I have a WebAPI server with integrated SignalR Hubs.
The problem it is in the integration between both components and efficiently call the clients interested on a given item that was updated through REST with the least overhead possible on the Controller side.
I have read about Background tasks with hosted services in ASP.NET Core, or Publish Subscriber Patterns but they don't seem the right fit for this problem.
From the documentation examples, the background tasks seem to atempt to preserve order which is not required, in fact, it is desired to allow multiple requests to be handled concurrently, as efficiently as possible.
With this in mind, I created this third component called MappingComponent that is being called through a new Task.
It is important to design the Controller in a way that he spends the least amount of work "raising the events" possible. Exceptions should be (i believe) handled within the MappingComponent.
What would be a better approach/design pattern that the following implementation, to avoid using Task.Run?
public class ItemController : ControllerBase
private readonly MappingComponent mappingComponent;
private readonly IDataContext dataContext;
public async Task<ActionResult<Item>> PostItem(ItemDTO itemDTO)
await dataContext.Items.AddAsync(item);
_ = Task.Run(async () =>
await mappingComponent.NotifyOnItemAdd(item);
catch (Exception e)
return CreatedAtAction("Get", new { id = item.Id }, item);
[HttpDelete("{id}", Name = "Delete")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
var item = await dataContext.Items.FindAsync(id);
_ = Task.Run(async () =>
await mappingComponent.NotifyOnItemDelete(item);
catch (Exception e)
return NoContent();
[HttpPatch("{id}", Name = "Patch")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Patch(int id,
[FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<Item> itemToPatch)
var item = await dataContext.Items.FindAsync(id);
_ = Task.Run(async () =>
await mappingComponent.NotifyOnItemEdit(item);
catch (Exception e)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status202Accepted);
SignalR Hub
public class BroadcastHub : Hub<IHubClient>
private readonly MappingComponent mappingComponent;
public BroadcastHub(MappingComponent mappingComponent)
this.mappingComponent = mappingComponent;
public override Task OnConnectedAsync()
mappingComponent.OnConnected(Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId));
return base.OnConnectedAsync();
public override Task OnDisconnectedAsync()
mappingComponent.OnDisconnected(Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId));
return base.OnDisconnectedAsync();
public void Subscribe(string itemQuery)
mappingComponent.SubscribeConnection(Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId, itemQuery));
public void Unsubscribe()
"MappingComponent" being registered as singleton on startup
public class MappingComponent
private readonly IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory;
private readonly IHubContext<BroadcastHub, IHubClient> _hubContext;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, User> Users = new(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, List<string>> ItemConnection = new();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<int>> ConnectionItem = new();
public MappingComponent(IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory, IHubContext<BroadcastHub, IHubClient> hubContext)
//this.dataContext = dataContext;
this._hubContext = hubContext;
this.scopeFactory = scopeFactory;
internal void OnConnected(string userName, string connectionId){(...)}
internal void OnDisconnected(string userName, string connectionId){(...)}
internal void SubscribeConnection(string userName, string connectionId, string query){(...)}
internal void UnsubscribeConnection(string connectionId){(...)}
internal async Task NotifyOnItemAdd(Item item)
List<string> interestedConnections = new();
//Example containing locks
//There is a need to acess EF database
using (var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope())
var dataContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IDataContext>()
await dataContext.Items.(...)
interestedConnections = ...
await _hubContext.Clients.Clients(interestedConnections).BroadcastItem(item);
internal async Task NotifyOnItemEdit(Item item)
List<string> interestedConnections = new();
await _hubContext.Clients.Clients(interestedConnections).BroadcastItem(item);
internal async Task NotifyOnItemDelete(Item item)
List<string> interestedConnections = new();
await _hubContext.Clients.Clients(interestedConnections).BroadcastAllItems();
I am playing with net maui on Android emulator.
