PostAsync call vanishes and web page becomes available again - c#

I have a web page that I'm trying to call a web service and I'm having it skip out of the process when called.
Here's what I'm referring to...
When I call this method after the customer enters in their check information:
public CheckInfo SubmitCheck(CheckInfo checkInfo)
var check = new Check();
check.account_number = checkInfo.CheckAccountNumber;
check.transit_number = checkInfo.CheckRoutingNumber;
check.amount = checkInfo.Amount.ToString();
check.check_number = checkInfo.CheckNumber;
check.bill_to_city = checkInfo.City;
check.bill_to_country = "US";
check.bill_to_postal_code = checkInfo.Zip;
check.bill_to_street = checkInfo.Street;
check.bill_to_state = checkInfo.State;
check.name_on_check = checkInfo.NameOnCheck;
check.transaction_type = "sale";
check.account_type = checkInfo.AccountType;
check.check_type = checkInfo.CheckType;
var ent = new SuburbanPortalEntities();
var gatewaySettings = (from x in ent.GatewayUsers
where x.TokenId == CurrentCustomerSession.Current.TokenId &&
x.Gateway.Name == "DirectAch2"
select x).FirstOrDefault();
var credentials = new Authentication();
credentials.password = gatewaySettings.Password;
credentials.username = gatewaySettings.UserName;
var response = Process.SubmitCheck(credentials, check).Result;
The public class that calls the private class:
public static async Task<Response> SubmitCheck(Authentication authentication, Check check)
return await Submit(authentication, check, PaymentTypes.Check);
The SubmitCheck Method:
private static async Task<Response> Submit(Authentication authentication, Object payment, PaymentTypes paymentType)
var resp = new Response();
var client = new HttpClient();
var bodyjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authentication);
var bodycontent = new StringContent(bodyjson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var authenticationPost =
await client.PostAsync("", bodycontent);
var bodyResponseJson = await authenticationPost.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
When I get to this line, it just returns out of the method and it doesn't continue on with anything, it's like I never executed this method.
var authenticationPost =
await client.PostAsync("", bodycontent);
No other code is executed after this line. It just stops and the web page becomes available again. I have the method wrapped in a try catch but the catch isn't.. catching anything.
I'm at a loss at this poing, any suggestions?
I wrapped the line in a try catch as suggested.
authenticationPost =
await client.PostAsync("", bodycontent);
catch (Exception e)
It's stepping out of the try/catch and never executing any more code after that. No exception is caught, nothing, it just runs the line and leaves the method.

Here's your problem:
var response = Process.SubmitCheck(credentials, check).Result;
Don't block on async code, as I describe on my blog. This is a common mistake for those new to async/await. Instead of Result, use await:
public async Task<CheckInfo> SubmitCheck(CheckInfo checkInfo)
var response = await Process.SubmitCheck(credentials, check);
Note that you'd then need to await the call to SubmitCheck, and so on. It's async all the way.
Side note: I recommend using the standard pattern of *Async suffixes on your method names; it makes it clearer in the code that their return values need to be awaited:
public async Task<CheckInfo> SubmitCheckAsync(CheckInfo checkInfo)
var response = await Process.SubmitCheckAsync(credentials, check);


