Xamarin community toolkit TouchEffect.Command not working in CollectionView - c#

I'm trying to have a long press and short press command in a CollectionView. I'm using Xamarin.Community.ToolKit But target ViewModel Command is not being called. TouchEffect works when it's outside of CollectionView. But not when it's inside the CollectionView.
Below is the Collection View:
<CollectionView x:Name="ItemsCollectionView"
ItemsSource="{Binding FolderFiles}"
SelectionMode="{Binding SelectionModeFolderFile}"
SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedFolderFiles}"
<Grid xct:TouchEffect.Command="{Binding ShortPressCommandSelection}"
xct:TouchEffect.LongPressCommand="{Binding LongPressCommandSelection}"
<RowDefinition Height="45"></RowDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="10*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="60*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="10*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="10*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="10*"></ColumnDefinition>
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="imgFileOrFolder" Source="{Binding ImgFileOrFolderSource}" VerticalOptions="Center" WidthRequest="15" >
<Label Grid.Row="0" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Name}"
Style="{DynamicResource ListItemTextStyle}"
FontSize="12" />
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" x:Name="imgPlay" Source="{Binding ImgPlaySource}" VerticalOptions="Center" WidthRequest="25">
<TapGestureRecognizer CommandParameter="{Binding Path}"
Tapped="PlayTapped" />
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="3" x:Name="imgShuffle" Source="{Binding ImgShuffleSource}" VerticalOptions="Center" WidthRequest="25">
<TapGestureRecognizer CommandParameter="{Binding Path}"
Tapped="ShuffleTapped" />
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="4" x:Name="imgMoreInfo" Source="{Binding ImgMoreInfoSource}" VerticalOptions="Center" WidthRequest="15">
Tapped="MoreInfoTapped" />
Target View Model Properties:
public ICommand LongPressCommandSelection { get; set; }
public ICommand ShortPressCommandSelection { get; set; }
LongPressCommandSelection = new Command(LongPressCommand_SelectionChanged);
ShortPressCommandSelection = new Command(ShortPressCommand_SelectionChanged);
public void LongPressCommand_SelectionChanged()
Console.Write("selection changed");
public void ShortPressCommand_SelectionChanged()
Console.Write("selection changed");

The problem is not with TouchEffect the problem is with your Binding, because inside a DataTemplate the BindingContext if not specified get overridden (changed) to the value of ItemsSource instead of the inherited BindingContext.
You are binding with a wrong BindingContext (source), during debugging if you open and look at your "xaml binding failures" window/pane you will see explicit clear errors saying something like LongPressCommandSelection could not be found in FolderFiles, you should specify your binding source in this case:
<ContentPage x:Name="thisPage" ...>
<Grid xct:TouchEffect.LongPressCommand="{Binding Source={x:Reference thisPage}, Path=BindingContext.LongPressCommandSelection}"


