I want to do a JOIN with LINQ using an OR statement.
Here is the SQL query I'm starting with:
FROM Teams t
ON (g.homeTeamId = t.id OR g.awayTeamId = t.id)
AND g.winningTeamId != 0
AND g.year = #year
I'm having trouble converting that ON clause to LINQ. This is where I'm at:
var y = from t in db.Teams
join g in db.Games on t.ID equals g.AwayTeamID //missing HomeTeamID join
where g.WinningTeamID != 0
&& g.Year == year
group t by t.ID into grouping
select grouping;
I think I could use:
join g in db.Games on 1 equals 1
where (t.ID == g.HomeTeamID || t.ID == g.AwayTeamID)
and this works but seems kind of seems hacky. Is there a better way?
I struggled with this as well until I found the following solution, which worked well for my situation:
var y = from t in db.Teams
from g in db.Games
t.ID == g.AwayTeamID
|| t.ID == g.HomeTeamID
&& g.WinningTeamID != 0
&& g.Year == year
group t by t.ID into grouping
select grouping;
Under the covers, your solution probably works very close to this one. However, I bet this one is just a bit faster if you benchmark it since it is not JOINING every item in the first dataset with every item in the second dataset, which could be a disaster if either (or both) dataset were really big.
The where clause applies a boolean condition, so using "||" is the way to go. You can chain multiple where clauses but I believe that will give you a "and" operation, rather than an "or".
I think you can do like this:
from t1 in db.Table1
// inner join with OR condition
from t2 in db.Table2 where t1.col1 == t2.col1 || t1.col2 == t2.col2
// normal inner join
join t3 in db.Table3 on t1.col1 equals t3.col1
// inner join with complex condition
join t4 in db.Table4 on t2.col4 equals t4.col4 where t2.col5.Contains(t4.col5)
// left join with OR condition
from t5 in db.Table5.Where(x => x.col5 == t1.col5 || x.col6 == t1.col6).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
x = 1 // select whatever you want here
The underlying SQL query probably won't use native sql joins but the above is just a way to make your code look pretty and organized.
I want to convert this SQL code to LINQ. Here is my SQL code:
SELECT Rooms.RoomName AS RoomNo, Beds.BedName AS Beds, Rooms.RoomType, ISNULL(CheckIn.CheckIntatus,'') AS Status
FROM CheckIn
INNER JOIN GuestBeds ON CheckIn.GuestBedId = GuestBeds.Id
AND (CheckIn.CheckInStatus = 1 OR CheckIn.CheckIntatus = 2 OR CheckIn.CheckSIntatus = 3)
RIGHT JOIN Beds ON GuestBeds.BedId = Beds.Id
INNER JOIN Rooms ON Beds.RoomId = Rooms.Id
LEFT JOIN Guests ON CheckIn.GuestId = Guests.Id
WHERE Beds.Active = 1 AND Rooms.Active = 1
ORDER BY RoomName, Beds
It works well which means it shows all the RoomName with CheckInStatus. If the Room is not presence in CheckIn table, ot will return the status as Null.
So I want to convert the code to LINQ. SO here is my LINQ code:
from b in Beds
join w in Rooms on b.RoomsId equals w.Id
where (a.CheckInStatus == 3 || a.CheckInStatus == 1 || a.CheckInStatus == 2)
join p in GuestBeds on b.Id equals p.BedId
join a in CheckIn on p.Id equals a.GuestBedId
join t in Guests on a.GuestId equals t.Id
where b.Active == true && w.Active == true
orderby w.RoomName
select new
RoomName = w.RoomName,
BedName = b.BedName,
Status = a.CheckInStatus
It didnt worked like the first code. It only show the data which contain CheckInStatus. I want it to show all the RoomName inside Room database
Normally I would post some rules for converting SQL to LINQ but this is complicated enough I think I'd need to make new rules. I commented out the references to Guests because as a LEFT JOIN it has no bearing on the answer.
Pull out the WHERE on individual tables and make them sub-queries:
var ActiveBeds = Beds.Where(b => b.Active == 1);
var ActiveRooms = Rooms.Where(r => r.Active == 1);
In LINQ, a RIGHT JOIN must be done by flipping the join to be a left join, so we will create the two sides as sub-queries.