I have created a wrapper around the SecureStorage:
public static class StorageService
public static async Task SaveAsync<T>(string key, T data)
var value = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data);
await SecureStorage.Default.SetAsync(key, value);
public static async Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string key)
var value = await SecureStorage.Default.GetAsync(key);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
return (T)default;
var data = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(value);
return data;
catch(Exception ex)
return (T)default;
public static bool Remove(string key)
return SecureStorage.Default.Remove(key);
public static void RemoveAll()
On the login page, when I press the login button I receive the response from the server and I store the response in the SecureStorage
private async void LoginClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
var response = await securityClient.LoginAsync(viewModel);
if (response is null)
await DisplayAlert("", "Login faild, or unauthorized", "OK");
await StorageService.Secure.SaveAsync<JWTokenModel>(StorageKeys.Secure.JWT, response);
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync(PageRoutes.HomePage, true);
No errors, and I got redirected to the HomePage.
The MainPage constructor (bellow) get called and the DI kick in trying to create an instance of the clients.
public MainPage(IPlayerClient playerClient, IPositionClient positionClient, IMemoryCache memoryCache)
this.playerClient = playerClient;
this.positionClient = positionClient;
this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
public class PlayerClient : BaseClient, IPlayerClient
public PlayerClient(HttpClient httpClient, MobileAppSettings settings) : base(httpClient, settings)
public class PositionClient : BaseClient, IPositionClient
public PositionClient(HttpClient httpClient, MobileAppSettings settings) : base(httpClient, settings)
I the process it calls the base class constructor where I setup up the httpClient.
public abstract class BaseClient : IAsyncInitialization
private HttpClient httpClient;
private readonly MobileAppSettings settings;
public Task Initialization { get; private set; }
private string BaseURL
return DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android ?
this.settings.AndroidBaseURL :
protected BaseClient(HttpClient httpClient, MobileAppSettings settings)
this.settings = settings;
Initialization = InitializeAsync(httpClient);
private async Task InitializeAsync(HttpClient httpClient)
this.httpClient = await BuildHttpClient(httpClient);
private async Task<HttpClient> BuildHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient)
var handler = new HttpsClientHandlerService();
httpClient = new HttpClient(handler.GetPlatformMessageHandler());
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseURL);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br");
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Host", "amazonsofvolleyball");
var jwt = await StorageService.Secure.GetAsync<JWTokenModel>(StorageKeys.Secure.JWT);
if(jwt is not null)
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", jwt.Token);
return httpClient;
But when it hits the StorageService GetAsync(string key) method, the line
var value = await SecureStorage.Default.GetAsync(key);
did not return anything, no exception, and my injected httpClient stays null (obiously there are some kind of error), and it continues with the DI and try to create a new instance for the next interface where the same happens.
I set in the AndroidManifest.xml file the recommended setting"
<application android:allowBackup="false" ... >
I'm working on an integration test for a Web API which communicates through Redis, so I tried to replace the Redis Server with a containerized one and run some tests.
The issue is that it is first running the Api with project's appsettings.Development.json configuration and the old IConnectionMultiplexer instance which obviously won't connect because the hostname is offline. The question is how do I make it run the project with the new IConnectionMultiplexer that uses the containerized Redis Server? Basically the sequence is wrong there. What I did is more like run the old IConnectionMultiplexer and replace it with the new one but it wouldn't connect to the old one, so that exception prevents me from continuing. I commented the line of code where it throws the exception but as I said it's obvious because it's first running the Api with the old configuration instead of first overriding the configuration and then running the Api.
I could have done something like the following but I'm DI'ing other services based on configuration as well, meaning I must override the configuration first and then run the actual API code.
