I have this (below) process where it collects search results returned from a service. Each result is then added to UI for display.
Can this be improved so that the _list can be processed in parallel (perhaps using multiple threads?), therefore I get faster results?
List<Query> queries = _list.Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Title));
foreach (var item in queries)
List<ExtendedSearchResult> searchResults = (await _service.SearchAsync(item.Query))
.Select(x => ExtendedSearchResult.FromSearchResult(x))
if (searchResults != null)
foreach (var result in searchResults)
Found this post but not sure if this applies to my scenario and how to implement it.
Can this be improved so that the _list can be processed in parallel (perhaps using multiple threads?)
Maybe? there is not really anyway to tell from the example. Is the performed work IO-bound or compute bound? The searching might need to take some kind of lock to gain exclusive access to some resource, if that is the case parallelism would do nothing except increase overhead.
As a rule of thumb, parallelism is best for compute bound tasks, while async is best for IO bound tasks. But often a combination can be useful, modern SSDs are inherently parallel, and compute bound tasks are often done in the background to avoid blocking the main thread.
If you want to make this code parallel you need to make it thread-safe, i.e. make sure any shared objects are threadsafe, and ensure the UI is only updated on the main-thread.
There are plenty of resources available for running tasks concurrently. For example using async await for multiple tasks. As an alternative I would consider IAsynEnumerable to update the UI as results are returned.
I've googled this plenty but I'm afraid I don't fully understand the consequences of concurrency and parallelism.
I have about 3000 rows of database objects that each have an average of 2-4 logical data attached to them that need to be validated as a part of a search query, meaning the validation service needs to execute approx. 3*3000 times. E.g. the user has filtered on color then each row needs to validate the color and return the result. The loop cannot break when a match has been found, meaning all logical objects will always need to be evaluated (this is due to calculations of relevance and just not a match).
This is done on-demand when the user selects various properties, meaning performance is key here.
I'm currently doing this by using Parallel.ForEach but wonder if it is smarter to use async behavior instead?
Current way
var validatorService = new LogicalGroupValidatorService();
ConcurrentBag<StandardSearchResult> results = new ConcurrentBag<StandardSearchResult>();
Parallel.ForEach(searchGroups, (group) =>
var searchGroupResult = validatorService.ValidateLogicGroupRecursivly(
propertySearchQuery, group.StandardPropertyLogicalGroup);
result.Add(new StandardSearchResult(searchGroupResult));
Async example code
var validatorService = new LogicalGroupValidatorService();
List<StandardSearchResult> results = new List<StandardSearchResult>();
var tasks = new List<Task<StandardPropertyLogicalGroupSearchResult>>();
foreach (var group in searchGroups)
propertySearchQuery, group.StandardPropertyLogicalGroup));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
results = tasks.Select(logicalGroupResultTask =>
new StandardSearchResult(logicalGroupResultTask.Result)).ToList();
The difference between parallel and async is this:
Parallel: Spin up multiple threads and divide the work over each thread
Async: Do the work in a non-blocking manner.
Whether this makes a difference depends on what it is that is blocking in the async-way. If you're doing work on the CPU, it's the CPU that is blocking you and therefore you will still end up with multiple threads. In case it's IO (or anything else besides the CPU, you will reuse the same thread)
For your particular example that means the following:
Parallel.ForEach => Spin up new threads for each item in the list (the nr of threads that are spun up is managed by the CLR) and execute each item on a different thread
async/await => Do this bit of work, but let me continue execution. Since you have many items, that means saying this multiple times. It depends now what the results:
If this bit of workis on the CPU, the effect is the same
Otherwise, you'll just use a single thread while the work is being done somewhere else
So I just cant grasp the concept here.
I have a Method that uses the Parallel class with the Foreach method.
But the thing I dont understand is, does it create new threads so it can run the function faster?
Let's take this as an example.
I do a normal foreach loop.
private static void DoSimpleWork()
foreach (var item in collection)
What that will do is, it will take the first item in the list, assign the method DoWork(); to it and wait until it finishes. Simple, plain and works.
Now.. There are three cases I am curious about
If I do this.
Parallel.ForEach(stringList, simpleString =>
Will that split up the Foreach into let's say 4 chunks?