Left side of RIGHT JOIN:
Translate the JOIN conditions that aren't part of an equi-join into a LINQ where clause on the appropriate tables (alternately this could be a subquery as above). The LEFT JOIN becomes a LINQ join/from ... DefaultIfEmpty() phrase, but as noted above isn't needed.
var CheckInsGuestBedsGuests = from c in CheckIn
where (c.CheckInStatus == 1 || c.CheckInStatus == 2 || c.CheckInStatus == 3)
join gb in GuestBeds on c.GuestBedId equals gb.Id
//join g in Guests on c.GuestId equals g.Id into gj
//from g in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { c, gb /*, g */ };
Right side of RIGHT JOIN:
The other side of the RIGHT JOIN includes an INNER JOIN so put them together in a sub-query:
var ActiveBedsRooms = from b in ActiveBeds
join r in ActiveRooms on b.RoomId equals r.Id
select new { b, r };
Finally, flip the sub-queries to create a left join using the same idiom as above:
var ans = from br in ActiveBedsRooms
join cgbg in CheckInsGuestBedsGuests on br.b.Id equals cgbg.gb.BedId into cgbgj
from cgbg in cgbgj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
RoomNo = br.r.RoomName,
Beds = br.b.BedName,
Status = cgbg.c.CheckInStatus
NOTE: If you were not using LINQ to SQL, the Status expression would fail when cgbg is null and you would need
Status = cgbg?.c.CheckInStatus
but unfortunately LINQ to SQL/EF doesn't handle the null conditional operators yet.
BTW, nice query - brings back memories of when I used to write hotel front desk software :)
There are numerous places where it's shown how to LEFT join two tables using LINQ, but I'm having trouble adding more into the join (I have 15 tables). I thought I had the pattern down, but I'm getting an error. By the way, this is against a strongly typed DataSet, although I don't suspect that matters. Although I actually have many more tables to add into the join, I'm trying to get it working initially with fewer joins (the asterisks are where the errors are occuring):
var results =
from e in DataSetHelper.ds.Employee
join es in DataSetHelper.ds.EmployeeSkill on e.EmployeeId equals es.EmployeeId into esGroup from esItem in esGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join s in DataSetHelper.ds.Skill on **es.SkillId** equals s.SkillId into skillGroup from skillItem in skillGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join er in DataSetHelper.ds.EmployeeRole on e.EmployeeId equals er.EmployeeId into erGroup from erItem in erGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join r in DataSetHelper.ds.Role on **er.RoleId** equals r.RoleId into rGroup from rItem in rGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
I'm getting two errors (the same thing, but on different joins). They are on the 3rd and 5th lines of the query.
For es.SkillId, the error is The name 'es' does not exist in the current context.
For er.RoleId, the error is The name 'er' does not exist in the current context.
Again, I'll need to use this pattern for another ten joins, so I'm hoping the pattern doesn't increase in complexity as I go.
This works. I also had to account for the possibility of a null on the join column. I used the null-conditional operator for that. Unfortunately, using an in-memory Dataset is just as slow as using SQL Server (and I don't even have all the joins or all the where clause tests in place). Seems like I need to use a different approach.