CollectionView within a DataTemplate always remains empty

I have a CarouselView in which inside the DataTemplate I have a CollectionView, whose ItemsSource property is binded to an Observablecollection, in which elements are added only when the user presses on a button. The problem is that this CollectionView is always empty, I can't see any items
<LinearItemsLayout Orientation="Horizontal" SnapPointsType="MandatorySingle" SnapPointsAlignment="Center" ItemSpacing="5"/>
<yummy:PancakeView CornerRadius="22" BackgroundColor="Transparent">
<yummy:DropShadow Color="#000000" Offset="2,2" BlurRadius="5" Opacity="0.8" />
<RowDefinition Height="25"/>
<RowDefinition Height="15"/>
<RowDefinition Height="45"/>
<RowDefinition Height="268"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="70"/>
<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="1,0" EndPoint="1,1">
<GradientStop Color="Black" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="#4191cc" Offset="1.0" />
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Data}" FontSize="14" TextColor="Gray" VerticalTextAlignment="End" Margin="10,5,10,0"/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Orario}" FontSize="14" TextColor="Gray" VerticalTextAlignment="End" Margin="10,0"/>
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Column="0" Margin="15,15,0,0" Source="{Binding Umore}" HeightRequest="60"/>
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding TipoUmore}" FontAttributes="Bold" TextColor="{Binding ColoreUmore}" FontSize="22" Margin="10,0" VerticalOptions="Start"/>
<Label Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" TextColor="White" FontSize="16" Text="{Binding Nota}" Margin="10,0" VerticalOptions="Start" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start"/>
ItemsSource="{Binding listEmojiDiarioView}">
<GridItemsLayout Orientation="Vertical" VerticalItemSpacing="10" HorizontalItemSpacing="10"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding SourceImg}"/>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding id}" TextColor="White" FontSize="13"/>
ObservableCollection<HumorDiary> listDiario = new ObservableCollection<HumorDiary>();
ObservableCollection<IconDiary> listEmojiDiarioView = new ObservableCollection<IconDiary>();
private async void BTSaveDiary_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
HumorDiary hum = new HumorDiary
Nota = TestoDiary.Text,
Data = DateTime.Today.Day.ToString() + " " + Mese,
Orario = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString().Remove(5,DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString().Length-5),
Anno = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(),
Umore = "Smile" + NUmore + ".png",
TipoUmore = tipoUmore,
ColoreUmore = Colore,
IconTot = NIcon,
string[] srListIcon = NIcon.Split(new string[] { set.Tag }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string sr in srListIcon)
string src = sr.Substring(0, 9);
string id = sr.Substring(9, sr.Length-9);
IconDiary ic = new IconDiary
SourceImg = src,
id = id,
listDiario.Insert(0, hum);
CollectionDiary.ItemsSource = listDiario.Take(3);
Since the BindingContext inside a CarouselView changes and takes it ItemsSource as a BindingContext, you need to explicitly specify your BindingContext in case of your CollectionView. I guess if you look at the logs you will find some binding error/failure because it was looking for an IEnumerable property with the name of listEmojiDiarioView inside listDiario which obviously is not there.
One way you can overcome this is by using a reference of your page as binding source:
<ContentPage x:Name="pageref" ...
<CollectionView ...
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Reference pageref}, Path=BindingContext.listEmojiDiarioView}">
listEmojiDiarioView must be a property not a field
If it is not working check weather you have implemented the INotifyPropertyChanged on your ObservableCollection used in binding or no.
Omitted code remains unchanged.
Related documentation

How to bind images to a list where the grid that is nesting the images has a different bindingcontext?

I am currently working with a list that i bind through my viewmodel and then a service.
In the list i bind an image and a label. I can successfully get the label binded, but the image does not show. The reason for this seems to be because i change the bindingcontext in the grid where the image is nested inside. I change the bindingcontext in order to get an accurate width for the image.
If i move the image outside the grid, then it shows, so now i am trying to get the bindingcontext in order again.
What i tried to do with the image was to add a new bindingcontext
BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=gridFollowers}" Source="{Binding image}"
where gridFollowers is what i name my stacklayout where the original binding is made, but unfortunately the image still does not show.
here is the full code:
<StackLayout x:Name="gridFollowers"
BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding headerService.CurrentHeader}">
<BindableLayout.ItemTemplate >
<Grid WidthRequest="75">
<RowDefinition Height="8*" />
<RowDefinition Height="2*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="7.5*" />
BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=headerImage}"
WidthRequest="{Binding Height}">
x:Name="headerImage" BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=gridFollowers}"
Source="{Binding image}" />
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0"
Text="{Binding firstname}" />
How can i make it so the image shows?
I try your code and modify some code as following, please replace your code.
WidthRequest="{Binding Height, Source={x:Reference headerImage}}">
<ffimageloading:CachedImage x:Name="headerImage" Source="{Binding image}" />
please check headerService.CurrentHeader data.
Please check if binding viewmodel to page.cs bindingcontext by code behind.
<RowDefinition Height="8*" />
<RowDefinition Height="2*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="7.5*" />
WidthRequest="{Binding Height, Source={x:Reference headerImage}}">
<ffimageloading:CachedImage x:Name="headerImage" Source="{Binding image}" />
Text="{Binding firstname}" />
public partial class Page8 : ContentPage
public ObservableCollection<imagemodel> models { get; set; }
public Page8 ()
InitializeComponent ();
models = new ObservableCollection<imagemodel>()
new imagemodel(){firstname="first image", image="a1.jpg"},
new imagemodel(){firstname="second image",image="a2.jpg"}
this.BindingContext = this;
public class imagemodel
public string firstname { get; set; }
public string image { get; set; }

