I doubt this can be done but I'll ask anyway since it would make my code much more readable.
I have to control a large string for various substrings and elaborate it in different ways depending on the substring found.
At the moment I have a nested if like
position = mystring.IndexOf("my substring")
if (position>0)
position = mystring.IndexOf("somestring", position);
position = mystring.IndexOf("my substring2")
if (position>0)
position = mystring.IndexOf("somestring2", position);
else {...}
The only other way I can think of doing this is double casting the IndexOf function:
if (mystring.IndexOf("my substring")>0)
position = mystring.IndexOf("somestring", mystring.IndexOf("my substring"));
else if (mystring.IndexOf(mysubstring2)>0)
position = mystring.IndexOf("somestring2", mystring.IndexOf("my substring2"));
else {...}
Is there a way to check the IndexOf() result and assign it to a variable all within the if() statement?
Something on the line of
if ((position = mystring.IndexOf("my substring")) AndAlso position > 0) { ... }
or any tip on having such a piece of code handled better?
Yes you can do it, like so:
var myString = "Hello World";
int pos;
if ((pos = myString.IndexOf("World")) >= 0)
Console.WriteLine(pos); // prints 6
else if ((pos = myString.IndexOf("Some Other Substring")) >= 0)
// Do whatever
Note that I'm using myString.IndexOf(...) >= 0 as the index of the substring could be 0 (i.e starting at the first character), and the IndexOf method returns -1 if none was found
But you could rather just use string.Contains like so:
var myString = "Hello World";
if (myString.Contains("World"))
// Do whatever
else if (myString.Contains("Some Other Substring"))
// Do whatever
This is better if you don't explicitly need the location of the substring, but if you do, use the first one
Technically, you can put it as
int position;
if ((position = mystring.IndexOf("my substring")) > 0)
// Note, that you should use position + "my substring".Length if
// "somestring" can't be part of previous match
position = mystring.IndexOf("somestring", position);
else if ((position = mystring.IndexOf(mysubstring2)) > 0)
position = mystring.IndexOf("somestring2", position);
else {...}
However, I suggest extracting a method:
private static bool FindMany(string source, out int lastIndex, params string[] toFind) {
if (null == toFind)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(toFind));
lastIndex = -1;
int result = -1;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
return false;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < toFind.Length; ++i) {
result = source.IndexOf(toFind[i], index);
index += toFind[i].Length;
if (index < 0)
return false;
lastIndex = result;
return true;
Which you can use as
int position;
if (FindMany(mystring, out position, "my substring", "somestring") {
// "my substring" found
if (position >= 0) {
// "somestring" is found as well; its index - position
else {
// only "my substring" has been found
else if (FindMany(mystring, out position, "my substring2", "somestring2") {
// "my substring2" found
if (position >= 0) {
// "somestring2" is found
Use Contains() and, in addition, use IndexOf()separately if you really need to have a position by some reason. if (mystring.Contains("my substring")) { ... }
this does sound like a job for regex with positive lookbehind:
a positive lookbehind makes sure that the string inside (?<=) exists prior to the other string
Together with a TryGet..approach with an out parameter it can almost become a one liner.
However, Dmitrys solution is a tad more future proof, since it accepts multiple input strings to search for. Building that regex could prove unmaintainable
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public static void Main()
string input = "here is my substring and then somestring";
int position;
if (TryGetIndex(input, "(?<=my substring.*)somestring", out position)){
Console.WriteLine($"somestring index: {position}");
else if (TryGetIndex(input, "(?<=other substring.*)otherstring", out position)) {
Console.WriteLine($"otherstring index: {position}");
bool TryGetIndex(string input, string pattern, out int position){
var match = Regex.Match(input, pattern);
if (match.Success){
position = match.Index;
return true;
position = -1;
return false;
Im trying to write a function complex_decode( string str) in c sharp that takes a non-simple repeated encoded string, and returns the original un-encoded string.
for example, "t11h12e14" would return "ttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee". I have been successful in decoding strings where the length is less than 10, but unable to work with length for than 10. I am not allowed to use regex, libraries or loops. Only recursions.
This is my code for simple decode which decodes when length less than 10.
public string decode(string str)
if (str.Length < 1)
return "";
return repeat_char(str[0], char_to_int(str[1]));
return repeat_char(str[0], char_to_int(str[1]))+decode(str.Substring(2));
public int char_to_int(char c)
return (int)(c-48);
public string repeat_char(char c, int n)
if (n < 1)
return "";
if (n == 1)
return ""+c;
return c + repeat_char(c, n - 1);
This works as intended, for example input "a5" returns "aaaaa", "t1h1e1" returns "the"
Any help is appreciated.