var results = from e in _data.ds.Employee
join es in _data.ds.EmployeeSkill on e.EmployeeId equals es.EmployeeId into esGroup from esItem in esGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join s in _data.ds.Skill on esItem?.SkillId equals s.SkillId into sGroup from skillItem in sGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join er in _data.ds.EmployeeRole on e.EmployeeId equals er.EmployeeId into erGroup from erItem in erGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join r in _data.ds.Role on erItem?.RoleId equals r.RoleId into rGroup from rItem in rGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join et in _data.ds.EmployeeTechnology on e.EmployeeId equals et.EmployeeId into etGroup from etItem in etGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join t in _data.ds.Technology on etItem?.TechnologyId equals t.TechnologyId into tGroup from tItem in etGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
e.FirstName.IndexOf(searchTerm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
e.LastName.IndexOf(searchTerm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
e.RMMarket.IndexOf(searchTerm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
!e.IsSummaryNull() && e.Summary.IndexOf(searchTerm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
select new SearchResult
EmployeeId = e.EmployeeId,
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
Title = e.Title,
ImageUrl = e.IsImageUrlNull() ? string.Empty : e.ImageUrl,
Market = e.RMMarket,
Group = e.Group,
Summary = e.IsSummaryNull() ? string.Empty : e.Summary.Substring(1, e.Summary.Length < summaryLength ? e.Summary.Length - 1 : summaryLength),
AdUserName = e.AdUserName
Try this
var results = DataSetHelper.ds.Employee
.Join(DataSetHelper.ds.EmployeeSkill, e => e.EmployeeId, es => es.EmployeeId, (e, es) => new { e, es })
.Join(DataSetHelper.ds.Skill, esGroup => esGroup.es.SkillId, s => s.SkillId, (esGroup, s) => new { esGroup.e, esGroup.es, s })
I have shown till the first many to many relation. It's going to be bit long for everything but I hope you can manage it.
Is there a way to accurately convert the following SQL query to LINQ
WHERE ColumnA IN (
WHERE FkColumnB IN (
WHERE FkColumnC IN (
WHERE FkColumnD = 1)) AND FkColumnE is null AND ColumnF = 0)
Also, does anyone know of any documentation wherein any logic or guideline to convert SQL queries to LINQ is laid out?
The equivalent for the above using JOINS would be as below:
select * from T1 a
inner join T2 b on a.FKColumnA = b.ColumnA
inner join T3 c on c.ColumnB = b.FkColumnB
inner join T4 d on d.ColumnC = c.FkColumnC
where a.FkColumnD is null and a.ColumnE = 0
and d.ColumnC = 1
and it's equivalent LINQ query would be
var linq = from q in context.T1
join r in context.T2
on q.FKColumnA equals r.ColumnA
join s in context.T3
on r.FkColumnB equals s.ColumnB
join t in context.T4
on s.FkColumnC equals t.ColumnC
where q.FkColumnD != null && q.ColumnE == false && t.ColumnC == 56816
select q.FkColumnF;
But using JOINS looked to be a bit more simpler and better in LINQ. Thus the question is for my knowledge purpose only.
Translating your query literally, we get the following LINQ statement:
var results = table1.Where(t1 => table2.Where(
t2 =>
t3 =>
table4.Where(t4 => t4.FkColumnD == 1)
.Select(t4 => t4.ColumnC)
.Select(t3 => t3.ColumnB)
.Contains(t2.FkColumnB) && !t2.FkColumnE.HasValue && t2.ColumnF == 0)
.Select(t2 => t2.FkColumnA)
This results in an IEnumerable<T1> which you can use as required.
As far as I know there is no "documentation" on converting syntax, this, as a developer, is your job. However, I personally find LINQPad very useful when constructing LINQ statements.
I'm sorry for telling that I've a little bit weak on LINQ, I always do write SQL query before I start working on the complicated LINQ.
I want to ask that how to convert this SQL Query into LINQ with LEFT JOIN with multiple ON conditons with the OR operator.,
m.MerchandiseId will be use for twice in ON condition
Inbox AS i
INNER JOIN [User] AS u ON i.FromUserId = u.UserId
u.MerchandiseId = m.MerchandiseId
i.ToMerchantId = m.MerchandiseId
i.ToCompanyId = 10
i.FromCompanyId = 10
var message = (from i in db.Inbox
join u in db.User on i.FromUserId equals u.UserId
join m in db.Merchandise on u.MerchandiseId equals m.MerchandiseId //here I want to ON i.MerchantId = m.MerchandiseId, but it doesn't allow
where i.ToCompanyId == user.CompanyId || i.FromCompanyId == user.CompanyId
orderby i.CreatedAt descending
group m.MerchandiseId by new { m.MerchandiseId, m.MerchandiseName } into grp
select new
MerchandiseId = grp.Key.MerchandiseId,
MerchandiseName = grp.Key.MerchandiseName,
InboxMessage = (from e in db.Inbox
join us in db.User on e.FromUserId equals us.UserId
join mer in db.Merchandise on us.MerchandiseId equals mer.MerchandiseId
where mer.MerchandiseId == grp.Key.MerchandiseId
orderby e.CreatedAt descending
select e.InboxMessage).FirstOrDefault(),
CreatedAt = (from e in db.Inbox
join us in db.User on e.FromUserId equals us.UserId
join mer in db.Merchandise on us.MerchandiseId equals mer.MerchandiseId
where mer.MerchandiseId == grp.Key.MerchandiseId
orderby e.CreatedAt descending
select e.CreatedAt).FirstOrDefault(),
The bottom LINQ Query I've write for it. However, I just can work on the left join with multiple ON clause in LINQ. Appreciate if someone would help me on this. Thanks!
