Ease-in and ease-out with Vector2.MoveTowards - c#

I've seen a lot of examples of easing with Vector2.Lerp.
But I want to use Vector2.MoveTowards because I am randomizing the distance my NPC is traveling, and I want the speed of the NPC to always be constant regardless of the distance traveled. Ideally, would like to control the easing granularly with an AnimationCurve if that's possible, but a smooth step function would be ok too. Here is the simplified code that I'm using now (using Behavior Designer so the methods are a bit different):
private readonly float Speed = 1.5f;
public SharedVector2 BugDirection;
public override void OnStart()
BugDirection.Value = new Vector2(Random.Range(0.1f, 0.5f), transform.position.y);
public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
if (Vector2.Distance(transform.position, BugDirection.Value) == 0)
return TaskStatus.Success;
transform.position =
Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, BugDirection.Value, Speed * Time.deltaTime);
return TaskStatus.Running;

Okey so there is one first issue: Never use == for comparing two float values!
Even a situation like 5f * 0.2f / 10f == 1f might fail because due to floating point precision it might actually be 0.9999999 or 1.0000001.
Instead you usually rather check against a certain range like e.g.
if(Mathf.Abs(a - b) <= someThreshold)
Unity for this also offers Mathf.Approximately and using
if(Mathf.Approximately(a, b))
basically equals using
if(Mathf.Abs(a - b) <= Mathf.Epsilon)
where Epsilon is
The smallest value that a float can have different from zero.
So much for your current stop condition.
I just assume for now this is happening somewhere outside of a MonoBehaviour so a Coroutine would not be an option.
However, what you basically want to achieve is having a value that continously grows from 0 to 1 linear (the time) mapped onto an eased-in and eased-out movement curve.
So assuming that the target position is not updated between the start and the ending of a movement I would do it like e.g.
private readonly float Speed = 1.5f;
private Vector2 target;
private Vector2 start;
private float timePassed;
private float duration;
public override void OnStart()
target = new Vector2(Random.Range(0.1f, 0.5f), transform.position.y);
start = transform.position;
duration = Vector2.Distance(start, target) / speed;
timePassed = 0f;
public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
if (timePassed >= duration)
transform.position = target;
return TaskStatus.Success;
var factor = timePassed / duration;
transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(start, target, factor);
timePassed += Time.deltaTime;
return TaskStatus.Running;
So far this will be a linear movement just as before ;)
So let's fill in the MAGIC.
One very simple option for ease-in and ease-out is using Mathf.SmoothStep like e.g.
factor = Mathf.SmoothStep(0, 1, factor);
or you could give the AnimationCurve another shot now using
factor = yourAnimationCurve.Evaluate(factor);
which gives you complete control over the smoothing of the movement and yet results in the total average velocity of speed as if you would have applied it linear.


