EF linq: order of where and select in single() query - c#

Which query is optimized :
db.news.Select(c => new { c.Title, c.Date, c.ID })
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.ID == 1);
db.news.Where(c => c.ID == 1)
.Select(c => new { c.Title, c.Date })
I want this query:
select title, date
where id = 1
in global which one is better where before select, or where after select?

Generally, Where before Select (Where first approach) is more performant, since it filters your result set first, and then executes Select for filtered values only.


join same table twice time without lambda expression output is not same

I have 2 queries with LINQ first one is lambda expression and second is only standard LINQ. I want to get the same output in both, but the 2nd query doesn't give me an output.
How I can solve this and what is the logic of joining a table 2 times?
var query1 = _context.UserEdu.Where(x => x.personId == id && x.status ==PersonEducationStatus.SA.ToString())
.Join(_context.Educations.Where(x => x.statusCode == ACTIVE), pe => pe.classNum, s => s.classNum, (pe, class) => class)
.Join(_context.Educations.Where(x => x.isActive), s => s.eduNum, defaultS => defaultS.eduNum, (class, defaultclass) => new
{ class, defaultclass.classNum })
s => s.classNum,
rd => rd.entity_id,
(class, rd) => new
... output
var query2 = (from pedu in _context.UserEdu.Where(x => x.personId == id && x.status == PersonEducationStatus.SA.ToString())
join class in _context.Educations.Where(x => x.statusCode == ACTIVE) on pedu.classNum equals class.classNum
join defaultclass in _context.Educations.Where(x => x.isActive) on pedu.classNum equals defaultclass.classNum
join rd in _context.EducationDocument.Where(...) on defaultclass.classNum equals rd.entity_id
select new
... output same with first query
pedu.classNum equals defaultclass.classNum
Is not
s => s.eduNum, defaultS => defaultS.eduNum
IOW, you have used in second join different keys.

Entity Framework - Count distinct books pr. tag using navigation property

I have a table "Book" with a many-to-many relationship to "Tag" and need a distinct Book-count pr. Tag. In SQL, the query looks like this:
count(DISTINCT b.BookId)
FROM _Tag t
JOIN Book.BookTag bt
ON t.Id = bt.TagId
JOIN Books b
ON b.BookId = bt.BookId
I have fetched the tags and included the Books navigation-property and from this I should be able to get distinct BookId's pr. tagname. I want to get the result in a tuple.
So far I have tried the following:
var tagTuples = from tag in tags
join book in tags.Select(t => t.Books) on tag.Books equals book
group new {tag, book} by tag.Name
into g
select new Tuple<string, string, int>("tags", g.Key, g.Select(x => x.book).Count());
var tagTuples = tags.GroupBy(t => t.Name)
.Select(t2 => new Tuple<string, string, int>("tags", t2.Key, t2.Sum(t4 => t4.Books
.Select(b => b.BookId).Distinct().Count())))
.Where(t3 => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t3.Item2)).Take(15);
...and my latest version:
var tagTuples =
tags.Select(t => new {t.Name, BookId = t.Books.Select(b => b.BookId)})
.GroupBy(tb => tb.Name)
.Select(tb2 => new Tuple<string, string, int>("tags", tb2.Key, tb2.Sum(tb3 => tb3.BookId.Distinct().Count())));
Nevermind the small differences in the query's - I'm only interested in a solution to the problem described above.
Frustration! It takes me 2 minutes to write an SQL query that does this and I'm pretty sure there's a simple answer, but I lack EF routine.
Thankyou for your time. :)
using(var ctx = new EntitiesContext())
// GROUP By name
var bookCountByTag = ctx.Tags.GroupBy(t => t.Name)
.Select(t2 => new {
// SELECT the key (tag name)
// "GroupBy" has many result, so use SelectMany
Count = t2.SelectMany(t3 => t3.book)

translating complex T-SQL query to LINQ to Entities

This is the SQL code the produces the correct results:
select s.Code, s.Name, coalesce(ss.Url, a.Url), a.SocialMediaTypeKey
from School s
Left join
SELECT dbo.SchoolSocialMedia.SocialMediaTypeKey
, SchoolSocialMedia.Url
, dbo.Department.Name
, dbo.Department.ImportBusinessKey
FROM dbo.SchoolSocialMedia
INNER JOIN dbo.Department ON dbo.SchoolSocialMedia.DepartmentId = dbo.Department.Id
) A
ON 1 = 1
Left join dbo.SchoolSocialMedia ss ON ss.SchoolId = s.Id and ss.SocialMediaTypeKey = a.SocialMediaTypeKey
where s.[DeactivatedDate] is null
This is how far I have gotten in C#, but it is not producing the correct results--in fact, it is returning zero results:
var departmentSocialMediaResult =
from ssm in context.SchoolSocialMedia
from d in context.Department.Where(d => d.Id == ssm.DepartmentId)
select new { ssm.SocialMediaTypeKey,
ssm.SchoolId };
var result =
(from s in context.School
from ssm in context.SchoolSocialMedia.DefaultIfEmpty()
from dssm in departmentSocialMediaResult.DefaultIfEmpty()
.Where(dssm => dssm.SchoolId == s.Id && dssm.SocialMediaTypeKey == ssm.SocialMediaTypeKey)
select new { ssm.SchoolId, ssm.SocialMediaTypeKey, ssm.Url })
.ToDictionary(ssm => new SchoolSocialMediaKey(
ssm.SchoolId, ssm.SocialMediaTypeKey),
ssm => ssm.Url);
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better convert the T-SQL to LINQ to Entities? What am I doing wrong? TIA.
Thank you, #Aducci, your response is the correct answer. Since the result is being put into a dictionary, this is what I ended up using:
var query =
(from s in context.School
from a in
from ssm in context.SchoolSocialMedia
join d in context.Department on ssm.DepartmentId equals d.Id
select new
from ss in context.SchoolSocialMedia
.Where(x => s.Id == x.SchoolId)
.Where(x => a.SocialMediaTypeKey == x.SocialMediaTypeKey)
select new
Url = ss.Url ?? a.Url,
ssm => new SchoolSocialMediaKey(
ssm.SchoolId, ssm.SocialMediaTypeKey),
ssm => ssm.Url);
I am sure there is a better way to write the original query, but instead of spending too much time analyzing I just translated it into linq. In general, your linq query should have the same structure as the tsql query like this:
var query =
from s in context.School
from a in
from ssm in context.SchoolSocialMedia
join d in context.Department on ssm.DepartmentId equals d.Id
select new
from ss in context.SchoolSocialMedia
.Where(x => s.Id == x.SchoolId)
.Where(x => a.SocialMediaTypeKey == x.SocialMediaTypeKey)
select new
Url = ss.Url ?? a.Url,

LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

I'm using LINQ on an IQueryable returned from NHibernate and I need to select the row with the maximum value(s) in a couple of fields.
I've simplified the bit that I'm sticking on. I need to select the one row from my table with the maximum value in one field.
var table = new Table { new Row(id: 1, status: 10), new Row(id: 2, status: 20) }
from u in table
group u by 1 into g
where u.Status == g.Max(u => u.Status)
select u
This is incorrect but I can't work out the right form.
BTW, what I'm actually trying to achieve is approximately this:
var clientAddress = this.repository.GetAll()
.GroupBy(a => a)
g =>
a =>
a.Reference == clientReference &&
a.Status == ClientStatus.Live &&
a.AddressReference == g.Max(x => x.AddressReference) &&
a.StartDate == g.Max(x => x.StartDate)))
I started with the above lambda but I've been using LINQPad to try and work out the syntax for selecting the Max().
Removing the GroupBy was key.
var all = this.repository.GetAll();
var address = all
a =>
a.Reference == clientReference &&
a.Status == ClientStatus.Live &&
a.StartDate == all.Max(x => x.StartDate) &&
a.AddressReference == all.Max(x => x.AddressReference))
I don't see why you are grouping here.
Try this:
var maxValue = table.Max(x => x.Status)
var result = table.First(x => x.Status == maxValue);
An alternate approach that would iterate table only once would be this:
var result = table.OrderByDescending(x => x.Status).First();
This is helpful if table is an IEnumerable<T> that is not present in memory or that is calculated on the fly.
You can also do:
(from u in table
orderby u.Status descending
select u).Take(1);
You can group by status and select a row from the largest group:
table.GroupBy(r => r.Status).OrderByDescending(g => g.Key).First().First();
The first First() gets the first group (the set of rows with the largest status); the second First() gets the first row in that group.
If the status is always unqiue, you can replace the second First() with Single().
Addressing the first question, if you need to take several rows grouped by certain criteria with the other column with max value you can do something like this:
var query =
from u1 in table
join u2 in (
from u in table
group u by u.GroupId into g
select new { GroupId = g.Key, MaxStatus = g.Max(x => x.Status) }
) on new { u1.GroupId, u1.Status } equals new { u2.GroupId, Status = u2.MaxStatus}
select u1;
What about using Aggregate?
It's better than
Select max
Select by max value
since it only scans the array once.
var maxRow = table.Aggregate(
(a, b) => a.Status > b.Status ? a : b // whatever you need to compare
More one example:
qryAux = (from q in qryAux where
q.OrdSeq == (from pp in Sessao.Query<NameTable>() where pp.FieldPk
== q.FieldPk select pp.OrdSeq).Max() select q);
select t.* from nametable t where t.OrdSeq =
(select max(t2.OrdSeq) from nametable t2 where t2.FieldPk= t.FieldPk)
Simply in one line:
var result = table.First(x => x.Status == table.Max(y => y.Status));
Notice that there are two action.
the inner action is for finding the max value,
the outer action is for get the desired object.


I'm have a SQL statement which I am trying to transform in a LINQ statement...
FROM ManufractorCategories mc
WHERE mc.Active = 'true'
AND mc.Folder = 'false'
AND (mc.Id not in (SELECT Category_id FROM Manufractor_Category
WHERE Manufractor_id = 3));
That's my last, not working LINQ statement
.Where(o => o.Active == active)
.Where(o => o.Folder == folder)
.Select(i => new { i.Id, i.Folder }).Except(db.Manufractor_Categories.Where(t => t.Manufractor_id == id).Select(t => new { t.Category_id })).Distinct();
I've tried the whole Sunday on that, but the Except statement won't work.
Thanks in advances for any help!
The Except method requires two sets of the same type - this means that you would have to select objects of type ManufractorCategory in the nested query as well as in the outer query - then it would select all categories that are in the first one and not in the second one.
An easier alternative is to use the Contains method to check whether the current ID is in a list of IDs that you want to filter. The following should work:
var q =
.Where(o => o.Active == active)
.Where(o => o.Folder == folder)
.Select(i => new { i.Id, i.Folder })
.Where(o =>
.Select(t => t.Manufractor_id)
And a simplified version using query syntax:
var q =
from o in db.ManufractorCategories
where o.Active == active && o.Folder == folder &&
.Select(t => t.Manufractor_id)
select new { i.Id, i.Folder };
The Except statement is going to get a list of objects with the Category_id property. However, you're query has a result that contains objects with the Id and Folder properties. The query will most likely be unable to see where these objects are equal, and so, the Except clause won't take effect.
