We have just upgraded our web app to .NET 5 and IdentityServer4 to V4, also we switched from hybrid flow to code + PKCE. The client is set to an access token type of reference, also the client uses bearer tokens for an internal API as well as cookies for the main website.
When we deploy to our internal development server (IIS 8.5) or to Azure App Services randomly when we ask for the access token (reference) we are returned an access token (JWT) instead. We did use the httpContext.GetTokenAsync() method but then replaced it with the identitymodel.aspnetcore GetUserAccessTokenAsync() method but it still returns a JWT Token.
I have validated the JWT tokens contents and they are the relevant user and their claims. I have also checked the persisted grant table and the reference token entered in there specifies it as a JWT instead of Reference.
The only way to rectify the situation is
Stop the website and identityserver
Clear the cookies in the browser
Delete all entries in the persisted grants table
Recycle the app pools
Start the identity server and then perform a login
Start the website which the login is for and suddenly we get a reference access token again
Identity Server Client Config
AllowedGrantTypes =
AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Reference,
AccessTokenLifetime = 86400,
RequireConsent = false,
AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
ClientSecrets =
new Secret("*******)
RedirectUris = { $"{client}/signin-oidc" },
PostLogoutRedirectUris = { $"{client}/signout-callback-oidc" },
FrontChannelLogoutUri = $"{client}/signout-oidc",
AllowedCorsOrigins = { client },
AllowedScopes =
UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh = true,
AllowOfflineAccess = true
I've found out what is causing the issue. We are using signalr in the website and we are having to use the exchange_reference_token, however in the exchange code it forces the access token to JWT, this then gets inserted in the persisted grant table causing any future request to return JWT instead of of reference access token
public async Task ValidateAsync(ExtensionGrantValidationContext context)
var referenceToken = context.Request.Raw.Get("token");
if (referenceToken == null)
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.InvalidGrant, "Missing Reference Token");
var result = await _validator.ValidateAccessTokenAsync(referenceToken);
if (result == null)
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.InvalidGrant, "Invalid Reference Token");
// Generate the JWT as if it was for the reference token's client
context.Request.Client.AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt;
var sub = result.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "sub").Value;
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(sub, GrantType, result.Claims);
I am trying to get access token for microsoft graph api as well as One note while SSO login.
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
// The `Authority` represents the v2.0 endpoint - https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/v2.0
Authority = AuthenticationConfig.Authority,
ClientId = AuthenticationConfig.ClientId,
RedirectUri = AuthenticationConfig.RedirectUri,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = AuthenticationConfig.RedirectUri,
Scope = AuthenticationConfig.BasicSignInScopes + " Files.Read Files.Read.All Files.Read.Selected Files.ReadWrite Files.ReadWrite.All Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder Files.ReadWrite.Selected Notes.Create Notes.Read Notes.Read.All Notes.ReadWrite Notes.ReadWrite.All Notes.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp User.Read User.Read.All", // a basic set of permissions for user sign in & profile access "openid profile offline_access"
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuer = false,
// In a real application you would use IssuerValidator for additional checks, like making sure the user's organization has signed up for your app.
//IssuerValidator = (issuer, token, tvp) =>
// if(mycustomtenantvalidation(issuer))
// return issuer;
// else
// throw new securitytokeninvalidissuerexception("invalid issuer");
// },
//NameClaimType = "name",
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
AuthorizationCodeReceived = OnAuthorizationCodeReceived,
AuthenticationFailed = OnAuthenticationFailed,
// Handling SameSite cookie according to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/samesite/owin-samesite
CookieManager = new SameSiteCookieManager(
new SystemWebCookieManager())
The access token I am getting is working for One drive only. For one note getting request does not contain valid access token
Getting Access Token:-
private async Task OnAuthorizationCodeReceived(AuthorizationCodeReceivedNotification context)
// Upon successful sign in, get the access token & cache it using MSAL
IConfidentialClientApplication clientApp = MsalAppBuilder.BuildConfidentialClientApplication();
AuthenticationResult result = await clientApp.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode(new[] { "Files.Read Files.Read.All Files.Read.Selected Files.ReadWrite Files.ReadWrite.All Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder Files.ReadWrite.Selected Notes.Create Notes.Read Notes.Read.All Notes.ReadWrite Notes.ReadWrite.All Notes.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp User.Read User.Read.All" }, context.Code).ExecuteAsync();
var code = context.Code;
I have checked that we need to pass the resource id for one note while login. But I am not getting where to pass that.
