I have a class SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandler with the following Method Handle and I have test method GetAllSubscriptionsWithCorrectParamsProductId() to check that Handle method returns correct List.
I get following error:
Test method Grand.Services.Tests.Commands.Handlers.Catalog.SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandlerTest.GetAllSubscriptionsWithCorrectParamsProductId threw exception:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery`1[Grand.Domain.Catalog.BackInStockSubscription]' to type 'MongoDB.Driver.Linq.IMongoQueryable`1[Grand.Domain.Catalog.BackInStockSubscription]'.
Stack Trace:
MongoQueryable.Where[TSource](IMongoQueryable`1 source, Expression`1 predicate)
public class SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand, IList<BackInStockSubscription>>
private readonly ICustomerService _customerService;
private readonly IWorkflowMessageService _workflowMessageService;
private readonly IRepository<BackInStockSubscription> _backInStockSubscriptionRepository;
public SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandler(
ICustomerService customerService,
IWorkflowMessageService workflowMessageService,
IRepository<BackInStockSubscription> backInStockSubscriptionRepository)
_customerService = customerService;
_workflowMessageService = workflowMessageService;
_backInStockSubscriptionRepository = backInStockSubscriptionRepository;
public async Task<IList<BackInStockSubscription>> Handle(SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (request.Product == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
int result = 0;
var query = _backInStockSubscriptionRepository.Table;
query = query.Where(biss => biss.ProductId == request.Product.Id);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Warehouse))
query = query.Where(biss => biss.WarehouseId == request.Warehouse);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.AttributeXml))
query = query.Where(biss => biss.AttributeXml == request.AttributeXml);
query = query.OrderByDescending(biss => biss.CreatedOnUtc);
var subscriptions = await query.ToListAsync();
//var subscriptions = await GetAllSubscriptionsByProductId(request.Product.Id, request.AttributeXml, request.Warehouse);
foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
var customer = await _customerService.GetCustomerById(subscription.CustomerId);
//ensure that customer is registered (simple and fast way)
if (customer != null && CommonHelper.IsValidEmail(customer.Email))
var customerLanguageId = customer.GetAttributeFromEntity<string>(SystemCustomerAttributeNames.LanguageId, subscription.StoreId);
await _workflowMessageService.SendBackInStockNotification(customer, request.Product, subscription, customerLanguageId);
return subscriptions;
My test method:
public class SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandlerTest
private Mock<ICustomerService> _mockCustomerService;
private Mock<IRepository<BackInStockSubscription>> _mockBackInStockSubscriptionRepository;
private Mock<IMongoQueryable<BackInStockSubscription>> _mongoQueryableMock;
private IQueryable<BackInStockSubscription> _expectedQueryable;
private List<BackInStockSubscription> _expected;
private Mock<IWorkflowMessageService> _mockWorkflowMessageService;
private SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandler _handler;
private SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand _sendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand;
public void Init()
_expected = new List<BackInStockSubscription>
new BackInStockSubscription { WarehouseId = "11", ProductId = "11" },
new BackInStockSubscription { WarehouseId = "11", ProductId = "11" }
_mockCustomerService = new Mock<ICustomerService>();
_mockBackInStockSubscriptionRepository = new Mock<IRepository<BackInStockSubscription>>();
_expectedQueryable = _expected.AsQueryable();
_mongoQueryableMock = new Mock<IMongoQueryable<BackInStockSubscription>>();
_mongoQueryableMock.Setup(x => x.ElementType).Returns(_expectedQueryable.ElementType);
_mongoQueryableMock.Setup(x => x.Expression).Returns(_expectedQueryable.Expression);
_mongoQueryableMock.Setup(x => x.Provider).Returns(_expectedQueryable.Provider);
_mongoQueryableMock.Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(_expectedQueryable.GetEnumerator());
_mockBackInStockSubscriptionRepository.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(_mongoQueryableMock.Object);
_mockWorkflowMessageService = new Mock<IWorkflowMessageService>();
_sendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand = new SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand { Product = new Product { Id = "11"}, Warehouse = "11" };
_handler = new SendNotificationsToSubscribersCommandHandler(_mockCustomerService.Object, _mockWorkflowMessageService.Object, _mockBackInStockSubscriptionRepository.Object);
public async Task GetAllSubscriptionsWithCorrectParamsProductId()
