I want to resample mkv(vp8/ogg) and also raw 4 bit adpcm to raw 16bit pcm byte[] to be loaded into SoundEffect from xna library. So I can play it out while I'm using other code to display the frames (the video side is working).
I can read a 16 bit wav file and play it. But when I goto resample something it doesn't play 100%. One file is 3 mins and 15 secs. I only get 13 sec and 739 ms before it quits playing. I have been learning to do this by finding code samples in c++ and correcting it to work in c# using ffmpeg.autogen.
the below is my best attempt at resampling.
int nb_samples = Frame->nb_samples;
int output_nb_samples = nb_samples;
int nb_channels = ffmpeg.av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(ffmpeg.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO);
int bytes_per_sample = ffmpeg.av_get_bytes_per_sample(AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) * nb_channels;
int bufsize = ffmpeg.av_samples_get_buffer_size(null, nb_channels, nb_samples,
AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 1);
byte*[] b = Frame->data;
fixed (byte** input = b)
byte* output = null;
ffmpeg.av_samples_alloc(&output, null,
(AVSampleFormat)Frame->format, 0);//
// Buffer input
Ret = ffmpeg.swr_convert(Swr, &output, output_nb_samples / 2, input, nb_samples);
WritetoMs(output, 0, Ret * bytes_per_sample);
output_nb_samples -= Ret;
// Drain buffer
while ((Ret = ffmpeg.swr_convert(Swr, &output, output_nb_samples, null, 0)) > 0)
WritetoMs(output, 0, Ret * bytes_per_sample);
output_nb_samples -= Ret;
I changed that all to this but it cuts off sooner.
Channels = ffmpeg.av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(OutFrame->channel_layout);
int nb_channels = ffmpeg.av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(ffmpeg.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO);
int bytes_per_sample = ffmpeg.av_get_bytes_per_sample(AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) * nb_channels;
if((Ret = ffmpeg.swr_convert_frame(Swr, OutFrame, Frame))>=0)
WritetoMs(*OutFrame->extended_data, 0, OutFrame->nb_samples * bytes_per_sample);
Both code use a function to set Swr it runs one time after the first frame is decoded.
private void PrepareResampler()
ffmpeg.av_frame_copy_props(OutFrame, Frame);
OutFrame->channel_layout = ffmpeg.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
OutFrame->format = (int)AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16;
OutFrame->sample_rate = Frame->sample_rate;
OutFrame->channels = 2;
Swr = ffmpeg.swr_alloc();
if (Swr == null)
throw new Exception("SWR = Null");
Ret = ffmpeg.swr_config_frame(Swr, OutFrame, Frame);
Ret = ffmpeg.swr_init(Swr);
Ret = ffmpeg.swr_is_initialized(Swr);
This is where I take the output and put it in the sound effect
private void ReadAll()
using (Ms = new MemoryStream())
while (true)
Ret = ffmpeg.av_read_frame(Format, Packet);
if (Ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF)
if (Ms.Length > 0)
se = new SoundEffect(Ms.ToArray(), 0, (int)Ms.Length, OutFrame->sample_rate, (AudioChannels)Channels, 0, 0);
//se.Duration; Stream->duration;
see = se.CreateInstance();
I found some code in C++ FFmpeg distorted sound when converting audio adapted it to c#. Slowly tried bits of it in my program. Turns out my decoder was doing something wrong. So all the attempts at resampling or encoding were going to fail.
using FFmpeg.AutoGen;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApp1
//adapted using code from
public unsafe class Program
public static AVStream* in_audioStream { get; private set; }
static unsafe void die(string str)
throw new Exception(str);
private static unsafe AVStream* add_audio_stream(AVFormatContext* oc, AVCodecID codec_id, int sample_rate = 44100)
AVCodecContext* c;
AVCodec* encoder = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_encoder(codec_id);
AVStream* st = ffmpeg.avformat_new_stream(oc, encoder);
if (st == null)
c = st->codec;
c->codec_id = codec_id;
c->codec_type = AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
/* put sample parameters */
c->bit_rate = 64000;
c->sample_rate = sample_rate;
c->channels = 2;
c->sample_fmt = encoder->sample_fmts[0];
c->channel_layout = ffmpeg.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
// some formats want stream headers to be separate
if ((oc->oformat->flags & ffmpeg.AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) != 0)
c->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
return st;
private static unsafe void open_audio(AVFormatContext* oc, AVStream* st)
AVCodecContext* c = st->codec;
AVCodec* codec;
/* find the audio encoder */
codec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_encoder(c->codec_id);
if (codec == null)
/* open it */
AVDictionary* dict = null;
ffmpeg.av_dict_set(&dict, "strict", "+experimental", 0);
int res = ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(c, codec, &dict);
if (res < 0)
public static int DecodeNext(AVCodecContext* avctx, AVFrame* frame, ref int got_frame_ptr, AVPacket* avpkt)
int ret = 0;
got_frame_ptr = 0;
if ((ret = ffmpeg.avcodec_receive_frame(avctx, frame)) == 0)
//0 on success, otherwise negative error code
got_frame_ptr = 1;
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EAGAIN))