I don't believe Linq supports the use of the OR operator with multiple columns, but that said, I wouldn't use OR even in SQL as it makes the join's intention unclear and it also obscures where the data originated from - it also isn't immediately clear what happens if there are multiple matches for each column. Instead I would JOIN twice on the different columns and let the projection-clause handle it:
INNER JOIN [User] AS u ON i.FromUserId = u.UserId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Merchandise AS userMerchant ON u.MerchandiseId = userMerchant.MerchandiseId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Merchandise AS inboxMerchant ON Inbox.ToMerchantId = inboxMerchant .MerchandizeId
Inbox.ToCompanyId = 10
Inbox.FromCompanyId = 10
This can then be translated into Linq using the LEFT OUTER JOIN approach ( How to implement left join in JOIN Extension method )
Note that if you're using Entity Framework then you don't need to worry about doing any of this at all! Just use Include:
var query = db.Inbox
.Include( i => i.User )
.Include( i => i.User.Merchandise )
.Include i => i.Merchandise )
.Where( i => i.ToCompanyId = 10 || i.FromCompanyId == 10 );
I am attempting to run the following LINQ query using Entity Framework 5:
int taskId = 2;
query = from a in Table_A
where a.StatusCode != "DONE"
&& a.Inbound
join b in Table_B
on a.Id equals b.Id_Table_A
join c in Table_C
on a.State equals (c.State ?? a.State)
where 2 == c.Id_Task
&& b.DataType == c.DataType
select a.Id;
The line that is causing me problems is:
on a.State equals (c.State ?? a.State)
The "State" field in Table_C is nullable... and when it is null, it is used to imply "all states". As such, when "c.State" is null I want the record to be matched. If I were to write this in SQL, I would use the following:
JOIN Table_C ON Table_A.State = ISNULL(Table_C.State, Table_A.State)
Unfortunately, I am being given the following error:
The name 'a' is not in scope on the right side of 'equals'. Consider swapping the expressions on either side of 'equals'.
I will be grateful to anybody who can let me in on the secret to getting this working.
You can modify your code like:
int taskId = 2;
query = from a in Table_A
where a.StatusCode != "DONE"
&& a.Inbound
join b in Table_B
on a.Id equals b.Id_Table_A
from c in Table_C
where 2 == c.Id_Task
&& b.DataType == c.DataType
&& (c.State == null || a.State.Equals(c.State))
select a.Id;
A join is essentially a where clause, so here we can use the where clause due to the restrictions with join.
I managed to get this to work by moving the "DataType" check from the WHERE to the JOIN, and moving the "State" check from the JOIN to the WHERE. The resulting code that worked as I expected is as follows:
query = from a in Table_A
where a.StatusCode != "DONE"
&& a.Inbound
join b in Table_B
on a.Id equals b.Id_Table_A
join c in Table_C
on b.DataType equals c.DataType
where 2 == c.Id_Task
&& (c.State ?? a.State) == a.State
select a.Id;
Many thanks to everybody who has taken a look at this for me. :)
You can use "from" syntax instead of "join"
from a in TableA
from b in TableB
.Where(x => (x.Buy ?? a.Buy) == a.Buy
&& (x.Parity ?? a.Parity) == a.Parity)