var result = await _handler.Handle(_sendNotificationsToSubscribersCommand, default);
var resultList = result.ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(resultList, _expected);
I get error on line
query = query.Where(biss => biss.ProductId == productId);
When I debug application, property _backInStockSubscriptionRepository.Table has Expression.Value = {aggregate([])}
If I debug test method property Table of Mock object has Expression.Value with Value = System.Collections.Generic.List<Grand.Domain.Catalog.BackInStockSubscription> with my two objects.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Take a look at here: How to mock a class that implements multiple interfaces
Try something like this:
_mongoQueryableMock = new Mock<IMongoQueryable<BackInStockSubscription>>();
I'm building GraphQL API in Asp.Net Core 2.2 using GraphQL.Net 2.4.0
I've created Controller to handle GraphQL Queries:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public class GraphQLController : Controller
private readonly ISchema _schema;
private readonly IDocumentExecuter _executer;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
IEnumerable<IValidationRule> _validationRules;
private readonly DataLoaderDocumentListener _dataLoaderDocumentListener;
//private readonly IDocumentWriter _writer;
//private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _accessor;
public GraphQLController(
ILogger<GraphQLController> logger,
IEnumerable<IValidationRule> validationRules,
IDocumentExecuter executer,
DataLoaderDocumentListener dataLoaderDocumentListener,
//IDocumentWriter writer,
ISchema schema)
_executer = executer;
_schema = schema;
_logger = logger;
_validationRules = validationRules;
_dataLoaderDocumentListener = dataLoaderDocumentListener;
//_writer = writer;
public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]GraphQLQuery query)
if (!ModelState.IsValid || query == null)
return Json("Проблем в формата на изпратената на заявка!");
var inputs = query.Variables.ToInputs();
var result = await _executer.ExecuteAsync(o =>
o.Schema = _schema;
o.Query = query.Query;
o.OperationName = query.OperationName;
o.Inputs = inputs;
o.ExposeExceptions = true;
o.EnableMetrics = true;
o.ComplexityConfiguration = new GraphQL.Validation.Complexity.ComplexityConfiguration { MaxDepth = 15 };
o.UserContext = new GraphQLUserContext
// this is the User on your controller
// which is populated from your jwt
User = User
o.ValidationRules = DocumentValidator.CoreRules().Concat(_validationRules).ToList();
if (result.Errors?.Count > 0)
_logger.LogWarning($"Errors: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Errors)}");
return BadRequest(result);
return Ok(result);
The problem arises when i want to validate some of the Fields in my InputObjectGraphType , I've implemented IValidationRule interface.
Prior this im adding Metadata to the field i want to validate so i can easily find it. I;m getting the fieldType but cant fetch the Value to Validate it.
This is the Implementation of the IValidationRule i Use:
public class PhoneNumberValidationRule : IValidationRule
public INodeVisitor Validate(ValidationContext context)
return new EnterLeaveListener(_ =>
_.Match<Argument>(argAst =>
var inputType = context.TypeInfo.GetInputType().GetNamedType() as InputObjectGraphType;
var argDef = context.TypeInfo.GetArgument();
if (argDef == null) return;
var type = argDef.ResolvedType;
if (type.IsInputType())
var fields = ((type as NonNullGraphType)?.ResolvedType as IComplexGraphType)?.Fields;
if (fields != null)
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.ResolvedType is NonNullGraphType)
if ((field.ResolvedType as NonNullGraphType).ResolvedType is IComplexGraphType)
fields = fields.Union(((field.ResolvedType as NonNullGraphType).ResolvedType as IComplexGraphType)?.Fields);
if (field.ResolvedType is IComplexGraphType)
fields = fields.Union((field.ResolvedType as IComplexGraphType)?.Fields);
//let's look for fields that have a specific metadata
foreach (var fieldType in fields.Where(f => f.HasMetadata(nameof(EmailAddressValidationRule))))
//now it's time to get the value
context.Inputs.GetValue(argAst.Name, fieldType.Name);
if (value != null)
if (!value.IsValidPhoneNumber())
context.ReportError(new ValidationError(context.OriginalQuery
, "Invalid Phone Number"
, "The supplied phone number is not valid."
, argAst
But here the context.Inputs property is always null.
In the controller this line var inputs = query.Variables.ToInputs();
also produces null. Is this query Variable field and Document Executer's Input Field anything to do with this ?
You probably figured it out by now, but for anyone finding this question in the future:
context.Inputs is only used with variables.
As far as I could understand argAst.GetValue could be either VariableReference or ObjectValue depending on whether the query was using a variable or not.
In case variables were not used context.Inputs.GetValue will return null.
