on any replacer, then we simply yield back the original value (i.e. what was matched by the pattern; this should be rare).
The usage of such might look like this:
string target = #"$global name$ Money \$9000 %local var% It's over 9000\% I#hit#the#ground#too#hard qw\#op";
RegexReplacer dollarWrapped = new RegexReplacer(#"(?<!\\)\$[^$]+\$", "motherofglobalvar", "dollarWrapped");
RegexReplacer slashDollar = new RegexReplacer(#"\\\$", string.Empty, "slashDollar", dollarWrapped);
RegexReplacer percentWrapped = new RegexReplacer(#"(?<!\\)%[^%]+%", "lordoflocalvar", "percentWrapped", slashDollar);
RegexReplacer slashPercent = new RegexReplacer(#"\\%", string.Empty, "slashPercent", percentWrapped);
RegexReplacer singleAt = new RegexReplacer(#"(?<!\\)#", " ", "singleAt", slashPercent);
RegexReplacer slashAt = new RegexReplacer(#"\\#", "#", "slashAt", singleAt);
RegexReplacer replacer = slashAt;
string pattern = replacer.GetAggregatedPattern();
MatchEvaluator evaluator = replacer.GetReplaceDelegate();
string result = Regex.Replace(target, pattern, evaluator);
Because you want each replacer to know if it got a hit, and because we are hacking this by using group names, you want to make sure that each group name is distinct. A simple way to ensure this would be to use a name that's identical to the variable name since you can't have two variables with the same name within the same scope.
You can see above that I am building each part of the pattern separately, but as I build, I pass the previous replacer as a 4th parameter to the current replacer. This builds the chain of replacers. Once built, I use the last replacer constructed in order to generate the overall pattern and evaluator. If you use anything but, then you will only have part of the overall pattern. Finally, it's simply a matter of passing the generated pattern and evaluator to the Replace method.
Keep in mind that this approach was targeted more at the problem as described. It may work in more general scenarios, but I've only worked with what you've presented. Also, since this is more of a parsing question, a parser may be the proper route to take--although the learning curve is going to be higher.
Also keep in mind that I haven't profiled this code. It certainly doesn't loop over the target string multiple times, but it does involve additional method calls during replacement. You would certainly want to test it in your environment.
Suppose I want to ask a user what format they want a certain output to be in and the output will include fill-in fields. So they provide something like this string:
"Output text including some field {FieldName1Value} and another {FieldName2Value} and so on..."
Anything bound by the {} should be a column name in a table somewhere they will be replaced with the the stored value with the code I am writing. Seems simple, I could just do a string.Replace on any instance that matches the patter "{" + FieldName + "}". But, what if I also want to give the user the option of using an escape so they can use brackets like any other string. I was thinking they provide "{{" or "}}" to escape that bracket - nice and easy for them. So, they could provide something like:
"Output text including some field {FieldName1Value} and another {FieldName2Value} but not this {{FieldName2Value}}"
But now that "{{FieldName2Value}}" is to be treated like any other string and ignored by the by the Replace. Also, if they decided to put something like "{{{FieldName2Value}}}" with the triple brackets, that would be interpreted by the code as the field value wrapped with brackets and so on.
This is where I get stuck. I am trying with RegEx and came up with this:
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
string format = (string)values[0];
ObservableCollection<CalloutFieldAliasMap> oc = (ObservableCollection<CalloutFieldAliasMap>)values[1];
foreach (CalloutFieldMap map in oc)
format = Regex.Replace(format, #"(?<!{){" + map.FieldName + "(?<!})}", " " + map.FieldAlias + " ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return format;
This works in the situation with double brackets {{ }} but NOT if there are three, ie {{{ }}}. The triple brackets are treated like string when it should be treated as {FieldValue}.
Thanks for any help.
