Joining column with multiple tables LINQ - c#

There is a table I want to join with different columns in different tables.
This is how so far I did this
var purchData = (from a in db.AppRequest
join e in db.Employee on a.Req_By equals e.Id
join c in db.Company on e.CompanyId equals c.Id
join d in db.Designation on e.DesignId equals d.Id
join l in db.Master_Locations on a.Req_Location equals l.Id
join dep in db.Department on e.DepId equals dep.Id
join p in db.Purchase on a.Id equals p.Req_Id
join pi in db.PurchasingItems on p.Id equals pi.Purchase_Id
join pd in db.PurchasingDetails on p.Id equals pd.Purchase_Id
join pds in db.PurchasingDetailsSup on pd.Id equals pds.PurchasingDetails_Id
join s in db.M_Supplier on pds.Supp_Id equals s.Id
join payMethod in db.Master_PayMethods on s.Pay_Method equals payMethod.Id
join poNo in db.ApprovedPoNumbers on p.Id equals poNo.Purchase_Id
where a.Id == id && pds.IsApproved == true
In db.ApprovedPoNumbers table has purchase_Id and Supplier_Id
In db.PurchasingDetailsSup table has purchase_Id and Supplier_Id
So I want to know that here join poNo in db.ApprovedPoNumbers on p.Id equals poNo.Purchase_Id line I want to join the db.ApprovedPoNumbers table purchase_Id,Supplier_Id with db.PurchasingDetailsSup table purchase_Id and Supplier_Id

You can achieve that by building two objects with the criterias you intend to match and use the equals operator on them:
on new {poNo.purchase_Id, poNo.Supplied_Id} equals new {pds.purchase_Id, pds.Supplier_Id} into details


C# Linq Left Outer Join

When allUserDepart is null other join fire a exception on line of join allDepartment. Because uD its null. How to fix this code?
join d in allDepartment on uD.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId into departmentJoin
--Ful Code is
var data = (from us in allUsers
join uR in allUserRoles on us.UserId equals uR.UserId into userRoleJoin
from uR in userRoleJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join r in allRoles on uR.RoleId equals r.RoleId
join uD in allUserDepartment on us.UserId equals uD.NewUserId into userDepJoin
from uD in userDepJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
join d in allDepartment on uD.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId into departmentJoin
from d in departmentJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()

Need help on Linq-to-SQL query (maybe nested query?)

I am asking for your help regarding a linq query to SQL.
Here is a part of the diagram of my database:
My problem is in the following relationship: tbl_607_bottle and tbl_607_gaz_reporting, I can have several reportings for a bottle but reporting can only have one bottle.
I do this request but it's not satisfying.
var GazReportingWizardViewModel =
(from gr in db.tbl_607_gaz_reporting
join a in db.tbl_607_actors on gr.FK_ID_actors equals
join bo in db.tbl_607_bottle on gr.FK_ID_bottle equals bo.ID
join loc in db.tbl_607_location on bo.FK_ID_location equals loc.ID
join cc in db.tbl_607_conformity_certificate on bo.FK_ID_conformity_certificate equals cc.ID
join j in db.tbl_607_join_bottle_gaz on bo.ID equals j.FK_ID_bottle
join g in db.tbl_607_gaz on j.FK_ID_gaz equals g.ID
join od in db.tbl_607_order_details on g.FK_ID_order_details equals od.ID
where loc.ID == Process
select new GazReportingWizardViewModel
bottle_conti_number = bo.bottle_conti_number,
pressure_value = gr.pressure_value,
reporting_date = gr.reporting_date,
first_name = gr.tbl_607_actors.first_name,
last_name = gr.tbl_607_actors.last_name,
expiration_date = cc.expiration_date,
content = od.content_comments
.OrderBy(t => t.reporting_date)
I want the last report on each bottle but it return all reports on each bottle.
Would you have an idea of ​​the solution?
Thank you for your time
Thank you so much!
I persisted in trying to solve the problem in a single query when the solution was so simple.
var GazReportingWizardViewModel = (from gr in db.tbl_607_gaz_reporting
join a in db.tbl_607_actors on gr.FK_ID_actors equals
join bo in db.tbl_607_bottle on gr.FK_ID_bottle equals bo.ID
join loc in db.tbl_607_location on bo.FK_ID_location equals loc.ID
join cc in db.tbl_607_conformity_certificate on bo.FK_ID_conformity_certificate equals cc.ID
join j in db.tbl_607_join_bottle_gaz on bo.ID equals j.FK_ID_bottle
join g in db.tbl_607_gaz on j.FK_ID_gaz equals g.ID
join od in db.tbl_607_order_details on g.FK_ID_order_details equals od.ID
where loc.ID == Process
select new GazReportingWizardViewModel
bottle_conti_number = bo.bottle_conti_number,
pressure_value = gr.pressure_value,
reporting_date = gr.reporting_date,
first_name = gr.tbl_607_actors.first_name,
last_name = gr.tbl_607_actors.last_name,
expiration_date = cc.expiration_date,
content = od.content_comments
var res = from element in GazReportingWizardViewModel
group element by element.bottle_conti_number
into groups
select groups.OrderByDescending(p => p.reporting_date).First();