await makes http request return status code 0

Well, I'm building web parsing app and having some troubles making it async.
I have a method which creates async tasks, and decorator for RestSharp so I can do requests via proxy. Basically in code it just does 5 tries of requesting the webpage.
Task returns RestResponse and it's status code is always 0. And this is the problem, because if I do the same synchronously, it works.
private static async Task<HtmlNode> GetTableAsync(int page)
ProxyClient client = new ProxyClient((name) =>ProxyProvider.GetCoreNoCD(name),
serviceName, 10000, 10000);
var task = client.TryGetAsync(new Uri(GetPageUrl(page)), (res) =>
return res.IsSuccessStatusCode && res.IsSuccessful;
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml((await task).Content);
return doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#class=\"table_block\"]/table");
And this works as expected, but synchronously.
private static async Task<HtmlNode> GetTableAsync(int page)
ProxyClient client = new ProxyClient((name) =>ProxyProvider.GetCoreNoCD(name),
serviceName, 10000, 10000);
var task = client.TryGetAsync(new Uri(GetPageUrl(page)), (res) =>
return res.IsSuccessStatusCode && res.IsSuccessful;
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
return doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#class=\"table_block\"]/table");
ProxyClient's insides:
public async Task<RestResponse?> TryGetAsync(Uri uri,
Predicate<RestResponse> condition, int tryCount = 15,
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> query = null,
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers = null,
Method method = Method.Get, string body = null)
WebClient? client = null;
RestResponse? res = null;
for(int i = 0; i < tryCount; i++)
client = new WebClient(source.Invoke(serviceName), serviceName, timeout);
res = await client.GetResponseAsync(uri, query, headers, method, body);
if (condition(res))
return res;
///TODO:add log maybe?
if (client != null)
client.SetCDToProxy(new TimeSpan(cd));
return res;
I have no idea how to make it work with async and don't understand why it doesn't work as expected.
I think it might have to do with the Task.Wait() I would consider changing to await like this.
private static async Task<HtmlNode> GetTableAsync(int page)
ProxyClient client = new ProxyClient((name) =>ProxyProvider.GetCoreNoCD(name),
serviceName, 10000, 10000);
var statusOk = false;
var result = await client.GetAsync(new Uri(GetPageUrl(page));
statusOk = result.IsSuccessStatusCode &&
result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK;
//do what you want based on statusOk
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
return doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#class=\"table_block\"]/table");
Just decided to try different solutions, and seems like it works only if I return task result
Like this:
ProxyClient client = new ProxyClient((name) => ProxyProvider.GetCoreNoCD(name),
serviceName, 10000, 10000);
return await client.TryGetAsync(new Uri(GetPageUrl(page)), (res) =>
{ return res.IsSuccessStatusCode && res.IsSuccessful; });
I thought it could be some kind of misunderstanding of async/await, but seems like no. Maybe some kind of RestSharp bug.
I think you're just checking the result too early. You need to look at the result after the await:
var task = client.TryGetAsync(...);
// Too early to check
var x = await task;
// Check now
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

Recursive method is returning first iteration object C#

static void Main(string[] args)
token objtoken = new token();
var location = AddLocations();
OutPutResults outPutResultsApi = new OutPutResults();
GCPcall gCPcall = new GCPcall();
OutPutResults finaloutPutResultsApi = new OutPutResults();
var addressdt = new AddressDataDetails();
finaloutPutResultsApi.addressDatas = new List<AddressDataDetails>();
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
List<string> placeId = new List<string>();
var baseUrl = "";
var apiKey = "&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".Trim();
foreach (var itemlocations in location)
var searchtext = "query=" + itemlocations.Trim();
var finalUrl = baseUrl + searchtext + apiKey;
gCPcall.RecursiveApiCall(finalUrl, ref placeId, objtoken.NextToken);
var ids = gCPcall.myPalceid;
public List<string> RecursiveApiCall(string finalUrl, ref List<string> placeId, string nextToken = null)
var token = "&pagetoken=" + nextToken;
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var responseTask = client.GetAsync(finalUrl + token);
var result = responseTask.Result;
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var readTask = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var students = readTask.Result;
Rootobject studentsmodel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(students);
nextToken = studentsmodel.next_page_token;
foreach (var item in studentsmodel.results)
if (nextToken != null)
RecursiveApiCall(finalUrl, ref placeId, nextToken);
return placeId;
catch (Exception ex)
My recursive method has some issue. Here whenever I am debugging this code it work fine. It goes in recursive call twice.
As debugging result I am getting list place_id with 20 items in first call and next call 9 items total 29 items in place_id object which is correct in static main method.
But if I run without debugging mode I am getting only 20 place_id. next recursive iteration data is missing even if it has next valid token.
I don't have any clue why this is happening. Can someone tell me what is the issue with my code?
Here are my suggestions, which may or may not solve the problem:
// First of all, let's fix the signature : Go async _all the way_
//public List<string> RecursiveApiCall(string finalUrl, ref List<string> placeId, string nextToken = null)
// also reuse the HttpClient!
public async Task ApiCallAsync(HttpClient client, string finalUrl, List<string> placeId, string nextToken = null)
// Loop, don't recurse
while(!(nextToken is null)) // C# 9: while(nextToken is not null)
var token = "&pagetoken=" + nextToken;
// again async all the way
var result = await client.GetAsync(finalUrl+token);
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// async all the way!
var students = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Rootobject studentsmodel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(students);
nextToken = studentsmodel.next_page_token;
foreach (var item in studentsmodel.results)
// Will be reflected in main, so no need to return or `ref` keyword
// NO recursion needed!
// if (nextToken != null)
// {
// RecursiveApiCall(finalUrl, ref placeId, nextToken);
// }
catch (Exception ex)
// rethrow, only is somewhat useless
// I'd suggest using a logging framework and
// log.Error(ex, "Some useful message");
// OR remove try/catch here all together and wrap the call to this method
// in try / catch with logging.
Mind that you'll need to make your main :
async Task Main(string[] args)
and call this as
await ApiCallAsync(client, finalUrl, placeId, nextToken);
Also create an HttpClient in main and reuse that:
"HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads. This will result in SocketException errors." - Remarks
... which shouldn't do much harm here, but it's a "best practice" anyhow.
Now, as to why you get only 20 instead of expected 29 items, I cannot say if this resolves that issue. I'd highly recommend to introduce a Logging Framework and make log entries accordingly, so you may find the culprid.