By expanding on your regular expression, the presence of literals can be accommodated.
format = Regex.Replace(format,
#"(?<!([^{]|^){(?:{{)*){" + Regex.Escape(map.FieldName) + "}",
String.Format(" {0} ", map.FieldAlias),
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
The first part of the expression, (?<!([^{]|^){(?:{{)*){, designates that the { must be preceded by an even number of { characters for it to mark the beginning of a field token. Thus, {FieldName} and {{{FieldName} will denote the start of a field name, whereas {{FieldName} and {{{{FieldName} would not.
The closing } simply requires that the end of the field be a simple }. There is some ambiguity in the syntax in that {FieldName1Value}}} could be parsed as a token with FieldName1Value (followed by the literal }) or FieldName1Value}. The regex assumes the former. (If the latter is intended, you could replace this with }(?!}(}})*) instead.
A couple of other notes. I added Regex.Escape(map.FieldName) so that all characters in the field name are treated as literals; and added the RegexOptions.Compiled flag. (Since this is both a complex expression and executed in a loop, it is a good candidate for compilation.)
After the loop executes, a simple:
format = format.Replace("{{", "{").Replace("}}", "}")
can be used to unescape the literal {{ and }} characters.
The simplest way would be to use String.Replace to replace the double brackets with a character sequence that the user can not (or almost certainly will not) enter. Then do the replacement of your fields, and finally convert replacement back to the double brackets.
For example, given:
string replaceOpen = "{x"; // 'x' should be something like \u00ff, for example
string replaceClose = "x}";
string template = "Replace {ThisField} but not {{ThatField}}";
string temp = template.Replace("{{", replaceOpen).Replace("}}", replaceClose);
string converted = temp.Replace("{ThisField}", "Foo");
string final = converted.Replace(replaceOpen, "{{").Replace(replaceClose, "}});
It's not particularly pretty, but it's effective.
How you go about it is going to depend in large part on how often you call this, and how fast you really need it to be.
I have an extension method I wrote that almost does what you ask, but, while it does escape using double braces, it doesn't do the triple braces like you suggested. Here is the method (also on GitHub at https://github.com/benallred/Icing/blob/master/Icing/Icing.Core/StringExtensions.cs):
private const string FormatTokenGroupName = "token";
private static readonly Regex FormatRegex = new Regex(#"(?<!\{)\{(?<" + FormatTokenGroupName + #">\w+)\}(?!\})", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static string Format(this string source, IDictionary<string, string> replacements)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) || replacements == null)
return source;
string replaced = replacements.Aggregate(source,
(current, pair) =>
new MatchEvaluator(match =>
(match.Groups[FormatTokenGroupName].Value == pair.Key
? pair.Value : match.Value))));
return replaced.Replace("{{", "{").Replace("}}", "}");
"This is my {FieldName}".Format(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "FieldName", "value" } });
Even easier if you add this:
public static string Format(this string source, object replacements)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) || replacements == null)
return source;
IDictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(replacements))
string token = propertyDescriptor.Name;
object value = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(replacements);
replacementsDictionary.Add(token, (value != null ? value.ToString() : String.Empty));
return Format(source, replacementsDictionary);
"This is my {FieldName}".Format(new { FieldName = "value" });
Unit tests for this method are at https://github.com/benallred/Icing/blob/master/Icing/Icing.Tests/Core/TestOf_StringExtensions.cs
If this doesn't work, what would your ideal solution do for more than three braces? In other words, if {{{FieldName}}} becomes {value}, what does {{{{FieldName}}}} become? What about {{{{{FieldName}}}}} and so on? While those cases are unlikely, they still need to be handled purposefully.
RegEx will not do what you want because it only knows it's current state and what transitions are available. It has no concept of memory. The language you're trying parse is not regular so you will never be able to write a RegEx to handle the general case. You would need i expressions where i is the number of matching braces.
There is a lot of theory behind this and I'll provide some links at the bottom if you're curious. But basically the language you're trying to parse is context-free and to implement a general solution you'll need model a push down automaton, which uses a stack to ensure that an opening brace has a matching closing brace (yes, this is why most languages have matching braces).
