I am using the (new) input system of Unity and have the problem to realise an interaction with different objects. I am still quite new to Unity and hope to find some help.
I have created an event (OnInteract) that listens to whether e has been pressed.
Next I created an object with a collider into which my player can run. Whenever the player meets a certain collider, something should happen. In my case I want to change the scene. However, on my initial scene there are two doors that the player can open by pressing e. I have given both doors the same layer name because they are both exits.
Basically, it works that I can only press e when I hit this particular collider. However, I don't know how to do it instead of performing two different actions. Maybe there is a way to give the objects a script that I can trigger via the PlayerMovement script. Without taking it into the player.
this is my script that works so far:
void OnInteract(InputValue value)
if (myBoxCollider.IsTouchingLayers(LayerMask.GetMask("Entrance")))
Debug.Log("interact with the door");
or is there perhaps a way to listen to the "tag" instead of the layer?
I have also come across interfaces, but have not really understood how these help me. Or how I have to use them here to make them work.
In the end you're going to have to check some kind of tag, layer, or reference a component. it's just your preference. To make it a little simpler you can shoot a raycast in the direction you are looking to check for objects instead of having colliders. But in the end it's doing the same thing.
I don't really use interfaces as I'm pretty new myself but from what I can tell they are generally used for organization and global accessibility in similar objects, like doors lol.
Original question on the Unityforums here
I've been trying to get an animation to not only slow down and speed up, but also play backwards depending on user input for my Hololens-application. I am using the Mecanim system, not legacy animations.
The whole thing is supposed to happen at runtime, through dynamic user input.
I know that it's possible through scripting, as I had it working before I lost local progress and some files during some Unity-Collaborate issues. As stupid as it sounds, since then I have not been able to remember what I did different from my current approach.
Right now I'm manipulating the value Animator.speed, but that only works for values >= 0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: In case the link is not working or visible for anybody, here is my code:
private Animator anim;
anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
public void OnManipulationUpdated(ManipulationEventData eventData)
if (anim.isActiveAndEnabled)
anim.speed = eventData.CumulativeDelta.x;
Edit2: Incorrectly marked as dupicate! The linked question does not regard a similar problem and required a different solution
Edit3: For clarification, the linked "duplicate" uses the legacy animation system which is irrelevant for my question. In Mecanim, the new animation system in Unity 5.xx, you can not access the Animations directly as shown in the selected answer. Neither is it possible to alter the animation speed as shown in in the second answer.
I'm not exactly sure what you're end goal is, but you can play animations backwards and at different speeds by using a parameter.
On the animation state, you can make it watch a parameter and multiply it against the default speed of the animation. All you need to do in code is something like
Hope that helps.
I want many GameObjects on the scene to have the Y position "animated" programmatically. I have a class, let's call it "TheGameObject", which doesn't inherit from MonoBehaviour and as such can't have the Update() function that I need to achieve the Y movement of the GameObjects.
I decided to try using a delegate but then a problem came up: I can pass only one Transform to the delegate.
Here's the code for the delegate in a static class, let's call it "staticClass", that derives from MonoBehaviour:
public delegate void UpdatingEventHandler(Transform t);
public static event UpdatingEventHandler Updating;
void Update() {
if(Updating != null)
Updating(/*Transform that should be passed*/);
And this is the code in the "TheGameObject" class:
public GameObject gameObject { get; set; }
private void spawn() {
GameObject go = new GameObject();
staticClass.Updating += animateYpos(go.transform);
void animateYpos(Transform t) {
//modify t.position.y
Is there a way to pass each respective Transform to the delegate in order to call Updating() in the static class Update() and have all the GameObjects to move respectively?
The problem isn't the type of the parameter that is passed but which Transform is passed so that each different Transform will have its own Y position modified.
This is sort of totally wrong, Cress!
It's very common for experienced developers to not really understand that Unity
is not object oriented, and has utterly no connection - at all - to concepts like inheritance.
(Sure, the programming language currently used for writing components in Unity, happens to be OO, but that's largely irrelevant.)
Good news though, the solution is incredibly simple.
All you do in Unity is write behaviors that do what you want.
Essay about it ... https://stackoverflow.com/a/37243035/294884
Try to get this concept: say you have a "robot attack device" in your game.
So, the only thing in Unity scenes is GameObjects. (There is nothing else - at all.)
Your "robot attack device" would have these behaviors. ("Behaviours" meaning components attached to it. Componantes are MonoBehavior.)
"robot attack device"
• animate Z position
• shoot every ten seconds
• respond to bashes with sound effect
and so on.