Nsubstitute or moq an Async method so it will return a faulted task instead of exception

In the below code for each request we are calling rest client in an Async manner. Rest client is basically a http client which is calling some webapis in a batch. If suppose AsyncTaskCount value is 5 then 5 request will be called asynchronously and then in the while block we are getting the result for each call. If any response out of those 5 request has an exception then the response will be faulted and IsFaulted becomes true for that particular request and in the response we can get the inner exception.
private async Task<List<RequestResponse>> ProcessInvestment(List<Request> Requests, List<Result> Results, ILogger log)
var requestResponses = new List<RequestResponse>();
var asyncTaskCount = Convert.ToInt32(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AsyncTaskCount"));
log.LogInformation($"Start processing {Requests.Count} in batches of {asyncTaskCount}");
for (int index = 0; index < Requests.Count; index = index + asyncTaskCount)
var requestBatch = Requests.Skip(index).Take(asyncTaskCount).ToList();
var requests = requestBatch.Select(x => _restClient.RequestResponse(x)).ToList();
while (requests.Count > 0)
// Identify the first task that completes.
Task<RequestResponse> requestResponseTask = await Task.WhenAny(requests);
var requestResponse = new RequestResponse();
// ***Remove the selected task from the list so that you don't process it more than once
if (!requestResponseTask.IsFaulted)
// Await the completed task.
requestResponse = await requestResponseTask;
if (requestResponseTask.Exception.InnerException != null && requestResponseTask.Exception.InnerException is Exception)
var result = new Result();
result = ResponseTransformComponent.ResponseToResult(((Exception)requestResponseTask.Exception.InnerException).Request, null);
throw requestResponseTask.Exception;
log.LogInformation($"Number of records processed = {requestResponses.Count}");
log.LogInformation($"Total invalid and Bad requests count = {results.Count}");
return RequestResponses;
Below is the code for restclient which is called from the above method.
public async Task<Response> RequestResponse(Request request)
var response = await GetDataFromService("calculation", "CalculateCapital", request);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Response>(response);
public async Task<string> GetDataFromService(string controller, string method, object request)
var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient(ServiceEnum.DCS);
string baseAddress = client.BaseAddress.ToString();
var requestUrl = $"api/{controller}/{method}";
var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await client.PostAsync(requestUrl, content).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var responseResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
throw new CalculatorServiceException("Bad Request", JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BadRequestResponse>(responseResult), (Request)request);
throw new Exception($"Status code: {response.StatusCode}. {responseResult}");
return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
GetDataFromService method is called from Calculate method. And GetDataFromService method will return a custom exception if the request is a Bad Request.
I am trying to write the unit test case for the above method and try to mock a request so that it will return a faulted task and then IsFaulted should become true. Below is the part of my unit test case.
.When(a => a.RequestResponse(Arg.Any<Request>()))
.Do(a => {Task.FromException(new CalculatorServiceException(string.Empty, new BadRequestResponse { Message = string.Empty, ModelState = new Dictionary<string, string[]> { { "CalculationDates.StartDate", new string[] { "0002: Duration too short to execute calculations (CalculationDates.StartDate)" } } } }, Arg.Any<Request>())); });
If i mock my restclient method like above then it is throwing the exception instead of giving the response with IsFaulted to true. So how should i mock the restclient method so that it will return a faulted task which has an exception instead of throwing it. Please suggest.
Thanks in advance.
When..Do is for wiring up callbacks for when a member is called.
Try using Returns instead:
.Returns(x => Task.FromException<RequestResponse>(...));
// (assuming RequestResponse(..) returns a Task<RequestResponse>. Tweak as required)