Swerve Control Unity C#

Hi I am creating a hyper casual game with unity, but I have encountered a problem with the swerve control (I have also seen many git hubs but even these do not work perfectly)
I've put this in my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
private float lastframeposx;
private float movefactorx;
public float MoveFactorX => movefactorx;
public Camera m_MainCam;
private float speed = 2.0f;
GameObject character;
[SerializeField] private float swerveSpeed = 0.5f;
[SerializeField] private float maxSwerveAmount = 1f;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
transform.position += Vector3.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
/*Vector3 destra = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPointt(Input.touches[i].position);
transform.position += Vector3.zero destra;*/
void Cammina()
lastframeposx = Input.mousePosition.x;
float swerveAmount = Time.deltaTime * swerveSpeed * MoveFactorX;
swerveAmount = Mathf.Clamp(swerveAmount, -maxSwerveAmount, maxSwerveAmount);
transform.Translate(swerveAmount, 0, 0);
else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
movefactorx = Input.mousePosition.x - lastframeposx;
lastframeposx = Input.mousePosition.x;
float swerveAmount = Time.deltaTime * swerveSpeed * MoveFactorX;
swerveAmount = Mathf.Clamp(swerveAmount, -maxSwerveAmount, maxSwerveAmount);
transform.Translate(swerveAmount, 0, 0);
else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
movefactorx = 0f;
float swerveAmount = Time.deltaTime * swerveSpeed * MoveFactorX;
swerveAmount = Mathf.Clamp(swerveAmount, -maxSwerveAmount, maxSwerveAmount);
transform.Translate(swerveAmount, 0, 0);
/*void vaidoveschiacciato()
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began)
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.touches[0].position);
RaycastHit hit;
if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
if(hit.collider != null)
transform.position += hit.collider.GetComponent<Transform.position> * speed * Time.deltaTime;
1 Problem: he don't go when the finger is
2 Problem: How do I eliminate the movement from right to left (Without making it go out of the path)
(Langauge: C#)
The problem: When you swerve, it swerves just in the direction, there is no limits on how far it goes.
How I would fix this: I would put the movement to change it through a function. This could clamp it, so the higher the distance to the center of the track, the less it swerves. Or, you can altogether check if the distance is a maximum and then stop swerving.
Note: you can use other functions to do this (they just have to flatten out the larger the input).
Smooth, good looking bell curve way
For example you could use a bell curve. Look one up if you've never seen one before. It is at it's highest possible output of one, at a zero input. When it gets hiher or lower, it outputs lower to zero.
the simplest equation is y = i-(x2). The lower i is (above 1), the wider the curve, or the larger the output is for a larger input. I made a graph here.
x can be the distance to the center of the track, so you should adjust i, so the maximum distance from the track is flat.
This output is what you should change swerveAmount to.
The flatter parts of the graoh is how much you will swerve when you are that distance from the center (x axis)
You could just check the distance, and if it passes a certain distance don't translate it.
Let me know in the omments if there are any problems! :)

Movement Code Affected by Fps in Unity 2D

My current player movement code provides 0.32 translation on each key click.
If it is clicked 2 times very quickly, it should be 0.64.
I provide this with coroutine, but it is affected by fps.
How do I ensure that it is not affected by fps?
I know Time.deltaTime, but how do I get exactly 0.32 if I multiply by Time.deltaTime?
My current move code:
public float move = 0.32f; //movement limitation
public float repeat = 4; // I perform 0.32 in 4 parts to be more smooth.
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) //Exapmle key. I have 4 ways to move
IEnumerator Left()
for (int i = 1; i <= repeat; i++)// as I said, I perform 0.32 in 4 parts to be more smooth.
transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(-move / repeat, 0, 0);
yield return null;
If you wanted to be smooth rather use a fixed speed and do e.g.
// distance to move
public float move = 0.32f;
// speed in Unity units per second
public float speed = 1f;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)
IEnumerator Left()
// Pre-calculate the target position
// This is the huge advantage of IEnumerators -> you can store local variables over multiple frames
var targetPosition = transform.position + Vector3.left * move;
// track how far you have already moved
var moved = 0f;
// Loop until you moved enough
while(moved < move)
// the step is now frame-rate independent and moves the object with a fixed value per second
var step = speed * Time.deltaTime;
// every frame move one such step towards the target without overshooting
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, step);
// keep track of the movement
moved += step;
yield return null;
// and to end up with a clean value in the end
transform.position = targetPosition;
If it is clicked 2 times very quickly, it should be 0.64
this wouldn't be covered. In order to do this I would actually use a completely different approach without Coroutines at all and rather simply use e.g.
// distance to move
public float move = 0.32f;
// speed in Unity units per second
public float speed = 1f;
Vector3 targetPosition;
void Start()
targetPosition = transform.position;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)
targetPosition += Vector3.left;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, speed * Time.deltaTime);
so now you can smash your move keys in any direction as much as you like and it will simply sum them all up into the one targetPosition and always keep moving towards it smoothly but with a fixed velocity.
or another alternative would be to interpolate and rather make the object move faster if it is further away from the target but slower the closer it comes
// 5 here is an arbitrary number based on experience -> tweak it according to your needs
public float interpolation = 5f;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, interpolation * Time.deltaTime);