I want to make a small XUnit test but it is not working. (AddTest is working but GetAllRestaurantsCountShouldReturnThree not working. )
I am new to unit testing and I don't know about Moq and how to use it.
How can I mock my IMongoService and get restaurant count?
public class MongoService : IMongoService
private readonly IMongoDatabase _mongoDatabase;
private readonly IMongoClient _mongoClient;
public MongoService()
_mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
_mongoDatabase = _mongoClient.GetDatabase("Restaurant");
public List<RestaurantDto> GetAllRestaurants()
var collection = _mongoDatabase.GetCollection<RestaurantDto>("Restaurant");
return collection.Find(_ => true).ToList();
public class ReviewServiceTests
private List<RestaurantDto> _allRestaurants = new List<RestaurantDto>()
new RestaurantDto() {Name="xxx", ZipCode = "111" },
new RestaurantDto() {Name="yyy", ZipCode = "222" },
new RestaurantDto() {Name="zzz", ZipCode = "333" },
[Fact] //Not Working
public void GetAllRestaurantsCountShouldReturnThree()
var _mongoService = new Mock<IMongoService>();
_mongoService.Setup(x => x.GetAll()).Returns(_allRestaurants );
var count = _mongoService.GetAll(); //GetAll() not seeing
Assert.Equal(count, 3);
[Fact] //Working
public void AddTest()
Assert.Equal(10, Add(8, 2));
int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
You are using Moq incorrectly
public void GetAllRestaurantsCountShouldReturnThree() {
var mock = new Mock<IMongoService>();
mock.Setup(x => x.GetAllRestaurants()).Returns(_allRestaurants);
IMongoService mongoService = mock.Object;
var items = mongoService.GetAllRestaurants(); //Should call mocked service;
var count = items.Count;
Assert.Equal(count, 3);
Read up on the how to use Moq in their Quickstart
I am gettin an null reference exception inside the Controller on the line:
return await Store.GetSearchDTO();
The error in the console reads:
POST http://localhost:55471/api/GetSearchDTO 500 (Internal Server Error)
Error: Resolving failed with a reason [object Object], but no resolveFailed provided for segment Search
Any insight on why this may be happening would be great.
namespace Api.Controllers
public class Controller : ApiController
private Store _store;
public Store Store
return _store ?? Request.GetOwinContext().Get<Store>();
private set
_store = value;
public Controller()
public Controller(Store store)
Store = store;
public async Task<SearchDTO> GetSearchDTO()
return await Store.GetSearchDTO();
public async Task<SearchDTO> GetSearchDTO()
var toReturn = new SearchDTO();
var assessment = await Db.Definitions.Where(x => x.IsActive == true).ToListAsync();
var Types = await Db.Types.ToListAsync();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
foreach(var assess in assessment)
var courseName = await Db.Courses.Where(x => x.Id == assess.CourseId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
toReturn.CourseIds[i] = courseName.Id;
toReturn.CourseNames[i] = courseName.Name;
toReturn.Names[i] = assess.Name;
foreach(var type in Types)
toReturn.TypeIds[j] = type.Id;
toReturn.Types[j] = type.Name;
toReturn.SectionFlag = true;
return toReturn;
I'm having trouble getting my class to call a Moq'd method. My situation is thus:
public class ResetPasswordsTask : IRefreshTimeTask
public long ExecutionId => 2100;
public bool Enabled => true;
public Dictionary<string, object> Params { get; set; }
public KeyValuePair<string, Type>[] RequiredParams => new[]
new KeyValuePair<string, Type>("targetConfigs", typeof(InMemoryConfiguration))
public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
internal IConfiguration SandboxConfig;
internal IPartnerService PartnerService;
internal ISalesForceBulkDataInserter DataInserter;
public void Execute()
SandboxConfig = (IConfiguration)Params["targetConfigs"];
PartnerService = Login.SalesforceApiLogin(true, SandboxConfig);
DataInserter = new SalesForceBulkDataInserter();
// Retrieve users
var users = TestAutomation.Salesforce.Pages.Base.User.GetUsers(PartnerService, SandboxConfig.Refresh_Usernames);
// Upsert emails
var emailUpsertResults = UpsertEmails(users, SandboxConfig.IMAP_Email);
// Hit mailbox and visit confirmation links
var activatedUsers = emailUpsertResults.Values.Where(r => r.Status == EmailResetStatusEnum.Success).Select(r => r.User).ToList();
var confirmationLinkResults = ConfirmEmailChanges(activatedUsers);
// Upsert passwords
// All the users, except those for whom email update failed