HttpClient in while loop only executed once

I am trying to call HttpClient request inside for loop as follows. It needs to do multiple consecutive calls to third party rest api.
But it only gives me fist service call result while loop exit before getting result from rest of the service call.
private void Search()
var i = 1;
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
while (i < 5)
string url = "" + i;
var response = httpClient.GetAsync(url).Result;
string jsonResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
catch (Exception ex)
When I run with debug points the program gives me all the result. But when I run it without debug points it gives me only the first result.
I tried this with using async, await methods too. It also gives me same result.
As I feel Program needs to wait until the async call returns data.
Please help me to solve this.
EDIT - async way
private async Task<string> SearchNew()
var i = 1;
var res = string.Empty;
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
while (i < 5)
string url = "" + i;
var response = httpClient.GetAsync(url).Result;
string jsonResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
res = res + jsonResult + " --- ";
return res;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message;
Both are giving same result.
There's a few things here that you should be doing. First, move the HttpClient creation outside of your method and make it static. You only need one of them and having multiple can be really bad for stability (see here):
private static HttpClient _client = new HttpClient();
Next, extract the calls to the HttpClient into a single method, something simple like this:
//Please choose a better name than this
private async Task<string> GetData(string url)
var response = await _client.GetAsync(url);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
And finally, you create a list of tasks and wait for them all to complete asynchronously using Task.WhenAll:
private async Task<string[]> SearchAsync()
var i = 1;
var tasks = new List<Task<string>>();
//Create the tasks
while (i < 5)
string url = "" + i;
//Wait for the tasks to complete and return
return await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
And to call this method:
var results = await SearchAsync();
foreach (var result in results)

Trying to call public async Task<Boolean> from a public string submit method

I'm pretty new to this Async thing. I'm trying to write in to an API using a createasync method. However, for some reason I either get an aggregate exception, or the thread just hangs depending on what I've tried. Here is a code example because I have yet to be able to successfully write in to the Salesforce API. I have been able however, to pull back data using similar operations.
Submit Method where I want this all to take place in my controller:
public string Submit([FromBody]SurveyFormModel survey)
// todo - Validate data and stop if bad data comes in.
var report = BuildReport(survey.Questions);
var task = Task.Run(async () => { await SendReportToSalesforce(survey); });
catch (Exception ex)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(report);
This is the method I'm using to call my salesforceservice.cs
public async Task SendReportToSalesforce([FromBody] SurveyFormModel survey)
SalesforceService service = new SalesforceService();
var auth = service.Authenticate();
var sfSurvey = service.SalesForceMapper(survey, survey.AccountDetails);
var result = await service.SendSurveytoSF(auth.Result, sfSurvey); //.Wait();
Also included is the salesforceservice class I use to authenticate as well as the method (SendSurveytoSF) that doesnt seem to be working.
public async Task<ForceClient> Authenticate()
//get credential values
var consumerkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerkey"];
var consumersecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumersecret"];
var username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"];
var password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"];
//create auth client to retrieve token
var auth = new AuthenticationClient();
//get back URL and token
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
auth.UsernamePasswordAsync(consumerkey, consumersecret, username, password,
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
var instanceUrl = auth.InstanceUrl;
var accessToken = auth.AccessToken;
var apiVersion = auth.ApiVersion;
return new ForceClient(instanceUrl, accessToken, apiVersion);
public async Task<Boolean> SendSurveytoSF(ForceClient sfclient, Models.Salesforce.Survey survey)
survey.Account__c = "0012200000Ah3zG";
var response = await sfclient.CreateAsync("VBR_Assessment__c", survey);
return response.Id != null;
I believe I'm maybe just not calling these methods properly, but at this point I really have no clue as I've tried implementing it a ton of different ways. Thank you for any help in advanced!
This is the exception I'm getting:
A first chance exception of type 'Salesforce.Common.ForceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