Accelerate rotation from 0 to x angle in x seconds in Unity

This is more of a math question than a coding question. I would like to reach for example an rotation angle of 90 in 1 second while speed is accelerating at constant value. My current version takes 1.4 seconds to reach the desired rotation angle, and it should reach it in 1 second. I believe that the reason for that is that it currently accelerates to speed of 90 in 1 second and not to rotation angle of 90. Since I am not that good in math, I have no idea how I need to adjust the acceleration calculation. I am unable to find any solution to this.
NOTE: I need to adjust the rotation angles manually, I am not able to use any existing functions, like for example transform.Rotate(), since in my complete version the rotation direction can change at any time and the rotation also has deceleration value.
This is a very simplified version of what I have (it only rotates the z axis to one direction and runs once on start):
private float accelerationInSeconds = 1;
private float targetAngle = 90f;
private float speed = 0;
private float axis = 1;
private bool rotate = true;
private float acceleration;
void Start() {
// Calculate acceleration (this calculation should be changed)
acceleration = targetAngle / accelerationInSeconds;
void Update() {
if (rotate) {
// Accelerate
speed += axis * (acceleration * Time.deltaTime);
// Calculate next rotation position
Vector3 rotationVector = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
rotationVector.z += speed * Time.deltaTime;
// Rotate object
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector);
// Check if rotation has gone over the target angle
if (rotationVector.z >= targetAngle) {
rotationVector.z = targetAngle;
speed = 0;
rotate = false;
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help!
EDIT: Modified code to be more efficient. I can't use RotateTowards() since in my complete code I need to clamp the rotation between targetAngle and negative targetAngle. Hopefully this code is more efficient and performance friendly. But I still have not found a solution for my original math related question, which was the whole point of this question.
private float accelerationInSeconds = 1;
private float targetAngle = 90f;
private float speed = 0;
private float angle = 0;
private float axis = 1;
private bool rotate = true;
private float acceleration;
void Start() {
// Calculate acceleration (this calculation should be changed)
acceleration = targetAngle / accelerationInSeconds;
void Update() {
if (rotate) {
// Accelerate
speed += axis * (acceleration * Time.deltaTime);
// Calculate next rotation position
angle += speed * Time.deltaTime;
// Check if rotation has gone over the target angle
if (angle >= targetAngle) {
angle = targetAngle;
speed = 0;
rotate = false;
// Rotate object
transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward);
I finally figured it out, thanks to Math section in StackExchange.
So the simple answer is this:
acceleration = 2 * targetAngle / Mathf.Pow(accelerationInSeconds, 2);
As was suggested before I would use a Coroutine. Coroutines are like temporary Update methods and often easier to control and maintain than doing stuff directly in Update.
// Flag to avoid concurrent routines
private bool isRotating;
public void Rotate(float targetAngle, float duration)
if(! isRotating) StartCoroutine (RotateRoutine(targetAngle, duration));
private IEnumerator RotateRoutine (float targetAngle, float duration)
// Just to be sure
if(isRotating) yield break;
// block concurrent routines
isRotating = true;
// Pre-calculate the start and end rotation
var start = transform.rotation;
var end = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, targetAngle);
var timePassed = 0f;
while(timePassed < duration)
// This value will grow linear from 0 to 1 in exactly "duration" seconds
var x = timePassed / duration;
// TODO!
var y = MAGIC;
// Interpolate between the start and end rotation using given factor "y"
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(start, end, y);
// "pause" the routine here, render this frame
// and continue from here in the next frame
yield return null;
// Increase by the time passed since last frame
timePassed += Time.deltaTime;
// To be sure to end with clean values
transform.rotation = end;
// Allow next routine
isRotating = false;
So what do we have to fill in for MAGIC?
Basically it can be any mathematical function that maps given input 0 to 1 to 0 to 1.
There are multiple possibilities.
What you currently ask for is a linear growing speed. That means the resulting movement shall be quadratic! So we already know the Formular
var y = a * x * x + b;
We further know from your code that speed always starts from 0 -> b = 0. And the last step is pretty straight forward:
What value do we have to fill in so y goes from 0 to 1 at the same time that x goes from 0 to 1?
1 = a * 1 * 1 + 0;
=> a = 1!
So in your case it is simply
var y = x * x;
If you also want ease-out you could also simply use Mathf.Smoothstep which automatically adds ease-in and ease-out
var y = Mathf.SmoothStep(0, 1, x);
To make it even easier to control you could use an AnimationCurve and adjust the movement curve exactly to your needs in the Inspector
[SerializeField] private AnimationCurve curve;
The curve editor already comes with some preset curves like e.g. linear, logarithmic, exponential and eased-in/-out grow from 0 to 1!
And then use AnimationCurve.Evaluate to get the value (y) in the routine for a given input time (x).
var y = curve.Evaluate(x);