var passwordUpdateUsers = users.Except(confirmationLinkResults.Values.Where(r => !r.Success).Select(r => r.User)).ToList();
var passwordUpsertResults = UpsertPasswords(passwordUpdateUsers);
// Hit mailbox for new tokens
var completeResetResults = RetrieveTokens(passwordUpsertResults.Values.Where(r => r.Success));
var output = string.Join("\n", completeResetResults.Values.Where(c => c.Success).Select(result => string.Join("\t", new List<string> { result.User.Username, result.Password, result.SecurityToken })));
OpenSslEncryption.EncryptToFile(SandboxConfig.EncryptionPassword, "passwords.enc", output);
// Results are keyed by username
internal IDictionary<string, EmailResetResult> UpsertEmails(ICollection<User> users, string newEmail)
var results = users.ToDictionary(u => u.Username, u => new EmailResetResult(u));
Logger.Info($"Updating emails for {users.Count} users");
foreach (var user in users)
Logger.Info($"updating email for {user.Username} users");
var result = results[user.Username];
// Prevent upserting the profile
if (user.ProfileId != null)
Logger.Info("Preventing profile upsert");
user.ProfileId.SalesForceId = user.ProfileId.OriginId;
// If the user has had their email set to what we're setting now, they can be skipped
if (user.Email.Equals(newEmail, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && user.IsActive)
Logger.Info($"User {user.Username} has their email set to {newEmail}; skipping");
result.Status = EmailResetStatusEnum.Skipped;
// Otherwise, set the email and carry on
user.Email = newEmail;
user.IsActive = true;
// dataInserter.Upsert won't produce errors individually, and instead only log faulty upserts
DataInserter.Upsert(new List<User> { user });
Logger.Info($"Activated user {user.Username}");
result.Status = EmailResetStatusEnum.Success;
catch (Exception e)
var error = $"Failed to update the email for user {user.Username} to {newEmail}. Error details: {e}";
result.ErrorMessage = e.ToString();
result.Status = EmailResetStatusEnum.Failure;
return results;
internal IDictionary<string, Result> ConfirmEmailChanges(ICollection<User> users)
var results = users.ToDictionary(u => u.Username, u => new Result(u));
// Ran as a task to have a timeout
Task.Run(() => ConfirmEmailChangesTask(results, users)).Wait(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(users.Count * 5));
return results;
internal void ConfirmEmailChangesTask(IDictionary<string, Result> results, ICollection<User> users)
var remainingUsers = new HashSet<User>(users);
while (true)
// Wait a bit; either for the emails to come in, or to give the webserver breathing room
Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15));
Logger.Info($"Opening mailbox for {SandboxConfig.IMAP_Email}");
using (var imapClient = CreateImapClient())
var messages = imapClient.SearchMessages(SearchQuery.NotSeen.And(SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1))));
Logger.Info($"Found {messages.Count} messages");
var remainingUsersCopy = new HashSet<User>(remainingUsers);
Logger.Info($"Attempting to confirm emails for {remainingUsers.Count} users");
foreach (var user in remainingUsersCopy)
Logger.Info("Attempting to confirm email change for " + user.Username);
foreach (var message in messages.Where(m => m.MimeMessage.TextBody.Contains(user.Username) && m.MimeMessage.Subject.Contains("Sandbox: Finish changing your Salesforce")))
Logger.Info("Message found");
var confirmLink = GetEmailConfirmationLink(message);
if (confirmLink == null) continue;
// Visit the URL
var request = WebRequest.Create(confirmLink);
request.Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20).TotalMilliseconds;
var result = results[user.Username];
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
var statusCode = response.StatusCode;
if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
var error = $"Failed to load the email change confirmation link: {confirmLink}. HTTP Response: ({statusCode})";
result.Success = false;
result.ErrorMessage = error;
catch (WebException e)
Logger.Error($"Request failed: {e.Message}\nWill retry later");
result.Success = true;
//Break down mailbox checks
Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1));
if (!remainingUsers.Any())
#region MailboxInteraction
internal static string GetEmailConfirmationLink(Message message)
// Extract confirmation URL
var confirmLinkMatch = Regex.Match(message.MimeMessage.TextBody, #"([a-z]+:\/\/.*\.salesforce\.com\/\S*)");