List view selected item value changed is not reflecting UI on time

In Xamarin forms with MVVM ; I'm using observable collection for listing my items in the listview. It worked fine. In my listview i have a Label and i need to change the Label value when the user click on that selected list item. It's also working fine. But the problem is, Selected list item Label value changed only after i scroll the listview.
I need to change the selected list item's Label value On time.
Here is my code:
<ListView x:Name="Listitem" Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" ItemsSource="{Binding States,Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedItem="{Binding YourSelectedItem,Mode=TwoWay}" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HasUnevenRows="true" CachingStrategy="RecycleElement" BackgroundColor="White" >
<Grid BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Accent}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Label Grid.Column="0" Text="Country Code" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}" />
<Label Grid.Column="1" Text="Name" HorizontalOptions="Center" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}" />
<Label Grid.Column="2" Text="Capital" HorizontalOptions="Center" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}" />
<Grid VerticalOptions="Center">
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*" />
<Label Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding abbr}" Margin="5" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" FontSize="18" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}" />
<Label Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding name}" Margin="5" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start" VerticalOptions="Center" FontSize="18" LineBreakMode="WordWrap" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}"/>
<Label Grid.Column="2" Text="{Binding capital}" Margin="5" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start" VerticalOptions="Center" FontSize="18" LineBreakMode="WordWrap" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}"/>
<controls:CheckBox Grid.Column="3" Margin="0, 0, 0, 0" CheckedChanged="Handle_CheckedChanged" BindingContext="{Binding .}" BackgroundColor="Transparent" WidthRequest="40" HeightRequest="30" IsVisible="True" />
And this is my View model for selected list item;
public TodoItem YourSelectedItem
return _yourSelectedItem;
_yourSelectedItem = value;
_yourSelectedItem.abbr = "Tapped";
Item source property;
private ObservableCollection<TodoItem> _States;
public ObservableCollection<TodoItem> States
get { return _States; }
set { _States = value; OnPropertyChanged("States"); }
The class TodoItem needs to implement the interface INotifyPropertyChanged and the property abbr needs to be implemented as something like blow:
public string abbr {
return _abbr;
if (_abbr != value) {
_abbr = value;