//AVERROR(EAGAIN): input is not accepted in the current state - user must read output with avcodec_receive_packet()
//(once all output is read, the packet should be resent, and the call will not fail with EAGAIN)
ret = Decode(avctx, frame, ref got_frame_ptr, avpkt);
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF)
die("AVERROR_EOF: the encoder has been flushed, and no new frames can be sent to it");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EINVAL))
die("AVERROR(EINVAL): codec not opened, refcounted_frames not set, it is a decoder, or requires flush");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.ENOMEM))
die("Failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar other errors: legitimate decoding errors");
return ret;
public static int Decode(AVCodecContext* avctx, AVFrame* frame, ref int got_frame_ptr, AVPacket* avpkt)
int ret = 0;
got_frame_ptr = 0;
if ((ret = ffmpeg.avcodec_send_packet(avctx, avpkt)) == 0)
//0 on success, otherwise negative error code
return DecodeNext(avctx, frame, ref got_frame_ptr, avpkt);
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EAGAIN))
die("input is not accepted in the current state - user must read output with avcodec_receive_frame()(once all output is read, the packet should be resent, and the call will not fail with EAGAIN");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF)
die("AVERROR_EOF: the decoder has been flushed, and no new packets can be sent to it (also returned if more than 1 flush packet is sent");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EINVAL))
die("codec not opened, it is an encoder, or requires flush");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.ENOMEM))
die("Failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar other errors: legitimate decoding errors");
return ret;//ffmpeg.avcodec_decode_audio4(fileCodecContext, audioFrameDecoded, &frameFinished, &inPacket);
public static int DecodeFlush(AVCodecContext* avctx, AVPacket* avpkt)
avpkt->data = null;
avpkt->size = 0;
return ffmpeg.avcodec_send_packet(avctx, avpkt);
public static int EncodeNext(AVCodecContext* avctx, AVPacket* avpkt, AVFrame* frame, ref int got_packet_ptr)
int ret = 0;
got_packet_ptr = 0;
if ((ret = ffmpeg.avcodec_receive_packet(avctx, avpkt)) == 0)
got_packet_ptr = 1;
//0 on success, otherwise negative error code
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EAGAIN))
//output is not available in the current state - user must try to send input
return Encode(avctx, avpkt, frame, ref got_packet_ptr);
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF)
die("AVERROR_EOF: the encoder has been fully flushed, and there will be no more output packets");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EINVAL))
die("AVERROR(EINVAL) codec not opened, or it is an encoder other errors: legitimate decoding errors");
return ret;//ffmpeg.avcodec_encode_audio2(audioCodecContext, &outPacket, audioFrameConverted, &frameFinished)
public static int Encode(AVCodecContext* avctx, AVPacket* avpkt, AVFrame* frame, ref int got_packet_ptr)
int ret = 0;
got_packet_ptr = 0;
if ((ret = ffmpeg.avcodec_send_frame(avctx, frame)) == 0)
//0 on success, otherwise negative error code
return EncodeNext(avctx, avpkt, frame, ref got_packet_ptr);
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EAGAIN))
die("input is not accepted in the current state - user must read output with avcodec_receive_packet() (once all output is read, the packet should be resent, and the call will not fail with EAGAIN)");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF)
die("AVERROR_EOF: the decoder has been flushed, and no new packets can be sent to it (also returned if more than 1 flush packet is sent");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.EINVAL))
die("AVERROR(ffmpeg.EINVAL) codec not opened, refcounted_frames not set, it is a decoder, or requires flush");
else if (ret == ffmpeg.AVERROR(ffmpeg.ENOMEM))
die("AVERROR(ENOMEM) failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar other errors: legitimate decoding errors");
return ret;//ffmpeg.avcodec_encode_audio2(audioCodecContext, &outPacket, audioFrameConverted, &frameFinished)
public static int EncodeFlush(AVCodecContext* avctx)
return ffmpeg.avcodec_send_frame(avctx, null);
public static void Main(string[] argv)
if (argv.Length != 2)
//fprintf(stderr, "%s <in> <out>\n", argv[0]);
// Allocate and init re-usable frames
AVCodecContext* fileCodecContext, audioCodecContext;
AVFormatContext* formatContext, outContext;
AVStream* out_audioStream;
SwrContext* swrContext;
int streamId;
// input file
string file = argv[0];
int res = ffmpeg.avformat_open_input(&formatContext, file, null, null);
if (res != 0)
res = ffmpeg.avformat_find_stream_info(formatContext, null);
if (res < 0)
AVCodec* codec;
res = ffmpeg.av_find_best_stream(formatContext, AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &codec, 0);
if (res < 0)
return; // die("av_find_best_stream");
streamId = res;
fileCodecContext = ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
AVCodecParameters* cp = null;
ffmpeg.avcodec_parameters_to_context(fileCodecContext, formatContext->streams[streamId]->codecpar);
res = ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(fileCodecContext, codec, null);
if (res < 0)