return !confirmLinkMatch.Success ? null : confirmLinkMatch.Groups[1].Value;
internal static string GetSecurityToken(Message message)
var tokenMatch = Regex.Match(message.MimeMessage.TextBody, #"Security token \(case-sensitive\): (?<token>\w+)");
return !tokenMatch.Success ? null : tokenMatch.Groups[1].Value;
internal virtual IMailClient CreateImapClient()
return new IMAPClient(SandboxConfig.IMAP_Username, SandboxConfig.IMAP_Password, SandboxConfig.IMAP_URL);
Test class:
public class WhenResettingUserPasswords
private const string ConfirmationLink = "test://testdomain.salesforce.com/test/";
public void WebRequestSetup()
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("test", TestableWebRequestCreateFactory.GetFactory());
var uri = new Uri("test://testdomain.salesforce.com/test/");
var expectedRequest = new TestableWebRequest(uri);
expectedRequest.EnqueueResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Success", "Even more success!", false);
private static SetupBag Setup()
var bag = new SetupBag
Logger = new InMemoryLogger(),
EmailConfirmationLink = ConfirmationLink,
SecurityToken = "TheSecurityToken",
Environment = "EnvName",
EnvironmentUrl = "http://aaa.bbb.ccc/",
User = new User
IsActive = false,
Username = "joe.bloggs#company.com",
Email = "joe.bloggs=company.com#example.com",
var task = new Mock<Tasks.ResetPasswordsTask>(MockBehavior.Strict) { CallBase = true };
task.Object.Logger = bag.Logger;
var confirmMessage = new Message
UID = new UniqueId(0),
MimeMessage = new MimeMessage
Subject = "Sandbox: Finish changing your Salesforce",
Body = new TextPart("plain") { Text = "Confirm email change for joe.bloggs#company.com: " + bag.EmailConfirmationLink }
var tokenMessage = new Message
UID = new UniqueId(1),
MimeMessage = new MimeMessage
Subject = "Sandbox: Your new Salesforce security token",
Body = new TextPart("plain") { Text = "New security token for joe.bloggs#company.com: " + bag.SecurityToken }
var mailClientMock = new Mock<IMailClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mailClientMock.Setup(m => m.SearchMessages(It.IsAny<SearchQuery>())).Returns(new List<Message> { confirmMessage, tokenMessage });
task.Setup(t => t.CreateImapClient()).Returns(() => mailClientMock.Object);
var dataInserterMock = new Mock<ISalesForceBulkDataInserter>();
dataInserterMock.Setup(m => m.Upsert(It.IsAny<List<User>>(), false));
var config = new InMemoryConfiguration
IMAP_Email = "test.email#company.com"
task.Object.SandboxConfig = config;
bag.Task = task;
return bag;
public void UpsertEmailsTest()
var bag = Setup();
var task = bag.Task;
var output = task.Object.ConfirmEmailChanges(new[] { bag.User });
Assert.AreEqual(task.Object.SandboxConfig.IMAP_Email, output[bag.User.Username].User.Username);
Now, the result is that calling task.Object.ConfirmEmailChanges() raises an exception about arguments to new IMAPClient() being null, which should not have been called at all. I could not find anything obviously wrong, but that might just be because I'm not familiar enough with Moq or the way my codebase does testing.
Yes, I know I'm mocking a class I want to test. I know it's a bad idea, and I'm aiming for a redesign. I cannot inject IMailClient as a dependency because it needs to be instantiated anew frequently. I have also seen this sort of technique used in our codebase, and it seemed to work.
If you are mocking a concrete class and not an interface then you must make the method you want to mock virtual.
Edit: in your new code the method is also marked as internal. See this question.
You need to declare your method as virtual or Moq is unable to override it. C# is not like Java - only members that are specifically marked are able to be overridden.
The code you've posted should work - here is a Linqpad MVCE I generated based on your code, demonstrating that it works correctly. Therefore, you will need to post your actual code, as it has a bug in it.
void Main()
// Arrange
var foo = new Mock<Foo> { CallBase = true };
var bar = new Mock<IBar>();
bar.Setup(b => b.Value).Returns(2);
// setup an IBar mock
foo.Setup(f => f.CreateBar()).Returns(bar.Object);
// Act
var results = foo.Object.DoStuff();
results.Dump(); // Prints "2"
public class Foo
public int DoStuff()
var bar = CreateBar();
return bar.Value;
public virtual IBar CreateBar()
return new RealBar();
public interface IBar
int Value { get;}
public class RealBar : IBar
public int Value
get { return 1; }