Each time you encounter { you put it on the stack. If you encounter } you pop from the stack. When you empty the stack you will know that you've reached the end of a field. Of course that's a major simplification of the problem, but if you're looking for a general solution it should get you moving in the right direction.
i have a following type of string format ---
Proposal is given to {Jwala Vora#3/13} for {Amazon Vally#2/11} {1#3/75} by {MdOffice employee#1/1}
the string contains pair of { } with different positions and may be n number of times.
now i want to replace that pair with other strings which i will compute depending on the string between { } pair.
how to do this ?
You could try regular expressions. Specifically, Regex.Replace variants using MatchEvaluator should do the trick. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/cft8645c(v=vs.80).aspx for more information.
Something along these lines:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Replacer
public string Replace(string input)
// The regular expression passed as the second argument to the Replace method
// matches strings in the format "{value0#value1/value2}", i.e. three strings
// separated by "#" and "/" all surrounded by braces.
var result = Regex.Replace(
return result;
private string ReplaceMatchEvaluator(Match m)
// m.Value contains the matched string including the braces.
// This method is invoked once per matching portion of the input string.
// We can then extract each of the named groups in order to access the
// substrings of each matching portion as follows:
var value0 = m.Groups["value0"].Value; // Contains first value, e.g. "Jwala Vora"
var value1 = m.Groups["value1"].Value; // Contains second value, e.g. "3"
var value2 = m.Groups["value2"].Value; // Contains third value, e.g. "13"
// Here we can do things like convert value1 and value2 to integers...
var intValue1 = Int32.Parse(value1);
var intValue2 = Int32.Parse(value2);
// etc.
// Here we return the value with which the matching portion is replaced.
// This would be some function of value0, value1 and value2 as well as
// any other data in the Replacer class.
return "xyz";
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var replacer = new Replacer();
var result = replacer.Replace("Proposal is given to {Jwala Vora#3/13} for {Amazon Vally#2/11} {1#3/75} by {MdOffice employee#1/1}");
This program will output Proposal is given to xyz for xyz xyz by xyz.
You'll need to provide your app-specific logic in the ReplaceMatchEvaluator method to process value0, value1 and value2 as appropriate. The class Replacer can contain additional members that can be used to implement the replacement logic in ReplaceMatchEvaluator. Strings are processed by calling Replace on an instance of the Replacer class.
Well you can split the string by '{' and '}' and determine the contents that way.
But i think a better way would be to find the chars by index and then you know the starting index and the end index of a pair or curly brackets so that way you can reconstruct the string with the placeholders replaced.
But the best method may be using Regex.Replace but that will only help to replace the placeholders with values you want but i think your requirement is to also parse the text inside of the curly brackets and based on that chose the value to be inserted so this won't work well perhaps. Find and Replace a section of a string with wildcard type search
You may use the Regex.Replace Method (String, String, MatchEvaluator) method and the {.*?} pattern. The following example uses a dictionary to replace the values, but you may replace this with your own logic.
class Program
static Dictionary<string, string> _dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
static void Main(string[] args)
_dict.Add("{Jwala Vora#3/13}","someValue1");
_dict.Add("{Amazon Vally#2/11}", "someValue2");
_dict.Add("{1#3/75}", "someValue3");
_dict.Add("{MdOffice employee#1/1}", "someValue4");
var input = #"Proposal is given to {Jwala Vora#3/13} for {Amazon Vally#2/11} {1#3/75} by {MdOffice employee#1/1}";
var result = Regex.Replace(input, #"{.*?}", Evaluate);
private static string Evaluate(Match match)
return _dict[match.Value];
Cannot you do something with string.Format()?
For example
string.Format("Proposal is given to {0} for {1} {2} by {3}", "Jwala Vora", "Amazon Vally", 1, "MdOffice employee");