Why the camera is not moving at all if the rotation speed value is for example set to 0.01?

If I set the rotation speed to 5 for example it will rotate facing the next target waypoint and then will move to it. But the camera rotation will be too fast.
Changing the speed to 0.01 make it rotating in a good slowly smooth speed. But then at 0.01 the camera rotate facing the next waypoint but never move to it. It stay on place.
This is the waypoints script:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Waypoints : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject[] waypoints;
private Transform currentWaypoint;
private enum CameraState
private CameraState cameraState;
public GameObject player;
public float speed = 5;
public float WPradius = 1;
public LookAtCamera lookAtCam;
void Start()
cameraState = CameraState.StartRotating;
void Update()
switch (cameraState)
// This state is used as a trigger to set the camera target and start rotation
case CameraState.StartRotating:
// Sanity check in case the waypoint array was set to length == 0 between states
if (waypoints.Length == 0)
// Tell the camera to start rotating
currentWaypoint = waypoints[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, waypoints.Length)].transform;
lookAtCam.target = currentWaypoint;
cameraState = CameraState.Rotating;
// This state only needs to detect when the camera has completed rotation to start movement
case CameraState.Rotating:
if (lookAtCam.IsRotationFinished)
cameraState = CameraState.Moving;
case CameraState.Moving:
// Move
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, currentWaypoint.position, Time.deltaTime * speed);
// Check for the Waiting state
if (Vector3.Distance(currentWaypoint.position, transform.position) < WPradius)
// Set to waiting state
cameraState = CameraState.Waiting;
// Call the coroutine to wait once and not in CameraState.Waiting
// Coroutine will set the next state
case CameraState.Waiting:
// Do nothing. Timer has already started
IEnumerator WaitForTimer(float timer)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timer);
cameraState = CameraState.StartRotating;
public void RefreshWaypoints()
waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Target");
And the look at camera script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class LookAtCamera : MonoBehaviour
// Values that will be set in the Inspector
public Transform target;
public float RotationSpeed;
private float timer = 0.0f;
public bool IsRotationFinished
get { return timer > 0.99f; }
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (target != null && timer < 0.99f)
// Rotate us over time according to speed until we are in the required rotation
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation,
Quaternion.LookRotation((target.position - transform.position).normalized),
timer += Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed;
public void setTime(float time)
timer = time;
Your script basically works! The problem is in
private void Update()
if (target != null && timer < 0.99f)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation((target.position - transform.position).normalized), timer);
timer += Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed;
there are two issues with that:
You add Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed so the time it takes to reach the 1 or in your case 0.99 simply takes 1/RotationSpeed = 100 times longer than usual. So your camera will stay in the Rotating state for about 100 seconds - after that it moves just fine!
(This one might be intentional but see below for a Better Solution) Quaternion.Slerp interpolates between the first and second rotation. But you always use the current rotation as startpoint so since the timer never reaches 1 you get a very fast rotation at the beginning but a very slow (in fact never ending) rotation in the end since the distance between the current rotation and the target rotation gets smaller over time.
Those fixes repair your current solution but you should checkout the section Better Solution below ;)
In general for comparing both float values you should rather use Mathf.Approximately and than use the actual target value 1.
if (target != null && !Mathf.Approximately(timer, 1.0f))
timer += Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed;
// clamps the value between 0 and 1
timer = Mathf.Clamp01(timer);
public bool IsRotationFinished
get { return Mathf.Approximately(timer, 1.0f); }
You should either use Quaternion.Slerp storing the original rotation and use it as first parameter (than you will see that you need a way bigger RotationSpeed)
private Quaternion lastRotation;
private void Update()
if (target != null && !Mathf.Approximately(timer, 1.0f))
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(lastRotation, Quaternion.LookRotation((target.position - transform.position).normalized), timer);
timer += Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed;
lastRotation = transform.rotation;
Or instead of Quaternion.Slerp use Quaternion.RotateTowards like
transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation((target.position - transform.position).normalized), RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
Better Solution
I would strongly suggest to use the Coroutines for everything instead of handling this kind of stuff in Update. They are way easier to control and makes your code very clean.