in_audioStream = formatContext->streams[streamId];
// output file
//string outfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(argv[0])}.pcm");
//AVOutputFormat* fmt = fmt = ffmpeg.av_guess_format("s16le", null, null);
string outfile = argv[1];
AVOutputFormat * fmt = fmt = ffmpeg.av_guess_format(null, outfile, null);
if (fmt == null)
outContext = ffmpeg.avformat_alloc_context();
outContext->oformat = fmt;
out_audioStream = add_audio_stream(outContext, fmt->audio_codec, in_audioStream->codec->sample_rate);
open_audio(outContext, out_audioStream);
out_audioStream->time_base = in_audioStream->time_base;
res = ffmpeg.avio_open2(&outContext->pb, outfile, ffmpeg.AVIO_FLAG_WRITE, null, null);
if (res < 0)
ffmpeg.avformat_write_header(outContext, null);
AVCodec* ocodec;
res = ffmpeg.av_find_best_stream(outContext, AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &ocodec, 0);
audioCodecContext = ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context3(ocodec);
ffmpeg.avcodec_parameters_to_context(audioCodecContext, out_audioStream->codecpar);
res = ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(audioCodecContext, ocodec, null);
if (res < 0)
// resampling
swrContext = ffmpeg.swr_alloc();
ffmpeg.av_opt_set_channel_layout(swrContext, "in_channel_layout", (long)fileCodecContext->channel_layout, 0);
ffmpeg.av_opt_set_channel_layout(swrContext, "out_channel_layout", (long)audioCodecContext->channel_layout, 0);
ffmpeg.av_opt_set_int(swrContext, "in_sample_rate", fileCodecContext->sample_rate, 0);
ffmpeg.av_opt_set_int(swrContext, "out_sample_rate", audioCodecContext->sample_rate, 0);
ffmpeg.av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swrContext, "in_sample_fmt", fileCodecContext->sample_fmt, 0);
ffmpeg.av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swrContext, "out_sample_fmt", audioCodecContext->sample_fmt, 0);
res = ffmpeg.swr_init(swrContext);
if (res < 0)
AVFrame* audioFrameDecoded = ffmpeg.av_frame_alloc();
if (audioFrameDecoded == null)
die("Could not allocate audio frame");
audioFrameDecoded->format = (int)fileCodecContext->sample_fmt;
audioFrameDecoded->channel_layout = fileCodecContext->channel_layout;
audioFrameDecoded->channels = fileCodecContext->channels;
audioFrameDecoded->sample_rate = fileCodecContext->sample_rate;
AVFrame* audioFrameConverted = ffmpeg.av_frame_alloc();
if (audioFrameConverted == null)
die("Could not allocate audio frame");
audioFrameConverted->nb_samples = audioCodecContext->frame_size;
audioFrameConverted->format = (int)audioCodecContext->sample_fmt;
audioFrameConverted->channel_layout = audioCodecContext->channel_layout;
audioFrameConverted->channels = audioCodecContext->channels;
audioFrameConverted->sample_rate = audioCodecContext->sample_rate;
if (audioFrameConverted->nb_samples <= 0)
audioFrameConverted->nb_samples = 32;
AVPacket inPacket;
ffmpeg.av_init_packet(&inPacket); = null;
inPacket.size = 0;
int frameFinished = 0;
for (; ; )
if (ffmpeg.av_read_frame(formatContext, &inPacket) < 0)
if (inPacket.stream_index == streamId)
int len = Decode(fileCodecContext, audioFrameDecoded, ref frameFinished, &inPacket);
if (len == ffmpeg.AVERROR_EOF)
if (frameFinished != 0)
// Convert
byte* convertedData = null;
if (ffmpeg.av_samples_alloc(&convertedData,
audioCodecContext->sample_fmt, 0) < 0)
die("Could not allocate samples");
int outSamples = 0;
fixed (byte** tmp = (byte*[])audioFrameDecoded->data)
outSamples = ffmpeg.swr_convert(swrContext, null, 0,
if (outSamples < 0)
die("Could not convert");
for (; ; )
outSamples = ffmpeg.swr_get_out_samples(swrContext, 0);
if ((outSamples < audioCodecContext->frame_size * audioCodecContext->channels) || audioCodecContext->frame_size == 0 && (outSamples < audioFrameConverted->nb_samples * audioCodecContext->channels))
break; // see comments, thanks to #dajuric for fixing this
outSamples = ffmpeg.swr_convert(swrContext,
audioFrameConverted->nb_samples, null, 0);
int buffer_size = ffmpeg.av_samples_get_buffer_size(null,
if (buffer_size < 0)
die("Invalid buffer size");
if (ffmpeg.avcodec_fill_audio_frame(audioFrameConverted,
0) < 0)
die("Could not fill frame");
AVPacket outPacket;
ffmpeg.av_init_packet(&outPacket); = null;
outPacket.size = 0;
if (Encode(audioCodecContext, &outPacket, audioFrameConverted, ref frameFinished) < 0)
die("Error encoding audio frame");
//outPacket.flags |= ffmpeg.AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
outPacket.stream_index = out_audioStream->index;
// = audio_outbuf;
outPacket.dts = audioFrameDecoded->pkt_dts;
outPacket.pts = audioFrameDecoded->pkt_pts;
ffmpeg.av_packet_rescale_ts(&outPacket, in_audioStream->time_base, out_audioStream->time_base);
if (frameFinished != 0)
if (ffmpeg.av_interleaved_write_frame(outContext, &outPacket) != 0)
die("Error while writing audio frame");
DecodeFlush(fileCodecContext, &inPacket);
I am trying to get the symbol information from an address but I am getting error 87 (0x57) ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, I have also found the same question here but the answer does not work for me or at least it is not clear. There is some related questions in SO like: SymFromAddr using C# but it seems there is no clues to solve this.
Note: DbgHelpNative class is a wrapper of the DbgHelp.dll for C#.