Here is another way of doing this, assuming the repeating string is always one character long and using only recursion (and a StringBuilder object):
private static string decode(string value)
var position = 0;
var result = decode_char(value, ref position);
return result;
private static string decode_char(string value, ref int position)
var next = value[position++];
var countBuilder = new StringBuilder();
get_number(value, ref position, countBuilder);
var result = new string(next, Convert.ToInt32(countBuilder.ToString()));
if (position < value.Length)
result += decode_char(value, ref position);
return result;
private static void get_number(string value, ref int position, StringBuilder countBuilder)
if (position < value.Length && char.IsNumber(value[position]))
get_number(value, ref position, countBuilder);
I've refactored your code a bit. I've removed 2 unnecessary methods that you don't actually need. So, the logic is simple and it works like this;
Example input: t3h2e4
Get the first digit. (Which is 2 and has index of 1)
Get the first letter comes after that index, which is our next letter. (Which is "h" and has index of 2)
Slice the string. Start from index 1 and end the slicing on index 2 to get repeat count. (Which is 3)
Repeat the first letter of string for repeat count times and combine it with the result you got from step 5.
Slice the starting from the next letter index we got in second step, to the very end of the string and pass this to recursive method.
public static string Decode(string input)
// If the string is empty or has only 1 character, return the string itself to not proceed.
if (input.Length <= 1)
return input;
// Convert string into character list.
var characters = new List<char>();
var firstDigitIndex = characters.FindIndex(c => char.IsDigit(c)); // Get first digit
var nextLetterIndex = characters.FindIndex(firstDigitIndex, c => char.IsLetter(c)); // Get the next letter after that digit
if (nextLetterIndex == -1)
// This has only one reason. Let's say you are in the last recursion and you have c2
// There is no letter after the digit, so the index will -1, which means "not found"
// So, it will raise an exception, since we try to use the -1 in slicing part
// Instead, if it's not found, we set the next letter index to length of the string
// With doing that, you either get repeatCount correctly (since remaining part is only digits)
// or you will get empty string in the next recursion, which will stop the recursion.
nextLetterIndex = input.Length;
// Let's say first digit's index is 1 and the next letter's index is 2
// str[2..3] will start to slice the string from index 2 and will stop in index 3
// So, it will basically return us the repeat count.
var repeatCount = int.Parse(input[firstDigitIndex..nextLetterIndex]);
// string(character, repeatCount) constructor will repeat the "character" you passed to it for "repeatCount" times
return new string(input[0], repeatCount) + Decode(input[nextLetterIndex..]);
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t1h1e1")); // the
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t2h3e4")); // tthhheeee
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t3h3e3")); // ttthhheee
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t2h10e2")); // tthhhhhhhhhhee
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t2h10e10")); // tthhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee
First you can simplify your repeat_char function, you have to have a clear stop condition:
public static string repeat_char(char c, int resultLength)
if(resultLength < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultLength");
if(resultLength == 1) return c.ToString();
return c + repeat_char(c, resultLength - 1);
See the use of the parameter as equivalent of a counter on a loop.
So you can have something similar on the main function, a parameter that tells when your substring is not an int anymore.
public static string decode(string str, int repeatNumberLength = 1)
if(repeatNumberLength < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
//stop condition
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return str;
if(repeatNumberLength >= str.Length) repeatNumberLength = str.Length; //Some validation, just to be safe
//keep going until str[1...repeatNumberLength] is not an int
int charLength;
if(repeatNumberLength < str.Length && int.TryParse(str.Substring(1, repeatNumberLength), out charLength))
return decode(str, repeatNumberLength + 1);
//Get the repeated Char.
charLength = int.Parse(str.Substring(1, repeatNumberLength));
var repeatedChar = repeat_char(str[0], charLength);
//decode the substring
var decodedSubstring = decode(str.Substring(repeatNumberLength + 1));
return repeatedChar + decodedSubstring;
I used a default parameter, but you can easily change it for a more traditonal style.
This also assumes that the original str is in a correct format.
An excellent exercise is to change the function so that you can have a word, instead of a char before the number. Then you could, for example, have "the3" as the parameter (resulting in "thethethe").
