How to stop image with transparent background from being black? - c#

I'm trying to add an image to my Image UI and the image has a transparent background to it but in unity it just shows up black?
if anyone can help it would be very good!

Click on the texture type button and select the sprite


How can I set the background to transparent for my image?

I got into a problem. I downloaded a photo without a background PNG file and I used the image inside the button. And I want to make that photo transparent so I don't have that squares in the button. So I want to set transparent background for the image.
Here's an image:
First make your button background color transparent and add your image.
After that Flatstyle = flat

Add PictureBox over Button

As can be seen in the image, I am trying to create a minesweeper game, whereby a flag is displayed on a square (a button) when the user right-clicks a box. I set the flag PictureBox to a transparent background, and brought it to the front by using the BringToFront() method.
For some reason, the transparent background cuts through the original colour of the green squares, which is not what I intended. Is there any way I could use the transparent background (so as to get rid of the original white background of the image) without it cutting through the BackColour of the green square?
Any help appreciated, thanks!

Moving PictureBox transparent background

So I am trying to create an application in which I use png pictures in PictureBoxes. I am able to create those PictureBoxes with a transparent background, but when I move them around underneath the transparent places the background image looks kinda stuck.
So is there any way to leave the background as it is? I use the arrow keys as an input to choose direction, and I use a ticker to relocate the PictureBox.

Click through a transparent image in WPF or Silverlight

I need to develop a program that consist of an image (png) with an hole in the center. Under this image there will be a frame and I want that clicking on the transparent hole of the image I can click a button inside the frame. I don't know if there is a method to propagate the click through the image or something else.
Thanks for your help
You mut set IsHitTestVisible to false on the image, then clicks go through.

C# animated SplitContainer background image

I want to make application where part of background must be animated.
I can't use picturebox, because i have to set transparent background in labels and "buttons" (changed picturebox).
When i set splitcontainer.backgroundimage to gif i can see no animated picture (in picturebox it works)
I'm begginer
