MongoDb aggregate in c# - c#

I need to join 3 collections and get the desired data. I have written a LINQ query which working fine but I want to write it using mongoDb's Aggregate interface.
Here is my query in LINQ.
var query = from user in userCollection.AsQueryable()
where user.Id == userId
from userDivision in user.Divisions
select new { userDivision.DivisionId } into divisions
join division in divisionCollection.AsQueryable() on divisions.DivisionId equals division.Id
select new { division.CompanyId } into divisionCompany
join company in companyCollection.AsQueryable() on divisionCompany.CompanyId equals company.Id
select new
ConcurrencyId = "1_" + "3_" + company.Id
} into c
join concurrency in concurrencyCollection.AsQueryable() on c.ConcurrencyId equals concurrency.Id into concurrencies
from concurrencyEmpty in concurrencies.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new Response.Company
Id = c.Id,
Code = c.Code,
Name = c.Name,
CodeAndName = c.Code + " - " + c.Name,
Address = c.Address,
ConcurrencyVersion = concurrencyEmpty.Version
Can anybody tell me how to write this query using MongoDb's aggregate interface (using LookUp etc).
Thanks in advance.


C# LINQ select from table and join multiple table and join a SQL query view in SQL server

I have a code that selecting from table and joining multiple tables and joining dbContext.Database.sqlQuery from view in sql server.
But it gives me this error
Unable to create a constant value of type
'ITManagement.Models.Employee'. Only primitive types or enumeration
types are supported in this context.
My code
public JsonResult getEmployeeAsset(EmployeeController employee)
var employeeID = Request.QueryString["employeeID"];
var devices = (from asset in db.Devices
where asset.EmployeeID == employeeID
join brand in db.DeviceBrands on asset.Brand equals brand.ID
join model in db.DeviceModels on asset.Model equals model.ID
join type in db.DeviceTypes on asset.DeviceType equals type.ID
join room in db.Rooms on asset.FullRoomCode equals room.FullCode
//if device has last employee
join lsEmp in db.Database.SqlQuery<LDAPUsers>("SELECT * FROM V_LDAP_Users") on asset.LastEmployeeID equals lsEmp.employeeID into lstEmp
join sysUser in db.AspNetUsers on asset.sscUser equals sysUser.Id
from lastEmployee in lstEmp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
deviceID = asset.ID,
SerialNumber = asset.SerialNumber,
Type = type.Type,
BrandName = brand.BrandName,
ModelName = model.ModelName,
MaccCode = asset.MaccCode,
PONumber = asset.PONumber,
WarrantyDate = asset.WarrantyDate.ToString(),
MacAddress = asset.MacAddress,
WIFIMacAddress = asset.WIFIMacAddress,
PCName = asset.PCName,
LastEmployee = asset.LastEmployeeID + "-" + lastEmployee.employeeName,
Shared = asset.Shared == 1 ? "True" : "False",
Location = room.RoomName,
RecordedBy = sysUser.Name,
requestID = (from request in db.StoreRequests where request.DeviceID == asset.ID && request.State == 1 && request.VoucherType == "ASD" orderby request.ID select request.ID).FirstOrDefault()
return Json(new { assets = devices == null ? null : devices }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Your help please, thanks.
First of all, have you tried nested queries by commenting them out?
for example;
//join lsEmp in db.Database.SqlQuery<LDAPUsers>("SELECT * FROM V_LDAP_Users") on asset.LastEmployeeID equals lsEmp.employeeID into lstEmp
//requestID = (from request in db.StoreRequests where request.DeviceID == asset.ID && request.State == 1 && request.VoucherType == "ASD" orderby request.ID select request.ID).FirstOrDefault()
If there is no problem in these two, you can quickly find out which one is causing the problem by commenting the fields.
Tip: Also, more than 3 joins will affect your query performance. Try to split your queries as much as possible.