I took more of a Lisp-style head and tail approach (car and cdr if you speak Lisp) and created a State class to carry around the current state of the parsing.
First the State class:
internal class State
public State()
LastLetter = string.Empty;
CurrentCount = 0;
HasStarted = false;
CurrentValue = string.Empty;
public string LastLetter { get; private set; }
public int CurrentCount { get; private set; }
public bool HasStarted { get; private set; }
public string CurrentValue { get; private set; }
public override string ToString()
return $"LastLetter: {LastLetter}, CurrentCount: {CurrentCount}, HasStarted: {HasStarted}, CurrentValue: {CurrentValue}";
public void AddLetter(string letter)
CurrentCount = 0;
LastLetter = letter;
HasStarted = true;
public int AddDigit(string digit)
if (!HasStarted)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The input must start with a letter, not a digit");
if (!int.TryParse(digit, out var num))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Digit passed to {nameof(AddDigit)} ({digit}) is not a number");
CurrentCount = CurrentCount * 10 + num;
return CurrentCount;
public string GetValue()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastLetter))
return string.Empty;
CurrentValue = new string(LastLetter[0], CurrentCount);
return CurrentValue;
You'll notice it's got some stuff in there for debugging (example, the ToString override and the CurrentValue property)
Once you have that, the decoder is easy, it just recurses over the string it's given (along with (initially) a freshly constructed State instance):
private string Decode(string input, State state)
if (input.Length == 0)
return _buffer.ToString();
var head = input[0];
var tail = input.Substring(1);
var headString = head.ToString();
if (char.IsDigit(head))
else // it's a character
Decode(tail, state);
return _buffer.ToString();
I did this in a simple Windows Forms app, with a text box for input, a label for output and a button to crank her up:
const string NotAllowedPattern = #"[^a-zA-Z0-9]";
private static Regex NotAllowedRegex = new Regex(NotAllowedPattern);
private StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text.Length == 0 || NotAllowedRegex.IsMatch(textBox1.Text))
MessageBox.Show(this, "Only Letters and Digits Allowed", "Bad Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
label1.Text = string.Empty;
var result = Decode(textBox1.Text, new State());
label1.Text = result;
Yeah, there's a Regex there, but it's just to make sure that the input is valid; it's not involved in calculating the output.
Iterating through an array of strings i want it to write a specific line if one of the elements coresponds to the condition. The problem is with the else condition. It is written as many times as the length of the array and i only need it written once
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean)
for (int i = 0; i < ocean.Length; i++)
if (ocean[i] == "Sandy")
Console.WriteLine("We found Sandy on position {0}", i);
Console.WriteLine("He was not here");
static void Main(string[] args)
FindSandy("Bob","Bella", "Sandy", "Nemo", "Dory");
What about if you just return if you found it?
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean)
for (int i = 0; i < ocean.Length; i++)
if (ocean[i] == "Sandy")
Console.WriteLine("We found Sandy on position {0}", i);
// Found, you can return from method.
// Not found, write the 'not found' message.
Console.WriteLine("He was not here");
The simplest way to change your code to handle this is to create a variable that tracks the index where Sandy is found, initialize it to an invalid value (like -1), and then set it to the actual value in your if block (and we can also add a break; statement to exit the loop as soon as we find him).
Then, we output a string based on the value of the position variable:
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean)
int position = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < ocean?.Length; i++)
if (ocean[i] == "Sandy")
position = i;
if (position > -1)
Console.WriteLine("We found Sandy on position {0}", position);
Console.WriteLine("He was not here");
The code can be simplified a little with the System.Linq extension methods Select (to select the name and then index) and FirstOrDefault which returns the first item that meets a condidion, or the default for the type (which is null):
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean)
var position = ocean?.Select((name, index) => new {name, index})
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.name == "Sandy");
Console.WriteLine(position == null
? "He was not here"
: $"We found Sandy on position {position.index}");
You can use the keyword break to exit the for loop :
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean)
for (int i = 0; i < ocean.Length; i++)
if (ocean[i] == "Sandy")
Console.WriteLine("We found Sandy on position {0}", i);
else if (i == ocean.Length - 1)
Console.WriteLine("He was not here");
To solve your issue, you could add a new boolean variable (e.g. weFoundSandy): if you find an occurrence, set this variable to true, use the break statement (to reduce the iterations of the for) and, at the end, use this boolean variable to determine which message to display.
