WPF Application Data Binding works on initialization, but not updating - c#

I am working on a WPF application and I am trying to have text on the UI update after a button has been pressed. The data binding works for the initialization but when I try to change the text in the code after the button has been pressed, it does not update.
public class UpdateWindow : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string _textStatus;
private readonly DeviceConnection deviceConnection = new DeviceConnection();
private readonly GetFile getFile = new GetFile();
public UpdateWindow()
TextStatus = "This will update the text";
//The button calls this WriteCommand function
public void WriteCommand()
TextStatus="The text on the UI should update here but it doesn't";
if (getFile.FindFile())
if (deviceConnection.CheckDeviceConnection())
//do something
//do something else
protected bool SetProperty<T>(ref T field, T newValue, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (!Equals(field, newValue))
field = newValue;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
return true;
return false;
public string TextStatus { get => _textStatus; set => SetProperty(ref _textStatus, value); }
And here is my XAML
<TextBlock x:Name="StatusText" Text="{Binding Path=TextStatus, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
I'm just not sure why it can initialize but not update.


WPF TextBox content not updated when the round trip by the view model change the actual value

I have below WPF TextBox:
<TextBox Grid.Column="0"
Text="{Binding myPath, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
Margin="5,8,8,5" />
And its property in the view model is:
public string myPath
get => myObject.path;
// Do some comprobations before assigning the new value
if (comprobationsOk(value))
Uri myUri = new Uri(value);
myObject.path = myUri.LocalPath;
And this is my OnPropertyChanged method in my ViewModelBase class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged:
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
As you can see, the actual view model value is transformed in the setter.
When the user starts typing in the TextBox ///my/absolute/path the property in the view model gets //my/absolute/path.
So I expect the TextBox to be updated with //my/absolute/path, but it is not and remains as ///my/absolute/path
Actually it works pretty well with a working view model.
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
View model:
public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
private string _name = string.Empty;
public string Path
get => _name;
// To avoid constant System.UriFormatException, we use the try method
var newValue = Uri.TryCreate(value, UriKind.Absolute, out var result) ? result.LocalPath : value;
Update(ref _name, newValue);
NotifyPropertyChangedBase :
public abstract class NotifyPropertyChangedBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
protected void Update<T>(ref T field, T newValue, [CallerMemberName] string? propertyName = null)
if (Equals(field, newValue))
field = newValue;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string? propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Unable to Update XAML TextBlock Text Binding

I have a TextBlock in XAML that's bound to a property called EditsWarning:
<TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top" Text="{Binding EditsWarning, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Style="{DynamicResource Esri_TextBlockRegular}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" FontSize="14" FontWeight="DemiBold" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10,0,10,5" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow"/>
The Definition for the EditsWarning Property is here:
public string EditsWarning
get { return editsWarningMessage; }
SetProperty(ref editsWarningMessage, value, () => this.EditsWarning);
The EditsWarning Property is set to an instance of a class like this:
editsWarning = new OutstandingEditsTextBlock();
editsWarningMessage = editsWarning.EditsWarningMessage.ToString();
And the OutstandingEditsTextBlock class is here, and implements INotifyPropertyChanged
internal class OutstandingEditsTextBlock : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string editsWarning;
public OutstandingEditsTextBlock()
if (Project.Current.HasEdits)
this.editsWarning = "This session/version has outstanding edits.";
this.editsWarning = string.Empty;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public string EditsWarningMessage
get { return this.editsWarning; }
this.editsWarning = value;
public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
I noticed that I can get it to display either value, however, I can never get it to update in the same debugging session. In fact, it looks like the setter for the public property is never hit.
Can someone please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.

Bound target not updating when button pressed to change value

I have some code which uses a form. The form is bound to my class, FormData. I have binding working well and updating my formData (local instance), but when I try to change the value of one of the variables in formData on button click/LostFocus trigger, it doesn't update.
Here's my relevant XAML:
<TextBox x:Name="friendly_name_textBox"
Style="{StaticResource TextErrorStyle}"
The button trigger (which does get run):
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
formData.PrimaryUserName = "TEST";
And my FormData code:
public string PrimaryUserName
return primaryUserNameValue;
if(primaryUserNameValue != value)
primaryUserNameValue = value;
You need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and raise the PropertyChanged event in your formData class:
public class formData : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string primaryUserNameValue;
public string PrimaryUserName
return primaryUserNameValue;
if (primaryUserNameValue != value)
primaryUserNameValue = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Your Class needs to implement INotifyPropertyChanged, so that the target knows if the source property changes:
It's really easy, please have a look at the documentation and adjust your code accordingly. Your Property would have to look like this:
public string PrimaryUserName
return primaryUserNameValue;
if(primaryUserNameValue != value)
primaryUserNameValue = value;
But you also need the event and onPropertyChanged function to make it work.
Happy Coding!