This is my code:
static IntPtr GetThreadStartAddress(int threadId)
var hThread = OpenThread(ThreadAccess.QueryInformation, false, threadId);
if (hThread == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new Win32Exception();
var buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size);
try {
var result = NtQueryInformationThread(hThread,ThreadInfoClass.ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress,buf, IntPtr.Size, IntPtr.Zero);
if (result != 0) {
throw new Win32Exception(string.Format("NtQueryInformationThread failed; NTSTATUS = {0:X8}", result));
IntPtr threadAddress = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(buf);
if (DbgHelpNative.SymInitialize(IntPtr.Zero, null, false)) {
int bufferSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO)) + ((2000 - 2) * 2);
var buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);
DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO symbolInfo = new DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO();
ulong displacement = 0;
Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO));
symbolInfo.SizeOfStruct = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO));
symbolInfo.MaxNameLen = 2000;
if (DbgHelpNative.SymFromAddr(hThread, (ulong)threadAddress, out displacement, ref symbolInfo)) {
} else {
var error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
return threadAddress;
finally {
The correct code is:
static IntPtr GetThreadStartAddress(IntPtr hProc, int threadId)
IntPtr hThread = IntPtr.Zero;
GCHandle handle = default(GCHandle);
hThread = OpenThread(ThreadAccess.QueryInformation, false, threadId);
if (hThread == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception("OpenThread failed");
var threadAddress = new IntPtr[1];
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(threadAddress, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var result = NtQueryInformationThread(hThread, ThreadInfoClass.ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), IntPtr.Size, IntPtr.Zero);
if (result != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(string.Format("NtQueryInformationThread failed; NTSTATUS = {0:X8}", result));
DbgHelpNative.SymSetOptions(DbgHelpNative.Options.SYMOPT_UNDNAME | DbgHelpNative.Options.SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS);
if (!DbgHelpNative.SymInitialize(hProc, null, true))
throw new Win32Exception("SymInitialize failed");
DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO symbolInfo = new DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO();
// Look at your DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO.Name definition, there should be a SizeConst.
// Change the 1024 to the SizeConst
// If using Unicode, change 1024 to 1024 * 2
// In the end SizeOfStruct should be 88, both at 32 and 64 bits, both Ansi and Unicode
symbolInfo.SizeOfStruct = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DbgHelpNative.SYMBOL_INFO)) - 1024;
// Change the 1024 to the SizeConst (both for Ansi and Unicode)
symbolInfo.MaxNameLen = 1024;
ulong displacement;
if (!DbgHelpNative.SymFromAddr(hProc, (ulong)threadAddress[0], out displacement, ref symbolInfo))
throw new Win32Exception("SymFromAddr failed");
return threadAddress[0];
if (hThread != IntPtr.Zero)
if (handle.IsAllocated)
**you'll have to do a small correction in the symbolInfo.SizeOfStruct and symbolInfo.MaxNameLen lines!
Note that you need both a hProc (a handle to the process) AND a threadId
For current process you can use this:
var proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
int id = proc.Threads[0].Id;
IntPtr addr = GetThreadStartAddress(proc.Handle, id);
Note that, if you are using this for the DbgHelpNative, I consider any PInvoke that uses Ansi instead of Unicode to be defective. Another (small, non-) problem is that the SizeConst in that library is set to 1024, but in the MSDN examples they use MAX_SYM_NAME, that is 2000... I haven't ever seen a 2000 character symbol, but...)
I'm building a .Net application that should import a VS2010/2008 solution and find the start up project by reading the .suo file. I looked at How do I programmatically find out the Action of each StartUp Project in a solution? but the solution mentioned works only if I select Multiple Startup Projects in the Solution Properties window. My solution does not have multiple startup project. Is there a way to find the startup project when the solution has only 1 startup proj?
Here's the code
public static class StartUpProjectHelper
public static FileInfo GetStartUpProject(FileInfo solutionFile)
FileInfo startUpProject = null;
string suoFile = solutionFile.FullName.Substring(0, solutionFile.FullName.Length - 4) + ".suo";
string guid = null;
bool found = false;
foreach (var kvp in ReadStartupOptions(suoFile))
if (((kvp.Value & 1) != 0 || (kvp.Value & 2) != 0) && !found)
guid = kvp.Key.ToString();
found = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
string projectname = GetProjectNameFromGuid(solutionFile, guid).Trim().TrimStart('\"').TrimEnd('\"');
startUpProject = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(solutionFile.DirectoryName, projectname));
return startUpProject;
public static string GetProjectNameFromGuid(FileInfo solutionFile, string guid)
string projectName = null;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(solutionFile.FullName))
string line;
bool found = false;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null && !found)
// sample format
//Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Saltus.digiTICKET.laptop", "digiTICKET.laptop\Saltus.digiTICKET.laptop.csproj",
//"{236D51A1-DEB7-41C3-A4C1-1D16D0A85382}" EndProject
if ((line.IndexOf(guid.ToUpper()) > -1) && line.Contains(",") && line.Contains("="))
projectName = line.Split(',')[1].Split(',')[0];
found = true;
return projectName;
//// from
public static IDictionary<Guid, int> ReadStartupOptions(string filePath)
if (filePath == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No file selected");
// look for this token in the file
const string token = "dwStartupOpt\0=";
byte[] tokenBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(token);
var dic = new Dictionary<Guid, int>();
byte[] bytes;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
ExtractStream(filePath, "SolutionConfiguration", stream);
bytes = stream.ToArray();
int i = 0;
bool found = true;
for (int j = 0; j < tokenBytes.Length; j++)
if (bytes[i + j] != tokenBytes[j])
found = false;
if (found)