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean) {
bool weFoundSandy = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ocean.Length; i++) {
if (ocean[i] == "Sandy") {
Console.WriteLine("We found Sandy on position {0}", i);
weFoundSandy = true;
if (!weFoundSandy) {
Console.WriteLine("Sandy was not here");
or, you could simply use the C# Array.IndexOf method, e.g.:
public static void FindSandy(params string[] ocean) {
int indexOfSandy = Array.IndexOf(ocean, "Sandy");
if (indexOfSandy >= 0) {
Console.WriteLine("We found Sandy on position {0}", indexOfSandy);
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Sandy was not here");
I have a methode who add numbers together parsed from a string.
If user type : "52+7+1", it will result in (60)
"52++2+3", "52+c+2", "+52+2", "52+2++", ... won't work.
My code works almost perfectly, expect... it ignores the last character. It works when, in the code I add "+0" to the string but of course it brokes the condition who prevent the user to type "+" as a last character.
public int addFromString(string str)
bool valid_str = true;
bool current_char_numeric = false;
string unparsedNumber = "";
int parsedNumber = 0;
List<int> parsedNumbers = new List<int>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chaine))
chaine_valide = false;
if (!int.TryParse(str[0].ToString(), out parsedNumber))
valid_str = false;
if (!int.TryParse(str[str.Length - 1].ToString(), out parsedNumber))
valid_str = false;
foreach (char c in str)
current_char_numeric = int.TryParse(c.ToString(), out parsedNumber);
if (current_char_numeric)
unparsedNumber += c;
else if(c == '+')
int.TryParse(unparsedNumber, out parsedNumber);
if (str.IndexOf(c) < str.Length && str.ElementAt(str.IndexOf(c) + 1) == '+')
valid_str = false;
//Just in case :
unparsedNumber = "";
current_char_numeric = int.TryParse(c.ToString(), out parsedNumber);
else valid_str = false;
int result = 0;
if(valid_str) { foreach(int n in parsedNumbers) { result += n; } }
return result;
So if I type : "52+2" I get 52
If I type : "52+2+6" I get 54
It misses the last value because you only add numbers if you find a +. So for the last unparsedNumber you never enter the else if (c == '+') block.
Let me suggest an more compact solution:
public int addFromString(string str)
string trimmed = str.Trim();
if (str.StartsWith("+") || str.EndsWith("+")) return 0; // invalid -> return immediatly
// split string at "+" and trim parts
string[] numbers = str.Split('+').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
int result = 0;
foreach(string number in numbers)
int n;
if (!int.TryParse(number, out n)) return 0; // invalid -> return
result += n;
return result;
You only add a number to the numbers collection when you encounter a +.
What about the last number? There's no '+' after that.
You should add unparsedNumber to parsedNumbers for the last number too.
You can do a more elegant version:
public int addFromString(string str)
int parsedNumber = 0;
int result = 0;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chaine))
return result;
if (!int.TryParse(str[0].ToString(), out parsedNumber)
|| !int.TryParse(str[str.Length - 1].ToString(), out parsedNumber))
return result;
result = str.Split(new char[] { '+' }).Select(s => Convert.ToInt32(s)).Sum();
return result;
It seems that all you want is Split:
string source = "52+7+1";
int sum = 0; // initial sum is 0
bool chaine_valide = true; // the chain is valid (we don't have any counter examples)
// Split on terms: 52, 7, 1
foreach (string term in source.Split('+')) {
int value;
// No need in Trim() etc. - TryParse is smart enough
if (int.TryParse(term, out value))
sum += value; // valid term: add it up
else {
chaine_valide = false; // counter example: term is not a valid integer
Console.Write(chaine_valide ? sum.ToString() : "Invalid formula");
In case of C# 7.0 you can (with a help of out var) simplify the code into
int sum = 0; // initial sum is 0
bool chaine_valide = true; // the chain is valid (we don't have any counter examples)
// Split on terms: 52, 7, 1
foreach (string term in source.Split('+'))
if (int.TryParse(term, out var value))
sum += value; // valid term: add it up
else {
chaine_valide = false; // counter example: term is not a valid integer
namespace Palindrome
class Program
public static bool IsPalindrome(string s)
int min = 0;
int max = s.Length - 1;
while (true)
if (min > max) // True if we've compared up to, and then gone passed the middle of the string.
return true;
if (char.ToLower(s[min++]) != char.ToLower(s[max]))
return false;
static void Main(string[] args)
string [] words = {
// ...
foreach (string value in words)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", value, IsPalindrome(value));
Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue...");
Console.ReadKey(true); }
The program checks to see if the words in the words array are Palindromes (words spelled the same forwards as they are backwards).