We have a ASP.NET application that uses Microsoft's common login to log in the users, then it redirects back to our web application (in Azure). The authentication is connected to Azure Active Directories. It is a multi-tenant application with multiple Azure ADs. When Microsoft redirects back to our site, we use the information to create a cookie that is used for the web calls. In addition, the call back returns a user code that we use to get a token. This is used as authentication against our API controllers.
This has been working for a long time. Now, however, we need to integrate with another 3rd party portal that will launch our product. They will be using SAML for SSO. They are not integrated with Azure AD. So, the idea is that we validate the users via the SAML assertions. That will contain the username that we then want to "log in" with.
I can create the cookie off of this information and that works fine with our web controller calls. However, since I'm not getting a callback from Azure AD, I don't have the token for the API calls. I have tried to call Azure AD to authenticate the applications, but that does seem to satisfy the API Controller's authorization. Specifically, RequestContext.Principal.Identity doesn't seem to be set with this pattern.
I have set the cookie authentication with this code:
var cookieOptions = new CookieAuthenticationOptions
ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
SlidingExpiration = true,
LoginPath = new PathString("/home/login"),
AuthenticationType = "ApplicationCookie",
AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active,
CookieHttpOnly = true,
CookieSecure = CookieSecureOption.Always,
CookieSameSite = SameSiteMode.Lax,
// Forms/Cookie Authentication
And I left the bearer token authentication code like this:
// Bearer Token Authentication used for API access
BearerAuthenticationOptions = new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = <application tenant id>,
AuthenticationType = OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType,
// Disable Issuer validation. We'll validate the Isuuer in the ClaimsAuthorizationFilter.
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience = <resource id>,
ValidateIssuer = false
The code that handles the Azure AD auth (that the SAML login should replace) is:
var openIdConnectOptions = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions { ClientId = <ClientId>, Authority = "https://login.windows.net/common/", // setting this to false uses the cookie expiration instead UseTokenLifetime = false, TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters { // we'll validate Issuer on the SecurityTokenValidated notification below ValidateIssuer = false },
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications { // An AAD auth token is validated and we have a Claims Identity SecurityTokenValidated = context => { ... additional validation is performed here...
return Task.FromResult(0); },
//the user has just signed in to the external auth provider (AAD) and then were redirected here // with an access code that we can use to turn around and acquire an auth token AuthorizationCodeReceived = context => { var code = context.Code; var identity = context.AuthenticationTicket.Identity;
var appBaseUrl = context.Request.Scheme + "://" + context.Request.Host + context.Request.PathBase; // causes the retreived API token to be cached for later use TokenService.GetUserLevelTokenFromAccessCode(new HttpUserSessionWithClaimsId(identity), code, <ApiResourceId>, new Uri(appBaseUrl));
return Task.FromResult(0); }, // We are about to redirect to the identity provider (AAD) RedirectToIdentityProvider = context => { // This ensures that the address used for sign in and sign out is picked up dynamically from the request // Remember that the base URL of the address used here must be provisioned in Azure AD beforehand. var appBaseUrl = context.Request.Scheme + "://" + context.Request.Host + context.Request.PathBase; context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri = appBaseUrl + "/"; context.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri = appBaseUrl;
return Task.FromResult(0); }, // Something went wrong during this auth process AuthenticationFailed = context => { if (context.Exception is Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect
.OpenIdConnectProtocolInvalidNonceException) {
//This is a message we can't do anything about, so we want to ignore it.
Log.Info("AuthenticationFailed in OpenIdConnectAuthentication middleware", context.Exception); } else {
Log.Error("AuthenticationFailed in OpenIdConnectAuthentication middleware",
context.Exception); }
// IDX10205 == Tenant validation failed var message = (context.Exception.Message.StartsWith("IDX10205"))
? InvalidTenantMessage
: GenericErrorMessage;
context.OwinContext.Response.Redirect("/?Error=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(message)); context.HandleResponse(); // Suppress the exception return Task.FromResult(0); }, MessageReceived = context => { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.ProtocolMessage.Error)) {
// AADSTS65004 == user did not grant access in OAuth flow
Log.Error("MessageReceived containing error in OpenIdConnectAuthentication middleware. \nError: {0}\nDescription: {1}"
.FormatWith(context.ProtocolMessage.Error, context.ProtocolMessage.ErrorDescription));
//context.HandleResponse(); // Suppress the exception } return Task.FromResult(0); } } };
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out the value I put for AuthenticationType in the cookie was causing the disconnect. Once I fixed that, the data came through. So closing his question.