// back read the corresponding project guid
// guid is formatted as {guid}
// len to read is Guid length* 2 and there are two offset bytes between guid and startup options token
var guidBytes = new byte[38*2];
Array.Copy(bytes, i - guidBytes.Length - 2, guidBytes, 0, guidBytes.Length);
var guid = new Guid(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(guidBytes));
// skip VT_I4
int options = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, i + tokenBytes.Length + 2);
dic[guid] = options;
} while (i < bytes.Length);
return dic;
public static void ExtractStream(string filePath, string streamName, Stream output)
if (filePath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");
if (streamName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("streamName");
if (output == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
IStorage storage;
int hr = StgOpenStorage(filePath, null, STGM.READ | STGM.SHARE_DENY_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out storage);
if (hr != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(hr);
IStream stream;
hr = storage.OpenStream(streamName, IntPtr.Zero, STGM.READ | STGM.SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, out stream);
if (hr != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(hr);
int read = 0;
IntPtr readPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(read));
var bytes = new byte[0x1000];
stream.Read(bytes, bytes.Length, readPtr);
read = Marshal.ReadInt32(readPtr);
if (read == 0)
output.Write(bytes, 0, read);
} while (true);
private static extern int StgOpenStorage([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwcsName,
IStorage pstgPriority, STGM grfMode, IntPtr snbExclude, uint reserved,
out IStorage ppstgOpen);
#region Nested type: IStorage
[ComImport, Guid("0000000b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
private interface IStorage
void Unimplemented0();
int OpenStream([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwcsName, IntPtr reserved1, STGM grfMode,
uint reserved2, out IStream ppstm);
// other methods not declared for simplicity
#region Nested type: STGM
private enum STGM
READ = 0x00000000,
SHARE_DENY_WRITE = 0x00000020,
SHARE_EXCLUSIVE = 0x00000010,
// other values not declared for simplicity
//// from``
Here's the solution. It is mostly based on #SimonMourier post, but instead of searching for "dwStartupOpt\0=", I'm looking for "StartupProject\0=&\0". This token occurs only once in the .suo file and is followed by the startup project's GUID.
public static FileInfo GetStartUpProject(FileInfo solutionFile)
FileInfo startUpProject = null;
string projectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(solutionFile.FullName);
FileInfo suoFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(solutionFile.Directory.FullName, string.Format(projectName + "{0}", ".suo")));
string guid = ReadStartupOptions(suoFileInfo.FullName).ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
string projectname = GetProjectNameFromGuid(solutionFile, guid).Trim().TrimStart('\"').TrimEnd('\"');
startUpProject = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(solutionFile.DirectoryName, projectname));
return startUpProject;
public static string GetProjectNameFromGuid(FileInfo solutionFile, string guid)
string projectName = null;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(solutionFile.FullName))
string line;
bool found = false;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null && !found)
if ((line.IndexOf(guid.ToUpper()) > -1) && line.Contains(",") && line.Contains("="))
projectName = line.Split(',')[1].Split(',')[0];
found = true;
return projectName;
// from
public static Guid ReadStartupOptions(string filePath)
Guid guid = new Guid();
if (filePath == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No file selected");
const string token = "StartupProject\0=&\0";
byte[] tokenBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(token);
byte[] bytes;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
ExtractStream(filePath, "SolutionConfiguration", stream);
bytes = stream.ToArray();
var guidBytes = new byte[36 * 2];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < bytes.Length; i2++)
if (bytes.Skip(i2).Take(tokenBytes.Length).SequenceEqual(tokenBytes))
Array.Copy(bytes, i2 + tokenBytes.Length + 2, guidBytes, 0, guidBytes.Length);
guid = new Guid(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(guidBytes));
return guid;
public static void ExtractStream(string filePath, string streamName, Stream output)
if (filePath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");
if (streamName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("streamName");
if (output == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
IStorage storage;
int hr = StgOpenStorage(filePath, null, STGM.READ | STGM.SHARE_DENY_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out storage);
if (hr != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(hr);
IStream stream;
hr = storage.OpenStream(streamName, IntPtr.Zero, STGM.READ | STGM.SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, out stream);
if (hr != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(hr);
int read = 0;
IntPtr readPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(read));
var bytes = new byte[0x1000];
stream.Read(bytes, bytes.Length, readPtr);
read = Marshal.ReadInt32(readPtr);
if (read == 0)
output.Write(bytes, 0, read);
} while (true);
private static extern int StgOpenStorage([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwcsName,
IStorage pstgPriority, STGM grfMode, IntPtr snbExclude, uint reserved,
out IStorage ppstgOpen);
#region Nested type: IStorage
[ComImport, Guid("0000000b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
private interface IStorage
void Unimplemented0();
int OpenStream([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwcsName, IntPtr reserved1, STGM grfMode,
uint reserved2, out IStream ppstm);
// other methods not declared for simplicity
#region Nested type: STGM
private enum STGM
READ = 0x00000000,
SHARE_DENY_WRITE = 0x00000020,
SHARE_EXCLUSIVE = 0x00000010,
// other values not declared for simplicity
This question already has answers here:
Is there a way to check if a file is in use?
(20 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Is there any way to check whether a file is locked without using a try/catch block?
Right now, the only way I know of is to just open the file and catch any System.IO.IOException.