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(redisConfig.Host);
// We discard that service if it's unable to connect
public static class RedisConnectionConfiguration
public static void AddRedisConnection(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, IConfiguration config)
var redisConfig = config.GetSection("Redis").Get<RedisConfiguration>();
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(redisConfig.Host); // This fails because it didn't override Redis:Host
Integration tests
public class OrderManagerApiFactory : WebApplicationFactory<IApiMarker>, IAsyncLifetime
private const string Password = "Test1234!";
private readonly TestcontainersContainer _redisContainer;
private readonly int _externalPort = Random.Shared.Next(10_000, 60_000);
public OrderManagerApiFactory()
_redisContainer = new TestcontainersBuilder<TestcontainersContainer>()
.WithEnvironment("REDIS_PASSWORD", Password)
.WithPortBinding(_externalPort, 6379)
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureLogging(logging =>
builder.ConfigureAppConfiguration(config =>
config.AddInMemoryCollection(new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Redis:Host", $"localhost:{_externalPort},password={Password},allowAdmin=true" },
{ "Redis:Channels:Main", "main:new:order" },
builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>
services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(_ =>
public async Task InitializeAsync()
await _redisContainer.StartAsync();
public new async Task DisposeAsync()
await _redisContainer.DisposeAsync();
public class OrderManagerTests : IClassFixture<OrderManagerApiFactory>, IAsyncLifetime
private readonly OrderManagerApiFactory _apiFactory;
public OrderManagerTests(OrderManagerApiFactory apiFactory)
_apiFactory = apiFactory;
public async Task Test()
// Arrange
var configuration = _apiFactory.Services.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>();
var redis = _apiFactory.Services.GetRequiredService<IConnectionMultiplexer>();
var channel = configuration.GetValue<string>("Redis:Channels:Main");
// Act
await redis.GetSubscriber().PublishAsync(channel, "ping");
// Assert
public Task InitializeAsync()
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task DisposeAsync()
return Task.CompletedTask;
Problem solved.
If you override WebApplicationFactory<T>.CreateHost() and call IHostBuilder.ConfigureHostConfiguration() before calling base.CreateHost() the configuration you add will be visible between WebApplication.CreateBuilder() and builder.Build().
The following two links might help someone:
public sealed class OrderManagerApiFactory : WebApplicationFactory<IApiMarker>, IAsyncLifetime
private const string Password = "Test1234!";
private const int ExternalPort = 7777; // Random.Shared.Next(10_000, 60_000);
private readonly TestcontainersContainer _redisContainer;
public OrderManagerApiFactory()
_redisContainer = new TestcontainersBuilder<TestcontainersContainer>()
.WithEnvironment("REDIS_PASSWORD", Password)
.WithPortBinding(ExternalPort, 6379)
public async Task InitializeAsync()
await _redisContainer.StartAsync();
public new async Task DisposeAsync()
await _redisContainer.DisposeAsync();
protected override IHost CreateHost(IHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(config =>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Redis:Host", $"localhost:{ExternalPort},password={Password},allowAdmin=true"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Redis:Channels:Main", "main:new:order")
return base.CreateHost(builder);
We are using Umbraco 8 which have IComponent which allows us to hook events(which does not have async support). We have enabled hook like,
public class MyHookComponent : IComponent
private static readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();
private readonly ILogger _logger;
static MyHookComponent()
_httpClient.BaseAddress = new SomeBaseUrl;
public MyHookComponent(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;
public void Initialize()
ContentService.Published += OnNodePublished;
private void OnNodePublished(IContentService contentService, ContentPublishedEventArgs e)
// Do some work
Task.Run(() => SomeAsyncWork(url));
private async Task SomeAsyncWork(string url)
await _httpClient.PostAsync(url, null);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(typeof(MyHookComponent), ex);
Fire and forget style is from https://github.com/davidfowl/AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios/blob/master/AsyncGuidance.md#async-void
Does the above code lead to deadlock or thread starvation as I we got some issue(very slow response after this change suddenly) on staging which (but no dump for investigation).
We have System.Web.Http, Version=
I want to register consumer by interface, send message, initialize it by interface from container, then consume:
public sealed class TestConsumer<T> : IConsumer<T>
where T : class
private readonly Func<ConsumeContext<T>, Task> _onConsume;
private readonly EventWaitHandle _handle;
public TestConsumer(Func<ConsumeContext<T>, Task> onConsume)
_onConsume = onConsume;
_handle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<T> context)
await _onConsume(context).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task GetTask()
while (!_handle.WaitOne(0))
await Task.Delay(100);
public class MyRequest { }
public class ConsumerTests
public async Task Test()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var tc = new TestConsumer<MyRequest>(async (c) => Console.WriteLine("request"));
services.AddSingleton<IBusControl>(x => Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(cfg =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("foobar", c => { c.Consumer<IConsumer<MyRequest>>(x); });
var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
await sp.GetRequiredService<IBusControl>().StartAsync();
//and how do I send it?