I want to redirect user to the same client after he logged out from that client. So if i have lets say 5 clients on one identity server, i want users to be able to log out from one client and be on that same client but logged out.
The one thing i have tried is to use PostLogoutRedirectUri in AccountController in quickstart, but the value is always null. Workaround that i found is to manually set PostLogoutRedirectUri, that works fine if you have only one client on the server, but not so much if I have multiple. Is there any way to know which client has been "logged out"?
public async Task<IActionResult> Logout(LogoutInputModel model)
// build a model so the logged out page knows what to display
var vm = await BuildLoggedOutViewModelAsync(model.LogoutId);
if (User?.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true)
// delete local authentication cookie
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync();
// raise the logout event
await _events.RaiseAsync(new UserLogoutSuccessEvent(User.GetSubjectId(), User.GetDisplayName()));
// check if we need to trigger sign-out at an upstream identity provider
if (vm.TriggerExternalSignout)
// build a return URL so the upstream provider will redirect back
// to us after the user has logged out. this allows us to then
// complete our single sign-out processing.
string url = Url.Action("Logout", new { logoutId = vm.LogoutId });
// this triggers a redirect to the external provider for sign-out
return SignOut(new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = url }, vm.ExternalAuthenticationScheme);
vm.PostLogoutRedirectUri = "http://localhost:56582";
return Redirect(vm.PostLogoutRedirectUri);
My Client
new Client
ClientId = "openIdConnectClient",
ClientName = "Implicit Client Application Name",
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Implicit,
AllowedScopes = new List<string>
RedirectUris = new List<string>{ "http://localhost:56582/signin-oidc" },
PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string>{ "http://localhost:56582" },
// FrontChannelLogoutUri = "http://localhost:56582/signout-oidc"
You are not supposed to set the uri manually. Actually the default logout method from the IdentityServer samples works fine.
When you try the 3_ImplicitFlowAuthentication sample project, you'll see PostLogoutRedirectUri is not null and the redirection works (but not automatically).
The reason why PostLogoutRedirectUri is null in your case is probably because the id_token is not preserved. In MvcClient.Startup make sure you add this line:
options.SaveTokens = true;
That will preserve the tokens in a cookie.
In order to automatically redirect back to the client, make a few adjustments to the sample code. In IdentityServer AccountOptions set
AutomaticRedirectAfterSignOut = true;
In the AccountController.Logout method add the following lines:
if (vm.AutomaticRedirectAfterSignOut &&
return Redirect(vm.PostLogoutRedirectUri);
Just before the last line:
return View("LoggedOut", vm);
When you run the sample again you should see that the user is now automatically returned to the client after logout.
Short: My client retrieves an access token from IdentityServer sample server, and then passes it to my WebApi. In my controller, this.HttpContext.User.GetUserId() returns null (User has other claims though). I suspect access token does not have nameidentity claim in it. How do I make IdentityServer include it?
What I've tried so far:
switched from hybrid to implicit flow (random attempt)
in IdSvrHost scope definition I've added
Claims = { new ScopeClaim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, alwaysInclude: true) }
in IdSvrHost client definition I've added
Claims = { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "42") }
(also a random attempt)
I've also tried other scopes in scope definition, and neither of them appeared. It seems, that nameidentity is usually included in identity token, but for most public APIs I am aware of, you don't provide identity token to the server.
More details:
IdSrvHost and Api are on different hosts.
Controller has [Authorize]. In fact, I can see other claims coming.