When I faced with a similar problem, I finished with the following code:
public class FileManager
private string _fileName;
private int _numberOfTries;
private int _timeIntervalBetweenTries;
private FileStream GetStream(FileAccess fileAccess)
var tries = 0;
while (true)
return File.Open(_fileName, FileMode.Open, fileAccess, Fileshare.None);
catch (IOException e)
if (!IsFileLocked(e))
if (++tries > _numberOfTries)
throw new MyCustomException("The file is locked too long: " + e.Message, e);
private static bool IsFileLocked(IOException exception)
int errorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(exception) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
return errorCode == 32 || errorCode == 33;
// other code
The other answers rely on old information. This one provides a better solution.
Long ago it was impossible to reliably get the list of processes locking a file because Windows simply did not track that information. To support the Restart Manager API, that information is now tracked. The Restart Manager API is available beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 (Restart Manager: Run-time Requirements).
I put together code that takes the path of a file and returns a List<Process> of all processes that are locking that file.
static public class FileUtil
public int dwProcessId;
public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ProcessStartTime;
const int RmRebootReasonNone = 0;
const int CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME = 255;
const int CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME = 63;
RmUnknownApp = 0,
RmMainWindow = 1,
RmOtherWindow = 2,
RmService = 3,
RmExplorer = 4,
RmConsole = 5,
RmCritical = 1000
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS Process;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME + 1)]
public string strAppName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME + 1)]
public string strServiceShortName;
public RM_APP_TYPE ApplicationType;
public uint AppStatus;
public uint TSSessionId;
public bool bRestartable;
[DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern int RmRegisterResources(uint pSessionHandle,
UInt32 nFiles,
string[] rgsFilenames,
UInt32 nApplications,
[In] RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS[] rgApplications,
UInt32 nServices,
string[] rgsServiceNames);
[DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern int RmStartSession(out uint pSessionHandle, int dwSessionFlags, string strSessionKey);
static extern int RmEndSession(uint pSessionHandle);
static extern int RmGetList(uint dwSessionHandle,
out uint pnProcInfoNeeded,
ref uint pnProcInfo,
[In, Out] RM_PROCESS_INFO[] rgAffectedApps,
ref uint lpdwRebootReasons);
/// <summary>
/// Find out what process(es) have a lock on the specified file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file.</param>
/// <returns>Processes locking the file</returns>
/// <remarks>See also:
/// (no copyright in code at time of viewing)
/// </remarks>
static public List<Process> WhoIsLocking(string path)
uint handle;
string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
List<Process> processes = new List<Process>();
int res = RmStartSession(out handle, 0, key);
if (res != 0)
throw new Exception("Could not begin restart session. Unable to determine file locker.");
const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
uint pnProcInfoNeeded = 0,
pnProcInfo = 0,
lpdwRebootReasons = RmRebootReasonNone;
string[] resources = new string[] { path }; // Just checking on one resource.
res = RmRegisterResources(handle, (uint)resources.Length, resources, 0, null, 0, null);
if (res != 0)
throw new Exception("Could not register resource.");
//Note: there's a race condition here -- the first call to RmGetList() returns
// the total number of process. However, when we call RmGetList() again to get
// the actual processes this number may have increased.
res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, null, ref lpdwRebootReasons);
if (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
// Create an array to store the process results
RM_PROCESS_INFO[] processInfo = new RM_PROCESS_INFO[pnProcInfoNeeded];
pnProcInfo = pnProcInfoNeeded;
// Get the list
res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, processInfo, ref lpdwRebootReasons);
if (res == 0)
processes = new List<Process>((int)pnProcInfo);
// Enumerate all of the results and add them to the
// list to be returned
for (int i = 0; i < pnProcInfo; i++)
// catch the error -- in case the process is no longer running
catch (ArgumentException) { }
throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource.");
else if (res != 0)
throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource. Failed to get size of result.");
return processes;
Here is another discussion with sample code on how to use the Restart Manager API.
No, unfortunately, and if you think about it, that information would be worthless anyway since the file could become locked the very next second (read: short timespan).
Why specifically do you need to know if the file is locked anyway? Knowing that might give us some other way of giving you good advice.
If your code would look like this:
if not locked then
open and update file
Then between the two lines, another process could easily lock the file, giving you the same problem you were trying to avoid to begin with: exceptions.
You can also check if any process is using this file and show a list of programs you must close to continue like an installer does.
public static string GetFileProcessName(string filePath)
Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses();
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
foreach (Process proc in procs)
if (proc.MainWindowHandle != new IntPtr(0) && !proc.HasExited)
ProcessModule[] arr = new ProcessModule[proc.Modules.Count];
foreach (ProcessModule pm in proc.Modules)
if (pm.ModuleName == fileName)
return proc.ProcessName;
return null;
Instead of using interop you can use the .NET FileStream class methods Lock and Unlock:
A variation of DixonD's excellent answer (above).