Linq EF group by to get latest entries into list of objects

I am trying to move from simple SQL to EF.
But there are some complex queries(joins) that it seems to hard to generate the linq for.
At first I tried to use sqltolinq tool to generate the linq but it gives error as some of the things are not supported in the query.
here is the linq:
var entryPoint = (from ep in dbContext.tbl_EntryPoint
join e in dbContext.tbl_Entry on ep.EID equals e.EID
join t in dbContext.tbl_Title on e.TID equals t.TID
where e.OwnerID == user.UID
select new {
UID = e.OwnerID,
TID = e.TID,
Title = t.Title,
The table entry has many entries that I would like to group and get the latest for each group. But then I would need to select into a view model object which will be bind to gridview.
I dont know where I can implement the logic to group by and get the latest from each and be able to get values from join table into viewModel object.
somewhere I need to add
group entry by new
into groups
select groups.OrderByDescending(p => p.ID).First()
in the above linq to retrieve latest from each group.
You can insert group by right after the joins:
var query =
from ep in dbContext.tbl_EntryPoint
join e in dbContext.tbl_Entry on ep.EID equals e.EID
join t in dbContext.tbl_Title on e.TID equals t.TID
where e.OwnerID == user.UID
group new { ep, e, t } by new { e.aID, e.bCode, e.Date, e.FCode } into g
let r = g.OrderByDescending(x => x.e.ID).FirstOrDefault()
select new
UID = r.e.OwnerID,
TID = r.e.TID,
Title = r.t.Title,
EID = r.e.EID
The trick here is to include what you need after the grouping between group and by.
However, the above will be translated to CROSS APPLY with all joins included twice. If the grouping key contains fields from just one table, it could be better to perform the grouping/selecting the last grouping element first, and then join the result with the rest:
var query =
from e in (from e in dbContext.tbl_Entry
where e.OwnerID == user.UID
group e by new { e.aID, e.bCode, e.Date, e.FCode } into g
select g.OrderByDescending(e => e.ID).FirstOrDefault())
join ep in dbContext.tbl_EntryPoint on e.EID equals ep.EID
join t in dbContext.tbl_Title on e.TID equals t.TID
select new
UID = e.OwnerID,
TID = e.TID,
Title = t.Title,

SQL query into LINQ in mvc

Please anyone can help me to write this sql query into Linq. i have tried..
this is my sql query
select o.OrderID,o.Nature,o.Date,od.TotalPrice,os.OrderStatus,lo.FirstName,lo.EmailAddress,lo.PhoneNumber
from [dbo].[Order] o
inner join [dbo].[tbl_OrderDetails] od on od.OrderID = o.OrderID
inner join [dbo].[tbl_OrderHistory] oh on oh.OrderID = o.OrderID
inner join [dbo].[tbl_Login] lo on o.UserID = lo.UserID
inner join dbo.tbl_OrderStatus os on oh.OrderStatusID= os.OrderStatusID
group by o.OrderID,o.Nature,od.TotalPrice,o.Date,os.OrderStatus,lo.FirstName,lo.EmailAddress,lo.PhoneNumber
and this is my try
public override orderDetailModel orderDetails(int id)
var results = from o in obj.Orders
join od in obj.tbl_OrderDetails on o.OrderID equals od.OrderID
join oh in obj.tbl_OrderHistory on o.OrderID equals oh.OrderID
join l in obj.tbl_Login on o.UserID equals l.UserID
join os in obj.tbl_OrderStatus on oh.OrderStatusID equals os.OrderStatusID
where (od.OrderID == id)
group o by new { o.Nature, o.OrderID } into
select new orderDetailModel
OrderID = o.OrderID,
OrderStatus = os.OrderStatus,
Date = o.Date,
DeliveryNature = o.Nature,
EmailAddress = l.EmailAddress,
FirstName = l.FirstName,
PhoneNumber = l.PhoneNumber,
TotalPrice = od.TotalPrice
//group o by new {o.OrderID};
orderDetailModel data = (orderDetailModel)results.FirstOrDefault();
return data;
but this is wrong query its not working fine please help me
You need to correct the group by clause, like you have in the SQL query like this:-
group new { o, l } by new { o.OrderID,o.Nature,od.TotalPrice,o.Date,os.OrderStatus,
l.FirstName, l.EmailAddress,l.PhoneNumber } into g
select new orderDetailModel
OrderID = g.Key.OrderID,
OrderStatus = g.Key.OrderStatus,
Date = g.Key.Date,
..and so on
Since you need the grouping on two tables Order & tbl_Login you will have to first project them as anonymous type group new { o, l } then specify all the groupings and finally while projecting use Key to get the respective items.
I guess that actually, also the SQL query is not correct.
I would simply use a SELECT DISTINCT ... instead of Grouping all the columns.
Anyway, first thing to do:
Check if databases is designed correctly. As far as i can see, if you're joining the table with their Ids, i don't understand why you need to group all the data. If you have duplicates, maybe the error is in the Database design.
If you can't change your Database, or you are happy with it, then use the following LINQ approach:
var distinctKeys = allOrderDetails.Select(o => new { o.OrderID, o.Nature, o.TotalPrice, o.Date,o.OrderStatus,o.FirstName, o.EmailAddress,o.PhoneNumber }).Distinct();
var joined = from e in allOrderDetails
join d in distinctKeys
on new { o.OrderID, o.Nature,o.TotalPrice, o.Date,o.OrderStatus, o.FirstName, o.EmailAddress, o.PhoneNumber } equals d select e;
joined.ToList(); // gives you the distinct/grouped list