//this will obviously not work with Uri!!!
var sendEndpoint = await sp.GetRequiredService<IBusControl>().GetSendEndpoint(new Uri("foobar", UriKind.Relative));
await sendEndpoint.Send(new MyRequest());
await tc.GetTask();
Honestly, lack of documentation is driving me crazy. There is such thing as harness, but it works only if you throw your DI container into garbage can or write a ton of adapters.
How do one can use InMemory and combine it to completely uncompatible Uri in Send method?
I am trying to implement an asp.net web API and it is my first time trying to implement such a project. I googled a lot.
Many times lost down the road because there is a lot of misguiding articles. Now I accomplished to implement the layered architecture. I have a business entity, business service, data models class library projects and a web API itself. As I said I googled a lot since I have no experience with web API, I decided to use generic repository and unit of work in my solution. My API is working butI get the following error when I load test with 400 users:
System.Transactions.TransactionException: The operation is not valid for the state of the transaction. ---> System.TimeoutException: Transaction Timeout. The underlying provider failed on Open.
I researched and asked experienced friends, they said I am not disposing of all the DBContexts I am creating. As I am using transient scope, a new DBcontext is created for every action call (controller construction), but unless I call context.Dispose() in the action the pools are not released.
Honestly, I am not sure how can I dispose of more.
namespace Game.Controllers
public class GameController : ApiController
private readonly IGameServices _gameServices;
#region Public Constructor
public GameController(IGameServices gameServices)
_gameServices = gameServices;
[HttpPost, Route("purchase")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PurchaseGame(RequestDto game)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
//Call Services
var gameConfirmResponse = await _gameServices.GamePurchase(game);
switch (gameConfirmResponse.StatusCode)
case HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
return NotFound();
case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
return InternalServerError();
case HttpStatusCode.OK:
if (gameConfirmResponse.Content == null)
return new System.Web.Http.Results.ResponseMessageResult(
Request.CreateErrorResponse((HttpStatusCode) 222, new HttpError("No Results Found")));
var responseStream = await gameConfirmResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var resultResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GameConfirmResponse>(responseStream);
if (resultResponse.coupons == null)
return new System.Web.Http.Results.ResponseMessageResult(
Request.CreateErrorResponse((HttpStatusCode) 222,
new HttpError("No Coupons Available for this Game")));
//Transform GameConfirmResponse into DTO for returning result
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<GameConfirmResponse, GameConfirmResponseDto>();
cfg.CreateMap<Coupon, CouponDto>();
var iMapper = config.CreateMapper();
var resultDto = iMapper.Map<GameConfirmResponse, GameConfirmResponseDto>(resultResponse);
return Ok(resultDto);
case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
return Unauthorized();
case HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout:
return InternalServerError();
return Ok(gameConfirmResponse);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
namespace BusinessService
public class GameServices : IGameServices, IDisposable
private readonly UnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public GameServices(UnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GamePurchase(RequestDto requestDto)
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
response = await CallRazerService(requestDto);
return response;
private async Task<HttpResponseMessage> CallRazerService(RequestDto requestDto)
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
//Added to see if I fix the error
//Transform DTO into GameRequest for calling Razer Initiate
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<RequestDto, GameRequest>();
cfg.CreateMap<GameRequest, GameConfirmRequest>();
cfg.CreateMap<GameConfirmResponse, GameConfirmResponseDto>();
cfg.CreateMap<Coupon, CouponDto>();
cfg.CreateMap<GameRequest, GameRequestDto>();
var iMapper = config.CreateMapper();
var gameRequest = iMapper.Map<RequestDto, GameRequest>(requestDto);
//Unique reference ID
gameRequest.referenceId = Guid.NewGuid();
var gameRequestDto = iMapper.Map<GameRequest, GameRequestDto>(gameRequest);
//Create signature
gameRequest = Utilities.CreateSignature(gameRequestDto, RequestType.Initiate);
//Set service
gameRequest.service = "RAZER";
//Add initiation request into database
#region Call Razer initiate/confirm
//Call Razer for initiation
response = await Utilities.CallRazer(gameRequest, "purchaseinitiation");
//Read response
var htmlResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var gameResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GameResponse>(htmlResponse);
//Adding initiation response into database
if (gameResponse.initiationResultCode == "00")
gameRequestDto = iMapper.Map<GameRequest, GameRequestDto>(gameRequest);
gameRequestDto.validatedToken = gameResponse.validatedToken;
//Create signature
var gameConfirmRequest = Utilities.CreateSignature(gameRequestDto, RequestType.Confirm);
//Transform DTO into GameRequest for calling Razer Initiate
var gameConfirmRequests = iMapper.Map<GameRequest, GameConfirmRequest>(gameConfirmRequest);
//Add confirm request into database
//Call Razer for confirm
response = await Utilities.CallRazer(gameConfirmRequest, "purchaseconfirmation");
//Read response
htmlResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var gameConfirmResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GameConfirmResponse>(htmlResponse);
//Set service
gameConfirmResponse.service = "RAZER";
//Add confirm response into database
await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync();
return response;
public void Dispose()
Generic Repo (shortened):
namespace DataModels
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal GameContext context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
public GenericRepository(GameContext context)
this.context = context;
this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
#region Public member methods...