Whereas, your "kawaii flower" might have these behaviors
"kawaii flower fixed NPC"
• shoot every 5 seconds
• respond to bashes with sound effect
• rainbow animation
In this case you're asking how to write a "animate Y" behavior.
It's very easy, first note that everything - everything - you do in Unity you do with an extension, so it will be like
public static void ForceY( this Transform tt, float goY )
Vector3 p = tt.position;
p.y = goY;
tt.position = p;
Quick tutorial on extensions: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35629303/294884
And then regarding the trivial component (all components are trivial) to animate Y, it's just something like
public class AlwaysMoveOnYTowards:MonoBehaviour
[System.NonSerialized] public float targetY;
void Update()
float nextY = .. lerp, or whatever, towards targetY;
Note that, of course, you just turn that component on and off as needed. So if the thing is asleep or whatever in your game
thatThing.GetComponent().enabled = false;
and later true when you want that behavior again.
Recall, all you're doing is making a model for each thing in yoru game (LaraCroft, dinosaur, kawaiiFlower, bullet .. whatever).
(Recall there are two ways to use models in Unity, either use Unity's prefab system (which some like, some don't) or just have the model sitting offscreen and then Instantiate or use as needs be.)
{Note that a recent confusion in Unity (to choose one) is: until some years ago you had to write your own pooling for things that you had a few of. Those days are long gone, never do pooling now. Just Instantiate. A huge problem with Unity is totally out-of-date example code sitting around.}
BTW here's the same sort of ForceY in the case of the UI system
public static void ForceYness(this RectTransform rt, float newY)
Vector2 ap = rt.anchoredPosition;
ap.y = newY;
rt.anchoredPosition = ap;
Finally if you just want to animate something on Y to somewhere one time, you should get in to the amazing
which is the crack cocaine of game engineering:
A huge problem with Unity is folks often don't realize how simple it is to make games. (There are many classic examples of this: you get 1000s of questions asking how to make a (totally trivial) timer in Unity, where the OP has tied themselves in knots using coroutines. Of course, you simply use Invoke or InvokeRepeating 99% of the time for timers in Unity. Timers are one of the most basic parts of a game engine: of course, obviously unity through in a trivial way to do it.)
Here's a "folder" (actually just a pointless empty game object, with these models sitting under it) holding some models in a scene for a game.
those are some of the enemies in the game. As an engineer I just popped them in there, the game "designer" would come along and set the qualities (so, the potato is fast, the turnip is actually an unkillable boss, the flying head connects to google maps or whatever).
Same deal, this is from the "folder" (aside, if you use an empty game object as a, well, folder to just hold shit, it's often referred to as a "folder" - it's no less a game object) with some "peeps" ("player projectiles"). Again these are the very models of these things to be used in the game. So obviously these would just be sitting offscreen, as you do with games. Look, here they are, literally just sitting around an "-10" or something outside of the camera frustrum (a good place to remember a Unity "camera" is nothing more than ............. a GameObject with certain components (which Unity already wrote for our convenience) attached.)
(Again: in many cases you may prefer to use prefabs. Unity offers both approaches: prefabs, or "just sitting offscreen". Personally I suggest there is a lot to be said for "just sitting offscreen" at first, as it makes you engineer proper states and so on; you'll inherently have to have a "just waiting" state and so on, which is highly important. I strongly encourage you, at first, to just 'sit your models around offscreen', don't use prefabs at first. Anyway that's another issue.)
Here then are indeed some of those peeps ...
Thank God, I was born an engineer, not a wanker "game designer" so someone else comes along and sets that sort of thing as they see fit. (And of course, indeed adds the profoundly important (from a player point of view) Components such as, you know, "the renderer", sound effects, and the like.
Note, Cress: you may notice above: because "life's like that" in the naming there (it's purely a naming issue, not a deep one) we very un-sensibly went against just what I describe here. So, notice I have a component that should be named, say, "Killableness" or perhaps just "projectileness" or indeed just "power" or "speed". Just because life's like that, I rather unsensibly named it "missile" or "projectile" rather than indeed "flight" or "attackPower". You can see this is very very bad because when I reuse the component "attackPower" (stupidly named here "missile") in the next project, which involves say robotic diggers or something rather than missiles, everyone will scream at me "Dude why is our attack power component, attached to our robotic spiders, called 'missile' instead of 'attack power', WTF?" I'm sure you see what I mean.