So what I think is happening is that it takes the first 4 lines in the list, assigns each string to each "thread" (assuming parallel creates 4 virtual threads) does the work and then starts with the next 4 in that list?
If that is wrong please correct me I really want to understand how this works.
And then we have this.
Which essentially is the same but with a new parameter
Parallel.ForEach(stringList, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 32 }, simpleString =>
What I am curious about is this
new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 32 }
Does that mean it will take the first 32 strings from that list (if there even is that many in the list) and then do the same thing as I was talking about above?
And for the last one.
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Parallel.ForEach(stringList, simpleString =>
Would that create a new task, assigning each "chunk" to it's own task?
Do not mix async code with parallel. Task is for async operations - querying a DB, reading file, awaiting some comparatively-computation-cheap operation such that your UI won't be blocked and unresponsive.
Parallel is different. That's designed for 1) multi-core systems and 2) computational-intensive operations. I won't go in details how it works, that kind of info could be found in an MS documentation. Long story short, Parallel.For most probably will make it's own decision on what exactly when and how to run. It might disobey you parameters, i.e. MaxDegreeOfParallelism or somewhat else. The whole idea is to provide the best possible parallezation, thus complete your operation as fast as possible.
Parallel.ForEach perform the equivalent of a C# foreach loop, but with each iteration executing in parallel instead of sequentially. There is no sequencing, it depends on whether the OS can find an available thread, if there is it will execute
By default, For and ForEach will utilize as many threads as the OS provides, so changing MaxDegreeOfParallelism from the default only limits how many concurrent tasks will be used by the application.
You do not need to modify this parameter in general but may choose to change it in advanced scenarios:
When you know that a particular algorithm you're using won't scale
beyond a certain number of cores. You can set the property to avoid
wasting cycles on additional cores.
When you're running multiple algorithms concurrently and want to
manually define how much of the system each algorithm can utilize.
When the thread pool's heuristics is unable to determine the right
number of threads to use and could end up injecting too many
threads. e.g. in long-running loop body iterations, the
thread pool might not be able to tell the difference between
reasonable progress or livelock or deadlock, and might not be able
to reclaim threads that were added to improve performance. You can set the property to ensure that you don't use more than a reasonable number of threads.
Task.StartNew is usually used when you require fine-grained control for a long-running, compute-bound task, and like what #Сергей Боголюбов mentioned, do not mix them up
It creates a new task, and that task will create threads asynchronously to run the for loop
You may find this ebook useful: http://www.albahari.com/threading/#_Introduction
does the work and then starts with the next 4 in that list?
This depends on your machine's hardware and how busy the machine's cores are with other processes/apps your CPU is working on
Does that mean it will take the first 32 strings from that list (if there even if that many in the list) and then do the same thing as I was talking about above?
No, there's is no guarantee that it will take first 32, could be less. It will vary each time you execute the same code
Task.Factory.StartNew creates a new tasks but it will not create a new one for each chunk as you expect.
Putting a Parallel.ForEach inside a new Task will not help you further reduce the time taken for the parallel tasks themselves.
I have a problem with a threadpool efficiency. I'm not sure I understand the whole concept. I did a lot of reading before asking that question and I know that threadpool is a good solution if you have a lot of small, relatively quick functions AND what's more important - non-blocking tasks. Using lock is very bad in threadpool.
And here is my question: How to return values from threadpool functions? If you have functions to run they probably produce some results, right? It's good to store those results somewhere. Where?
I'm running c.a. 200k very quick functions in a threadpool. The results I store in the List. Of course I have to do:
So, is this the right way? I mean, if your functions returns SOMETHING, you have to store them in some kind of collection. It has to be a blocking collection. So, I started thinking... "Blocking is very bead in threadpool, but you have to do this, at least once - at the end of every function
How to store/return results from functions running in threadpool?
EDIT: By "function" I mean...
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
Result r = function(); // previously named "Task"
If you don't want to block the ThreadPool threads use a lock-free approach. ConcurrentQueue is currently lock-free (as of .NET 4.6.2) when you enqueue items.
So simply do this:
public static ConcurrentQueue<Result> AllResults { get; } = new ConcurrentQueue<Result>();
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
Result r = function();
This will guarantee you don't block ThreadPool threads.
Any kind of collection that is thread safe/synchronized will do. There are plenty in .net framework.