LINQ query to get count of records

I'm trying to retrieve some records from database along with a count, with LINQ.
DataTable dtByRecipe = (from tbrp in context.tblRecipeParents
join tbrc in context.tblRecipeChilds on tbrp.RecipeParentID equals tbrc.RecipeParentID
join tbp in context.tblProducts on tbrc.ProductID equals tbp.ProductID
join tbps in context.tblProductSales.AsEnumerable()
on tbp.ProductID equals tbps.ProductID
join tbs in context.tblSales.AsEnumerable()
on tbps.ProductSalesID equals tbs.ProductSalesID select new
Product = tbp.ProductCode + " - " + tbp.ProductDescription,
ProductYield = tbrp.Yield,
TotalYield = "XXX",
Cost = "YYY"
.Select(item => new {
Count = GetCount(item.ProductID, item.ProductSalesID, context),
Product = item.Product,
ProductYield = item.ProductYield,
TotalYield = "XXX",
Cost = "YYY"
}).OrderBy(o => o.Recipe).ToDataTable();
private int GetCount ( int ProductID, int ProductSalesID, MTBARKER_DBEntities context )
int query = ( from tbps in context.tblProductSales
join tbp in context.tblProducts on tbps.ProductID equals tbp.ProductID
join tbs in context.tblSales
on tbps.ProductSalesID equals tbs.ProductSalesID
where tbp.ProductID == ProductID && tbps.ProductSalesID == ProductSalesID
select tbs ).Count();
return query;
In above query I get the expected result but since there are around 10K records in the database it consumes a lot of time to produce the result. The issue is with the following approach I have used to get the count.
Count = GetCount(item.ProductID, item.ProductSalesID, context),
Is there any productive way that I could prevent this issue?
Well Stored Procedures is best choice for performance.Use Stored Procedures in the Entity Framework for selection and for reporting.

linq join code doesn't work

I have 2 records in tblMaterials and zero record in tblMaterialTenderGroups
But when I fetch the data to gridview it shows me the two records, and the join doesn't work
public List<tblMaterial> ShowPresentMaterialInGroup()
List<tblMaterial> q = (from i in dbconnect.tblMaterials.AsEnumerable()
join b in dbconnect.tblMaterialTenderGroups on i.materialId equals b.materialId
where b.MaterialGroupId == _materialGroupId
select new tblMaterial()
existAmout = i.existAmout,
materialId = i.materialId,
name =,
needAmount = i.needAmount,
requestAmount = i.requestAmount,
unit = i.unit,
requestId = i.requestId
return q;
Can you please try this
List<tblMaterial> q = from i in dbconnect.tblMaterials
join b in dbconnect.tblMaterialTenderGroups on i.materialId equals b.materialId
select new { existAmout = i.existAmout,
materialId = i.materialId,
name =,
needAmount = i.needAmount,
requestAmount = i.requestAmount,
unit = i.unit,
requestId = i.requestId}.ToList();
May be using returning the two records..
I read something here
Using AsEnumerable will break off the query and do the "outside part"
as linq-to-objects rather than Linq-to-SQL. Effectively, you're
running a "select * from ..." for both your tables and then doing the
joins, where clause filter, ordering, and projection client-side.