public static bool TryOpen(string path,
FileMode fileMode,
FileAccess fileAccess,
FileShare fileShare,
TimeSpan timeout,
out Stream stream)
var endTime = DateTime.Now + timeout;
while (DateTime.Now < endTime)
if (TryOpen(path, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare, out stream))
return true;
stream = null;
return false;
public static bool TryOpen(string path,
FileMode fileMode,
FileAccess fileAccess,
FileShare fileShare,
out Stream stream)
stream = File.Open(path, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare);
return true;
catch (IOException e)
if (!FileIsLocked(e))
stream = null;
return false;
private const uint HRFileLocked = 0x80070020;
private const uint HRPortionOfFileLocked = 0x80070021;
private static bool FileIsLocked(IOException ioException)
var errorCode = (uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(ioException);
return errorCode == HRFileLocked || errorCode == HRPortionOfFileLocked;
private void Sample(string filePath)
Stream stream = null;
var timeOut = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
if (!TryOpen(filePath,
out stream))
// Use stream...
if (stream != null)
Here's a variation of DixonD's code that adds number of seconds to wait for file to unlock, and try again:
public bool IsFileLocked(string filePath, int secondsToWait)
bool isLocked = true;
int i = 0;
while (isLocked && ((i < secondsToWait) || (secondsToWait == 0)))
using (File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open)) { }
return false;
catch (IOException e)
var errorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(e) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
isLocked = errorCode == 32 || errorCode == 33;
if (secondsToWait !=0)
new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(1000);
return isLocked;
if (!IsFileLocked(file, 10))
throw new Exception(...);
You could call LockFile via interop on the region of file you are interested in. This will not throw an exception, if it succeeds you will have a lock on that portion of the file (which is held by your process), that lock will be held until you call UnlockFile or your process dies.
Then between the two lines, another process could easily lock the file, giving you the same problem you were trying to avoid to begin with: exceptions.
However, this way, you would know that the problem is temporary, and to retry later. (E.g., you could write a thread that, if encountering a lock while trying to write, keeps retrying until the lock is gone.)
The IOException, on the other hand, is not by itself specific enough that locking is the cause of the IO failure. There could be reasons that aren't temporary.
You can see if the file is locked by trying to read or lock it yourself first.
Please see my answer here for more information.
Same thing but in Powershell
function Test-FileOpen
$openFile =([]::Open($FileToOpen,[]::Open))
$open =$true
$open = $false
What I ended up doing is:
internal void LoadExternalData() {
FileStream file;
if (TryOpenRead("filepath/filename", 5, out file)) {
using (file)
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file)) {
// do something
internal bool TryOpenRead(string path, int timeout, out FileStream file) {
bool isLocked = true;
bool condition = true;
do {
try {
file = File.OpenRead(path);
return true;
catch (IOException e) {
var errorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(e) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
isLocked = errorCode == 32 || errorCode == 33;
condition = (isLocked && timeout > 0);
if (condition) {
// we only wait if the file is locked. If the exception is of any other type, there's no point on keep trying. just return false and null;
new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(1000);
while (condition);
file = null;
return false;
This question already has answers here:
Is there a way to check if a file is in use?
(20 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Is there any way to check whether a file is locked without using a try/catch block?
Right now, the only way I know of is to just open the file and catch any System.IO.IOException.
When I faced with a similar problem, I finished with the following code:
public class FileManager
private string _fileName;
private int _numberOfTries;
private int _timeIntervalBetweenTries;
private FileStream GetStream(FileAccess fileAccess)
var tries = 0;
while (true)
return File.Open(_fileName, FileMode.Open, fileAccess, Fileshare.None);
catch (IOException e)
if (!IsFileLocked(e))
if (++tries > _numberOfTries)
throw new MyCustomException("The file is locked too long: " + e.Message, e);
private static bool IsFileLocked(IOException exception)
int errorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(exception) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
return errorCode == 32 || errorCode == 33;
// other code
The other answers rely on old information. This one provides a better solution.
Long ago it was impossible to reliably get the list of processes locking a file because Windows simply did not track that information. To support the Restart Manager API, that information is now tracked. The Restart Manager API is available beginning with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 (Restart Manager: Run-time Requirements).
I put together code that takes the path of a file and returns a List<Process> of all processes that are locking that file.
static public class FileUtil
public int dwProcessId;
public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ProcessStartTime;
const int RmRebootReasonNone = 0;
const int CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME = 255;
const int CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME = 63;
RmUnknownApp = 0,
RmMainWindow = 1,
RmOtherWindow = 2,
RmService = 3,
RmExplorer = 4,
RmConsole = 5,
RmCritical = 1000
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS Process;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME + 1)]
public string strAppName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME + 1)]
public string strServiceShortName;
public RM_APP_TYPE ApplicationType;
public uint AppStatus;
public uint TSSessionId;
public bool bRestartable;
[DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern int RmRegisterResources(uint pSessionHandle,
UInt32 nFiles,
string[] rgsFilenames,
UInt32 nApplications,
[In] RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS[] rgApplications,
UInt32 nServices,
string[] rgsServiceNames);
[DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern int RmStartSession(out uint pSessionHandle, int dwSessionFlags, string strSessionKey);
static extern int RmEndSession(uint pSessionHandle);
static extern int RmGetList(uint dwSessionHandle,
out uint pnProcInfoNeeded,
ref uint pnProcInfo,
[In, Out] RM_PROCESS_INFO[] rgAffectedApps,
ref uint lpdwRebootReasons);
/// <summary>
/// Find out what process(es) have a lock on the specified file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file.</param>
/// <returns>Processes locking the file</returns>
/// <remarks>See also:
/// (no copyright in code at time of viewing)
/// </remarks>
static public List<Process> WhoIsLocking(string path)
uint handle;
string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
List<Process> processes = new List<Process>();
int res = RmStartSession(out handle, 0, key);
if (res != 0)
throw new Exception("Could not begin restart session. Unable to determine file locker.");
const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
uint pnProcInfoNeeded = 0,
pnProcInfo = 0,
lpdwRebootReasons = RmRebootReasonNone;
string[] resources = new string[] { path }; // Just checking on one resource.