Images disapearing in ListView when deleting an Item

I am currently working on a Xamarin CrossPlatform project and have implemented a Listview bound to an ObservableCollection. Everything works out fine until I remove an Item from the ListView. The images in the follow up items within the ListView disappear randomly - not all of them and a different amount of them every time. I guess it has something to do with the MemoryStream, but what do I have to change? Here´s the relevant part of my Model that is bound to the ListView:
public string ImageBase64
return imagebase64;
if (imagebase64 != value)
imagebase64 = value;
public ImageSource ImageSource
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagebase64))
return ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(imagebase64)));
return null;
Here´s the relevant XAML:
<ListView x:Name="listView" Margin="20" ItemsSource="{Binding}" ItemSelected="OnListItemSelected" HasUnevenRows="True" SeparatorColor="{StaticResource primaryGreen}" SeparatorVisibility="Default">
<Grid Margin="0,5,0,5">
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="65" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="45" />
<Image Grid.Column="0" Grid.RowSpan="3" Margin="-2,-2,-2,-2" Source="{Binding ImageSource}" HorizontalOptions="Start" VerticalOptions="Center" Aspect="AspectFill"/> <!-- This is the displayed Image -->
<Label Margin="10,0,0,0" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" FontAttributes="Bold" FontSize="18" TextColor="{StaticResource primaryGreen}" Text="{Binding VorNachname}" VerticalTextAlignment="Start" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start"/>
<Label Margin="10,0,0,0" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Text="{Binding MediumSelected.Wert, StringFormat='via {0}'}" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalTextAlignment="Start" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start"/>
<StackLayout Margin="10,0,0,0" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<Label Text="{Binding Alter,StringFormat='Alter: {0}'}" VerticalTextAlignment="Start" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start" HorizontalOptions="Start"/>
<StackLayout Margin="0,0,0,-5" Grid.Column="2" Grid.RowSpan="3" Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalOptions="End" VerticalOptions="End">
<Button WidthRequest="40" HeightRequest="40" BackgroundColor="White" BorderWidth="0" BorderColor="White" Image="socialmedia_18.png" Clicked="OnChangeClicked" CommandParameter ="{Binding}" VerticalOptions="EndAndExpand" />
<Button Margin="0,-15,0,0" WidthRequest="40" HeightRequest="40" BackgroundColor="White" BorderColor="White" Image="cancel_18.png" Clicked="OnDeleteClicked" CommandParameter ="{Binding}" VerticalOptions="End" />
...and the Code behind:
async void OnDeleteClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get selected Person
Person person = (Person)((Button)sender).CommandParameter;
//Remove from Model
//Update database
Resizing the images does not help, same problem. I tried it by binding a testvariable ImageSourceThumb to the ListViewItemImage:
public ImageSource ImageSourceThumb
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagebase64))
return ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(ImageResizer.ResizeImage(Convert.FromBase64String(imagebase64), 64, 64)));
return null;
I had a similar problem. When I loaded or updated my listview not all the images showed up.
I fixed my problem resizing the images. Huge images gived me a outofmemory exception. Resizing those images to a smaller resolution fixed these problems.

Xamarin Forms Listview: Deselecting selected item by checking with OnTapped Event

I will be able to deselect my item when i click second time on it.
When I tap an item the background color changed to blue. I want that the background gets the default color when I tap second time to the same item from the list.
Here can you find my code but it isn't working.
<StackLayout Margin="5,0,5,0" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
<Frame Style="{StaticResource StandardFrameStyle}" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<ListView x:Name="lst_pickList" ItemSelected="OnItemSelected" ItemTapped="OnItemTapped" ItemsSource="{Binding PickList}" HasUnevenRows="True" Style="{StaticResource StandardListViewStyle}">
<Grid x:Name="grd_pickList" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" >
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_comment" Text="Comment:" FontAttributes="Bold" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_itemNo" Text="ItemNo:" FontAttributes="Bold" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_description" Text="Description:" FontAttributes="Bold" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_restant" Text="Restant:" FontAttributes="Bold" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_comment_binding" Text="{Binding Comment}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_itemNo_binding" Text="{Binding ItemNo}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="3" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_description_binding" Text="{Binding Description}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="lbl_restant_binding" Text="{Binding Restant}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" Style="{StaticResource StandardLabelStyle}" />
public void OnItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs args)
var newSelectedPick = args.Item as Pick;
if(selectedPick != null && selectedPick.Id == newSelectedPick.Id)
lst_pickList.SelectedItem = null;
selectedPick = newSelectedPick;
Create a boolean property on your Pick object named IsSelected ,then Bind it your grd_pickList's BackgroundColor with a converter.
<local:BgConverter x:Key="BgConverter"/>
<Grid x:Name="grd_pickList" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" BackgroundColor="{Binding IsSelected,Converter={StaticResource BgConverter}}" >
class BgConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (value is bool &&(bool)value)
return Color.Blue;
return Color.White;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public void OnItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs args)
var itm = args.Item as Pick;
itm.IsSelected = !itm.IsSelected;
Important: Be Sure IsSelected Property Triggers OnPropertyChanged event.