You can also use volatile variables to store data between multiple threads - but this is usually considered a bad practice.
Another approach can be to schedule those operations on tasks that can produce results, they run by default on the thread pool and you can get the return values by awaiting the methods and checking the Result of the Task that is returned.
Finally you can write your own code in order to synchronize access to certain regions of code/variables etc using stuff like lock, semaphores, mutex etc
I have a helper method returns IEnumerable<string>. As the collection grows, it's slowing down dramatically. My current approach is to do essentially the following:
var results = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in items)
results.Add(await item.Fetch());
I'm not actually sure whether this asynchronicity gives me any benefit (it sure doesn't seem like it), but all methods up the stack and to my controller's actions are asynchronous:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> FetchAllItems()
As this code is ultimately used by my API, I'd really like to parallelize these all for what I hope would be great speedup. I've tried .AsParallel:
var results = items
.Select(i => i.Fetch().Result)
return results;
And .WhenAll (returning a string[]):
var tasks = items.Select(i => i.Fetch());
return Task<string>.WhenAll<string>(tasks).Result;
And a last-ditch effort of firing off all long-running jobs and sequentially awaiting them (hoping that they were all running in parallel, so waiting on one would let all others nearly complete):
var tasks = new LinkedList<Task<string>>();
foreach (var item in items)
var results = new LinkedList<string>();
foreach (var task in tasks)
In every test case, the time it takes to run is directly proportional to the number of items. There's no discernable speedup by doing this. What am I missing in using Tasks and await/async?
There's a difference between parallel and concurrent. Concurrency just means doing more than one thing at a time, whereas parallel means doing more than one thing on multiple threads. async is great for concurrency, but doesn't (directly) help you with parallelism.
As a general rule, parallelism on ASP.NET should be avoided. This is because any parallel work you do (i.e., AsParallel, Parallel.ForEach, etc) shares the same thread pool as ASP.NET, so that reduces ASP.NET's capability to handle other requests. This impacts the scalability of your web service. It's best to leave the thread pool to ASP.NET.
However, concurrency is just fine - specifically, asynchronous concurrency. This is where Task.WhenAll comes in. Code like this is what you should be looking for (note that there is no call to Task<T>.Result):
var tasks = items.Select(i => i.Fetch());
return await Task<string>.WhenAll<string>(tasks);
Given your other code samples, it would be good to run through your call tree starting at Fetch and replace all Result calls with await. This may be (part of) your problem, because Result forces synchronous execution.
Another possible problem is that the underlying resource being fetched does not support concurrent access, or there may be throttling that you're not aware of. E.g., if Fetch retrieves data from another web service, check out System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit.
There is also a configurable limitation on the max connections to a single server that can make download performance independent to the number of client threads.
To change the connection limit use
Maximum concurrent requests for WebClient, HttpWebRequest, and HttpClient
What is the main difference between two of following approaches:
Clients objClient = new Clients();
List<Clients> objClientList = Clients.GetClientList();
foreach (var list in objClientList)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(SendFilesToClient), list);
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel ForEach
Clients objClient = new Clients();
List<Clients> objClientList = Clients.GetClientList();
Parallel.ForEach<Clients>(objClientList, list =>
I am new to multi-threading and want to know what's going to happen in each case (in terms of execution process) what's the level of multi-threading for each approach? Help me visualize both the processes.
SendFilesToClient: Gets data from database, converts to Excel and sends the Excel file to respective client.
The main difference is functional. Parallel.ForEach will block (by design), so it will not return until all of the objects have been processed. Your foreach queuing threadpool thread work will push the work onto background threads, and not block.
Also, the Parallel.ForEach version will have another major advantages - unhandled exceptions will be pushed back to the call site here, instead of left unhandled on a ThreadPool thread.
In general, Parallel.ForEach will be more efficient. Both options use the ThreadPool, but Parallel.ForEach does intelligent partitioning to prevent overthreading and to reduce the amount of overhead required by the scheduler. Individual tasks (which will map to ThreadPool threads) get reused, and effectively "pooled" to lower overhead, especially if SendFilesToClient is a fast operation (which, in this case, will not be true).
Note that you can also, as a third option, use PLINQ:
This will be very similar to the Parallel.ForEach method in terms of performance and functionality.