Look how your scripts would shrink and you wouldn't need all the properties, fields and comparing floats anymore. You could do most things you are currently getting and setting to wait for a certain thing to happen in only a few single lines.
In case you didn't know: You can actually simply yield return another IEnumerator on order to wait for it to finish:
public class Waypoints : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject[] waypoints;
public GameObject player;
public float speed = 5;
public float WPradius = 1;
public LookAtCamera lookAtCam;
private Transform currentWaypoint;
private void Start()
// maybe refresh here?
private IEnumerator RunWaypoints()
// Sanity check in case the waypoint array has length == 0
if (waypoints.Length == 0)
Debug.Log("No Waypoints!", this);
yield break;
// this looks dnagerous but as long as you yield somewhere it's fine ;)
while (true)
// maybe refresh here?
// Sanity check in case the waypoint array was set to length == 0 between states
if (waypoints.Length == 0)
Debug.Log("No Waypoints!", this);
yield break;
// first select the next waypoint
// Note that you might get the exact same waypoint again you currently had
// this will throw two errors in Unity:
// - Look rotation viewing vector is zero
// - and transform.position assign attempt for 'Main Camera' is not valid. Input position is { NaN, NaN, NaN }.
// so to avoid that rather use this (not optimal) while loop
// ofcourse while is never good but the odds that you will
// always get the same value over a longer time are quite low
// in case of doubt you could still add a yield return null
// than your camera just waits some frames longer until it gets a new waypoint
Transform newWaypoint = waypoints[Random.Range(0, waypoints.Length)].transform;
while(newWaypoint == currentWaypoint)
newWaypoint = waypoints[Random.Range(0, waypoints.Length)].transform;
currentWaypoint = newWaypoint;
// tell camera to rotate and wait until it is finished in one line!
yield return lookAtCam.RotateToTarget(currentWaypoint);
// move and wait until in correct position in one line!
yield return MoveToTarget(currentWaypoint);
//once waypoint reached wait 3 seconds than start over
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
private IEnumerator MoveToTarget(Transform currentWaypoint)
var currentPosition = transform.position;
var duration = Vector3.Distance(currentWaypoint.position, transform.position) / speed;
var passedTime = 0.0f;
// for easing see last section below
var lerpFactor = passedTime / duration;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentPosition, currentWaypoint.position, lerpFactor);
passedTime += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
} while (passedTime <= duration);
// to be sure to have the exact position in the end set it fixed
transform.position = currentWaypoint.position;
public void RefreshWaypoints()
waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Target");
public class LookAtCamera : MonoBehaviour
// Values that will be set in the Inspector
public float RotationSpeed;
public IEnumerator RotateToTarget(Transform target)
var timePassed = 0f;
var targetDirection = (target.position - transform.position).normalized;
var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetDirection);
var currentRotation = transform.rotation;
var duration = Vector3.Angle(targetDirection, transform.forward) / RotationSpeed;
// for easing see last section below
var lerpFactor = timePassed / duration;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, lerpFactor);
timePassed += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
} while (timePassed <= duration);
// to be sure you have the corrcet rotation in the end set it fixed
transform.rotation = targetRotation;
Again instead of Quaternion.Slerp and currentRotation you could also simply use Quaternion.RotateTowards like
transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, targetRotation, RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
And for the movement you can also still use Vector3.MoveTowards if you want
while (Vector3.Distance(currentWaypoint.position, transform.position) < WPradius)
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, currentWaypoint.position, Time.deltaTime * speed);
yield return null;
but I would prefer to use the Lerp solutions. Why I suggest to rather use Lerp?
You can very easy controll now whether you want to move/rotate by a certain speed or rather give it fixed duration in which the move/rotation shall be finished regardless how big the differenc is - or even have some additional checks in order to decide for one of those options!
You can ease-in and -out the movement/rotation! See below ;)
Hint for easing Lerp movements
For still maintaining an eased-in and/or eased-out movement and rotation I found this block How to Lerp like a pro very helpfull! (adopted to my examples)
For example, we could “ease out” with sinerp:
var lerpFactor = Mathf.Sin(passedTime / duration * Mathf.PI * 0.5f);
Or we could “ease in” with coserp:
var lerpFactor = 1f - Mathf.Cos(passedTime / duration * Mathf.PI * 0.5f);
We could even create exponential movement:
var lerpFactor = Mathf.Pow(passedTime / duration, 2);
The multiplication property mentioned above is the core concept behind some interpolation methods which ease in and ease out, such as the famous “smoothstep” formula:
var lerpFactor = Mathf.Pow(passedTime / duration, 2) * (3f - 2f * passedTime / duration);
Or my personal favorite, “smootherstep”:
var lerpFactor = Mathf.Pow(passedTime / duration, 3) * (6f * (passedTime / duration) - 15f) + 10f);