Linq to sql Distinct after join

I have a join query and i want to filter the result of this query by using distinct. I want to get only one of the shoes which has same brand, model, primary color and secondary color. How can i make this ? Here is my join query.
var query = from b in db.BrandTbls.AsQueryable()
join m in db.ShoeModelTbls on b.BrandID equals m.BrandID
join s in db.ShoeTbls on m.ModelID equals s.ModelID
join i in db.ShoeImageTbls on s.ShoeID equals i.ShoeID
where s.Quantity > 0
orderby m.ModelName
select new
I found the solution. This query does approximately what i want to do
var query = from b in db.BrandTbls.AsQueryable()
join m in db.ShoeModelTbls on b.BrandID equals m.BrandID
join s in db.ShoeTbls on m.ModelID equals s.ModelID
join i in db.ShoeImageTbls on s.ShoeID equals i.ShoeID
group new {b,m,s,i} by new {b.BrandName,m.ModelName,m.Price,s.ShoeID,s.PrimaryColor,s.SecondaryColor,i.ImagePath} into g
select new {g.Key.ShoeID,g.Key.BrandName,g.Key.ModelName,g.Key.ImagePath,g.Key.Price};
Remove price from the output and use Distinct() like this:
var query = (from b in db.BrandTbls.AsQueryable()
join m in db.ShoeModelTbls on b.BrandID equals m.BrandID
join s in db.ShoeTbls on m.ModelID equals s.ModelID
join i in db.ShoeImageTbls on s.ShoeID equals i.ShoeID
where s.Quantity > 0
orderby m.ModelName
select new

convert this into linq or lambda c#

Can someone please help me convert this SQL to linq or lambda c#
count(s.ClassId) [StudentInClass], c.Name [Class], t.Name [teacher]
[dbo].[Students] s
inner join
class c on s.ClassId = c.Id
inner join Teacher t
on t.Id = c.TeacherId
group by
s.ClassId, c.Name, t.Name
so far this is what I have, and i am messing it up. I want to achieve the same results as in my sql query
SchoolEntities db = new SchoolEntities();
var StudentsByCourseId = from s in db.Students
join c in db.Classes on s.ClassId equals c.Id
join t in db.Teachers on c.TeacherId equals t.Id
group c by s.ClassId
into g
select g;
in SQL this is what my reults look like, it counts the students in a class by the teacher
StudentCount Class Teacher
1 Geography Teacher1
1 Biology Teacher1
2 Maths Teacher2
You can use an anonymous class to group by multiple properties.
var StudentsByCourseId = from s in db.Students
join c in db.Classes on s.ClassId equals c.Id
join t in db.Teachers on c.TeacherId equals t.Id
group s by new { s.ClassId, Class = c.Name, Teacher = t.Name }
into g
select new
StudentInClass = g.Count(),

Struggling to convert SQL to LINQ

I have a Linq expression that (for northwind) gets the total qty ordered per product for customer id 'ALFKI'
from od in db.OrderDetails
where od.Order.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
group od by od.Product.ProductName into g1
select new { ProductName = g1.Key, Total = g1.Sum(od => od.Quantity) }
This is fine but to fully understand Linq, I want to try and formulate the expression in a world where Linq2Sql doesn't nicely build the property bridges through foreign keys.
For instance, in the above expression, I'm accessing od.Order.CustomerID. I want to assume that od.OrderID is as far as I can go.
Looking at the SQL for the expression, I have:
SELECT SUM(CONVERT(Int,[t0].[Quantity])) AS [Total], [t2].[ProductName]
FROM [Order Details] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [Orders] AS [t1] ON [t1].[OrderID] = [t0].[OrderID]
INNER JOIN [Products] AS [t2] ON [t2].[ProductID] = [t0].[ProductID]
WHERE [t1].[CustomerID] = #p0
GROUP BY [t2].[ProductName]
This is as far as I've managed to get:
from od in db.OrderDetails
join o in db.Orders on od.OrderID equals o.OrderID
join p in db.Products on od.ProductID equals p.ProductID
where o.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
group od by od.ProductID into g1
select new { ProductName = g1.Key, Total = g1.Sum(od => od.Quantity) }
This is almost there but g1.Key is referring to the ProductID. I can't seem to get at the ProductName and the order quantity at the same time.
Try creating a new anonymous type for your group by:
from od in db.OrderDetails
join o in db.Orders on od.OrderID equals o.OrderID
join p in db.Products on od.ProductID equals p.ProductID
where o.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
group od by new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName } into g1
select new {
ProductName = g1.Key.ProductName,
Total = g1.Sum(od => od.Quantity) }
As well as Kevin's answer, using a composite key, I also managed to do it another way:
from item in (from od in db.OrderDetails
join o in db.Orders on od.OrderID equals o.OrderID
join p in db.Products on od.ProductID equals p.ProductID
where o.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
select new {ProductName = p.ProductName, Quantity = od.Quantity }
group item by item.ProductName into g1
select new {ProductName = g1.Key, Total = g1.Sum(od=>od.Quantity) }
More generally, if you want to splice all the joins together and refer to any field:
from item in (from od in db.OrderDetails
join o in db.Orders on od.OrderID equals o.OrderID
join p in db.Products on od.ProductID equals p.ProductID
where o.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
select new { p, od }
group item by item.p.ProductName into g1
select new { ProductName = g1.Key, Total = g1.Sum(all => all.od.Quantity)}