The foreach loop in Main passes each of the words in the array to the IsPalindrome() function; which tests the word, and returns True or False accordingly.
As each word in the current array is a Palindrome, when the program is run, it should output all of the current words, followed by True. However, it gives me False. Why is that?
Seems to me like you've forgotten to decrease the value of max; i.e. the following:
if (char.ToLower(s[min++]) != char.ToLower(s[max]))
... should probably be:
if (char.ToLower(s[min++]) != char.ToLower(s[max--]))
Anyway, you should be able to clear this up pretty quickly if you run through it in debug mode, and step through your code.
if (char.ToLower(s[min++]) != char.ToLower(s[max--]))
return false;
I think you forgot to decrement your max variable.
Now you're just comparing each letter with the last.
You already got answers about whats wrong with your code. Here's an cleaner solution option(if you dont need any performance optimizations):
public static bool IsPalindrome(string s)
char[] array = s.ToCharArray();
string backwards = new string(array);
return s.Equals(backwards, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
You have to decrease your max value.
For another method of testing.
var input = "abba";
var output = input.ToCharArray().Reverse().Aggregate("",(x,y) => x + y));
return input.Equals(output, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
here you go, a better culture/case insensitive version
using System.Globalization;
bool IsPalindrome(string value, StringComparer comparer = null)
if (s == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
if (comparer == null)
comparer = StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase;
var elements = new List<string>();
var m = StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator(value);
while (m.MoveNext())
var i = 0;
var j = elements.Count - 1;
var limit = elements.Count / 2;
for(; i <= limit; i++, j--)
if (!comparer.Equals(elements[i], elements[j]))
return false;
return true;
I need to write a function which verifies parentheses are balanced in a string. Each open parentheses should have a corresponding close parentheses and they should correspond correctly.
For example, the function should return true for the following strings:
(if (any? x) sum (/1 x))
I said (it's not (yet) complete). (she didn't listen)
The function should return false for the following strings:
Implement the solution as a recursive function with no mutation / side-effects.
Can you please help me out in writing using C# because I'm new to .NET technologies.
Here's what I've tried so far. It works for sending parameters as open and close brackets, but I'm confused with just passing a string... and also I should not use stack.
private static bool Balanced(string input, string openParenthesis, string closedParenthesis)
if (input.Length > 0)
//Obtain first character
string firstString = input.Substring(0, 1);
//Check if it is open parenthesis
//If it is open parenthesis push it to stack
//If it is closed parenthesis pop it
if (firstString == openParenthesis)
else if (firstString == closedParenthesis)
//In next iteration, chop off first string so that it can iterate recursively through rest of the string
input = input.Substring(1, input.Length - 1);
Balanced(input, openParenthesis, closedParenthesis); //this call makes the function recursive
if (stack.Count == 0 && !exception)
isBalanced = true;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = true;
return isBalanced;
You don't need to use any recursion method for such a simple requirement, just try this simple method and it works like a charm:
public bool AreParenthesesBalanced(string input) {
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) {
if (input[i] == '(') k++;
else if (input[i] == ')'){
if(k > 0) k--;
else return false;
return k == 0;
I have used the startIndex and increment with each recursive call
List<string> likeStack = new List<string>();
private static bool Balanced(string input, string openParenthesis, string closedParenthesis , int startIndex)
if (startIndex < input.Length)
//Obtain first character
string firstString = input.Substring(startIndex, 1);
//Check if it is open parenthesis
//If it is open parenthesis push it to stack
//If it is closed parenthesis pop it
if (firstString == openParenthesis)
else if (firstString == closedParenthesis)
likeStack.RemoveAt(likeStack.Count -1);
//In next iteration, chop off first string so that it can iterate recursively through rest of the string
Balanced(input, openParenthesis, closedParenthesis , startIndex + 1); //this call makes the function recursive
if (likeStack.Count == 0 && !exception)
isBalanced = true;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = true;
return isBalanced;
How's this recursive version?
public static bool Balanced(string s)
var ix = -1;
return Balanced(s, false, ref ix);
private static bool Balanced(string s, bool inParens, ref int ix)
while (ix < s.Length)
switch (s[ix++])
case '(':
if (!Balanced(s, true, ref ix))
return false;
case ')':
return inParens;
return !inParens;