Api is configured with
app.UseIdentityServerAuthentication(options => {
options.Authority = "http://localhost:22530/";
// TODO: how to use multiple optional scopes?
options.ScopeName = "borrow.slave";
options.AdditionalScopes = new[] { "borrow.receiver", "borrow.manager" };
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.AutomaticChallenge = true;
public static Scope Slave { get; } = new Scope {
Name = "borrow.slave",
DisplayName = "List assigned tasks",
Type = ScopeType.Resource,
Claims = {
new ScopeClaim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, alwaysInclude: true),
And client:
new Client {
ClientId = "borrow_node",
ClientName = "Borrow Node",
Flow = Flows.Implicit,
RedirectUris = new List<string>
Claims = { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "42") },
AllowedScopes = {
Auth URI:
clientId: "borrow_node",
responseType: "token",
scope: "borrow.slave",
redirectUri: "borrow_node:redirect-target",
state: state,
nonce: nonce);
and I also tried
clientId: "borrow_node",
responseType: "id_token token",
scope: "openid borrow.slave",
redirectUri: "borrow_node:redirect-target",
state: state,
nonce: nonce);
Hooray, I found an answer, when I stumbled upon this page: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.Samples/issues/173
Apparently, user identity is passed in "sub" claim in the access token. Because I blindly copied API sample, its configuration included
which essentially prevented my API from mapping "sub" claim to nameidentifier. After removing this line, HttpContext.User.GetUserId() of authenticated controller returns user ID correctly.
I am using Identity Server 3 for a central authentication server to a .Net MVC web application I am building.
I have configured the authentication server to use the Open ID Connect identity provider in order to allow users to authenticate against a multi-tenant Azure Active Directory account, using the Hybrid flow.
Currently, sign in works as expected with my client application redirecting to the authentication server which in turn redirects to Microsoft for login before returning back to my client application with a correctly populated Access Token.
However, when I try to logout I am redirected to Microsoft correctly, but the page stops when it arrives back at the authentication server, rather than continuing back to my client application.
I believe I have setup the post logout redirect correctly as outlined here and I think all of my settings are ok.
When I pull the Identity Server 3 code down and debug it, it is correctly setting the signOutMessageId onto the query string, but hits the following error inside the UseAutofacMiddleware method when it is trying to redirect to my mapped signoutcallback location:
Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Headers already sent
My Authentication Server setup:
app.Map("identity", idsrvApp => {
var idSvrFactory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory();
var options = new IdentityServerOptions
SiteName = "Site Name",
SigningCertificate = <Certificate>,
Factory = idSvrFactory,
AuthenticationOptions = new AuthenticationOptions
IdentityProviders = ConfigureIdentityProviders,
EnablePostSignOutAutoRedirect = true,
PostSignOutAutoRedirectDelay = 3
idsrvApp.Map("/signoutcallback", cb => {
cb.Run(async ctx => {
var state = ctx.Request.Cookies["state"];
ctx.Response.Cookies.Append("state", ".", new Microsoft.Owin.CookieOptions { Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1) });
await ctx.Environment.RenderLoggedOutViewAsync(state);
My Open Id Connect setup to connect to Azure AD:
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "aad",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
Authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/",
ClientId = <Client ID>,
AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active,
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
AuthenticationType = Constants.ExternalAuthenticationType,
ValidateIssuer = false,
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
AuthorizationCodeReceived = (context) =>
var code = context.Code;
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(<Client ID>, <Client Secret>);
string tenantId = context.AuthenticationTicket.Identity.FindFirst("tid").Value;
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext($"https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}");
AuthenticationResult result = authContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode(
code, new Uri(<Identity Server URI>/aad/"), credential, "https://graph.windows.net");
return Task.FromResult(0);
RedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>
string appBaseUrl = context.Request.Scheme + "://" + context.Request.Host + context.Request.PathBase;
context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri = appBaseUrl + "/aad/";
context.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri = appBaseUrl + "/signoutcallback";
if (context.ProtocolMessage.RequestType == Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnectRequestType.LogoutRequest)
var signOutMessageId = context.OwinContext.Environment.GetSignOutMessageId();
if (signOutMessageId != null)
context.OwinContext.Response.Cookies.Append("state", signOutMessageId);
return Task.FromResult(0);
I cannot find any information about the cause of or solution to this problem. How do I configure this to correctly redirect back to my client application?
Related discussion on GitHub: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3/issues/2657
I have also tried this with the latest version of Identity Server on MyGet (v2.4.1-build00452) with the same problem.
I have also created a repository that reproduces the issue for me here: https://github.com/Steve887/IdentityServer-Azure/
My Azure AD setup:
I believe you were experiencing a bug that is fixed in 2.5 (not yet released as of today): https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3/issues/2678
Using current source from Git, I still see this problem. It appears to me that AuthenticationController.Logout is hit twice during the logout. Once prior to the external provider's logout page is displayed, and once after. The initial call Queues and clears the signout cookie so that the second time it is not available when rendering the logout page.