Auto Movement Between 2 points issue

I have a question. I have an object that moves unlimited between two points.
For this we used the PingPong method.
public Vector3 a;
public Vector3 b;
public float speed;
void Update()
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(a, b, Mathf.PingPong(Time.time * speed, 1.0f));
It all works perfectly, but it is a problem when I try to change the speed directly from the code. So I have another class where I change the speed.
if (index == numIndex + 1 || index == numIndex - 1)
other.transform.parent.GetComponent<BadWormsController>().speed -= 0.2f;
The second-order code is executed when the collision occurs between the player and the object moving from point a to point b.
It's ok, the speed changes, but the object resets again, so it does not go any further on the axis, but it starts again, so it changes its position.
What is wrong and how to change, if someone has idea, that when changing speed, the object does not change its position, but to continue on.
Instead of using Time.time make a new variable for storing its progress. Then you can adjust this value to negate the difference in position.
public Vector3 a;
public Vector3 b;
public float speed;
public float distance;
void Update(){
distance += Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(a, b, Mathf.PingPong(distance * speed, 1.0f));
Then when you change the speed you add/remove the difference from the distance
// get BadWormsController as var since we use it multiple times
BadWormsController bwc = other.transform.parent.GetComponent<BadWormsController>();
float multiplyer = 0.2f/bwc.speed; // get % of distance to remove
bwc.speed -= 0.2f; //change speed
bwc.distance -= bwc.distance*miltiplyer; // remove difference