Updating textbox from Button click C#

I have the following textbox
<TextBox Grid.Column="1"
Width ="80"
Text="{Binding Path=GroupAddress, Converter={StaticResource groupAddressConverter}}"/>
When I change the text manually, it's all good.
But when I try to do this via a button
private void Test_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
groupAddressBox.Text = "0/0/1";
Although the text changes, the source is not updated, and when I click on ok, it recognizes the value that was there before the change.
I cannot upgrade the source straight away, so I prefer to do this this way.
Is there something that can help me force the source upgrade via this way?
Based on your question, I tried to create a Simple Example of MVVM Pattern with very basic functionality. Please do necessary change to XAML and CS file as I took the highlighted code only.
Helper Classes
public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));
public class CommandHandler : ICommand
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged { add { } remove { } }
private Action<object> action;
private bool canExecute;
public CommandHandler(Action<object> action, bool canExecute)
this.action = action;
this.canExecute = canExecute;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return canExecute;
public void Execute(object parameter)
public class ViewModel : ViewModelBase
private string groupAddress;
public string GroupAddress
return groupAddress;
if(value != groupAddress)
groupAddress = value;
public ViewModel()
private ICommand clickCommand;
public ICommand ClickCommand
return clickCommand ?? (clickCommand = new CommandHandler(() => MyAction(), true));
public void MyAction()
GroupAddress = "New Group Address";
Window Xaml
<TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Width ="80"
Text="{Binding GroupAddress, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
<Button Content="Push" Style="{StaticResource TransparentButtonStyle}"
Margin="5" Command="{Binding ClickCommand}"/>
Window Xaml cs
ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
this.DataContext = vm;

INotifyPropertyChanged doesn't work

I have a simple object (which is globally initiated in App.xaml.cs):
public class now_playing : INotifyPropertyChanged
// notify
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string p)
Debug.WriteLine(p + ": notify propertychanged");
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(p));
// artist
public string artist
return _artist;
_artist = value;
private string _artist;
// album
public string album
return _album;
_album = value;
private string _album;
// track title
public string tracktitle
return _tracktitle;
_tracktitle = value;
private string _tracktitle;
Whenever I change the values, the class does notify (I see the debug).
So I guess the problems lies in my XAML or the code behind.
Page code:
public sealed partial class nowplaying : Page
// artistdata
public string artist { get { return App.nowplaying.artist; } }
// albumdata
public string album { get { return App.nowplaying.album; } }
// trackdata
public string tracktitle { get { return App.nowplaying.tracktitle; } }
public nowplaying()
this.DataContext = this;
<Grid Margin="50">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding tracktitle}" Foreground="White" FontSize="40"/>
<TextBlock Foreground="#dcdcdc" FontSize="20" Margin="0,50,0,0">
<Run Text="{Binding artist}"/>
<Run Text=" - "/>
<Run Text="{Binding album}"/>
Why does the UI not update when I change values?
Stack trace:
Music.exe!Music.App.InitializeComponent.AnonymousMethod__6(object sender = {Music.App}, Windows.UI.Xaml.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e = {Windows.UI.Xaml.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs}) Line 50 C#
Music.exe!play_music.MessageReceivedFromBackground(object sender = null, Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs e = {Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs}) Line 57 C#
UPDATE: problem solved! I had to use a dispatcher when calling the propertychanged event:
CoreDispatcher dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(p));
You "loose" the change notification in the properties in the Page as these properties do not have any change notifiaction.
Try using now_playing directly:
public sealed partial class nowplaying : Page
public now_playing NowPlaying { get { return App.nowplaying; } }
public nowplaying()
this.DataContext = this;
<Run Text="{Binding NowPlaying.artist}"/>
Otherwise you need to implement INotifiyPropertyChanged in nowplaying and forward the events from now_playing.
You actually binding to artist, album and tracktitle Of nowplaying class which does implement INotifyPropertyChanged