public virtual async Task<List<TEntity>> GetGamesAsync(
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> where)
return await dbSet.Where(where).ToListAsync();
public virtual async Task<List<T>> GetGameBankProducts<T, TType>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> where,
Expression<Func<TEntity, TType>> groupBy, Expression<Func<IGrouping<TType, TEntity>, T>> select)
return await dbSet.Where(where)
Unit of Work:
namespace DataModels
public class UnitOfWork : IDisposable
private readonly GameContext _context;
private readonly GenericRepository<GameRequest> gameRequestRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<GameResponse> gameResponseRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<GameConfirmRequest> gameConfirmRequestRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<GameConfirmResponse> gameConfirmResponseRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<GameBank> gameBankRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<GameBankPin> gameBankPinRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<ConfirmCancel> confirmCancelRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<Recon> reconRepository;
private readonly GenericRepository<Company> userRepository;
public UnitOfWork(GameContext context)
_context = context;
public GenericRepository<GameRequest> GameRepository
return this.gameRequestRepository ?? new GenericRepository<GameRequest>(_context);
public GenericRepository<GameResponse> GameResponseRepository
return this.gameResponseRepository ?? new GenericRepository<GameResponse>(_context);
public GenericRepository<GameConfirmRequest> GameConfirmRequestRepository
return this.gameConfirmRequestRepository ?? new GenericRepository<GameConfirmRequest>(_context);
public GenericRepository<GameConfirmResponse> GameConfirmResponseRepository
return this.gameConfirmResponseRepository ?? new GenericRepository<GameConfirmResponse>(_context);
public GenericRepository<GameBank> GameBankRepository
return this.gameBankRepository ?? new GenericRepository<GameBank>(_context);
public GenericRepository<GameBankPin> GameBankPinRepository
return this.gameBankPinRepository ?? new GenericRepository<GameBankPin>(_context);
public GenericRepository<ConfirmCancel> ConfirmCancelRepository
return this.confirmCancelRepository ?? new GenericRepository<ConfirmCancel>(_context);
public GenericRepository<Recon> ReconRepository
return this.reconRepository ?? new GenericRepository<Recon>(_context);
public GenericRepository<Company> UserRepository
return this.userRepository ?? new GenericRepository<Company>(_context);
public void Save()
public async Task SaveAsync()
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
private bool disposed = false;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!this.disposed)
if (disposing)
this.disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
Unity config:
namespace Game
public static class UnityConfig
#region Unity Container
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> container =
new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
public static IUnityContainer Container => container.Value;
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
// Default empty Time manager!
container.RegisterType<IGameServices, GameServices>().RegisterType<UnitOfWork>(new TransientLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IUserValidate, UserValidate>(new TransientLifetimeManager());
People keep telling me the best practice is to use "using" but how can I use using in the controller for the Dbcontext? I couldn't find a way.
I have been told that instead of transaction scope, I should use dbcontext transaciton (using(var dbContextTransaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())). I couldn't find a way to use dbcontext transaction in my Service class. I am injecting unit of work in Service class.
Should I implement inside of unit of work and remove transactionscope inside of the Service?
UOW Save:
public void Save(){
using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction()){
}catch (Exception e)