Note too, there's a great example there of, while Unity and GameObject have no connection at all to computer science or programming, it's totally normal - if confusing - that in writing components you have to be a master of OO since (as it happens) the current language used by Unity does indeed happen to be an OO language (but do bear in mind they could change to using Lisp or something at any time, and it wouldn't fundamentally affect Unity. As an experienced programmer you will instantly see that (for the components discussed here) I have something like a base class "Flightyness" and then there are subclasses like "ParabolaLikeFlightyness" "StraightlineFlightyness" "BirdFlightyness" "NonColliderBasedFlightyness" "CrowdNetworkDrivenFlightyness" "AIFlightyness" and so on; you can see each have the "general" settings (for Steve the game designer to adjust) and more specific settings (again for Steve to adjust). Some random code fragments that will make perfect sense to you...
public class Enemy:BaseFrite
public tk2dSpriteAnimator animMain;
public string usualAnimName;
[System.NonSerialized] public Enemies boss;
[Header("For this particular enemy class...")]
public float typeSpeedFactor;
public int typeStrength;
public int value;
public class Missile:Projectile
[Header("For the missile in particular...")]
public float splashMeasuredInEnemyHeight;
public int damageSplashMode;
Note the use of [Header ... one of the most important things in Unity! :)
Note how good the "Header" thing works, especially when you chain down through derives. It's nothing but pleasure working on a big project where everyone works like that, making super-tidy, super-clear Inspector panels for your models sitting offscreen. It's a case of "Unity got it really right". Wait until you get to the things they fucked up! :O
Please conside what Joe said but for passing multiple paramaters to a delegate you can use this iirc :
public delegate void DoStuffToTransform(params Transform[] transform);
I'm making a mobile clone of pacman for android. Everything is working fine, but I am trying to optimize my game as much as possible.
Currently in some scripts I am finding GameObject's by doing GameObject.Find() in the Start() function of my scripts, like this:
void Start()
ghosts = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ghost");
pacman = GameObject.Find("Pacman");
gameManager = GameObject.Find("Game Manager").GetComponent<GameManager>();
My question is, would performance increase if I made some of these GameObject's inspector assigned variables instead of doing .Find()?
Would that increase the performance speed or would it make no difference seen as though I do a .Find() in the Start() function?
Obviously performance would decrease if it was called in the Update() as the script would try and find a GameObject every frame, but a Start() function would only search for it once?
Performance at startup for this kind of things is totally negligible, Inspector assignment requires deserialization, while Find requires message dispatch, both are slow operations, if you think that matters, profile that.
I would anyway use
FindObjectOfType<GameManager>() as GameManager
wich is at least more typesafe, I would not use editor inspection if possible, because manual wiring is source of many little errors. So I give a human-time performance reason:
Do not use editor inspection because if you miss to wire something you will have to debug a nullpointer wich on the long run will eat hours of your time.
You have anyway to use Editor Insection in cases where you do not have just to find 1 component, no workaround for that (unless you use Svelto or Svelto-ECS wich are rather advanced topics.)
I am working on Unity for a month. I am new on Unity and C#, before Unity I worked other game engines. Whatever I am working on infinite run game, I wrote random road generator. Road generator is working well but I have problem about updating road. I can update road manualy like this. How can I update it automaticly?
void Update()
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) UpdateRoad();
My UpdateRoad method adding road like this(I am using object pooling).
I want to update after Link Road, OnExitTrigger or something I dont know. How can I do it?
You would need to implement Object Pooling.
I would suggest making your Design of Objects first so you can test. Or if not use, the stock Blocks Primitive of Unity3D as your Prefabs. I hope you already know prefabs. It is a major key for making infinite runner. Actually a main core for making any kinds of game.
Prefabs is an Object File where you can Instantiate it in a location. So lets say you will generate a Flat walkable, then Generate a Pit. You would probably want to stack them together.
Now Generating them is easy. You would not like to go in an Update? Approach because most likely you're not going to update, but you're going to further stack what is going on ahead, based on your game logic.
To further Understand this, Unity3D already made a project or Fully Detailed tutorial. It maybe made in 2D but it is going to be the same, if you're going to change the Collider2D to Collider <- this is important in your case.
You would need to create an Object, that is invisible. Meaning a Trigger.
Then on Trigger call your method UpdateRoad();
Detailed Videos about Trigger.
If I understood your needs correctly, you could create Empty Object name it SpawnPoint, set position for Spawn Point as you need (out of the camera view) and then Instanciate random prefabs of road. Concerning On TriggerExit - it could be used to destroy "old piece of road". But to have it working properly, dont forget to set collider and rigitbody to your objects. Dont add collider2D or Rigitbody2d, add and use Box Collider and Rigitbody components