res = RmRegisterResources(handle, (uint)resources.Length, resources, 0, null, 0, null);
if (res != 0)
throw new Exception("Could not register resource.");
//Note: there's a race condition here -- the first call to RmGetList() returns
// the total number of process. However, when we call RmGetList() again to get
// the actual processes this number may have increased.
res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, null, ref lpdwRebootReasons);
if (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
// Create an array to store the process results
RM_PROCESS_INFO[] processInfo = new RM_PROCESS_INFO[pnProcInfoNeeded];
pnProcInfo = pnProcInfoNeeded;
// Get the list
res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, processInfo, ref lpdwRebootReasons);
if (res == 0)
processes = new List<Process>((int)pnProcInfo);
// Enumerate all of the results and add them to the
// list to be returned
for (int i = 0; i < pnProcInfo; i++)
// catch the error -- in case the process is no longer running
catch (ArgumentException) { }
throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource.");
else if (res != 0)
throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource. Failed to get size of result.");
return processes;
Here is another discussion with sample code on how to use the Restart Manager API.
No, unfortunately, and if you think about it, that information would be worthless anyway since the file could become locked the very next second (read: short timespan).
Why specifically do you need to know if the file is locked anyway? Knowing that might give us some other way of giving you good advice.
If your code would look like this:
if not locked then
open and update file
Then between the two lines, another process could easily lock the file, giving you the same problem you were trying to avoid to begin with: exceptions.
You can also check if any process is using this file and show a list of programs you must close to continue like an installer does.
public static string GetFileProcessName(string filePath)
Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses();
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
foreach (Process proc in procs)
if (proc.MainWindowHandle != new IntPtr(0) && !proc.HasExited)
ProcessModule[] arr = new ProcessModule[proc.Modules.Count];
foreach (ProcessModule pm in proc.Modules)
if (pm.ModuleName == fileName)
return proc.ProcessName;
return null;
Instead of using interop you can use the .NET FileStream class methods Lock and Unlock:
A variation of DixonD's excellent answer (above).
public static bool TryOpen(string path,
FileMode fileMode,
FileAccess fileAccess,
FileShare fileShare,
TimeSpan timeout,
out Stream stream)
var endTime = DateTime.Now + timeout;
while (DateTime.Now < endTime)
if (TryOpen(path, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare, out stream))
return true;
stream = null;
return false;
public static bool TryOpen(string path,
FileMode fileMode,
FileAccess fileAccess,
FileShare fileShare,
out Stream stream)
stream = File.Open(path, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare);
return true;
catch (IOException e)
if (!FileIsLocked(e))
stream = null;
return false;
private const uint HRFileLocked = 0x80070020;
private const uint HRPortionOfFileLocked = 0x80070021;
private static bool FileIsLocked(IOException ioException)
var errorCode = (uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(ioException);
return errorCode == HRFileLocked || errorCode == HRPortionOfFileLocked;
private void Sample(string filePath)
Stream stream = null;
var timeOut = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
if (!TryOpen(filePath,
out stream))
// Use stream...
if (stream != null)
Here's a variation of DixonD's code that adds number of seconds to wait for file to unlock, and try again:
public bool IsFileLocked(string filePath, int secondsToWait)
bool isLocked = true;
int i = 0;
while (isLocked && ((i < secondsToWait) || (secondsToWait == 0)))
using (File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open)) { }
return false;
catch (IOException e)
var errorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(e) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
isLocked = errorCode == 32 || errorCode == 33;
if (secondsToWait !=0)
new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(1000);
return isLocked;
if (!IsFileLocked(file, 10))
throw new Exception(...);
You could call LockFile via interop on the region of file you are interested in. This will not throw an exception, if it succeeds you will have a lock on that portion of the file (which is held by your process), that lock will be held until you call UnlockFile or your process dies.
Then between the two lines, another process could easily lock the file, giving you the same problem you were trying to avoid to begin with: exceptions.
However, this way, you would know that the problem is temporary, and to retry later. (E.g., you could write a thread that, if encountering a lock while trying to write, keeps retrying until the lock is gone.)
The IOException, on the other hand, is not by itself specific enough that locking is the cause of the IO failure. There could be reasons that aren't temporary.
You can see if the file is locked by trying to read or lock it yourself first.
Please see my answer here for more information.
Same thing but in Powershell
function Test-FileOpen
$openFile =([]::Open($FileToOpen,[]::Open))
$open =$true
$open = $false
What I ended up doing is:
internal void LoadExternalData() {
FileStream file;
if (TryOpenRead("filepath/filename", 5, out file)) {
using (file)
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file)) {
// do something
internal bool TryOpenRead(string path, int timeout, out FileStream file) {
bool isLocked = true;
bool condition = true;
do {
try {
file = File.OpenRead(path);
return true;
catch (IOException e) {
var errorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(e) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
isLocked = errorCode == 32 || errorCode == 33;
condition = (isLocked && timeout > 0);
if (condition) {
// we only wait if the file is locked. If the exception is of any other type, there's no point on keep trying. just return false and null;
new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(1000);
while (condition);
file = null;
return false;