Pass token using URL header - c#

I have a code that authenticate using Azure AD
I'm using openIdConnect Lib to authenticate with azure AD.
The scenario as below:
user open the URL of the app.
the app redirect user to Azure AD to authenticate
get the id token & access token
then AzureActiveDirectoryAuthMiddleware get the context and continue the scenario
this scenario is happenning from the UI, i need to know if i need to pass step number 3 (id token & access token) from postman and the middleware will continue the flow, how i can do this flow?
because my app will be used from UI and from postman
Using c# owin

if you want to check/test the middleware(some REST endpoint) functionality using the tokens through Postman, then copy the AccessToken and open Postman, set the Authorization type as Bearer and add the AccessToken as BearerToken and test the REST call.
Please make sure that the token added should start with Bearer (example - Bearer xyzabc)


IdentityServer4 Getting Claims using Reference Token with Client_Credentials

I have an identity server implementation that works perfectively with jwt tokens and two different clients that access it.
Mr Console authenticates using client_credentials
Ms Website authenticates using pkce
In both cases when using jwt tokens I can get the claims with only one issue. The size of the token is getting out of hand and we'd like to use reference tokens instead.
I changed the token type from Jwt to Reference and can now get the claims for Ms Website by calling the user info endpoint and passing in the reference token. Great!
The problem I have is that I cannot seem to get the claims for Mr Console.
I cannot call the user info endpoint because it expects a user and throws an error "Token contains no sub claim" - which it wouldn't as I'm using client credentials.
I cannot call the introspective endpoint as it appears to only be available to internal apis and fails with the error "API unauthorized to call introspection endpoint".
How can I get the claims from within my client console application when provided with a reference token and not a jwt? Is there a way?
Because you are using the client credentials flow you have no user claims available.
However you have Client claims that you can use instead, have you considered to use those instead of userclaims?

How can I get an OAuth2 bearer token from the browser?

I'm trying to get a bearer authentication token from a browser web page.
I'm using selenium and previously I could login to our URL and the bearer token was displayed in a form field. Now it has changed and the token is hidden. How can I extract that token and store into a variable?
This was my previous code (i know it's not great but I am not a developer by any means)..
IWebElement tokenField = getDriver().FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]"));
string token = tokenField.Text;
restClient.Authenticator = new OAuth2AuthorizationRequestHeaderAuthenticator(token, "Bearer");
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
Any help would be appreciated. I am very new to OAuth2 and just security in general.
Usually you won't be able to find sensitive data like auth token displayed in the FE.
If the token is hidden and you cannot take it from FE or DOM, you can login using API calls and from there to get the token which can be used in the further requests.
If you're working within a development team, you can ask a dev to guide you with this and provide login url and other necessary stuff.

Jwt token vs access token

I'm studing IdentityServer4 and I got question. I know that exist jwt token which need for checking token. It checks that token was gotten from trust server. There is access_token which need to authorize in app. How does it work? I get two tokens or jwt contains a access_token as well?
From an Auth Server(The server which issues the JWT token), you will received a JWT Token aka Access_Token. This Auth Server will contains the Secret-Key that can issues an Access-Token.
From a client(Mobile/Web/Console App), you will need to pass this Access_Token in your Request Header to your Resource Server(The server where your resources stored, normally this is your backend server) to request for Resources/Data.
(e.g : Authorization : Bearer <Access_Token>)
Upon receives a request from client,in your Resource Server, you will need to have a Validate JWT function that will validate the JWT Token based on a public-key (Security Algorithm : RSA256, HS256).
JWT IO Introduction

How do I get a Refresh_Token from a ADFS 3.0 end point in C# MVC?

I have been securing a webapi using Rob Sander's instructions, found here: Securing a web api with adfs 3.0 and jwt tokens
I have successfully performed a login via ADFS using the usernamemixed end point, and have received the encoded Json Web Token (JWT). That's fine, and I can successfully validate the token with the X509 certificate found in the federation data xml found on the ADFS server.
I have implemented a DelegatingHandler so that any Authorize attributes added to methods will be checked.
The final piece of the puzzle is where I can get the refresh_token from. It would make sense to come from an ADFS endpoint, and I thought it would be in the response from the usernamemixed end point, but it doesn't appear to be there. Also, how do I make a call to request a new access_token if I provide a refresh_token?
Normally, there's another OAuth endpoint. You would have /authorize, /token and /refresh.
Not sure in ADFS 3.0 implements this?
You can get it via:
Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName "RPT Name" -IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo AllDevices
More details here.

Get authorization code from refreshtoken

I am using dotnetopenauth and working with google api. My problem is to get authorization code from my saved refresh token. If i can get that code then i can get accesstoken. i want to get that code not accesstoken directly. I was unable to find any method or url of end point which can return me authorization code from my refresh token. Thanx in advance
I think you have the OAuth 2 flow confused. Authorization codes do not come from refresh tokens. It's the other way around: you get refresh tokens in exchange for a one-time-use of your authorization code. Access tokens are obtained in any of three ways
In exchange for a refresh token.
In the initial exchange for the authorization code that returns both a refresh token and an access token.
OR, if you're using the implicit grant type instead of the authorization code flow, you get the access token in the url #fragment in response to the user's authorization redirect, but this only applies to JavaScript executing on the browser since fragments are not sent to web servers.
